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`'ii'J-CEEATQI-ITEES-I: 1mm; Summ ' PRO
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0001
`page 0001.


`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0002
`page 0002


`JUN 0·1 1981
`~ l'.ffl
`G.J. Grantham
`Consultant to the UNDP/FAO
`Southern Ocean Fisheries Survey Programme
`Rome, 1917
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0003




`In view of the potentiaI importance of the living resources of the Southern Ocean, the
`United Nations Development Programme · (UNDP) Governing Council approved in January 1976 a
`preparatory phase of a Southern Ocean Fisheries Survey Programrrie, to be executed by the
`Faod and .Agric\ilture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The long-term objective of
`the Programme is t _o improve the knowledge of the nature, ma.gni tude and distribution of the
`living reeour6es of the Southern Ocean (South of latitude 45°s), wit.h a view to assisting in
`their eventual rational utilization. The illD'!l~diate activities of the preparatory phase (to
`continue until the end of 1977) include a reView of the present information on the distribu(cid:173)
`tion and magnitude of the living resources of the Southern Ocean; · a review and evaluation of
`the present state of exploitation and utilization of these resources; and the ~stablishment
`of a system for regular compilation of statistical a.nd other information about them.
`This report is one of a series prepared by FAO under the preparatory phase of the
`Prograame. It gathers together current knowledge on the bio.chemistry, processing and
`marketing of Antarctic krill. Other reports in this series assemble current knowledge on
`the magni tU.d.e · and distribution of the living resources of the Southern Ocean, and on the
`technology of krill harvesting.
`E.S. Holliman
`Programme Co-ordinator
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0005


`(i) It will be observed that in several of the compositional tables; percentage
`proportions do not alwa,ys total 100. This can be for several reasons:
`experimental error in the derivation of the original data
`the use of averages of several results
`the "rounding" of results to the appropriate decimal significance
`the inclusion .of sub-totals in the data. col\ln!lls
`the inclusion of one item within another.
`{For exalilple, in Table 1,
`separate values are given for crude prote~n and chi tin contents.
`However, the chemical technique used .for the . determination of crude
`protein will also identify chi tin a.s ,protei:r+. Similarly, in Table 11,
`tho value :for salt content will .be included in the total value.)
`the experimental rather than · a.ri thmetica.l detern:iina.1;ion of totals
`the a.ri thmetical correction .of data. not expressed on a. percentage
`basis in the original literatUJ:'e
`the absence of values for pa.rticuiar parameters
`the conversion of data. from a. dry weight to a. wet weight basis,
`or vice-versa

`the conversion of unit~ of measurement (for example, the conversion
`of .% nitro. gen···.··.· ... to %··.P. ! ' . ot .. ei···n· .· o.r o. f Int. ernational Unite (I.U.s) for
`vitamins to microgramme % by the use of appropriate factors).
`As a: conse~~no~, , to:tals only given where it is valid to do so. They are
`expressed as true values, or as the values given in the original source. Where
`a. total is not the theoretically expected 100, the difference gives an indica(cid:173)
`tion of the likely degree of error in the data.

`(ii) For sim~la.r reasons, data. expressed on a non-percentage basis do not always give
`the theo.retical or stated total.
`(iii) Where data are not available for particular parameters, the entry is left blank.
`The use of the symbol '·' -
`0 signifies a null result or that a. component was n.ot
`(iv) Parentheses " ( ) " used when a value is not incorporated in a total or an
`average. This can be when:
`the original figure would seem to be erroneous (in which case, a
`question mark " ? 11 is also used)
`orte ~omponent is included in another
`the figure is a sub-total
`(v) Averages are either arithmetic means or weighted means, as appropriate
`(vi) Values are not generally incorporated in overall averages when they are
`expressed as ranges in the original source
`(vii) Specific 001111enta are given in footnotes to the respective tables.
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0006


`2.1 Introduction
`2.2 Proximate Composition
`2.3 Component Composition
`2.4 Protein
`2.5 Fat
`2.6 Vitamins
`2. 7 Minerals
`2.8 Chitin
`2.9 Calorific Values
`2.10 Contaminants
`3.2 Raw Material Properties
`3.3 Handling and Pre-processing
`3.3.1 Conveying
`3.3.2 Raw Material Storage
`3.3.3 Sorting
`3. 3.4 Grading
`3.4 Processing Options
`3.4.1 Gut Removal
`3.4.2 Intact Flesh Removal
`3.4.3 Minced Flesh Removal
`3.4.4 Structuring
`3.4.5 Concentrates, Isolates and Meal
`3.4.6 Stabilization
`3.4.7 Preservation
`3.4.8 By-product Recovery
`4.2 Whole Krill
`4.3 Whole Tail Meats
`4.4 Coagulated Paste
`4.5 Krill Mince
`4.6 Concentrates, Extracts and Ferments
`4.7 Miscellaneous Food Products
`4.8 Human Nutrition
`4.9 Legislation
`4.10 Non-food and By-products
`4.10.1 Krill Meal
`4. 10. 2 Chi tin
`4.10.3 Other By-products and Residues
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0007




`- ~ __ T~~- !'~~- ~.yiewa &!~~~;t~ it?-f'ormati:~n . on ~-he - ~eobnolo~­
`_ot .:_~li~i_41!& ot i-~iC!._::~!l-~ _ '~1.on :ii~.:P.Y-r.i
`to the biooh4111ioal and fhobnolop.o~ properliH of' krill,
`t~ th~ -~•ported proo••~ili« teo~qu .. , and to prod.uct '-.PP:".
`J..j-*1-. ,,llJid llOkfta. Wiit.le proo•- ad pncbun dev•!g~ent
`1.i proceeding rapidl.7, no one obrlouli product &pplio.tion
`bu cerged.. Likely product spectra will varr f'rom oourn17
`to oount17. ProoeH technology i• advanoed.1 products are
`,._erall7 .,phistioated and oost17. All•ist~oe will be
`neoe•nry to develop alternative teolmologie• and products
`nited to the dneloping ooimtriH.
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0009




`The biochemical composition of krill will determine its technological and nutritional
`properties and thus 4irectly influence the selection of proceseing and product options.
`Commercial catches of krill would seem to oonsiEJt predominantly of Euphausia superba..
`Therefore the bioohemioa.l composition of the catch will be characterized by tho euphausiid,
`although the other minor components of the krill crop cannot always be ignored, as will be
`discussed later.
`, .
`, ':_.-.
`Only the composition of whole krill is considered in this chapter; the analyses of the '
`various components are enumerated in the ere on processing and products ( 3 and 4), a.a
`well a.a the nutritional implications.
`Soine of the biochemical properties of krill have been extensively analyaed.1 others less
`so. This chapter attempts to correlate and assess the results available and to identify
`areas where further information is needed. It will be seen at once that the chemical com(cid:173)
`position and food qualities of ,Lsuperba are very similar to those of known related species(cid:173)
`shrimps, crabs, lobsters, etc. It will also be nc;>ted that precise agreement between the
`various authors is rare. This is almost certainly due to the complex interaction&;J of age,
`sea.son, location, sex, physiological condition and diet, in the various samples that have .
`been studied and analysed. Correlation of these faot9rs is difficUlt and in fact probably not
`necessary to successful e;x:ploitation.

`Proximate Composition
`The results of some twenty authors are shown in Table 1 and summarized below:
`~ drv weight
`Crude j} Crude
`"wet weiizht
`Crude 1/ Crude
`Mean maximum
`?83, 1
`Mean minimum
`16. 7
`15 ~ 4
`j} Tota.l nitrogen x 6.25, includes non-protein material
`It can be seen, then, , that the composition of . krill is well .. balanced in terms' of .a.
`potential foodsh.ff. As a pelagic crustacean, it has a higher moisture and fa.t content
`than bottom living (benthio) species - and proportionally less crude protein.
`The composition is variable. Juvenile krill possibly have a higher water and fat
`content than adults with a proportionally lower protein content, but available results are
`co.ntradiotory and insufficient. The fat content would also seem to vary with the sea.son,
`increasing from an average of 5 percent up to 30 percent d:ry weight as the summer progresses
`(Il'iohev1967, Littlep1J8e 1964). This seasonal increase is associated with a. decrease in
`water and ash contents, and probably serves to build up energy reserves for the winter
`period of food scarcity.
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0011




`However, the absenoe of waxes - discussed later- implies that the krill do not over the
`winter. The oarbobydrate content remains fairly constant at around 6 percent dry weight; this
`is sli¥htly higher
`than most zooplankton, and probably reflects the ll.erbiv<;>r~us habit o_f _
`krill lR~ont, Srinivasagam and R~ont 1971, . Ferguson and Rro1lllont .1974). The variations of
`water, protein and fat content with age and sex have been quantified by Russian workers.
`These are given in Table 2 which also gives Clarke's (1976) correlation between fresh weight,
`dry weight and ash weight.
`It can only be concluded, therefore, that the proximate composition of krill is
`essentially variable, and that allowancyfor this should be in the development of any
`process or compositional specification.
`Component Composition
`In gross tenns, whole raw krill can be said to comprise of approximately 28% tail meat,
`34% cephalothora.x (head section) and 2€1/o carapace (tail shell); the ))alance of 12% being lost
`on separation. The proximate composition of these components is given in Table 3 but again
`data. are limited.
`It has been shown that the content of the nitrogenous substances in krill varies
`around 13% wet weight, expressed as Nx6.25.
`Infonnation regarding the quantity, species and
`molecular struoture of the proteins present is somewhat confused and contradictory: Bykov
`( 1975) and Srinivasagam .!! l!J:. ( 1971) report that some &>% of the total nitrogen is contained
`in true protein, while Yanase (1971) states that about 55% of the crude protein is hot water
`extractable (i.e. suggesting low molecular weil$'ht peptides, free amino acids, stroma proteins
`and possibly tropomyosin). Similarly Gilberg { 1971) records a notably high proportion of free
`amino a.oids-over 5o% as compared with 3o% in cra;yfish and 10-15% in round fish. Some of
`. these discrepancies (and some of the soluble nitrogen) can probably be acco\Ulted for by the
`rapid autolysis of the krill after catching and, to a lesser extent, during frozen storage
`of the samples. Table 4 attempts to correlate these results and col'.l.cludes that tl_le 13% wet
`weight qf tot8J. nitrogen, expressed on a crude protein basis, is up of f!JI,, true protein
`and 2.5'{o free amino acids; the balance of the nitrogen will be volatile,ohitin, and nucleic
`acids~ However, further work is needed before these figures can be accepted with confidence ..
`Qualitative disc electrophoresis ha.a identified actin, myosin and actomyosin in the
`muscle protein, of forms reportedly different from shrimp (Maekawa .2! al 1975a, Matsumoto
`et ~ 1976a). Thermal denaturation of the myosin occurs between 40 and 65°c; the albuminous
`material in the flesh denatures at 60-68°c; the blooc1. proteins denature at 70-74°c (Nichiro
`Gyogyo Kaisha. Ltd. 1976).
`Q.uantative determinations of content and molecular weights would be desirable, together
`with analyses of reactivity a.nd identification of other protein species (myogen, tropomyosin,
`stroma proteins).
`The amino acid composition of krill protein has been well studied, and is characterized
`by its relatively high content (4€1/o) of the essential amino acids and by the presence of most of
`the llllessentials; these are tabulated against some refere.11ce standards in Table 5. It will
`be seen that glutamine, aspartio acid, lysine, . leucine and proline are predominant (about
`half the total), while cysteine and possibly trytophanec are limiting. The relatively high
`free glycine possibly serves as protection from the sub-zero sea. temperatures (Srinivasagam
`!!_ !!., 1971). Japanese workers have also found significant quantities of anserine and betaine.
`1./ The situation is simplified, however, by the reportedly low genetic variability of the
`composition of the krill stocks (Ayala, Valentine and Zumwalt 1975, Valentine and Ayala
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0013




`Reported literature values for the proportional and proximate composition of krill body components, Ae "f, wet weight
`Table 3
`The Components of Krill
`Tail •eat
`( 1)
`( 1)
`% Proportion
`% H20
`% Total N
`% Crude Fat
`% Ash
`( 1)
`3.0 0.2
`1. 1
`Separating Losses
`Co11-na: {1) Il'iohev 1967
`(2) Lagunov 1974
`(3) Kryuchkova 1969 b
`(4) Combined results
`~ s:
`(/) m
`0 ......
`"""' <D
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0015




`'!'able 5 .
`The Mino .loida of Krill
` li"ranre TalllH tor the uino aold content ot I!, llllP!rba protein, aga.iJLri reterenoe.proteiaa, in g/100 g uiao aoida
`Total litl'l>!'llou• Subatanoea
`Ball8Dtial ••••••
`· Ilo ·
`I E
`- 112.- -

`,. (7\
`. .
`5 .• 6
`8.2 10.0
`1 .1
`9~6 10.1
`1 .1
`1. 7
`4.5- 5.9
`4·5- 5.3
`6.7- 8.o
`3.3- 4.5
`0.1- 1.1
`2.0- 2.7
`2.9- 3.9
`3.8- 6.1
`6.o- 6.4
`5.2- 5.4
`7.5- 7.8
`4.1- 5.1
`0.1- 1.3
`1.2- 1.3
`1.9- 2.7
`3.0- 3.6
`4.1- 4.3
`"' I
`4.1 .
`f ·4
`3.4 .
`46~4 :
`1 .1
`1. 7
`.. t
`Total Essential• 'lo
`. .lla
`1. 1·
`6.1 . 4.9
`. ~ ~ '!
`3.6- 7.7
`2.2- 3.6
`1.9- 6.1
`4.1- 6.5
`5.1- 7.4
`1.3- 1.8
`2.9- 4.9
`7.1- 8.5
`3·4- 4.1
`5.8- 7.6
`6.o- 9.5
`6.6- 7.3
`1.3- 2.3
`tJnaooounted for
`65.0 100.5
`-4·1 ,·.·
`113.4 100.1, 95.2
`4·5- 7.1
`4.0.:. 8.o
`3.3- 5.1
`f.~ ·
`0.1- 1.7
`o.8- 1.4 ~
`2.9- 4.6
`3.6- 8.5
`2.2- 4.8
`4.0- 7.6
`.4.2- 9.5
`,5.1- 8.5
`1.3- 2.8
`1.3- 4.9
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0017
`~ s::
`0 ......
`v.> co




`The Ja.panese1f have investigated the enzymic activity of whole krill and homogenates.
`An unspecified protease has been identified, of molecular weight 26 ooo, with maximum activity
`at 40°c, pH 6.o. (Ya.nase (1971) reports a whole krill pH of 7.8). It dispt~s a sharply
`defined activity curve with high activity between 20 and 45oc, falling off rapidly outside this
`.range. The protease is 80'}{, inactivated by a. trypsin inhibitor, and completely ina.ctivitated
`by boiling the extract for two minutes or the whole krill for fifteen minutes. Tyrosinase,
`polyphenol oxidase and ATPase have also been studied. The polyphenol oxidase and
` implicated in the discolouration problems of pigment darkening. The tyrosinase is found
`mainly in the blood, and is active and thermally stable at temperatures up to 70°c; it can
`be deactivated at 78-8Qoc. Pierce, van der Veen and Olcott (1969) also suggest : the presence
`of cellulase activity.
`Further work is probably necessary on the kinetics of protease activity at ambient holding
`temperatures (s8\y -5 to +25oc), and on lipid oxidases and hydrolases both in the fresh and.
`frozen states.
`Although the fat content of krill varies markedly, its composition would· seem to
`remain fairly constant. It is characterized by its high content of complex (phospho) lipids
`(50'fa, mainly lecithins (phosphatidyl-choline) and cephalins (phospha.tidyl sthanolamine)),
`a.bout 30-4o% neutral fats (glyoerides), and about &fa unsaponifiable elenents (see Table 6).
`Unlike other Antarctic zooplankters, it contains no waxes. Cholesterol is the only major
`sterol found, although traces of vitamin D and appreciable quantities of the pro-.ritamin
`also present.!/ The fa.tty acid composition is tabulated in Table 7, where ~1} will be seen that
`a considerable proportion (around 7o%) is unsaturated- iodine value 110-190.;lf • Most of the
`common fa.tty acids are present, notably oleic, 020:5, palmitic and myristic. ·The three
`I essentials' are found, totalling 5%· The erucic acid content is low. Several unusual species
` also evident. The occasional reports of high free fa.tty acid content (high acid value)
` probably due to lipolysis during frozen storage of samples. The similarity between whole
`body, organ and remaining lipid composition suggests that there is little differentiation
`of organ lipids (Bottino 1974). The greatest part of the lipid is found in the thoracic region.
`Krill is potentially a significant source of vitamins A, D, and the B group complex.
`Of most int ere.· st is vitamitl A .. ~ft. it.s._precur. sors •. Asta.xanthin is pre·s· ent in .itPPreoi~ble .
`quantities (up to 3 mg%), ttfainly in the exol;Jkeleton .and the eyes (170 mg 'fo)JJ
`It 1s this
`pigment that gives the krill its chara.oteristio orange/red colouratio;i, and it MN have some
`provitamin A activity. Provitamin A ( ~-carotene) is present to a lesser extent (20 ~g'fe),
`although some research has suggested that vitamin A is formed from the. non-ca.rotenoid fraction
`of the oil (Gilberg 1971); vitamin A is stored in the eyes (20 mg%), with a. net concentration
`in the whole krill of 140 .,.gt.,.
`Vi tamiri B12 is present, at levels higher than usually associated with crusta.cea
`(Hirano, Kikuchi and Okada 1964).
`The complete vitainin composition is given in Table 8.
`1 Noguchi. et M. 1976 Chokki ,21 ·il 1976 , ~ !]J. 1975b &, 1976 Matsumoto ..21 ~
`( 1975) Jla.galtu, Nishillllll:'O and Mori 1976 , Seki, Ozawa and Arai ( 1975 Nichiro Gyogyo
`Kai aha Ltd. ( 1976)
`Y Bottino (1973,1974 and 1975), Gilberg (1971), Bykov (1975)
`""j/ Nonaka and Koiz'Ullli (1964), Watanabe.!! !]J. (1976), Rosohke (1976a.), Saiki and Mori (1953)
`MMauohline and Fisher (1969), Fisher, Kon and Thompson (1954, 1955), Fisher.!!:.~ {1?55)
`Arai 1 Watanabe and Kinumaki ( 1976)
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0019




`- 13 -
`The Lipids of Krill
`Reported literature values for fatty acid composition, as weight % of total fatty acids
`Total Lipids.- Unfractionated
`J< Ii
`., ~
`. ~

`31. 7
`1. 7
`1.7 ~
`1.3 ~
`Total Saturated
`11 :0
`0 13:0
`0 14:0
`0 15:0
`0 16:0
`0 18:0
`0 20:0
`(Total Essentials)
`If on - Essential
`Total Unsaturated
`11 :1
`15 :1
`8 .• 1
`· ~
`60. 7
`~ 2.9
`0 includes branched epaoias (detailed in Hensen 1969 end 1970, and Bottino 1975)
`!/ I:C 20 (Unsat} • 20.4 .
`~ :tC 18 (Unsat) • 34. 7
`!J The names given refer to the most commonly occuring
`I:C;;. 20 (Uneat} • 13• 6
`91 C 2015 + C 2211 • 11.6
`isomers only
`Y I:C 18 (Unaat) • 25.0
`See also Maksimov, 1968; "orris, 1971 and 1973
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0021




`Table 8
`The Vitamins of Krill
`Reported literature values for the vitamin oomposition of whole krill, in .,.g/100 g wet weight
`- ~
`Q) ,
`O'\ · ..
`. ...
`'t1 ~
`~~ s::-
`~~ (.) +>
`Vitamin A
`' - Carotene
`114 750 50-700 81-140 117-190
`3 120
`1 650
`3 7oo;..9 700 2 790 600-3 600
`600-9 700 3 594
`750-1 500
`B1 Thiamine
`B2 Ribofla.vine
`B 6 Pyridoxine
`B12 Coba.lamine
`7 000
`Pantothenic Acid 1 500
`Folic Aoid
`Vitamin D
`Pro-Vita.min D
`7 000
`1 500
`7 000
`7 000
`1 500
`1 200
`1 850
`2 000
`20 000
`10 000
`~ In his paper, Bykov cites M.aietruk with these data values as rngfo, they are given here ~ µ,g!,
`x - Reported present
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0023
`~ s::
`0 ......


`- 17 -
`Table 9
`The Minerals of Krill
`Reported literature values for the mineral contents of whole krill, in mg/100 g wet weight
`~~ . 0\
`c- al
`i:::: 0
`- 0\
`'fl .....
`624-1 040
`2 080
`..... -
`1 .5
`:x: • Reported present
`• Not detected
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0024






`This is probably due to the 'processing of whole krill caught while grazing or with undigested
`phytoplankton in their filtering apparatus and stoma.oh contents, and it will also contribute
`to a tainting of flavour.
`Lastly, while krill are pr0babl;y virtually sterile on catching, it has been noted that
`they are microbiologically highlyunStable in the raw state (11ykov 1975). This ha.a been
`confirmed .bY Sieburth ( 1959), who observe(!. that krill, particularly in a disrupted state,
`form a vecy effective bacterial growth medium. He also suggeSts, however, through studies
`on the microbial flora in the guts of predator bird. species, that the stomach contents of
`krill feedlng on certain pl\ytopla.rik:ton contain an antibacterial principle that he fdentifies
`as acrylic a.Cid (Sieburth 1959, 19601 & 1961). The implications of this observation
` worth further study.

`The combined effect of these various phenomena is that krill can be held at ambient
`temperatures for only vecy limited periods before being preseried by one means or another,
`and that (apart from any physical damage that niay ensue) it is not practicable to transfer
`the catch under these conditions -from one ship to another :f'actocy vessel.
`The Russian oonelensu.s would seem to be that krill should not be held for more than
`one hour at 1ooc before processing, or for 3 - 4 hours at O - 1°c, and in depths of not
`greater than . 30 cm (Kryuchkova and Ma.karov 19691• La.gunov ~ al 1974, Burukovskii and
`Yaga.rov 1967). This has been confirmed by the Polish and West German expeditions, the
`latter finding additionally that adolescent krill are more susceptible than adults to
`degradatioh on handling and storage - and holding times must be reduced accordingly.
`(Fleohtepmacher et al 1976).
`Handling arid Pre-processing
`In view of the above time constraints and of the tonnages involved, mechanical handling
`of the catch will be essential - especially as harvesting is likely to be viable only if
`fishing operations do not have to be interrupted for handling and 'processing the cateh .
`(SCAR 1977).
`3 • .3. 1 C()?lVeying
`The handling operation will depend on the method.a of catching and processing. If the
`trawl (or seine) net fa discharged by pumping,· this would suggest the use of fresh or chilled
`sea-water for conveying and bUffer storage - with the added advantage of improved storage
`pro'.perties. If whole tail meats are to be ·frolll a. proportion of the catch or if the
`product · is to be whole krill for human consumption, the handling system must preserve the
`physical integrity of the individual animais. If, on the other hand, the catch is reduced
`to meal; and the trawl is discharged by normal methods, solid mechanical hand.ling systems
`ma.v be preferred. A third alternative is pneumatic conveying. An essenti:U requirement of
`ariy handling -system for krill is aminimwn of back~i:ring (i.e., ' "first ' in, first out')~
`Similarly, bacteriological orosa contamination should be avoided,· and 'the sistem should be
`as free as possible from the autolytic slime produced on the physical handling of krill.
`A.s no inforniation ha.s been published on krill handling systems prese11tly in use, it
`is not possible to effect an informed comparison of options. However, a brief review of
`possible ad.vantages and disadvantages includes:

`pipes or flumes
`Advant a.gee
`compatible with trawl discharge
`fish pump

`Improved storage properties
`(especially if chilled)
`Preserve integrity (?)
`Washing Action
`Compatible with flotation
`or liquid classification
`Di sadva.nt ages
`Blockage (especially pipes)
`Cleaning (pipes)
`Open water B11rface (flumes)
`Nutrient loss and brine
`uptake ·
`Low throughout/unit effort
`Development needed
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1032 page 0027




`Insufficient information is available on the proportional composition of commercial
`krill hauls and on the frequency of occurence of by-catch species. · Such species mey- include
`organisms of neutral · ornuisance value (salps) or valuable food species (fish, squid). It
`will be asswned for the purpose of this chapter that sorting will be required, although it ma>Y
`be found in practice that mixed catches are so rare and krill so abundant that catches
`containing undesirable components can simply be dumped.
`There is no information available that suggests mechanical sorting has been applied
`to krill catches. There is, however, no doubt that traditional methods could be used for the
`gross separation of krill from much larger species (fish, squid, jellyfish etc). The more
`difficult (and more frequent) problem will be that of separating the krill from other organisms
`of the same order of size, e.g., salps• No existing process is known for such an. operation.
`However, ''one obvious difference in properties m<J3 be exploitable: salps spherical and of a.
`relatively smooth sllrfaoe, krill are highly irregular in shape and of a rough surface. Fluid
`or pneumatic classification ffi<J3 be applicable, or even air entrainment and flotation.
`Despite some claims that krill swarm in discrete size groups, commercial krill hauls
`a.:te generally of variable size. 1f For some processes, notably those for the preparation of
`whole krill or intact tail meats for human consumption, size grading might be desirable - for
`reasons of processing or marketing. It might well be, for example; that large krill would be
`separated for sU.bsequent preparation of tail meats, while the rest of the catch was processed
`to meal.
`A Baader 485 shrimp grader was installed on board the "Weser" during the West German
`.Antarktis expedition (Anon 1976 a). However, full details of its performance are not yet
`Processing Options
`The various alternatives that have been reported for krill processing will be con(cid:173)
`sidered here as individual 'unit operations'. The order of presentation does not necessarily
`relate to the sequence of operations in

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