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`Exhibit A
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0003
`page 0003


`Purchase KRILL BILL Pure Neptune Krill Oil—FREE SHIPPING
`1 of 2
`Krill Bill 100% Neptune Krill Oil - the purest
`combination ofphospholipids,
`antioxidants, omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9
`fatty acids
`" Get Krilling and Start Living Again "
`100 %
`inside USA
`i. [Ii-‘54 I
`P P I
`Each Serving (2 gel Pure
`caps) contains:
`8.8 (6.3
`from fat)
`Total Fat (fatty
`700 mg OIL
`Saturated Fat
`300 mg
`5 mg
`Vitamin A
`Vitamin E
`0.5 IU
`omega-3 Fatty Acids
`300 mg
`150 mg
`9“ mg
`omega-6 Fatty Acids
`20 mg
`omega-9 Fatty Acids
`400 mg
`1'5 mg
`CAUTION: If you
`have a seafood
`allergy or are
`taking a blood
`thinner, you
`Should consult
`your physician
`before taking Krill
`500 mg ofpure
`NKO per gel
`go gel
`caps per bottle
`Suggested User
`Take 2 gel caps 21
`day with breakfast
`for one month.
`Then take 1 gel
`cap daily with
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0004
`page 0004


`Purchase KRILL BILL Pure Neptune Krill Oil—FREE SHIPPING
`2 of 2
`bottle $35 .97
`3 bottles
`bottles $159.97
`Soy—Free Rice»
`Free Wheat—
`Added Coloring—
`Free Added
`Solutions Unlimited Guarantee
`Privacy Policy
`We do not rent, sell. trade, or otherwise disclose 871 Englevifle Road I personally guarantee every product. We
`any information you give us. I am the only one
`research, evaluate and use the products we offer
`who has access to your information. We have 3 Sharon Springs, NY you. If you ever have a problem - I want to hear
`firewall. antiaspyware, antiavirus software, and
`about it and make it right.
`are not online 24/7.
`FAX 303.568.2465
`Bi“ 21““
`Bill Ziese
`https://web.archiveorg/web/20060715 10371S/
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0005
`page 0005


`Specifications for KRILL BILL 100% Pure Neptune Krill Oil
`1 of 3
`Krill Bill 100% Neptune Krill Oil - the purest
`combination ofphospholipids,
`antioxidants, omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9
`fatty acids
`” Get Krilling and Start Living Again "
`Composition of Krill Bill 100%
`Pure Neptune Krill Oil
`(Do You Know What‘s in Your Fish Oil?)
`Standard Specification
`Phospholipid Profile per 100 grams
`Total Phospholipids
`>400 grams
`>30 grams
`0.4 - 2 grams
`0.4 - 2 grams
`0.4 - 2 grams
`Fatty Acids Profile per 100 grams
`>73 grams
`<30 grams
`>12 grams
`>32 grams
`>30 grams
`>15 grams
`>9 grams
`>0.4 grams
`1500 - 2500 mg
`>1.3 grams
`>6 grams
`>5 grams
` Acids
`Total Lipids as Fatty
`as Saturated
`as Monounsaturated
`as Polyunsaturated
`Total Omega-3 Fatty
`as EPA
`as DHA
`as DPA
`Total Omega-6 Fatty
`as Linoleic Acid
`inside USA
`-= L4 - Total Omega‘9 Fatty
`Pa yPaI
`as Oleic Acid
`>150 mg per 100 grams
`Esterfied Astaxanthin
`trans Retinol (Vitamin A) >100 IU per gram
` 103809/
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0006
`page 0006


`Specifications for KRILL BILL 100% Pure Neptune Krill Oil
`2 013
`(Vitamin E)
`Cholecalciferol (Vitamin
`>05 IU per gram
`>10 IU per gram
`>30 pg per gram
`Minerals per 100 grams
`Total Arsenic
`inorganic Arsenic
`Chlordanes (alpha &
`Dioxins & Furans
`Total PCB‘s
`>20 mg
`>1 mg
`>150 mg
`>1000 mg
`<300 mg
`>0.3 mg
`Heavy Metals
`<10 ppm
`50.1 ppm
`<0.1 ppm
`<0.1 ppm
`<0.15 ppm
`<5 ppm
`<10 ppm
`<1 ppm
`Organic Contaminants
`<0.01 ppm
`<0.01 ppm
`<0.01 ppm
`<0.01 ppm
`<0.01 ppm
`<0.01 ppm
`<0.01 ppm
`<0.15 ppt
`<0.5 ppb
`mg = milligrams
`pg = micrograms
`IU= Internafiunal
`ppt = parts per trillion
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0007
`page 0007


`Specifications for KRILL BILL 100% Pure Neptune Krill Oil
`3 of 3
`Solutions Unlimited Guarantee
`Privacy Policy
`We do not rent, sell, trade, or otherwise disclose 871 Englevflle Road I personally guarantee every product. We
`any information you give us. I am the only one
`research, evaluate and use the products we offer
`who has access to your information. We have 3 Sharon Springs, NY you. If you ever have a problem - I want to hear
`firewall, anti—spyware, anti-virus software, and
`about it and make it right.
`are not online 24/7.
`FAX 303.568.2465
`Bi" Ziese
`Bill Ziese
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0008
`page 0008


`Aquabource Products — Furcnasc Wllu Knll U11 Capsules
`1 01 l
`Home ' Healthy lelng - Knll Oll Products - Resources - Store ‘ SaleSv Conlacl Us
`Sihpppl' m1 firm
`0 Items
`Welcome Guutl Would you like to lg laurself in? 01 would you prefer to create an account?
`Looking for more information on Aquasource Krill Oil”) gliggm
`Wild Antarctic Krill Oil
`.vp- \, ,‘,;,.»,
`hugn ln antlomdanls to help fight lhe aqmg process
`contains unique phospholipids
`nch mums cf Omega 3 fatty acids
`60 gel capsules USD $27.99m
`Wlld Sockey‘. Salman Oil HEW?!
`pure! 100% WIld sochays salmon oil
`I not blended with inlen’orfish cuts or omer salmon spaces
`l'ICh source of Omega 3 law acids
`- Site Map . Legal - anacy Slalemenl
`180 - 508 mg gel upsules USD $19.39
`Wammg: those with known allergies to fish and seafood should cansull with their
`healthcare pmfessional as no studies have been done on those mm alleryres.
`Mid Antarctic Krill and Wild Sockeye Salmon Oil ls a dietary supplement onfy.
`Wednrzsnav .1 6 fix Hg :1 5t! 2006
`"004 AquaSource Produnls lm-
`page 0009
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0009


`-"I'f._l'1.;L'_ \
`kflli oil is high in antioxidants to help fight the aging process
`knit oil contains unique phospholipids
`krill oil is rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids
`Why Choose Antarctica Select Krill Oil?
`Nutritionists and Health Professronals readily agree that m: health benefits of Omega-35 are essential to people today, Young and old benefit
`from the powerful oil found in Antarctlw Seled, ridi in EPA and DHA. Antarctica Select is the best choice for you and your family in
`maintaining a wellrbalanced diet.
`Krill Oil has a higher oontent of Omega 3 tatty acids than fish oils and some antioxidants that are not found in other products ll will notcause
`gastrointestinal difficulty or aftertaste, it is suggested that the mercury content in fish oil may mnoel out any benefits derived from it, but krill
`oil is free of all ton‘c elements.
`Kn‘tl oil is free of pollutants such as mercury and other heavy metals. in addition to OmegaG (wefl known for it1§€"‘s effect upon
`cardiovascular health)‘ krill oil has powerful antioxidants. shown to be effective in preventing the common signs and symptoms oi aging, and
`phosphotipids, cniical for the maintenance of cell membranes and normal hormone regulation—something that ordinary fish oil does not have.
`Purging Antagjcg Select Krill Qfl
`Important Notice: This site is desrpned primarily as an educational resource and a product sales. tool
`it is not intended to provide medical adwce on personal heaith matters or [L guide treatment A-
`'Jt’thl" is
`Copyright I: 2004 AquaSource Products inc - Site Map - Legal - Privacy Statement
`Wild Antarctic Krill Oil - A rich source of Omega—3 and Antioxida...
`l of l
`Home - Healthy Livmg - Krill Oil Products - Resources - Store - Distributors- Contact Us
`Krill Oil
`Wild Antarctic Krill Oil - A Clean, Pure Source of Antietam: and Omega-3
`Only appropriately done by a qualified health prolessmnai
` lOlO/htip://
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0010
`page 0010


`Wild Antarctic Krill Oil — A rich source ol'Omega—3 and Antioxida...
`1 of 3
`. Healthy lemg - Knllel Products ~ Resoutces . Store « DISIHDUQDrS' Conlacl Us
`FAQ: Regarding Krill on
`Mm lllflll?
`am Mam-ass. lane and mm quantyi
`M WWI: demm IDtharwclu-iflod miw-mshwmaramm, swimmnm.
`asmwmuupnmymm "mm: hlgl'leraumflllas nfmaa‘dmnouwaPAmd DMMammmi
`Dun-Alum all-c1 mmlcomah MMIW?
`Mitt malt: Ant-m filled dlfltronl mm m! fish oils?
`Mala-an Krill oi mammw 010“:va may add: than M1 all; as walla maniofidams mm In tamer prnmcls. ltwll
`PM): Regarding Dietary SupplimeMa and Omega-33
`Whit. can I find infnmaflan abnui tilting nlturhl pmducls, a! dietary suppbmeflu?
`mun Sofa-a slanmg any supplement «1 (5 use to speak Mm yourer or pharmdsl. See our gyma; section for more mien-nation on
`m mung Omega-35 A: wall visit the FDA's muslin ragammg Diem Suppllmem: for l‘uflhet ManhattanWW
`An In“. whmona m vlumlm and minerals or (Hug: than I menial he mm of m am taking Gauge-3 suppllme-nu?
`Answer. The amen-3 90!}qu am comma-1t: all foods and as sud! not blah: to inmau Mm drugs. M11 ll i: dilllcull 10 be and
`slum mere am so many drugs being lamahed all the time. ”you an; Iaklng any drug «at-tho mmmends‘llon ofa physician: a would be wise
`to m him or her men Hex! yuu «at. There are no Mum interactions with vitamins or minerals.
`Do I M1012!- mm E m an milling an Oman-3 supfiimncwmdm
`fins-rat: "banana mommanood'hmkadulfaflfinflf you are gahglnhhaun omega»: Emlmmfiw Selectmllflllan
`mm In lit. Mumndnd amuum all Drum-a I would bu consuming In my am?
`Amuse TimM Heaflmwwm has published ifs guide to taking OW3‘ See that: ”manna-hon at
`hgmamgflmgsenygnmgmmm. As well this wide is useful for fluent-res In proper consumption omeeua-El:
`Studies on Omegadc
`Thu Having amides are rota-ad m the benefits on cumming Omegads in our dietsv
`https://web 15548/ ?osCsid=ace4bb3df08470b03375b05984...
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0011
`page 0011


`Wild Antarctic Krill Oil — A rich source of Omega—3 and Antioxida...
`2 of 3
`towels of
`aanmdh nodsmmllmM b-
`am n—S Fa Add: and {PM '
`of Sud
` unis”.
`Gloostry of Terms
`All terms below wars attainedMM aW encycirzpedia
`An antioxidant is a chem! that prevents the oxidation of (filler chemicala In Halogical water-n5, me normalm of urination (plus a
`minor mnln'butinn {rum ionizing radiationl pmduca highly reaches m radicals, These can readily read with and damagn other molaallos: in
`some case: We body uses this to ugh! lnlection. In 0mm cams, lire damage may be no me Wsm calls. The [3112me clam-amour
`eaally undisable communes in tho mam can "map up" free radicals before may damage newer use-1w mail“. The lullavvlng winning
`hm shown posiflva anfioxidam eflaus: Retinal (Wan-in A or beta—carotene), Ascorbic ldd Marlin C), Wamln E (monpnmi), Selenium.
`lmun&suppom’ng camlenoid. which can be use-0‘0 guard your cell membrane: film [ma raw-ml :l'amaga. main Is the dielrdcal ma!
`g'ms lobslers, shrill-m. and some crab: lheirred mlor when they are cooked.
`Wen-anal: acid mm;
`A polyun$amffile¢ fatty acid mused 0! 22 carbon atom: and six doubla Bonds. Because the firsl ml: band, as emailed hum rho melhyl
`a! positian than, it belongs to me 0W3 group.
`Ekmoonuenok new (EPA)
`II is a lnngdaln polyunaamraeed fatty acid of the ry3 or omega-3 type. EFA is an all ch: polyunsamrnmd l'my
`A major componenl of fish Dll.
`acid containing 2.0 carbon: and 5 double hams.
`Emmr me Acids
`Fan}! adds trial are required in the human diet. Thls means may «anyml be syrflhasited by H10 mm mr lalh- m and must be
`obtained from food. 1'0953 fatty acids were originally desgnated as er1 F. unhl llwas realized mat they must be am with lha ills,
`The Noam word for whale food. ll is also used as synonym for 64131131131565, m an shdmpike marina Mmiei. WHEN
`organisms of the plankton (zoaplankton). la the Elem sense ‘knfl’ is used as nornmun name liar file must spsaamla: spade: the ~1ch
`Krlfl lEupliallsfs superbal of tho Amaruic waters in the Southern Ocean, ll is an ermhaual'd. Krist in in large salads (Mlle-id men
`be primary ploduclion directly into a relafnrmy large animal. They grow in a length-ore an, weigh 2 gar-nus, and live probably fora years,
`Krill as me mslone species of tho ecosyslarn af Arum-Jim. andis an W! food organism far whales. seals, Leapard Seals. fur seals,
`Crammer Seals, squid. Ioefish penguins, albakosses and many olher birds. Thcir 1mm: in ashamed lo be between 100“ 300 Milan
`tonnes“ making E. superba pmhahly lhe mos! wmessful animal on me planet; ior mm, tho total non-krill yield hum dl mild fisheries
`is about 100 million lonnes per war. The fishery ul krill is on the order of 90.000 tunoes per year.
`Lin-olenic Ask!
`An 1&m‘bon polyunsaturated fatty acid with three double bonds. The isomer railed alpha-finalenic am. an Omega (any add, is easenla'll
`for all mmmals. Npharlil‘lolenic acid has been assoualecl wilh reduced cardiovaswlar risk Waugh reduced cardiac anythmlas and reduced
`carotid anenasdemsis; however. epidcmiolagy has also linked alpha—momma: and mm rapidly progressing prostate runner and macaw
`degeneration. Another isomer of llnolenlc add is gamma-linolenic add, an Omega-l5 fully acid Much is the pruduu at dasalurailan of Linolerc
`acid. This fatty acid is rare in food, and is sametimes taken as an all supplement because its elongation product, di-rlorm gamma linolenic
`acid, is an lmponanl constituent of cell membrane phospholids in its hale as precursor lo the series! eicosonoids.
`Pofiunsalurated fatty acids found in certain fish harms, and in mammals snurces such a: flair seeds. walnuts, and canola oil. Omega-3 fatty
`adds are classed as essential fatty acids. The term 'amega—B‘ signifies lira: the firsl double bond in the man backbone of [he fatty acid,
`counting mm the and opp-agile the acid amup, mulls in the third carbon-carbon bond, Like all: polyunsatwmed fatty acids, the Omens
`fatty acids have mmimum 2 and maximum 6 double baunds in a carbon main that ranges from 18 until 22 carbon moms. Comon omega-3
`fatty acids in the hody ar: [alvha-ilinolenoc acid (18:3). eicosapemaenoic and (20:5) , dmnsahemenoic Add (2226). Gamma-Jimmie add is
`In omega-6 lalty add.
`A phospholipid ls a lipid that is a primary component of cell membranes Phospholipids mnsisl of a water-soluble head (a positively charged
`(polar) pileup), linked to M0 walerJnsoluble nonpolar lails (by a negallvely charger! phosphate group), Balh tails mums! all a fatty add, each
`14—24 carbon groups long.
`H 1h ‘1‘
`it is not Intended to prowde medical advrce un pel>0nal health matters or to gwde treatment wnlcr: l5
`only appropnalelv done by a qualified health prof-
`ljopyngnl (r 2004 uqnasUwce Pronucls lnc - Slle Map - Legal . Privacy Slalemenl important NO’UCE This sue ls aeSlgned pllll‘lallly as an educational resource and a product sales lool
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0012
`page 0012
`https://web.archiV6.01'g/web/20060506l l5548/htlp://www.aquasourcepr0ducts.C0m280/resources.hLml‘20sCsid=aee4bb3df08470b63a75bc5984...


`Wild Antarctic Krill Oil - A rich source of Omega-3 and Antioxida...
`page 0013
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0013


`FDA/CFSAN Overview of Dietary Supplements
`1 of 6
`U. S. Food and Drug Administration
`Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
`January 3, 2001
`M11223 =
`IBM :-
`Overview of Dietary Supplements
`What is a dietary supplement?
`Congress defined the term "dietary supplement" in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act
`(DSHEA) of 1994. A dietary supplement is a product taken by mouth that contains a "dietary ingredient"
`intended to supplement the diet. The "dietary ingredients" in these products may include: vitamins,
`minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, organ tissues,
`glandulars, and metabolites. Dietary supplements can also be extracts or concentrates, and may be found
`in many forms such as tablets, capsules, softgels, gelcaps, liquids, or powders. They can also be in other
`forms, such as a bar, but if they are, information on their label must not represent the product as a
`conventional food or a sole item of a meal or diet. Whatever their form may be, DSHEA places dietary
`supplements in a special category under the general umbrella of "foods," not drugs, and requires that
`every supplement be labeled a dietary supplement.
`What is a "new dietary ingredient" in a dietary supplement?
`The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 defined both of the terms "dietary
`ingredient" and "new dietary ingredient" as components of dietary supplements. In order for an
`ingredient of a dietary supplement to be a "dietary ingredient," it must be one or any combination of the
`following substances:
`0 a vitamin,
`. a mineral,
`. an herb or other botanical,
`0 an amino acid,
`0 a dietary substance for use by man to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake
`(e.g., enzymes or tissues from organs or glands), or
`o a concentrate, metabolite, constituent or extract.
`A "new dietary ingredient" is one that meets the above definition for a "dietary ingredient" and was not
`sold in the US. in a dietary supplement before October 15, 1994.
`What is FDA's role in regulating dietary supplements versus the manufacturer's
`responsibility for marketing them?
`In October 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) was signed into law by
`President Clinton. Before this time, dietary supplements were subject to the same regulatory
`https://web l 3 152744/http://vm.cfsan—oview.html
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0014
`page 0014


`FDA/CFSAN Overview of Dietary Supplements
`2 of 6
`requirements as were other foods. This new law, which amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
`Act, created a new regulatory framework for the safety and labeling of dietary supplements.
`Under DSHEA, a firm is responsible for determining that the dietary supplements it manufactures or
`distributes are safe and that any representations or claims made about them are substantiated by adequate
`evidence to show that they are not false or misleading. This means that dietary supplements do not need
`approval from FDA before they are marketed. Except in the case of a new dietary ingredient, where pre—
`market review for safety data and other information is required by law, a firm does not have to provide
`FDA with the evidence it relies on to substantiate safety or effectiveness before or after it markets its
`products .
`Also, manufacturers do not need to register themselves nor their dietary supplement products with FDA
`before producing or selling them. Currently, there are no FDA regulations that are specific to dietary
`supplements that establish a minimum standard of practice for manufacturing dietary supplements.
`However, FDA intends to issue regulations on good manufacturing practices that will focus on practices
`that ensure the identity, purity, quality, strength and composition of dietary supplements. At present, the
`manufacturer is responsible for establishing its own manufacturing practice guidelines to ensure that the
`dietary supplements it produces are safe and contain the ingredients listed on the label.
`When must a manufacturer or distributor notify FDA about a dietary supplement it
`intends to market in the U.S.?
`The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) requires that a manufacturer or distributor
`notify FDA if it intends to market a dietary supplement in the US. that contains a "new dietary
`ingredient." The manufacturer (and distributor) must demonstrate to FDA why the ingredient is
`reasonably expected to be safe for use in a dietary supplement, unless it has been recognized as a food
`substance and is present in the food supply.
`There is no authoritative list of dietary ingredients that were marketed before October 15, 1994.
`Therefore, manufacturers and distributors are responsible for determining if a dietary ingredient is
`"new", and if it is not, for documenting that the dietary supplements its sells, containing the dietary
`ingredient, were marketed before October 15, 1994. For more detailed information on new dietary
`ingredients, go to:
`What information must the manufacturer disclose on the label of a dietary
`FDA regulations require that certain information appear on dietary supplement labels. Information that
`must be on a dietary supplement label includes: a descriptive name of the product stating that it is a
`"supplement;" the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor; a complete list
`of ingredients; and the net contents of the product.
`In addition, each dietary supplement (except for some small volume products or those produced by
`eligible small businesses) must have nutrition labeling in the form of 3
`"Supplement Facts" panel. This label must identify each dietary ingredient contained in the product.
`Must all ingredients be declared on the label of a dietary supplement?
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0015
`page 0015


`FDA/CFSAN Overview of Dietary Supplements
`3 of 6
`Yes, ingredients not listed on the "Supplement Facts" panel must be listed in the "other ingredient"
`statement beneath the panel. The types of ingredients listed there could include the source of dietary
`ingredients, if not identified in the "Supplement Facts" panel (e.g., rose hips as the source of vitamin C),
`other food ingredients (e.g., water and sugar), and technical additives or processing aids (e.g., gelatin,
`starch, colors, stabilizers, preservatives, and flavors). For more details, see: http://wwwcfsanfdagov
`Are dietary supplement serving sizes standardized or are there restrictions on the
`amount of a nutrient that can be in one serving?
`Other than the manufacturer's responsibility to ensure safety, there are no rules that limit a serving size
`or the amount of a nutrient in any form of dietary supplements. This decision is made by the
`manufacturer and does not require FDA review or approval.
`Where can I get information about a specific dietary supplement?
`Manufacturers and distributors do not need FDA approval to sell their dietary supplements. This means
`that FDA does not keep a list of manufacturers, distributors or the dietary supplement products they sell.
`If you want more detailed information than the label tells you about a specific product, you may contact
`the manufacturer of that brand directly. The name and address of the manufacturer or distributor can be
`found on the label of the dietary supplement.
`Who has the responsibility for ensuring that a dietary supplement is safe?
`By law (DSHEA), the manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that its dietary supplement products are
`safe before they are marketed. Unlike drug products that must be proven safe and effective for their
`intended use before marketing, there are no provisions in the law for FDA to "approve" dietary
`supplements for safety or effectiveness before they reach the consumer. Also unlike drug products,
`manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements are not currently required by law to record,
`investigate or forward to FDA any reports they receive of injuries or illnesses that may be related to the
`use of their products. Under DSHEA, once the product is marketed, FDA has the responsibility for
`showing that a dietary supplement is "unsafe," before it can take action to restrict the product‘s use or
`removal from the marketplace.
`Do manufacturers or distributors of dietary supplements have to tell FDA or
`consumers what evidence they have about their product's safety or what evidence
`they have to back up the claims they are making for them?
`No, except for rules described above that govern "new dietary ingredients," there is no provision under
`any law or regulation that FDA enforces that requires a firm to disclose to FDA or consumers the
`information they have about the safety or purported benefits of their dietary supplement products.
`Likewise, there is no prohibition against them making this information available either to FDA or to
`their customers. It is up to each firm to set its own policy on disclosure of such information. For more
`information on claims that can be made for dietary supplements, see (httQ://www.c[san.[dagov
`How can consumers inform themselves about safety and other issues related to
`dietary supplements?
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1076 page 0016
`page 0016
` 13 15 2744/http://vm.cfsan—oviewhtml


`FDA/CFSAN Overview of Dietary Supplements
`4 of 6
`It is important to be well informed about products before purchasing them. Because it is often difficult to
`know what information is reliable and what is questionable, consumers may first want to contact the
`manufacturer about the product they intend to purchase (see previous question "Where can I get
`information about a specific dietary supplement?"). In addition, to help consumers in their search to be
`better informed, FDA is providing the following sites: Tips For The Savvy Supplement User: Making
`Informed Decisions And Evaluating Information ———savvy.html
`(includes information on how to evaluate research findings and health information on-line) and Claims
`That Can Be Made for Conventional Foods and Dietary Supplements -— http://wwwcfsanfdagov
`/~dms/hc!ajms.html, (provides information on What types of claims can be made for dietary
`What is FDA's oversight responsibility for dietary supplements?
`Because dietary supplements are under the "umbrella" of foods, FDA's Center for Food Safety and
`Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) is responsible for the agency's oversight of these products. FDA‘s efforts to
`monitor the marketplace for potential illegal products (that is, products that may be unsafe or make false
`or misleading claims) include obtaining information from inspections of dietary supplement
`manufacturers and distributors, the Internet, consumer and trade complaints, occaisional laboratory
`analyses of selected products, and adverse events associated with the use of supplements that are
`reported to the agency.
`Does FDA routinely analyze the content of dietary supplements?
`In that FDA has limited resources to analyze the composition of food products, including dietary
`supplements, it focuses these resources first on public health emergencies and products that may have
`caused injury or illness. Enforcement priorities then go to products thought to be unsafe or fraudulent or
`in violation of the law. The remaining funds are used for routine monitoring of products pulled from
`store shelves or collected during inspections of manufacturing firms. The agency does not analyze
`dietary supplements before they are sold to consumers. The manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that
`the "Supplement Facts" label and ingredient list are accurate, that the dietary ingredients are safe, and
`that the content matches the amount declared on the label. FDA does not have resources to anal

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