`US 20020185337A1
`(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2002/0185337 A1
`(43) Pub. Date: Dec. 12, 2002
`Miura ct al.
`Inventors: Seiji Mlura, Ilachioji (JP); Kazushige
`Ayukawa, Kokuhunji (JP)
`Corresrxtndence Address:
`Stanley 1’. Fisher
`Reed Smith [.[.P
`Suite 1400
`3110 Fairview Park Drive
`Falls Church, VA 22042-4503 t US)
`(73) Assignee: Hitachi, Ltd.
`(21) Appl. No.:
`Jun. 10, 21002
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Jun. 11, 2001 (JP) 2001-174978
`Publication Classification
`Int. CI.’ ....................................................... GllC amt)
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`......................................... 1851'11; 365.r'23ft.03
`A semiconductor device including a large capacityr non-
`volatile memory and at least one random access memory,
`said the access time of said device being matched to the
`access time of each random access memory. The semicon-
`ductor memory device is comprised of:
`a non—volatile
`memory FLASH having a
`time; a
`access memory DRAM having a second reading time which
`is more than 100 times shorter than the first reading time; a
`circuit that includes a control circuit connected to both the
`FLASH and the DRAM and enabled to control accesses to
`those FLASH and DRAM; and a plurality of ltU terminals
`connected to the circuit. As a result, I-‘LASII data is trans-
`ferred to the DRAM before the DRAM is accessed. thereby
`matching the access time between the l-‘LASt-l and the
`DRAM. Data is written back from the DRAM to the FLASH
`thereby keeping data matched between the
`as needed.
`FLASH and the DRAM and storing the data.
`~01 —D015
`D1—/CAS-— .
`" “D1—VSSQ
`D1-/WE -—___—
`D1 nan .__fl--
`Samsung v. Trenchant
`Case |PR2021-00258
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 1 0f 43
`US 2002/018533'? A]
`D1 V38
`“~01 VCCQ
`S-VCC .
`gévss o
`L—VCC o
`L—VSS o
`A0—A15 0
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 2 of 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 2
`0 D1 —CKE
`0 D1 —/CS
`0 D1 -/RAS
`0 D1—/CAS
`o D1—/WE
`A0-A15 0
`ps 0
`O D1—A0~Di—A14
`L-VCC o
`o D1—VCC
`L-VSS 0
`o m-vss
`o D1—DOO~D1-DO15
`o D1—CLK
`CLK o
`1/00~I/015 o
`= F—/OE
`- F-SC
`= I/OD~l/O7
`g vgg
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 3 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 3
`Fall Area C
`Fail Area Bx-
`Work Area
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 4 of 43
`US 2002/018533’? A]
`FIG. 4
`“Fail Area C
`FIG. 5
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 5 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 6
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 6 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 7
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 7 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 8(A)
`FIG. 8(8)
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 8 0f 43
`US 2002/018533? A]
`FIG. 9
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 9 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 10
`Search Address
`=Start Address
`Search Adress
`=End Adress
`Search Address=
`Start Address+1
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 10 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`_WAIT ___—l—_‘—I_
`D1—COM IIIIIIaImII Mill-.13..-
`__WA1T —[———|__
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 11 0f 43
`US 2002/018533? A]
`FIG. 13(A)
`100~4cn5 IIIIIIIIIIIlllIlllllllflflflflflbflblilliiilli
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 12 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`IL100~1015 @®@I...@@@@IIIIG§®@®®
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 13 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 15
`F-/CE o
`F~/OE o
`F-/WE o
`F-RDY .
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 14 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 16
`50a 5
`_'1'1 SJ—
`45“ S
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 15 0f 43
`US 2002/018533'? A1
`FIG. 17
`31 £3254 W
`W01 -vsse
`9‘ VCAS
`D1-/WE ~—~——
`D1 A14 *vD1-D015
`s—vcc o
`84/53 0
`”3Q? :
`ng .
`D00— 0015 o
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 16 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 18
`1/07.? £624} “ID—MEGI—lflrI
`LL 0‘
`Po: Pi
`”3 “I(-NAND TYPE)
`g g
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 17 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 19
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002
`Sheet 18 0f 43
` ......522%mv_932%WY_222%Fwem3
`ENSE AMP. & 1/0 BUS
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 19 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`D1 -/CS ~— +#
`D1 -/RAS ~—
`D1 -VSS
`“‘ “D1-DOO~D1—DQ15
`0 A0~A24
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 20 of 43
`US 2002/018533? A]
`FIG. 22
`I [/OO~l/O15
`O D1—DOO‘VD1—0015
`o D1—A0~D1-A14
`o D1—CKE
`o D1-/CS
`o D1—/CAS
`O D1—/WE
`o D1-CLK
`o D1-VCC
`o Dt—VSS
`O F-/CE
`O F-/OE
`O F-/WE
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 21 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 23
`Fail Area D _
`WORK Area
`128Mbit m.
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 22 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 24
`Fail Area D ~—
`Fail Area Cy
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 23 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 25
`Fail Area Dv_
`Fail Area C\
`WORK Area
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 24 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 26
`MD—Areaw- .
`Fail Area D _—
`Fail Area C\
`Copy Area
`SRAM 16Kb
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 25 0f 43
`US 2002/018533’? A]
`FIG. 27(A)
`FIG. 27(3)
`WAIT __-..._
`DRAM ——__ll
`FIG. 27(0)
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 26 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 28(A)
`WAIT —|——_—|_
`FIG. 28(8)
`WAIT __I__—l
`DRAM ———
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 27 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 29(A)
`|__ 70ns *l,
`| @READ |
`WAIT _._l
`DRAM Elma "5
`FIG. 29(8)
`I“ 70ns_ 4|
`m access -|- ©me —
`DRAM ————ll
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 28 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`' AU-A24
`A-.._?9£15__ .il
`Di -CLK
`DI—COM Ifl.fl.fl..fl.fi-I.IEII
`glflm I®I®C®II®I®IC®I®II
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 29 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 31
`- —-4
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 30 0f 43
`US 2002/018533’? A]
`FIG. 32
`1/00 0
`S—CE2 O
`S—/LB 0
`S-/UB 0
`S—/WE 0
`S-/OE .
`F—VSS O-——
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 31 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 33(A)
` 000000000
`FIG. 33(5)
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 32 0f 43
`US 2002/018533? Al
`FIG. 34(A)
`FIG. 34(8)
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 33 0f 43
`US 2002/018533’? A]
`FIG. 35
`D1 —CKE-
`O A0~A24
`0 8—1/OO~S-I/O1 5
`_ F-/WE
`‘““ D2—VCCO
`0 F—VSS
`024m ,w,
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 34 of 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`S-/ LB 0
`S-/UB 0
`S—/ WE .
`S—/ CE1 O
`S—CE2 O—
`S—/OE 0
`A0~A24 O
` 'iiiiiiii“
`3%SC) I—h_I
`A 0O2 _|
`C) ['11 Z
`:' o DI-DQO~D1—DQ15
`r CACHE 3
`0 I/OU~I/O15
`o 01—Ao~a1—A14
`o 02—Ao~D—A14
`«- owes
`I D1-/HAS
`o Di-/CAS Di-/WE
`o D2-/CS ' Dz'CKE
`. 02 /CAS. D2~/FIAS
`o DZ—/WE
`° DWCC o U1-Vss
`' D2“VCC o oz—vss
`1/ OO~I/ OB
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 35 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 37
`Fa” Area D __
`Fail Area C
`""""""" -----
`256Mb ’/
`Copy Area
`' _—
`WORK Area
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 36 0f 43
`US 2002/018533’? A]
`FIG. 38(A)
`©L0AD 8‘
`FIG. 38(8)
`FIG. 38(0)
`@WRITE @meE
`“a“ \ \‘
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 37 0f 43
`US 2002/018533’? A]
`FIG. 39(A)
`FIG. 39(3)
` L
`FIG. 39(0)
`DRAM2 \ \ \H‘
`L®film 4
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 38 0f 43
`US 2002/018533’? A]
`FIG. 40(A)
`| 8m '
`.4... T3
`(EgAABA “99155530
`(TOnsx 100000)
`FIG. 40(5)
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 39 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 41(A)
`FIG. 41(3)
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 40 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 42
`' D1—COM Inna-amulalnluc'm-m.
`mx \
`D1 —A0
`9165108015 Inn-Illlmuumudmolc
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 41 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 43(A)
`; (FLASH) ‘
`FIG. 43(5)
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 42 0f 43
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`FIG. 44(A)
`‘: °
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 43 0f 43
`US 2002/018533? A]
`FIG. 45
`US 2002/018533? A1
`Dec. 12, 2002
`[0001] This application claims priority to Japanese Patent
`Application No. 2001474978 filed on Jun. 1], 2001.
`1. Field of the Invention
`[0003] The present invention relates to a stacked memory
`semiconductor device that includes various kinds of memo-
`ries, and, more particularly, the present invention relates to
`a combination of said stacked memories, a method for
`controlling those memories, and a structure for integrating
`those memories into a multi-chip module.
`2. Description of the Background
`[0005] The following documents are referenced in this
`specification. The documents are numbered, and hereinafter,
`they will be described with reference to these numbers.
`[“Document 1"]: LR8133? Stacked Chip 32M Flash
`Memory and 4M SRAM Data Sheet (Apr. 21, 2000);
`[“Document 2"]: Oflicial Gazelle of JP-A 29961611991
`(Official Gazette of European Patent No. 566,360, Oct. 20,
`1993); [“Document 3"]: Official Gazette of JP—A 146820!
`1993; and [“Document 4"]: Oflicial Gazette of IP-A 5723i
`[0006] Document 1 discloses a stacked semiconductor
`memory in which a flash memory (capacity: 32M bits) and
`an SRAM (capacity: 4M bits} are molded together on a
`stacked chip in an FBGA package. The flash memory and the
`SRAM share address input terminals and data ”0 terminals
`connected to the input/output electrodes of the FBGA pack-
`age respectively. However,
`the control
`terminals of the
`memories are independent of each other.
`[0007] FIG. 17 in Document 2 shows a stacked semicon—
`ductor memory in which a flash memory chip and a DRAM
`chip are molded together in a lead frame package. FIG. 1 in
`Document 2 shows a stacked memory in which a flash
`memory and a DRAM share address input terminals, data
`IlO terminals, as well as a control terminal connected to the
`inpuli‘output electrodes of the package respectively.
`[0008] FIG. 1 in Document 3 shows a system comprised
`of a flash memory used as a main storage, a cache memory,
`a controller, and a CPU.
`[0009] FIG. 2 in Document 4 shows a semiconductor
`memory comprised of a flash memory, a DRAM, and a
`transfer control circuit.
`[0010] An examination of cellular telephones, as well as
`memory modules used for those cellular phones, confirms
`that, in each of those memory modules, a flash memory and
`an SRAM are mounted together in one package. Cellular
`phones are often provided with various functions (related to
`the distribution of music, games, etc), and the size of the
`corresponding application programs, data, and work areas
`thereof are ever increasing. [t is to be expected that cellular
`phones with larger capacity flash memories and SRAMs will
`soon be needed. Additionally,
`the recent enhancement of
`cellular phone functionalities may also require larger capac-
`ity memories.
`Presently, a cellular phone uses a flash memory that
`employs so-called "NOR memory cell arrays.” The NOR
`flash memory employs memory cell arrays that suppress the
`parasitic resistance. The NOR flash memory lowers the
`resistance by providing one through-hole to bit line for two
`cells connected in parallel. This reduces the reading time to
`about 80 ns, which is almost equal to the reading time of a
`large capacity, medium access speed SRAM. On the con-
`trary, because one through-hole to bit line must be provided
`for two cells, the ratio ofthe through—hole to bit line area to
`the chip area increases such that the one-bit memory cell
`area also increases.
`It has been difficult
`to give a large
`capacity to the NOR flash memory. This has been a problem.
`[0012] Typical large capacity flash memories are roughly
`classified into two types: AND flash memories that employ
`the AND memory arrays and NAND flash memories that
`employ the NAND memory arrays. In each of these flash
`memories, one through-hole to bit line is formed for 16 to
`123 cells, so that the flash memory can form high density
`memory arrays. Consequently.
`it is possible to reduce the
`one-bit area per memory cell more than that of NOR flash
`memories. A larger capacity can thus be given to those flash
`memories. On the contrary, the reading time for outputting
`the first data becomes about 25 lits to says, so that those flash
`memories can not easily match the read access speed of an
`[0013] A flash memory can keep data even when the
`power supply to the cellular phone (or other device) is shut
`01f. However, power is kept supplied to an SRAM so as to
`hold data therein even when the power to the cellular phone
`is off. To hold data in an SRAM for an extended period of
`time, therefore, the data retention current should be mini—
`mized. Large capacity SRAMs are confronted with prob-
`lems in that the data retention current increases in proportion
`to an increase in the capacity of the memory and the data
`retention current
`increases due to an increase in the gate
`leakage current. This occurs because a tunnel current flows
`to the substrate from a gate when the oxide insulator of the
`MOS transistor is thinned in a micro-machining process
`meant to increase the capacity of the SRAM. As a result, the
`data retention current increases. It has been noted that it is
`increasingly difficult to reduce the data retention current in
`larger capacity SRAMs.
`[0014] To address the above-mentioned problems,
`present invention preferably provides a ROM that has an
`increased memory capacity and the ability to read and write
`data quickly, as well as a RAM that has an increased
`memory capacity and requires reduced data retention cur
`In at least one preferred embodiment, the present
`invention provides a semiconductor device comprising: a
`non-volatile memory having a first reading time; a random
`access memory RAM having a second reading time, which
`is more than 100 times shorter than the first reading time; a
`circuit that includes a control circuit that is connected to and
`controls access to both the non-volatile memory and the
`random access memory; and a plurality of inputfoutput
`terminals connected to the circuit.
`[0016] The control circuit is preferably adapted such that
`at least part of the data stored in the non-volatile memory
`US 2002/0185337 A1
`Dec. 12, 2002
`(flash memory) is transferred to the DRAM (random access
`memory) before operation of the device. To write data in the
`non—volatile memory, the data should be initially written to
`the RAM and then written to the non—volatile memory from
`the RAM between access requests from devices located
`outside the semiconductor device. In addition, the control
`circuit may be adapted to control such that refreshment of
`the DRAM is hidden from external when the RAM is a
`For the present invention to be clearly understood
`and readily practiced. the present invention will he described
`in conjunction with the following figures. wherein like
`rel’erence characters designate the same or similar elements,
`which figures are incorporated into and constitute a part of
`the specification, wherein:
`[0018] FIG. I is a block diagram of a memory module of
`the present invention;
`[0019] FIG. 2 is a block diagram of the chip 2 shown in
`FIG. I;
`[0020] FIG. 3 is an example of address maps of the
`memory module of the present invention;
`[0021] FIG. 4 is an example of the address maps of the
`memory module of the present invention;
`[0022] FIG. 5 is an example of the operation of the
`memory module of the present invention. executed when the
`module is powered;
`flowchart of data transfer from a
`[0023] FIG. 6 is a
`FLASH to a DRAM in the memory module of the present
`[0024] FIG. 7 is a flowchart of data transfer from the
`DRAM to the FLASII in the memory module of the present
`[0025] FIGS. 8A and BB are flowcharts of readingj‘writing
`[romtto the DRAM in the memory module of the present
`[0026] FIG. 9 is an example of the operation of a data
`renewing management circuit CPB shown in FIG. 2;
`llowchart of the operation of the
`[0027] FIG. 10 is a
`memory module ofthe present invention, executed when the
`power supply to the module is shut olf;
`[0028] FIG. 11 is an example of the operation of the
`DRAM executed with a LOAD command issued from
`[0029] FIG. 12 is an example of the operation of the
`DRAM executed with a STORE command issued from
`[0030] FIGS. 13A and 1313 show an example of reading}
`writing data Eromtto the DRAM in the memory module of
`the present invention;
`[0031] FIG. 14 is an example of reading data from the
`DRAM when a read request is issued from external to the
`DRAM while data is read from the DRAM with a STORE
`[0032] FIG. 15 is a block diagram of the FLASH shown
`in FIG. 1;
`[0033] FIG. 16 is a timing chart of reading data from the
`FLASH shown in FIG. 15;
`[0034] FIG. 17 is another block diagram of the memory
`module of the present invention;
`[0035] FIG. 18 is a block diagram of the FLASH shown
`in FIG. 17;
`[0036] FIG. 19 is a timing chart for reading data from the
`FLASH shown in FIG. 18;
`[0037] FIG. 20 is a block diagram of the DRAM;
`[0038] FIG. 21 is another block diagram of the memory
`module of the present invention;
`[0039] FIG. 22 is a block diagram of the chip 2 shown in
`FIG. 21;
`[0040] FIG. 23 is an example of address maps of the
`memory module of the present invention;
`[0041] FIG. 24 is an example of the memory maps of the
`memory module of the present invention;
`[0042] FIG. 25 is an example of the operation of the
`memory module of the present invention, executed when the
`module is powered;
`[0043] FIG. 26 is an example of the operation of the
`memory module of the present invention, executed when the
`module is powered;
`[0044] FIGS. 27A to 27C show an example of the access
`priority order for the operation of the memory module of the
`present invention;
`[0045] FIGS. 28A and 2813 show an example of the
`operation of the DRAM, executed with LOAD and STORE
`commands issued from external;
`[0046] FIGS. 29A and 298 show an example of the
`operation of the DRAM. executed in response to an access.
`from external while the DRAM is accessed with LOAD and
`STORE commands;
`[0047] FIG. 30 is a timing chart for the memory module
`of the present invention;
`[0048] FIG. 31 is a timing chart for the memory module
`of the present invention;
`[0049] FIG. 32 is a block diagram 01‘ an SRAM;
`[0050] FIGS. 3A and 3313 show an example of mounting
`chips on the memory module of the present invention;
`[0051] FIGS. 34A and 343 show an example ol‘ mounting
`chips on the memory module of the present invention;
`[0052] FIG. 35 is another block diagram of the memory
`module of the present invention;
`[0053] FIG. 36 is a block diagram of the chip 2 shown in
`FIG. 35.
`[0054] FIG. 37 is an example of memory maps of the
`memory module of the present invention;
`[0055] FIGS. 38A to 38C are flowcharts describing a
`process by which the DRAM is accessed and refreshed
`concurrently from external:
`US 2002/018533?‘ A1
`Dec. 12, 2002
`[0056] FIGS. 39A to 39C are flowcharts describing a
`process by which the DRAM is accessed from external and
`in the memory module of the present invention concurrently;
`[0057] FIGS. 40A and 40!} show exemplary DRAM
`refreshing methods;
`[0058] FIGS. 41A and 413 are charts which describe a
`process by which an access is taken over when WORK and
`REF. periods are changed over;
`[0059] FIG. 42 is a timing chart ofthe memory module of
`the present invention;
`[0060] FIGS. 43A and 4313 show an example of mounting
`chips on the memory module of the present invention;
`[0061] FIGS. 44A and 443 show an example of mounting
`chips on the memory module of the present invention; and
`[0062] FIG. 45 is a block diagram of a cellular phone
`including the memory module of the present invention.
`It is to be understood that the figures and descrip-
`tions of the present
`invention have been simplified to
`illustrate elements that are relevant for a clear understanding
`of the present invention, while eliminating, for purposes of
`clarity, other elemean that may be well known. Those of
`ordinary skill in the art will recognize that other elements are
`desirable andt‘or required in order to implement the present
`invention. However, because such elements are well known
`in the art, and because they do not
`facilitate a better
`understanding of the present invention, a discussion of such
`elements is not provided herein. The detailed description
`will be provided hereirtbelovir with reference to the attached
`the preferred embodiments of
`[0064] Hereunder,
`present invention will be described in detail with reference
`to the accompanying drawings. Although the circuit ele-
`ments of each block in each of the embodiments are not
`specifically limited, the elements are assumed to be formed
`on a semiconductor substrate such as single crystal silicon
`using known integrated circuit techniques, such as CMOS
`(complementary MOS transistor) and the like.
`First Exemplary Embodiment
`[0066] FIG. 1 shows a first embodiment of a memory
`module, which is an example of the semiconductor device of
`the present
`invention. This memory module is preferably
`comprised of three chips. Each of those three chips is now
`[006?] The chip 1 (FLASI'I) is a non-volatile memory.
`This non-volatile memory may be a ROM (Read Only
`Memory}, an EEPROM (Electrically Erasable and Program-
`mable ROM}, a flash memory, or any similar storage ele-
`ment. Atypical example of the non-volatile memory used as
`chip 1 in this embodiment is a NAND flash memory (to be
`described below]
`in the broad sense. The NAND flash
`memory may have a memory capacity of about 256 Mb and
`a reading time (time required between a read request and
`data output) of about 25 ,trs to 50 ,trs. which is comparatively
`slow. On the contrary, the SDRAM used as chip 3 has a large
`memory capacity of about 256 Mb and a reading time of
`about 35 ns. Specifically.
`the reading time of chip 3 is
`preferably more than 100 times shorter than that of the chip
`I. This provides an excellent contrast with the NOR flash
`memory whose reading time is about 80 us, which is on the
`same order of magnitude of the reading time ofthe DRAM.
`The present
`invention provides a solution to eflicient
`accesses to memories, like these, with reading times that
`dill'er significantly from each other.
`[0068] The DRAM is preferably divided into various
`kinds such as EDO, SDRAM, DDR-SDRAM, and similar
`types according to differences in the internal configuration
`and the interface type among them. Although any DRAM
`may be used as this memory module,
`this. exemplary
`embodiment employs the SDRAM, which is a
`DRAM synchronized with aclock. Chip?! (CTL_LOGICJ is
`provided with a control circuit for controlling chips 1 and 3.
`[0069] The present memory module receives addresses
`(A0 to A15), a clock signal (CLK), and command signals
`(CKE, {C8, tRAS, ECAS, fWE, DOMUIDQML} input from
`it should be noted here that the terms “external"
`and "from external“ refer to devicesfoperations outside of
`the memory module of the present invention. The memory
`module is powered via S-VCC, S-VSS, L-VCC, L-VSS,
`li-VCC. F-VSS. Dl-VCC, and Dl-VSS. The memory mod-
`ule uses D00 to D015 for data inputi‘output. The memory
`module uses a so-called SDRAM interface for operations.
`[0079] Chip 2 supplies signals required to operate chips 1
`and 3. Chip 2 supplies a serial clock (F—SC), addresses (A0
`to A15), flash data {It00 to HOT). and commands (F—CE.
`chip I.
`In addition, chip 2. supplies a clock (DI-CLK).
`addresses (DI-A0 to [)l-Al4), commands (tn-(TKE. 01-!
`CS, Dl—IRAS, Dl—tCAS, Dl—fWE, D1~DQMUt’DQML).
`and DRAM data (DI-D00 t0 Dl-DQIS) to chip 3.
`[0071] Hereunder, each command signal will be described
`brielly. The signals input to chip 2 are as follows: the CLK
`is a clock signal; the CKE is a clock enable signal; the iCE
`is a chip select signal;
`the IRAS is a row address strobe
`signal; the (CA8 is a column address strobe signal; the {WE
`is. a write enable signal; and the DOMUTDQML is an ItO
`data mask signal. The signals input to chip 3 are as follows:
`the Dl-CI.K is a clock signal; the DlnCKE is a clock enable
`signal; the Dl-iCS is a chip select signal; the Dl-t’RAS is a
`row address strobe signal; the [)l—iCAS is a column address
`strobe signal; the Dl-leZ is a write enable signal; and the
`Dl-DOMUIDQML is an 110 data mask signal. The signals
`input to chip I are as follows: the F-ECE is a chip enable
`signal; the F-iOE is an output enable signal; the F-XW E is a
`write enable signal; the F-SC is a serial clock signal; the
`F—t’RES is a reset signal;
`the F-CDE is a command data
`enable signal; the F-RDYJBUSY is readyfbusy signal; and
`the It'00 to ”0‘? are [#0 signals used to input addresses, as
`well as inpuh’output data.
`[0072] The control circuit (CTI._I.OGIC) ofchip 2 selects
`a com