
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2020-01573
`U.S. Patent No. 9,107,729
`TO EVIDENCE UNDER 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(b)(1)


`In accordance with 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(b)(1), Patent Owner MicroSurgical
`Technology, Inc. (“Patent Owner” or “MST”) objects to the admissibility of
`evidence submitted by Petitioner with Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s
`Response to Petition on August 31, 2021 (the “Reply”). Specifically, Patent Owner
`objects to Exhibits 1030-1038 cited by Petitioner in its Reply. Patent Owner also
`renews its objections to Exhibit 1004 on the grounds raised in Patent Owner’s First
`Set of Objections to Evidence, Paper No. 24. Patent Owner further objects to any
`reference to and reliance upon Exhibits 1030-1038 in Petitioner’s Reply and in
`Exhibit 1030, the Reply Declaration of Dr. Peter Netland, Petitioner’s Expert. As
`required by 37 C.F.R. § 42.62, Patent Owner’s objections below apply the Federal
`Rules of Evidence (“F.R.E.”).
`These objections are submitted within 5 business days from service of
`Petitioner’s evidence. Patent Owner lists the evidence objected to and provides
`grounds for its objections below. Patent Owner also objects to Petitioner’s reliance
`on or citation to any objected evidence in its papers.
`Identification of Challenged Evidence and Grounds
`A. Objections to Exhibit 1030 (Reply Declaration of Dr. Netland) and
`Any Reference to or Reliance on Exhibits 1004 and 1031-1038
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1030 under F.R.E. 703 to the extent it relies
`upon Exhibits 1004 and 1031-1038 because those Exhibits are inadmissible for the
`reasons below and therefore the probative value does not outweigh the prejudicial


`effect. Patent Owner further objects to Exhibit 1030 under F.R.E. 602 for lack of
`personal knowledge to the extent that it fails to provide evidence sufficient to support
`a finding that Dr. Netland has personal knowledge of the matters to which his
`testimony pertains.
`Patent Owner also objects to Exhibit 1030 under F.R.E. 702-703 and 37
`C.F.R. § 42.65 because the testimony is not based on sufficient facts or data and for
`failing to disclose the underlying facts or data on which the opinions set forth are
`based. Throughout his declaration, Dr. Netland draws conclusions when there is no
`indication that the testimony is based on reliable facts or data. Moreover, there is no
`indication that the testimony will aid the Board in understanding the evidence or
`determining a fact in issue.
`Patent Owner further objects to Exhibit 1030 under F.R.E. 801-802 as
`inadmissible hearsay to the extent Petitioner relies on the exhibits cited therein for
`the truth of the matter asserted.
`B. Objections to Exhibits 1031-1033 (Reply Declaration Videos)
`Patent Owner’s grounds for objection include F.R.E. 401, 402 (“Relevance”),
`F.R.E. 403 (“Excluding Relevant Evidence for Prejudice, Confusion, Waste of Time,
`or Other Reasons”), F.R.E. 801, 802 (“Hearsay”), F.R.E. 702-703 (Expert Opinions),
`and 37 C.F.R. § 42.65. Patent Owner further objects to Exhibits 1031-1033 because


`they consist of improper and inadmissible new evidence raised for the first time in a
`Exhibits 1031-1033 are irrelevant because they have no tendency to prove the
`matter sought to be proved. For example, Petitioner relies on Exhibits 1031-1033 in
`an attempt to explain what Petitioner’s lead prior art reference (Quintana, Ex. 1004)
`purports to teach to a person of skill in the art at the time of the invention. But these
`Exhibits are not prior art and they post-date Quintana as well as the undisputed
`priority date of the invention by decades. There is thus no relationship between
`Exhibits 1031-1033 and any issue properly before the Board in this matter.
`Patent Owner also objects to Exhibits 1031-1033 under F.R.E. 702-703 and
`37 C.F.R. § 42.65 because the demonstrations in the videos are not based on
`sufficient facts or data and do not disclose the underlying facts or data on which the
`opinions set forth are based. There is also no indication that the videos will aid the
`Board in understanding the evidence or determining a fact in issue.
`Exhibits 1031-1033 are also hearsay. For example, Exhibits 1031-1033
`contain multiple out of court “statements” or depictions purportedly relating to the
`procedure described in Quintana, Exhibit 1004, and Petitioner relies on these out of
`court statements for the truth of the matters asserted therein, i.e., that if Exhibits
`1031-1033, which were made many years after both Quintana and the undisputed


`priority date, shows cutting strips of tissue from the TM, so does Quintana. Exhibits
`1031-1033 are therefore inadmissible. F.R.E. 801, 802.
`Exhibits 1031-1033 are also improper, inadmissible new evidence advanced
`for the first time in a reply in violation of 37 C.F.R. § 42.23 (a “reply may only
`respond to arguments raised in the corresponding opposition, patent owner
`preliminary response, or patent owner response”). To the extent that Petitioner
`purportedly relies on Exhibits 1031-1033 in an attempt to rebut Patent Owner’s
`expert, as Petitioner concedes, Patent Owner’s expert did not perform the procedure
`described in the Quintana reference. Reply, p. 13 n.3. Petitioner had every
`opportunity to prepare such videos in advance of filing the Petition. However,
`Petitioner never prepared, submitted, or discussed these Exhibits until filing the
`Reply. Because Patent Owner’s expert did not perform the procedure described in
`Quintana, there is no basis for Petitioner to have done so for the first time in reply.
`Further, to the extent Petitioner relied on Exhibits 1031-1033 in an attempt to rebut
`the Affidavit of Dr. Quintana, Ex. 2020, this Exhibit is currently the subject of a
`pending Motion to Strike, filed by Petitioner. To the extent the Board determines to
`strike the Affidavit of Dr. Quintana from evidence, then Exhibits 1031-1033 must
`also be stricken as must any reliance thereon in the Reply or in Exhibit 1030.
`Furthermore, to the extent the Petition, Exhibit 1030, or any other submission
`of Petitioner purports to refer to or rely on Exhibits 1031-1033, Patent Owner objects


`to Exhibits 1031-1033 and such reference to/reliance on evidence that is also
`misleading and unfairly prejudicial under F.R.E. 403.
`C. Objections to Exhibits 1035 (Becker) and 1036 (Spencer)
`Patent Owner’s grounds for objection include F.R.E. 801, 802 (“Hearsay”);
`and F.R.E. 901 (“Authenticating or Identifying Evidence”). Patent Owner also
`objects because these Exhibits are new evidence raised for the first time in a reply
`in violation of 37 C.F.R. § 42.23 (a “reply may only respond to arguments raised
`in the corresponding opposition, patent owner preliminary response, or patent
`owner response”).
`Exhibits 1035 and 1036 are hearsay. In the Petition, Petitioner relies on these
`Exhibits as purported prior art or evidence as to what a person of ordinary skill may
`have been aware of at the time of the invention at issue. Petitioner thus relies on the
`out of court statements in Exhibits 1035 and 1036 for the truth of the matters asserted
`therein, making them hearsay under F.R.E. 801, 802. Further, to the extent any of
`these Exhibits may constitute a statement from a periodical or pamphlet, neither
`Petitioner nor its expert have established any of Exhibits 1035 and 1036 as a reliable
`authority as required under F.R.E. 803(18)(B). And, even if Petitioner or its expert
`attempt to do so, Exhibits 1035 and 1036 still may not be received as an exhibit.
`F.R.E. 803(18) (“If admitted, the statement may be read into evidence but not
`received as an exhibit,”). As such, even if any of Exhibits 1035 and 1036 qualified


`as an exception to hearsay pursuant to F.R.E. 803(18), they would still not constitute
`“evidence” under 37 C.F.R. 42.63(a) (“All evidence must be filed in the form of an
`Moreover, Petitioner also fails to authenticate Exhibits 1035 and 1036 as
`required by F.R.E. 901. On its face, these Exhibits purport to be various publications
`relating to ophthalmology, but Petitioner provides nothing that would authenticate
`Exhibits 1035 and 1036, like testimony of a witness with knowledge (see F.R.E.
`901(b)(1)) or other evidence that satisfies the requirement. They are also not self-
`authenticating, because it is not a public document, official publication by a public
`authority, or other material that requires “no extrinsic evidence of authenticity in
`order to be admitted” (see F.R.E. 902). Petitioner thus improperly cites to Exhibits
`1035 and 1036 without providing any authenticating evidence sufficient to support
`a finding that the item is what Petitioner claims it is, in violation of F.R.E. 901.
`Exhibits 1035 and 1036 are also improper, inadmissible new evidence
`advanced for the first time in a reply. As one non-limiting example, Petitioner uses
`Exhibits 1035 and 1036 to show that the Quintana reference generally teaches
`removing a strip of trabecular meshwork (Reply pp. 8-9), which is not necessarily
`disclosed in Quintana. Although Exhibits 1035 and 1036 are cited in Quintana,
`Petitioner never submitted or discussed them until filing the Reply. Further, by
`relying on Exhibits 1035 and 1036 as evidence that prior art teaches removing a strip


`of trabecular meshwork, Petitioner is framing Exhibits 1035 and 1036 as alternatives
`to Quintana. For at least these reasons, Petitioner is presenting a new rationale not
`asserted in the petition.
`D. Objections to Ex. 1037 (Herschler), and 1038 (Scheie)
`Patent Owner’s grounds for objection include F.R.E. 401, 402 (“Relevance”),
`F.R.E. 801, 802 (“Hearsay”); and F.R.E. 901 (“Authenticating or Identifying
`Exhibits 1037 and 1038 are irrelevant because they have no tendency to prove
`the matter sought to be proved. For example, Petitioner relies on Exhibits 1037 and
`1038 in an attempt to explain aspects related to incising or removing trabecular
`meshwork tissue, but these Exhibits relate to nasal trabecular sheets or Descemet’s
`membrane, not trabecular meshwork tissue. There is thus no relationship between
`Exhibits 1031-1033 and any issue properly before the Board in this matter.
`Exhibits 1037 and 1038 are hearsay. In the Petition, Petitioner relies on these
`Exhibits as purported prior art or evidence as to what a person of ordinary skill may
`have been aware of at the time of the invention at issue. Petitioner thus relies on the
`out of court statements in Exhibits 1037 and 1038 for the truth of the matters asserted
`therein, making them hearsay under F.R.E. 801, 802. Further, to the extent any of
`these Exhibits may constitute a statement from a periodical or pamphlet, neither
`Petitioner nor its expert have established Exhibits 1037 and 1038 as reliable


`authorities as required under F.R.E. 803(18)(B). And, even if Petitioner or its expert
`attempt to do so, Exhibits 1037 and 1038 still may not be received as an exhibit.
`F.R.E. 803(18) (“If admitted, the statement may be read into evidence but not
`received as an exhibit,”). As such, even if any of Exhibits 1037 and 1038 qualified
`as an exception to hearsay pursuant to F.R.E. 803(18), they would still not constitute
`“evidence” under 37 C.F.R. 42.63(a) (“All evidence must be filed in the form of an
`Moreover, Petitioner also fails to authenticate Exhibits 1037 and 1038 as
`required by F.R.E. 901. On its face, these Exhibits purport to be various publications
`relating to nasal trabecular sheets or Descemet’s membrane, but Petitioner provides
`nothing that would authenticate Exhibits 1037 and 1038, like testimony of a witness
`with knowledge (see F.R.E. 901(b)(1)) or other evidence that satisfies the
`requirement. They are also not self-authenticating, because it is not a public
`document, official publication by a public authority, or other material that requires
`“no extrinsic evidence of authenticity in order to be admitted” (see F.R.E. 902).
`Petitioner thus improperly cites to Exhibits 1037 and 1038 without providing any
`authenticating evidence sufficient to support a finding that the item is what Petitioner
`claims it is, in violation of F.R.E. 901.


`E. Renewal of Objections to Exhibit 1004 (Quintana)
`Patent Owner also renews its objections to Exhibit 1004 on the grounds raised
`in Patent Owner’s First Set of Objections to Evidence, Paper No. 24. Patent Owner’s
`grounds for objection include F.R.E. 801, 802 (“Hearsay”); and F.R.E. 901
`(“Authenticating or Identifying Evidence”).
`II. Conclusion
`To the extent Petitioner fails to correct the defects identified above, Patent
`Owner may file a motion to strike and/or a motion to exclude under 37 C.F.R. §
`42.64(c) at the appropriate time in accordance with the Scheduling Order in this
`Dated: September 8, 2021
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Lawrence M. Sung
`Lawrence M. Sung
`Reg. No. 38,330
`Mary Sylvia
`Reg. No. 37,156
`Teresa M. Summers
`(pro hac vice)
`1776 K Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`Tel. 202.719.7000
`Fax 202.719.7049


`Counsel for Patent Owner
`MicroSurgical Technology, Inc.


`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.6(e), I certify that on September 8, 2021, a true and
`correct copy of the foregoing PATENT OWNER’S OBJECTIONS TO
`EVIDENCE UNDER 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(b)(1) was served by email on the
`following counsel of record for New World Medical, Inc.:
`Todd R. Tucker (Lead Counsel)
`Reg. No. 40,850
`Kyle T. Deighan (Back-up Counsel)
`Reg. No. 75,525
`John Reulbach (Back-up Counsel)
`(pro hac vice to be requested)
`The Calfee Building
`1405 East Sixth Street
`Cleveland, OH 44114
`P: 216-622-8551 / F: 216-214-0816
`/s/ Lawrence M. Sung
`Counsel for Patent Owner
`MicroSurgical Technology, Inc.

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