( 12 ) United States Patent
`Koss et al .
`( 10 ) Patent No . : US 10 , 298 , 451 B1
`( 45 ) Date of Patent :
`* May 21 , 2019
`( 72 )
`( * ) Notice :
`( 71 ) Applicant : Koss Corporation , Milwaukee , WI
`( US )
`Inventors : Michael J . Koss , Milwaukee , WI ( US ) ;
`Michael J . Pelland , Princeton , WI
`( US ) ; Joel L . Haynie , DeForest , WI
`( US )
`( 73 ) Assignee : KOSS CORPORATION , Milwaukee ,
`WI ( US )
`Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 0 days .
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis
`claimer .
`( 21 ) Appl . No . : 16 / 057 , 360
`Aug . 7 , 2018
`( 22 ) Filed :
`Related U . S . Application Data
`( 63 ) Continuation of application No . 15 / 927 , 262 , filed on
`Mar . 21 , 2018 , now Pat . No . 10 , 079 , 717 , which is a
`( Continued )
`Int . CI .
`H04L 12 / 24
`H04W 24 / 02
`( 51 )
`( 52 )
`( 2006 . 01 )
`( 2009 . 01 )
`( Continued )
`U . S . CI .
`CPC . . . . . . . . . . H04L 41 / 0806 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; G06F 3 / 165
`( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L 61 / 2007 ( 2013 . 01 ) ;
`( Continued )
`( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
`CPC . . . H04L 41 / 0806 ; H04L 67 / 42 ; H04W 84 / 18
`See application file for complete search history .
`( 56 )
`References Cited
`8 , 190 , 203 B2
`5 / 2012 Pelland et al .
`11 / 2012 Agren
`8 , 320 , 410 B2
`( Continued )
`WO WO 2013 / 151878 A1 10 / 2013
`Brodnick , M . , “ Review - Koss Striva could be the next big platform
`to enjoy music , ” http : / / www . brightsideofnews . com / 2012 / 05 / 14 /
`review - koss - striva - could - be - the - next - big - platform - to - enjoy
`music / , May 14 , 2012 .
`( Continued )
`Primary Examiner — Jae Y Lee
`( 74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm — K & L Gates LLP
`( 57 )
`Systems and methods permit a wireless device to receive
`data wirelessly via an infrastructure wireless network , with
`out physically connecting the wireless device to a computer
`in order to configure it , and without having an existing
`infrastructure wireless network for the wireless device to
`connect to . A remote server hosts a website that permits a
`user of the wireless device to input via a computer credential
`data for at least one infrastructure wireless network . The
`content access point transmits the credential data for the at
`least one infrastructure wireless network to the wireless
`device via the ad hoc wireless network , such that , upon
`receipt of the credential data for the at least one infrastruc
`ture wireless network , the wireless device is configured to
`connect to the at least one infrastructure wireless network .
`21 Claims , 4 Drawing Sheets
`- - - 12
`APPLE 1001


`US 10 , 298 , 451 B1
`Page 2
`( 51 )
`Related U . S . Application Data
`continuation of application No . 15 / 463 , 559 , filed on
`Mar . 20 , 2017 , now Pat . No . 9 , 992 , 061 , which is a
`continuation of application No . 15 / 080 , 940 , filed on
`Mar . 25 , 2016 , now Pat . No . 9 , 629 , 190 , which is a
`continuation of application No . 14 / 850 , 508 , filed on
`Sep . 10 , 2015 , now Pat . No . 9 , 326 , 304 , which is a
`continuation of application No . 14 / 702 , 316 , filed on
`May 1 , 2015 , now Pat . No . 9 , 185 , 168 , which is a
`continuation of application No . 13 / 832 , 719 , filed on
`Mar . 15 , 2013 , now Pat . No . 9 , 060 , 288 .
`Int . CI .
`H04L 29 / 08
`H04W 8 / 26
`H04W 8 / 00
`H04L 29 / 12
`H04W 72 / 04
`H04W 76 / 10
`G06F 3 / 16
`H04W 12 / 08
`H04W 76 / 11
`H04W 84 / 18
`HO4L 29 / 06
`( 52 ) U . S . CI .
`CPC . . . . . . . . . . . . H04L 67 / 12 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04L 67 / 125
`( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04W 8 / 005 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04W
`8 / 26 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04W 12 / 08 ( 2013 . 01 ) ;
`H04W 24 / 02 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04W 72 / 04
`( 2013 . 01 ) ; H04W 76 / 10 ( 2018 . 02 ) ; H04W
`76 / 11 ( 2018 . 02 ) ; H04L 67 / 42 ( 2013 . 01 ) ;
`H049 84 / 18 ( 2013 . 01 )
`( 2006 . 01 )
`( 2009 . 01 )
`( 2009 . 01 )
`( 2006 . 01 )
`( 2009 . 01 )
`( 2018 . 01 )
`( 2006 . 01 )
`( 2009 . 01 )
`( 2018 . 01 )
`( 2009 . 01 )
`( 2006 . 01 )
`( 56 )
`References Cited
`8 , 336 , 080 B2 12 / 2012 Herrod
`9 , 002 , 044 B2
`4 / 2015 Dinescu et al .
`9 , 060 , 288 B2
`6 / 2015 Pelland et al .
`9 , 185 , 168 B2 11 / 2015 Pelland et al .
`9 , 326 , 304 B2
`4 / 2016 Pelland et al .
`9 , 629 , 190 B1
`4 / 2017 Koss et al .
`2004 / 0204743 Al * 10 / 2004 McGrath
`A61N 1 / 08
`607 / 5
`2007 / 0086394 A1 *
`4 / 2007 Yamada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H04L 63 / 061
`370 / 338
`2010 / 0081375 A1 *
`4 / 2010 Rosenblatt . . . . . . . . . . . . . G08C 17 / 02
`455 / 41 . 1
`2010 / 0115262 AL
`5 / 2010 Suyama et al .
`2013 / 0266152 A1 10 / 2013 Haynie et al .
`2014 / 0064511 A13 / 2014 Desai
`2014 / 0279122 A1 *
`9 / 2014 Luna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G06Q 30 / 0601
`705 / 26 . 1
`2017 / 0195175 A1 7 / 2017 Koss et al .
`Robson , W . , " Koss Striva MyKoss Wi - Fi Streaming — Tips and
`Tricks , ” http : / / www . audioholics . com / headphone - reviews / koss - striva
`pro - wi - fi - headphone - review / mykoss - wi - fi - streaming - 2013 - tips - and
`tricks / , Jul . 3 , 2012 .
`Robson , W . , “ Interview : Michael J . Koss Introduces Striva Wi - Fi
`Headphones , " http : / / www . audioholics . com / editorials / michael - j . - koss
`striva / , Jun . 7 , 2012 .
`* cited by examiner


`U . S . Patent
`May 21 , 2019
`Sheet 1 of 4
`US 10 , 298 , 451 B1
`pienemine 16
`nemmeno 26
`Fig . 1
`po 30


`May 21 , 2019
`Sheet 2 of 4
`US 10 , 298 , 451 B1
`RM 48
`mm 42
`Fig . 2
`Fig . 3
`: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : .
`panan 62
`mm 64
`pon 66
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`May 21 , 2019
`Sheet 3 of 4
`US 10 , 298 , 451 B1
`smemo 26
`men 24
`Fig . 4


`U . S . Patent
`May 21 , 2019
`Sheet 4 of 4
`US 10 , 298 , 451 B1
`? ?? ?? 02
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`www 24
`Fig . 5
`porno 30


`US 10 , 298 , 451 B1
`at least one infrastructure wireless network , the wireless
`device is configured to connect to the at least one infrastruc
`ture wireless network . That way , the wireless device can
`connect to the infrastructure wireless network without hav
`5 ing to have been plugged into the computer , and without
`having to have been connected to another , different infra
`The present application claims priority under 35 U . S . C . $
`structure wireless network .
`120 as a continuation application to U . S . nonprovisional
`In another general aspect , the present invention is directed
`patent application Ser . No . 15 / 927 , 262 , filed Mar . 21 , 2018 ,
`to a method of configuring a wireless media player to
`which is a continuation of U . S . nonprovisional patent appli -
`cation Ser . No . 15 / 463 , 559 , filed Mar . 20 , 2017 , now U . S . 10 communicate via an infrastructure wireless network . In
`Pat . No . 9 , 992 , 061 , issued Jun . 5 , 2018 , which is a continu -
`various implementations , the method comprises , prior to
`ation of U . S . nonprovisional patent application Ser . No .
`connecting the wireless media player to the infrastructure
`15 / 080 , 940 , filed Mar . 25 , 2016 , now U . S . Pat . No . 9 , 629 ,
`wireless network , the steps of : storing an IP address for the
`190 , issued Apr . 18 , 2017 , which is a continuation of U . S .
`wireless media player in a non - volatile memory of a separate
`nonprovisional patent application Ser . No . 14 / 850 , 508 , filed 15 content access point device ; connecting the content access
`Sep . 10 , 2015 , now U . S . Pat . No . 9 , 326 , 304 , issued Apr . 26 ,
`point device to a computer that is configured to communi
`2016 , which is a continuation of U . S . nonprovisional patent
`cate with a remote server via the Internet ; uploading the IP
`application Ser . No . 14 / 702 , 316 , filed May 1 , 2015 , now
`address for the wireless media player stored in the non
`U . S . Pat . No . 9 , 185 , 168 , issued Nov . 10 , 2015 , which is a
`volatile memory of the content access point device to the
`continuation of U . S . nonprovisional patent application Ser . 20 remote server from the computer and the Internet ; receiving
`No . 13 / 832 , 719 , filed Mar . 15 , 2013 , now U . S . Pat . No .
`by the remote server credential data for the infrastructure
`9 , 060 , 288 , issued Jun . 16 , 2015 , both of which are incor
`wireless network from a user ; and transmitting , by the
`porated herein by reference in their entirety .
`content access point , the credential data for the infrastructure
`wireless network to the wireless media player via an ad hoc
`25 wireless network between the content access point device
`and the wireless media player . The inventive method further
`Wireless earphones that stream digital - audio content from
`comprises , after the wireless media player receives the
`sources are known . For example , U . S . Pat . No . 8 , 190 , 203 ,
`credential data for the infrastructure wireless network from
`which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety ,
`the content access point device via the ad hoc wireless
`describes a wireless earphone pair where each earphone is 30 network , the step of the wireless media player connecting to
`capable of receiving and playing digital - audio streamed over
`the infrastructure wireless network using the received cre
`ad - hoc or infrastructure Wi - Fi networks . This patent also
`dential data for the infrastructure wireless network .
`describes that the source of the digital - audio content could
`These and other benefits and aspects of the present
`be a wireless network adapter that plugs into an audio player
`invention are described below .
`( such as a personal digital audio player ( DAP ) ) and trans - 35
`mits the audio from the audio player to the earphones via a
`Wi - Fi ad hoc network . Also , the earphones may connect to ,
`and stream digital - audio content from , a remote server
`Various embodiments of the present invention are
`through the Internet via an infrastructure Wi - Fi network .
`described herein by way of example in conjunction with the
`40 following figures , wherein :
`FIGS . 1 , 4 and 5 are diagrams of systems according to
`various embodiments of the present invention ;
`In various embodiments , the present invention is directed
`FIG . 2 is simplified block diagram of the content access
`point according to various embodiments of the present
`to systems and methods for configuring a wireless device to
`receive data wirelessly via an infrastructure wireless net - 45 invention ; and
`work , without physically connecting the wireless device to
`FIG . 3 is a flow chart depicting a process of a system
`a computer in order to configure it , and without having a
`according to various embodiments of the present invention .
`have an existing infrastructure wireless network for the
`wireless device to connect to . The wireless device could be
`for example a wireless media player ( such as an audio player 50
`or a video player ) , a wireless controller for electronic
`Various embodiments of the present invention are directed
`to systems and methods for configuring a wireless device to
`equipment , or any device that receives wireless data
`According to various embodiments , a system according to
`communicate via an infrastructure wireless network , such as
`the present invention comprises : the wireless device config -
`an infrastructure Wi - Fi network , without having to physi
`ured to receive data wirelessly ; a content access point that 55 cally plug the wireless device into a computer to configure
`communicates with the wireless device via an ad hoc
`it , and without having to have an existing infrastructure
`wireless network ; a computer that is connectable to the
`wireless connection for the wireless device . In the descrip
`content access point ; and a remote server in communication
`tion to follow , the wireless device is usually described as a
`with the computer via a communications network ( e . g . , the
`wireless audio player , e . g . , a set of earphones , although it
`Internet ) . The remote server hosts a website , accessible by 60 should be recognized that the present invention is not so
`the computer , through which a user of the wireless device
`limited . The wireless device could be another type of media
`inputs , via the computer , credential data for at least one
`player , such as a wireless video player , or another type of
`infrastructure wireless network , and the remote server stores
`device that receives data wirelessly . For example , the wire
`the credential data . Also , the content access point transmits
`less device could be a controller for electronic equipment ,
`the credential data for the at least one infrastructure wireless 65 such as a controller for lighting systems , cameras , machin
`network to the wireless device via the ad hoc wireless
`ery , gaming equipment , etc . , that receives control data via a
`network , such that , upon receipt of the credential data for the
`wireless communication link .


`US 10 , 298 , 451 B1
`digital content . In such an embodiment , a headband between
`FIG . 1 is a diagram of a system 10 according to various
`the earphones is not necessary . More details regarding such
`embodiments of the present invention . The system 10 com
`wireless earphone pairs are described in the following
`prises an earphone set 12 comprising a pair of earphones 14 ,
`patents and patent applications , which are incorporated
`one for each ear of a user . One or both of the earphones 14
`may communicate wirelessly with a content access point 5 herein by reference in their entirety : U . S . Pat . No . 8 , 190 ,
`( CAP ) 16 via an ad hoc communication link 18 , which is
`203 ; U . S . Pub . No . 2012 / 0230510 Al ; and U . S . nonprovi
`preferably an ad hoc Wi - Fi link ( e . g . , IEEE 802 . 11a / b / g / n ) ,
`sional application Ser . No . 13 / 441 , 476 , filed Apr . 6 , 2012 ,
`although in other embodiments different wireless commu
`now Pub . No . 2013 / 0266152 . These patents and patent
`nication protocols may be used , such as WiMAX ( IEEE
`applications also include simplified block diagrams of the
`802 . 16 ) , Bluetooth , Zigbee , UWB , etc . The ad hoc commu -
`10 earphones 14 according to various embodiments . As dis
`nication link 18 is an ad hoc wireless network because it is
`closed in these patents and patent applications , the ear
`a point - to - point network ( in this case , the CAP 16 to the
`phones 14 have one or more acoustic transducers for pro
`wireless device 14 ) that does not utilize preexisting infra -
`ducing sound .
`structure , such as wireless access points . In such an ad hoc
`FIG . 2 is simplified block diagram of the CAP 16 accord
`network , the devices ( e . g . , the CAP 16 and the wireless 15 ing to various embodiments of the present invention . As
`shown in FIG . 2 , the CAP 16 may comprise a processor 40 ,
`device 14 ) may have equal status on the network .
`The CAP 16 is connectable , through , for example , a wired
`a volatile memory 42 , a nonvolatile memory 44 , a RF ( or
`connection , to a source of digital audio that stores and plays
`radio or Wi - Fi ) module 46 and a USB port 48 or other
`digital audio files , such as MP3 , FLAC , etc . files . The source
`suitable external interface that allows the CAP 16 to connect
`may be , as shown in FIG . 1 , a personal DAP 20 or a
`to an external device , such as the DAP 20 or the computer
`computer 22 , for example , although in other embodiments
`22 . The CAP 16 may also include a chargeable power source
`other media source devices may be used . The personal DAP
`( not shown ) for powering the components of the CAP 16 .
`20 may be a personal MP3 player , iPod , iPhone , etc . , or any
`The RF module 46 may handle radio / wireless communica
`other personal electronic device capable of storing and
`tions by the CAP 16 . For example , the RF module 46 may
`playing digital audio files . The computer 22 may be any 25 allow the CAP to communicate via a wireless communica
`suitable computer device , such as a personal computer ,
`tion protocol , preferably Wi - Fi , with the earphones 14 or the
`laptop computer , tablet computer , smart phone , etc . , and
`wireless access point 24 . The memory units 42 , 44 may store
`preferably has a browser to facilitate initializing the CAP 16
`software instructions for execution by the processor 40 that
`and earphones 14 , as described further below . The CAP 16
`control the function and operation of the CAP 16 . In
`may connect to the DAP 20 via a USB connector ( not 30 addition , in various embodiments , the earphones 14 and
`shown ) that connects to a USB port ( e . g . , conventional ,
`CAP 16 are part of a conjoined assembly , such that the CAP
`mini , and micro ) of the CAP 16 and to an audio jack on the
`16 is configured at manufacture to know the identifiers for
`DAP 20 , such as a 3 . 5 mm TRS or TRRS audio jack . The
`the earphones 14 . That is , the non - volatile memory 44 may
`CAP 16 may connect to the computer 22 via a USB
`store addresses ( e . g . , IP addresses ) for the earphones 14 .
`connection not shown ) . Also , the CAP 16 may be an 35
`In various embodiments , in order to initially operate the
`integral part of the DAP 20 or the computer 22 . As shown
`earphones 14 ( e . g . , " out of the box ” ) , the CAP 16 may be
`in FIG . 1 , the earphones 14 may also connect to a wireless
`plugged into the desired media device ( e . g . , the DAP 20 or
`access point 24 via a wireless infrastructure communication
`the computer 22 ) as described above , which may power the
`link 26 , that is again preferably a Wi - Fi link , although other
`CAP 16 and cause the CAP 16 to transmit ( or stream )
`wireless protocols could be used . The wireless infrastructure 40 wirelessly the content output by the media device , which can
`communication link 26 may be part of an infrastructure
`be received ( via the ad hoc wireless communication link 18 )
`wireless network because it utilizes a wireless access point
`and played by the earphones 14 ( assuming the earphones 14
`24 and connects to an Internet service provider ( e . g . , a Wi - Fi
`are turned on ) , since the CAP 16 is initially configured to
`hotspot ) .
`store the addresses for the earphones 14 , as described above .
`Both the computer 22 and the wireless access point 24 45
`As described above , the earphones 14 can , when properly
`configured , also receive wireless content via infrastructure
`may be connected to a communications network 28 , which
`is preferably an electronic , packet - switched , data commu -
`networks . FIG . 3 is a flow chart of a process for setting up
`nications network , such as a TCP / IP network , such as the
`and customizing the channels and streams for the earphones
`Internet . Numerous servers are connected to the Internet ;
`14 , including adding and managing wireless networks ( e . g . ,
`one remote server system 30 is shown in FIG . 1 . As 50 Wi - Fi hotspots ) according to various embodiments . At step
`described further below , a user may connect to the remote
`60 , the user ( e . g . , a user of the earphones 14 ) , using the
`server system 30 to provision or initialize the user ' s CAP 16
`Internet - enabled computer 22 with a browser , logs into a
`and earphones 14 for initial use , and to otherwise manage
`website associated with the earphones 14 , hosted by the
`the CAP 16 and earphones 14 . The remote server system 30
`remote server ( s ) 30 , and sets up an account ( if the user does
`may also stream digital audio content to the earphones 14 via 55 not already have one ) . At the website the user can , for
`the infrastructure wireless network 26 , although the ear -
`example , add Wi - Fi hotspots and specify content channels
`phones 14 may also stream digital content from other servers
`( e . g . , Internet radio stations or other servers connected to the
`connected to the communications network 28 once config -
`Internet that serve content ) . To add a Wi - Fi hotspot at step
`ured to communicate via the infrastructure wireless network
`62 , the user may click ( or otherwise activate ) a link on the
`60 website that indicates a desire to add a Wi - Fi hotspot . In
`26 , as described below .
`In FIG . 1 , the earphone set 12 includes a headband 32
`various embodiments , a JAVA applet from the website may
`be used by the computer 22 to search for nearby Wi - Fi
`connecting the earphones 14 . In such an embodiment , one
`earphone 14 may receive the wireless digital content and
`hotspots , which , upon detection , may be displayed for the
`transmit it to the other earphone 14 for synchronized playing
`user on the website . The user may then click on ( or other
`via a wire that runs through the head band to connect the 65 wise select ) the desired Wi - Fi hotspot to add . If applicable ,
`earphones 14 . In other embodiments , both earphones 14 may
`the website may then prompt the user to enter a password
`receive wirelessly and play synchronously the streaming
`and / or encryption type ( e . g . , WPA or WPA2 ) for the selected


`US 10 , 298 , 451 B1
`capable of receiving and playing received digital video
`Wi - Fi hotspot . The SSID , password , and encryption type for
`content , such as MPEG video , for example . The video player
`the Wi - Fi hotspot is stored for the user ' s account by the
`80 may stream the video content from the CAP 16 ( and
`remote server ( s ) 30 . This process could be repeated as
`hence the media source connected to the CAP 16 ) via the ad
`necessary to add as many Wi - Fi hotspots as desired by the
`5 hoc wireless communication link 18 or via the infrastructure
`user .
`wireless communication link 26 , as described above . Also ,
`Next , at step 64 , a user device , e . g . , the earphone set 12 ,
`the video player 80 could be configured with the Wi - Fi
`may be added to the user ' s account . The user may do this ,
`hotspot credentials as described above in connection with
`according to various embodiments , by plugging the CAP 16
`FIG . 3 .
`into the computer 22 . Using a JAVA applet , for example , the
`Similarly , as shown in FIG . 5 , the wireless device could
`IDs for the CAP 16 , as well as the IDs for the earphones 14 , 10
`be a controller 82 that controls the operation and / or function
`stored in the non - volatile memory 44 of the CAP 16 , are
`of electronic equipment 84 , such as lighting system ( s ) ,
`uploaded to the remote server ( s ) 30 and stored at the remote
`camera ( s ) , manufacturing equipment , medical device ( s ) ,
`server ( s ) 30 as part of the user ' s account information . Next ,
`gaming systems , or any other suitable controllable electronic
`at step 66 , the user may update the earphones 14 with the
`Wi - Fi hotspot credentials ( e . g . , SSID , password if one is 15 equipment . The controller 82 may receive control data via
`used for the hotspot , and / or encryption type ) . The user may
`either the ad hoc or infrastructure wireless networks ,
`do this by clicking on or otherwise selecting a link on the
`depending on which mode the controller 82 is in . As
`website to update the earphones 14 . Upon clicking the link ,
`described above , the controller 82 may be configured to
`the CAP 16 transmits the credentials ( e . g . , SSID , password ,
`connect to the infrastructure wireless network 26 by receiv
`encryption type ) for each of the added Wi - Fi hotspots to the 20 ing the credential data for the infrastructure wireless net
`earphones 14 , via the ad hoc wireless communication link
`work 26 via the ad hoc wireless network 18 .
`18 . This process allows the earphones 14 to be configured
`In one general aspect , the present invention is directed to
`for infrastructure network ( and Internet ) access without
`a system that comprises : the wireless device configured to
`having to physically connect the earphones 14 to the com -
`receive data wirelessly ; a content access point that commu
`puter 22 to configure them and without having an existing , 25 nicates with the wireless device via an ad hoc wireless
`different infrastructure network that the earphones 14 need
`network ; a computer that is connectable to the content
`access point ; and a remote server in communication with the
`to connect to .
`The user may also set up channels for the earphones 14 at
`computer via a communications network . The remote server
`step 68 through the website . The user may do this by
`hosts a web site accessible by the computer . The website
`clicking on or otherwise selecting a link or option provided 30 permits a user of the wireless device to input via the
`by the website to add channels . The channels may be digital
`computer credential data for at least one infrastructure
`content streams , such as digital audio . The remote server ( s )
`wireless network , and the remote server stores the credential
`30 may host a number of such content streams that the user
`data for the at least one infrastructure wireless network .
`could select via the website . These selections may be stored
`Also , the content access point transmits the credential data
`by the remote server ( s ) 30 as part of the user ' s account 35 for the at least one infrastructure wireless network to the
`information . Also , the user could enter an address for a
`wireless device via the ad hoc wireless network , such that ,
`channel ( s ) , associated with another server ( s ) connected to
`upon receipt of the credential data for the at least one
`the network 28 , such as the URL for channel ' s server . These
`infrastructure wireless network , the wireless device is con
`addresses may also be stored by the remote server ( s ) 30 as
`figured to connect to the at least one infrastructure wireless
`part of the user ' s account information .
`40 network
`The earphones 14 may have one or more multi - function
`In various implementations , the wireless device com
`user controls ( e . g . , buttons , touch interfaces , etc . ) and indi -
`prises a wireless media player , such as an audio player or a
`cators ( e . g . , LEDs ) that allow the user to select and transition
`video player . The wireless media player may be configured
`through various modes of operation . For example , using the
`to receive and play digital media data received via the ad hoc
`user control ( s ) of the earphones 14 , the user could select an 45 wireless network when in a first mode ( an ad hoc mode ) , and
`ad hoc mode , whereby the earphones stream and play
`is configured to receive and play digital media data received
`content from the CAP 16 ( and hence the device to which the
`via the infrastructure wireless network when in a second
`CAP 16 is connected , such as the DAP 20 or the computer
`mode ( an infrastructure mode ) . In other embodiments , the
`22 ) . Also , the user could select the infrastructure ( e . g . ,
`wireless device may comprise a wireless controller that
`Wi - Fi ) mode using the user control ( s ) in order to stream
`50 controls electronic equipment . The wireless controller may
`content via Wi - Fi hotspot . The user may also cycle through
`be configured to receive digital control data received via the
`or otherwise select the desired channel ( stored in step 68 )
`ad hoc wireless network when in a first mode ( an ad hoc
`using the user - control .
`mode ) , and is configured to receive digital control data
`It should be noted that the some steps of FIG . 3 could be
`received via the infrastructure wireless network when in a
`performed in different orders than as shown in FIG . 3 . For 55 second mode ( an infrastructure mode ) . In various embodi
`example , the user ' s channels could be set up before the
`ments , the ad hoc wireless network comprises an ad hoc
`Wi - Fi hotspots are added or before the user ' s earphones 14
`Wi - Fi network , and the infrastructure wireless network
`are added . However , the earphones 14 could not be updated
`comprises an infrastructure Wi - Fi network . The credential
`with the Wi - Fi hotspot credentials ( step 66 ) until the Wi - Fi
`data for the at least one infrastructure wireless network may
`hotspot ( s ) and earphones are added ( steps 62 and 64 ) .
`60 comprise : an identifier for the at least one infrastructure
`Although the above embodiments were described in the
`wireless network ; a password for the at least one infrastruc
`context of wireless earphones for receiving and playing
`ture wireless network , and / or encryption type data for the at
`digital audio content , in other embodiments different types
`least one infrastructure wireless network .
`of the digital content could be streamed to the wireless
`It will be apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art that
`device in a similar manner . For example , instead of ear - 65 at least some of the embodiments described herein may be
`phones , a video player 80 , as shown in FIG . 4 could be used
`implemented in many different embodiments of software ,
`instead . The video player 80 may be any video player
`firmware , and / or hardware . The software and firmware code


`US 10 , 298 , 451 B1
`blades ) that are located and configured for cooperative
`may be executed by a processor circuit or any other similar
`functions . It can be appreciated that a server farm may serve
`computing device . The software code or specialized control
`to distribute workload between / among individual compo
`hardware that may be used to implement embodiments is not
`nents of the farm and may expedite computing processes by
`limiting . For example , embodiments described herein may
`be implemented in computer software using any suitable 5 harnessing the collective and cooperative power of multiple
`computer software language type , using , for example , con
`servers . Such server farms may employ load balancing
`ventional or object - oriented techniques . Such software may
`software that accomplishes tasks such as , for example ,
`be stored on any type of suitable computer - readable medium
`tracking demand for processing power from
`or media , such as , for example , a magnetic or optical storage
`machines , prioritizing and scheduling tasks based on net
`medium . The operation and behavior of the embodiments 10 work demand and / or providing backup contingency in the
`may be described without specific reference to specific
`event of component failure or reduction in operability .
`software code or specialized hardware components . The
`The computer systems may comprise one or more pro
`absence of such specific references is feasible , because it is
`cessors in communication with memory ( e . g . , RAM or
`clearly understood that artisans of ordinary skill would be
`ROM ) via one or more data buses . The data buses may carry
`able to design software and control hardware to implement 15 electrical signals between the processor ( s ) and the memory .
`the embodiments based on the present description with no
`The processor and the memory may comprise electrical
`more than reasonable effort and without undue experimen -
`circuits that conduct electrical current . Charge states of
`various components of the circuits , such as solid state
`tation .
`Moreover , the processes associated with the present
`transistors of the processor ( s ) and / or memory circuit ( s ) , may
`embodiments may be executed by programmable equip - 20 change during operation of the circuits .
`ment , such as computers or computer systems and / or pro -
`While various embodiments have been described herein ,
`cessors . Software that may cause programmable equipment
`it should be apparent that various modificati

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