`Patent Owner
`Patent No. 10,534,382
`(Reported Remotely via Video & Web Videoconference)
` Indianapolis, Indiana (Deponent's location)
`Wednesday, August 11, 2021
`Volume I
`California CSR No. 12546
`Nevada CCR No. 827
`Oregon CSR No. 20-0466
`Washington CCR No. 3491
`JOB NO. 4756850
`PAGES 1 - 96
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
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`Exhibit 2016
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` _______________
` _______________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner
` _______________
` IPR2021-0054
` Patent No. 10,534,382
`on behalf of the Patent Owner, with the deponent
`located in Indianapolis, Indiana, commencing at
`11:20 a.m., Wednesday, August 11, 2021, remotely
`reported via Video & Web videoconference before
`REBECCA L. ROMANO, a Registered Professional
`Reporter, Certified Shorthand Reporter, Certified
`Court Reporter.
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`(All parties appearing via Web videoconference)
`For the Petitioner:
` Attorney at Law
` 1100 Alma Street
` Suite 109
` Menlo Park, California 94025
` (202) 669-6207
`For the Patent Owner:
` Attorney at Law
` 12424 Wilshire Boulevard
` 12th Floor
` Los Angeles, California 90025
` (310) 826-7474
` Scott Slater, Videographer
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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` I N D E X
` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 1001 US Patent 10,534,382 B2; 5
`Exhibit 1002 Declaration of Rajendra Shah; 5
`Exhibit 1004 US Patent 8,196,185 B2. 5
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` Indianapolis, Indiana; Wednesday, August 11, 2021
` 11:20 a.m.
` ---o0o---
` (Exhibit 1001 was marked for
`identification by the court reporter and is
`attached hereto.)
` (Exhibit 1002 was marked for
`identification by the court reporter and is
`attached hereto.)
` (Exhibit 1004 was marked for
`identification by the court reporter and is
`attached hereto.)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We are
`on the record at 11:20 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time 11:20:34
`on August 11th, 2021.
` Please note that the microphones are
`sensitive and may pick up whispering, private
`conversations or cellular interference. Audio and
`video recording will continue to take place unless 11:20:51
`all parties agree to go off the record.
` This is media unit 1 of the
`video-recorded deposition of Rajendra Shah taken by
`counsel for the Patent Owner in the matter of
`Google LLC versus EcoFactor, Inc., filed before the 11:21:08
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`Patent Trial and Appeal Board, 11:21:12
`Case No. IPR2021-00054, Patent No. 10,534,382.
` This deposition is being held as a
`virtual deposition via Zoom with the witness
`located in Indianapolis, Indiana. 11:21:35
` My name is Scott Slater from the firm
`Veritext Legal Solutions, and I am the
`videographer. Our court reporter is Rebecca Romano
`from the firm Veritext Legal Solutions.
` I am not related to any party in this 11:21:49
`action, nor am I financially interested in the
` Counsel and all present will now state
`their appearances and affiliations for the record.
` If there any objections to proceeding, 11:21:59
`please state them at the time of your appearance,
`beginning with the noticing attorney.
` MR. MIRZAIE: This is Reza Mirzaie of
`Russ August & Kabat, and I represent the Patent
`Owner, EcoFactor. 11:22:12
` MR. SMITH: And this is Matthew Smith of
`Smith Baluch LLP, and I represent the Petitioner,
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Thank you very much.
` Will the court reporter please administer 11:22:22
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`the oath. 11:22:24
` THE COURT REPORTER: At this time, I will
`ask counsel to agree on the record that there is no
`objection to this deposition officer administering
`a binding oath to the deponent via remote 11:22:24
`videoconference, starting with the noticing
`attorney, please.
` MR. MIRZAIE: Yes, no objection.
` MR. SMITH: No objection.
` THE COURT REPORTER: If you could raise 11:22:43
`your right hand for me, please.
` THE DEPONENT: (Complies.)
` THE COURT REPORTER: You do solemnly
`state, under penalty of perjury, that the testimony
`you are about to give in this deposition shall be 11:22:43
`the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
` 11:22:43
`///// 11:22:58
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` RAJENDRA SHAH 11:22:58
`having been administered an oath, was examined and
`testified as follows:
` EXAMINATION 11:22:58
` Q. Good morning, Mr. Shah.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Have you been deposed before?
` A. Once before. 11:23:08
` Q. And was that in a patent infringement
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was it in an IPR proceeding or a
`District Court proceeding? 11:23:18
` A. I believe it was an IPR proceeding.
` Q. Got it.
` Was it on behalf of Google, like this one
` A. Yes. 11:23:30
` Q. Got it.
` Well, just short recitation of the ground
`rules, even though I'm sure you know them well.
` We'll probably take breaks every 60 to 90
`minutes. But if you need a break sooner than that, 11:23:41
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`happy to cut for a break. 11:23:45
` If I am in the middle of a line of
`questioning, I'd probably just ask that you finish
`the answer to my line of questioning and then we
`can take a break; is that okay? 11:23:55
` A. Yeah, that's good.
` Q. And if you don't understand any question
`that I ask, please just let me know and I'll try to
`rephrase it; is that okay?
` A. Yeah. 11:24:09
` Q. And you were hired by the Petitioner,
`Google, to provide a declaration in this IPR
`matter, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And we talked about this before we got on 11:24:45
`the video, but you have access to a share drive
`there on your computer, correct?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. And we'll -- we'll probably be
`referencing certain exhibits from the share drive 11:24:58
`during today's deposition.
` And if you look at that share drive, the
`first document -- at least on my screen -- the --
`the title of the actual link is just a seven-digit
`number, 153306 [sic]. 11:25:31
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` Do you see that? 11:25:33
` A. Yes. That's third on my list, but I see
` Q. Okay. If you could open that one up.
` And is -- my question is, is this the 11:25:49
`declaration that you provided in this matter?
` MR. SMITH: Object to form. And to the
` And -- and specifically, Reza, this looks
`like the Ecobee declaration. I'm not sure if it's 11:26:04
`any different, but...
` MR. MIRZAIE: Okay. I don't think it is,
`but --
` MR. SMITH: I don't know if I have the
`right copy, but... 11:26:12
` MR. MIRZAIE: Yeah, I don't think it is.
`But I'll -- I'll introduce the -- the other one as
` MR. SMITH: Oh, can you -- can you tell
`me which one we're looking at then? 11:26:17
` I have -- 1533306 is the one I pulled up.
` MR. MIRZAIE: Yeah, that's the one that I
`just stated on the record. And it does appear to
`be the Ecobee copy.
` So you could peruse that, but I'll 11:26:29
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`introduce another exhibit for your attention right 11:26:31
`now, sir, which is the -- I -- I believe
`it's the -- it's perfectly identical verbatim, but
`the one with -- that is the Google copy.
` Okay. So if you refresh your Egnyte 11:27:09
`share drive folder, you should see a sixth document
`there and the -- the first portion of the title is
` MR. MIRZAIE: Okay. And -- and for the 11:27:35
`record, this is Exhibit 1002 from this IPR
` Q. (By Mr. Mirzaie) And my question to you,
`sir, is, do you recognize this document?
` A. Yes. This appears to be my declaration. 11:28:03
` Q. And did you review this document in
`preparation for your deposition today?
` A. I did look over parts of it.
` Q. And in doing so, did you notice any
`mistakes or anything you need to correct? 11:28:23
` A. No, I'm not aware of any like that.
` Q. Okay. Yeah, if -- if you catch any
`mistakes -- if you caught any mistakes, I was just
`going to ask you, feel free to correct them on the
`record right now. 11:28:45
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` But I guess you have not caught any 11:28:45
`mistakes in -- that you want to correct, any -- any
`typos, or anything like that, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And this is a complete statement of the 11:28:53
`opinions in your declaration, correct?
` A. Yes. This is the declaration, yes.
` Q. And as I understand it -- let's take a
`look at this. It's a fairly long declaration.
` But you provide opinions on one ground, 11:29:18
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that ground is an obviousness ground,
`not an anticipation ground, correct?
` A. Correct. 11:29:35
` Q. And specifically, the obviousness
`combination for all the claims that you provided
`opinions on is Geadelmann plus Ehlers, correct?
` A. Ehlers, yes. Ehlers '330 is the specific
`publication, yes. 11:30:00
` Q. Thanks for that clarification.
` And I'll make sure that I try to remember
`to say Ehlers '330. But if I ever slip and just
`say Ehlers, please assume that I mean Ehlers '330,
`unless I give you another Ehlers number. 11:30:14
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` Is that okay? 11:30:18
` A. Yeah, that's okay.
` Q. And the -- I wanted to flip to the part
`of your report -- I think it's Roman numeral X --
`that starts on page 19. It might be better just 11:30:38
`to -- for me to point to paragraph numbers.
` It's paragraphs numbers 38 through 41.
` Are you there?
` A. Okay. I'm on 38.
` Q. Yes. 11:31:01
` And as I understand it, you interpreted
`the claim language as a necessary predicate to
`providing the -- the opinions in your declaration,
` MR. SMITH: Object to form. 11:31:09
` THE DEPONENT: I -- yeah. In order to
`give the opinions, I had to interpret the claim
`language, and I used certain construction
`information already available.
` Q. (By Mr. Mirzaie) And what's that certain 11:31:24
`construction information already available?
` A. That's listed in here. I believe it's --
`I guess we have to go to the top to see the...
` Q. Sure.
` A. Okay. I've -- I've been through a number 11:32:36
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`of these and maybe this one doesn't have any 11:32:37
`preconstruction information.
` Q. Uh-huh.
` A. So I -- I'll just go with my earlier
`statement. I interpreted it -- the language of the 11:32:47
` Q. Got it.
` And as you state here, I believe you
`used -- strike that.
` You interpreted the language of the 11:33:00
`claims in accordance with the ordinary and
`customary meaning of those terms, as understood by
`one of ordinary skill in the art, in light of the
`intrinsic record, including the specification and
`so forth, correct? 11:33:17
` A. That is all correct, yeah. And the time
`frame that we had to deal with on this patent.
` Q. And what -- what time frame is that?
` A. I believe it was -- it's listed in here.
` I think it was -- July of 2008 was the 11:33:36
`earliest date.
` Q. Okay. And I note that here on -- in
`paragraph 40, you recite your understanding of the
`concept of extrinsic evidence.
` Do you see that? 11:33:58
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` A. Yes. 11:33:59
` Q. And I -- I don't believe you rely on any
`extrinsic evidence in -- in your analysis, but let
`me know if I'm mistaken about that.
` A. So -- 11:34:16
` Q. For instance, I don't believe you rely on
`any dictionary definitions, but please let me know
`if I'm mistaken about that.
` A. No, not on any dictionary -- it's like we
`said earlier, as understood by a person of skill in 11:34:31
`the art in the time frame. I was interpreting the
`language in the claims.
` Q. And specifically, if I look to your
`paragraph 38, you're interpreting it in accordance
`with the ordinary and customary meaning, as 11:34:50
`understood by one of skill in the art, in light of
`the claim language, the specification and the file
`history of the patent.
` Otherwise known as the intrinsic record,
`correct? 11:35:04
` A. That's correct.
` Q. So you used the intrinsic record to
`inform yourself about how a -- one of skill in the
`art would understand claim terms in the patent
`scope as a whole, fair? 11:35:19
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` A. I -- I agree, yes. 11:35:26
` Q. Okay. I wanted to take a look at the --
`some of the -- the claim language, and we could
`start on page 15, paragraph 33.
` There's a recitation of one example of 11:36:12
`patent -- it's just claim 1, I believe, of the
`'382 patent there in your paragraph 33, correct?
` A. I'm -- I'm on 33 now.
` What was your question again?
` Q. Whether that is a recitation of 11:36:27
`independent claim 1 of the patent?
` A. Yeah, that is.
` Q. And I wanted to understand -- strike
` Can you take a look at -- at the bottom 11:38:05
`of page 16, for example, where the bottom half of
`claim 1 is recited in your declaration?
` A. Okay.
` Q. There is a piece of the claim that begins
`with "the one or more processors with circuitry and 11:38:30
`code designed to execute instructions to determine
`whether the building is occupied or unoccupied."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what was the ordinary and customary 11:38:48
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`meaning, in light of the specification of the 11:38:51
`'382 patent, that you employed for the phrase
`"occupied or unoccupied"?
` MR. SMITH: Object to form.
` THE DEPONENT: What the claim is stating 11:39:07
`is to determine whether the building is occupied or
`unoccupied. And in the context of this patent and
`the general HVAC heating, ventilating and air
`systems that operate typically under the control of
`thermostats, the occupied and unoccupied would 11:39:31
`represent whether there were occupants or people
`present in the building or not.
` Q. (By Mr. Mirzaie) Got it.
` And in this case, the one or more
`processors are required to have "circuitry and code 11:39:52
`designed to execute instructions to determine
`whether the building is occupied or unoccupied,"
`according to the meaning you applied, correct?
` A. Let me -- while we're on that phrase,
`that phrase is repeated. The "one or more 11:40:14
`processors with circuitry and code designed to
`execute instructions" is repeated in just about
`every element.
` And it appears to me, interpreting it,
`that in the context of all the elements in here, 11:40:28
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`some of them do not suggest the -- the executed 11:40:32
`instructions do something with the rest of the
` So my interpretation is that that whole
`phrase, as it's repeated, simply describes the 11:40:46
`processors, and repeatedly describes them as
`opposed to saying the instructions to determine.
` But either way, it doesn't make too much
`difference. I just wanted -- since you asked me
`how to interpret it, it seems me the entire 11:41:05
`sentence or -- or the phrase is a description of
`the one or more processors and is repeated in -- in
`all elements. And sometimes it doesn't continue in
`the rest of the sentence in some elements. Here it
`does. 11:41:21
` Q. Got it.
` And what's an example of where it doesn't
`continue in -- in some of the elements, in contrast
`to the element we were just talking about?
` A. So let's say the -- the last element on 11:41:33
`page 16, "wherein the one or more processors" --
`sorry. That is a little different. I'll have to
`find one.
` But I -- as I went through it, it seemed
`like the intent was to use the -- the whole phrase 11:41:51
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`as a description of the processors. But sometimes 11:41:55
`it continued into the rest of the sentence and you
`could interpret it that way as well. It's not a --
`to me, it's not a big difference either way.
` Q. Got it. 11:42:08
` And so in your opinion, the "with
`circuitry and code designed to execute
`instructions" is describing the processors,
` A. That's the way I -- I saw it when reading 11:42:20
`through all the claim elements.
` Q. Going back to the claim element we were
`talking about a moment ago, just as one example,
`the "circuitry and code designed to execute
`instructions to determine whether the building is 11:42:38
`occupied or unoccupied."
` Do you see that phrase?
` A. To determine whether the building is
`occupied; is that the question?
` Q. Yes. 11:42:49
` A. Yeah, I see the phrase.
` Q. Got it.
` And the -- strike that.
` So this requires the circuitry and code
`to be designed to execute instructions to make that 11:43:04
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`determination; namely, whether the building is 11:43:08
`occupied or unoccupied, correct?
` MR. SMITH: Object to form.
` THE DEPONENT: Depending on, again, on
`how you interpret, the language is a little bit 11:43:21
`vague in here.
` If you interpret it as a description of
`the processors as repeated, so the processors have
`circuitry and code designed to execute
`instructions, period. And then the processor to 11:43:33
`determine whether the building is occupied or
`unoccupied is one way of looking at it.
` And the other one is if you want to
`consider that sentence as a continuation, then it's
`the instructions running on the processor to 11:43:51
`determine whether the building is occupied. But
`both interpretations are highly similar.
` Q. (By Mr. Mirzaie) So just to understand
`the distinction a little bit better that you're
`drawing, in the first instance, the processors 11:44:05
`would have circuitry and code designed to execute
`instructions, and the processors would determine
`whether the building is occupied or unoccupied, but
`not necessarily through circuitry and code designed
`to execute instructions to make that determination. 11:44:26
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` And in the second instance, everything is 11:44:28
`the same except there's an additional restriction
`that the circuitry and code designed to execute
`instructions would make that determination; is that
`correct? 11:44:39
` A. That -- that's correct. Because the --
`depending on, you know, what a POSA -- person of
`skill in the art would look at this, the processor
`makes the determination. How does it make the
`determination. It could be through execution of 11:44:55
`code and the instructions because that's what
`processors do.
` Now, does it need the circuitry to do
`something when it's determining this? That's a
`little bit of a stretch. 11:45:11
` So, again, I -- I don't want to make a
`big deal of it. It's just how you interpret it
`slightly different.
` Q. Got it.
` And which of those two interpretations 11:45:27
`did you apply for your analysis in this IPR?
` A. I don't think the -- the conclusions
`would have been different. But I -- I did apply
`the one I felt was more appropriate, in light of
`all the claims, which is that -- that whole phrase 11:45:46
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`is a description -- repeated description of the 11:45:51
`processors. And --
` Q. Got it. So --
` Sorry. Please continue.
` A. No. I -- and what I'm saying is -- yeah, 11:46:01
`if you want to go through all -- all the claim
`elements, I'm sure I'll find instances where the
`sentence doesn't continue, like it does in this
`element. But I -- I would have to read through
`the -- all the claims to find those. 11:46:14
` Q. So the -- just going back to your last
`answer, you did apply the one you felt was more
`appropriate, in light of all the claims, which is
`that the whole phrase is a description -- repeated
`description of the processors. 11:46:45
` So you -- the one that you applied --
`strike that.
` So the claim interpretation that you
`applied is the one where the processors would have,
`in general, circuitry and code designed to execute 11:47:04
`instructions. But that circuitry and code designed
`to execute instructions isn't necessarily designed
`to make the determination of whether the building
`is occupied or unoccupied, for example, just
`looking at that element -- 11:47:34
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` MR. SMITH: Object to form. 11:47:36
` Q. (By Mr. Mirzaie) -- correct?
` A. As I said, in that particular element,
`the circuitry, I don't think, is associated with
`making the determination of the code, you know, 11:47:46
`is -- the code and the instructions are, because
`that's how the processor operates.
` Q. Got it.
` And just looking at this -- strike that.
` Okay. And if we move down to the next 11:48:23
` A. Okay. Well, can you recite it.
` Q. Yes. Absolutely. Sorry. Yeah.
` The next element after the semicolon, so
`it's the "wherein" clause. I'll recite the whole 11:48:39
` "wherein the one or more processors
`compromises a first processor with circuitry and
`code designed to execute instructions, which is
`located remotely from the memory and is not 11:48:55
`electrically connected to the memory;"
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I'd like to understand your customary
`and ordinary meaning, in light of the patent 11:49:14
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`specification for "located remotely from the 11:49:18
` A. The -- so with --
` MR. SMITH: Objection. Sorry.
` THE DEPONENT: Go ahead. 11:49:31
` Talking about the location of the first
`processor with respect to the memory, and the
`"located remotely" would say that they are like not
`next to each other. They're separated by some --
`some amount of space. 11:49:54
` Q. (By Mr. Mirzaie) There's also an
`additional requirement right after that, that the
`first processor cannot be "electrically connected"
`to that memory, correct?
` A. Right. I see it. 11:50:10
` Q. And what's your ordinary and customary
`meaning of "electrically connected"?
` MR. SMITH: Object to form.
` THE DEPONENT: I would -- as I would
`think any person of skills in the art would have 11:50:24
`interpreted this in that time frame, when something
`is electrically connected, it is intended to
`signify that there is a hardwired electric
`connection and/or they're just physically
`electrically connected through circuit or some 11:50:46
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`other electrical connection as opposed to they are 11:50:50
`not connected at all.
` Q. (By Mr. Mirzaie) But to be clear, you --
`you're not saying that it requires a hardwired --
`strike that. 11:51:10
` Referring to the "electrically connected"
`phrase, you're not saying that it requires a
`hardwired electrical connection directly between
`two components, fair?
` MR. SMITH: Object to form. 11:51:23
` THE DEPONENT: I'm not sure if I
`understand that.
` Let me repeat what -- what an electrical
`connection for a POSA would be, is that there is
`actual electric current or electrons, or some form 11:51:35
`of electrical connection between the two items that
`are electrically connected, as opposed to if they
`are just separated and -- and there is no direct
`electron flow between one and the other.
` Q. (By Mr. Mirzaie) Got it. 11:51:55
` So -- so under your definition, if there
`is an intervening component between the two items,
`that would break direct electron flow and it would
`no longer be electrically connected; is that right?
` MR. SMITH: Objection to form. 11:52:17
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