.lnhn flauaecuria has created a
`multimedia chip that could
`change the face of
`communications. lieu he hopes
`the world Will...
`dohn Moussouria. founder of MicroUnity Systems Engineering. with the "media
`processor' that he says can handle multimedia information at up to 100 times
`the speed of Intel's flagship Pentium chip.
`Follow His
`UNNYVALE. Calif.—John Moussourts
`was 15. spending Easter vacation with a
`Greek uncle who was the disciple of a local
`mystic. when he had his "intellectual awaken-
`ing." Studying a text on quantum mechanics
`one drowsy afternoon. Moussouris suddenly
`saw the patterns on the wallpaper become in —
`varied: The white
`background became
`the prominent design
`and the black pattern
`became empty spaces
`in the wall.
`Perception and the
`representation of in-
`formation. Mous—
`sourts decided. were
`more important than
`the objects them-
`selves.That realiza-
`tion. which stood
`quantum mechanics
`on its head, became a
`central theme in his
`doctoral dissertation
`at Oxford.
`And it has become
`the driving force be-
`hind Moussouris‘ cur-
`rent odyssey. MieroUnity Systems Engineer-
`ing. which has for the last seven years been
`striving to develop a supercomputer -on -a-
`chip that will enable everyday appliances to
`process and transmit a rich mix of video.
`graphics and audio information.
`The "media processor." now nearly ready
`Turning the World Digital
`Created in 1959 by Jack S. Kilby. an
`engineer at Texas Instruments. and
`Robert N. Noyce. a physicist at
`Fairchild Semiconductor. integrated
`Circuits combine many tranSistors on
`a single silicon chip. This makes it
`possible to have complex electronic
`devices with thousands or even
`millions of transistors—crucial to
`building speedy. practical computers.
`MiCroUnity has developed a new kind of
`microprocessor that it calls a media processor.
`designed to handle large volumes of
`communications data on a single chip. Using a
`technique called “super-threading." the chip breaks
`up information into bits that can he- processril
`concurrently. It can thus process Video and voice
`data 50 to 100 times taster than Intel's Pentium chip.
`The chips will turn communications devices such as'
`Tim and cellular phones into versatile tools that can' ""
`The integrated circuit gave birth to the microprocessor. which in turn made the personal computer possible. Now the "media processor.” developed by
`MicroUntty. aims to push the digital revolution further into the communications world by allowing signals from TVs. satellites, cellular phones and other
`communications devices to be handled by a single chip.
`© Microprocessor
`The microprocessor is an integrated circuit
`that obtains Information from an external
`memory device to perform arithmetic and
`logic {anemone—essentially performing all
`the key functions of the computer on a
`single chip. Inexpensive microprocessors
`are now found not only in PCs. but in items
`ranging from cars to microwave ovens.
`Intel built the first important
`microprocessors in the early 1970s and
`continues to dominate the market.
`_-~ .-
`“ .
`In I.
`A "In." I ,
`Rh" h“ III
`”VIII”. ’ ’
`Oracle-1035 p. 1
`Oracle v. Teleputers


`MUSE: Quest for a
`‘Media Processor’
`Continued from D!
`eVIdence at MicroUnIty's Sunny-
`Vale offices. which lack even a
`information at up to I00 times
`signboard. The company's work
`the speed of Intel's flagship Pene
`was for years the best»kept secret
`tium chip and is easily program
`in Silicon Valley. with the first
`mable for virtually any communr
`details disclosed publicly only a
`cations application. That capability
`few months ago. But tucked inside
`could make the MicroUnity chip as
`the sprawling facility of wooden
`to the communications
`beams and concrete is one of the
`world as the Intel microprocessor
`most advanced chip-fabrication
`has been to persona] computers.
`plants anywhere. staffed by some
`Moussouris. who with his pen-
`of the nation's top chip designers.
`etrating eyes. gaunt
`frame and
`MieroUnity's first product Will
`graying heard looks. at 46. a little
`be a cable modem. scheduled to be
`like a mystic himself. becomes
`ready toward the end of the year.
`highly animated when he talks
`Although many manufacturers
`about MicroUnity. lt's no accident
`now offer cable modems. they have
`the company's acronym spells
`run into problems because of the
`MUSE. and its product code names
`uneven quality of the nation's car
`come from the muses of Greek
`ble infrastructure.
`mythology, who were said to in-
`“A cable modem using the media
`spire music and poetry.
`chip would operate like a Jeep
`Picking up a magazine-size elec-
`Cherokee." Moussouris says "You
`tronic board affixed with a media
`could move at high speeds if the
`processor, Moussouris describes
`road is smooth, but you can also
`how in just a few years such a
`slow down and handle the rough
`board. for an extra $200, will be
`able to turn a regular television
`The media chip's programmabil-
`into a “broad-band" TV. or "bro-
`TV.” capable of alternatively han»
`dling cable or satellite TV. surfing
`the World Wide Web. prowdmg
`'As we design our media
`high-resolution digital TV or act-
`ing as a video telephone.
`processors. we're doing
`“We'll be inside TV sets. smart
`the hard work that allows
`phones and Wireless mobile de-
`Vices." Moussouris says. He eit-
`another 99 products to
`pects the MicroUnity chip designs
`be built:
`to he Widely licensed to chip mak-
`JOHN moussoums
`ers and communications companies
`and sold in huge quantities. "There
`are only 100 million PCs out there.
`but there are 5 billion telephones.
`ity makes it attractive to cable
`televisions and radios."
`Sound a little farfetched? A lot of
`companies for use in a new genera-
`tion of digital set-top boxes that
`people think so.
`Will serve as gateways to an array
`To begin With, the company has
`of advanced serVIces. Cable firms
`run through an estimated slfin
`have been talking for years about
`millioit and has yet to demonstrate
`the potential
`for 500»channel
`even a prototype.
`interactive TV. but
`the set-top
`“They’ve hitten off more than
`boxes represent a major
`they can chew." Will Strauss. head
`of market
`research at Forward
`ment, and With current technology
`they would need to be replaced
`in Tempe, Ariz.. says
`every few years.
`flatly. Strauss has looked at the
`"Software rcprogrammsbility is
`emerging area of media processors
`extremely appealing," says Bruce
`and thinks more targeted compa-
`Ravenel. senior Vice president at
`nies such as Chromatic Research.
`’l‘Cl Communications. A MicroUni-
`which is focusing on personal com—
`ty media processor embedded in a
`puter applications, have a better
`set-top box would allow 'I‘CI
`upgrade iLs encryption codes for
`But Moussouris' credentials de-
`security or
`its picture
`mand that he be taken seriously.
`quality without having to replace
`While at IBM in the late I970» and
`the entire unit. "We don't get stuck
`early 19803 he was a pioneer in the
`with all this old stuff."
`development of Reduced Instruc-
`Intel. the master of the micro-
`tion Set Computing, or RISC. a new
`processor rcalm. is proposing new
`kind-of microprocessor design. and
`standards to sharply improve its
`he thcn Went on to co-found MIPS
`Pentium chips' ability to handle
`Computer Systems. a microproces-
`media. But that effort. Moussourrs
`sor company that
`is now part of
`says. is "like trying to make a boat
`flies. It's easier to make an
`Craig Hanson. chief architect of
`airplane that runs on water."
`MicroUnity’s media processor and
`Unlike Intel's chip. which was
`formerly chief architect at Next
`designed to crunch numbers. Mi-
`Computer and MIPS. says Mous-
`croUnity's architecturc was de-
`souris' depth of knowledge and his
`signed With multimedia in mind.
`focus on doing cutting edge re-
`It's a 123-bit chip. which means it
`search have helped attract
`processes four times the amount of
`information at one time as
`Moussouris “is an effective rc-
`Pentium. a 32-bit chip. And it uses
`cruiler because other smart people
`a process called “supenthreading”
`like working for him,“ adds Wiln
`that breaks up information into
`liam Randolph Hearst Ill. a close
`different pathways so dais can be
`friend of Moussouris who helped
`quickly processed in one to five
`finance MicroUnity. Hearst is now
`separate streams coneurrently.
`leading an ambitious venture
`The media processor. in combo
`called @Home. aimed at providing
`nation With two other chips the
`high—speed Internet access Via ca-
`ble TV.
`company has designed. can also be
`used as the guts of a telephone
`It was Hearst who facilitated an
`swtlch. a media computer or a
`introduction to cable titan .Iohn
`cellular phone. Moussouris hopes
`Malone. chief executive of Tele-
`the wide range of applications for
`Communications Inc. and a core
`which the chip can be used will
`backer of MicroUnity. And Mous-
`help defray the staggering devel-
`sourls made another important
`opment costs. But time is starting
`connection a few years ago when
`to run out.
`he hit it off with Nathan Myrvold. a
`"John is definitely a visionary;
`fellow physicist and the top tech-
`he knows how to push the en~
`nology guru at Microsoft. Mous-
`velopc." says Dennis Allison,
`souris had been a Rhodes scholar at
`professor of electrical engineering
`Oxford: Myrvold had been at Cam-
`at Stanford University. "But
`bridge. Microsoft Chairman Bill
`some extent. John has sold [his
`Gates invested $15 million in Mi-
`investors] a bill of goods. He's an
`croUnity. Motorola and Time
`Warner have also kicked in.
`And lest anyone think Mous-
`souris is merely a nerd. he has a
`much broader group of friends who
`offer stice and support—includ-
`ing Jerry Harrison.
`the Talking
`Heads guitarist and music pro-
`ducer. who met Moussouris at Her-
`vard. "In school he majored in
`Greek [classics] and physics—that
`was pretty unusual." recalls Harri-
`son. who asked Moussouris to be
`the godfather ofhis son.
`This august circle is hardly in
`“era‘sSAUL NIB-Imam SANDRA "00V“ / Eben-Titan
`The media processor enables appliances to transmit a rich mix of vldeo, graphics and audio lnfonnation.
`early prowder. and that‘s 3 dan-
`designed to handle the maJtimuin
`gerous place to be."
`information possible in every cy»
`Skeptics say it could be years
`it could opcrotc
`100 times
`before the set-top box and cable
`“I could see how RISC technol—
`modem market
`reach the huge
`volumes required to pay for the
`ogy created a whole industry by
`chip's development. “It's multiple
`[increasmg performance] by a fac~
`technologies in search of a prod
`tor of four," Moussouris says. "Now
`uct." says Linley Gwennap. editor
`we were looking atafactor of 100."
`of Microprocessor Report. an in-
`Moussouris had kept
`in touch
`With his old Harvard roommate
`dustry newsletter.
`MicroUnity's "View is more
`Hearst. who now encouraged him
`grandiose. but it may not be practi -
`to start his own company.
`cal for three or four years." says
`The cable companies became
`Siva Kumar. marketing Vice prese
`eager backers. At a time when the
`dent at Chromatic Research. Ku-
`cable industry was regarded as a
`mar says Chromatie's media pro-
`technology backwater, "he had a
`cessor. which helps multimedia
`fire in the belly to do something in
`PCs process Video and sound faster,
`our industry." Ravenel says. "All
`he could talk about was cable
`Will be in PCs in large numbers by
`Mierollnity has certainly taken
`But can the company survive
`iLs tirnc. Plans to use thc chip in a
`long enough to see its designs
`workstation were shelved three
`Implementation has
`years ago when the company
`neVer been Moussouris' strong
`couldn't find anyone to build the
`point. Insiders say that at MIPS.
`chips because of capaCIty short-
`Moussouris was continually push-
`ages. Moussouris says the setback
`ing to do research that had little to
`was healthy because it allowed the
`do with the company's immediate
`commercial mandate. At MicroLln-
`company to design a stronger
`architecture supported by better
`software tools.
`"As we design our media pro-
`cessors. we‘re doing the hard work
`that allows another 99 products to
`he built." he says.
`Mnussouris says
`the recent
`downturn in the chip industry has
`opened up capacity for his chips.
`The company's own fabrication'
`facility will focus on building the
`fanciest of the chips. which use
`gold instead of aluminum wiring to
`increase communications speeds.
`And if the industry is skeptical.
`Moussouris doesn't mind. He's
`found himself on the wrong side of
`conventional wisdom before: He
`developed one of the early chess-
`playing computers at the Massa-
`chusetts Institute of Technology's
`Artificial Intelligence Lab. but he
`was never seduced by the mind-
`then current at the tab. that
`“thinking" computers had a great
`future. Sure enough. an artificial
`intelligence industry that sprung
`up around Ml’l‘ quickly faded.
`Instead. Mousspurts went
`IBM. But a critical comment he
`made about a new IBM product. the
`ill Jailed IBM RT. landed him In hot
`water. While at Stanford Univer-
`sity on sabbatical from IBM. Mouse
`souris became a ctr-founder of
`MIPS, where he led the effort to
`use RISC dcsrgns to produce what
`was then the fastest microproces-
`sor in the world. Momouris con»
`cedes that he and his colleagues
`erred in not Immediately licensing
`HS technology. a mistake he says
`he Won't make With Michnity.
`As MIPS began to focus on more
`short-term market goals. Mous
`sour-s began to dream of pushing
`the capability of processors to the
`limit. He figured that ifa chip was
`“0 71mmor verification
`N0[gammaor verification
`no means momentum Mum
`no osialiwWrequired
`AFII 7 “‘1! lltllllldthRDl lill
`HEN. ESTATE filial Ill-
`)lll ending up
`iiy. he backed a ristty investment
`in production facilities that critics
`say diverted the company from
`getting its products to market.
`Even friends who think Mous-
`souris has good technology and a
`substantial market lead warn that
`he is in a race with time.
`"A lead is not something you sit
`on." Hearst says. “Time to market
`is the fundamental question. You
`need to execute quickly."
`Moussouris agrees. He recently
`hired a senior executive from
`Northern Telecem as president of
`MieroUnity and has begun to build
`a marketing department. But he
`figures social and technology
`trends toward the use of two-way
`video and other media in tele-
`phones. TVs and the Internet can
`only help his cause.
`“At the end of the day." Mous-
`souris says. harking back to his
`own muses. "perception and com-
`munications are fundamental
`the intensity of living."
`Illllll can lie reached via
`I'm." II lull..lillm@IIIIInu.eom
`0 /
`lllil DUO-I000
`to get to Vt.
`'STORAGE SPACE imaminavmt
`m amniotic WI summertime: w/iiniwmoii M“"“"‘”
`1 800 727-5292
`Oracle-1035 p. 2
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`Oracle-1035 p. 2
`Oracle v. Teleputers


`5105 Angelca @imea
`A Not-So-Magic Moment
`A MAI. RM "‘0th
`l. l mmmm II
`1:“ rlnm ll my Ira-gum
`I flu... IJIL!
`ul' lhl umnnl
`mum multl. M lull an
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`ImII mun II VIII.
`Ill] lnum' “In"! tullwml‘l
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`.m at ILIrLcr-Dnlfllm Im
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`gamut! nu: of Am. Nllll [or
`'Wfll MI. The luwvlcr m.
`mm mm In ImIIIII-Iy hum
`Inn mlm knwn for ma.
`Iumnlhnlm m lIIIIn. ..nlll
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`hrlwarl LJI. ml. VIIIIun. "W-
`III vary alums 'nlu LII-I GI
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`"Than I:
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`an ..
`Forces States to
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`Io find summon mum: an walla"-
`Mm hu human I flue-l MIM-
`In- mm um. I mun
`IIrIquhl in other- anIIl far I
`In. I .IIII mam In all“ In Illa
`In balm!» seas-II Impala
`hum-Imumnn )InIIInlhu
`out! haunt. Ill mmwul. II. My
`am» III-pom III R I
`hum! nmmh In gun I unopened
`ILIIIIIIIIII Llama» Milne bum:
`In Knulufly. ll In: alluvial! ml:
`mm: to hack II hull] IllLLfllIll
`The pew mum hum I
`warm I Bl It“W
`IIIII-I whee nflm m elm w
`Inm III-um. wIIIIIann m
`Huck-d. IIIIIII
`I'mm 'nnnlunmtw
`IllllI a! I)»: mamas!" pau-
`ug mu [buy gunman IIIInIiII In
`mun; Lb' wemmnu Eyd!
`III meme-Icy Imam by 1.1!!
`“Ivyfll'ifllld cIIII III-Imus m»
`M InWill. mo
`Tax Help Found Behind
`Unlikely Doors in Valley
`Enameled] m-fimmflmmwdd'mm
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`mm mm In III-an mm.
`mm m» “In:
`mm bflllllll' MI: Inch"
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`In ulnar-r. haw-m. Chm ll
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`ll. qulu 'I'III
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`Bun-r Winn-well me Ell'llr
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`I Inul “my um I mad“
`wmlmw-npecl MMmluI-Idl
`Dreamy Mm and beauty nlunl
`III“ bun IllanI lnda um. loo.
`"I. InIIII-Iu aI Inna mln 3“
`"WI-III the w: hm Iill'lrlfl
`MT Ind CIaIIIh. I. MIN-
`:- m Hoar-Imam l0!
`rlu- IIII'IIK. In
`m m: up nun! nl'
`llll IIIII'II'I
`Campbell allerletllllufiialflueeidui
`apnea III the m m of m: Lum‘
`alumna: renew
`U.S.,]apan Plan Return
`of Land to Okinawans
`I”: A'lxulmdarm Incl byAlIrn'an (”will
`mu {0 owmm lam dams way let uptml Cliflwn visit
`mm mm mm
`MING—1w In W "I‘M
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`m IIM pun—mm III I
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`The "4m plIII
`Ln mm
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`Is; my m: Enrmmmu In awn-II
`l'lll mm al
`Illa US. multl‘ry
`III! Unllcd SLIM.“ III” the MI-
`"I blllll' ol' Wodll WE ll hon:
`mwr IHIII lull th' US Imp! Il'l
`Jmn. Lnngumr Im. mum
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`IIII mr uI-IIII m up! lll'
`lnvolnn' Mm Us
`mum-marl IIIII-k—III nnumII um.
`"TM win-m IIIIII Nun ”II
`wmnI fllI Dim-w. Illlll? mm-
`lllllllll llfi. mum". [M In
`Imus- Ik'lrlllo am y
`W Inn 1 Wm um II I III"
`('Illllcn‘llw my Ill Tolyu.
`"All nl' III llmd. Ill mull M
`El|mll|l|F ll! bunkn Man II
`hul It".
`hr MIG ‘I'lw ..
`Iofl‘I-I In J:
`Ind Harr- In ml
`|er- l'or
`lM «woman 01 [M
`Cities, StudySays
`WASHlNG‘I‘ON—m Inn-n.
`iIIIe. mmlllmlol a
`I‘m-m m M In w
`I'm lulydlhe lam-mug
`nu ma: mum-m rm WI
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`hlVl' lu- IM dun III III-II
`II-Innp Mum-I,“
`EUREKA—Tod”. Cililurlrll
`my mu m- :IIIII-Il
`'II a
`hull II “lull mm
`Inimlnhymnflmlm llama
`IIII Inmnl. Th: .IIIme'I
`my mum Illl an
`m by I mg: ml
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`mam outlaw-In
`mum “rho-vi-
`m" l) onnlclnln' nu:
`m M “.mlm
`I'm-II, Man-Inna“:
` ulnar
`Lebanoh Shelling
`Swells Exodus
`Im Relugm: population grows Io ml“) ln Illa:
`cl Israeli d WED fum- uovcrnnu-nl In quell llwhollnlI
`nmrillust. Purl clly IInyn' is "I'll rly ducrlvd.
`'r'rIII'. uhm-renr-qu-Inn mldenu IInInIn by m Inn-II nl
`Inn-II mull FM "Ill :1!) II! ll!- wn- M mum Hum. IIIIIIIHI
`mum-‘- Mur- panama-m Ln man mm min III IIqu IupMII-I
`mum; lImII umpqmn In l'nm- llll Imnn! [Mann-um In «In In
`nu manually bunk-II Iowmn
`pm my "I Ilml Illln I III-II.“
`amt n!
`IhlnItImI-d bulldlnll.
`III-n Inw- and run- mu
`Ilm IIIIII mum In IIIIIIImIn-ry
`«mum IIIInIn. III: II. In: u!
`m lull bull
`lddcd lo I"
`lulu IIII ml mad: In: and mi-
`Mnm l'lrlllluvu'llud.
`1‘9: emu can: :1 ml amt ul
`Irllllfl'y. IIIIII III hrlltnplfl
`gunma- IIpI up man lam-um
`all I" lllII'l - build Hubelllh
`mksilho hlw.‘ bflrl MINI
`III III-Wm hi7!“ DE "25‘
`at khan-m [Dr l III-Inn dIy. 1‘».
`mm mm mm III: IIIII
`gum am III Man II IymhnILIIng
`Llhill'lll'l mom ellnl'u «I re-
`IIIIIII mm lung and III-manna
`[I'M In.
`m m an an." lam-II. III run:
`an Hm Bmlngauad.
`all lnlnt lhnl tln'llnna dud ind
`m In! walll‘lfll
`lad! and SlIrllml Sunday ll! lim-
`nx. man-a: Vallfll‘ and IIIIIJIIIII
`human. muril} sources and
`Sue “hm-my. aI Lem 21 people
`but been hlJeIl ml Ibcul W
`y llraell [mm In Imba-
`In. Inc-kn much an
`nonlu-m [marl m Ibo Bu Mk
`haw Illied on: gum mi alum
`Hfllflhh'aleanlhshem Hanan
`th. fledged llIal lIIa we-
`ml 'Ill mid to Ill: wwpiun
`II! lulu“: Lira-l 'IIILul "(KIT Illl'l.‘
`a: and :m mmn In an
`as: II}! III-sum um and
`M Day I‘ll. III“! IRKI abroad
`I lull. Ill'leh llllllhl') lllwllm
`:hzl Edi: 'Hlfll annfirmad Ilul
`Mm WNW.”
`JetHawks: A Special Report
` Machnlmm.m.i5hafllymEflm
`mmm 2 firmn—
`mm; as mphlc um
`IM I: 550000 hive-mum
`gnu—I nIIId Inn
`Dfllfl‘. Ibo“, will!!!“ i
`pmnn Im- [anemones
`Ind Aston Inrnnx lmn
`BI-IIIIII (:Ir Mumnu In
`man: hlmhlhlyAhW'
`lmllm LEW. WI!pmfllahle
`tnmll llnl llw Wm Hills
`cuupl: recanllr round I
`may III“ In Lam-III I IIIII
`publiclunm. June-I- lam
`Bub-ll Th!" ma My.
`”trauma [III Wundllud
`'l'l‘lllavhmd. Wclflu' “Latina!
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`Oracle-1035 p. 3
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`Oracle-1035 p. 3
`Oracle v. Teleputers


`Oracle-1035 p. 4
`Oracle v. Teleputers


`(cid:30)(cid:6)(cid:31) (cid:9)(cid:11)(cid:6)(cid:17)(cid:32)(cid:3)(cid:32)(cid:4)(cid:6)(cid:9)(cid:4)(cid:33) (cid:34) (cid:35)(cid:4)(cid:22)(cid:25)(cid:15)(cid:4)(cid:36)(cid:29)(cid:36)(cid:29)
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`(cid:16)(cid:6)(cid:24)(cid:38)(cid:19)(cid:12)(cid:10)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:4)(cid:40)(cid:4)(cid:36)(cid:29)(cid:36)(cid:29)(cid:4)(cid:41)(cid:3)(cid:31) (cid:7)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:24)(cid:3)(cid:19)(cid:7)(cid:42)(cid:34) (cid:6)(cid:13)(cid:42)(cid:4)(cid:8)(cid:11)(cid:11)(cid:4)(cid:43)(cid:12)(cid:10)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:43)(cid:3)(cid:7)(cid:3)(cid:19)(cid:44)(cid:3)(cid:32)(cid:42)
`Oracle-1035 p. 5
`Oracle v. Teleputers


`Oracle-1035 p. 6
`Oracle v. Teleputers


`John Moussouris has created a multimedia chip that could change the face of communications. Now he hopes the world will . . . : Follow …
`John Moussouris has created a multimedia chip that could change the face of
`communications. Now he hopes the world will . . . : Follow His MUSE
` John Moussouris was 15, spending Easter vacation with a Greek uncle who was the
`disciple of a local mystic, when he had his “intellectual awakening.” Studying a text on quantum
`mechanics one drowsy afternoon, Moussouris suddenly saw the patterns on the wallpaper become
`inverted: The white background became the prominent design and the black pattern became empty
`spaces in the wall.
`Perception and the representation of information, Moussouris decided, were more important than the
`objects themselves. That realization, which stood quantum mechanics on its head, became a central
`theme in his doctoral dissertation at Oxford.
`And it has become the driving force behind Moussouris’ current odyssey, MicroUnity Systems
`Engineering, which has for the last seven years been striving to develop a supercomputer-on-a-chip that
`will enable everyday appliances to process and transmit a rich mix of video, graphics and audio

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