`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIII IIIIIII IIII 11111111
`( 43) International Publication Date
`11 June 2009 (11.06.2009)
`(10)International Publication Number
`WO 2009/071539 Al
`NOVOZYMES A/S; Patents,(74)Common Representative:
`Krogshoejvej 36, DK-2880 Bagsvaerd (DK).
`(51)International Patent Classification:
`A23C 9112
`(25)Filing Language:
`(21)International Application Number:
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`(30)Priority Data:
`07122110.53 December 2007 (03.12.2007) EP
`21 May 2008 (21.05.2008) EP
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`°" �
`� (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product using an enzyme having lactase activity.
`WO 2009/071539
`The present invention comprises a sequence listing.
`The present invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product using an enzyme
`having lactase activity.
`Lactose intolerance is perhaps the best-known food sensitivity in the United States and other
`parts of the world. It is estimated that about 70% of the world's population has a genetically
`controlled limited ability to digest lactose. Therefore, to help dairy maldigesters keep dairy
`foods in their diet, there is a growing demand for dairy food products that contain no or only
`15 low levels of lactose.
`Lactase is used commercially to break down lactose in milk to produce dairy products which
`are suitable for people with lactose intolerance and/or have a sweeter taste. Because
`glucose and galactose are sweeter than lactose, lactase produces a more pleasant taste.
`at the low 20 Lactase is also used in the manufacture of ice cream. Lactose crystallises
`temperatures of ice cream, whereas glucose and galactose stay liquid and contribute to a
`smoother texture. Lactase is also used in the conversion of whey into syrup. Lactase is also
`used for production of condensed milk.
`25 Lactases have been isolated from a large variety of organisms, including microorganisms.
`Lactase is often an intracellular component of microorganisms like Kluyveromyces and
`Bacillus. Kluyveromyces, K. fragilis especially and K. lactis, and other fungi such as those of
`the genera Candida, Torula and Torulopsis, are a common source of fungal lactases,
`whereas B. coagulans and B circulans are well known sources for bacterial lactases. Several
`such as are available derived from these organisms 30 commercial lactase preparations
`Lactozym® (available from Novozymes, Denmark), HA-Lactase (available from Chr. Hansen,
`Denmark) and Maxilact® (available from DSM, the Netherlands), all from K. lactis. All these
`lactases are so called neutral lactases having a pH optimum between pH 6 and pH 8. When
`such lactases are used in the production of, e.g., low-lactose yoghurt, the enzyme treatment
`35 will either
`have to be done in a separate step before fermentation or rather high enzyme
`dosages have to be used, because their activity drop as the pH decreases during
`fermentation. Also, these lactases are not suitable for hydrolysis of lactose in milk performed
`at high temperature, which would in some cases be beneficial to keep the microbial count
`WO 2009/071539
`PCT /EP2008/066624
`low and thus ensure good milk quality.
`Several extracellular lactases have been described having a lower pH optimum, see, e.g.,
`US patent 5,736,374 which describes an example of such lactase, produced by Aspergillus
`5 oryzae.
`A lactase from Bifidobacterium bifidum h a s b e e n d e s c r i b e d h a v i n g a h i g h
`transgalactosylating activity, both in the full-length form and especially when truncated from
`Biotechnol., the C-terminal end (see, e.g., J0rgensen et al. (2001 ), Appl. Microbial. 57: 647-
`10 652 or EP patent 1,283,876).
`It is an object of the present invention to provide a method for production of dairy products,
`e.g. fermented dairy products, such as yoghurt, having a low level of lactose by using a
`lactase. It is also an object to provide a method for production of low-lactose beverage milk
`15 having an extended shelf-life by using a lactase, where the method gives rise to low
`formation of off-flavour and/or low formation of brown colour as compared to known methods.
`Lactase to be used according to the invention should hydrolyse lactose efficiently and
`optimally allow for almost complete lactose hydrolysis. Especially, such lactase should have
`a high ratio of lactase to transgalactosylase activity. For use in the production of fermented
`20 dairy products, the lactase should be active over a broad pH range.
`The present inventors have surprisingly found that a C-terminally truncated fragment of the
`bifidum, extracellular lactase from Bifidobacterium which was originally isolated and patented
`25 for its ability to make high amounts of galactooligosaccharides from lactose, can be used
`very successfully for hydrolysis of lactose in milk. When tested in water + 100 g/I lactose at
`37°C, the enzyme makes galactooligosaccharides with high efficiency as described in the
`prior art. However, when tested in milk, the ratio of hydrolytic to transgalactosylating activity
`has changed markedly, resulting in efficient hydrolysis and very low production of
`30 galactooligosaccharides.
`Consequently, the present invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose; and
`35 b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity and having an amino acid
`sequence which is at least 70% identical to amino acids 28-1931 of SEQ ID NO: 1 or a
`fragment thereof.
`WO 2009/071539
`PCT /EP2008/066624
`In a preferred aspect, the invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose; and
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity and having an amino acid
`5 sequence which is at least 70% identical to amino acids 28-1331 of SEQ ID NO: 2.
`Further, the inventors have surprisingly found that very low levels of lactose can be achieved
`when using the lactase from Bifidobacterium as compared to other lactases typically
`used for treatment of milk. Another unexpected advantage of using the lactase from
`10 Bifidobacterium
`is that the enzyme is active at high temperatures, allowing for
`treatment of the milk at, e.g., 52°C, thus reducing the microbial count and thereby improving
`the quality of the milk.
`Therefore, in another aspect, the present invention relates to a method for producing a dairy
`15 product comprising
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose, and
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity,
`where step b) takes place at a temperature of at least 50°C.
`20 In a preferred embodiment, step b) takes place at a temperature of at least 52°C.
`Also, the inventors have surprisingly found that the lactase from Bifidobacterium is
`active over a broad pH range.
`25 Therefore, in another aspect, the present invention relates to a method for producing a dairy
`product comprising
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose, and
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity, where the pH optimum of
`the lactase activity at 37°C is above pH 5, and where the lactase activity of the enzyme at pH
`at 37°C. 30 5 is at least 50% of its lactase activity at pH 6 when measured
`Use of a lactase enzyme being active over a broad pH spectrum is especially useful for the
`production of fermented dairy products, where it allows for low enzyme dosage, since the
`enzyme is still active during and after fermentation. Also, very low levels of lactose in the
`using such enzyme. can be reached 35 fermented dairy product
`Therefore, in a preferred aspect, the present invention relates to a method for producing a
`low-lactose fermented dairy product comprising
`WO 2009/071539
`PCT /EP2008/066624
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose,
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity, where the pH optimum of
`the lactase activity at 37°C is above pH 5, and where the lactase activity of the enzyme at pH
`5 is at least 50% of its lactase activity at pH 6 when measured at 37°C, and
`with a microorganism.5 c)fermenting said substrate
`The present inventors have also surprisingly found that in the manufacture of low-lactose
`beverage milk having an extended shelf life, the lactose hydrolysis can preferentially be
`carried out at high temperature, such as at a temperature of at least 60°C. Preferentially,
`10 such manufacture may comprise simultaneous low-pasteurization and lactase treatment.
`Therefore, in a preferred aspect, the present invention relates to a method for producing a
`dairy product comprising
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose, and
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity,
`of 15 wherein step b) is performed for between 10 minutes and 4 hours at a temperature
`between 62°C and 64 °C.
`In a more preferred aspect, step b) in such method is followed by cooling to below 10°C
`without further heat treatment. This will allow for the enzyme to be still active after the milk
`20 has been cooled, i.e. during its storage. In another more preferred aspect, step b) in such
`method is followed by UHT treatment.
`Preferably, in the methods of the invention, at least 70% of the lactose in the milk-based
`substrate is hydrolysed. More preferably, at least 80%, such as at least 85%, at least 90%, at
`substrate is hydrolysed. 25 least 95% or at least 98%, of the lactose in the milk-based
`In another aspect, the present invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose; and
`30 b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity and having an amino acid
`sequence which is at least 70% identical to SEQ ID NO: 3 or a fragment thereof.
`In another aspect, the present invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product
`andlactose; comprising 35 a)providing a milk-based substrate
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity and having an amino acid
`sequence which is at least 70% identical to SEQ ID NO: 4 or a fragment thereof.
`WO 2009/071539
`PCT /EP2008/066624
`In another aspect, the present invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose; and
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity and having an amino acid
`5 sequence which is at least 70% identical to SEQ ID NO: 5 or a fragment thereof.
`In another aspect, the present invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose; and
`and having an amino acidwith an enzyme having lactase activity 10 b)treating said substrate
`sequence which is at least 70% identical to SEQ ID NO: 6 or a fragment thereof.
`In yet another aspect, the present invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product
`andlactose; substrate comprising 15 a)providing a milk-based
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity and having an amino acid
`sequence which is at least 70% identical to SEQ ID NO: 7 or a fragment thereof.
`20 Milk-based substrate
`The term "milk", in the context of the present invention, is to be understood as the lacteal
`secretion obtained by milking any mammal, such as cows, sheep, goats, buffaloes or
`"Milk-based substrate", in the context of the present invention, may be any raw and/or
`processed milk material. Useful milk-based substrates include, but are not limited to
`solutions/suspensions of any milk or milk like products comprising lactose, such as whole or
`low fat milk, skim milk, buttermilk, reconstituted milk powder, condensed milk, solutions of
`acid whey, or cream. 30 dried milk, UHT milk, whey, whey permeate,
`Preferably, the milk-based substrate is milk or an aqueous solution of skim milk powder.
`The milk-based substrate may be more concentrated than raw milk.
`In one embodiment, the milk-based substrate has a ratio of protein to lactose of at least 0.2,
`preferably at least 0.3, at least 0.4, at least 0.5, at least 0.6 or, most preferably, at least 0.7.
`WO 2009/071539
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`The milk-based substrate may be homogenized and pasteurized according to methods
`known in the art.
`"Homogenizing" as used herein means intensive mixing to obtain a soluble suspension or
`5 emulsion. It may be performed so as to break up the milk fat into smaller sizes so that it no
`longer separates from the milk. This may be accomplished by forcing the milk at high
`pressure through small orifices.
`"Pasteurizing" as used herein means reducing or eliminating the presence of live organisms,
`is attained pasteurization substrate. Preferably, 10 such as microorganisms, in the milk-based
`by maintaining a specified temperature for a specified period of time. The specified
`temperature is usually attained by heating. The temperature and duration may be selected in
`order to kill or inactivate certain bacteria, such as harmful bacteria, and/or to inactivate
`enzymes in the milk. A rapid cooling step may follow.
`Dairy product
`A "dairy product" in the context of the present invention may be any food product wherein
`one of the major constituents is milk-based. Preferable, the major constituent is milk-based.
`20 More preferably, the major constituent is a milk-based substrate which has been treated with
`an enzyme having lactase activity according to a method of the invention. In the context of
`the present invention "one of the major constituents" means a constituent having a dry matter
`which constitutes more than 20%, preferably more than 30% or more than 40% of the total
`dry matter of the dairy product, whereas "the major constituent" means a constituent having a
`25 dry matter which constitutes more than 50%, preferably more than 60% or more than 70% of
`the total dry matter of the dairy product.
`A dairy product according to the invention may be, e.g., skim milk, low fat milk, whole milk,
`cream, UHT milk, milk having an extended shelf life, a fermented milk product, cheese,
`milk drink, sour cream, whey based drink, butter milk, acidified 30 yoghurt, butter, dairy spread,
`ice cream, condensed milk, dulce de leche or a flavoured milk drink. A dairy product may be
`manufactured by any method known in the art.
`A dairy product may additionally comprise non-milk components, e.g. vegetable components
`35 such as, e.g., vegetable oil, vegetable protein, and/or vegetable carbohydrates. Dairy
`products may also comprise further additives such as, e.g., enzymes, flavouring agents,
`microbial cultures such as probiotic cultures, salts, sweeteners, sugars, acids, fruit, fruit
`juices, or any other component known in the art as a component of, or additive to, a dairy
`WO 2009/071539
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`In one embodiment of the invention, one or more milk components and/or milk fractions ac
`count for at least 50% (weight/weight), such as at least 70%, e.g. at least 80%, preferably at
`5 least 90%, of the dairy product.
`In one embodiment of the invention, one or more milk-based substrates having been treated
`with an enzyme having lactase activity according to a method of the invention account for at
`least 50% (weight/weight), such as at least 70%, e.g. at least 80%, preferably at least 90%,
`10 of the dairy product.
`In one embodiment of the invention, the dairy product is a dairy product which is not enriched
`by addition of galactooligosaccharides.
`is not dried milk-based substrate the enzyme-treated 15 In one embodiment of the invention,
`before being used as an ingredient in the dairy product.
`In one embodiment of the invention, the dairy product is ice cream. In the present context,
`ice cream may be any kind of ice cream such as full fat ice cream, low fat ice cream, or ice
`20 cream based on yoghurt or other fermented milk products. Ice cream may be manufactured
`by any method known in the art.
`In one embodiment of the invention, the dairy product is milk or condensed milk.
`is UHT milk. UHT milk in the the dairy product of the invention, 25 In one preferred embodiment
`context of the present invention is milk which has been subjected to a sterilization procedure
`which is intended to kill all microorganisms, including the bacterial spores. UHT (ultra high
`temperature) treatment may be, e.g., heat treatment for 30 seconds at 130°C, or heat
`treatment for one second at 145°C.
`In one preferred embodiment of the invention, the dairy product is ESL milk. ESL milk in the
`context of the present invention is milk which has an extended shelf life due to microfiltration
`and/or heat treatment and which is able to stay fresh for at least 15 days, preferably for at
`least 20 days, on the store shelf at 2-5°C.
`In another preferred embodiment of the invention, the dairy product is a fermented dairy
`product, e.g., yoghurt.
`WO 2009/071539
`PCT /EP2008/066624
`Fermented dairy product
`A "fermented dairy product" in the context of the present invention is to be understood as any
`dairy product wherein any type of fermentation forms part of the production process.
`5 Examples of fermented dairy products are products like yoghurt, buttermilk, creme fraiche,
`quark and fromage frais. A fermented dairy product may be produced by any method known
`in the art.
`"Fermentation" in the method of the present invention means the conversion of
`Preferably, the action of a microorganism. 10 carbohydrates into alcohols or acids through
`fermentation in the method of the present invention comprises conversion of lactose to lactic
`In the context of the present invention, "microorganism" may include any bacterium or fungus
`15 being able to ferment the milk substrate.
`The microorganisms used for most fermented milk products are selected from the group of
`bacteria generally referred to as lactic acid bacteria. As used herein, the term "lactic acid
`bacterium" designates a gram-positive, microaerophilic or anaerobic bacterium, which
`lactic acid as the predominantly of acids including 20 ferments sugars with the production
`produced acid, acetic acid and propionic acid. The industrially most useful lactic acid bacteria
`are found within the order "Lactobacillales" which includes
`Lactococcus spp., Streptococcus
`spp., Lactobacmus spp., Leuconostoc spp., Pseudoleuconostoc spp., Pediococcus spp.,
`Brevibacterium spp., Enterococcus spp. and Propionibacterium spp. Additionally, lactic acid
`i.e. bacteria, bifidobacteria, to the group of anaerobic 25 producing bacteria belonging
`spp., which are frequently used as food cultures alone or in combination with
`lactic acid bacteria, are generally included in the group of lactic acid bacteria.
`Lactic acid bacteria are normally supplied to the dairy industry either as frozen or freeze-
`"Direct Vat Set" (DVS) cultures, or as so-called propagation 30 dried cultures for bulk starter
`intended for direct inoculation into a fermentation vessel or vat for the production of a
`fermented dairy product. Such cultures are in general referred to as "starter cultures" or
`35 Commonly used starter culture strains of lactic acid bacteria are generally divided into
`mesophilic organisms having optimum growth temperatures at about 30°C and thermophilic
`organisms having optimum growth temperatures in the range of about 40 to about 45°C.
`lactis, Typical organisms belonging to the mesophilic group include Lactococcus
`WO 2009/071539
`PCT /EP2008/066624
`mesenteroides Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, Leuconostoc subsp. cremoris,
`Lactococcus pentosaceus, Pediococcus Pseudoleuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris,
`Lactobacillus biovar. diacetylactis, lactis subsp. lactis casei subsp. casei and Lactobacillus
`paracasei subsp. paracasei. Thermophilic lactic acid bacterial species include as examples
`delbrueckii Lactobacillus Enterococcus faecium, 5 Streptococcus thermophilus, subsp. lactis,
`Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Lactobacillus
`Bifidobacterium Also the anaerobic bacteria belonging to the genus Bifidobacterium including
`used as dairy longum are commonly animalis and Bifidobacterium 10 bifidum, Bifidobacterium
`starter cultures and are generally included in the group of lactic acid bacteria. Additionally,
`species of Propionibacteria are used as dairy starter cultures, in particular in the manufacture
`of cheese. Additionally, organisms belonging to the Brevibacterium genus are commonly
`used as food starter cultures.
`Another group of microbial starter cultures are fungal cultures, including yeast cultures and
`cultures of filamentous fungi, which are particularly used in the manufacture of certain types
`of cheese and beverage. Examples of fungi include
`Penicillium roqueforti, Penicillium
`candidum, Geotrichum candidum, Torula kefir, Saccharomyces kefir and Saccharomyces
`20 cerevisiae.
`In one embodiment of the present invention, the microorganism used for fermentation of the
`thermophilus milk-based substrate is Lactobacillus casei or a mixture of Streptococcus and
`Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus.
`Fermentation processes to be used in a method of the present invention are well known and
`the person of skill in the art will know how to select suitable process conditions, such as
`temperature, oxygen, amount and characteristics of microorganism/s, additives such as e.g.
`carbohydrates, flavours, minerals, enzymes, and process time. Obviously, fermentation
`invention. of the present the achievement 30 conditions are selected so as to support
`As a result of fermentation, pH of the milk-based substrate will be lowered. The pH of a
`fermented dairy product of the invention may be, e.g., in the range 3.5-6, such as in the
`range 3.5-5, preferably in the range 3.8-4.8.
`In a preferred embodiment, the fermented dairy product is yoghurt.
`WO 2009/071539
`PCT /EP2008/066624
`Method for producing a dairy product
`As mentioned above, the present invention in one aspect relates to a method for producing a
`dairy product comprising:
`andlactose; substrate comprising 5 a)providing a milk-based
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity and having an amino acid
`sequence which is at least 70% identical to amino acids 28-1931 of SEQ ID NO: 1 or a
`fragment thereof.
`a dairy product relates to a method for producing 10 In a preferred aspect, the invention
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose; and
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity and having an amino acid
`sequence which is at least 70% identical to amino acids 28-1331 of SEQ ID NO: 2.
`In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product comprising
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose; and
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity and having an amino acid
`sequence which is at least 70% identical to SEQ ID NO: 3 or a fragment thereof.
`In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product comprising
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose; and
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity and having an amino acid
`sequence which is at least 70% identical to SEQ ID NO: 4 or a fragment thereof.
`In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product comprising
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose; and
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity and having an amino acid
`sequence which is at least 70% identical to SEQ ID NO: 5 or a fragment thereof.
`In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product comprising
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose; and
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity and having an amino acid
`sequence which is at least 70% identical to SEQ ID NO: 6 or a fragment thereof.
`In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product comprising
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose; and
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity and having an amino acid
`WO 2009/071539
`PCT /EP2008/066624
`sequence which is at least 70% identical to SEQ ID NO: 7 or a fragment thereof.
`In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product comprising
`a)providing a milk-based substrate comprising lactose, and
`lactase activity,5 b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having
`wherein step b) takes place at a temperature of at least 50°C.
`In yet another aspect, the invention relates to a method for producing a dairy product
`lactose,substrate comprising 10 a)providing a milk-based
`b)treating said substrate with an enzyme having lactase activity, where the pH optimum of
`the lactase activity at 37°C is above pH 5, and where the lactase activity of the enzyme at pH
`5 is at least 50% of its lactase activity at pH 6 when measured at 37°C.
`15 The skilled person will know how to determine the lactase activity at different pH and thereby
`determine the pH optimum for the enzyme. The lactase activity at different pH may be
`determined by measuring hydrolysis of lactose at 37°C for 30 minutes, preferably in a buffer
`comprising succinate, HEPES, CHES, KCI, CaCl2 and MgCl2, e.g., by using a method as
`described in the Examples of the present application. For the avoidance of doubt, HEPES is
`20 a buffering agent, 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid, and CHES is a
`buffering agent, N-Cyclohexyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid.
`The enzyme-treated milk-based substrate may optionally be mixed with other ingredients to
`obtain the dairy product. In one embodiment of the invention, the enzyme-treated milk-based
`to obtain the dairy product. 25 substrate is mixed with other ingredients
`In one embodiment of the invention, the dairy product is milk. In another embodiment, the
`dairy product is condensed milk. In another embodiment, the dairy product is ice cream. In
`another embodiment, the dairy product is UHT milk. In another embodiment, the dairy
`30 product is ESL milk. In yet another embodiment, the dairy product is a fermented dairy
`product, e.g., yoghurt.
`Preferably, the dairy product is a low-lactose dairy product. "Low-lactose", in the context of
`the present invention, means that the amount of lactose in the dairy product, such as in the
`80%, 90%, 95%, by at least 70%, preferably has been reduced 35 fermented dairy product,
`98%, 99% or 99,5%.
`Method for producing a low-lactose fermented dairy product
`WO 2009/071539
`PCT /EP2008/066624
`One embodiment of the present i