`Xref: sparky sci.crypt:7943 sci.math:20530
`Newsgroups: sci.crypt,sci.math
`Path: sparky!uunet!destroyer!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu
`From: g...@koonda.acci.com.au (Greg Rose)
`Subject: Re: "Card-shuffling" algorithms
`Message-ID: <9306912.14607@mulga.cs.mu.OZ.AU>
`Sender: ne...@cs.mu.OZ.AU
`Organization: Australian Computing and Communications Institute
`References: <9306312.14290@mulga.cs.mu.OZ.AU> <1578@eouk5.eoe.co.uk>
`Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1993 02:41:52 GMT
`Lines: 100
`A Point of Order, Mr. Chairman!
`In article <15...@eouk5.eoe.co.uk> aha...@eoe.co.uk (Andrew Haley) writes:
`>Greg Rose (g...@nareen.acci.COM.AU) wrote:
`>: >
`for (n=0; n<3; n++)
`As you can see from the doubled indentation, I didn't write this,
`someone else did. (I really ought to keep a copy of my outgoing news
`postings, then I'd be able to tell you who did, but I don't
`want to.) Please check your attributions. I was quoting the program
`from someone else's article.
`>: >
`>: >
` r = lrand48() % 3;
`> ^^^^^^^^^^^^
`>This is a bad way of generating a random number in the range 0 <= r < 4,
`>because linear congruential generators such as lrand48() generate
`>numbers with very nonrandom lower bits. (This only occurs if you use
`>a modulus which is a power of 2 in your random number generator.) The
`>best way to fix this is to use
`>r = (lrand48() >> x) % 3
`>where x is some power of two.
`I don't see your point. 3 is not a power of 2, and all of the bits
`returned are significant in computing the result. Now if it had been
`'% 4', I might have commented on it myself.
`(Sarcasm: You're right! It really IS a bad way of "generating a random
`number in the range 0 <= r < 4", since it generates one in the range
`0 <= r < 3. :-)
`In fact, suppose x == 29 in the example you give above (given that
`lrand48 returns 31 PR bits). You are trying to tell me that the four
`remaining possible values, mod 3, give equally likely results? In
`fact, 0 will be twice as likely as 1 or 2.
`Sorry. I think you are equating the mod-by-3 operation with the
`mask-with-3 operation, and they are not even nearly the same thing.
`>To some extent lrand48() protects you from this by not returning the
`>lower 16 bits of its internal state, but with a linear congruential
`>generator you might as well use the most significant bits you can get.
`Given that the multiplier (a = 0x5DEECE66D on my machine, note that
`needs 35 bits to represent it) any low-order cycling behaviour will be
`restricted to the bottom 13 or so bits, which are not returned. (This
`is according to my intuition, if someone has a (dis)proof of this
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`please tell me.) I cannot see any reason to further restrict the
`interval, or to preferentially use some of the bits over others.
`Technically, there IS a problem with the above generator. The example
`above demonstrates it. When the desired interval doesn't exactly
`divide the interval you already have, the smaller numbers are more
`likely than the larger ones. What you really have to do is throw away
`any result from the original generator that is too big. The worst case
`of this, by one estimate, is when you are trying to generate random
`numbers in an interval roughly 2/3 of the input interval. In this
`case, half of the numbers are twice as likely as the other half. What
`is worse is that merely looking at the resulting numbers (with an
`eyeball I mean) probably won't make this apparent. Try running a
`program that says
` printf("%ld\n", lrand48() % 1431655764L);
`a few million times -- the results "look" random to me, but definitely
`are not.
`Here is the routine I use to roll a random number in the interval [0,
`n) (I assume without attesting that "random" returns good PR numbers in
`the range [0, 2**31-1], which according to current theory and the
`documentation it should):
` * Roll a random number [0..n-1].
` * Avoid the slight bias to low numbers.
` */
`roll(int n)
` long rval;
` long biggest;
`#define BIG 0x7FFFFFFFL /* biggest value returned by random() */
` if (n == 0)
` return 0;
` biggest = (BIG / n) * n;
` do {
` rval = random();
` } while (rval >= biggest);
` return rval % n;
`I hope this has cleared things up a bit.
`Greg Rose Australian Computing and Communications Institute
`g...@acci.com.au +61 18 174 842
``Use of the standard phrase "HIJACKED" may be inadvisable' -- CAA
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