`Page 252
` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
`vs. ) Case IPR2021-00255
` ) Patent 10,298,451
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` The Zoom video deposition of JOSEPH
` McALEXANDER, III, taken before Richard Derrick
` Ehrlich, Registered Merit Reporter, Certified
` Realtime Reporter, taken pursuant to the United
` States Patent and Trademark Office Rules, commencing
` at 10:30 a.m., on the 15th day of December, 2021.
`2 3 4 5
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`APPLE 1024
`Apple v. Koss


`Page 253
` A P P E A R A N C E S
`On behalf of Apple Inc.:
` Jennifer Hartjes
` Michael T. Pieja
` 200 South Wacker Drive
` 22nd Floor
` Chicago, IL 60606
` Ryan Chowdhury
` Roberto Devoto
` Parvine Ghane
` 1000 Main Avenue, SW
` Suite 1000
` Washington, D.C. 20024
`On behalf of Koss Corporation:
` Mark G. Knedeisen
` Lauren Murray
` 210 Sixth Avenue
` Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2613
`Videographer: Justin Henricksen
`2 3
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 254
` I N D E X
` Page
`Exam by Jennifer Hartjes 256
`Exam by Mark Knedeisen 347
` E X H I B I T S
` Page
`Exhibit No. 1004 - 294
`United States Patent, 9,021,108 B2
`Exhibit No. 1 - 301
`The Dangers of Borrowing Someone Else's Wi-Fi
`Exhibit No. 1005 - 313
`United States Patent Application Publication,
`Scherzer et al.
`Exhibit No. 2 - 335
`Endpoint Monitoring and Wireless Tracking
`Exhibit No. 3 - 345
`Controlling Wireless Access Based on MAC
`5 6
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 255
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We are going
` on the record. The time is 9:16 a.m. on
` December 15, 2021.
` This is media unit 1 of the recorded
` deposition of Joseph McAlexander, III, taken by
` counsel for the petitioner in the matter of
` Apple Inc. vs. Koss Corporation filed in the
` United States Patent and Trademark Office, Case
` No. IPR2021-00255.
` This deposition is being held remote Zoom
` video conference. My name is Justin Henricksen,
` and I'm from the firm Veritext, and I'm the
` videographer. The court reporter is Richard
` Ehrlich from the firm Veritext. I'm not related
` to any party in this action nor am I financially
` interested in the outcome.
` Counsel, and all present in the room,
` everyone attending remotely, will now state
` their appearance and affiliations for the
` record. If there are any objections to the
` proceedings, please state them at the time of
` your appearance beginning with the taking
` attorney first.
` MS. HARTJES: Good morning. Jenny Hartjes
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 256
` of Goldman Ismail for Petitioner Apple. With me
` today are Mike Pieja and Ryan Chowdhury.
` MR. KNEDEISEN: This is Mark Knedeisen from
` K & L Gates for Patent Owner Koss Corporation.
` With me are Lauren Murray and Brian Bozzo.
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Thank you.
` Will the court reporter please swear in the
` witness.
`Q Good morning, Mr. McAlexander.
`A Good morning.
`Q Do you understand that we are here today in
` connection with the IPR proceedings between
` Apple and Koss Corporation?
`A Yes.
`Q And specifically today we'll be discussing
` IPR2021-00255. This is the matter that is
` related to U.S. Patent No. 10,298,451.
` If I refer to the patent today as the '451
` patent, will you understand what I'm talking
` about?
`A Yes, I will.
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`Page 257
`Q Okay. And, Mr. McAlexander, you submitted a
` report in connection with this IPR; is that
` correct?
`A Yes, that is correct.
`Q Do you have a copy of that report with you
` today?
`A I have a copy of the declaration, yes.
`Q Okay. And does that declaration contain all the
` opinions that you intend to express in this IPR
` proceeding?
`A As of the time of the date of the declaration,
` yes.
`Q Sitting here today, do you have any intention to
` prepare a supplemental report?
`A Not at this time, no.
`Q And at the end of your report, you declare that
` all the statements in there are true to the best
` of your knowledge; is that correct?
`A That is correct.
`Q Before we jump in, are there any corrections you
` would like to make to your declaration?
`A Not at this time.
`Q Can you please state your full name for the
` record, sir?
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`Page 258
`A Joseph Colby McAlexander, III.
`Q Thank you. And I know you just went through
` this process yesterday, but just as a quick
` refresher on some of the rules, do you
` understand that you are giving this testimony
` under oath today?
`A Yes, I do.
`Q Is there any reason you would be unable to give
` accurate or truthful testimony today?
`A Not any that I'm aware of.
`Q And are you on any medication, or do you have
` any health condition that would impair your
` ability to understand my questions today?
`A No.
`Q All right. And if you could please tell me if
` you don't understand one of my questions today,
` if you don't ask for clarification, I will
` assume that you understood my question. Is that
` fair?
`A I have that understanding.
`Q Okay. And because we're doing this over Zoom,
` there may be some technical glitches, so if I
` cut out at any time, please let me know if you
` need me to repeat my question. Okay?
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 259
`A Certainly.
`Q All right. And I'll try to take a break about
` every hour. I don't think you'll be here quite
` as late as you were yesterday, but if you need a
` break at any point, just let us know. Okay?
`A Thank you. I will.
`Q All right. Where are you located right now,
` Mr. McAlexander?
`A I'm located in my home office in Anna, Texas.
`Q Is anyone else in the room with you today?
`A No, no one.
`Q So you and I are speaking over Zoom. Aside from
` the Zoom window, do you have anything else up on
` your computer at the moment?
`A Do I have anything else on my computer?
`Q Yes. Any screens open, any applications
` running?
`A Well, I have the Internet Explorer running
` obviously with -- I'm using Firefox to get the
` Internet access. And with IE, I've got the
` folder open so I can get access to the exhibits
` that were downloaded.
`Q Perfect. Do you have any messaging apps open
` that would allow you to communicate with other
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 260
` counsel or anyone else that's not in the room
` with you today?
`A I have the Outlook open, which is the way I was
` able to download the exhibits, but that's not up
` on the screen and in front of me at the moment.
`Q Okay. Sounds good. You've been deposed before,
` correct?
`A Yes, that's correct.
`Q About how many times would you say you've been
` deposed before?
`A More than 175.
`Q And how many of those were for patent cases?
`A That's a good question. Probably 145, perhaps.
` 150.
`Q Okay. And what types of technology did you
` testify about in those patent cases?
`A It's varied. Some of it has to do with code
` analysis, copyright infringements. I've
` participated in contract disputes resolution.
` As far as patents are concerned, video
` processing, lighting, many different forms of
` semiconductor and integrated circuit design,
` fabrication, system-level patents with wireless
` communication, GPS, computers, laptops, portable
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 261
` devices.
` I could probably name a lot more, but that
` gives at least a rundown on some of the areas.
`Q Sounds good. Thank you. When were you first
` contacted about the '451 patent?
`A I had original contact from Koss back in 2019, I
` believe, or 2020. But in terms of actual
` involvement with the '451, not until probably
` June of this year.
`Q Okay. And when Koss reached out to you in 2019
` or 2020, was that in connection with this IPR
` proceeding?
`A No.
`Q Was it in connection with the federal litigation
` concerning the '451 patent?
`A No.
`Q So in 2019 or 2020 when Koss contacted you about
` the '451 patent, what was -- what were they
` contacting you about?
`A It was 2020, and it was just -- generally just
` interviewing, consulting. Just identifying what
` my skill sets were, and that's about it. Just
` general information.
`Q Okay. Do you remember who at Koss contacted
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 262
` you?
`A I don't remember exactly who the person was
` originally that contacted me.
`Q And then you said this summer, summer of 2021 is
` when you started working on this IPR proceeding?
`A I worked on the IPR proceeding for this
` particular case --
`Q Okay. And what services were you asked to
` perform for this IPR proceeding?
`A Well, excuse me. I was trying to answer the
` question. I really did not finish.
`Q I'm sorry.
`A This IPR proceeding, as I understand, was
` instituted in June, and it was sometime in June
` that I was contacted to work on this particular
` matter.
`Q Okay. Thank you. So when you were contacted in
` June to work on this particular matter, what
` services were you asked to perform?
`A At that time, it was just a recognition that the
` institution had occurred, and that they -- that
` Koss would possibly need my assistance in
` reviewing the information and providing a
` declaration when they prepared their response.
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 263
` So that was the nature of, and the context of,
` the conversation.
`Q How did you prepare your declaration, sir?
`A I prepared the declaration by familiarizing
` myself with the '451 patent and the particular
` pieces of art that were identified and provided
` by the petitioner that's a part of the decision
` institute.
`Q And did you write the report yourself?
`A I wrote the report in combination with counsel.
`Q In your report, you provide an opinion as to the
` obviousness or nonobviousness of the '451
` patent; is that correct?
`A I do, yes.
`Q In your report, you do not provide an opinion on
` the written description of the '451 patent; is
` that correct?
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall providing
` anything about a written description.
` Specifically the obviousness challenge was what
` was in front of us on the institution. That's
` what I responded to.
` \\\
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 264
`Q Okay. So in your report, you also do not
` provide an opinion on whether the '451 patent is
` enabled; is that correct?
`A I don't believe that the challenge was on
` enablement. I certainly don't recall responding
` to that, no.
`Q And in your report, you did not provide an
` opinion on whether any Apple products infringed
` the '451 patent; is that correct?
`A I have not performed any infringement analysis,
` so the answer is yes.
`Q Okay. I would like you to turn to page 4 of
` your declaration, if you have that in front of
` you?
`A Okay. I do.
`Q Do you see the section that says Materials
` Reviewed?
`A Yes, I do.
`Q And is that a comprehensive list of the
` materials that you reviewed while preparing this
` declaration?
`A It's intended to be that. It also, if you
` notice in the last sentence, I said there may
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 265
` be -- if there are others that are referred to
` herein, that's included as well.
`Q Okay. So anything outside that list and outside
` what is cited in your report, are there any
` other materials that you looked at?
`A Well, I have looked at website information, but
` I did not rely on that.
`Q Okay. Did you ever review the file history of
` the '451 patent?
`A I have.
`Q Is that included in this list?
`A I don't see that the file history is identified
` in this list, identified the '451 patent in the
` body of the text. I don't -- I don't see at
` least in this paragraph that the file history
` was identified.
`Q Okay. Looking at this list, is there anything
` else that you notice is missing, or does it
` cover all of the materials that you looked at?
`A Well, the intent was to cover the materials I
` looked at including those that are identified
` within the body of the declaration itself. I
` believe that that's -- as I can recall, that's a
` comprehensive list. I identified some cites in
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 266
` the body of the declaration that had some
` footnotes addressing certain website
` information, and so those would be necessarily
` included, too, because they're addressed in the
` body of the text.
`Q I understand. You would agree, Mr. McAlexander,
` that there are no textbooks listed in this
` Materials Reviewed list, correct?
`A Agree.
`Q You didn't cite any textbooks in your report; is
` that correct?
`A I did not cite any in the report. To the extent
` that they would be included as a part of the
` declarations that I reviewed, then certainly
` that would be -- that would be part of the
` materials considered, but I did not identify any
` specific text.
`Q And you did not identify any specific treatises
` or publications; is that correct?
`A Other than what I've documented in this
` declaration, no.
`Q Okay. Are you being compensated for your
` participation in these proceedings,
` Mr. McAlexander?
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 267
`A Yes.
`Q What is your consulting rate?
`A 575 an hour.
`Q And about how many hours have you spent on this
` IPR, or this '451 patent?
`A Well, I spent upwards of maybe 120, 125 hours
` total across the IPRs. But in terms of how much
` I spent on this particular one, I really did not
` parse it down to this -- just this one. That's
` the amount of time I've spent across the IPRs.
`Q Okay. So do you have any ballpark on the number
` of hours you spent preparing this report?
`A Perhaps 25 hours.
`Q Okay. Yesterday you were deposed regarding two
` of those other IPR proceedings that you
` mentioned, IPR2021-305 and IPR2021-381; is that
` correct?
`A That is correct.
`Q And during that deposition, my colleague,
` Mr. Pieja, asked you a few questions about your
` CV and your work history. Do you remember that?
`A Yes, I do.
`Q And you were truthful when answering his
` questions?
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 268
`A Yes.
`Q So for efficiency, would you agree that your
` answers from yesterday about your CV and your
` work history would remain the same today?
`A Yes.
`Q Okay. Do you know the general timeframe for
` when Bluetooth was developed?
`A Well, in the late '90s, it began development
` through the 2000, early 2000s.
`Q Okay. What about WiFi? Do you know the general
` timeframe for when WiFi was developed?
`A Early 1990s is when it really began, a
` reasonable start with maturity, through the
` '90s.
`Q You would agree that your formal education
` occurred before WiFi or Bluetooth were
` developed; is that correct?
`A That is correct.
`Q You would agree that your teaching experience
` occurred before WiFi or Bluetooth were
` developed; is that correct?
`A That's correct.
`Q And you would agree that all your publications
` came out before WiFi or Bluetooth were
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 269
` developed; is that correct?
`A If by publications you are limiting or not
` considering patents, the answer is yes.
`Q Okay. Thank you. If you still have your report
` in front of you, I would like to turn to page 11
` of your CV, which I believe is page 53 of that
` entire PDF.
` Let me know when you have it up.
`A Okay. Just one moment.
` Okay. I've got the CV up. Which page
` again?
`Q Page 11 of your CV.
`A Okay. I have it.
`Q Thank you. Page 11 of your CV lists the cases
` you've been involved in in just the last seven
` years; is that correct?
`A Generally speaking, that's correct, yes.
`Q Is it true that there are even more cases that
` date back farther than seven years?
`A Yes.
`Q Approximately how many other cases would you say
` you've been involved in that are not provided in
` the CV?
`A I honestly don't recall how many are provided in
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 270
` this CV. I would say that the number of cases
` that might be listed in total would be probably
` 250, 300 maybe.
`Q Okay. At the bottom of page 11, you provide a
` key in footnote 2. Do you see that?
`A Yes, I do.
`Q And you have a key for antitrust cases, and
` that's marked with an AT. Do you see that?
`A I see that, yes.
`Q So I flipped through these cases, and none of
` them have the AT, antitrust, symbol?
`A You say none of them have the AT symbol?
`Q Correct.
`A Okay.
`Q Are any of the cases in your CV antitrust cases?
`A If there are none that are showing, unless I
` inadvertently left off the suffix -- if you've
` been through it, and you don't see it on these,
` then I would say none of these cases that I was
` retained for were antitrust.
` The reason for the footnote is to cover my
` cases in general, so that would -- if there's
` none that show up here, then they would've been
` in previous -- prior to the seven-year time
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 271
` window.
`Q I see. So correct that in the last seven years,
` you have not been involved in antitrust cases?
`A That would appear to be correct.
`Q Okay. Would it be fair to say that most of your
` expert witness work relates to patent cases?
`A I would say a fair share relates to patent
` cases. There are a number that relate to trade
` secrets, some copyright -- one or two copyright
` and a number of contract, but I'd say the
` majority do have some relationship to patents.
`Q Okay. And for these patent cases, you're
` engaged for your technical expertise; is that
` correct?
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: That is correct.
`Q And specifically your engineering expertise; is
` that right?
`A I would say, in general, that would be correct.
`Q Have you ever been hired as a damages expert
` before?
`A No.
`Q Do you have any degrees or formal training in
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 272
` economics, sir?
`A No.
`Q What about marketing?
`A No formal degrees, no.
`Q Any degrees or formal training in sales?
`A Not in terms of degrees. I ran a marketing
` group for several years in my experience, but no
` formal training, per se.
`Q And do you have any legal training?
`A No.
`Q Okay. Mr. McAlexander, do you own a HomePod?
`A Do I own a what?
`Q A HomePod?
`A No.
`Q Have you ever used a HomePod before?
`A I have used one, but I don't own one.
`Q What have you used the HomePod for?
`A Just as a listening.
`Q Anything else?
`A No.
`Q Do you own any other type of smart speaker, sir?
`A No, I do not.
`Q I would like to look at your report at paragraph
` 69. Let me know when you turn to paragraph 69.
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 273
`A Okay. I'm at paragraph 69.
`Q You write that Apple sold between 4 and
` 10 million units per year at prices ranging from
` $300 per unit to $350 per unit. That amounts to
` more than a billion dollars per year which I
` consider to be significant.
` Do you see that sentence?
`A That was correct recitation of what I wrote.
`Q At the end of the sentence, Which I consider to
` be significant, you do not include any citation
` there, correct?
`A No, I do not.
`Q So your determination that the sales are
` significant, that is based on your opinion?
`A Yes.
`Q What do you mean by significant?
`A A significant return in terms of dollars for a
` particular set of products.
`Q Can you give me a threshold for what amount you
` would consider to be significant?
`A I was not trying to make -- I was certainly not
` making the statement from the aspect of a
` damages expertise. It's just that the
` valuation, when you have a particular product
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 274
` that has an acceptability that generates
` billions of dollars, I find that to be
` significant.
` In terms of a threshold, I really never
` thought about any particular threshold for that.
`Q Would you consider $100 million to be
` significant?
`A In the framework of sales, probably so. If it's
` getting less than 100 million, then I would not,
` necessarily in this commercialized-type product,
` consider that significant. It would be a lot
` but not as significant.
`Q Okay. So your threshold for significance is
` somewhere around $100 million. Is that what
` you're saying?
`A I would say that if it drops below $100 million
` over the timeframe I'm talking about, then that
` might not be as significant as something that's
` in the billion-dollar range.
`Q In paragraph 69, do you include a timeframe?
`A I said certain years after Apple introduced the
` HomePod, and that's based upon the cost 2020
` exhibit.
`Q So when you say, I would say that if it drops
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 275
` below 100 million over the timeframe I'm talking
` about, what timeframe are you talking about?
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: The -- I'm sorry. I had a
` note that they might have refreshed the exhibit
` list, but it's still not there.
` Well, this, as I recall -- I don't have the
` document in front of me, but as I recall, we're
` talking about the HomePod release sometime, oh,
` 2018 timeframe. And so what we're saying is
` from then, it's over a three-year period.
`Q So I guess what I'm trying to understand, if
` someone wanted to replicate your analysis to
` determine if a company's revenue was
` significant, do you have any formula they could
` use?
`A No. As I said, this is my representation, my
` opinion that billions of dollars is a
` significant amount of money. It's just a
` general observation within this timeframe.
`Q So you have no objective way of determining
` whether a company's revenue is significant; is
` that correct?
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 276
`A If I was working this from a damage standpoint,
` I would have some objective ways in which I
` would approach that, but that was not the intent
` here with this statement. This is a general
` statement, a general observation that billions
` of dollars of sales on products that are in the
` 300, $350 range is a significant achievement
` over a several-year timeframe.
`Q So that's not exactly what I asked. Yes or no,
` you have no objective way of determining whether
` a company's revenue is significant?
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I did not utilize any
` objective way in reaching the statement -- the
` opinion I had in this declaration.
`Q Thank you. Do you know how Apple's revenue from
` its HomePod sales compares to the revenue from
` other Apple products?
`A I don't, as I sit here, have that in mind, no.
`Q Did you attempt to find out as you were drafting
` your declaration?
`A No.
`Q Do you know how Apple's revenue from its HomePod
`Veritext Legal Solutions


` sales compares to other company's sales of smart
`Page 277
` speakers?
`A I did not under --
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I did not undertake that
` analysis. As I sit here, I do not know.
`Q So as you were drafting your declaration, you
` did not attempt to find out how Apple sales
` compared to the sales of other companies?
`A I was not doing --
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I was not attempting to do a
` comparative analysis. I was just looking at the
` success commercially of a particular product.
`Q All right. If you look at paragraph 69, you
` cite to an exhibit, Koss 2020, at page 15. Do
` you see that?
`A I do.
`Q So one of the exhibits that should have been in
` your email is Koss 2020. So if you could pull
` that up.
`A Let me just ask Mark.
`Veritext Legal Solutions


` This was not something that was sent to me,
` right?
` MR. KNEDEISEN: I think I sent it to you.
`Page 278
` You mean, this morning?
` MR. KNEDEISEN: It should've been.
` What's the name of the file, Jenny?
` IPR2021-00255, 2020 Apple statistics?
` MS. HARTJES: Apple statistics.
` THE WITNESS: Here we go. I found it.
`Q Great. Did you review this document as part of
` your analysis, Mr. McAlexander?
`A Yes.
`Q And in your report, you specifically cite to
` page 15 of this exhibit; is that correct?
`A That is correct.
`Q Okay. Can you please turn to page 15 of this
` exhibit?
`A All right. I have that.
`Q Do you see on page 15 where it says HomePod
` Sales in the middle?
`A Yes, I do.
`Q Right underneath that, the document says, In
`Veritext Legal Solutions


` comparison to AirPods, HomePod has seen limited
`Page 279
` success.
` Correct?
`A That's what it says, yes.
`Q You did not mention that fact in your analysis,
` correct?
`A No. I had referenced this particular document
` so that is in my declaration, but I did not make
` that statement.
`Q And beside that, as you were drafting your
` declaration, you did not attempt to find out how
` HomePods, Apple's HomePod sales compared to
` sales of its other products, correct?
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: No. I mean, there's
` certainly a litany of products that Apple sells.
` I did not do a comparison of HomePod versus
` another. Even in this recitation on this
` particular page 15, there's recognition that
` half of the sales, even in this timeframe in Q4
` 2020 were related to this newer product with the
` HomePod mini. So that's indicating that, even
` with some of the newer products, they're
` launching that, and that's improving the sales,
`Veritext Legal Solutions


` but I did not -- I did not do a comparison
` between HomePod and some other of the devices
`Page 280
` that Apple sells.
`Q You also said earlier that you did not compare
` Apple sales with the sales of other companies;
` is that correct?
`A I did not, no.
`Q You did not do that comparison. Is that what
` you're saying?
`A That's correct.
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Objection. Form.
`Q In that very next sentence in Exhibit Koss 2020,
` page 15 which you cite, it says, Apple sits far
` behind Amazon and Google in units sold.
` Do you see that?
`A Yes, I do.
`Q And you did not include that in your report
` either, correct?
`A No. It has no bearing on the fact that there is
` commercial success in terms of the HomePod
` sales, but I didn't do a comparison on how
` successful that was versus competitive products.
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 281
`Q Just so I'm clear, you did not use any sort of
` formula to determine if Apple sales were
` sig

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