Adaptive Display Algorithm for Interactive Frame Rates
`During Visualization of Complex Virtual Environments
`Thomas A. Funkhouser and Carlo H. S´equin
`University of California at Berkeleyz
`We describe an adaptive display algorithm for interactive frame
`rates during visualization of very complex virtual environments.
`The algorithm relies upon a hierarchical model representation in
`which objects are described at multiple levels of detail and can
`be drawn with various rendering algorithms. The idea behind the
`algorithm is to adjust image quality adaptively to maintain a uni-
`form, user-specified target frame rate. We perform a constrained
`optimization to choose a level of detail and rendering algorithm for
`each potentially visible object in order to generate the “best” image
`possible within the target frame time. Tests show that the algorithm
`generates more uniform frame rates than other previously described
`detail elision algorithms with little noticeable difference in image
`quality during visualization of complex models.
`CR Categories and Subject Descriptors:
`[Computer Graphics]: I.3.3 Picture/Image Generation – viewing
`algorithms; I.3.5 Computational Geometry and Object Modeling –
`geometric algorithms, object hierarchies ; I.3.7 Three-Dimensional
`Graphics and Realism – virtual reality.
`1 Introduction
`Interactive computer graphics systems for visualization of realistic-
`looking, three-dimensional models are useful for evaluation, design
`and training in virtual environments, such as those found in archi-
`tectural and mechanical CAD, flight simulation, and virtual reality.
`These visualization systems display images of a three-dimensional
`model on the screen of a computer workstation as seen from a sim-
`ulated observer’s viewpoint under interactive control by a user. If
`images are rendered smoothly and quickly enough, an illusion of
`real-time exploration of a virtual environment can be achieved as
`the simulated observer moves through the model.
`zComputer Science Division, Berkeley, CA 94720
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`©1993 ACM-0-89791-601-8/93/008…$1.50
`©1993 ACM-0-89791-601-8/93/008/0015…$1.50
`It is important for a visualization system to maintain an interactive
`frame rate (e.g., a constant ten frames per second). If frame rates
`are too slow, or too jerky, the interactive feel of the system is
`greatly diminished [3]. However, realistic-looking models may
`contain millions of polygons – far more than currently available
`workstations can render at interactive frame rates. Furthermore,
`the complexity of the portion of the model visible to the observer
`can be highly variable. Tens of thousands of polygons might be
`simultaneously visible from some observer viewpoints, whereas
`just a few can be seen from others. Programs that simply render all
`potentially visible polygons with some predetermined quality may
`generate frames at highly variable rates, with no guaranteed upper
`bound on any single frame time.
`Using the UC Berkeley Building Walkthrough System [5] and a
`model of Soda Hall, the future Computer Science Building at UC
`Berkeley, as a test case, we have developed an adaptive algorithm
`for interactive visualization that guarantees a user-specified target
`frame rate. The idea behind the algorithm is to trade image quality
`for interactivity in situations where the environment is too complex
`to be rendered in full detail at the target frame rate. We perform a
`constrainedoptimization that selects a level of detail and a rendering
`algorithm with which to render each potentially visible object to
`produce the “best” image possible within a user-specified target
`frame time. In contrast to previous culling techniques,this algorithm
`guaranteesa uniform, boundedframe rate, even during visualization
`of very large, complex models.
`2 Previous Work
`2.1 Visibility Determination
`In previous work, visibility algorithms have been described that
`compute the portion of a model potentially visible from a given
`observer viewpoint [1, 11]. These algorithms cull away large por-
`tions of a model that are occluded from the observer’s viewpoint,
`and thereby improve frame rates significantly. However, in very
`detailed models, often more polygons are visible from certain ob-
`server viewpoints than can be rendered in an interactive frame time.
`Certainly, there is no upper bound on the complexity of the scene
`visible from an observer’s viewpoint. For instance, consider walk-
`ing through a very detailed model of a fully stocked department
`store, or viewing an assembly of a complete airplane engine.
`our model of Soda Hall, there are some viewpoints from which an
`observer can see more than eighty thousand polygons. Clearly, vis-
`ibility processing alone is not sufficient to guarantee an interactive
`frame rate.
`MS 1017


`2.2 Detail Elision
`To reduce the number of polygons rendered in each frame, an in-
`teractive visualization system can use detail elision.
`If a model
`can be described by a hierarchical structure of objects, each of
`which is represented at multiple levels of detail (LODs), as shown
`in Figure 1, simpler representations of an object can be used to
`improve frame rates and memory utilization during interactive vi-
`sualization. This technique was first described by Clark [4], and
`has been used by numerous commercial visualization systems [9].
`If different representations for the same object have similar appear-
`ances and are blended smoothly, using transparency blending or
`three-dimensional interpolation, transitions between levels of detail
`are barely noticeable during visualization.
`241 Polygons
`44 Polygons
`Figure 1: Two levels of detail for a chair.
`Previously described techniques for choosing a level of detail at
`which to render each visible object use static heuristics, most often
`based on a threshold regarding the size or distance of an object to
`the observer [2, 8, 9, 13], or the number of pixels covered by an
`average polygon [5]. These simple heuristics can be very effective
`at improving frame rates in cases where most visible objects are
`far away from the observer and map to very few pixels on the
`workstation screen. In these cases, simpler representations of some
`objects can be displayed, reducing the number of polygons rendered
`without noticeably reducing image quality.
`Although static heuristics for visibility determination and LOD
`selection improve frame rates in many cases, they do not generally
`produce a uniform frame rate. Since LODs are computed indepen-
`dently for each object, the number of polygons rendered during each
`frame time depends on the size and complexity of the objects visible
`to the observer. The frame rate may vary dramatically from frame
`to frame as many complex objects become visible or invisible, and
`larger or smaller.
`Furthermore, static heuristics for visibility determination and
`LOD selection do not even guarantee a bounded frame rate. The
`frame rate can become arbitrarily slow, as the scene visible to the
`observer can be arbitrarily complex.
`In many cases, the frame
`rate may become so slow that the system is no longer interactive.
`Instead, a LOD selection algorithm should adapt to overall scene
`complexity in order to produce uniform, bounded frame rates.
`2.3 Adaptive Detail Elision
`In an effort to maintain a specified target frame rate, some com-
`mercial flight simulators use an adaptive algorithm that adjusts the
`size threshold for LOD selection based on feedback regarding the
`time required to render previous frames [9]. If the previous frame
`took longer than the target frame time, the size threshold for LOD
`selection is increased so that future frames can be rendered more
`This adaptive technique works reasonably well for flight sim-
`ulators, in which there is a large amount of coherence in scene
`complexity from frame to frame. However, during visualization
`of more discontinuous virtual environments, scene complexity can
`vary radically between successive frames. For instance, in a build-
`ing walkthrough, the observer may turn around a corner into a large
`atrium, or step from an open corridor into a small, enclosed office.
`In these situations, the number and complexity of the objects visible
`to the observer changes suddenly. Thus the size threshold chosen
`based on the time required to render previous frames is inappropri-
`ate, and can result in very poor performance until the system reacts.
`Overshoot and oscillation can occur as the feedback control system
`attempts to adjust the size threshold more quickly to achieve the
`target frame rate.
`In order to guarantee a bounded frame rate during visualization
`of discontinuous virtual environments, an adaptive algorithm for
`LOD selection should be predictive, based on the complexity of the
`scene to be rendered in the current frame, rather than reactive, based
`only on the time required to render previous frames. A predictive
`algorithm might estimate the time required to render every object
`at every level of detail, and then compute the largest size threshold
`that allows the current frame to be rendered within the target frame
`time. Unfortunately, implementing a predictive algorithm is non-
`trivial, since no closed-form solution exists for the appropriate size
`3 Overview of Approach
`Our approach is a generalization of the predictive approach. Con-
`ceptually, every potentially visible object can be rendered at any
`level of detail, and with any rendering algorithm (e.g., flat-shaded,
`Gouraud-shaded, texture mapped, etc.). Every combination of ob-
`jects rendered with certain levels of detail and rendering algorithms
`takes a certain amount of time, and produces a certain image. We
`aim to find the combination of levels of detail and rendering al-
`gorithms for all potentially visible objects that produces the “best”
`image possible within the target frame time.
`More formally, we define an object tuple, O L R, to be an in-
`stanceof object O, rendered at level of detail L, with rendering algo-
`rithm R. We define two heuristics for object tuples: Cost O L R
`and Benet O L R. The Cost heuristic estimates the time re-
`quired to render an object tuple; and the Benefit heuristic estimates
`the “contribution to model perception” of a rendered object tuple.
`We define S to be the set of object tuples rendered in each frame.
`Using these formalisms, our approach for choosing a level of detail
`and rendering algorithm for each potentially visible object can be
`Maximize :
`Subject to :
`This formulation captures the essence of image generation with
`real-time constraints: “do as well as possible in a given amount of
`time.” As such, it can be applied to a wide variety of problems that
`require images to be displayed in a fixed amount of time, including
`adaptive ray tracing (i.e., given a fixed number of rays, cast those
`that contribute most to the image), and adaptive radiosity (i.e., given
`Benet O L R
`Cost O L R  TargetFrameTime


`We model the time taken by the Per Primitive stage as a linear
`combination of the number of polygons and vertices in an object
`tuple, with coefficients that depend on the rendering algorithm and
`machine used. Likewise, we assume that the time taken by the Per
`Pixel stage is proportional to the number of pixels an object covers.
`Our model for the time required to render an object tuple is:
`C1Poly O L  C2Vert O L
`C3Pix O
`where O is the object, L is the level of detail, R is the rendering
`algorithm, and C1, C2 and C3 are constant coefficients specific to a
`rendering algorithm and machine.
`For a particular rendering algorithm and machine, useful values
`for these coefficients can be determined experimentally by rendering
`sample objects with a wide variety of sizes and LODs, and graphing
`measured rendering times versus the number of polygons, vertices
`and pixels drawn. Figure 3a shows measured times for rendering
`four different LODs of the chair shown in Figure 1 rendered with
`flat-shading. The slope of the best fitting line through the data
`points represents the time required per polygon during this test.
`Using this technique, we have derived cost model coefficients for
`our Silicon Graphics VGX 320 that are accurate within 10% at
`the 95% confidence level. A comparison of actual and predicted
`rendering times for a sample set of frames during an interactive
`building walkthrough is shown in Figure 3b.
`Time (s)
`Time (s)
`Figure 3: Cost model coefficients can be determined empirically.
`The plot in (a) shows actual flat-shaded rendering times for four
`LODs of a chair, and (b) shows a comparison of actual and es-
`timated rendering times of frames during an interactive building
`5 Benefit Heuristic
`The Benet O L R heuristic is an estimate of the “contribution
`to model perception” of rendering object O with level of detail L
`and rendering algorithm R. Ideally, it predicts the amount and ac-
`curacy of information conveyed to a user due to rendering an object
`tuple. Of course, it is extremely difficult to accurately model hu-
`man perception and understanding, so we have developed a simple,
`easy-to-compute heuristic based on intuitive principles.
`Our Benefit heuristic depends primarily on the size of an object
`tuple in the final image. Intuitively, objects that appear larger to the
`observer “contribute” more to the image (see Figure 4). Therefore,
`the base value for our Benefit heuristic is simply an estimate of the
`number of pixels covered by the object.
`Our Benefit heuristic also depends on the “accuracy” of an object
`tuple rendering. Intuitively, using a more detailed representation or
`a more realistic rendering algorithm for an object generates a higher
`quality image, and therefore conveys more accurate information to
`the user. Conceptually, we evaluate the “accuracy” of an object
`tuple rendering by comparison to an ideal image generated with an
`a fixed number of form-factor computations, compute those that
`contribute most to the solution). If levels of detail representing “no
`polygons at all” are allowed, this approach handles cases where the
`target frame time is not long enough to render all potentially visible
`objects even at the lowest level of detail. In such cases,only the most
`“valuable” objects are rendered so that the frame time constraint is
`not violated. Using this approach, it is possible to generate images
`in a short, fixed amount of time, rather than waiting much longer
`for images of the highest quality attainable.
`For this approach to be successful, we need to find Cost and
`Benefit heuristics that can be computed quickly and accurately. Un-
`fortunately, Cost and Benefit heuristics for a specific object tuple
`cannot be predicted with perfect accuracy, and may depend on other
`object tuples rendered in the same image. A perfect Cost heuristic
`may depend on the model and features of the graphics workstation,
`the state of the graphics system, the state of the operating system,
`and the state of other programs running on the machine. A per-
`fect Benefit heuristic would consider occlusion and color of other
`object tuples, human perception, and human understanding. We
`cannot hope to quantify all of these complex factors in heuristics
`that can be computed efficiently. However, using several simplify-
`ing assumptions, we have developed approximate Cost and Benefit
`heuristics that are both efficient to compute and accurate enough to
`be useful.
`4 Cost Heuristic
`The Cost O L R heuristic is an estimate of the time required
`to render object O with level of detail L and rendering algorithm
`R. Of course, the actual rendering time for a set of polygons
`depends on a number of complex factors, including the type and
`features of the graphics workstation. However, using a model of a
`generalized rendering system and several simplifying assumptions,
`it is possible to develop an efficient, approximate Cost heuristic
`that can be applied to a wide variety of workstations. Our model,
`which is derived from the GraphicsLibrary ProgrammingToolsand
`Techniques document from Silicon Graphics, Inc. [10], represents
`the rendering system as a pipeline with the two functional stages
`shown in Figure 2:
` Per Primitive: coordinate transformations, lighting calcula-
`tions, clipping, etc.
` Per Pixel: rasterization, z-buffering, alpha blending, texture
`mapping, etc.
`Host ######
`Figure 2: Two-stage model of the rendering pipeline.
`Since separate stages of the pipeline run in parallel, and must
`wait only if a subsequent stage is “backed up,” the throughput of
`the pipeline is determined by the speed of the slowest stage – i.e.,
`the bottleneck. If we assume that the host is able to send primitives
`to the graphics subsystem faster than they can be rendered, and no
`other operations are executing that affect the speed of any stage of
`the graphics subsystem, we can model the time required to render
`an object tuple as the maximum of the times taken by any of the
`C ostO L R max


`more closely. Based on this intuition, we assume that the “error,”
`i.e., the difference from the ideal image, decreases with the number
`of samples (e.g., rays/vertices/polygons) used to render an object tu-
`ple, and is dependent on the type of interpolation method used (e.g.,
`Gouraud/flat). We capture these effects in the Benefit heuristic by
`multiplying by an “accuracy” factor:
`Accuracy O L R 1 Error 1
`where Samples(L, R) is #pixels for ray tracing, or #vertices for
`Gouraud shading, or #polygons for flat-shading (but never more
`than #pixels); and m is an exponent dependent on the interpolation
`method used (flat = 1, Gouraud = 2). The BaseError is arbitrarily
`set to 0.5 to give a strong error for a curved surface represented
`by a single flat polygon, but still account for a significantly higher
`benefit than not rendering the surface at all.
`In addition to the size and accuracy of an object tuple rendering,
`our Benefit heuristic depends on on several other, more qualitative,
`factors, some of which apply to a static image, while others apply
`to sequences of images:
` Semantics: Some types of object may have inherent “im-
`portance.” For instance, walls might be more important than
`pencils to the user of a building walkthrough; and enemy robots
`might be most important to the user of a video game. We adjust
`the Benefit of each object tuple by an amount proportional to
`the inherent importance of its object type.
` Focus: Objects that appear in the portion of the screen at which
`the user is looking might contribute more to the image than ones
`in the periphery of the user’s view. Since we currently do not
`track the user’s eye position, we simply assume that objects
`appearing near the middle of the screen are more important
`than ones near the side. We reduce the Benefit of each object
`tuple by an amount proportional to its distance from the middle
`of the screen.
` Motion Blur: Since objects that are moving quickly across the
`screen appear blurred or can be seen for only a short amount of
`time, the user may not be able to see them clearly. So we reduce
`the Benefit of each object tuple by an amount proportional to
`the ratio of the object’s apparent speed to the size of an average
` Hysteresis: Rendering an object with different levels of detail
`in successive frames may be bothersome to the user and may
`reduce the quality of an image sequence. Therefore, we reduce
`the Benefit of each object tuple by an amount proportional to
`the difference in level of detail or rendering algorithm from the
`ones used for the same object in the previous frame.
`Each of these qualitative factors is represented by a multiplier
`between 0.0 and 1.0 reflecting a possible reduction in object tuple
`benefit. The overall Benefit heuristic is a product of all the afore-
`mentioned factors:
`This Benefit heuristic is a simple experimental estimate of an ob-
`ject tuple’s “contribution to model perception.” Greater Benefit is
`assigned to object tuples that are larger (i.e., cover more pixels in
`the image), more realistic-looking (i.e., rendered with higher lev-
`els of detail, or better rendering algorithms), more important (i.e.,
`View Plane
`Figure 4: Objects that appear larger “contribute” more to the image.
`ideal camera. For instance, consider generating a gray-level image
`of a scene containing only a cylinder with a diffusely reflecting
`Lambert surface illuminated by a single directional light source in
`orthonormal projection. Figure 5a shows an intensity plot of a
`sample scan-line of an ideal image generated for the cylinder.
`First, consider approximating this ideal image with an image gen-
`erated using a flat-shaded, polygonal representation for the cylinder.
`Since a single color is assigned to all pixels covered by the same
`polygon, a plot of pixel intensities across a scan-line of such an
`image is a stair-function. If an 8-sided prism is used to represent
`the cylinder, at most 4 distinct colors can appear in the image (one
`for each front-facing polygon), so the resulting image does not ap-
`proximate the ideal image very well at all, as shown in Figure 5b.
`By comparison, if a 16-sided prism is used to represent the cylinder,
`as many as 8 distinct colors can appear in the image, generating a
`closer approximation to the ideal image, as shown in Figure 5c.
`a) Ideal image.
`b) Flat-shaded 8-sided prism.
`c) Flat-shaded 16-sided prism.
`d) Gouraud-shaded 16-sided prism.
`Figure 5: Plots of pixel intensity across a sample scan-line of images
`generated using different representations and rendering algorithms
`for a simple cylinder.
`Next, consider using Gouraud shading for a polygonal represen-
`In Gouraud shading, intensities are interpolated between
`vertices of polygons, so a plot of pixel intensities is a continuous,
`piecewise-linear function. Figure 5d shows a plot of pixel intensities
`across a scan line for a Gouraud shaded 16-sided prism. Compared
`to the plot for the flat-shaded image (Figure 5b), the Gouraud shaded
`image approximates the ideal image much more closely.
`More complex representations (e.g., parametric or implicit sur-
`faces) and rendering techniques (e.g., Phong shading, antialiasing
`or ray tracing) could be used to approximate the ideal image even
`Samples L R
`Benet O L R Size O Accuracy O L R
`Importance O Focus O Motion O Hysteresis O L R


`semantically, or closer to the middle of the screen), and more apt
`to blend with other images in a sequence (i.e., hysteresis). In our
`implementation, the user can manipulate the relative weighting of
`these factors interactively using sliders on a control panel, and ob-
`serve their effects in a real-time walkthrough. Therefore, although
`our current Benefit heuristic is rather ad hoc, it is useful for exper-
`imentation until we are able to encode more accurate models for
`human visual perception and understanding.
`6 Optimization Algorithm
`We use the Cost and Benefit heuristics described in the previous
`sections to choose a set of object tuples to render each frame by
`solving equation 1 in Section 3.
`this constrained optimization problem is NP-
`complete. It is the Continuous Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem
`[6, 7], a version of the well-known Knapsack Problem in which el-
`ements are partitioned into candidate sets, and at most one element
`from each candidate set may be placed in the knapsack at once. In
`this case, the set S of object tuples rendered is the knapsack, the
`object tuples are the elements to be placed into the knapsack, the
`target frame time is the size of the knapsack, the sets of object tuples
`representing the same object are the candidate sets, and the Cost and
`Benefit functions specify the “size” and “profit” of each element,
`respectively. The problem is to select the object tuples that have
`maximum cumulative benefit, but whose cumulative cost fits in the
`target frame time, subject to the constraint that only one object tuple
`representing each object may be selected.
`We have implemented a simple, greedy approximation algorithm
`for this problem that selects object tuples with the highest Value
`(Benet O L R Cost O L R). Logically, we add object tu-
`ples to S in descending order of Value until the maximum cost is
`competely claimed. However, if an object tuple is added to S which
`represents the same object as another object tuple already in S, only
`the object tuple with the maximum benefit of the two is retained.
`The merit of this approach can be explained intuitively by noting
`that each subsequent portion of the frame time is used to render the
`object tuple with the best available “bang for the buck.” It is easy
`to show that a simple implementation of this greedy approach runs
`in On log n time for n potentially visible objects, and produces a
`solution that is at least half as good as the optimal solution [6].
`Rather than computing and sorting the Benefit, Cost, and Value for
`all possible object tuples during every frame, as would be required
`by a naive implementation, we have implemented an incremental
`optimization algorithm that takes advantage of the fact that there is
`typically a large amount of coherence between successive frames.
`The algorithm works as follows: At the start of the algorithm, an
`object tuple is addedto S for each potentially visible object. Initially,
`each object is assigned the LOD and rendering algorithm chosen in
`the previous frame, or the lowest LOD and rendering algorithm if
`the object is newly visible. In each iteration of the optimization, the
`algorithm first increments the accuracy attribute (LOD or rendering
`algorithm) of the object that has the highest subsequent Value. It
`then decrements the accuracy attributes of the object tuples with the
`lowest current Value until the cumulative cost of all object tuples
`in S is less than the target frame time. The algorithm terminates
`when the same accuracy attribute of the same object tuple is both
`incremented and decremented in the same iteration.
`This incremental implementation finds an approximate solution
`that is the same as found by the naive implementation if Values of
`object tuples decrease monotonically as tuples are rendered with
`greater accuracy (i.e., there are diminishing returns with more com-
`plex renderings). In any case, the worst-case running time for the
`algorithm is On log n. However, since the initial guess for the
`LOD and rendering algorithm for each object is generated from the
`previous frame, and there is often a large amount of coherence from
`frame to frame, the algorithm completes in just a few iterations
`on average. Moreover, computations are done in parallel with the
`display of the previous frame on a separate processor in a pipelined
`architecture; they do not increase the effective frame rate as long
`as the time required for computation is not greater than the time
`required for display.
`7 Test Methods
`To test whether this new cost/benefit optimization algorithm pro-
`duces more uniform frame rates than previous LOD selection algo-
`rithms, we ran a set of tests with our building walkthrough applica-
`tion using four different LOD selection algorithms:
`a) No Detail Elision: Each object is rendered at the highest LOD.
`b) Static: Each object is rendered at the highest LOD for which
`an average polygon covers at least 1024 pixels on the screen.
`c) Feedback: Similar to Static test, except the size threshold for
`LOD selection is updated in each frame by a feedback loop,
`based on the difference between the time required to render
`the previous frame and the target frame time of one-tenth of a
`d) Optimization: Each object is rendered at the LOD chosen by
`the cost/benefit optimization algorithm described in Sections 3
`and 6 in order to meet the target frame time of one-tenth of a
`second. For comparison sake, the Benefit heuristic is limited
`to consideration of object size in this test, i.e., all other Benefit
`factors are set to 1.0.
`All tests were performed on a Silicon Graphics VGX 320 work-
`station with two 33MHz MIPS R3000 processors and 64MB of
`memory. We used an eye-to-object visibility algorithm described in
`[12] to determine a set of potentially visible objects to be rendered in
`each frame. The application was configured as a two-stage pipeline
`with one processor for visibility and LOD selection computations
`and another separate processor for rendering. Timing statistics were
`gathered using a 16 s timer.
`In each test, we used the sample observer path shown in Figure
`6 through a model of an auditorium on the third floor of Soda Hall.
`The model was chosen because it is complex enough to differenti-
`ate the characteristics of various LOD selection algorithms (87,565
`polygons), yet small enough to reside entirely in main memory so
`as to eliminate the effects of memory management in our tests. The
`test path was chosen because it represents typical behavior of real
`users of a building walkthrough system, and highlights the differ-
`ences between various LOD selection algorithms. For instance, at
`the observer viewpoint marked ‘A’, many complex objects are si-
`multaneously visible, some of which are close and appear large to
`the observer; at the viewpoint marked ‘B’, there are very few ob-
`jects visible to the observer, most of which appear small; and at the
`viewpoint marked ’C’, numerous complex objects become visible
`suddenly as the observer spins around quickly. We refer to these
`marked observer viewpoints in the analysis, as they are the view-
`points at which the differences between the various LOD selection
`algorithms are most pronounced.


`LOD Selection
`Frame Time
`Compute Time
`Mean Max Mean Max
`Figure 6: Test observer path through a model of an auditorium.
`Table 1: Cumulative statistics for test observer path (in seconds).
`depicts the LOD selected for each object in the frame for observer
`viewpoint ‘A’ – higher LODs are represented by darker shades of
`gray. On the other hand, the frame time is very short in the frame at
`the observer viewpoint marked ‘B’ (0.03 seconds). Since all visible
`objects appear relatively small to the observer, they are rendered
`at a lower LOD even though more detail could have been rendered
`within the target frame time. In general, it is impossible to choose
`a single size threshold for LOD selection that generates uniform
`frame times for all observer viewpoints.
`a) Static algorithm
`b) Optimization algorithm
`Figure 8: Images depicting the LODs selected for each object at the
`observer viewpoints marked ’A’ using the Static and Optimization
`algorithms. Darker shades of gray represent higher LODs.
`The Feedback algorithm adjusts the size threshold for LOD se-
`lection adaptively based on the time taken to render previous frames
`in an effort to maintain a uniform frame rate. This algorithm gen-
`erates a fairly uniform frame rate in situations of smoothly varying
`scene complexity, as evidenced by the relatively flat portions of the
`frame time curve shown in Figure 7c (frames 1–125). However, in
`situations where the complexity of the scene visible to the observer
`changes suddenly, peaks and valleys appear in the curve. Some-
`times the frame time generated using the Feedback algorithm can be
`even longer than the one generated using the Static algorithm,

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