`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0145272 A1
`Sandberg et al.
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jun. 11, 2009
`US 20090145272A1
`(76) Inventors:
`Glenn Sandberg, New Lenox, IL
`(US); David Hansen, Orland Park,
`IL (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`WHEATON, IL 60187 (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Oct. 21, 2008
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/999,961, filed on Oct.
`22, 2007, provisional application No. 61/000,202,
`filed on Oct. 23, 2007.
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl.
`help ?oO
`B26D 706
`(52) U.S. Cl. .................................. 83/13:99/537; 83/401
`An automated sequenced food article tray loading method
`and apparatus for a high speed slicing machine where food
`articles can be loaded sequentially into designated and sepa
`rated lanes of a lift tray and automatically sequentially
`assume a preload condition. Food article separation is main
`tained on the lift tray after the food articles are loaded by a
`plurality of Support plates and one or more dividers. A food
`article sweep mechanism receives the food articles on the lift
`tray in their separated positions and transfers the food articles
`into the food article feed mechanism while maintaining the
`separated positions. The food article Sweep mechanism is a
`Substantially open structure without enclosing walls.
`Weber EX1012
`U.S. Patent No. 10,639,812
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`US 2009/O 145272 A1
`Jun. 11, 2009
`0001. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Patent
`Application No. 60/999,961 filed on Oct. 22, 2007 and U.S.
`Patent Application No. 61/000,202 filed on Oct. 23, 2007.
`0002 Many different kinds of food articles or food prod
`ucts, such as food slabs, food bellies, or food loaves are
`produced in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. There are meat
`loaves made from various meats, includingham, pork, beef,
`lamb, turkey, and fish. The meat in the food loaf may be in
`large pieces or may be thoroughly comminuted. These meat
`loaves come in different shapes (round, square, rectangular,
`oval, etc.) and in different lengths up to six feet (183 cm) or
`even longer. The cross-sectional sizes of the loaves are quite
`different; the maximum transverse dimension may be as
`Small as 1.5 inches (4 cm) or as large as ten inches (25.4 cm).
`Loaves of cheese or other foods come in the same great ranges
`as to composition, shape, length, and transverse size.
`0003 Typically the food loaves are sliced, the slices are
`grouped in accordance with a particular weight requirement,
`and the groups of slices are packaged and sold at retail. The
`number of slices in a group may vary, depending on the size
`and consistency of the food article and the desire of the
`producer, the wholesaler, or the retailer. For some products,
`neatly aligned stacked slice groups are preferred. For others,
`the slices are shingled or folded so that a purchaser can see a
`part of every slice through a transparent package.
`0004 Food article scan be sliced on high speed slicing
`machines such as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,628,237 or
`5.974,925 or as commercially available as the FX180R) slicer
`available from Formax, Inc. of Mokena, Ill., USA.
`0005. The FX180R) machine can be configured as an auto
`matically loaded, continuous feed machine, or an automati
`cally loaded, back-clamp or gripper type machine.
`0006 For an automatically loaded, continuous feed
`machine, side-by-side upper and lower conveyor pairs drive
`food articles into the cutting plane. A gate is located in front
`of the conveyors. The initial food articles are loaded with
`leading ends abutting the gate. The gate is lowered and the
`food articles proceed into the conveyors. When the initial
`food articles are sliced to the extent that the trailing ends of the
`food articles clear the gate, the gate is raised and new food
`articles are loaded in the feed paths, held back by the gate.
`Shortly thereafter the gate is lowered and new food articles
`slide down to where lead ends of the new food articles abut
`trailing ends of the initial food articles being sliced. The new
`food articles are driven into the cutting plane trailing the
`initial food articles. Food articles are sequentially and con
`tinuously loaded in this manner, lead end-to-trailing end, in
`abutting contact with the preceding food articles.
`0007 U.S. Pat. No. 5,628.237 and European patent EP 0
`713 753 describe a back-clamp or gripper type slicing
`machine. According to this type of slicing machine, two food
`articles are loaded onto a lift tray and the lift tray is raised to
`a ready-to-sweep position. Two loaf grippers are retracted
`after the previous food articles are sliced. During retraction of
`the loaf grippers, loaf-to-slicing blade gate doors are closed
`and ends of the previous food articles are dropped through a
`loaf end door. After the grippers have reached the retracted
`position or “home position” remote from the slicing blade, a
`loaf Sweep mechanism is activated, moving the food articles
`laterally together into the slicing position. A spacing mecha
`nism moves down and spaces the food articles apart. The
`grippers then advance after it has been determined that the
`loaf sweep mechanism has moved the food articles to the
`slicing position. The grippers have onboard sensing mecha
`nisms that are triggered by contact with the food articles.
`After sensing and gripping the food articles, the food articles
`are retracted slightly, and the loaf-to-slicing blade gate doors
`are opened and the food articles are advanced to the slicing
`plane of the slicing blade. The loaf sweep mechanism retracts
`and the loaf lift tray lowers, ready for the next reload cycle.
`According to this design, in practice, the reload cycle is
`accomplished in about eight seconds. In a high Volume slicing
`operation, reload cycle time can be a significant limitation to
`optimum production efficiency.
`0008. In either configuration the FX180R) slicing machine
`has achieved great commercial Success. However, the present
`inventors have recognized that it would be desirable to slice
`up to four food articles or more with independent feeding and
`weighing capabilities, with hygienic and operational
`0009. The invention provides a mechanism and method
`for slicing multiple food articles with independency of feed
`rate and the ability to weigh each product group from each
`food article respectively to achieve optimal weight control
`and yield of each food article.
`0010. The present invention provides a high speed slicing
`apparatus and a weighing and classifying conveyor combina
`tion that provides plural advantages in productivity, food
`hygiene, and operation.
`0011. The combination provides food hygiene advantages
`by use of unibody construction with minimal penetrations,
`double sealed door closures, self draining angled Surfaces, the
`use of hygienic, round, sealed adjustable legs, the use of an
`automatic debris or scrap removal conveyor, a hygienic con
`figuration of a food article lift and sweep mechanism. Further,
`the combination provides an automated cleanup position
`wherein, the elevated food article feed mechanism can be
`collapsed to a more convenience plane or maintenance posi
`tion, the weighing and classifying conveyor is oriented at a
`distance from the slicing apparatus for ease of cleanup and
`maintenance, and the blade cover is automatically lifted to a
`cleanup position. The weighing and classifying conveyor
`includes way conveyor belts that are separable from their
`respective drive motors for ease of cleaning and maintenance.
`Additionally, all product contact conveyor belts throughout
`the combination are easily removable.
`0012. The combination provides for enhanced portion
`control and yield. A food article feed mechanism ensures
`accurate feeding by the use of servo driven and controlled
`feedbelts and grippers. The slicing mechanism includes up to
`four independent drives for slicing four or more food articles
`simultaneously. An enhanced food article gate Swing is with
`drawn, not laterally but longitudinally toward the knife blade
`to ease the food articles toward the slicing plane.
`0013 Operationally, food article grippers are provided
`which minimize the longitudinal length of remainder ends of
`sliced food articles. In this regard, food article sensors have
`been removed from the grippers and a laser food article end
`detection system is employed which allows for a more com
`pact, Smaller-bite gripper.
`US 2009/O 145272 A1
`Jun. 11, 2009
`0014. A mechanism is provided to retract the slicing blade
`from the slicing plane during the dwell between sliced groups
`to prevent scrap generation. Further, a mechanism is provided
`to both dynamically and mechanically brake the slicing blade
`to a quick stop.
`0015 Laser intrusion detectors are used to shut down sys
`tems when an unwanted intrusion by an operator is detected.
`0016. An onboard information carrier system utilizing a
`RFID target and a read/write head is provided on the slicing
`blade and the shear Support to simplify equipment set up,
`operation and maintenance.
`0017. An automated, sequenced food article tray loading
`method and apparatus is provided wherein food articles can
`be loaded sequentially into the lift tray into designated and
`separated lanes which automatically sequentially assume a
`preload condition, and after the food articles are loaded, food
`article separation is maintained on the lift tray. A food article
`transfer mechanism or Sweep mechanism is provided which
`receives the food articles on the lift tray in their separated
`positions and transfers the food articles into the food article
`feed mechanism while maintaining the separated positions.
`0018. A stack/draft completion feature is possible with the
`apparatus of the invention wherein incomplete stackS/drafts
`can be moved from the jump conveyor to the deceleration
`conveyor and new food article scrap can be offloaded to the
`scrap or debris conveyor for disposal. The incomplete stackS/
`drafts can then be reloaded to the jump conveyor for comple
`tion of the stacks/drafts.
`0019. Two involute-shaped blade sizes are compatible
`with the slicing apparatus wherein a quick changeover
`between blade types is provided.
`0020. The combination of the invention provides multiple
`configurations to slice, weigh and classifying 1, 2, 3, 4 or
`more food articles.
`0021 Numerous other advantages and features of the
`present invention will become readily apparent from the fol
`lowing detailed description of the invention and the embodi
`ments thereof, and from the accompanying drawings.
`0022 FIG. 1 is a near side elevational view of a slicing
`machine and a weighing and classifying conveyor combina
`tion of the present invention;
`0023 FIG. 2 is an elevational view of the combination of
`FIG. 1 with some panels removed or made transparent illus
`trating some underlying components;
`0024 FIG. 3 is an elevational view of the combination of
`FIG. 1 with further panels removed or made transparent and
`underlying components revealed;
`FIG. 4 is a rear view of the combination shown in
`0026 FIG. 4A is an elevational view of the combination of
`FIG. 1 in a clean-up, non-operational position;
`0027 FIG. 4B is a fragmentary, elevational, enlarged view
`of a portion of the slicing machine shown in FIG. 1;
`0028 FIG. 5 is a far side elevational view of the combina
`tion shown in FIG. 1;
`0029 FIG. 6 is a far side perspective view of the combi
`nation shown in FIG. 5:
`0030 FIG. 7 is a rear view of the combination shown in
`FIG. 8 is an enlarged, fragmentary near side eleva
`tional view of food article lift tray and food article positioning
`0032 FIG. 8A is an enlarged fragmentary sectional view
`taken generally along line 8A-8A of FIG.9;
`0033 FIG. 9 is a fragmentary plan view of a food article
`lift tray:
`0034 FIG. 10 is a rear view of the food article lift tray
`shown in FIG. 9;
`0035 FIG. 11 is a rear view of the food article lift tray and
`food article transfer apparatus;
`0036 FIG. 12 is a fragmentary perspective view of the
`food article lift tray and food article transfer apparatus;
`0037 FIG. 12A is an enlarged elevational view of the food
`article transfer apparatus;
`0038 FIG. 13 is a plan view of the food article transfer
`0039 FIG. 14 is a plan view of the food article feed appa
`0040 FIG.15 is an elevational view of the food article feed
`apparatus shown in FIG. 14;
`FIG. 15A is a sectional view taken generally along
`line 15A-15A;
`0042 FIG.16 is an elevational view of the food article feed
`0043 FIG. 17 is a plan view of a gripper taken from the
`food article feed apparatus of FIG. 16;
`0044 FIG. 17A is a front view of the gripper taken gener
`ally along line 17A-17A of FIG. 17:
`0045 FIG. 18 is a sectional view taken generally along
`line 18-18 of FIG. 17A:
`0046 FIG. 19 is a fragmentary perspective view of the
`food article feed apparatus;
`0047 FIG. 20 is an enlarged sectional view of the attach
`ment of the gripper to the belt;
`0048 FIG. 21 is a sectional view taken generally along
`line 20-20 of FIG. 16;
`0049 FIG. 22 is a sectional view taken generally along
`line 22-22 of FIG. 21;
`0050 FIG. 23 is a sectional view taken generally along
`line 23-23 of FIG. 21;
`FIG. 24 is a plan view taken along line 24-24 FIG.
`0.052 FIG.25 is an elevational view taken generally along
`line 25-25 of FIG. 24;
`0053 FIG. 26 is a fragmentary elevational view of a food
`article gate mechanism;
`0054 FIG. 27 is a near side perspective view of the food
`article gate mechanism and a food article end removal mecha
`nism in a first operative position;
`0055 FIG. 28 is a near side perspective view of the food
`article gate mechanism and the food article end removal
`mechanism in a second operative position;
`0056 FIG. 29 is a far side perspective view of the food
`article end removal mechanism;
`0057 FIG.30 is a top far side perspective view of the food
`article end removal mechanism;
`0058 FIG.31 is a far side elevation view of the food article
`gate mechanism and the food article end removal mechanism;
`0059 FIG. 32 is a sectional view taken generally along
`line 32-32 of FIG. 2:
`0060 FIG. 33 is a sectional view taken generally along
`line 33-33 of FIG. 32:
`FIG. 33A is a sectional view taken generally along
`line 33A-33A of FIG. 33:
`0062 FIG.34 is a perspective view of a portion of a slicing
`blade assembly taken from FIG. 32:
`US 2009/O 145272 A1
`Jun. 11, 2009
`0063 FIG. 35 is a sectional view taken generally along
`line 35-35 of FIG. 32:
`0064 FIG. 36 is a sectional view taken generally along
`line 36-36 of FIG. 32:
`0065 FIG. 37 is an enlarged fragmentary far side eleva
`tional view of the combination of FIG. 1 showing underlying
`components and features;
`0066 FIG.38 is an enlarged fragmentary near side eleva
`tional view of the combination of FIG. 1 showing underlying
`components and features;
`0067 FIG. 39 is a plan view of mechanical components
`within the base section of the combination shown in FIG. 1;
`0068 FIG. 40 is a bottom perspective view of the lift tray
`and food article feed apparatus;
`0069 FIG. 41 is a far side perspective view of a front
`portion of the combination of FIG. 1;
`0070 FIG. 42 is a near side perspective view of a food
`article positioning apparatus and food article feed elevation
`adjusting apparatus;
`FIG. 43 is a near side perspective view of a food
`article shear Support;
`0072 FIG. 44 is a front elevational view of the shear
`support shown in FIG. 43:
`0073 FIG. 44A is a front elevational view of a slicing
`blade with respect to the shear support;
`0074 FIG. 44B is a sectional view taken generally along
`line 4.4B-44B of FIG. 44A;
`0075 FIG. 44C is a sectional view of a jump conveyor
`drive assembly taken generally along line 44C-44C of FIG.
`0076 FIG. 45 is a front perspective view of the slicing
`apparatus with the weighing and classifying conveyor
`0077 FIG. 46 is a near side perspective view of a front
`portion of the slicing apparatus with a cover removed to view
`inside components;
`0078 FIG. 46A is a near side elevational view of the
`slicing apparatus showing underlying components;
`0079 FIG. 47 is a far side of elevational view of the slicing
`apparatus showing underlying components;
`0080 FIG. 48 is a front elevational view of the slicing
`apparatus with the weighing and classifying conveyor
`FIG. 49 is a enlarged near side perspective view of
`the slicing apparatus;
`0082 FIG.50 is an enlarged near side perspective view of
`the slicing apparatus and weighing and classifying conveyor;
`0083 FIG. 51a is a diagrammatic plan view of a onboard
`information system according to one aspect of the invention;
`0084 FIG. 52 is a diagrammatic sectional view of the
`onboard information system taken generally along line 52-52
`of FIG. 51:
`0085 FIG.53 is a far side perspective view of a laser guard
`system according to another aspect of the invention;
`FIG. 54 is a near side perspective view of the laser
`guard System;
`I0087 FIG.55 is a near side elevation view of the weighing
`and classifying conveyor of FIG. 1 showing underlying com
`I0088 FIG. 56 is a perspective view of a portion of a
`weighing conveyor with the conveyor belt and rollers
`I0089 FIG. 57 is a bottom view of a weighing conveyor
`belt with frame and rollers removed from the weighing con
`veyor shown in FIG. 56;
`(0090 FIG. 58 is an enlarged elevational view of a portion
`of the weighing and classifying conveyor;
`(0091 FIG.59 is a near side elevation view of the weighing
`and classifying conveyor shown in a clean-up position;
`0092 FIG. 60 is a far side elevational view of the weighing
`and classifying conveyor,
`0093 FIG. 60A is an end view of the weighing and clas
`Sifying conveyor showing underlying components;
`0094 FIG. 60B is a plan view of the weighing and classi
`fying conveyor;
`FIG. 61 is a schematic representation of the combi
`nation of FIG. 1 showing a four food article set up:
`0096 FIG. 62 is a schematic representation of the combi
`nation of FIG. 1 showing a three food article set up:
`0097 FIG. 63 is a schematic representation of the combi
`nation of FIG. 1 showing a two food article set up:
`FIG. 64 is a progressive schematic diagram showing
`the loading of four food articles onto a food article lift tray:
`0099 FIG. 65 is a schematic plan view showing the weigh
`ing and classifying conveyor configured for four lanes of
`sliced product;
`0100 FIG. 66 is a schematic plan view showing the weigh
`ing and classifying conveyor configured for two lanes of
`sliced product;
`FIG. 67 is a schematic plan view showing the weigh
`ing and classifying conveyor configured for one lane of sliced
`0102 FIG. 68 is a schematic plan view showing the weigh
`ing and classifying conveyor configured for three lanes of
`sliced product;
`(0103 FIG. 69 (not used)
`0104 FIG. 70 is a schematic rear end view of the food
`article lift tray showing the tray configured to hold four square
`cross section food articles;
`0105 FIG. 71 is a schematic rear end view of the food
`article lift tray showing the tray configured to hold four cir
`cular cross section food articles;
`FIG. 72 is a schematic rear end view of the food
`article lift tray showing the tray configured to hold four large
`D-shaped food articles:
`FIG. 73 is a schematic and view of the food article
`lift tray showing the tray configured to hold for large rectan
`gular cross section food articles;
`FIG. 74 is a schematic and view of the food article
`lift tray showing the tray configured to hold two large prone
`rectangular food articles;
`0109 FIG. 75 is a schematic elevational view of a round
`knife blade to be used with the apparatus of the present
`0110 FIG. 76 is a schematic elevational view of an invo
`lute-shaped knife blade for slicing large food articles to be
`used with the apparatus of the present invention;
`FIG. 77 is a schematic elevational view of an invo
`lute-shaped knife blade for slicing small food articles to be
`used with the apparatus the present invention;
`0112 FIG. 78 is a near side elevational view of a laser
`guard system of the present invention;
`0113 FIG. 79 is a sectional view taken generally along
`line 79-79 of FIG. 78;
`0114 FIG.80 is a plan view of a rear portion of the weigh
`ing classifying conveyor,
`US 2009/O 145272 A1
`Jun. 11, 2009
`0115 FIG. 81 is in elevation view taken generally along
`line 81-81 of FIG.80;
`0116 FIG. 82 is a plan view of the rear portion of the
`weighing and classifying conveyor of FIG.80 with decelera
`tion conveyor belts removed for clarity; and
`0117 FIG. 83 is an exploded view of a portion of the
`deceleration conveyor taken from FIG. 82.
`0118 While this invention is susceptible of embodiment
`in many different forms, there are shown in the drawings, and
`will be described herein in detail, specific embodiments
`thereof with the understanding that the present disclosure is to
`be considered as an exemplification of the principles of

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