`Fourth Edition
`Michael Agnes
`David B. Guralnik
`Eprror IN CHIEF 1951-1985
`Wiley Publishing, Inc.
`Weber EX1052
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`Weber EX1052
`Weber v. Provisur
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
`Webster’s New World College Dictionary / Michael Agnes, editor in chief—4thed.
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`ISBN 0-02-863118-8 (thumb-indexed). — ISBN 0-02-863119-6 (plain).
`—ISBN 0-02-863120-X (eatherkraft). — ISBN 0-02-863471-3 (deluxe).
`1, English language—Dictionaries.
`I, Agnes, Michael.
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`h physical
`x% current;
`or the propellers or engines on an
`outright / over
`out-talk (out/tdk’) vt. to talk more skillfully,
`loudly, or forcibly
`ut-right (out’rit’, out’rit’) adj.
`than; surpass in talking
`without reservation; downright 2
`out-think (out‘think’) vt. -thought’, -think’:ing 1 to think deeper,
`straightforward 3 complete; total:
`faster, or more cunningly than 2 te outwit by such thinking
`whole —adv,
`1 entirely; wholly 2
`out-turn (out’/turn’) n. OUTPUT (sense 1a)
`without reservation; openly 3 at
`‘penses, or ©
`_once 4 [Obs.] straight ahead
`out-vote (out’vét’) vt, -vot’ed, --vot’-ing to defeat in voting
`Out-root (cut’root’) vt.
`out-ward (out’werd) adj. [ME utward. < OF utweard: see OUT &
`od road-‘or
`-2 to wipe out; destroy; eradicate
`ot conven-
`1 having to do with the outside or exterior; outer 2 clearly
`outrun (out/‘run’) vt. -ran’, -run’,
`apparent; observable; visible 3 away from the interior; to or
`-run’-ning 1 to run faster, farther,
`toward the outside 4 having to do with the physical or the body as
`a or city
`or better than 2 to exceed 3 to escape (a pursuer) by or as by
`opposed to the mind or spirit 5 concerning the surface only; super-
`ficial —adv.
`1 away from the interior or from port; toward the
`-outrun-ner(out‘run‘er} 7.
`1 a person or thing that runs out 2 an
`outside 2 visibly; openly; publicly 3 [Obs.] on the outside; exter-
`t @ hospi-
`nally —n.
`1 the outward part; exterior 2 the material or external
`attendant running beside or before a carriage 3 the leading dog of
`world 3 outward form or appearance —out’-ward-ness n.
`ateam.of sled dogs
`a newjob,
`red, often
`out-wardly (out’ward 18) adv.
`1 toward or on the outside 2 in
`out-sell (out‘sel’) vt. --sold’, -sell’-ing 7 to sellin greater amounts
`regard to external appearanceor action
`than 2 to excel in salesmanship 3 [Obs.] to sell for a higher price
`out:wards (out’wordz) adv. GUTWARD
`ut, to sail
`out-set (out’set’) n. a setting out; beginning; start
`xout-wash (out*wésh’) n. sand and gravel deposited by meltwater
`streams in front of glacial ice
`out-shine (cut’shin’) vt. --shone’or--shined’, --shin"-ing 1 to shine
`out-Wear(out/wer’) vt. --wore’, -worn’, --wear’-ing 1 to wear out;
`brighter or longer than (another) 2 to surpass; excel —vi. to shine
`use up 2 to be more lasting than; outlast 3 to outgrow or outlive
`‘e on. the
`4 to exhaust, as in strength
`out-shoot(out’shaot’;for n. out/shdot’) vt. --shot', -shoot’-ing 1 to
`shoot more effectively than 2 to shoot out —v/. te shoot out; pro-
`out-weigh (out‘wavt. 1 to weigh more than 2 to be more impor-
`trude —n. 1a shooting or being shot out 2 that which shoots out
`. distance
`tant, valuable, ete. than
`se attack
`or protrudes *3 Baseball
`former term for CURVE
`out-wit (outwit) vt. -witted, -wit"ting 1 to overcome, or get
`outside (out’sid’, cut’sid’) n.
`1 the outer side, part, or surface;
`the better of, by cunning or cleverness 2 [Archaic] to be more
`‘ontier or
`intelligent than
`exterior 2 a) outward aspect or appearance; that part of anything
`out-work (out*wurk’; for v. out'wark’) n. Mil. a lesser trench or
`that is presented to view 6) that which is obvious or superficial 3
`any place or area not inside —adj.
`1 of of on the outside; outer 2
`fortification built out beyond the main defenses —vt. --worked’,
`i. to pour
`a) originating, coming from, or situated beyond ‘given limits; from
`~work’ing 1 to work better, faster, or harder than 2 to work out
`some other place, person, group, etc. /to accept no outside help] 6)
`te completion
`t 2 that
`leading to the outside 3 extreme; maximum /an outside estimate]
`ou-zel (80°zal) n. [ME osul < OE osie, akin to OHG amsala, prob. <
`4 mere; slight [an outside chance] 5 Baseball passing homeplate
`IE base *ames- < *mes- > L merula, Welsh mwyalech]
`teed bya
`beyond the side of the plate that is farthest from the batter ~-adv.
`atc., esp,
`10n or to the outside 2 beyond certain limits 3 in or into the open
`OUZO (6024) A. [ModGr ouzon < ?]] a colorless Greek liqueur fla-
`air prep. 1 on or to the outer side of 2 beyond the limits of 3
`vored with aniseed
`user, as
`[Informal] except -~at the outside at the most; at the absolute
`) the act
`OV- combining form OVI-: used before a vowel
`limit —outside of
`1 outside 2 [Informal] other than; except for
`i Elec. a)
`Ova (0’va) n. pl. of OVUM
`out-sider (out’sid’ar, out’sid’ar) n.
`1 one whe is outside or not
`oval (6’vol) aaj. (Fr ovale < L ovum, EGG] 1 shapedlike the longi-
`ars, gen-
`included; esp., one not a memberof or in sympathy with a given
`sre such
`tudinal cross section of an egg; elliptical 2 having the form of an
`group 2 a contender given little chance of winning
`nit —vt,
`out-sit (out’sit’) vt. ~sat’, ~sit’ting 1 to sit longer than (another)
`egg; ellipscid —n. anything oval —o'val-ly adv. —o'val-ness n.
`Oval Office sthe oval-shaped office of the President in the White
`2 to sit beyond the time of
`House: often used figuratively to represent the position, authority,
`out-size (out’siz') n. 1a size varying from the usual standard; odd
`' vicious
`or power of the President of the U.S.
`size; esp., an unusually large size 2 a garment or other article of
`ovari-ec-tomy (6 ver’é ék’ta mé) n., pl. »mias [see -ECTOMY] the
`such a size ~-adj. of nonstandard size; esp., unusually large: also
`surgical removal of one or both ovaries
`out"sized’ (-sizd’)
`» insult,
`ovari-oto-my(-dt’s mé) n., pl. -mies 1 a surgical incision into an
`out-skirts (out’skurts’) pi.n.
`1 districts remote from the center or
`midst, as of a city; outlying regions: sometimes, esp. formerly, used
`ova-ri-tis (6’va rit’is) n. [see -111S] inflammation of an ovary
`in sing. [much construction in the outskirts of the city] 2 the outer
`edge, border, or margin /a shack at the outskirts of town]
`Ovary (6’va ré) n.,
`pl. ~ries [ModL overium < L. ovum, EGG]
`‘rong 2
`Anat,, Zool. a female reproductive gland producing eggs and, in
`sout-smart (out‘smart’) vt, to overcome by cunning or cleverness;
`vertebrates, sex hormones 2 Bot, the enlarged, hollow part of the
`outwit —-outsmart oneself to have.one’s efforts at cunningorclev-
`istil or gynoecium, containing ovules: see PISTIL, illus. —ovar-ian
`erness result in one’s own disadvantage
`6 ver’é on) adj.
`out-soar(out’sér’) vt. to soar beyond or higher than
`1 egg-shaped 2 Bot.
`ovate (0’vat') adj. [L ovatus < ovum, EGG]
`out-sole (out’sél’} n. the outermost sole of a shoe, boot, etc.
`having the shape of’ the longitudinal section of an egg, esp. with
`out-source (out’sérs’) vt. -‘sourced’, --sourc’-ing to transfer (cer-
`the broader end at the base: see LBAF, illus,
`tain manufacturing operations, administrative activities, etc.) to
`ova-tion (6 va’shan) n. [IL ovatio < ovare, to celebrate a triumph,
`outside contractors, esp. so as to reduce one’s operating costs
`akin to Gr ewazéin,
`to rejoice, ewai, a cry of Bacchic joy]
`1 in
`out-:span (out/span’; for mn. out’span’)
`[South Afr.] vt., vi.
`ancient Rome, a lesser ceremonial tribute to a hero whose deeds
`~spanned’, --span’-ning [Afrik witspannen < Du uit, OUT + span-
`were not great enough to justify a full triumph 2 an enthusiastic
`nen, to harness, akin to OE spannan, SPAN*] to unyoke or unhar-
`outburst of applause or an enthusiastic public welcome
`ness (animals) —n. the act or place of outspanning
`oven (uv’on) a. IME < OF ofen, akin to Ger < IE base *auqw-,
`out-speak (out'spék’) vi. --spoke’, --spo’ken, -speak’-ing 1
`cooking vessel > L aulla, olla] a compartment or receptacle for
`speak better or more forcefully than 2 to say boldly or candidly —
`baking or roasting food or for heating or drying things
`> limit;
`vi. to speak out boldly or candidly
`oven-bird (uv’an burd) n.
`1 any of a large family (Furnariidae) of
`1 unrestrained in
`out-spo-ken. (cut’spd’ken, out’spé’ken) adj.
`Neotropical passerine birds; esp., any of a
`genus (Furnarius) that
`speech; frank 2 spoken boldly or candidly —SYN. FRANK! —out-
`builds a two-chambered, dome-shaped, ovenlike nest from clay and
`spo’-kenly adv. —out’-spo’-ken-ness n.
`dried leaves #2 any of various other birds that build a domelike
`out-spread (cut’spred’; also, and for n. always, out’spred’) vt., vi.
`nest on the ground; esp., a North American wood warbler (Seiurus
`< OFr
`~spread’, ~spread’-ing to spread out; extend; expand —n. a spread-
`ing out; extension; expansion —aaj. spread out; extended;
`oven-proof(uv’on proof’) adj, able to withstand the high tempera-
`th far-
`tures of an oven without breaking, burning, melting, etc, fan oven-
`the act
`out-stand (out’stand’) vi. --stood’, --standing to stand out plainly;
`proof baking pan/: also oven-safe (uv’en saf’, -saf’)
`project —-vt. [Archaic] to endure
`oven-ware (uv’an wer’) n. cookware, as casseroles and pans,
`to the
`out-stand:ing (cut’stan’din) adj.
`projecting 2 prominent; dis-
`designed for use in an oven rather than on a stove
`des or
`tinguished; conspicuous 3 unfulfilled: unsettled 4 unpaid; uncol-
`over (6’var) prep. [ME ouer < OF ofer, akin to Ger izber, ober < TE
`lected 5 that have been issued and sold: said of stocks and bonds
`w of a
`“uper (orig. a compar. of *upo, up) > L super, Gr hyper]
`1 a)in,at,
`—SYN, NOTICEABLE —-out-stand“ingly adv.
`ass or
`or to a position up from; higher than; above fa canopy overthe bed,
`out-stare (out’ster’) vt. stared’, --star’ing to outdo in staring;
`in water over his knees] 6) on top of fa blanket over the bed/ c)
`le out
`stare down; outface
`above, in various figurative uses {gloom hung over the town; the
`es out
`out-sta-tion (out’sta’shon) n. a post or station in a remote or
`lecture went. over our heads} 2 across and down from or
`unsettled area
`y who
`upon /to fall over a cliff, to trip over a chair] 3 while engaged in;
`out-stay (cut’sta’”) vt.
`1 to stay longer than 2 to stay beyond the
`during /we discussed it over dinner] 4 upon the surface of /spread
`time of; overstay
`the icing over the cake] 5 so as to cover orclose [shutters over the
`£ out
`windows/ 6 upon:said as of an effect or influence fhe cast a spell
`out-stretch (out/strech’) vt.
`1 to stretch out; extend 2 to stretch
`over them} 7 so as to show care, concern, ete. for /watching over a
`out-strip (cut’strip’) vt. ~stripped’, -strip’ping 1 to go at a faster
`flock, hovering over the baby/ 8 above in authority, position,
`wer, ete, fto rule over a nation] 9 authorized or attested by fover
`pace than; get ahead of 2 to excel; surpass
`ide of
`his signaiure/ 10 in a course leading along or across, or above and
`out-take (out’tak’) n.
`1 scene, or take, photographedor taped for
`a film or TV program, but not included in the shown version 2 a
`sesSee the: insidé-front coverfor:
`“se The symbol s-used to: mark
`defective recording of music, etc. not used for commercial release
`to be of no use
`1 forming an arch above or overhead 2
`1026 overarch-ing (in) adj.
`over- / overcrowd
`totheothersideof/flyovertheJake? 11 ontheothersideoffacity
`encompassingorlinkingallthatiswithinits scope,range, ete.fan
`over the border} 12 a) here and there in{the tourists dashed over
`pt ‘i
`overarching theory, theme, ete}
`the city/ 4) throughallparts of[carefully goingovermynotes} 13 overaun (o’vararm’)adj. performedbyraisingthe arm above the
`.. wt
`during;throughfoverthepasttenyears/ 14morethan,orabove, guider,asswimmingstroke
`in degree, amount, number, ete. fa moderate increase over
`ig overrawe(e'ver6’) vt.awed’,-aw’-ingtoovercomeorsubdueby
`current salary,a gift costingover five dollars} 15 upto and inelud-
`inspiring awe
`ing; until after {stay over faster] 16 in preference to [chose the over-bal-ance(é'varbal’ens;forn. 5’varbal’ans) vt.~anced,~anc
`redhatovertheblueone/ 17 inspiteof; insuccessful oppositionto
`IND. 1 OUTWEIGH 2 to throw offbalance —n. something that out-
`fwe did it over his objections] 18 about; concerning/a quarrel over weighs or overbalances
`politics? 19 through the medium of; on fover the telephone or over-bear(a’vorber’)vt. --bore’,-bome’,--bear’ing 1 to press-or
`radio) 20 Arith. divided by (6 over 3 is 9} —adv.
`1 a) above,
`bear down by weight or physical power 2 to dominate, domineer
`across, or to the other side b) acrosg the brim or edge 2 more; in
`over, overrule, or subdue —Vvi. to be too fruitful; bear to excess
`excess; beyond {three hours or over] 3 longer or tilla time later over-bear-ing (6’var berin) adj,
`1 acting ina dictatorial manner;
`[please stay over] 4 throughout or covering the entire area {the
`arrogant; domineering 2 of transcending importance; overriding
`wound healed over] 5 from start to finish; through /go over if —SYN.PROUD—o'ver-bear’inglyadv.
`again 6a) fromanuprightposition/tofallover] b) upsidedown; over-bid (é’varbid’;forn. overpid’) vt., vi. bid’, -bid'-ding 1 to
`intoaninvertedposition/turnthecupover] 7again;anothertime
`outbid(anotherperson) 2tobid morethantheworth of(athing,
`[doitover] 8 atoron theotherside, asofaninterveningspace,or
`as one's handinbridge) —n. ahigher or excessive bid
`at or to a specified place fover inEngland, comeover here} 9 from over-bill (6%varbil’) vi., vt. to bill (someone)for charges in excessof
`too f
`ene side, belief, viewpoin’, ettoprone[theywonhintquerl fies
`the amountto which oneis entitled
`phrases GET OVER, (at GET), PUT OVER, (at PUT) —adj. 1 upper, over?HeOyenania1Tyectowereartoineal
`yorn one person, etc.
`to another
`and over
`€ money,
`ee aiSo
`havingreachedtheotherside;havinggot across 4 {Informal] as a overblouSeyarOeethblouseforwomen, extendingbelow
`Querseer, OVETSUPDLY.
`one with;
`finished; past
`ife is over} 3
`surplus; in excess; extra[to bethree hours overfortheweek/-——n.
`onlse @
`skirt, eto.
`1 somethinginaddition; excess;surplus 2 Cricketa)thesetnum- over ow (o'varbla’, O’varblo’) vt. blew’,blown’, =|blow’-ing
`beenFballsbowledduringasingleturnatoneendofthewicket 6) 0Sitwellawayowdown.2tocoverwithsomethingblown,
`Pee Ceriod of time duringwhichthistakesplace 3Mil. ashotthat
`as san
`blow (a wind instrament) so as to produce
`usic to
`hits orexplodesbeyondthetarget—-vit. topass above and across— overtones
`interj. 1 turn the page, sheet, ete. over 2 [have finished speaking over-blown, (e'vor blén’) adj. past the stage of full bloom
`forthe moment—please respond:used in radio communication— over-blown (d’varblén’) adj.
`1 stout; obese 2a) overdone; exces-
`over again again; another time; anew —over all over the whole
`5!v@ &) pompous or bombastic
`3 ths
`extent: from end te end over and above in addition to; more over-board (6’verbérd’) adv. (ME ouer borde < OEoforbord: see
`than;besidesover and over(again) repeatedly; time aftertime
`1 overaship's side 2from ashipintothewater
`over. (s’ver) combining form 1 a) above in position, over, outer, —go overboard (Informal] to go toextremes; esp., to be wildly
`upper foverhead] b) superior, aminent [overlord] 2a) passing
`enthusiastic—throw overboardto discard
`across orbeyondfavershoot, overpass, overrun} 6)passingoverthe over-book (é'var book’) vt., vi. to issue more reservations for (an
`to thi
`top orthebrimof[overflow] 3 denotingmovementdownwardfrom airline flight, hotel, ete.) than there are accommodations
`above [overwhelm] 4 across the surface of[overgrowth, overprint] overbuild (é'ver bild’, o’var bild’) vi. vi. ~built’, --build’-ing 1 to
`5 more (than), excessive, too much, beyond the normal, extra/over-
`build over or on top of (something) 2 to build too elaborately 3 to
`“or ‘
`rate, oversell, oversleep] 6 overly; excessively[overeager, overlong]
`erect more buildings than areneeded or desirable in (an area)
`The list below includes some of the more common compounds over-bur-den (é’ver_berd”’n; for n. O’ver burd’n) vt. to burden’:
`formedwithover- thatcanbeunderstood if“toomuch”or“exces-
`oppressively; weigh down —n.
`1 something that overburdens 2
`sively” is added to the meaningofthe base word
`Geol. soil, rock, etc. that is covering or overlying a useful deposit,
`that i
`as ofore
`needed orjustified by ability to pay
`over-call (G'ver kél’; for n. o’ver kal) vt. vi. Bridge to_make a
`higherbidthan(anapponentoran0 ponent’sbid)whentherehas
`higherbidthan(anPeon. such abid
`overcapacity(yerkanas,2ofensgpacty fxa Teyen
`over-ca i-tal-ize (-kap’ot’liz’
`tefl cai
`iz? vt, vi. ~ized’,iz 1tocapital
`ize beyond whatis warranted by thestate of the business, ote,
`furnish toomuchcapital fororoverestimatethecapitalvalueof@
`2 an
`business) 2 to-set thenominalvalue ofthe capital of(a corpora:
`aver-cast(o’vorkast’;for v., also Svarkast’) n. acovering, ésp,of
`eene c
`1 cloudy; dark:saidoftheskyorweather 2Sewing:
`made with overcasting —vt., vi, cast’, casting 1 to overcloud;
`“da ra
`darken 2Sewingtosewover(anedge)withlong,loosestitches:so
`ovaeeeerevellne +r.
`ry char]; GSO, an
`rn, always, aver ary
`vi, charged’, -charg’-ing 1 to charge too high a price (to) 2 to
`overloadorfilltoo full 3 to exaggerate—n. Tan axcessivecharge
`y ove
`Za loadthat is too full orheavy
`over-clothes (6’var kldtiz’) pi.n, OUTERWEAR
`1 to darken or cover over with
`over-cloud (é’var kleud’) vi., vi.
`clouds;dim 2tomakeorbecome gloomy, angry, ete,inappearance
`sover-coat (6’ver kot’) n. a coal, esp, a heavy coat, worn. over the
`usual clothing for warmth
`over-come (S'var_ kum’) vt. -came’, ~come’, —-com’-ing [ME
`do Be
`1 togetthebetterofincompetition,
`struggle, ete; conquer 2 tomaster, prevail over, or surmount/ta
`overcome obstacles} 3 te make helpless; overpower or overwhelm
`lane |
`hovor i
`fovercome. bypity/—vi. to bevictorious; win —SYN. CONQUER
`over-abun-dance(o’var@ bun’dons).n. morethan an abundance;
`over-com-mit (o'ver ke mit’) vt., vi “mitted, -mitting 1 te
`superfiuity; excess —o'ver-abun’-dant adj.
`commit(oneselfor others)totoomany obligations, toofullasch
`over-achieve(-5 chév’) vi. -chievec’, -chiev’-Ing 1todobetterin
`ule, etc. 2 to promise (something) in a quantity above thatwhich
`Ant be expected from scores on intelligence
`school studies than mig!
`tests 2 to drive oneself obsessively in trying to yeach unreasonable
`can be provided
`over-com-pen-sate (vor kam’pen sat’) vt. ~sat‘ed, ~sating ta
`goals ~-o'verachiever’mentn, —o’-vera-chiev'er n.
`over-act(-akt’) vt, vi. to act(adramaticrole)in anexaggerated
`or imagined physical or psychological defect with a conscious:or
`Re “d
`2. to make
`1 overtheagefixed asastandard 250oldas
`unconscious exaggerated drive to compensate for it
`\ ooaitni
`more than the necessary allowance or adjustment —o’ver-col
`over-age? (o’vor ij) n. [lover +
`pen-sa’-tion a. —or’vercom-pen’sa-tory (-kem per’sa tor’é) adj
`over-con-fi-dent (é‘ver kén’fo dant) adj. confident withou!
`-AGE] a surplus or excess, as of
`over-all (6’var 6); for adv. O'var él’) adj.
`1 from end to end 2
`adequate reason; too confident —o’ver-confidence n. —o'vel
`including everything; total ‘adv.
`con’-fi-dently adv.
`1 from end to end 2 in general
`over-cor-rec-tion (6
`the pa
`cotton cloth, often with a part extending up over the chest, worn, over-crop (é’ver krap’) vt. ~cropped’, —-crop’ping to deplete: th
`usually over other clothing, to protect against dirt and wear 2
`fertility of(land)byoverproductionofcrops
`sover-alls (ver diz’) pln.
`1 Joosefitting trousers of some strong
`[sing.| (Britj a smock or other protective outer garment
`over-crowd (‘var kroud’) vt. to erowd with too many people
`over-arch (o/ver arch’) vt., vi. to form an arch over (something)
`‘yor ke rek’shan) n. *#HYPERCORRECTION
`Compiled by the Editors of
`Webster’s New World Dictionaries
`Michael Agnes
`Editor in Chief
`With Principal Thesaurus Text by
`Charlton Laird
`Webster’s New World™ Dictionary and Thesaurus, Second Edition
`Published by
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Webster's New World dictionary and thesaurus / compiled by the staff
`of Webster’s New World Dictionary ; Michael Agnes, editor in chief ;
`withprincipal thesaurus text by Charlton Laird—2nded.
`ISBN 0-7645-6339-4 (hardcover). — ISBN 0-7645-6545-1 (paperback).
`1. English language—Dictionaries. 2. English language—Synonyms
`and antonyms.
`I. Agnes, Michael. Il. Laird, Charlton Grant, 1901-1984.
`PE1628.W56314 2002
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`Staff .
`uide t
`Guide t
`The Un:
`US. Cit:
`to run over
`o-ver-age! (d'var4j’) adj. over the age fixed as a standard
`flowing 2 the
`ovate / overflow 454eeitaT
`a-ver-age? (6’varij) n. fOVER + -AGB] a surplusorexcess
`overflowing liq
`o-ver-all (o’vor Ol, @var ol} adj.
`1 from end to end 2
`o’ver-grow’ v
`reproductive gland producing eggs 2 Bot. the enlarged,
`including everything; total adv. 1 from end to end 2
`spread with fo
`hollow part of the pistil, containing ovules —o-var-i-an
`in general
`or beyond no:
`( ver’é on) adj.
`o’ver-alls’ (-5lz’) pi.n. leose trousers extending up over
`growth’ n.
`o-vate (é’vat’) adj. egg-shaped; oval
`o’ver-hand’ ad
`the chest, worn, usually over other clothing, to protect
`o-va-tion (6 va‘shan) n. [< L ovare, célebrate a triumph]
`against dirt
`elbowor the ar
`enthusiastic applause or an enthusiastic public welcome
`o'ver-arch‘ing adj. including orlinking all thal is within
`o-ver-hang (6’v
`oven (uv’en) n. [OE ofen] a compartment or receptacle
`its scope fan overarching theery/
`hay) vt, vic
`for baking, roasting, heating,etc.
`o’ver-awe’ vt, -awed’, -aw‘ing to overcome or subdue by
`beyond (sometl
`ov’en-proof’ adj. able to withstand the high tempera-
`inspiring awe
`or beyond anot
`tures of an oven without being damaged
`o'ver-bal’ance vt. -anced, -ancing OUTWEIGH
`o-ver-haul (d'va
`o-ver (é’var) prep. [OL ofer] 1a} in, at, or to a position
`vt. 1a) to che
`over-bear’ing adj. arrogant; domineering
`above 5) across and down from/to fall overa cliff? 2 80
`o’ver-bite’ n. a dental condition in which the upper inci-
`restore (a mote
`as to cover /shutters over the windows/ 3 upon [to cast a
`sors and canines project overthe lower ones to an abnor-
`up with —n, a:
`spell aver someone] 4 above in authority, power, ete. 5
`mal extent
`o-ver-head {i’v
`on or to the other sideof /fly over the lake/ 6 throughout
`the head 2 in
`o’ver-blown! (-blin’) adj.
`1 overdone; excessive 2 pom-
`fover the whole city/ 7 during /over the years/ 8 more
`ence to related
`pous or bombastic
`than /over ten cents/ 9 in preference to 10 concerning
`o’ver-board’ adv. from a ship into the water —go over-
`of a business, ¢
`adv. 1a) above or acrass 6) across the brim or edge
`board [Inf.] to go to extremes
`the head; aloft
`2 more /three hours or over 3 fromstart to finish {think
`o’ver-hear’ vt,:
`o’ver-book’ vt., vi,
`to issue more reservations for (a
`it over} 4a) from an upright position /to fall over} b)
`ken or a speal
`flight, hotel, etc.) than there are accommodations
`upside down /turn the cup over) 5 again /do it over} 6
`o'ver-cast’ adj. cloudy;
`dark: said of the sky
`at, on, to, or in a specified place /over in Spain/ 7.from
`o’ver-joy’ vi. te
`o-ver-charge (d’ver charj"; also, and for n. always, 6/ver
`one belief, etc. to another /win him over/ —adj.
`1 upper,
`chin’) vt, vi. -charged’, -charg'ing 1 ta charge too high
`o’ver-kill’ a. mi
`outer, superior, excessive, or extra foverseer] 2 finished;
`a price (to) 2 to overload —n. 1 an excessive charge 2
`past 3 having reached the other side 4 [Inf.] as a sur-
`too full a load
`appropriate, et
`plus; extra
`o’ver-land’ (-lar
`o’ver-cloud’ vt., vi. to make or become cloudy, gloomy,
`over- conbining form 1 above in position, rank, etc.
`o-ver-lap (6'var
`foverlord] 2 passing across or beyond overrun] 3 exces-
`vt; vi. -lapped
`o’ver-coat’ n. a heavy coat worn over the usual clothing
`sively /oversell] The list below includes some common
`for warmth
`thing) so as to
`compounds formed with over- that can be understood if
`ping part or an
`vet. -came’, -come’, -com‘ing 1 to get the
`“toq much”or “excessively” is added to the meaning of
`overlay’ vt. -l
`the base word:
`better of in competition, ete. 2 to master, prevail aver,
`cover, as with:
`or surmount —-vi. te win
`o’verlie’ vt. -la
`o'ver-de-ter’mine vt. -mined, -min-ing to bring about
`overlook’ vt.
`through manycauses or factors
`of from above
`o’ver-do’ vt. -did’, -done’, -do’ing 1 to do too much 2 to
`4 to excuse
`exaggerate 3 to overcook —vi,
`to exhaust oneself by
`o’ver-lard’ n. pe
`doing too much
`o’ver-ly adv. tor
`o’ver-dose’ n. too large a dose vi. te take too large an
`o’ver-mas’ter v
`amount of a narcotic, etc,
`o’ver-much’ ad,
`o’ver-draw’vt. -drew’, -drawm’, -draw’ing to draw on in
`o-ver-night (vi
`excess of the amount credited to the drawer —o‘ver:
`draft’ n.
`2 suddenly —a
`staying throug
`o’ver-dress’ vt., vi. to dress too warmly, too showily, or
`for a brief trip
`too formally
`o’ver-pass’ n.a
`o’ver-dub‘ na. a recordingof sounds, music, ete. superim-
`o’ver-play’ vt. t
`posed on another recording —vt., vi. -dubbed’,
`-dub‘bing to add (sounds, musie, etc.) to (a recording)
`o'ver-due’ adj. pasi the time for payment, arrival, ete.
`o’'ver-es’ti-mate’ vt. -mat’ed, -mat’ing to set too high an
`o’ver-a-chieve’ vi. -chieved’, -chlev‘ing 1 to do better, as
`estimate on or for
`in school, than expected 2 to drive oneself to reach
`o'ver-flight’ n. the flight of an aircraft over a foreign
`unréasonable goals ——o’ver-a-chieve’ment
`nA. —o'vera
`chiev’er n.
`territory, as in reconnaissance.
`o-ver-flaw (d'vor18"; also, and for n. always, Svar 15
`o’ver-act’ vt., vi. to act (a dramatic role) with exaggera-
`1 tu flow across; flood 2 to flow over the brim of —~ vi,
`cal, dictatorial, see ABSOLUTE 3.

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