Technische Universität München
`Fakultät für Maschinenwesen
`Lehrstuhl für Ergonomie
`Suitability of Touch Gestures and Virtual Physics in Touchscreen User
`Interfaces for Critical Tasks
`Dipl.-Ing. Jurek Breuninger
`Vollständiger Abdruck der von der
`Fakultät Maschinenwesen der Technischen Universität München
`zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines
`Doktor-Ingenieurs (Dr.-Ing.)
`genehmigten Dissertation.
`Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
`Prüfer der Dissertation: 1. Prof. Dr. phil. Klaus Bengler
`2. Prof. Dr. Heinrich Hußmann
`Die Dissertation wurde am 13.11.2019 bei der Technischen Universität Mün-
`chen eingereicht und durch die Fakultät Maschinenwesen am 28.05.2020 an-
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`Das Ziel dieser Forschungsarbeit war es zu untersuchen, ob moderne Touchscreen-
`Interaktionskonzepte, die auf Consumer-Electronic-Geräten wie Smartphones etab-
`liert sind, für zeit- und sicherheitskritische Anwendungsfälle wie Maschinensteuerung
`und Medizingeräte geeignet sind. Mehrere gebräuchliche Interaktionskonzepte mit
`und ohne Touch-Gesten und virtueller Physik wurden experimentell auf ihre Effizienz,
`Fehlerrate und Nutzerzufriedenheit bei der Aufgabenlösung untersucht. Basierend
`auf den Resultaten werden Empfehlungen für das Scrollen in Listen und das horizon-
`talen Navigieren in mehrseitigen Software-Dialogen ausgesprochen.
`Der Text gibt eine Übersicht der speziellen Eigenschaften von Touchscreen-Mensch-
`Maschine-Schnittstellen und der Unterschiede zu zeigerbasierten Eingabegeräten. Er
`beschreibt den aktuellen Stand des Touchscreen-Interaktionsdesigns, v.a. die Be-
`sonderheiten moderner Touch-Interaktion, nämlich Touch-Gesten und virtuelle Phy-
`sik. Die größten Herausforderungen für Touchscreen-Interaktionsdesign sind Feed-
`forward, Feedback, Größe der interaktiven Elemente, Kompatibilität, Effekte virtueller
`Physik und Interferenz. Basierend auf einem einfachen qualitativen Modell der Ein-
`flussfaktoren beim Touchscreen-Interaktionsdesign sollten die folgenden Hypothesen
`zu Effizienz und Sicherheit moderner Touchscreen-Interaktion überprüft werden:
`Touch-Gesten führen zu langsamerer Aufgabenerfüllung, höherer Fehlerrate, aber
`besserer Nutzerbewertung. Beim Scrollen führt virtuelle Trägheit zu schnellerer Auf-
`gabenerfüllung, aber auch zu mehr Über-das-Ziel-Hinausschießen und höherer Feh-
`lerrate. Seitenweises Blättern führt zu schnellerer Aufgabenerfüllung und geringerer
`Fehlerrate als kontinuierliche Inhalte. Um dies zu überprüfen, wurden mehrere Expe-
`rimente durchgeführt, die Interaktionskonzepte häufiger Aufgaben vergleichen: Me-
`nüs, Funktionswähler, Zahleneingabe, Listen-Scrollen und horizontaler Ansichts-
`wechsel. Der Einfluss des Interaktionsdesigns auf Eingabegeschwindigkeit, Fehlerra-
`te und Nutzerbewertung wird für Listen-Scrollen und horizontalen Ansichtswechsel
`deutlich gezeigt. Eine mit Wischgesten gesteuerte Liste mit virtueller Trägheit und
`Alphabetleiste ist die beste Wahl für das Scrollen von Listen aller Längen. Um hori-
`zontal durch Ansichten zu navigieren, sind Tabs die geeignetste Wahl für kritische
`Aufgaben. Touch-Gesten können zu höherer Fehlerrate führen, aber vernünftig ge-
`staltete Konzepte mit Touch-Gesten können dennoch für kritische Aufgaben geeignet
`sein. Die Nutzerbewertung von Touch-Interaktionskonzepten korreliert stark mit der
`Eingabegeschwindigkeit. Fehler scheinen keinen Einfluss darauf zu haben.
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`The goal of this research was to examine if modern touchscreen interaction concepts
`that are established on consumer electronic devices like smartphones can be used in
`time-critical and safety-critical use cases like for machine control or healthcare appli-
`ances. Several prevalent interaction concepts with and without touch gestures and
`virtual physics were tested experimentally in common use cases to assess their effi-
`ciency, error rate and user satisfaction during task completion. Based on the results,
`design recommendations for list scrolling and horizontal dialog navigation are given.
`The text gives an overview of the special characteristics of touchscreen human–
`machine interfaces and their differences to pointer-based input devices. It describes
`the state of the art of user interface design for touchscreens, particularly the interac-
`tion concepts that distinguish modern touchscreen interaction with tablets and
`smartphones from older interaction concepts, namely touch gestures and virtual
`physics. Due to the use of these interaction concepts and the special characteristics
`of touchscreens, the main challenges of user interface design for touchscreen are
`feedforward, feedback, size of interactive elements, compatibility, effects of virtual
`physics, and interference. Based on a simple qualitative model of influence factors in
`touchscreen interaction design, the following hypotheses concerning the efficiency
`and safety of modern touchscreen interaction are to be tested: Touch gestures lead
`to slower task completion, higher error rate, but better user rating. For scrolling tasks,
`virtual inertia leads to faster task completion, but more overshooting and higher error
`rate. Paged content leads to faster task completion and lower error rate than contin-
`uous content. To test the hypotheses, several experiments were conducted that
`compare interaction concepts in common tasks: Menus, function selectors, numerical
`input, list scrolling, and horizontal content change. For list scrolling and horizontal
`content change, the influence of interaction design on input speed, error rate, and
`user rating is clearly shown. A list that can be moved with a swiping gesture and that
`has virtual inertia and an alphabetic index bar is the best choice for scrolling lists of
`all lengths. To navigate through horizontal content, tabs are the most suitable choice
`for critical tasks. The use of touch gestures can lead to higher error rates, but rea-
`sonably designed concepts with touch gestures can still be suitable for critical tasks.
`The user ratings of touch interaction concepts correlate strongly with the input speed.
`Errors and overshoots seem to have no impact.
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`I would like to thank the following people for their help and support during the work
`on this research project and my time at the Chair of Ergonomics:
`− Professor Klaus Bengler for giving me the opportunity to work as a researcher
`and teaching assistant at the Chair of Ergonomics, for encouraging young re-
`searchers to question existing assumptions while scrutinizing und challenging
`their approaches carefully.
`− Professor Heiner Bubb for giving me the opportunity to conduct my first re-
`search in software ergonomics as a student, which led me to making my pas-
`sion into my profession, and for being a kind, attentive and always available
`partner for discussions concerning research methodology and ergonomics in
`− Severina Popova-Dlugosch, Uwe Herbst, and Carsten Dlugosch for their help
`and support concerning project work, publications, lectures, student supervi-
`sion, and discussing research approaches; for being my dearest colleagues
`and friends during this great time and afterwards.
`− Professor Armin Eichinger, Michael Stecher, Andreas Haslbeck and my other
`colleagues at the Chair of Ergonomics for giving insights and opinions on re-
`search methodologies, relevant literature and being helpful and encouraging
`discussion partners.
`− Professor Heinrich Hußmann for reviewing this thesis and his input on litera-
`− Professor Erich Hollnagel and Professor Don Norman for being heartening,
`but challenging in discussing the relevance of this research, methodology, and
`publication strategy.
`− Steffen Bauereiß, Emmanuel el-Khoury, Michael Enslin, Jakob Haug, Benedikt
`Hirmer, Lisa Hüfner, Clara Lange, Amel Mahmuzic, Felix Menzel, Nađa
`Šahinagić, and Tom Schelo for carrying out experiments that were part of this
`research project.
`− My wife and family for everything they do.
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`Table of Contents
`Fundamentals of Human–Computer Interaction
`Criticality of Tasks
`Established Usability Requirements
`Special Characteristics of Touchscreen Interaction and Differences
`to Pointer-Based Input Devices
`Differences in Interaction Design compared to Pointer-Based Input
`Models of Touchscreen Input Speed
`Gesture-Based Interaction
`Direct Manipulation
`Virtual Physics
`Semantic and Symbolic Gestures
`Difference in Gesture-Based Interaction compared to Pointer-Based Input
`Novel Interaction Concepts
`Common Usability Problems in Touchscreen Interaction Design
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`Size of Interactive Elements
`Effects of Virtual Physics
`The Human–Machine Control Loop
`Quality of the Result
`Factors that Influence the Quality of the Result
`Known Dependencies in the Model
`Applicability of the Model to Critical Tasks
`Primary Research Interest
`Further Pending Research Questions
`Feedforward of Direct Manipulation
`Strain during Repeated or Continuous Use
`Input Gain
`Considerations on Experiment Design
`Conscious Activation
`Function Selectors
`Numerical Input
`Smart Home Control Demonstrator
`List Scrolling
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`Horizontal Content Change
`Recommendations based on the Results
`Assessment of Validity and Practicality
`Publication of the Results
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`Everything is best for something and worst for something else.
`— Bill Buxton
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`1 Introduction
`Displays that can not only output information, but also detect and localize touches on
`their surface to serve as an input device, have been available for several decades
`now and are a proven and common input technology in many modern electronic de-
`vices. These touchscreens offer a number of advantages over other input devices
`like keyboards, mice, touch pads, voice or gesture recognition. They need almost no
`additional space in all devices that already have displays. By closely integrating input
`and output, they allow for a form of human–computer interaction that can be consid-
`ered especially direct because information presentation, user input and visual feed-
`back all take place at the same location.
`Although touchscreens are a long-standing technology (Shneiderman, 1991) as far
`as computer technology is concerned, they have only become as important and
`ubiquitous as they are today in the last few years. Because of vast technical im-
`provements and an ongoing process of miniaturization, touchscreens are today
`available and suitable for a wide variety of device classes, foremost for numerous
`forms of mobile devices. Especially the establishment of smartphones, which began
`with the iPhone in 2007, has put a mobile touchscreen device in almost everybody’s
`pocket. Tablets and convertible laptop computers continue to add to the success of
`the touchscreen. With these new device classes, new interaction paradigms were
`introduced and established, mainly by the most successful vendors Apple, Google,
`and Microsoft. These new paradigms make use of the improved abilities of modern
`capacitive touchscreens to detect sliding finger motions on the screen continuously
`and without delay (Figure 1). Faster microprocessors allow instantaneous and realis-
`tic dynamic visual feedback based on physical metaphors. Touch gestures and virtu-
`al physics have become state of the art in touchscreen devices and they are used in
`almost all modern consumer electronics.
`Yet the high rate of innovation of user interfaces that is driven by the high-volume
`market and short development cycles of consumer electronics, which allow for fast
`return of investment and quick changes in strategy, has not arrived in other fields.
`Where investment cycles are longer lasting, introduction of new technologies will oc-
`cur with a delay. More importantly, in fields where the human–computer interaction is
`part of a task that might have severe consequences for economic profitability or hu-
`man safety, decision makers are more likely to trust in proven concepts than to adapt
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`young technologies (Hartmann, 2012; Wiedenberg, 2012). Therefore, although ges-
`ture-based touchscreen interaction has been the state of the art for some time, it is
`only adapted slowly in factories, power plants, process engineering and medical de-
`Figure 1: An overview of possible touchscreen gestures. [Source:]
`While they have been using touchscreen technology for many years, they tend to
`offer conservative virtual-button-based user interfaces (Figure 2). Others copy ele-
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`ments of consumer electronic user interfaces without any adaption to the circum-
`stances of their field of application. Moreover, some develop new interaction con-
`cepts without any experimental validation, which is concerning from an ergonomic
`point of view.
`Figure 2: An engineer using a touchscreen in an industrial environment. [Source:
`For an adaption of modern interaction paradigms and a suitable and correct imple-
`mentation in the devices, easily applicable and scientifically verified guidelines are
`needed that explicitly address touchscreen interaction for critical tasks without arbi-
`trary focus on vendor-specific hardware, software frameworks or visual design strat-
`egies. This thesis documents research that aims to find and validate touchscreen
`interaction paradigms that are suitable for critical tasks. Certain use cases were stud-
`ied to give recommendations of ergonomic design while tapping the full potential of
`modern touchscreen technology.
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`2 A Short History of Touchscreen Interaction
`Interacting with objects directly on a computer screen is a technology almost as old
`as electronic computers themselves. At first, it was only possible with stylus-like de-
`vices, called light guns or light pens (Figure 3), which were used as early as 1952
`with the MIT’s Whirlwind computer (Carlson, 2009; Freedman, 2015).
`Figure 3: MIT's Whirlwind computer was the first to allow for direct interaction on the
`screen using a light pen. [Source:
`The first descriptions of the mode of operation of capacitive touchscreen and working
`prototypes of ‘touch displays’ that could be operated with the fingers were published
`by Johnson in the 1960s (Johnson, 1965, 1967). They were intended for radar opera-
`tors as described by Orr and Hopkins (1968), who were the first to analyze the poten-
`tial of this new input technology to improve the workplace and performance of air traf-
`fic controllers. These early touchscreens used thin copper wires stretched over the
`display, which obstructed the view of the operator somewhat depending on the densi-
`ty of the wire matrix (Figure 4).
`The first transparent touchscreen was developed and put to daily use at CERN in the
`early 1970s, but it was originally only able to detect nine different touch areas on the
`screen, later sixteen (CERN, 2010). Touchscreens spread more with the invention of
`optical touchscreens in 1972 (US3775560, 1973) and were integrated into computers
`like the University of Illinois’ PLATO IV system (Figure 6) and in 1983 into the com-
`mercially available HP-150 (Figure 7; YouTube, 2008). The first computer input sys-
`tem that allowed multi-touch was a camera-based touch pad rather than a
`touchscreen (Mehta, 1982).
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`Figure 4: The first touchscreen had visible wires running across the screen. [Source:
`Figure 5: The first transparent, capacitive touchscreens (bottom) were developed and
`used at CERN. [Source:
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`Figure 6: The University of Illinois' PLATO IV computer system was the first widely
`deployed computer with optical
`[Source: https://archives.library.
`Figure 7: The Hewlett-Packard 150 computer system was the first commercially
`touchscreen computer.
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`Krueger (1983, 1991) was the first to describe in depth the possibilities of gestural
`human–computer interaction without additional technical devices (e.g. mouse, stylus,
`glove) on the basis of Video Place and later Video Desk (Krueger, Gionfriddo, & Hin-
`richsen, 1985). Although those systems were not touchscreens in the narrow sense,
`in one of the described configurations they worked like modern touch tables. Trans-
`parent capacitive touchscreens with multi-touch capabilities were developed at Bell
`Labs in 1984 (US4484179, 1984). Although it had to be controlled with a stylus, the
`GRiDPad (Figure 8) was the first self-contained mobile touchscreen device in 1989
`(Atkinson, 2008).
`Figure 8: The first self-contained mobile touchscreen device, the GRiDPad. [Source:
`In 1993, Wellner (1993) showed with the DigitalDesk how touchscreen interaction
`can be used to augment a work environment like a classic desktop. The first com-
`mercially available portable device with a finger-operated touchscreen was the IBM
`Simon (Figure 9), considered the first smartphone by some (Buxton, 2007). It was
`sold between 1994 and 1995. To address the limitations of touchscreens concerning
`haptic feedback, tangible interfaces were introduced in 1995 (Fitzmaurice, Ishii, &
`Buxton, 1995). The Portfolio Wall by Alias|Wavefront was a commercially available
`wall display that recognized many of the now common touch gestures for direct ma-
`nipulation and menu control in 1999 (Buxton, 2007). By 2001, the Diamond Touch
`table by Mitsubishi Research Labs (Figure 10) was able to distinguish applied pres-
`sure and hands and fingers of different users (Dietz & Leigh, 2001). In 2002, Rekimo-
`to (2002) introduced a sensor technology that is able to recognize hand positions,
`shapes and their distance from the surface. This capacitive system does not suffer
`from light occlusion problems like camera-based ones and can be fully integrated into
`the surface.
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`Figure 9: The IBM Simon from 1994 is considered the first smartphone by some.
`Figure 10: Diamond Touch is a touchscreen table that can be interacted with by sev-
`eral users.
`[Source: MERL-LOBBY by Mergatroid212;
`/wiki/File:MERL-LOBBY.JPG ; license: CC BY 3.0]
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`The Neonode N1 (Figure 11), available in 2004, was the first smartphone to use a
`touchscreen as primary input and to support touch gestures for several functions
`(Blickenstorfer, 2006; Joire, 2007). Its vibration motor offered some sort of haptic
`feedback. The Lemur music controller (Figure 12) was the first commercially availa-
`ble touchscreen device with unlimited touch points in 2005 (Stantum Technologies,
`Figure 11: The first smartphone to support touch gestures: The Neonode N1 [Source:
`Figure 12: The Lemur music controller was the first commercially available
`unlimited multi-touch.
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`PlayAnywhere was the first touch table that was able to identify and interact with ob-
`jects. It displayed corresponding visual output to enhance the possibilities of tangible
`interfaces (Wilson, 2005). It led to a commercial product in 2007, the Microsoft Sur-
`face, later renamed PixelSense (Robertson, 2012). In its latest iteration, Samsung
`SUR40 (Figure 13), it is also an image processor, like a camera (Microsoft, 2015a)
`and can detect objects even at some distance.
`Figure 13: Touchscreen tables like the Samsung SUR40 allow multi-touch gesture
`interaction and can
`recognize objects
`lie on
`the surface.
`However, the main cause for today’s massive ubiquity and popularity of touchscreen
`devices are modern smartphones and tablets, which were made popular by Apple
`beginning in 2007 (Figure 14) with the iPhone and in 2010 with the iPad (Figure 15).
`The ongoing commercial success of these device classes leads to rapidly rising sales
`of touchscreens (Figure 16) and to a continuing integration of touchscreens into a
`wide variety of electronic devices like home appliances, industrial machines, and
`medical equipment.
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`Figure 14: The devices that defined modern touchscreen interaction: The original
`Apple iPhone (2007) [Source:
`Figure 15: In 2010, Apple increased the ubiquity of touchscreen devices by introduc-
`ing the iPad. With tablet computers, mobile touchscreen interaction is not limited to
`small screens anymore. [Source:
`Figure 16: Annual touchscreen revenues and forecast based on 2012 data. [Source:
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`3 Human Factors in Touchscreen Interaction
`3.1 Fundamentals of Human–Computer Interaction
`3.1.1 Criticality of Tasks
`This thesis focuses on the evaluation of modern software user interfaces on
`touchscreen devices intended for use cases where operators have to fulfill critical
`tasks. The notion of critical tasks is known in a variety of fields, notably in project
`management, where it describes a task in a project that lies on the critical path and
`thus influences the time plan of the project. It was originally called critical jobs by the
`inventors of Critical Path Planning, Kelley and Walker (1959). Another common use
`of the concept of critical tasks deals with their effect on human safety. The definition
`used in this thesis is mainly based on the latter, safety-critical tasks, which is the pre-
`dominant meaning in the field of human factors. Yet it is extended to include econom-
`ic requirements, which are essential to most industrial use cases that are part of the
`motivation for this research. This secondary focus on efficiency shows ties to the role
`of criticality in Critical Path Planning. All mentions of critical tasks in this text refer to
`tasks that can have significant influence on the safety of humans or the economic
`viability of a process, as defined by the Department of Defense (2013): “A critical task
`is one requiring human performance which, if not accomplished in accordance with
`system requirements, will likely have adverse effects on cost, system reliability, effi-
`ciency, effectiveness, or safety.” The criticality of the common intended tasks distin-
`guishes touchscreen interaction with most consumer electronics from interaction with
`devices for healthcare, facility management, and plant control. Those environments,
`where tasks as defined by the Department of Defense can occur or are part of the
`regular line of action, will be called “critical task environments” in this text. The follow-
`ing factors mainly influence the criticality of tasks.
` Risk
`The main difference between a critical task and a non-critical task is that there is a
`significant risk of unsuccessful completion of the task. Farmer (1977) defined risk as
`the product of the probability of an event and the adversity of its results. This means
`the task is either hard to complete successfully or the consequences of an unsuc-
`cessful completion are severe (or both). As mentioned above, this can concern either
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`the safety of the people and the material involved or the economic viability of the pro-
`cess that contains the task. Tasks with high risk usually result in high costs to
`achieve acceptable system reliability, effectiveness, efficiency, and safety. An unsuc-
`cessful completion of the task is the result of some kind of error during the procedure.
`The error can occur on the part of the machine or on the part of the user. The focus
`of this research lies in the human–machine interface, so it is mainly concerned with
`understanding and minimizing the risk that is a result of the design of this interface or
`can be influenced by the design of the whole man–machine system. Machine failures
`may be unavoidable and not be caused by user actions, but may require the possibil-
`ity of restarting gracefully and lessen consequences. This adds additional require-
`ments to the human–machine interface, where this restarting or additional adjustment
`processes have to be triggered. Human errors may be results of individual capabili-
`ties or circumstances, but are often also strongly influenced by the design of the hu-
`man–machine interface (Reason, 1990).
` Time Budget
`If one follows the criticality definition by the Department of Defense (2013), critical
`tasks can be found in any corporate environment because here most tasks have to
`be effective and efficient to assure the economic viability of a company. If tasks can
`be completed faster, more can be accomplished in the same time frame. This in-
`crease in efficiency is desirable from an economic point of view. Therefore, while
`there is no immediate necessity for the users to operate faster than they would nor-
`mally, the organizational process might include incentives to do so (e.g. wages or
`career advancement dependent on throughput).
`The time budget can also be clearly defined by process design. In any non-trivial
`process, tasks are usually dependent on certain circumstances, usually induced by
`other tasks. To assure the effectiveness and efficiency of those tasks, they often
`have to be completed within a loosely or very concisely defined time frame. If there is
`a clear dependency on another task, the time frame begins with the completion of
`this preceding task. If the result of the preceding task is not permanent, the following
`task cannot be carried out successfully anymore at some point. While this dependen-
`cy on other tasks is often a result of economic considerations in industrial applica-
`tions, it can also be a result of technical restrictions, medical requirements, or other
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`uncontrollable circumstances. Examples would be working on a product while it is hot
`enough to be formed or examining a patient while a medication is in effect.
`Repeatedly working on tasks under high time pressure is known to worsen perfor-
`mance and increase human error (Reason, 1990; Schmidtke, 1993), thus influencing
`economic viability and possibly safety. If a time budget is inherent in a task, the de-
`sign of the man–machine interface has to ensure the best possible usage of this time
`frame. This means that the number of necessary steps, required precision, and the
`cognitive and physical workload should be as low as possible. Since the performance
`of users with technical systems is influenced by their familiarity with these systems
`and their un

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