Page 1
` * * *
` * * *
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` * * *
` IPS2020-01573, IPR2020-01711, IPR2021-00017,
` IPR2021-00065, IPR2021-00066
` * * *
` Telephonic Hearing Held Friday, August 13, 2021,
` before the Honorable:
` Administrative Patent Judges.
` * * *
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Petitioner - New World Medical
`Ex. 1027, p. 1 of 9
`New World Medical, Inc. v. MicroSurgical Tech., Inc., IPR2020-01573


`2 Todd R. Tucker, Esq.
` Calfee, Halter & Griswold, LLP
`3 The Calfee Building
` 1405 East 6th Street
`4 Cleveland, Ohio 44114
` 216.622.8231
`6 On behalf of the Petitioner;
`7 Lawrence M. Sung, Ph.D., Esq.
` Teresa M. Summers, Esq.
`8 Wiley Rein, LLP
` 1776 K Street, NW
`9 Washington, D.C. 200006
` 202.719.4181
` On behalf of the Patent Owner.
`Page 2
`Page 4
`1 correct?
`2 THE NOTARY: Yes, it is.
`3 MR. TUCKER: This is Mr. Tucker,
`4 and that is correct.
`5 JUDGE FLAX: Okay. Well, when
`6 we're all finished, if you would please
`7 submit the transcript of this call, we
`8 would appreciate that.
`9 One housekeeping note, I note --
`10 and I could be wrong about this, but I
`11 believe that Miss Summers was admitted
`12 pro hac vice, but the mandatory notices for
`13 Patent Owner have not been updated to
`14 identify her as active counsel.
`15 If that's correct, if you would
`16 please update the mandatory notices.
`17 MR. SUNG: Yes, Your Honor.
`18 JUDGE FLAX: Okay, getting to the
`19 matter at hand, so it is our understanding
`20 that we are here to discuss efforts to
`21 secure the deposition of Dr. Quintana,
`22 who's a fact witness in this case. Is that
`23 correct?
`24 MR. TUCKER: This is Mr. Tucker,
`25 that is correct, Your Honor.
`Page 3
`1 JUDGE FLAX: Good morning, this is
`2 Judge Flax. I am joined today by Judges
`3 Pollack, Tartal, Worth and Zastrow Newman.
`4 And, we are here to discuss --
`5 one, two, three, four -- five IPRs,
`6 numbered IPR2020-01573, IPR2020-01711,
`7 IPR2020 -- I'm sorry -- 2021-00017,
`8 IPR2021-00065, and IPR2021-00066.
`9 I understand we have counsel for
`10 the parties on the call.
`11 Could you please identify
`12 yourselves?
`13 MR. TUCKER: Good morning,
`14 Your Honor, this is Todd Tucker for
`15 Petitioner, New World Medical.
`16 MR. SUNG: And good morning,
`17 Your Honor, this is Lawrence Sung of
`18 Wiley Rein on behalf of Patent Owner's
`19 Microsurgical Technology and the Regents of
`20 the University of California.
`21 And along with me today we have
`22 Teresa Summers.
`23 JUDGE FLAX: Thank you.
`24 I understand we also have a
`25 court reporter on the line; is that
`Page 5
`1 JUDGE FLAX: Okay. And, as of our
`2 last conference call, which was held
`3 July 15, when we left that, the parties had
`4 agreed to work together to try to secure
`5 Dr. Quintana's deposition.
`6 And, the parties have reported to
`7 the Panels on essentially a weekly basis to
`8 update us on what was happening, and have
`9 reported that they have been unable to
`10 secure Dr. Quintana's deposition. Is that
`11 also accurate?
`12 MR. SUNG: That is accurate,
`13 Your Honor.
`14 JUDGE FLAX: Okay. So, why don't
`15 you tell us what the current status is and
`16 what you are looking for today.
`17 MR. TUCKER: Your Honor, this is
`18 Mr. Tucker, for Petitioner with New
`19 Medical, thank you.
`20 The Board's characterization of
`21 the efforts are correct. There's been a
`22 couple reach outs to Dr. Quintana via
`23 email, as well as a letter. There's been
`24 no response.
`25 So, you know, cross-examination of
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`2 (Pages 2 - 5)
`Petitioner - New World Medical
`Ex. 1027, p. 2 of 9
`New World Medical, Inc. v. MicroSurgical Tech., Inc., IPR2020-01573


`Page 6
`1 a witness who appears in an affidavit, it's
`2 routine discovery. And I think that's
`3 whether or not it's -- you know, the claims
`4 of a third-party independent witness, I
`5 don't think that's a red herring here.
`6 It's just that this was an affidavit and
`7 there's direct testimony, and so cross is
`8 part of the routine discovery.
`9 Given that Dr. Quintana's being --
`10 has been unresponsive, we can assume we're
`11 not going to get that cross-examination
`12 testimony.
`13 Petitioner's looking for guidance
`14 of what we would do next.
`15 Do we request -- you know, one
`16 thought that we had is to request
`17 authorization to file a motion to strike or
`18 otherwise remove the affidavit from the
`19 record.
`20 I went through the Trial Practice
`21 Guide, and I found Page, I believe 80, 81,
`22 a motion to strike is perhaps more
`23 appropriate where it's a procedural issue,
`24 such as this, where they can pull and stop
`25 making themselves available, as to opposed
`Page 8
`1 the opportunity to compel him, otherwise,
`2 to be available.
`3 We have, as the Board had
`4 mentioned, tried to work with Pat --
`5 Petitioner to request that the witness be
`6 available. And, again, we have not --
`7 neither party has heard back from him about
`8 that.
`9 We don't have an objection to
`10 Petitioner pursuing a motion to strike, and
`11 we would agree that this would allow the
`12 parties to fully brief the issue.
`13 JUDGE FLAX: Okay. Just one
`14 moment.
`15 So, I appreciate what you've had
`16 to say, Mr. Sung.
`17 One question for you, Mr. Sung,
`18 how did you procure Dr. Quintana's
`19 affidavit in the first place?
`20 MR. SUNG: We had reached out to
`21 some contacts in Dr. Quintana's former
`22 employ, I believe he's employed with the
`23 University of Barcelona, I apologize if I
`24 don't have the exact accurate name of the
`25 institution.
`Page 7
`Page 9
`1 to waiting till later where it would be
`2 something more of an evidentiary objection.
`3 But, you know, seeking permission to file
`4 that motion to strike.
`5 And also, if the Board believes
`6 it's not appropriate for a motion to
`7 strike, what would be the vehicle that the
`8 Board would like Petitioner to proceed to
`9 get this issue properly before the Board
`10 and give each side a chance to brief it?
`11 So, that's -- that's the crux that
`12 I think the Petitioner is looking for here,
`13 Your Honors, is that guidance.
`14 JUDGE FLAX: Okay. Mr. Sung,
`15 what's your position?
`16 MR. SUNG: I think that we've, on
`17 our last call, addressed the Patent Owner's
`18 concern that at this point in time, while
`19 we don't dispute that it would be an
`20 opportunity for cross-examination to, you
`21 know, help with this process, that we do
`22 not control this particular witness, and
`23 have no other relationship with the
`24 witness. And as an independent fact
`25 witness, for that purpose, we don't have
`1 Again, Dr. Quintana has long
`2 retired, but there were individuals at that
`3 particular location that were familiar with
`4 Dr. Quintana. And through that mechanism
`5 we were able to reach out to him.
`6 JUDGE FLAX: When you say you
`7 reached out to him, what does that mean
`8 precisely?
`9 MR. SUNG: There was an email
`10 address that was provided to us, that we
`11 believe it was Dr. Quintana's personal
`12 email, and that was, again, the email
`13 address we used to reach out with the
`14 parties' joint request for his
`15 availability.
`16 And through that email mechanism,
`17 we set up a time for a telephone
`18 conference. And he had, you know, spoken
`19 with us on that telephone conference.
`20 JUDGE FLAX: And have you used
`21 these resources to try to get in touch with
`22 Dr. Quintana, his email address, his
`23 associates in Spain, and his telephone
`24 number that you seem to have?
`25 MR. SUNG: To correct, Your Honor,
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`3 (Pages 6 - 9)
`Petitioner - New World Medical
`Ex. 1027, p. 3 of 9
`New World Medical, Inc. v. MicroSurgical Tech., Inc., IPR2020-01573


`Page 10
`1 on that point, we don't have Dr. Quintana's
`2 telephone number. He was asked to dial in
`3 to a bridge line that we provided for him.
`4 We did contact him through the
`5 email address that we had available to us.
`6 And, in addition, we sent a letter to what
`7 we understood to be his home address.
`8 JUDGE FLAX: Did he respond to the
`9 emails?
`10 MR. SUNG: He has not.
`11 JUDGE FLAX: So the only direct
`12 contact you've had is a letter sent to what
`13 you understand to be his home, and some
`14 sort of a conference call line, where you
`15 spoke with him, and everyone dialed in; is
`16 that accurate?
`17 MR. SUNG: Yes. And we have not
`18 spoken with Dr. Quintana since the signing
`19 of his affidavit.
`20 JUDGE FLAX: And how do you know
`21 that you're dealing with the actual
`22 Dr. Quintana at all?
`23 MR. SUNG: Well, I think the
`24 easiest way to address that is through our
`25 conversation during the telephone
`Page 12
`1 JUDGE FLAX: Well, I've looked at
`2 the exhibit that is the affidavit, and I
`3 agree with you, that there's a portion of
`4 the exhibit that appears to be notarized.
`5 But, in the sense it's -- that
`6 notarization is just about as good as
`7 anything else in the exhibit.
`8 So, if you would hold on the line
`9 for a moment, the Panels will confer.
`10 - - - -
`11 (Thereupon, a discussion was had off the
`12 record.)
`13 - - - -
`14 JUDGE FLAX: Okay. Hello,
`15 everybody, this is Judge Flax.
`16 So, based on what we've heard, the
`17 Panels in all of these cases are
`18 authorizing filing of a motion to strike by
`19 Petitioner.
`20 Mr. Tucker, what exactly do you
`21 need in terms of pages and when can you
`22 file it?
`23 MR. TUCKER: Yes. So, I'm getting
`24 our schedule up here. Would five to ten
`25 pages, I'm leaning more towards about ten,
`Page 11
`1 conference in terms of confirming, you
`2 know, his understanding of the article
`3 that, you know, he is the author of.
`4 JUDGE FLAX: So, am I
`5 understanding you correctly in saying that
`6 you believe you're dealing with the actual
`7 Dr. Quintana because of the person's
`8 knowledge of the article that was submitted
`9 as Exhibit 1004; is that right?
`10 MR. SUNG: I think that's part of
`11 it, Your Honor. And I think the other
`12 component was, again, having initiated the
`13 contact through the university, we had no
`14 reason to, you know, disbelieve that this
`15 individual we were speaking with was not,
`16 in fact, the author of the article.
`17 MS. SUMMERS: Your Honor, this
`18 is --
`19 Judge Flax: Okay.
`20 MS. SUMMERS: This is Teresa
`21 Summers, if I may make a point.
`22 I would love to confirm this, but
`23 my understanding is also that the affidavit
`24 was notarized. But, allow me to confirm
`25 that.
`Page 13
`1 because I think there's some preferential
`2 case law that we're going to want to
`3 explain, so maybe ten pages.
`4 And, we have expert depositions
`5 next week, with our first reply due
`6 August 31.
`7 I'm thinking maybe shoot to get --
`8 I could get the motion filed by the 17th or
`9 18th, we'll work over the weekend to move
`10 this along, Your Honor.
`11 Maybe the 18th might be best.
`12 JUDGE FLAX: We're talking about
`13 this month; is that correct?
`14 MR. TUCKER: Yeah, that's what I
`15 was thinking.
`16 JUDGE FLAX: Of August?
`17 MR. TUCKER: Yes, sir.
`18 JUDGE FLAX: Okay. All right.
`19 So, in view of that, what we'll do
`20 is we'll authorize seven pages, and we'll
`21 say by the 18th. I mean, I don't know that
`22 this is necessarily urgent so, you know, if
`23 you want more time than the 18th, that
`24 would probably be okay.
`25 But, if you could file it by the
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`4 (Pages 10 - 13)
`Petitioner - New World Medical
`Ex. 1027, p. 4 of 9
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`Page 14
`Page 16
`1 18th, that's fine.
`2 So, perhaps what we'll do is say
`3 the due date will be the 20th.
`4 MR. TUCKER: Okay.
`5 JUDGE FLAX: Be the end of that
`6 week.
`7 Of course, an opposition is
`8 authorized. And we'll say we'll make that
`9 due by the 3rd. Same page limit.
`10 Now, although we're authorizing
`11 this motion and will consider it, we would
`12 suggest that everyone continue to make some
`13 efforts to procure this deposition, as it
`14 seems like the information would be useful,
`15 or whatever information you might get from
`16 the deposition might be useful.
`17 And it sounds like you have an
`18 email address where you might be able to
`19 further try to contact Dr. Quintana. We
`20 suggest using that.
`21 Of course, it's your prerogative
`22 to do it however you want.
`23 But, it seems like if you have
`24 more avenues than just sending a joint
`25 letter, you might want to explore those
`1 Patent Owner, Your Honor.
`2 JUDGE FLAX: Let me make sure that
`3 none of the other Judges on the Panel have
`4 anything to say.
`5 I think they might not.
`6 Okay. Then we'll call this
`7 conference call finished, we'll go off the
`8 record, and you-all have a nice weekend.
`9 MR. TUCKER: Thank you. You as
`10 well, Your Honor.
`11 MR. SUNG: Thank you, Your Honor.
`12 - - - -
`13 (Proceedings concluded at 10:20 a.m.)
`14 - - - -
`Page 15
`Page 17
` C E R T I F I C A T E
`1 2 3
`4 5
` I, Elizabeth A. Merritt, a Notary Public
`6 within and for the State of Ohio, do hereby
`7 certify that I attended the foregoing proceedings
`8 in its entirety, that I wrote the same in
`9 stenotypy, and that this is a true and correct
`10 transcript of my stenotype notes.
`11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my
`12 hand and seal of office, at Cleveland, Ohio, this
`13 18th day of August, 2021.
`20 <%26149,Signature%>
`Elizabeth A. Merritt
`21 Notary Public, State of Ohio
`My commission expires September 9, 2024
`1 avenues.
`2 So, that being said, Mr. Tucker,
`3 are those guidelines satisfactory to you?
`4 MR. TUCKER: Those are perfect,
`5 Your Honor.
`6 JUDGE FLAX: Mr. Sung, do you
`7 understand those?
`8 MR. SUNG: We do, Your Honor,
`9 thank you.
`10 JUDGE FLAX: Okay. So what we'll
`11 do is we'll follow up with an order further
`12 commemorating what we've discussed.
`13 And we understand that you-all
`14 will file a transcript of this conference
`15 call as soon as you can. Is that correct?
`16 MR. TUCKER: Yes, that is correct.
`17 Petitioner will attend to that, Your Honor.
`18 JUDGE FLAX: Okay. As well as the
`19 updated mandatory notices from Patent
`20 Owner, that we discussed.
`21 So, is there anything else you-all
`22 would like to discuss at this time?
`23 MR. TUCKER: Not from Petitioner,
`24 Your Honor.
`25 MR. SUNG: Nothing more from
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`5 (Pages 14 - 17)
`Petitioner - New World Medical
`Ex. 1027, p. 5 of 9
`New World Medical, Inc. v. MicroSurgical Tech., Inc., IPR2020-01573


`[& - depositions]
`& 2:2
`1004 11:9
`10:20 16:13
`13 1:14
`1405 2:3
`15 5:3
`1776 2:8
`17th 13:8
`18th 13:9,11,21,23
`14:1 17:13
`200006 2:9
`202.719.4181 2:9
`2021 1:14 17:13
`2021-00017 3:7
`2024 17:21
`20th 14:3
`216.622.8231 2:4
`26149 17:20
`31 13:6
`3rd 14:9
`44114 2:4
`6th 2:3
`80 6:21
`81 6:21
`9 17:21
`a.m. 16:13
`able 9:5 14:18
`accurate 5:11,12
`8:24 10:16
`active 4:14
`actual 10:21 11:6
`addition 10:6
`address 9:10,13,22
`10:5,7,24 14:18
`addressed 7:17
`admitted 4:11
`affidavit 6:1,6,18
`8:19 10:19 11:23
`agree 8:11 12:3
`agreed 5:4
`allow 8:11 11:24
`apologize 8:23
`appeal 1:3
`appearances 2:1
`appears 6:1 12:4
`appreciate 4:8
`appropriate 6:23
`article 11:2,8,16
`asked 10:2
`associates 9:23
`assume 6:10
`attend 15:17
`attended 17:7
`august 1:14 13:6
`13:16 17:13
`author 11:3,16
`authorization 6:17
`authorize 13:20
`authorized 14:8
`authorizing 12:18
`availability 9:15
`available 6:25 8:2
`8:6 10:5
`avenues 14:24
`back 8:7
`barcelona 8:23
`based 12:16
`basis 5:7
`behalf 2:6,11 3:18
`believe 4:11 6:21
`8:22 9:11 11:6
`believes 7:5
`best 13:11
`board 1:3 7:5,8,9
`board's 5:20
`bridge 10:3
`brief 7:10 8:12
`building 2:3
`c 17:3,3
`calfee 2:2,3
` 2:5
`california 3:20
`call 3:10 4:7 5:2
`7:17 10:14 15:15
`case 4:22 13:2
`cases 12:17
`certify 17:7
`chance 7:10
`claims 6:3
`cleveland 2:4
`Page 1
`commission 17:21
`compel 8:1
`component 11:12
`concern 7:18
`concluded 16:13
`confer 12:9
`conference 5:2
`9:18,19 10:14
`11:1 15:14 16:7
`confirm 11:22,24
`confirming 11:1
`consider 14:11
`contact 10:4,12
`11:13 14:19
`contacts 8:21
`continue 14:12
`control 7:22
`correct 4:1,4,15
`4:23,25 5:21 9:25
`13:13 15:15,16
`correctly 11:5
`counsel 3:9 4:14
`couple 5:22
`course 14:7,21
`court 3:25
`cross 5:25 6:7,11
`crux 7:11
`current 5:15
`d.c. 2:9
`date 14:3
`day 17:13
`dealing 10:21 11:6
`deposition 4:21
`5:5,10 14:13,16
`depositions 13:4
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Petitioner - New World Medical
`Ex. 1027, p. 6 of 9
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`[devon - leaning]
`devon 1:17
`dial 10:2
`dialed 10:15
`direct 6:7 10:11
`disbelieve 11:14
`discovery 6:2,8
`discuss 3:4 4:20
`discussed 15:12,20
`discussion 12:11
`dispute 7:19
`dr 4:21 5:5,10,22
`6:9 8:18,21 9:1,4
`9:11,22 10:1,18,22
`11:7 14:19
`due 13:5 14:3,9
`e 17:3,3
`easiest 10:24
`east 2:3
`efforts 4:20 5:21
`elizabeth 17:5,20
`email 5:23 9:9,12
`9:12,16,22 10:5
`emails 10:9
`employ 8:22
`employed 8:22
`entirety 17:8
`esq 2:2,7,7
`essentially 5:7
`everybody 12:15
`evidentiary 7:2
`exact 8:24
`exactly 12:20
`examination 5:25
`6:11 7:20
`exhibit 11:9 12:2,4
`expert 13:4
`expires 17:21
`explain 13:3
`explore 14:25
`f 17:3
`fact 4:22 7:24
`familiar 9:3
`file 6:17 7:3 12:22
`13:25 15:14
`filed 13:8
`filing 12:18
`fine 14:1
`finished 4:6 16:7
`first 8:19 13:5
`five 3:5 12:24
`flax 1:16 3:1,2,23
`4:5,18 5:1,14 7:14
`8:13 9:6,20 10:8
`10:11,20 11:4,19
`12:1,14,15 13:12
`13:16,18 14:5
`15:6,10,18 16:2
`follow 15:11
`foregoing 17:7
`former 8:21
`found 6:21
`four 3:5
`friday 1:14
`fully 8:12
`further 14:19
`getting 4:18 12:23
`give 7:10
`given 6:9
`go 16:7
`going 6:11 13:2
`good 3:1,13,16
`griswold 2:2
`guidance 6:13
`guide 6:21
`guidelines 15:3
`h 1:16
`hac 4:12
`halter 2:2
`hand 4:19 17:12
`happening 5:8
`heard 8:7 12:16
`hearing 1:14
`held 1:14 5:2
`hello 12:14
`help 7:21
`hereunto 17:11
`herring 6:5
`hold 12:8
`home 10:7,13
`honor 3:14,17
`4:17,25 5:13,17
`9:25 11:11,17
`13:10 15:5,8,17,24
`honorable 1:15
`honors 7:13
`housekeeping 4:9
`identify 3:11 4:14
`independent 6:4
`individual 11:15
`individuals 9:2
`information 14:14
`initiated 11:12
`Page 2
`institution 8:25
`ipr2020 3:7
`ipr2020-01573 3:6
`1:11 3:6
`1:12 3:8
`1:12 3:8
`iprs 3:5
`issue 6:23 7:9 8:12
`james 1:16,17
`joined 3:2
`joint 9:14 14:24
`judge 3:1,2,23 4:5
`4:18 5:1,14 7:14
`8:13 9:6,20 10:8
`10:11,20 11:4,19
`12:1,14,15 13:12
`13:16,18 14:5
`15:6,10,18 16:2
`judges 1:18 3:2
`july 5:3
`k 2:8
`know 5:25 6:3,15
`7:3,21 9:18 10:20
`11:2,3,14 13:21,22
`knowledge 11:8
`law 13:2
`lawrence 2:7 3:17
`leaning 12:25
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`[left - robert]
`Page 3
`left 5:3
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`llp 2:2,8
`location 9:3
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`looked 12:1
`looking 5:16 6:13
`love 11:22
`lsung 2:10
`m 2:7,7
`making 6:25
`mandatory 4:12
`4:16 15:19
`matter 4:19
`mean 9:7 13:21
`mechanism 9:4,16
`medical 1:5 3:15
`mentioned 8:4
`merritt 17:5,20
`microsurgical 1:8
`moment 8:14 12:9
`month 13:13
`morning 3:1,13,16
`motion 6:17,22 7:4
`7:6 8:10 12:18
`13:8 14:11
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`name 8:24
`necessarily 13:22
`need 12:21
`neither 8:7
`new 1:5 3:15 5:18
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`notary 4:2 17:5,21
`note 4:9,9
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`number 9:24 10:2
`numbered 3:6
`nw 2:8
`objection 7:2 8:9
`office 1:1 17:12
`ohio 2:4 17:6,12
`okay 4:5,18 5:1,14
`7:14 8:13 11:19
`12:14 13:18,24
`14:4 15:10,18
`opportunity 7:20
`opposed 6:25
`opposition 14:7
`order 15:11
`outs 5:22
`owner 1:9 2:11
`4:13 15:20 16:1
`owner's 3:18 7:17
`page 6:21 14:9
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`panel 16:3
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`part 6:8 11:10
`particular 7:22
`parties 3:10 5:3,6
`8:12 9:14
`party 6:4 8:7
`pat 8:4
`patent 1:1,3,9,18
`2:11 3:18 4:13
`7:17 15:19 16:1
`perfect 15:4
`permission 7:3
`person's 11:7
`personal 9:11
`petitioner 1:6 2:6
`3:15 5:18 7:8,12
`8:5,10 12:19
`petitioner's 6:13
`ph.d. 2:7
`place 8:19
`please 3:11 4:6,16
`point 7:18 10:1
`pollack 1:16 3:3
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`5:22 9:1,4,22
`10:18,22 11:7
`quintana's 5:5,10
`6:9 8:18,21 9:11
`r 2:2 17:3
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`red 6:5
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`request 6:15,16
`8:5 9:14
`resources 9:21
`respond 10:8
`response 5:24
`retired 9:2
`right 11:9 13:18
`robert 1:16
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Petitioner - New World Medical
`Ex. 1027, p. 8 of 9
`New World Medical, Inc. v. MicroSurgical Tech., Inc., IPR2020-01573


`Page 4
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`[routine - zastrow]
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`7:7 8:10 12:18
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`4:11 11:17,20,21
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`4:17 5:12 7:14,16
`8:16,17,20 9:9,25
`10:10,17,23 11:10
`15:6,8,25 16:11
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`9:23 10:2,25
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`15:9 16:9,11
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`15:14 17:10
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`tucker 2:2 3:13,14
`4:3,3,24,24 5:17
`5:18 12:20,23
`13:14,17 14:4
`15:2,4,16,23 16:9
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`10:13 15:7,13
`4:19 11:2,5,23
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`8:23 11:13
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`v 1:7
`vehicle 7:7
`vice 4:12
`view 13:19
`waiting 7:1
`want 13:2,23
`washington 2:9
`way 10:24
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Petitioner - New World Medical
`Ex. 1027, p. 9 of 9
`New World Medical, Inc. v. MicroSurgical Tech., Inc., IPR2020-01573

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