`1102 Bowie Rd. Austin, TX 78733
`• Technical architect of multi-million dollar projects with Fortune 500 companies and
`Federal agencies including: NASA, Merck, Medtronics, Guidant, Whirlpool, Michelin,
`Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, US Air Force, US Army and US DOE
`• Former Chief Engineer at Textron Systems, Electronic Systems Division
`• Former Chief Scientist at the University of Texas Robotics Research Group
`• Former Principal Engineer at Eaton Corporation
`• Extensive experience and training in software, hardware, automation and instrumentation
`• Over thirty years of industrial and research experience in highly technical environments
`• Author of over thirty technical publications and government reports
`• Author and developer of five copyrighted software systems
`NASA Certificate of Merit, World Automation Congress Technical Committee, R&D
`Magazine Top 100 Developments Judge, C. Rowe Fellow, Tau Beta Pi, IEEE Division X
`Professional Activities Chairman, National Instruments Test Leadership Council, World
`Automation Congress Technical Committee, Registered Professional Engineer
`Oracle, SQL Server, SQL, C/C++, LISP, .NET/C#, Java, ASP, ASP.net, VHDL, VB,
`Windows, Unix, Ladder Logic, RSLogix, CX-Programmer, CoDeSys, WinCC, Step 7,
`OLE, OPC, Algorithms, Optimization
`1994 PhD – Robotics and Automation, The University of Texas at Austin
`1990 MSME – Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
`1985 BSEE – Instrumentation and Computer Engineering, Rice University
` November 2003 – Present
`SafeMachines, PLLC
`Founder and Principal Engineer
`• SafeMachines is a registered, professional engineering services company specializing in
`collaborative robotics, computer-based automation, and electro-mechanical systems. Dr.
`Hooper is the professional engineer in responsible charge for engineering work and has
`ultimate responsibility for success of projects.
`• SafeMachines also provides litigation support services to leading US and global law
`firms in the areas of patents, intellect property, contracts, and liability. Dr. Hooper has
`testified at deposition and in court more than two dozen times, including US district court
`and the International Trade Commission.
`January 1, 2019
`Weber EX1004
`U.S. Patent No. 10,639,812
`Textron Incorporated, Electronic Systems Division
`Chief Engineer
`August 2004 – September 2014
`• Architect of WaveCore ADT product line - WaveCore ADT introduced condition-based
`maintenance, advanced analytics, FPGA-based control and asset management to
`automatic test systems. In addition to inventing and architecting the product line, I
`secured internal IRD & Capital funding to bring the product to market and published two
`IEEE papers promoting the product. I also led the successful effort to CE mark the
`WaveCore product line
`• Architect of Canard Loader product line - This unique product deploys a four-axis, dual-
`loop servo control system to cancel inertial effects in the drive train and deliver a pure
`torque to aircraft control surfaces
`Engineering Department Manager
`• Achieved 97% on-time delivery against original contract PO delivery dates
`• Achieved perfect scores during last two AS9100 audits of the engineering department
`• Developed and formalized parametric estimation techniques for predicting engineering,
`manufacturing and material handling efforts
`Hardware Engineering Manager
`• Managed engineering resources to meet cost goals and reduce profit leakage to less than
`3% profit degradation in aggregate across all projects
`• Managed department to deliver work on schedule for 90% of tasks performed across all
`projects and proposals with metrics
`• Developed department engineers through mentoring, training, and growth-oriented task
`assignment. Added professional development activities to official yearly review metrics
`Program Technical Lead
`• Ultimate responsibility for technical success of projects
`• Lead engineer on successful projects for Medtronic, Guidant, Cameron Health, Northrop
`Grumman, Lockheed Martin, QLogic, Merrimac, Raytheon, Coherent and Freightliner
`Fusion Technologies; Austin, Texas
`Senior Software Architect
`• Technical lead of team starting Austin office for this ten-year-old software company
`• Set strategies, goals and milestones for office
`• Grew office from zero to six customers in first nine months
`October 2003 – August 2004
`Trilogy Development Group; Austin, Texas
`Senior Software Architect
`• Owner of technical delivery at all Fortune 500 pricing customers
`Inventor and architect of Promotion ManagerTM application
`• Created optimization algorithms for pricing and promotion software
`• Lead developer for contract and pricing management applications
`Instructor for Pricer ManagerTM training classes
`• Delivered customer success at Whirlpool, Michelin, Eaton and Merck
`• Optimized query structure for 100X performance improvement at Michelin
`• Designed database structure for query optimization of very large (>108 rows) tables
`November 1998 – Oct. 2003
`January 1, 2019
`April 1997 – November 1998
`Eaton Semiconductor Equipment; Austin, Texas
`Principal Engineer
`• Led team of software, mechanical and electrical engineers as manager of major machine
`productivity project
`• Designed a 3-axis programmable logic controller with electrical isolation, analog
`electronics, A/D, D/A and digital electronics
`• Solved a complex resonance problem that had plagued the primary product line for years
`• Robotics lead on 300mm product development
`January 1994 – April 1997
`The Robotics Research Group; Austin, Texas
`Deputy Director
`• Managed multi-million dollar projects with the Department of Energy and NASA
`• Managed 30+ graduate engineers
`• Managed 16,000 sq. ft. laboratory with clean room, metrology and two-story high bay
`Chief Scientist
`• Conducted independent research with more than $1.25 million in research funds
`• Developed advanced software for real time optimization, fault-tolerant control, operation
`in radiation fields, tool performance relationships, man/machine interfaces, servo motion
`control and PLC-based systems
`• Developed hardware and software for a 2-axis programmable logic motion controller
`• Developed 5-axis programmable logic motion controller for AC motors
`• Taught robotics & automation, instrumentation and technical writing courses
`• Guest lecturer at ITESM University in Mexico City, Mexico and The Institute For
`Robotics in Dortmund, Germany
`Electro Cube Inc.; Los Angeles, California
`Electrical Engineer
`• Designed an instrument that measured current on the order of 10-9 amps and included an
`auto-calibration circuit
`• Designed a tuned-oscillating electronic ballast for fluorescent tubes on aircraft
`• Supported production machinery
`May 1986 – September 1987
`Platt-Hardin Inc.; Houston, Texas
`Electrical Engineer
`• Designed and supervised the manufacture of synchronous motor controllers for the City
`of Houston
`• Designed and developed a temperature controller for a heat-treating oven
`• Supported production equipment
`May 1985 – May 1986
`Methodist Hospital; Houston, Texas
`Instrumentation Engineer
`• Designed instrument for inducing pressure changes during balloon angioplasty
`• Assisted development of instruments for measuring blood flow using ultrasound
`May 1984 – August 1984
`January 1, 2019
`R. Hooper, “Where Are All the Robots?” Invited essay in “Robots: A Reference Handbook,”
`ABC-CLIO, 2018.
`R. Hooper, D. Savage, “Layered robotic system safety with lessons learned from automatic
`pedestrian doors.” World Automation Congress, IEEE SMC, August 1, 2016.
`R. Hooper. "Next Generation ATE Software." IEEE Autotestcon 2013. September 14, 2013.
`R. Hooper, D. Shuffield, K. Merchant, D. Savage. “Common RF Test Platform.” IEEE
`Autotestcon 2011. September 12, 2011.
`R. Hooper. “Optimal Switching Architecture for Automated Test Equipment.” IEEE Autotestcon
`2011. September 12, 2011.
`R. Hooper, W. Guy, R. Perrault. “A Current-Controlled Variable Inductor.” IEEE
`Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine. August 2011. Volume: 14, Issue: 4, Pages: 39 – 44.
`R. Hooper and D. Tesar. “Robotic Systems Safety.” The Next Wave of Technology Workshop.
`August 30, 2010.
`R. Hooper, W. Guy, R. Perrault. “A Current-Controlled Variable Inductor.” IEEE Autotestcon
`2010. September 13, 2010.
`“R. Paulson, R. Hooper. “nvSRAM Improves Robotic System Safety.” Industrial Embedded
`Systems, Volume 3, Number 2, 2007, Pages: 24-30.
`C. Cocca, D. Cox, D. Tesar, R. Hooper. “Failure Recovery in Redundant Serial Manipulators.”
`Proceedings of The World Automation Congress 2000 (WAC 2000). IEEE SMC, June 2000.
`R. Hooper. “A Simulated Annealing Optimization Algorithm Implemented Within an Operator-
`Assist Interface.” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Volume 1, 1997,
`Pages: 656 – 661.
`R. Hooper, M. Noakes. “Kinematic Control Models for Teleoperation of Redundant Robots.”
`American Nuclear Society Seventh Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems. April,
`1997, Augusta, Georgia.
`R. Hooper. “Using Telescience to Share NASA Resources During the Classroom Study of a
`Mars Sample and Return Mission.” 1997 ASEE/GSW Annual Conference, March 1997,
`Houston, Texas.
`D. Tesar, R. Hooper. “Summary Report – Fault Tolerant Robotic Architectures and Adaptive
`Control.” NASA Grant Number NAGG-411, April 1997.
`January 1, 2019
`M. Pryor, C. Kapoor, R. Hooper, D. Tesar. “A Reusable Software Architecture for Manual
`Controller Integration.” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1997.
`R. Hooper, C. Kapoor. “Motion Coordination for Redundant Robots by Tracking Position-Level
`Equality Constraints.” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1996, Silver
`Spring, Maryland.
`R. Hooper, D. Tesar, D. Sreevijayan, J. Geisinger, C. Kapoor. “A Four-Level Mechanical
`Architecture for Fault-Tolerant Robots.” Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety,
`Volume 53, Number 3, 1996, Pages: 237-246.
`R. Hooper, C. Kapoor, D. Tesar. “Decision Making Software for Dual-Arm Operations in
`Nuclear Facility Decontamination and Dismantlement.” International Symposium on Robotics
`and Manufacturing, 1996.
`R. Hooper, “A Number of Simulated Robot Applications.” 1996 IEEE International Conference
`on Robotics and Automation.” April 1996, Video Proceedings.
`R. Hooper, S. Sreenivasan. “Using Telescience to Enrich Engineering Education.” University of
`Texas Academic Development, September 1996.
`C. Kapoor, N. Pettus, R. Hooper, D. Tesar.” Computer
`Considerations for Advanced Robotics.” Proceedings of The 1996 ASME Design Engineering
`Technical Conferences and Computers in Engineering Conference, Irvine, California, August 18-
`22, 1996.
`C. Kapoor, N. Pettus, R. Hooper, D. Tesar. “Hardware and Software Considerations for
`Advanced Robotics.” Proceedings of The 1996 Symposium on Ship Building, 1996, San Diego,
`D. Tesar, J. Chladek, R. Hooper, D. Sreevijayan, C. Kapoor, J. Geisinger, M. Meaney. G.
`Browning, K. Rackers. “Advanced Development for Space Robotics with Emphasis on Fault-
`Tolerance.” 29th Aerospace Mechanism Symposium, May 17-19, 1995.
`R. Hooper, D. Tesar. “Motion Coordination Based on Multiple Performance Criteria with a
`Hyper-Redundant Serial Robot Example.” Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International
`Symposium on Intelligent Control, 27-29 Aug. 1995, Pages: 133 – 138.
`D. Tesar, C. Kapoor, R. Hooper. “Advanced Digital Control Technology for Precision Machines
`in Manufacturing.” International Symposium on Measurements and Control in Robotics,
`Bratislava, Slovakia, 1995.
`D. Tesar, R. Hooper. “Final Report – U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University
`Program in Robotics for Advanced Reactors.” Grant Number DE-FG02-86NE37966, April 1995.
`January 1, 2019
`R. Hooper. “Multicriteria Inverse Kinematics for General Serial Robots.” Thesis (PhD)—
`University of Texas at Austin, 1994.
`R. Hooper, D. Tesar. “Computer-aided Configuration of Modular Robotic Systems.” Journal of
`Computing and Control Engineering, Volume: 5, Issue: 3, June 1994, Pages: 137 - 142.
`R. Hooper, K. Diller. “A Musculotendon Model Suitable for Use in Neuromusculoskeletal
`Control Simulation.” International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling ICBGM'93, San Diego,
`SCS Publishing, Simulation Series, Vol.25, 1993, Pages: 333-338.
`R. Hooper, D. Tesar, G. Browning. “Generalized Inverse Kinematics for N Degree-of-Freedom
`Robot Manipulator.” Robotics and Machine Perception, February 1993, Page: 5.
`R. Ambrose, D. Tesar, R. Hooper. “An Experimental Investigation of Robot Actuator
`Performance.” Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Measurement and
`Control in Robotics, November 1992, Pages: 623 – 630.
`R. Hooper, “Intelligent Robot Control.” DOE/NE Robotics for Advanced Reactors Student
`Conference, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, January 1992.
`R. Hooper. “The Interactive Assembly and Computer Animation of Reconfigurable Robotic
`Systems.” Thesis (M.S. in Engineering) -- University of Texas at Austin, 1990.
`January 1, 2019

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