`(12) United States Patent
`Leahy et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,032,501 32
`*Dec. 20, 2011
`Inventors: Dave Leahy, Oakland. CA (US): Judith
`(.‘hallingcr. Santa Cruz. C A (US): B.
`Thomas Adler. San Francisco. CA {US};
`S. Mirra Ardon, San Francisco. CA
`........................................ 71511706; 7151756
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`(58} Field ofClassification Search
`71517104 706.
`7"151853—855. 751—7153. 756. ”136. 762
`See application file [or contplete search history.
`References Cited
`4.414.621 A
`11.1983 Bown et at.
`('13) Assignee: Worldscom,InchBrooklinehLA(US)
`( * } Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject
`to a terminal dis-
`2242626 C
`(21} Appl. No: 121406.968
`{22} Filed:
`Mar. 19, 2009
`(Under 37 CFR 1.47)
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`‘ihe present invention provides a highly scalable architecture
`for a three-dimensional graphical. ntulti-uscr. interactive virm
`tual world system. In a preferred embodiment a plurality of
`users interact in the three-dimensional, computer-generated
`graphical space where each user executes a client process to
`view a virtual world from the perspective of that user. The
`virtual world shows avatars representing the other users who
`are neighbors of the user viewing the vinua] Word. In order
`that the view can be updated to reflect the motion of the
`remote user’s avatars, motion information is transmitted to a
`central server process which provides positions updates to
`client processes for neighbors of the user at that client pro—
`cess. The client process also uses an environment database to
`determine which background objtxts to render as well as to
`limit the movement of the user’s avatar.
`17 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`World: “In! 0nt
`Click Mu
`m noun: unmet
`slithhw'cil unifiLfl.
`MS 1001
`MS 1001


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