`Oracle-1032 p. 1
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`Oracle-1032 p. 1
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`Someday all terminals will be smart.......
`* 128 Functions-software controlled
`+ 7 x 12 matrix, Lipper/lower case letters
`* 50 to 38,400 baud-selectable
`* 82 x 16 or 92 x 22 format-plus graphics
`* Printer output port
`+ "CH ERRY" keyboard
`CT-82 Intelligent Terminal, assembled and tested.
`. .$795.00 ppd in Cont. U.S.
`OT UM, I A=Circle 350 on inquiry card.
`Oracle-1032 p. 2
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`111March 1979
`Volume 4, Number 3
`66 THE STANDARD DATA ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM, Part 1: An Overview,by Robert VMeushaw
`A detailed description of a "trap door" algorithm
`This do-it-yourself technique can save you space
`114 DESIGNING A ROBOT FROM NATURE, Part 2: Constructing the Eye, by Andrew Filo
`Design details of the robot's eye in the second of this 2 part article
`142 A STEPPING MOTOR PRIMER, PART 2, by Paul Giacomo
`Interfacing to your computer, and other considerations
`Ultrasonics, infrared beams and other exotic ways to make your home secure
`Learn to use one of the most powerful programmables
`A review of a popular computer kit
`5 legal instructions
`Organizing one's approach to a machine with 2
`page 174
`FILES ON PARADE, Part 2: Using Files, by Mark Klein
`File protection systems and sundry other matters
`46 A MICROPROCESSOR FOR THE REVOLUTION: THE 6809, Part 3, by Terry Ritter and Joel Boney
`Final thoughts about the successor to the Motorola 6800 processor
`56 CRYPTOGRAPHY IN THE FIELD, Part 1: An Overview, by John P Costas, Phd
`A brief historical look at cryptography
`PREVIEW OF THE Z-8000, by Ira Rampil
`A look at Zilog's new 16 bit processor
`Avoiding pitfalls when using this alternate flowcharting method
`How to keep data and information "for your eyes only"
`230 WHAT IS AN INTERRUPT? by R Travis Atkins
`Learn how to use peripherals efficiently with interrupts
`page 150
`238 HISTORY OF COMPUTERS: THE IBM 650, by Keith S Reid-Green
`A glance at a past favorite
`6 Don't Overlook LISP
`Desk Top Wonder: Race Car for the SR-52
`42 Book Review
`53 Event Queue
`92 Programming Quickie: Inverse Trig Functions
`92 Machine Language Puzzler: Odd Tones
`BYTE News
`182 Technical Forum
`206 Nybbles: Computer Assisted Flight Planning
`222 Clubs and Newsletters
`BYTE's Bits
`241 What's New?
`270 Unclassified Ads
`272 BOMB
`272 Reader Service
`Cover Art:
`by Robert Tinney.
`BYTE is published monthly by BYTE Publications Inc. 70 Main St. Peterborough NH 03458. Address all mail except subscriptions to above address; phone (603) 924-7217. Address sub-
`scriptions, change of address, USPS Form 3579, and fulfillment questions to BYTE Subscriptions, PO Box 590, Martinsville NJ 08836. Second class postage paid at Peterborough NH 03458 and
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`Address all editorial correspondence to the editor at the above address. Unacceptable manuscripts will be returned if accompanied by sufficient first class postage. Not responsible for lost
`manuscripts or photos. Opinions expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of BYTE. Entire contents copyright
`)1979 by BYTE Publications Inc. All rights reserved.
`is available in microform from University Microfilms International, 300 N Zeeb Rd, Dept PR, Ann Arbor MI 48106 USA or 18 Bedford Row, Dept PR, London WC1R 4EJ
`Subscription WATS Line: (800) 258-5485
`Marchl1979 (DBYTE Publications Inc
`Oracle-1032 p. 3
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`The Heath H8 is part of the family
`of Heath computer kits. Dr Paul R
`Poduska describes his experience of
`assembling this well-documented kit in
`Building the Heath H8 Computer.
`page 12
`One way
`the Texas
`to see what
`Instruments TMS-9900 processor can
`do is to cover the instruction set using
`A Map of the TMS-9900 Instruction
`Space by Henry Melton as a guide. His
`short article gives a summary of the
`available operations plus details for all
`the possible operation codes of the
`page 14
`After setting up a computer system
`the hardware and software
`handle files, how do you use
`part 2 of Files on Parade, Mark Klein
`file management and pro-
`gramming techniques using files.
`page 32
`In A Microprocessor for the Re-
`volution: The 6809, Part 3: Final
`Thoughts, 6809 architects Terry Ritter
`and Joel Boney of Motorola discuss
`clock speed, timing signals, condition
`codes and software design philosophy
`as they apply to the 6809.
`page 46
`In Crytography in the Field, Part 1,
`Dr J P Costas gives a brief history of
`the fascinating world of cryptography,
`to be concluded next month with a
`programmable calculator encryption
`page 56
`and decryption program.
`Robert V Meushaw's article de-
`scribes the workings of and some of
`the theory involved with The Standard
`Data Encryption Algorithm, o
`class of algorithms known a
`door" algorithms.
`is Zilog's nc\
`The Z-8000
`into the field of 16 hit proces
`impressive spe
`to its
`in conjunction with
`board memory management
`allows programmers to cmploy
`memory techniques. Read abc
`Ira Ram pil 's Preview of the Z-8
`page 80
`If you'd like to double yoi
`sure and double your fun, try
`ig with
`two printed circuil
`sides instead of one. David
`shows you how to get more
`money in Designing with Doubl
`Printed Circuit Boards. Perha
`topology Course you took migl
`in handy after all.
`pr Plea-
`or your
`[e Sided
`ps that
`It come
`page 94
`Concludes his
`Designing a Robot from Natu
`an overall description of the
`as well
`as Construrction Clet,
`a net convexity d
`which mimics
`frog's abi
`detect insect flight patterns.
`re with
`lity to
`page 774
`This month Pal Giacom
`cluces his 2 part Stepping
`Primer with a look at interfac
`stepping motor
`a compr
`well as a discussion of damping
`aid other related topics.
`0 con-
`ing the
`iter as
`, inertia
`This month Steve Ciarcia completes
`his 3 part article Build a Computer
`Controlled Security System for Your
`Home with a discussion of burglar
`intrusion detectors, and the
`rest of the circuitry you'll need
`page 150
`make your home secure.
`First time users of Warnier-Orr dia-
`grams consistently have many ques-
`tions about the correct usage of the
`technique. David A Higgins describes
`some conceptual errors and other
`Common Mistakes Using Warnier-Orr
`page 170
`If many people have access
`your computer, you may want
`it. One way
`is to implement
`Coiputer as described by R Jordan
`page 194
`This month Robert C Arp Jr begins
`a 2 part article about The Power of
`the HP-67 Programmable Calculator.
`Part 1
`is a review of the features and
`perforrmarnce of
`this powerful desk
`top wonder.
`page 196
`What Is an Interrupt? In brief, it is
`the act of safely stopping one process
`and causing your computer to start
`(resume) another process. For some
`background information
`processing, see R Travis Atkins' tu-
`tonal in this issue.
`page 230
`Keith S Reid-Green continues his
`History of Computers with a discus-
`sion of one of the early minicorputers,
`The IBM 650.
`page 238
`Virginia Londoner
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`David Fyistra
`Ira Rampil
`March 1979 0 BYTE Publications Inc
`Oracle-1032 p. 4
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`The Standard
`Data Encryption Algorithm
`Part 1: An Overview
`Recently, I have seen many articles de-
`scribing new commercial encryption equip-
`ment using the Standard Data Encryption
`Algorithm. There have also been
`announcements of integrated circuits, like
`the Intel 8294, which implement the stand-
`ard. The Standard Data Encryption Algo-
`rithm has been published by the National
`for use in the protec-
`Bureau of Standards
`tion of computer data. The algorithm
`described in FIPS Publication 46, available
`the US Department of Commerce.
`After months of being bombarded with
`publicity regarding the encryption method,
`it finally struck me that I had found a per-
`fect project for my KIM. The challenge
`to implement the algorithm with
`the basic memory provided and to achieve
`to make
`sufficient processing speed
`practical for use by others. Along the way,
`I hoped to investigate the advantages and
`disadvantages of the 6502 in performing
`the necessary tasks.
`Cryptography Basics
`the use of a
`scheme to transform intelligible text into an
`unintelligible form and to later recover the
`original text. The transformation process is
`known as encryption and the recovery pro-
`cess is known as decryption. Cryptographic
`techniques have been used for centuries to
`individuals to communicate without
`fear of outsiders discovering what they are
`saying. The
`individuals who communicate
`generally possess a cryptographic key which
`controls the encryption and decryption pro-
`cess. Unless someone knows the key used to
`encrypt the data, he or she will not be able
`to correctly decrypt the data. The number
`of possible keys
`is usually made so large
`that it is impractical to try decrypting the
`data using all key possibilities. It must be
`clear that the critical factor in protecting
`the data is the secrecy of the key used.
`The cryptographic technique employed in
`the Standard Data Encryption Algorithm is
`known as a codebook. In this case, a 64 bit
`block of data is transformed
`to a corre-
`sponding 64 bit block of data known as a
`cipher. Each time a particular set of data is
`provided as input, the same cipher will result:
`assuming the same key is used. The Standard
`Data Encryption Algorithm uses a 56 bit key
`to control the encryption. As mentioned
`before, this was chosen to give a
`large num-
`ber of possible keys (ie: 256). Some esti-
`mates have been made that it would require,
`on the average, approximately 2500 years on
`a general purpose computer significantly
`faster than a CDC 7600 to examine all 256
`(ie: 7.2 X 1016) possible keys in order to
`determine the particular key used to encrypt
`a block of data.
`The National Bureau of Standards posi-
`tion on the implementation of the Standard
`Data Encryption Algorithm is that software
`implementations are not in compliance with
`the standard. The standard, however, applies
`to use on federal systems, not private com-
`Robert V Meushaw
`4188 Brittany Dr
`Ellicott City MD 21043
`March 19790 BYTE Publications Inc
`Oracle-1032 p. 5
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`If you have any reservations con-
`cerning your intended use of this method,
`check the applicable regulations.
`Algorithm Overview
`A very simple diagram of the operations
`the encryption algorithm
`shown in figure 1. The input (plaintext) is
`first subjected to an initial permutation op-
`eration, which reorders the bits. Most of the
`work of the encryption is done in the box
`labeled product transformation. Details of
`this transformation will be described later.
`The block transformation
`is a simple ex-
`change of the left and right 32 bits of data.
`last step
`is a permutation operation
`which is the inverse of the initial permuta-
`tion operation. The output of this step is
`the ciphertext.
`In case you're wondering where the key
`comes in, it is the controlling factor in the
`product transformation. Note also the rela-
`tionship of the
`initial permutation
`to its
`inverse. The
`they are
`if you perform an operation
`using a
`function and
`reorder again
`using the inverse of the function, the result
`will be the original word. Of course the same
`thing occurs if the inverse and then the func-
`tion is applied to the word. Tables 1 a and lb
`show the permutation tables for the initial
`permutation and its inverse. The permuta-
`interpreted as
`tion operation should be
`follows: proceeding from left to right, bit 1
`of the permuted word is bit 58 of the input,
`bit 2 of the permuted word is bit 50 of the
`input, etc. I was originally confused about
`the numbering scheme chosen for the bits,
`since I was accustomed
`to bits being num-
`bered 0 thru 7 going from right to left. The
`correspondence between the Standard Data
`Encryption Algorithm numbering scheme
`and typical computer numbering is depicted
`in figure 2.
`Algorithm Operation
`A more detailed diagram of the encryp-
`tion algorithm is provided in figure 3. The
`basic operations are quite straightforward.
`What is shown is basically an expansion of the
`product transformation box from figure 1.
`Let's look at the basic operations involved
`after the initial permutation. The 64 bits of
`permuted input are split into two groups of
`32 bits each, called left (L) and right (R).
`The subscripts on L and R indicate the itera-
`tion of the algorithm. The first thing that
`occurs is the generation of K1. Ki is known
`Figure 1: An overview of the Standard Data Encryption Algorithm.
`(7 a)
`(1 b)
`Table 1: Permutation tables for the initial and inverse initial permutation (la
`and lb respectively). The initial permutation table is read as follows: bit 1 of
`the input goes to bit 58 of the output, bit 2 of the input goes to bit 50 of the
`input, etc.
`S2 3...
`62 63 64
`YTE 6
`Figure 2: Corresponding numbering between the Data Encryption Standard
`and typical microcomputer bit numbering.
`March 1979 0 BYTE Publications Inc
`Oracle-1032 p. 6
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`March 1979@BYTE Publications Inc
`as the subkey, and is generated directly from
`the encryption key. In fact, each Ki
`is gen-
`erated from the key. Don't worry yet about
`it comes
`exactly what each Ki is or where
`that will soon be explained. A func-
`tion, f(RO, KI), is now generated using Ki
`and RO as inputs (again, the details will be
`explained shortly). The next operation is the
`(ie: exclusive OR) of
`modulo 2 addition
`f(RO, KI) to LO. Therefore, LO e f(RO, K1)
`replaces the old LO. Finally, the current left-
`most 32 bits are exchanged with the current
`rightmost 32 bits. This completes one itera-
`tion of the algorithm and
`involves all the
`basic operations. To complete the product
`transformation, the steps above are repeated
`as shown in figure 3. The encryption process
`is completed by performing the block trans-
`formation and
`initial permuta-
`tion operation.
`important fact about the modulo 2
`addition step
`that it is reversible. This
`reversibility allows
`the decryption process
`to recover the original plaintext. In fact, as
`I will show, you can use the same algorithm
`steps to do the decryption as you used for
`Something for Nothing?
`In case my arguments of the simplicity
`of the Standard Data Encryption Algo-
`rithm haven't convinced you, I should point
`out that it wouldn't be fair to expect 2500
`years of protection from an algorithm which
`wasn't somewhat involved. Figures 4a and
`4b provide
`illustrative examples of the
`encryption and decryption processes. I have
`used only
`iterations in
`the product
`transformation, but the principle is the same
`for 16 iterations. Note in particular how the
`same algorithm is used for decryption, ex-
`cept that the subkeys are applied in reverse
`In figure 4b, the results of each
`transform are shown after the modulo 2
`addition. For example, the first transform
`results of Li are obtained by computing
`R2 G f(L2, K2) =
`[LI e
`f(R1, K2)] e
`f(R1, K2) = Li. Remember how modulo 2
`3: A detailed operation of the Standard Data
`ption Algorithm encryption process. Note
`low diagram
`(and the following flow diagrams)
`t use standard flowchart symbology.
`Oracle-1032 p. 7
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`(4 b)
`Figure 4: A simplified encryption and decryption process using the Standard Data Encryption Algo-
`rithm. Figure 4a shows a plaintext message being processed into a ciphertext and figure 4b shows the
`inverse process. Although only two iterations of transformation and swapping are shown, 16 are actually
`March 19790 BYTE Publications Inc
`Oracle-1032 p. 8
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`addition works. Following the decryption
`figure 4b, you can see how the
`encryption steps are reversed. The result is
`the original plaintext.
`Algorithm Details
`In order to program the encryption algo-
`to understand
`it is necessary
`details of two operations that I have alluded
`to. The first is the generation of the subkeys
`KlI, K2, . . . K16; the second is the generation
`of the function f (R,K).
`Subkey generation is depicted in figure 5.
`The process starts with the 64 bit key that
`you provide for the encryption. Actually,
`only 56 of these bits are used; the remaining
`eight can be used as parity bits. The first
`transformation of the key is called permuted
`choice 1. Permuted choice 1 permutes the
`56 bit key and also regroups it into two 28
`bit words, called CO and DO. The generation
`is done by circular shifting
`of subkey K]
`both CO and DO
`then permuting
`left and
`March 19790 BYTE Publications inc
`Circle 66 on inquiry card.
`Figure 5: A process flow diagram showing
`how subkeys Ki thru Kl6 are produced
`from a single key.
`Oracle-1032 p. 9
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`G NEW 2nd Edition
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`Circle 69 on inquiry card.
`BYTE March 1979
`Oracle-1032 p. 10
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`64 Bit Key
`1 0
`Table 2: Tables for using
`1 and
`permuted choice
`permuted choice 2 (table
`2a and 2b respectively).
`The permuted choice
`table (table 2a) is used to
`develop CO and DO from
`the key. Bits 8, 16, 24, 32,
`40, 48, 56, and 60 of the
`key are not used. The
`permuted choice 2 table
`(table 2b)
`is used
`develop subkey Ki from Ci
`and Di.
`28 Bits
`28 Bits
`Subkey Ki
`48 Bits
`28 Bits
`of Circular
`Left Shifts
`32 BITS
`Table 3: A summary of the number of left
`circular shifts applied to Ci and Di at each
`iteration of subkey generation.
`f (R, Ki)
`Figure 6: Details of the
`f(R, Ki). Note
`that each mapping func-
`tion Si thru S8 changes a
`6 bit input to a 4 bit
`March 1979 0 BYTE Publications Inc
`Oracle-1032 p. 11
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`C- and D1 using permLted choice 2 to form
`a 48 bit subkey. Permuted choice 1 and
`permlIted choice 2 are shown
`in tables 2a
`and 2b. Each successive subkey is generated
`in the same way: by shifting Ci and Di left
`(by one or two bits) and then usingpermuted
`choice 2. Table 3 shows the number of left
`shifts to be applied to Ci and Di for each
`iteration in the subkey generation.
`Once Ki, K2, . .. , K16 have been gen-
`erated, it is not necessary to generate them
`again until the key is changed. The same
`set of subkeys is used for each encryption
`and decryption operation shown in figures
`4a and 4b.
`to understand
`final operation
`figure 6. The first
`(R,K), depicted
`operation is called select E. This is really a
`permutation operation similar to the initial
`permutation operation previously discussed,
`except that the result has more bits than the
`input. Table 4 shows the select E permuta-
`tion table. The 48 bit result of this operation
`then added modulo 2
`to the subkey.
`to a 32 bit result
`is reduced
`using a set of mapping functions known as
`S I, S2, . . .,S8. These are used as shown in
`figure 6. Each group of six bits, going left
`to right, is mapped into a 4 bit word using a
`distinct mapping
`function. The mapping
`figure 5, and an
`functions are shown
`example of how they are used is shown in
`figure 6. The six bits input to each S map-
`ping function are used to generate a row
`address and column address as shown. The
`selected matrix entry is converted from its
`Table 4: The Select E
`output contains more bits
`than the input in order to
`match length of subkey.
`Table 5: Matrices for the selection functions
`bit input into a 4 bit output.
`Sl thru 58. Each Si maps a 6
`March 1979 0 BYTE Publications Inc
`Oracle-1032 p. 12
`Oracle v. Teleputers
`1 000 1
`Input to S1
`00 14
`Column Number
`Table 6: Illustration of the
`use of Sl mapping func-
`tion. The middle four bits
`of input give the column
`index. The first and last
`bits are the row index. The
`binary value of the se-
`lected table entry is out-
`Table 7: Table for pemu-
`tation P.
`03 15
`10 10
`Output from S1
`to binary. A final
`32 bit permutation, P, is
`then performed
`figure 6
`as shown
`to give the output
`f (R,K). Table 7 shows this permutation
`This completes the details of the Standard
`Data Encryption Algorithm and should
`allow you to develop your own implementa-
`tion. My particular implementation for the
`6502 on the basic KIM-1
`is given
`in part
`2. It should provide you with some interest-
`ing insights into program optimization.0
`Everything you always wanted
`to plug into your PET,
`(*butwere afraid you couldn't afford)
`W W W
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`Package (L l16K Tape~ System:
`ator ,
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