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`Research Laboratories,
`the Department
`the McLean
`of Biological
`for publication,
`August 23, 1956)
`Work from this laboratory resulted in the development of a method for
`the preparation and purification of brain lipides (1) which involved
`successive operations.
`In the first step, the lipides were extracted by
`homogenizing the tissue with 2: 1 chloroform-methanol (v/v), and filtering
`the homogenate.
`In the second step, the filtrate, which contained the
`tissue lipides accompanied by non-lipide substances, was freed from these
`substances by being placed in contact with at least 5-fold its volume of
`water. This water washing entailed the loss of about 1 per cent of the
`brain lipides.
`This paper describes a simplified version of the method and reports the
`results of a study of its application to different tissues, including the effi-
`ciency of the washing procedure in terms of the removal from tissue lipides
`It also re-
`of some non-lipide substances of special biochemical interest.
`ports some pertinent ancillary
`findings. The modifications
`into the method pertain only to the washing procedure. A chloroform-
`methanol extract of the tissue, prepared as described in the original version
`of the method, is mixed with 0.2 its volume of water to which, for certain
`purposes, different mineral salts may be added. A biphasic system with-
`out any interfacial fluff is obtained (2). The upper phase contains all of
`the non-lipide substances, most of the strandin, and only negligible amounts
`of the other lipides. The lower phase contains essentially all the tissue
`In comparison with the original method, the
`lipides other than strandin.
`present version has the advantage of being simpler, of being applicable to
`any scale desired, of substantially decreasing the losses of lipides incidental
`to the washing process, and, finally, of yielding a washed extract which
`can be taken to dryness without
`foaming and without splitting of the
`proteolipides (3).
`* This work has been aided by grant No. B-130
`Health Service.
`t Fellow of the American Cancer Society, 1951-53.
`$ Eli Lilly Traveling
`in Medicine,
`the United States Public
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`in lip-
`and methanol
`the chloroform
`Reagent grade.
`For use with
`Reagent grade.
`ides, such as muscle or blood plasma, both
`must be redistilled.
`2 : 1 by volume.
`Chloroform-methanol mixture.
`Pure solvents upper phase and pure solvenk
`lower phase. Chloroform,
`methanol, and water are mixed
`in a separatory
`in the proportions
`8: 4: 3 by volume. When
`the mixture
`is allowed
`to stand, a biphasic sys-
`tem is obtained.
`The two phases are collected separately
`and stored
`glass bottles.
`It has been found that the approximate
`form, methanol, and water
`the upper phase are 3: 48: 47 by volume.
`are 86: 14: 1. Either of the
`In the lower phase,
`the respective proportions
`phases may be prepared directly by making use of the above, proportions,
`0..02 pm cent CaCl2, 0.017 per- cent
`Pure solvents upper phase containing
`2wgCZ~ 0.99 per cent NaCE, or 0.37 per cent KCZ. These solutions can be
`prepared in one of two ways. One is to shake the appropriate amount of
`salt with pure solvents upper phase in 8 glass-stuppered vessel until solufiion
`is complete. The other is to proceed a8 for the preparation of pure solvents
`upper and lower phases except that, instead of water, 0.04 per cent aqueous
`CaClz, 0.034 per cent aqueous MgClz, 0.58 per cent aqueous NaCl,. or 0.74
`per cent aqueous KC1 is used.
`Extraction of Lilpides-For
`the purposes of this description, the volume
`of a tissue sample will be computed on the assumption that the tissue has
`the specific gravity of water; i.e., the volume of 1 gm. of tissue is 1 ml. The
`tissue or tissue fraction is homogenized with 2: 1 chloroform-methanol mix-
`ture (v/v)
`to a final dilution 2O-fold the volume of the tissue sample-; i.e.,
`the homogenate from 1 gm. of tissue should be diluted to a volume of 20
`ml. For amounts of tissue up to 1 gm., the homogenization is carried out
`in a Potter-Elvehjem
`type of homogenizer, the tube of which has been
`weighed, and calibrated at the volume of the final dilution of the particular
`tissue homogenate. Thus, the tissue sample can be weighed and the ho-
`mogenate diluted to volume without a transfer. For brain or tissues of
`similar consistency, 3 minutes suffice fur complete homogenization.
`Tougher tissues will require lengthier homogenization, and some organs
`rich in connective tissue, e.g. peripheral nerve, may require special handling
`such as grinding with a mortar and pestle at the temperature of dry ice
`before homogenization with
`the solvent mixture.
`For amounts greater
`than 1 gm., the tissue is homogenized in an adequate blendor with about
`a 17-fold volume of solvent mixture;
`the balance of solvent mixture re-
`quired to dilute the humogenate to final volume is used to insure the quac
`transfer of the homogenate into a volumetric
`flask. After
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`G. H.
`the homogenate
`final volume adjustment’,
`into a glass-stoppered
`a fat-free
`this extract
`to 0.05 its volume of
`purposes of computation,
`to 0.05 gm. of tissue.
`i.e., 1 ml. of extract
`Washing of Crude Extract-The
`crude extract
`is mixed
`0.2 its volume of either water or an adequate salt solution
`(see “Experi-
`and the mixture
`is allowed
`to separate
`two phases, without
`fluff, either by standing or by centrifugation.
`The volumes of
`the upper and lower phases are, respectively,
`40 and 60 per cent of the total
`volume of the system.
`As much of the upper phase as possible
`is removed
`by siphoning, and removal of its solutes
`is completed by rinsing
`the inter-
`face three
`times with
`small amounts of pure solvents upper phase
`in such
`a way as not to disturb
`the lower phase.
`lower phase and
`fluid are made into one phase by the addition of meth-
`anol, and the resulting
`is diluted
`to any desired
`final volume by
`the addition of 2: 1 chloroform-methanol
`The procedure can be run on any scale that
`is otherwise
`ble, and the actual details of operation will vary according
`to the amount
`of extract being washed.
`For instance,
`if 10 ml. of crude extract are to be
`the extract
`is placed in a 15 ml. centrifuge
`To it are added
`2 ml. of either water or salt solution,
`the two
`liquids are mixed with a stir-
`ring rod, the rod is then rinsed
`into the tube with a minimal amount of pure
`lower phase, and the tube is capped with aluminum
`foil and centri-
`fuged until complete separation of the syst.em int,o two phases without
`is obtained.
`The duration
`of centrifugation
`about 20 minutes at 2400 r.p.m.
`for white matter extracts
`to a very short
`for blood plasma.
`The volumes of the upper and lower phases are
`4.8 and 7.2 ml., respectively.
`The upper phase is removed as completely
`as possible with a pipette or with a suction arrangement
`such as the one
`described by Van Slyke and Rieben
`(4). Next,
`the inside wall of the t,ube
`is riuscd with about 1.5 ml. of pure solvents upper phase, which are allowed
`to flow gent’ly
`from a pipette so t.hat the washing
`fluid collects on top of
`the lower phase without
`any mixing of the two phases.
`The tube
`is ro-
`tated gently
`to insure mixing of the rinsiug
`fluid with
`the remaining original
`upper phase, and the mixture
`is removed.
`rinsing of the tube wall
`and interphase with pure solvents upper phase is repeated
`the lower phase is diluted
`to a volume of 10 ml. as outlined above. With
`tissues poor in proteolipides,
`e.g. muscle, plasma, and liver, or if time
`is no
`object, centrifugation may be omitted
`t,he washing
`the extract plus water mixture
`can be allowed
`to separate
`In that case, it is more convenient
`to carry
`phases by prolonged standing.
`out the \vashiug
`ill glass-stoppered
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`if so indicated by the size and nature of the tissue
`changed in many details
`sample or by the particular
`problem under study.
`if necessary,
`the preparation
`of the crude extract,
`the tissue homogenate
`can be diluted
`to more
`than 20-fold
`the volume of tissue.
`Also, centrifugation
`can be
`used in preference
`as a means of obtaining
`a clear extract.
`of the homogenate
`is unsatisfactory
`the spe-
`cific gravity of the solvent mixture
`is too close to the density of t.he sus-
`pended material.
`if centrifugation
`is to be used, it is necessary
`to lower
`the specific gravity of the homogenate by the addition of methanol.
`the addition of 0.2 its volume of methanol suffices
`for the purpose.
`The amount of methanol added must be noted.
`In the washing procedure described, chloroform, methanol, and water are
`in the system
`tissue extract
`plus water
`in the proportions
`8:4: 3
`by volume, as can be computed
`if account
`is taken of the
`all the water
`These proportions
`in cases in which
`the tissue
`critical and must be kept constant.
`has been substantially
`it is necessary
`to modify
`washing procedure
`in a way
`that will
`the required proportions
`if the homogenate has been diluted
`to 40-fold
`volume of tissue,
`the water
`to the extract by the latter will be
`half as much as in the standard
`20-fold dilution;
`i.e., it will be 2 per cent
`of the extract as compared
`to the usual 4 per cent.
`the amount
`of water added to the ext)ract
`for washing
`should be 22 per cent instead of
`the usual 20 per cent.
`If methanol has been added
`to the extract,
`as much chloroform must also be added and the amount of water adjusted
`of the methods used in this study have been
`Analytical Methods-Most
`described elsewhere
`(3, 5).
`work had
`of Tissue Lipides-Earlier
`Degree of Completeness of Extraction
`removes all lipides
`from brain
`(1) and
`the extraction
`blood plasma
`(6), with
`the exception of a specific
`fraction of lipides which
`is combined
`to tissue proteins
`by a linkage which withstands
`the action
`of neutral solvents.
`In the present study,
`the completeness
`of extraction
`of lipides from
`liver and muscle was studied by reextracting
`the residue with
`hot solvent and determining
`the amount of lipides
`in the second extract.
`The original extraction
`can be considered
`if the second extract
`contains no more lipides
`than can be accounted
`for by the aliquot of first
`The experiment was carried out as fol-
`left wetting
`the residue.
`lows: The tissue was homogenized with
`as described,
`and the homogenate
`through a previously weighed Riichner
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1017 page 0004


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`residue became dry.
`being stopped before
`filter was weighed again and the weight of the wet residue
`it contained was
`computed by difference.
`the residue was
`with a new
`portion of solvent mixture by boiling under
`for 24 hours,
`the sus-
`pension was
`filtered, and the twice extracted
`residue collected and dried
`constant. weight,.
`The amount of first extract
`left wetting
`the tissue residue
`then be computed
`the equation, ml. of extract
`in residue =
`(weight of wet
`residue after
`first extraction minus weight of dried residue)/-
`In t’he case of liver, 40 gm. of tissue were
`(specific gravity of first extract).
`extracted as outlined above in succession with 760 ml. and 400 ml. of solvent
`first extract
`2.46 mg. of lipides per ml., while
`28.8 ml. of extract with a comput,ed
`lipide content of 71 mg. were
`in the residue.
`The second extract
`contained a total of 69 mg. of lipides;
`i.e., the amount
`to be expected
`the aliquot of the first extract
`in the
`In an identical experiment with muscle
`the first extract
`contained 0.743 mg. of lipides per ml., while 24.3 ml. of extract with a total
`lipide content of 18.1 mg. were
`left wetting
`the residue.
`The second ex-
`tract contained a total of 21.6 mg. of lipides;
`i.e., 3.5 mg. more than were
`to be expected
`the aliquot of the first extract
`in the residue.
`This difference, which
`to <0.5 per cent of total
`cannot be considered significant.
`has been studied
`Study of Washing Procedure-The
`by (a) determining
`the amount of lipides
`lost during
`the washing,
`(b) de-
`the amount of non-lipide
`phase, (c) investigating
`an effect of certain non-lipide
`upon the
`of lipides between
`the two phases
`formed during
`the washing
`(d) determining
`the effect of mineral salts on the distribution
`of lipides in this particular
`biphasic system, and finally
`(e) ascertaining
`efficiency of the washing
`in relation
`to some substances
`of im-
`in metabolic
`studies by the use of radioisotopes.
`Loss of Lipides
`to Washing Procedure and Degree of Removal
`of Non-Lipide
`lipides are undialyzable,
`the amount
`of undialyzable
`in the upper phase would
`the maximal
`amount of lipides
`lost, and the dialyzable
`substances would,
`of necessity,
`In a typical experiment,
`175 ml. of
`represent non-lipide
`brain white matter extract were washed with 35 ml. of water.
`The upper
`phase, which had a volume of 84 ml., was collected quantitatively.
`lower phase was equilibrated with 84 ml. of pure solvents upper phase, and
`t,he resulting
`second upper phase was collected.
`Both upper phases were
`to dryness by vacuum distillation
`of the solvents,
`the residues
`were each dissolved
`in 10 ml. of water, and the solutions were dialyzed ex-
`The dialyzable and undialyzable
`thus obtained were
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1017 page 0005


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`fractions were com-
`in the undialyzable
`The solutes
`dried and analyzed.
`pletely soluble in chloroform-methanol,
`that they were all lipides.
`The pertinent
`results are given
`in Table
`the values
`for the first
`upper phase show
`that no more than 0.3 per cent of the tissue
`lipides other
`than strandin was
`lost in the washing.
`Also, since the second upper phase
`cnontained only negligible amomlts of dialyzable
`the conclusion
`is warranted
`that, after one washing,
`lower phase
`is essentially
`from non-lipide substances.
`The same type of experiment has been carried
`out wit,h white matter,
`gray matter,
`liver, and muscle, with
`the results
`given in Table II.
`In a.11 the t.issues studied, one washing was
`found suffi-
`of Solutes
`in CHC13:CH30H
`of Brain
`White Matter
`in crude
`1. Total
`2. 1st upper
`3. Dialyzable
`4. Undialyzable
`5. Strandin
`in undialyzable
`6. Lipides
`7. 2nd upper
`8. Dialyzable
`9. Undialyzable
`10. Strandin
`in undialyzable
`11. Lipides
`12. Final
`13. Total
`(4) +
`(9) +
`Yield, mg.
`as y.
`cient for removing all the non-lipide contaminants from the crude extract.
`In the case of gray matter, lipides other than strandin lost in the course of
`the first washing amounted to no more than 0.6 per cent of the tissue lip-
`ides; for liver and muscle, the values were somewhat higher, ranging up to
`2 per cent.
`can be seen from
`Recognition of Lipide Distribution-Altering Factor-It
`Table II
`that the second upper phases contained more lipides than the
`corresponding first upper phases. This unexpected finding was investi-
`gated by preparing in duplicate six successive upper phases from aliquot,s
`of white and gray matter extracts, as described above. The lipides from
`each phase were recovered and analyzed (Table III).
`It was found in
`both cases that the amount of lipides increased markedly from the first to
`the second upper phase; it remained unchanged from the second to the
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1017 page 0006


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`G. H.
`the sixth by a fairly con-
`the third
`third, and then decreased
`to the distribution
`of a group of lipides
`factor which
`exhibiting a distribution
`coefficient of about 2.7 in favor of the lower phase.
`The negligible amount of lipides in the first upper phase could be explained
`coefficient altering”
`only by assuming
`that some unknown
`factor had been in operation
`in the washing
`of the original extract.
`and Non-Lipide
`by First
`of Various
`and Second Washings
`1st upper
`nrg. per gm.
`nrg. per gm.
`2nd upper
`per C&
`mg. per
`* Lipides,
`in the second equilibration, most, likely
`effect of this factor was still evident
`because of contamination
`of the system by
`first upper phase.
`The lipides from white matter upper phases 3 through 6 were pooled and
`in per cent: S 1.4, P 1.9, N 1.5, NH2-N 0.54, a-amino acid K 0.54,
`as galact,ose, 7.9, S + P/K
`ratio 0.98, atoms S pel
`moles of galactose 1.00, choline none.
`lipides affected by
`factor consisted of a mixture of 40 per cent sulfatides,
`35 per cent phosphatidyl
`serine, and 25 per cent other phosphatides;
`they were mainly,
`if not exclusively,
`Identification of Lipide Distribution-Altering
`might he explained by assuming
`the distribution
`of water,
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1017 page 0007


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`the two phases had changed significantly
`and methanol between
`the first and subsequent equilibrations.
`This possibilit’y was
`by determining
`the volume and the specific gravity of both phases through
`the procedure of preparation
`of six upper phases
`(see above).
`No changes
`were observed.
`it can safely be assumed
`the composition
`the phases had remained essentially
`in Successive
`of System
`35 Ml. of Wale?
`175 Ml.
`Upper phases
`lipides other
`White matter
`Gray matter
`lipides other
`P content
`P content
`mg. *ET 175 ml.
`per cent
`per telz t
`* Upper
`t Strandin
`are negligible.
`a and b refer
`to duplicate
`of strandin
`factor was one or more of the
`could be that
`Another explanation
`in the crude extract which would be removed by the washing
`cedure, and therefore would be found
`in the first upper phase.
`This was
`to be the case by the
`type of experiment.
`A stock of
`lower phase was prepared by washing
`crude white matter
`with water.
`The solutes
`the upper phase were
`aliquots of lower phase were mixed with equal volumes of pure solvents
`upper phase. Different
`of first upper phase solutes were added
`to some of the mixtures.
`the upper phases were
`for P content, which had been shown
`to be a reliable
`indicator of
`the total amount of lipides present.
`It was
`the amount
`in the upper phases was decreased by
`the presence of the added
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1017 page 0008


`G. H.
`l), an
`of the concentration
`to the
`in proportion
`observation which provided a means
`for measuring
`the distribution-altering
`effect of any material.
`it was possible
`to trace
`this effect quantita-
`the first upper phase solutes
`to their dialyzable
`fraction and to
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`’ 1
`of solutes
`1. Effect
`ides between
`of different
`2. Effect
`A, CaC12.
`, MgCL;
`the biphasic
`the upper
`of water
`plus 0.2
`its volume
`of a system
`its volume
`of water;
`0, KCl;
`X, NaCl;
`i.e., the effect was caused by the mineral salts present
`the ash therefrom;
`in the crude extract.
`effect of different
`the distribution-altering
`By the same procedure,
`of NaCl, KCl, CaCL, and MgClz was determined
`(Fig. 2).
`that virtual absence of lipides
`the upper phase could be
`obtained by the addition
`to it of CaClz or MgCh at a concentration
`0.003 N, or of NaCl or KC1 at a concentration
`of 0.05 RT.
`Comparison between Amounts of Lipides Lost upon Washing with Water or
`with Mineral Salt Solutions-This
`has been made by washing
`crude extracts
`of various
`in parallel with either water or aqueous
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`and determining
`salts at various
`solutions of different
`amount of lipides in the first upper phase.
`Table IV gives the comparative
`data for water and for 0.05 per cent CaClz which
`in a concentration
`of Ca+
`in the upper phase of 3.8 m.eq. per liter.
`It can be seen that
`use of the latter decreases
`the loss of lipides
`to the washing.
`cases in which
`the use of CaClz
`is contraindicated,
`as when an insoluble
`Ca salt might) be formed, a similar
`result’ can be obtained with 0.04 per cent
`of Lipides
`and Absence
`of Added
`in 1st upper
`as mg. per gm.
`In absence
`of added
`In presence
`of added
`* Lipides
`is ex-
`The procedure
`MgC12, 0.73 per cent NaCl, or 0.88 per cent KCl.
`actly as described
`for water.
`is sufficient
`one washing
`Study of Effkiency
`of Repeated Washing-While
`in the case of metabolic
`to purify
`for the usual analytical purposes,
`it is often
`studies involving
`the use of substances
`labeled with
`to free lipides
`from non-lipide
`lOOO-fold or more that of the lipides.
`Such a degree of purifica-
`tion can be reached by equilibrating
`the lower phase repeatedly with por-
`tions of pure solvents upper phase containing
`The procedure
`is as
`follows: The crude extract
`is washed with water or with an appropriate
`salt solution,
`as already described.
`After quantitative
`of the
`upper phase, a portion of pure solvent,s upper phase containing
`the appro-
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`G. H.
`is capped.
`the tube
`two phases are stirred,
`is added,
`priate salt
`the upper phase
`is removed
`fresh portions
`of pure solvents upper phase containing
`equilibration with
`mineral salt is repeat,ed as many
`times as is indicated by ad hoc experiments
`of the type reported below.
`has been carried out in
`A study of the efficiency of repeated washings
`collaboration with Dr. Manfred Karnovsky
`of the Biophysics
`of Harvard Medical School.
`2 mg. samples of a CY4- or P32-labeled com-
`pound were dissolved
`in 0.1 ml. of water
`and added
`t’o 10 ml. of a crude
`lipide extract.
`The level of activity
`ranged between 0.5 X
`IO6 and
`1.0 X 106 c.p.m. per 10 ml. of extract.
`The extract’s were washed
`edly as described above, aliquots of the lower phase were
`taken aft)er each
`of Removal
`of Added
`by Repeated
`of Lipide
`lower phase
`1st washing
`2nd washing
`/ 3rd washing
`1 4th washing
`Per cent original
`no C&l?
`in the
`test substance
`and the amount of radioactive
`in a gas flow counter
`in the pro-
`lower phase was estimated by counting
`(7, 8). Glycerol,
`glucose, acetate,
`choline, serine, and
`phosphate have been studied
`in this way.
`It can be seen from Table V
`that, while
`the repeated washing procedure
`is highly effective,
`the rate of
`removal of the different
`in the successive mashings does not
`follow a theoretical
`line, with
`the possible exception of serine
`and glycerol
`in the first] two washings.
`The difference
`in the behavior of
`choline in t,he presence and absence of added CaClz suggests
`that choline
`forms salts with acidic lipides
`in amounts determined by competition with
`other bases present.
`of strandin
`in This Procedure-The
`Behavior of Xtrandin
`is affected by the addition of mineral salts
`to the
`the two phases
`upper phase, especially by CaClz
`The effect of KC1 is much
`in the essential
`less marked, and even at KC1 concentrations
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`is present
`the upper phase the bulk of strandin
`absence of acidic lipides from
`(9) on the
`in the
`first upper phase.
`The observations
`of Svennerholm
`effect of NaCl on the distribution
`of gangliosides, which most
`cluded strandin,
`the action of NaCl
`is similar
`to that of KCl.
`In summary,
`the use of KC1 or NaCl
`in this procedure affects
`the distribu-
`tion of strandin only slightly.
`To eliminate strandin
`the lower phase
`three washings with
`the appropriate
`salt solutions
`should suf-
`fice. To isolate strandin,
`the three washings
`are combined,
`to dryness,
`and dialyzed.
`Strandin will be found quantitatively
`in the undialyzable
`the original procedure
`to modify
`started as an attempt
`The present work
`In a survey of possible alter-
`of washing
`crude lipide extracts with water.
`crude brain white matter extract and water were mixed
`in var-
`ious proportions.
`Most mixtures
`in emulsions which were hard
`to separate or were
`The exception was a mixture
`by adding
`to the extract 0.2 its volume of water, which, upon standing or
`by centrifugation,
`two clear phases without
`the persistence
`of any interfacial
`of the two phases showed
`upper phase contained practically
`all of the non-lipide
`substances and only
`negligible amounts of lipides,
`the lower phase thus
`a solution
`of essentially
`high efficiency of the washing
`depended upon
`the presence,
`the system
`crude extract plus water,
`of chlorides of Na, K, Ca, and Mg,
`which had been extracted
`tissue by
`the chloroform-methanol
`mixture and which altered
`the distribution
`of acidi

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