`New World Medical, Inc. v Microsurgical Technology, Inc., et al.
`Peter Netland, M.D. Ph.D. Vol III
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` Petitioner, Case IPR2020-01711
` US Patent No. 9,358,155
` -vs-
` Patent Owner.
` Petitioner, Case IPR2021-00017
` US Patent No. 9,820,885
` -vs-
` Patent Owner.
` Petitioner, Case IPR2021-00066
` US Patent No. 9,999,544
` -vs-
` Patent Owner.
` 9:00 a.m. to 2:19 p.m.
` September 30, 2021
` Charlottesville, Virginia
`Job No. 46230/37039
` REPORTED BY: Kimberly A. Adderley, RPR, RMR
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0001


`New World Medical, Inc. v Microsurgical Technology, Inc., et al.
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` Petitioner, Case IPR2021-00065
` US Patent No.10,123,905
` -vs-
` Patent Owner.
` Petitioner, Case IPR2020-01573
` US Patent No. 9,107,729
` -vs-
` Patent Owner.
` 9:00 a.m. to 2:19 p.m.
` September 30, 2021
` Charlottesville, Virginia
`Job No. 46230/37039
` REPORTED BY: Kimberly A. Adderley, RPR, RMR
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0002


`New World Medical, Inc. v Microsurgical Technology, Inc., et al.
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` Videotaped deposition of PETER NETLAND, M.D.,
`Ph.D., taken and transcribed on behalf of the Patent
`Owners, by and before Kimberly A. Adderley, RPR,
`RMR, Notary Public in and for the Commonwealth of
`Virginia at large, pursuant to 37 CFR 42.53 and the
`Board's authorization, and by Notice to Take
`Deposition; commencing at 9:16 a.m., September 30,
`2021, at Courtyard by Marriott, 1201 West Main
`Street, Charlottesville, Virginia.
` The Calfee Building
` 1405 East Sixth Street
` Cleveland, Ohio 44114
` (216) 622-8551
` Counsel for the Petitioner
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0003


`New World Medical, Inc. v Microsurgical Technology, Inc., et al.
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` 1776 K Street, NW
` Washington, D.C. 20006
` (202) 719-7000
` Counsel for the Patent Owners
`David J. Klann, General Counsel
`New World Medical, Inc.
`Orson Braithwaite, Videographer
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0004


`New World Medical, Inc. v Microsurgical Technology, Inc., et al.
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` I N D E X
` Examination by Ms. Summers................9
` E X H I B I T S
` 1 - Copy of Notes made on notepad 213
` 1003 - Declaration of Dr. Peter Netland 11
` 1004 - Documenta Ophthalmologica 105
` Proceedings Series 43
` 1030 - Reply Declaration of 9
` Dr. Peter Netland
` 1031 - Video 93
` 1032 - Video 93
` 1033 - Video 93
` 1035 - Symposium: Microsurgery of the 206
` Outflow Channels
` Clinical Research
` 1036 - Symposium: Microsurgery of the 208
` Outflow Channels
` Histologic Evaluation of
` Microsurgical Glaucoma Techniques
` 1037 - ModifIed Goniotomy for 210
` Inflammatory Glaucoma
` 1038 - Stripping of Descemet's Membrane 211
` in Cataract Extraction
` * * * * *
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0005


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` 2020-0001 - Sworn Affidavit of 194
` Manuel Quintana, M.D.
` * * * * *
` (Petitioner's Exhibits and Patent Owner's
` Exhibits premarked by Counsel)
` * * * * *
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0006


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`(9:16 a.m., September 30, 2021)
` P R O C E E D I N G S:
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We
` are going on the record at 9:16 a.m. on
` September 30th, 2021. This deposition is the
` continuation of Dr. Peter Netland, Volume
` III.
` Will the court reporter please swear in
` the witness.
` THE STENOGRAPHER: Sir, if you will
` raise your right hand for me, I'm going to
` swear you in.
` Do you swear or affirm that any
` testimony you are about to give shall be the
` truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
` truth?
` DR. NETLAND: I swear.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Please introduce
` yourself.
` MS. SUMMERS: My name is Teresa
` Summers, I'm with Wiley Rein, and I represent
` the patent owners in these proceedings,
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0007


`New World Medical, Inc. v Microsurgical Technology, Inc., et al.
`Peter Netland, M.D. Ph.D. Vol III
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` Microsurgical Technology and The Regents of
` The University of California. And with me is
` Jasmine Zhu, also from Wiley Rein.
` MR. TUCKER: Todd Tucker, from Calfee,
` Halter & Griswold, Cleveland, Ohio, for
` petitioner New World Medical, Inc. With me
` is the general counsel of New World Medical,
` Inc., David Klann.
` Also, just so we have on the record, I
` believe the ground rules for today, by
` agreement of counsel, is 6 hours of
` examination, followed by a potential 30
` minutes of redirect, and this is a deposition
` to focus on the supplemental reply
` declarations of Dr. Netland.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Thank you. You may
` begin.
` THE STENOGRAPHER: He's been sworn.
` MS. SUMMERS: Oh, he has.
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`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0008


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` was sworn and testified as follows:
` E X A M I N A T I O N
` Q. All right. Dr. Netland, in advance of
` this deposition, I put in front of you several
` exhibits that are premarked. Do you see those
` exhibits in front of you?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Now I'm just going to do a
` little housekeeping, which is to read off the
` exhibit numbers for the --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- record, just so the record has it
` indicated what is in front of you right now.
` So, in the small stack that you are
` touching, that is all of your reply declarations
` in each of the various 5 IPRs. And they have been
` prenumbered with exhibit numbers submitted in each
` of those IPRs, and those exhibit numbers are shown
` down in the right hand bottom of every page. Do
` you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. So then during the course of
` this deposition, we can refer to these as either
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0009


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` the reply declaration for the 1573 IPR or for the
` 729 patent, and so forth and so on. Are you
` comfortable with that?
` A. Yes. I have one question about --
` Q. Sure.
` A. So, all of these have the same exhibit
` number?
` Q. Correct.
` A. Does that mean that all of these are
` one exhibit?
` Q. So, each one, if you look at the
` caption, you will see that it says the IPR that it
` relates to --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- and the patent number.
` A. I'm aware of that.
` Q. Okay.
` A. But the exhibit numbers are all the
` same.
` Q. That is correct.
` A. So, this is one exhibit and we will
` refer to the different documents by the IPR
` number, patent number on it?
` Q. You are correct, yes.
` A. Okay.
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0010


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` Q. And then in the tall stack, it's the
` very same situation, except that it is for your
` opening declaration in each of the various IPRs.
` And just take a moment to familiarize yourself.
` A. Yes. And confirmation, the same
` question, it's the same exhibit number and we will
` refer to them by the patent number or case number.
` Q. That is correct.
` A. Okay.
` Q. And that's -- you are comfortable
` proceeding --
` A. I'm comfortable with --
` Q. -- that way?
` A. -- that.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Thanks.
` Q. So, I know that you have been deposed
` before; correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And we patent owners in these five IPRs
` took your deposition previously for these cases;
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And are you familiar with the
` ground rules for deposition, do you recall them,
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0011


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` or would you like me --
` A. Yes. I would like them to be reviewed
` though.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. No problem whatsoever. All right. So,
` you understand you are under oath today and you
` must answer accurately and truthfully; correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. We need a verbal answer.
` A. Yeah. I said it too softly, I'm sorry.
` I affirmatively responded yes.
` Q. All right. Great.
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. And that was my next reminder, is that
` we need verbal answers and to please speak loudly
` enough for the record. Thank you very much.
` And during the course of this
` deposition, your counsel may object to some of my
` questions. And that's fine, but you must still
` continue to answer the question unless he
` instructs you specifically not to answer that
` question. Okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And every now and then we will take a
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0012


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` break, roughly every hour. But if you at any time
` feel like you need a short break, just speak up
` and we will accommodate you.
` A. Yes. Thank you.
` Q. Also, if you do not understand my
` question, just feel free to ask me to repeat it
` and I will be happy to try to clarify. And I will
` do the same for you with your answers, so that we
` make sure we are under a common understanding.
` Okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. So, now, with respect to your
` various reply declarations, would you agree with
` me that they are essentially identical?
` A. They are -- I would say that they are
` very similar.
` Q. Okay. And what are like the
` differences amongst them?
` A. Well, they refer to different patent
` numbers, the patents that have claims that are
` relevant to this.
` Q. Right.
` A. To this experiment.
` Q. And in terms of the substance or the
` material aspects, they are -- it's the same
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0013


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` throughout every declaration; right?
` A. The substance, the content is similar
` and identical in some sections.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. Thank you. All right. So, we are
` going to refer to, predominantly to the reply
` declaration in the 1573 IPR which relates to the
` patent number ending in 729. All right. Do you
` have that in front of you?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So, I'm going to ask you some
` questions, but if you need to refresh your memory
` and look at your declaration, you have got them
` all there, so you can feel comfortable to do so.
` So, in your reply declaration, you have
` various -- you have a section in there that talks
` about the materials you considered in forming your
` opinions in your reply declarations. Do you
` recall reviewing specific materials?
` A. Let me get on the section you're
` referring to. Are you referring to introduction
` section four?
` Q. Yeah.
` A. I ask because, to clarify, there were
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0014


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` different materials. There's a new reference and,
` you know, that was referred to. And then there
` were some other references to referrals. So, I'm
` just trying to clarify where we are, you know,
` which ones.
` Q. Sure, no problem.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. What were some of the new references
` that you have --
` A. Just the Arora reference.
` Q. The Arora?
` A. Which was an experimental method
` reference which, yeah, it was relevant to this in
` the sense that it provided a precedent or a
` literature validation of the method.
` Q. Okay.
` A. That was used to do these.
` Q. All right.
` A. So, yeah.
` Q. Did you read patent owner's response to
` the petition?
` A. I did review it. And I read it to the
` extent I could. It's a lot of material.
` Q. Did you rely on any statements in that
` document in forming your opinion for your reply
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0015


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` declaration?
` A. I didn't focus on that. This is a
` pretty tightly focused set experiment that
` focusing on removal of tissue from the trabecular
` meshwork and cutting tissue and so forth. So, I
` looked at there were some materials that were not
` directly relevant, in the responses that were not
` directly relevant to this set of -- this
` experiment.
` Q. And did you read the Board
` institution's decision in each of the IPRs?
` A. The Board institution? No, I may not
` have seen that. I have materials, I don't know if
` I reviewed that. I don't recall on that one.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. So, a moment ago you mentioned some
` experiments; is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. So, in your declaration you
` describe in some detail three experiments; is that
` correct?
` A. Right. That's a good way to look at
` it. I think it's -- it could be categorized as
` one experiment with three different samples as
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0016


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` well. It's really one test, one experiment
` with -- I think of it as one experiment with three
` different samples.
` Q. And did you --
` A. There were four technically, but the
` first sample we were just setting it up and had a
` none -- no video set up on an old microscope at --
` I'm just going to clarify a little bit of the
` background so you understand what happened.
` Q. Please.
` A. We set up, you know, the microscope,
` and it was in the Old Medical School here, no
` video. And we needed to capture the information,
` so we went to the surgery center and used our
` normal setup for human goniotomy, and that had a
` video and also adequate optics to capture images
` so that we could document the last three samples
` that were used in this one experiment.
` The experiment was essentially the same
` methodology for all, all the samples that were
` used, but there were four different samples. The
` first one was mentioned, it really wasn't recorded
` because we couldn't. But we moved to a location
` where we could record -- we had a video setup that
` didn't work, et cetera, et cetera, so we moved to
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0017


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` a location where we could record the sample
` treatments that we did.
` Q. All right. We are going to circle back
` to that. The first experiment that you did that
` wasn't actually videoed --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- we will circle back --
` A. Yes. Sure.
` Q. -- to that in just a moment. But thank
` you for that clarification.
` All right. So, when did you perform
` these four -- this experiment on four samples?
` A. I would have to look at my calendar to
` verify the date. And I'm happy to do that. I
` don't recall from memory the exact date, but I'm
` glad to check that if you would like.
` Q. Sure. That would be -- yeah, that's
` fine.
` A. It will take me a minute.
` (Witness looking on his cellphone)
` A. Okay. We are getting warmer.
` August 13th. And I would include the 12th as
` well. August 12th and 13th. I was setting up
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0018


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` some things on the 12th, receiving materials and
` setting some things up.
` Q. Okay. You can put your device away
` now.
` A. Okay. Thank you.
` MR. TUCKER: And what year was that,
` you want to give that?
` THE WITNESS: Oh, sorry. 2021.
` August 13th, 2021. And I will show you, I'm
` just looking at my calendar, that's all.
` Q. Sure.
` A. No other notes.
` Q. I trust you.
` A. Thank you.
` Q. Okay. So, on August 12th of this year,
` you set up your facilities?
` A. Received some materials. There -- you
` know, things had to be shipped in to do the
` testing and I had to receive some materials, which
` came in, I think, on the 12th. Once we were
` confirmed that we had the materials, we could go,
` plan a go on the next day. And then we went ahead
` and did the testing on the next day. So, we had
` to organize a little bit in the sense that we
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0019


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` didn't have all the materials on site. Obviously
` human tissue, you know, it has to be shipped in.
` And so, we had to gather that and really couldn't
` really go ahead with the experiments until we had
` all the essential materials, which mainly was the
` human tissue. So, that arrived the day before.
` Q. Okay. And you mentioned "we" in those
` statements.
` A. Right.
` Q. Who was all --
` A. So, there were really several people
` involved, but the only people -- we have a
` research coordinator, and so she received the
` materials and helped us to -- helped me and helped
` us to, you know, coordinate the facility here at
` the Old Medical School. That's research based
` that we control, that I control, I guess you could
` say. So, we set up the -- you know, planned, did
` a little advance planning and set things up and
` got the materials and so forth. And so, my team
` that does clinical research is a group of about
` five people. But, the only person directly
` involved in this was the head of that, Ashton
` Leone, A-S-H-T-E-O-N-E, Leone L-E-O-N-E. She
` received the materials and coordinated and helped
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0020


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` us to get organized but had no direct involvement
` with any of the experiments. And then the two
` people that were there the next day to do the
` experiments was myself and then Kyle. And I've
` got to get the spelling of the last name correct,
` so may I ask Todd?
` MR. TUCKER: It's Deighan, D-E-I --
` THE WITNESS: A-N. Okay. Right. SO,
` I just want to make sure we get it correct
` for the record. So, Kyle and I did the
` experiments. Kyle had no direct involvement,
` was in a purely supportive role. He does not
` have -- I would say it's fair to say, I don't
` think he would object if I said that he
` doesn't have medical knowledge. You know,
` he's a very knowledgeable person, but doesn't
` have medical knowledge. But he was very
` supportive. You know, I had to video and set
` things up and bring things from place to
` place and organize and so forth. So, in
` terms of support, there was some support
` needed and Kyle was on site to help with
` that. But, I actually did the entire thing
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0021


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` myself.
` Q. Was anyone else with you other than
` Kyle?
` A. No. I have many trainees and people
` around, but I did it all myself. I thought it was
` important to do it.
` Q. Was anyone else observing the
` experiments you performed?
` A. No. And that's one of the reasons
` we -- that I felt it was important to video
` capture the images, yeah. So...
` Q. And on the first day when you were
` receiving the materials, who all was involved in
` that?
` A. Really I guess there was a third
` person, perhaps. Ruth Jolly, perhaps. She's now
` retired and her replacement is Stephanie
` Kandetzki. If you would like, I can spell the
` names. But perhaps she received some phone calls.
` But then Ashton would have been the only other
` person. So, I think my administrative assistant
` may have been involved in some coordination of
` phone calls. I don't recall. I know she set
` up -- she coordinated the visit a little bit with
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0022


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` Kyle. But I don't recall. So, she's the only
` other person that could have been involved with
` any aspect of this. So, her name is Ruth Jolly,
` J-O-L-L-Y. And the other person is Stephanie
` Kandetzki, who was phasing in and becoming her
` replacement. And it's K-A-N-D-E-T-Z-K-I,
` Kandetzki. So, those are the only people that
` would have been involved.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Administrative and technical support.
` Q. And Kyle, the Kyle you mentioned who
` was there during the course of each of the four
` experiments, he is your attorney in this case; is
` that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And Ashtone?
` A. Ashton, right.
` Q. Ashton.
` A. Ashton, uh-huh, leone. She's an
` employee for our group. So, I supervise her and
` she coordinates a lot of our clinical research.
` And, you know, these kinds of experiments and so
` forth, we have a lot of regulations and rules and
` policies about doing experimental work. So, she's
` responsible for coordinating our clinical trials,
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0023


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` making sure that we are in compliance, and is
` involved in virtually all use of experimental
` equipment and supplies and experiments done on
` site.
` Q. And where were these experiments
` performed?
` A. So, the first one where we were
` essentially just seeing if it -- seeing how it
` worked and setting it up and trialing and
` understanding how the model worked, was in the Old
` Medical School here at UVA in a clinical research
` space, which is departmental space in our
` department. We realized we had to get a little
` bit better equipment from the initial testing to
` try to make sure that we could observe and see the
` things and then, more importantly, record. So we
` moved to Monticello Surgery Center, which is our
` main UVA-owned surgery center, formerly a
` physician-owned surgery center, now this year sold
` to UVA, so it's a UVA facility on 29 North. So,
` it's called Monticello Surgery Center.
` So, the actual samples were evaluated
` and the testing done in Monticello Surgery Center.
` And the advantage of that move to move out there
` was mainly the microscope recording equipment.
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0024


`New World Medical, Inc. v Microsurgical Technology, Inc., et al.
`Peter Netland, M.D. Ph.D. Vol III
`Page 25
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` The microscope is a Zeiss Lumera, which is the top
` of the line, best microscope possible. And I
` think that's reflected in the quality of the
` video. The video is quite clear, it's sharp, it
` has high resolution, and it's digitally recorded.
` And that's possible, the quality of the optics
` with the Zeiss Lumera is essentially top of the
` line, highest quality available. So, that's --
` that was important to try to get some good optics,
` good recording equipment, because we found quite
` quickly, just from seeing it, that the equipment
` was the limitation and the thing that was
` inadequate in the first sample. We just
` couldn't -- you know, the testing went fine, but
` we couldn't record it properly. The actual video
` recorder, you know, old, not working, not digital
` even.
` The lab that we have here is used for
` clinical research, but it's also used for training
` trainees, the one for the first sample. So, we
` don't really have state-of-the-art equipment there
` and good video capture equipment. The purpose is
` really for education and to train people. So,
` it's not set up really to do proper recording.
` So, we did the last three samples in a
`Reported by Kimberly A Adderley
`Patent Owner Ex. 2032-0025


`New World Medical, Inc. v Microsurgical Technology, Inc., et al.
`Peter Netland, M.D. Ph.D. Vol III
`Page 26
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` place where we could properly record and have the
` highest quality equipment possible.
` Q. Okay. We -- thank you for that
` detailed explanation. We are going to circle back
` to some of the things. I took notes on your
` statements, we will circle back to those. But,
` first I'm just going to ask you a couple further
` background questions about the experiments
` generally. So, all right, so you said that you
` first performed the experiments on August 13th,
` and you did set up on the 12th. And on what,
` roughly what date did you first consider
` performing the experiments?
` A. I don't know the exact date. Again, I
` can try to hone in on it by looking at my calendar
` again, but it was between the time of the
` responses to when we did the experiments. And I
` think my recollect would be it was about a month
` or so before the actual experiments

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