Page 1
`·4· · · · · · · · · ·Case IPR2020-01602
`·5· · · · · · · · · · Patent 9,901,123
`·6· ·----------------------------------------x
`·8· · · · · · · · · · · · ·Petitioner,
`·9· · · · ·v.
`11· · · · · · · · · · · · ·Patent Owner.
`12· ·----------------------------------------x
`15· · · · · ·Friday, June 25, 2021
`22· ·Reported by:
`23· ·Amy A. Rivera, CSR, RPR, CLR
`24· ·JOB NO. 195565
`Ex. 2011-0001


`Page 2
`·2· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · June 25, 2021
`·3· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1:02 p.m.
`·5· · · · · · · · · REMOTE videotaped deposition of
`·6· ·STEWART M. FOX held pursuant to Notice, before Amy
`·7· ·A. Rivera, Certified Shorthand Reporter, Registered
`·8· ·Professional Reporter, Certified LiveNote Reporter,
`·9· ·and a Notary Public of the States of New York, New
`10· ·Jersey and Delaware.
`Ex. 2011-0002


`·2· ·R E M O T E· ·A P P E A R A N C E S:
`Page 3
`·4· ·Attorneys for Petitioner
`·5· · · · 555 Eleventh Street, NW
`·6· · · · Washington, DC 20004
`10· ·Attorneys for Patent Owner
`11· · · · 901 Lakeside Avenue East
`12· · · · Cleveland, Ohio· 44114
`16· ·A L S O· ·P R E S E N T:
`17· · · · WILLIAM THOMAS, Legal Video Specialist
`18· · · · ANDREW WHITNER, Exhibit Technician
`Ex. 2011-0003


`Page 4
`·1· · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· · · · ·VIDEOGRAPHER:· So good afternoon.· My
`·3· ·name is William Thomas.· I am a certified
`·4· ·legal videographer in association with TSG
`·5· ·Reporting.
`·6· · · · ·Due to the severity of the COVID-19
`·7· ·outbreak and following the practice of
`·8· ·social distancing, I will not be in the same
`·9· ·room with the witness.· Instead, I will
`10· ·record this videotaped deposition remotely.
`11· · · · ·The reporter, Amy Rivera, also will
`12· ·not be in the same room and will swear the
`13· ·witness remotely.
`14· · · · ·Do all parties stipulate to the
`15· ·validity of this video recording and remote
`16· ·swearing and that it will be admissible in
`17· ·the courtroom as if it had been taken
`18· ·following Rule 30 of the Federal Rules of
`19· ·Civil Procedures and the state's rules where
`20· ·this case is pending?
`21· · · · ·MR. MAIORANA:· This is Dave Maiorana.
`22· · · · ·Just to be clear, this is a USPTAB
`23· ·proceeding, not a district court proceeding.
`24· · · · ·But the patent owner stipulates, as
`25· ·you have just stated, to the admissibility
`Ex. 2011-0004


`Page 5
`·1· · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· ·of the transcript.
`·3· · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· The petitioner does
`·4· ·also.
`·5· · · · ·VIDEOGRAPHER:· All right.· Thank you
`·6· ·very much.
`·7· · · · ·So this is the start of media labeled
`·8· ·No. 1 of the video-recorded deposition of
`·9· ·Stewart M. Fox, taken in the matter Philip
`10· ·Morris Products, S.A. versus RAI Strategic
`11· ·Holdings, Inc. (PTAB No. IPR2020-01602.)
`12· · · · ·We are conducting this on Zoom.· The
`13· ·time is approximately 1:02 p.m., on June 25,
`14· ·2021.
`15· · · · ·And, counsel, would you please
`16· ·identify yourselves for this proceeding.
`17· · · · ·MR. MAIORANA:· Dave Maiorana and Kenny
`18· ·Luchesi from Jones Day on behalf of the
`19· ·patent owner.
`20· · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Greg Sobolski from
`21· ·Latham & Watkins for the petitioner.
`22· · · · ·VIDEOGRAPHER:· And I am William
`23· ·Thomas, the legal video specialist from TSG.
`24· · · · ·The court reporter is Amy Rivera.
`25· · · · ·And now the court reporter may now
`Ex. 2011-0005


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· · · · ·please swear in the witness.
`·3· ·S T E W A R T· · M A D D I S O N· · F O X, having
`·4· ·been duly sworn by the Notary Public, testified as
`·5· ·follows:
`·6· · · · · · · ·MR. MAIORANA:· Thank you very much.
`Page 6
`·8· · ·BY MR. MAIORANA:
`·9· · · · ·Q.· · Good afternoon, Mr. Fox.· I hope
`10· ·you've been well since the last time we saw each
`11· ·other on the computer screen.
`12· · · · ·A.· · Thank you.· Good morning to you again.
`13· ·Nice to see you.
`14· · · · · · · ·MR. MAIORANA:· I'm going to mark as
`15· · · · ·Fox Exhibit 1 -- Andrew, it will be doc 1 in
`16· · · · ·the folder.
`17· · · · ·Q.· · It's your CV, Mr. Fox.
`18· · · · · · · ·MR. WHITNER:· Would you like that
`19· · · · ·brought up on the screen?
`20· · · · · · · ·MR. MAIORANA:· No.· It's just in the
`21· · · · ·folder.· Mr. Fox hopefully can open it.
`22· · · · · · · ·MR. WHITNER:· Stand by.
`23· · · · · · · ·(Fox Exhibit 1, curriculum vitae, was
`24· · · · ·marked for identification at this time.)
`25· · · · ·A.· · Yes, I have my CV.
`Ex. 2011-0006


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· · · · ·Q.· · Do you have a hard copy there,
`Page 7
`·3· ·Mr. Fox?
`·4· · · · ·A.· · I do, yeah.
`·5· · · · ·Q.· · Okay.· Are there any changes to your
`·6· ·CV from the version that's been marked as
`·7· ·Exhibit 1 today?
`·8· · · · ·A.· · No.· My CV is still correct.
`·9· · · · ·Q.· · What's your area of expertise,
`10· ·Mr. Fox?
`11· · · · ·A.· · I am a mechanical engineer.· I'm
`12· ·working in the development of mostly medical
`13· ·devices.· I specialize in medical devices for the
`14· ·past 35 -- 30 years now.· My expertise is in
`15· ·project management and technical lead of
`16· ·development projects.
`17· · · · ·Q.· · You're not an electrical engineer,
`18· ·correct?
`19· · · · ·A.· · I know a reasonable amount about
`20· ·electronics but I wouldn't class myself as an
`21· ·electronics engineer.· My degree was in
`22· ·engineering science mostly covering mechanical
`23· ·engineering.
`24· · · · ·Q.· · You don't have an electrical
`25· ·engineering degree, correct?
`Ex. 2011-0007


`Page 8
`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· · · · ·A.· · The degree I have is engineering
`·3· ·science, which has a year of general engineering
`·4· ·which includes electronics and electrical
`·5· ·engineering.
`·6· · · · · · · ·So part of my degree covers
`·7· ·electronics and electrical engineering, but I
`·8· ·would classify myself more as a mechanical
`·9· ·engineer than an electronics engineer.
`10· · · · ·Q.· · You don't have a chemistry degree,
`11· ·correct, Mr. Fox?
`12· · · · ·A.· · Correct.
`13· · · · ·Q.· · You don't have a physics degree,
`14· ·correct?
`15· · · · ·A.· · Correct.· I studied physics and
`16· ·chemistry at A levels, so I have a good
`17· ·understanding of basic principles of both those
`18· ·subjects, but I don't have degrees in those
`19· ·subjects.
`20· · · · ·Q.· · And you have no previous experience
`21· ·designing or developing tobacco-heating devices,
`22· ·correct?
`23· · · · ·A.· · Correct.
`24· · · · ·Q.· · You have no previous experience
`25· ·designing or developing electronic cigarettes,
`Ex. 2011-0008


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`Page 9
`·2· ·correct?
`·3· · · · ·A.· · Correct.
`·4· · · · ·Q.· · You have no previous experience
`·5· ·designing or developing electrically powered
`·6· ·articles that deliver aerosols, correct?
`·7· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, form.
`·8· · · · ·A.· · I may well have worked on nebulizers
`·9· ·in my career, but medical devices that deliver
`10· ·aerosols?
`11· · · · · · · ·I have over 30 years.· I can't
`12· ·remember, honestly, every single project I worked
`13· ·on, but I'm reasonably certain that one of them
`14· ·did involve or did cover an aerosol at some
`15· ·point -- sorry -- a nebulizer.
`16· · · · ·Q.· · Did you do anything to prepare for
`17· ·your deposition today, Mr. Fox?
`18· · · · ·A.· · I reread my declaration carefully,
`19· ·discussions with counsel, and, yeah, refreshed my
`20· ·memory of the declaration and the exhibits.
`21· · · · ·Q.· · Do you recall that I took your
`22· ·deposition in the ITC proceeding last fall?
`23· · · · ·A.· · Yes.
`24· · · · ·Q.· · Did you review that transcript to
`25· ·prepare for the deposition today?
`Ex. 2011-0009


`Page 10
`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· · · · ·A.· · Briefly.· I can't say I've read it
`·3· ·completely.· I've looked at a few parts of it.
`·4· · · · ·Q.· · Did you look at any parts of it to
`·5· ·refresh your recollection of the types of
`·6· ·questions that I asked you back in the fall?
`·7· · · · ·A.· · It was more the areas, I think, that
`·8· ·you were interested in.· Yeah, I would say I read
`·9· ·a few extracts of it.· I did not read it entirely.
`10· · · · ·Q.· · Do you recall that you provided an
`11· ·expert report in the ITC proceeding on the
`12· ·invalidity of the asserted patents, including the
`13· ·'123 patent that's part of the proceeding we're
`14· ·here for today?
`15· · · · ·A.· · Yes.
`16· · · · ·Q.· · Did you look at your ITC expert report
`17· ·on invalidity to prepare for the deposition today?
`18· · · · ·A.· · Again, very briefly.· I looked at --
`19· ·flipped through it.· I can't say I read it again
`20· ·cover to cover.
`21· · · · ·Q.· · Why did you look at that, your ITC
`22· ·expert report?
`23· · · · ·A.· · It seemed good practice to refresh my
`24· ·memory of what I'd said and what views I had to --
`25· ·yeah, remind myself of those views.
`Ex. 2011-0010


`Page 11
`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· · · · ·Q.· · Did you look at -- withdraw that.
`·3· · · · · · · ·Besides your deposition transcript
`·4· ·from the ITC and your ITC invalidity expert
`·5· ·report, did you look at any other documents that
`·6· ·weren't part of the record in this IPR proceeding
`·7· ·in order to prepare for the deposition today?
`·8· · · · ·A.· · I've looked at the exhibits -- some of
`·9· ·the exhibits that are cited in my declaration.
`10· ·I've looked at a few other documents as well. I
`11· ·can't remember exactly what.
`12· · · · ·Q.· · So there's a number of exhibits in
`13· ·this proceeding and the exhibits submitted by the
`14· ·petitioners are all numbered with a number
`15· ·starting with 1000, so there's 1001, 1002, etc.
`16· · · · · · · ·So besides those exhibits, did you
`17· ·look at anything else to prepare for the
`18· ·deposition today?
`19· · · · ·A.· · Let me check.
`20· · · · · · · ·I've looked briefly at the ITC
`21· ·deposition that you mentioned, the IPR initial
`22· ·response, the opening expert report that you
`23· ·mentioned, and the IPR petition.
`24· · · · · · · ·Again, not looked at those in detail,
`25· ·flipped -- flipped through them.
`Ex. 2011-0011


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`Page 12
`·2· · · · · · · ·MR. MAIORANA:· Let's go ahead and mark
`·3· · · · ·as Fox Exhibit 2, your declaration from this
`·4· · · · ·IPR proceeding.
`·5· · · · · · · ·It should be document 2, Andrew.
`·6· · · · · · · ·(Fox Exhibit 2, declaration, was
`·7· · · · ·marked for identification at this time.)
`·8· · ·BY MR. MAIORANA:
`·9· · · · ·Q.· · Do you have a hard copy of that in
`10· ·front of you, Mr. Fox?
`11· · · · ·A.· · Yes.
`12· · · · ·Q.· · "No" or "yes"?
`13· · · · · · · ·I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you.
`14· · · · ·A.· · Yes.
`15· · · · ·Q.· · Okay.· Does that copy of your IPR
`16· ·declaration, which is Exhibit 1003, does that have
`17· ·any markings or notations or anything on it?
`18· · · · ·A.· · I have made one marking on it, which I
`19· ·wanted to bring to the Court's attention. I
`20· ·noticed a typo or an error on rereading it.· It is
`21· ·paragraph 102, 58.
`22· · · · ·Q.· · What was the error -- the typo you
`23· ·identified for the record?
`24· · · · ·A.· · So the sentence beginning "Because air
`25· ·flows from high pressure to low pressure, air
`Ex. 2011-0012


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`Page 13
`·2· ·flows from outside the device at atmospheric
`·3· ·pressure into the device through air inlet 32 on
`·4· ·the distal end," that refers really to the '123
`·5· ·patent, and it should say, "Through air inlet 4 at
`·6· ·the midpoint, through the device."
`·7· · · · ·Q.· · So the language that appears in
`·8· ·paragraph 102 of Exhibit 103 submitted to the
`·9· ·PTAB, you're saying that that refers to the '123
`10· ·patent, air inlet 32 and distal end?
`11· · · · ·A.· · It appears to, yes.· And it should
`12· ·refer to the Hon patent in the diagram at the top
`13· ·of page 58.
`14· · · · ·Q.· · Okay.· Did you notice any other errors
`15· ·that you want to correct in your declaration,
`16· ·Exhibit 1003?
`17· · · · ·A.· · No, I did not.
`18· · · · ·Q.· · Let's go to the table of contents, the
`19· ·second page of the document, Exhibit 1003.
`20· · · · · · · ·In your declaration, Mr. Fox, you
`21· ·provided opinions regarding the validity of
`22· ·certain claims of the '123 patent, correct?
`23· · · · ·A.· · Correct.
`24· · · · ·Q.· · And you provide an opinion that
`25· ·Claims 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 21, and
`Ex. 2011-0013


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· ·23 to 26 are unpatentable over Hon alone or with
`Page 14
`·3· ·Brooks and Whittemore.· Is that correct?
`·4· · · · ·A.· · That's correct.
`·5· · · · ·Q.· · Turning to the next page of
`·6· ·Exhibit 1003, you provide an opinion that
`·7· ·Claims 3, 4, 13, 16, and 17 are unpatentable over
`·8· ·Hon, Wittemore, Brooks, and Susa.· Is that
`·9· ·correct?
`10· · · · ·A.· · That's correct.
`11· · · · ·Q.· · And then you also provide an opinion
`12· ·that Claim 6 and 19 are unpatentable over Hon,
`13· ·Wittemore, Brooks, and Ray, correct?
`14· · · · ·A.· · Yes.
`15· · · · ·Q.· · Those are the only three grounds of
`16· ·invalidity that you provide in your IPR
`17· ·declaration, Exhibit 1003, correct?
`18· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, form.
`19· · · · ·A.· · Can you repeat the question, please?
`20· · · · ·Q.· · Sure.
`21· · · · · · · ·We just walked through three separate
`22· ·grounds that are included in your IPR declaration,
`23· ·Exhibit 1003, and I'm just asking you to confirm
`24· ·that those are the only three grounds of
`25· ·invalidity that you included in that declaration?
`Ex. 2011-0014


`Page 15
`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, form.
`·3· · · · ·A.· · So the claims for invalidity and the
`·4· ·arguments for invalidity cover Claims 1, 2, 5, 7,
`·5· ·9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 21, 23, 26, 3, 4, 13, 16,
`·6· ·17, 6, and 19.
`·7· · · · · · · ·I think that answers your question
`·8· ·but...
`·9· · · · · · · ·MR. MAIORANA:· Did you get all of
`10· · · · ·those, Amy?· That was pretty fast.
`11· · · · ·Q.· · So, Mr. Fox, I'm just trying to
`12· ·understand the scope of your opinions.
`13· · · · · · · ·Those are the claims that you're
`14· ·addressing, correct?
`15· · · · ·A.· · In my declaration, yes.
`16· · · · ·Q.· · Yes.· And you provide three bases for
`17· ·why you believe those claims are unpatentable and
`18· ·those are the three that I read:· Hon alone or
`19· ·with Brooks and Wittemore; Hon, Wittemore, Brooks,
`20· ·and Susa; and Hon, Wittemore, Brooks, and Ray.
`21· · · · · · · ·Those are the three grounds that you
`22· ·provided in your declaration, correct?
`23· · · · ·A.· · Those are the -- yeah, the three
`24· ·arguments, yes.
`25· · · · ·Q.· · And besides those three, there are no
`Ex. 2011-0015


`Page 16
`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· ·other grounds that you provide in your IPR
`·3· ·declaration, correct?
`·4· · · · ·A.· · I draw upon other exhibits to
`·5· ·strengthen my arguments in various places in my
`·6· ·declaration.· Those, the ones that you list, are
`·7· ·the primary pieces of evidence, but they are not
`·8· ·the only pieces of evidence.
`·9· · · · ·Q.· · So the -- withdraw that.
`10· · · · · · · ·You are not contending in this
`11· ·proceeding that the Hon patent anticipates any of
`12· ·the claims of the '123 patent, correct?
`13· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, form.
`14· · · · ·A.· · I'm taking my time, but I know you
`15· ·said "anticipate."· I know there's a legal meaning
`16· ·for "anticipate."· I want to make sure I give you
`17· ·the relevant answer.· I'm looking for the relevant
`18· ·part of my declaration.
`19· · · · ·Q.· · Yeah, feel free to look at whatever
`20· ·you'd like, Mr. Fox.· I can try to ask the
`21· ·question a different way and see if it helps.
`22· · · · · · · ·All of your opinions in this
`23· ·declaration are based on obviousness, correct?
`24· · · · ·A.· · My opinions are based on a perspective
`25· ·of a person of ordinary skill in the art in the
`Ex. 2011-0016


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`Page 17
`·2· ·2006 time frame.· The primary arguments that I'm
`·3· ·making about the invalidity of the '123 patent are
`·4· ·around obviousness.
`·5· · · · ·Q.· · Well, not only are the primary
`·6· ·arguments you're making about the validity of the
`·7· ·'123 patent based on obviousness, the only
`·8· ·arguments you're making in this declaration are
`·9· ·based on obviousness, correct?
`10· · · · ·A.· · So my declaration argues that some of
`11· ·the claims of the '123 patent are unpatentable --
`12· ·unpatentable over Hon alone, so Hon alone fulfills
`13· ·or shows by all of the aspects of certain claims.
`14· · · · · · · ·Other claims I'm saying require a
`15· ·combination of Hon and other items of prior art,
`16· ·namely, Brooks, Wittemore, and other pieces given
`17· ·as exhibits in my declaration.
`18· · · · ·Q.· · Which claims did you contend in your
`19· ·declaration are met by Hon alone?
`20· · · · ·A.· · Claims 1 and 15 are met by Hon alone.
`21· ·Hon teaches all of those claim elements.· I would
`22· ·need to go through my declaration to see which
`23· ·other claims are met by Hon alone.
`24· · · · · · · ·I can -- I can do that.· It may take
`25· ·some time.
`Ex. 2011-0017


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`Page 18
`·2· · · · ·Q.· · Let's talk about your IPR declaration
`·3· ·as compared to your ITC expert report that we
`·4· ·discussed earlier.
`·5· · · · · · · ·In your ITC expert report you included
`·6· ·a section on your opinion that the domestic energy
`·7· ·claims of the '123 patent are invalid, correct?
`·8· · · · ·A.· · That sounds familiar.
`·9· · · · ·Q.· · Do you have a copy of it, your ITC --
`10· · · · ·A.· · I do.
`11· · · · · · · ·MR. MAIORANA:· Andrew, let's mark that
`12· · · · ·as Exhibit 3.· It's item 7 in the folder.
`13· · · · · · · ·(Fox Exhibit 3, expert report, was
`14· · · · ·marked for identification at this time.)
`15· · · · ·A.· · Yes, I've stated in my report, the
`16· ·claims of the '123 claims are invalid.
`17· · · · ·Q.· · Do you recall, Mr. Fox, in the ITC
`18· ·proceeding that there were some claims that were
`19· ·asserted for infringement and some claims that
`20· ·were asserted for domestic industry?
`21· · · · ·A.· · Yes, I do.
`22· · · · ·Q.· · And are you aware that the claims that
`23· ·you're opining about in this IPR proceeding are
`24· ·what were over in the ITC as the domestic industry
`25· ·claim?
`Ex. 2011-0018


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· · · · ·A.· · Yes.
`·3· · · · ·Q.· · So your ITC expert report included a
`·4· ·section with your opinion that the domestic
`·5· ·industry claims of the '123 patent are invalid,
`Page 19
`·6· ·right?
`·7· · · · ·A.· · Yes, I see that.
`·8· · · · ·Q.· · Right.
`·9· · · · · · · ·On page 146, there's actually a
`10· ·heading that says "The Domestic Industry Claims
`11· ·Are Invalid," and that's your opinion on those
`12· ·claims, right?
`13· · · · ·A.· · Yes.
`14· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, form,
`15· · · · ·outside the scope.
`16· · · · ·Q.· · And the claims that are discussed in
`17· ·your ITC expert report, what I call the "domestic
`18· ·industry claims," those are the same claims that
`19· ·you're contending are invalid in this IPR
`20· ·proceeding, right?
`21· · · · ·A.· · So I believe they are the same claims,
`22· ·but I have to check through my ITC report to -- to
`23· ·confirm.
`24· · · · · · · ·So we have 1 to 7, 9, 11 to 19, 21,
`25· ·23, 26.
`Ex. 2011-0019


`Page 20
`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· · · · ·Q.· · I believe, if you combine the claims
`·3· ·from the three grounds in your IPR declaration
`·4· ·that we discussed earlier, they will be the same
`·5· ·list as are set forth in your ITC expert report,
`·6· ·but if you want to confirm that --
`·7· · · · ·A.· · No, I'm happy to accept that.· I don't
`·8· ·see any reason why there would be a difference,
`·9· ·so...
`10· · · · ·Q.· · Now, you recall, as I mentioned
`11· ·earlier, that I deposed you last fall in the ITC
`12· ·proceeding?
`13· · · · ·A.· · Yes.
`14· · · · ·Q.· · And you recall in that deposition we
`15· ·talked a lot about what you referred to as the
`16· ·"Ruyan devices."
`17· · · · · · · ·Do you remember that?
`18· · · · ·A.· · Yes.
`19· · · · ·Q.· · And you relied on the Ruyan devices as
`20· ·part of your invalidity opinions in the ITC for
`21· ·the domestic industry claims of the '123 patent,
`22· ·correct?
`23· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, form.
`24· · · · ·A.· · I used information from the teardowns
`25· ·of some Ruyan devices along with the Hon patent
`Ex. 2011-0020


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`Page 21
`·2· ·and various other pieces of information to inform
`·3· ·my opinions for that case.
`·4· · · · ·Q.· · And you recall that at the trial in
`·5· ·the ITC proceeding you did not provide any
`·6· ·testimony regarding the validity of the domestic
`·7· ·industry claims of the '123 patent?
`·8· · · · ·A.· · I'm sorry, I don't recall that.
`·9· · · · ·Q.· · You don't recall that your direct
`10· ·testimony during the ITC proceeding had no mention
`11· ·whatsoever of the Ruyan devices?
`12· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, asked and
`13· · · · ·answered.
`14· · · · ·A.· · Yeah, I'm sorry.· It was a while ago.
`15· ·There have been quite a few documents in between
`16· ·now and then.· I can't remember exactly all parts
`17· ·of -- of that case.
`18· · · · ·Q.· · In your direct testimony in the ITC
`19· ·you did not provide any opinions regarding the
`20· ·invalidity of the '123 domestic industry claims,
`21· ·correct?
`22· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, asked and
`23· · · · ·answered.
`24· · · · ·A.· · Yeah, I'm sorry, that sounds like the
`25· ·same question to me.· I can't remember exactly
`Ex. 2011-0021


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`Page 22
`·2· ·what I said during that -- that -- that trial.
`·3· · · · ·Q.· · You have no recollection that you
`·4· ·provided opinions on the domestic industry of the
`·5· ·'123 patent -- withdraw that.
`·6· · · · · · · ·You have no recollection that you
`·7· ·provided opinions in the ITC, as we saw in your
`·8· ·ITC expert report, that the domestic industry
`·9· ·claims of the '123 patent are invalid, but when we
`10· ·got to trial, did not provide those opinions
`11· ·during your direct testimony, correct?
`12· · · · ·A.· · I can remember some of the technical
`13· ·details of what we discussed during that trial.
`14· ·I'm an engineer.· I tend to remember the technical
`15· ·details very clearly, but the legal aspects, I'm
`16· ·less clear on, so I don't feel confident in
`17· ·answering your question.
`18· · · · ·Q.· · You decided leading up to the ITC
`19· ·trial that you wanted to eliminate any overlap
`20· ·between your ITC invalidity opinions on the '123
`21· ·domestic industry claim and your IPR opinions on
`22· ·the invalidity of the domestic industry claims of
`23· ·the '123 patent, correct?
`24· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, form.
`25· · · · ·A.· · Again, I'm sorry, I don't -- I don't
`Ex. 2011-0022


`Page 23
`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· ·remember enough to be able to answer that
`·3· ·question.
`·4· · · · ·Q.· · Do you recall that you submitted your
`·5· ·IPR declaration to the PTAB and your ITC expert
`·6· ·report on invalidity at around the same time?
`·7· · · · ·A.· · It depends on what you mean "around
`·8· ·the same time."
`·9· · · · · · · ·I remember they happened in the last
`10· ·year.· I -- I don't remember the exact dates.
`11· · · · ·Q.· · Well, if you look at the last page of
`12· ·your declaration in the IPR, which is
`13· ·Exhibit 1003, you signed it on September 8, 2020?
`14· · · · ·A.· · Yes, that's correct.
`15· · · · ·Q.· · And if you look at the first page of
`16· ·your ITC expert report, which I believe is
`17· ·Exhibit 3, you signed that on October 5, 2020.
`18· · · · · · · ·Do you see that?
`19· · · · ·A.· · Yes.
`20· · · · ·Q.· · So basically, a month apart when you
`21· ·submitted those two documents to the -- to the
`22· ·proceedings, correct?
`23· · · · ·A.· · Yes, that sounds right, yep.
`24· · · · ·Q.· · Which one of those two documents was
`25· ·drafted first?
`Ex. 2011-0023


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`Page 24
`·2· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection.· Objection,
`·3· · · · ·form.
`·4· · · · · · · ·Just a moment, Mr. Fox.· I just need
`·5· · · · ·to get my objection on the record.
`·6· · · · · · · ·Objection, form.
`·7· · · · ·Q.· · You can answer.
`·8· · · · ·A.· · I can't remember, to be honest.
`·9· · · · ·Q.· · Did you use the IPR declaration,
`10· ·Exhibit 1003, to draft the ITC expert report or
`11· ·was it the other way around?
`12· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, form.
`13· · · · ·A.· · I believe the arguments in both are
`14· ·very similar.· I'm not sure which was actually
`15· ·written on paper first.
`16· · · · ·Q.· · Not only are the arguments in both of
`17· ·those documents very similar, they actually share
`18· ·quite a bit of identical content, correct?
`19· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, form, vague.
`20· · · · ·A.· · I would have to reexamine both
`21· ·documents very carefully to confirm that, so I'll
`22· ·stick with my first argument that the arguments,
`23· ·as far as I'm aware are very similar.
`24· · · · ·Q.· · In fact, there are many paragraphs in
`25· ·the IPR declaration that are verbatim, identical
`Ex. 2011-0024


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`Page 25
`·2· ·to paragraphs in your expert ITC report, correct?
`·3· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, form, vague.
`·4· · · · ·A.· · Again, I'm sure you could probably
`·5· ·show me lots of paragraphs to convince me of that,
`·6· ·but based on my knowledge of the two documents
`·7· ·right now, I can't say "yes" or "no" to that.
`·8· · · · ·Q.· · Mr. Fox, you used the same information
`·9· ·about the Ruyan devices in the ITC expert report
`10· ·as you did in the IPR declaration, correct?
`11· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, form.
`12· · · · ·A.· · I said the arguments are very similar.
`13· ·I would have to look at in detail both documents
`14· ·side by side to see whether they are exactly the
`15· ·same wording and information that was used.
`16· · · · ·Q.· · Well, in your -- withdraw that.
`17· · · · · · · ·In both documents you included
`18· ·photographs of what you contend are Ruyan devices,
`19· ·correct?
`20· · · · ·A.· · Yes, I believe both documents do
`21· ·contain photographs of Ruyan devices.
`22· · · · ·Q.· · And both documents contain reference
`23· ·to and citations to a report that R.J. Reynolds
`24· ·did regarding a Ruyan device, correct?
`25· · · · ·A.· · Certainly, my declaration does. I
`Ex. 2011-0025


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`Page 26
`·2· ·believe the ITC report does.· But, again, I would
`·3· ·have to check it to confirm, which we probably
`·4· ·don't need to do.
`·5· · · · ·Q.· · Right.· I mean, the documents say what
`·6· ·the documents say.· I'm not trying to run you
`·7· ·through a memory test.
`·8· · · · · · · ·But what I'm trying to get at is your
`·9· ·intention with these two documents, the IPR
`10· ·declaration and the ITC expert report, was to
`11· ·provide the same opinions regarding the invalidity
`12· ·of the domestic industry claims of the '123
`13· ·patent, correct?
`14· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, form,
`15· · · · ·misstates the testimony.
`16· · · · ·A.· · The details of the ITC report are less
`17· ·clear in my mind.· Right now, I'm more confident
`18· ·about the IPR declaration and the -- and the
`19· ·arguments I'm making regarding the invalidity of
`20· ·the '123 patent.
`21· · · · ·Q.· · You didn't change your opinions
`22· ·regarding the invalidity of the '123 patent
`23· ·domestic industry claims between the ITC expert
`24· ·report and the IPR declaration, correct?
`25· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection, form, vague.
`Ex. 2011-0026


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`Page 27
`·2· · · · ·A.· · My opinions have remained the same.
`·3· ·I -- again, I can't remember the details of what's
`·4· ·in the ITC report to know if word for word they're
`·5· ·exactly the same as the IPR declaration, but
`·6· ·certainly, my opinions haven't changed.
`·7· · · · ·Q.· · In your IPR declaration, you have a
`·8· ·section describing what you call the "Ruyan
`·9· ·devices."
`10· · · · · · · ·I can direct you to paragraph 23, if
`11· ·you want to look at it.
`12· · · · · · · ·Correct?
`13· · · · ·A.· · So this is in my declaration or the
`14· ·ITC report?
`15· · · · ·Q.· · The IPR declaration, Exhibit 1003.
`16· · · · ·A.· · So, yes, the Ruyan devices.
`17· · · · ·Q.· · So starting at paragraph 23 of your
`18· ·declaration, Exhibit 1003, you have paragraphs
`19· ·regarding the Ruyan devices and, quote/unquote,
`20· ·E-CIG.
`21· · · · · · · ·Do you see that?
`22· · · · ·A.· · Yes.
`23· · · · ·Q.· · And there's a number of paragraphs
`24· ·continuing through and including paragraph 36 in
`25· ·your declaration in which you're talking about the
`Ex. 2011-0027


`Page 28
`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`·2· ·Ruyan devices.· Is that right?
`·3· · · · ·A.· · Yes, the Ruyan devices and E-CIG,
`·4· ·which is probably also a Ruyan device.
`·5· · · · ·Q.· · And if you look at -- withdraw that.
`·6· · · · · · · ·If you look at page 15 of your IPR
`·7· ·declaration, there's a photograph on that page.
`·8· · · · · · · ·Do you see that?
`·9· · · · ·A.· · Yes.
`10· · · · ·Q.· · If you recall, Mr. Fox, that
`11· ·photograph was in your ITC expert report, right?
`12· · · · ·A.· · I don't recall, but I can take your
`13· ·word for it.
`14· · · · ·Q.· · You recall at your ITC deposition we
`15· ·talked quite a bit about this photograph.
`16· · · · · · · ·Do you remember that?
`17· · · · ·A.· · No, to be honest, I don't.
`18· · · · ·Q.· · In your IPR declaration, you rely on
`19· ·the Ruyan devices as part of your invalidity
`20· ·analysis, correct?
`21· · · · ·A.· · The Ruyan devices provide supporting
`22· ·evidence and supplementary evidence to support my
`23· ·argument that the -- or my opinion that the '123
`24· ·patent claims are invalid.
`25· · · · ·Q.· · So is that a yes to my question, you
`Ex. 2011-0028


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`Page 29
`·2· ·relied on those devices as part of your invalidity
`·3· ·analysis in the IPR declaration?
`·4· · · · ·A.· · I'll -- I'll stick to my original
`·5· ·statement:· The information from the Ruyan devices
`·6· ·supported and informed my opinion that the '123
`·7· ·patented claims are invalid.
`·8· · · · ·Q.· · But you relied on the Ruyan devices in
`·9· ·forming your opinions that the claims in the IPR
`10· ·proceeding are invalid, correct?
`11· · · · ·A.· · That's not quite what I said.
`12· · · · · · · ·The Ruyan devices informed my opinion
`13· ·and helped me come to the conclusion or come to a
`14· ·view, an opinion, that the claims of the '123
`15· ·patent are invalid.
`16· · · · ·Q.· · That's not quite my question.· You can
`17· ·answer a "yes" or "no."
`18· · · · · · · ·Did you or did you not rely on the
`19· ·Ruyan devices in forming your opinions of
`20· ·invalidity that are contained in your IPR
`21· ·declaration, Mr. Fox?
`22· · · · ·A.· · The fact that you're asking for a
`23· ·"yes" or "no" answer makes me slightly nervous
`24· ·about the exact wording.· I want to be very
`25· ·accurate for fear of saying something I don't
`Ex. 2011-0029


`·1· · · · · · · · · · · STEWART M. FOX
`Page 30
`·2· ·mean, so I'll stick to my original statement that
`·3· ·the Ruyan devices, along with other pieces of
`·4· ·evidence, helped inform my opinion that the claims
`·5· ·of the '123 patent are invalid.
`·6· · · · ·Q.· · So you don't know if you relied on
`·7· ·them or not, that's your answer?
`·8· · · · · · · ·MR. SOBOLSKI:· Objection -- just a
`·9· · · · ·moment, Mr. Fox.
`10· · · · · · · ·Objection, misstates the testimony.
`11· · ·

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