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`DATE: 139/712!” WV
`"T ”W,
`Christoph‘er Butler
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0001
`page 0001


`Exhibit A
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0002
`page 0002


`US FDA/CFSAN - Inventory of GRAS Notices: Summary of all
`1 of 12
`Vi ""1‘ H" 'U ‘5ii lii‘:“It-13ml
`FDA Home Page I CFSAN Home | Search/Sub‘ect Indexl Q & A | H_e2
`CFSAN/Office of Food Additive Safety
`July 2007
`Summary of All GRAS Notices
`The summary tables that are immediately below provide the following information about GRAS notices received within
`each year since 1998, when FDA received its first GRAS notice:
`. The name of the substance
`0 The file number (GRN No.) that FDA has assigned to the notice
`0 A hyperlink to the letter that FDA sent in response to the notice
`Wthin the summary table for each year, the first row provides a hyperlink to a table that provides more details about the
`GRAS notices received in that year. That table lists the information in the notice corresponding to the proposed "GRAS
`exemption claim" (proposed 21 CFR 170.36(c)(1)), including the following information, which we proposed to make
`readily accessible to the public:
`. The name of the notifier and a hyperlink to the notifier's address
`0 The intended conditions of use
`0 The basis for the GRAS determination
`Persons interested in obtaining additional data and information in the notice may obtain a copy of those data and
`information that are disclosable by requesting the information under the Freedom of Information Act (see FDA's
`document entitled "How to Request Information or Make a Freedom of Information Request").
`These tables are current as of June 29, 2007, and therefore, do not show any new notices filed by FDA, or response
`letters issued by FDA, after that date. These tables will be updated approximately monthly.
`For further information about the GRAS notification program, telephone Dr. Paulette Gaynor at (301) 436-1192 or send
`a question by electronic mail to
`List of the substances that are the subject of each GRAS Notice
`the file number that FDA has assigned to the notice (GRN No.).
`GRAS Notices Received in 2007
`FDA's Letter
`.i trans—Resveratrol
`l Phosphatidylsenne
` 1458/http://www.cfsan.fdagov:80/~rdb/opa—gras.html
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0003
`page 0003


`US FDA/CFSAN - Inventory of GRAS Notices: Summary of all
`2 of 12
`GRAS Notices Received"In 2006
`Details about Notices Received in 2006
`1 9-218
`Tailored tryglycerides containing approximately 12
`percent medium-chain fatty acids
`Asparaginase enzyme preparation from Aspergillus niger
`expressing the asparaginase gene from A. niger
`FDA___l_1_q________asno uestions
`FDA_h_q_____asno uestions
`FDA has nouestions
`Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose - expanded substitution
`FDA has no uestions
`pattern (HPMC-ESP)
`Phospholipase A2 enzyme preparation from Streptomyces
`violaceruber expressing a gene encoding phospholipase
`FDA has no Questions
`A2 from the same species
`[ nouestions
`[Xanthan gum (reduced pyruvate)
`FDA has no______qu___estions
`[Water soluble tomato concentrate
`FDA has no___qu___estions
`FDA____h__q___asno uestions
`FDA has no questions
`[Barley fiber
`Phytosterol esters and diglycerides resulting from
`transesterification of vegetable oils/fats with soy
`FDA has no Questions
`Pullulanase enzyme preparatlon from Baczlius subt1l1s-
`expressmg the pullulanase gene from B. aczdopullulytzcus
`Phosphohpase C enzyme preparat1on from P1ch1a
`pastorzs expressmg a heterologous phosphohpase C gene
`[Polyoxyethanyl-a—lpha—tocopheryl sebacate (PTS)
`Asparaginase enzyme preparation from Asperg1llus
`oryzae expressing the asparaginase gene from A. oryzae
`FDA has no uestions
`FDA has no uestions
`[ Atnotlfiersrequest,FDAceasedtoevaluate
`FDA hasno_____g_u_estions
`FDA has no uest1on
`Tailored triglycerides enriched1n omega- 3 fatty acids
`from fish oil
`[Concentrated hydrolyzed milk protein
`FDA___h___q_asno uestions
` 1458/
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0004
`page 0004


`US FDA/CFSAN - Inventory of GRAS Notices: Summary of all
`3 of 12
`IBacteriophage P100 Preparation from Listeria innocua
`IBovine milk basic protein fraction
`FDA has no Questions
`FDA has no questions
`FDA has no Questions
`Mixed beta—Glucanase and xylanase enzyme preparation
`FDA ha no ues 1 us
`from Humicola insolens
`" ""
`—193' WWI—W—questions
`192W FDA has no questions
`At notifier's reguest, FDA ceased to evaluate
`the notice.
`Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
`Resubmitted as GRN No. 213
`IILactoferrin (human) purified from bovine milk
`GRAS Notices Received in 2005
`Details about Notices Received in 2005
`GRNNo. 163- 188
`I1 81I Carbon monoxide
`I17IIL(+) Tartaric acid (alternative method of manufacture)
`.Soy lecithin enzymatically modified to have increased
`IConcentratedtomato lycopeneextract
`FDA has no Questions
`FDA has no uestions
`FD______g_Ahasno uestions
`FDAhas no uestions
`FDA has no questions
`I1 “Ilsomaltulose
`Phospholipase A2 enzyme preparation from Aspergillus
`niger expressing a gene encoding a porcine
`phospholipase A2
`Plant sterols and plant sterol esters from vegetable oils or
`_ sterols/stanols from tall 011
`no u sti ns
`FDA h
`Saccharomyces cerevzsiae stram ECMoOl W1th enhanced
`express1on of urea amldolyase M
`Lysozyme (human) enzyme preparatlon from rlce
`At notifier's request, FDA ceased to evaluate
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0005
`page 0005


`US FDA/CFSAN - Inventory of GRAS Notices: Summary of all
`4 of 12
`Lycopene from Blakeslea trispora
`Isomalto-oli gosaccharide
`Lactobacillus acidophilus, Laclobacillus lactis, and
`Pediococcus acidilactici
`Shrimp-derived chitosan
`FDA has“nouestions
`me uses ma readditivelistincolor
`At notifiers re uest FDA ceased toevaluate
`FDA____h_q___asno uestions
`-- '
`Additional correspondence about intended
`At notifier‘5 re uest FDA ceased toevaluate
`Bovine globulin
`ICarbon monoxide
`Carbon monoxide
`IQuillaiaextracttype 1
`At notifier‘ 5 re uest FDA ceased toevaluate
`FDA has nouestions
`At notifier'5 re uest FDA 0sedto evaluate
`Lauramide arginine ethyl ester
`Additional correspondence about intended
`FDA has no questions
`Tomato pulp powder
`Additional correspondence about intended
`GRAS Notices Received in 2004"
`Details about Notices Received in 2004
`1GRN No. 143-1621
`Chlorine dioxide, generated using sodium chlorite1n
`calcined or sulfated kaolin clay
`FDAhasno uest1on
`Lipase preparation from Aspergillus niger expressing a
`gene encoding a lipase from Candida antartica
`ICalcium propionate (alternative method of manufacture)
`Tomato lycopene extract 6 percent, tomato lycopene
`FDA has no questions;
`extract 1.5 percent, and crystallized tomato lycopene
`.l. .
`. extract
`IDried orange pulp
`FDA has nouestions
`FDAh no u i
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0006
`page 0006
`I__CL__,______IAtnotifier’3re uest FDAceasedtoevaluate
`IEO:fIMicro-algaloil(Ulkem'aSp.) WWIthe_n_otice
`FDA hasnoue ti ns
`FDA has nouestions


`US FDA/CFSAN - Inventory of GRAS Notices: Summary of all
`5 of 12
`Conjugated linoleic acid
`I1 ISodiumironEDTA
`Atnotifier'5 re uest FDA ceased to evaluate
`FDAhasno uestions
`FDAhas no uestions
`|_151m__IEthan01 (ethyl alcohol)
`Glucosamine hydrochloride prepared from chitin Atnotifier's re uest FDA ceased to evaluate
`obtained from Aspergillus niger
` harzianumu
`FDAha______s___q__no uestions
`I At____g___,__—notifierSreu::—_£—:‘:—5326063568toevaluate
`FDAhasno u stions
`FDA__h____g___asno uestions
`FDAhas no uestions
`IIFish protein
`IPhospholipase A2 enzyme preparation from Streptomyces
`III-5'9I Beta-glucanaseenzymepreparationfromTrichoderma
`Adenosine 5 -m0nophosphoric acid and its monosodium FDA has no uestions
`and disodium salts
`FDAh n e tions
`GRAS Notices Received'In 2003
` Details about Notices Received in 2003
`GRNNos. 120- 142
` I Phospholipase enzyme preparation from Aspergillus
`FDA has no Questions
`I oryzae expressing the gene encoding a phospholipase A1
`I from Fusarzum venenalum
`If: PIIPolyvinyl alcohol
`ICrystalline lutein
`FDAhasno uestions
`FDAha no 5 i n
`some uses may require a color additive listing
`At notifier‘ s request, FDA ceased to evaluate
`IISoy protein hydrolyzatewith Ienzyme——modified lecithin I FDAhas no uestions
`IIVolatile oil of mustard
`_Fl_)____q_Ahas no uestions
`I ILactase enzyme preparation from Aspergillus niger
`I High 2—palmitic vegetable oil
`I1 OIIBovine milk-derived lactoferrin
`I I
`FDA_l1___q_asno uestions
`I Aditi11
`I FDAhas no uestions
`Cassia gum
`https://web 1458/— gras .html
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0007
`page 0007


`US FDA/CFSAN - Inventory of GRAS Notices: Summary of all
`6 of 12
`ISucrose fatty acid esters
`Skim milk or dextrose cultured with Propionibacterium
`eudenreichii subsp. shermanii
`Spirulina, the dried biomass of Arthraspira platensis
`Alpha-amylase enzyme preparation from Pseudomonas
`fluorescens Biovar I expressing a gene encoding a hybrid
`alpha-amylase derived from three microorganisms within
`the order Thermococcales
`Additional corresondence
`FDAhasno uesti n
`FDA hasnouestions
`ti ns
`A ha no___gu_zes0
`some uses ma re uire a coloradditivelistin
`FDA has no Questions
`FDA hasnouestions
`some uses muirea clorditive li tin
`Grape seed extract and grape pomace extract
`IIGrape seed extract
`ILaminariajapom'ca broth and extract powder
`Laccase enzyme preparation produced by Aspergillus
`oryzae expressing the gene encoding a laccase from
`Myceliophthora thermophila
`IXanthan gum
`Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain MLOl carrying a gene
`encoding the malolactic enzyme from Oenococcus oem'
`FDA has no Questions
`and a gene encoding malate permease from
`Schizosaccharomyces pombe
`GRAS Notices Received in 2002
`FDA has_n__g_ouestions
`FDA has no_____qu____estions
`FDA has no guestions
`FDA has no questions
`Details about Notices Received in 2002
`GRNNos. 94- 119
`FDA has no questions;
`some uses may require a color additive listing
`Synthetic lycopene
`Corrected letter issued April 7, 2005
`ILipase enzyme preparation from Aspergillus niger
`Lutein esters
`ITuna oil
`FDA has no____g_1_1____estions
`FDAhasno uesti n
`some uses ma re uire a coloradditivelistin
`FDA has noue________q__s___tions
` 1458/—gras.html
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0008
`page 0008


`US FDA/CFSAN - Inventory of GRAS Notices: Summary of all
`7 of 12
`Glycerol ester of gum rosm
`: Notice does not provide a basis for a GRAS
`determmatl n
`rov1de albas1s for a GRAS
`Not1ce does not
`At notifier s re uest FDA ceased to evaluate
`the not1ce
`Glucose oxidase enzyme preparation from Aspergillus
`FDA has no Questions
`oryzae carrying a gene encoding a glucose oxidase from ‘
`Aspergillus niger
`FDA has no Questions
`IFish oil concentrate
`FDA has no questions
`I Sucrose acetate isobutyrate
`Lipase enzyme preparation from Aspergillus oryzae
`carrying a gene constructed from a modified
`FDA has no questions
`Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase gene and a portion of
`_ the Fusarium oxysporum lipase gene
`ISmall planktivorous pelagic fish body oil
`FDA has no questions
`At notifier's reguest, FDA ceased to evaluate
`Resubmitted as GRN No. 127
`FDA has no guestions
`.I Pullulan
`' At notifier‘s reguest, FDA ceased to evaluate
`Small planktivorous pelagic fish body oil
`Resubmitted as GRN N0. 102
` At notifier's reguest, FDA ceased to evaluate
`the notice.
`Resubmitted as GRN No. 109
`Tuna oil
`Silk protein food powder
`.ITransglutaminase from Streptoverticillium mobaraense
`FDAhas no uestions
`: Docosahexaenoic acid-rich oil from tuna (DHA-rich tuna
`oil) and arachidonic acid-rich oil from Mortierella alpina
`FDA has no Questions
`(AA-rich fungal oil)
`GRAS Notices Received in 2001
`Noticedoesnot rovide a asis for a GRAS
`Details about Notices Received in 2001
`GRNNos. 66- 93
`- N
`__________n—_oticedoes not rovide a basis for a GRAS
`Grape seed extract and grape skin extract
`Resubmitted as GRN N0. 125
`Notice does not provide a basis for a GRAS
`Followup submitted as GRN N0 129
`FDA______h______q_asno uestions
`https: //Webarchive .org/web/2007080501 1458/http://wwwcfsan ..fdagov: 80/~rdb/opa— gras.html
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0009
`page 0009


`Invertase enzyme preparation from Saccharomyces
`cerevisiae and lactase enzyme preparation from
`Kluyveromyces marxianus
`FDA has no questions
`Composne filtrat1on med1a(d1atomaeeous earth and
`FDA has no uestions
`Coagulated potato protem, hydrolyzed potato protem, or
`FDA has no uestions
`clarlfied hydrolyzed potato proteln
`WWWsno questions
`Alpha—amylase derived from Bacillus lichem'formis
`carrying a gene encoding a modified alpha-amylase from
`Bacillus licheniformis
`US FDA/CFSAN - Inventory of GRAS Notices: Summary of all
`8 of 12
` Carbohydrase enzyme preparatlon trom Asperglllus
`oryzae, protease enzyme preparauon from Aspergzllus
`oryzae, and carbohydrase enzyme preparation from
`Rhizopus oryzae
`Five enzyme preparations from Aspergillus niger:
`Carbohydrase enzyme preparation, catalase enzyme W
`preparation, glucose oxidase enzyme preparation,
`pectinase enzyme preparation, and protease enzyme
`FDA has no questions
`Add1tlonal correspondence
`Additional correspondence
`FDA has no questions
`_F______q__DAhas nouestions
`FDA has nouestin
`IMilk-derived lactoferrin
`FDA has no questions
`;I Erythritol
`FDA h
`no ue ti n
`: L1pase derived from Asperg1llus oryzae carrymg a gene
`encoding llpase from Fusarmm oxysporum M
`FDA hasnouestions
`Shrimp-der1ved chitosan
`:Pullulanase derived from Bacillus licheniformis carrying
`a gene encoding pullulanase from B. deramificans
`IWhite mineral oil USP (viscosity ISO 100)
`IStearyl alcohol
`IBehenic acid
`IL1pase from Penicillium camembertii
`IMilk—derived lactoferrin
`At notifier'rceasedVluate
`FDAha 11 ue i n
`FDA has no____qu____estions
`FDAhasno uesi n
`FDA_h___q___asno uestions
`FDA has no_____qu__estions
`FDA has no questions
`I Not1cedoesnotprovrdeabasrsforaGRAS
`https://web l458/— gras .html
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0010
`page 0010


`US FDA/CFSAN ~ Inventory of GRAS Notices: Summary of all
`9 of 12
`GRAS Notices Received in 2000
`Details about Notices Received in 2000
`RNNos. 36- 65
`fi'N—isin FDA'h—asl—questionsno
`'—Eggwhitelysozyme ‘
`FDA hasnoquestions
`G\ ,_.11?GO
`U1 \0W
`H_ops beta ac_ids
`Chlorine dioxidegenerated from particles (<300m)
`composed of sodium polyphosphate, magnesium sulfate,
`sodium silicate and sodium chlorite that are incorporated
`into low density polyethylene (LDPE) food—packaging
`films, at levels not exceeding 17.5 0g chlorite/in2 of
`finished pac_kage film
`'Plant sterols/Plant sterol esters
`'Potassium bisulfate
`Hydrogenated starch hydrolysate
`FDA has no questions
`FDA has no questions
`Additional correspondence about intended
`FDA has no questions
`FDA has no questions
`At notlfier 5 re uest FDA ceased to eva uate
`I'Argon gas1
`Diacylglycerol oil
`'Transglutaminase from Streptoverticz’llium mobaraense
`- Xylanase derlved from Fusarzum venenamm carrying a
`. gene encoding xylanase from Thermomyces lanugmosus
`'Phytosterol esters
`'Whey mineral concentrate
`Cassia gum from Cassia tom/obtusifolia
`:' Bohenin
`Bifidobacterium lactis strain Bb12 and Streptococcus
`thermophilus strain Th4
`FDA has no questions
`FDA has no questions
`FDA has no questions
`FDA has no uestions
`_ —C;
`FDA has no questions
`FDA has no questions
`At notifier's request, FDA ceased to evaluate
`the qotiqqi
`Resubmitted as GRN No. 139
`FDA has no questions
`FDA has no questions
`Additional correspondence regarding new
`. E! l 2
`FDA has no questions
`'Vegetable oil phytosterol esters
`FDA has no questions
`; Arabinogalactan from Larix occidentalz's
`FDA has no questions
`'Gamma cyclodextrin
`FDA has no questions
`3 Additional correspondence about intended
`https: // l458/http: //www .cfsan .fd.agov. 80/~rdb/opa-gras.html
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0011
`page 0011


`US FDA/CFSAN - Inventory of GRAS Notices: Summary of all
`10 of 12
`lpase derived from Aspergillus oryzae carrying a gene
`encoding lipase from Thermomyces [anuginosus
`FDA has no____q___t_ionuess
`Noticedoes not rov1de abasisforaGRAé
`Resubmitted as GRN No. 77
`— '
`Additional correspondence clarifying the
`appropriate mechanism 19 "supplement" a
`notice after FDA has responded to that notice
`.FDA ha no ue tion
`Notice does not provide a basis for a GRAS
`tio .
`Resubmitted as GRN No. 71
`FDA has no questions
`I -_
`Additional correspondence clarifying
`Milk-derived lactoferrin
`I—7DHASCO (docosahexaenoic acid—rich single-cell oil) andI—7ARASCO (arachidonic acid-rich single-cell oil)
`-Mineral oil
`Tall oil pliytuslei'ols
`I Whey protein isolate and dairy product solids
`Notice dpps pot provide a basis £91 a GRAS
`I W
`Additional correspondence clarifying the term
`Chromium picolinate; Ginkgo biloba leaf extract; and— At notifier'5 re uest FDA ceasedtoevaluate
`Ginseng extract
`GRAS Notices Received'In 1999
`Details about Notices Received in 1999
`GRNNos. 13 35
`ll‘l)/\IS llelttll-
`Notlce does not provide a basis for a GRAS
`Hem seed oil
`Aspartic proteinase derived from Aspergzllus oryzae
`carrying a gene encoding aspartic proteinase from
`Rhizomucor miehei
`“ILow erucic acid oil derived from BrassicaJuncea
`Pectin lyase derived from Trichoderma reesei carrying a
`'gene encoding pectin lyase from Aspergillus mger
`FDA has noestions
`FDAhasno uestions
`An fi
`the notice.
`Resubmitted as GRN No. 38
`3 Cetylpyridinium chloride
`Crospovidone—cranberry juice extract
`II Wm'
`rovide abasisfor a GRAS determination
`FDA has no___gu___estions
`ITransglutaminase from Srreptoverticillmm mobaraense
`Notice does not provide a basis for a GRAS -
` 1458/http://www.cfsan— gras .html
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0012
`page 0012


`I F_____g________DAhas no uestions
`F—q_DAhas no uestions
`US FDA/CFSAN - Inventory of GRAS Notices: Summary of all
`11 of 12
` I
`Seaweed-derived calcium
`FDA has no Questions
`u in nd
`Additi n l orr
`on en e
`ll Dextranase from Chaetomium gracile
`IIIIsolated wheat protein
`,2I:E IExtractofGarciniakolaseed("bittercola")

` _|
`I alpha-Amylase derived from Bacillus licheniformis
`carrying a gene encoding alpha-amylase from Bacillus
`I stearothermophilus
`FDA has no questions
`Protein preparatlon from animal blood
`—‘““'J—‘——-Atnotifier S re uest FDA ceased to evaluate
`alpha-Amylase derived from Bacillus licheniformis
`carrying a gene encoding a modified alpha-amylase
`derived from Bacillus lichenformis and Bacillus
`1 amyloliquefaciens
`IIPork collagen
`Pullulanase derlved from Baczllus subnlzs carrymg a gene
`encoding pullulanase from BaCillus naganoenszs
`IFerrous bisglycinate chelate
`IMesquite (Prosopis spp.) wood alcoholic extract
`FDA has no questions
`FDA has no questions
`FDA has no uestions
`I FDAhas no uestions
`FDAhas no uestions
`Atnotifiersreuest FDA cea e to evaluate
`the notice.
`Resubmitted as GRN No.47
`Menhaden oil
`Atnotifier‘s re uest FDA ceased to evaluate
`IEITa_steless smoke
`Hydrogen peroxide
`FDAha 11 uestions
`Noticedoes not rovide a basis for a GRAS
`Botanicals: Chrysanthemum; Licorice; Jellywort
` Botanicals: Honeysuckle; Lophatherum; Mulberry leaf;
`Notice does not provide a basis for a GRAS
`Frangipani; Selfheal; Sophora flower bud
`GRAS Notices Received in 1998
`Details about Notices Received in 1998
`GRN Nos. 1 - 12
`FDA '5 Letter
`At notifier‘s reguest, FDA ceased to evaluate
`Resubmitted as GRN No. 18
`II Calcium casein peptone-calcium phosphate
`Exopeptidase derived from Aspergillus oryzae carrying a
`gene encoding a leucme amlnopeptidase from Aspergillus
`FDA has no Questions
`Notice does not provide a basis for a GRAS
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0013
`page 0013


`US FDA/CFSAN - Inventory of GRAS Notices: Summary of all
`12 of 12
`FDA has no Questions
`_-I_ noue_tin
`IIPolyglycerol polyricinoleic acid
`Pectin esterase derived from Aspergillus oryzae carrying
`a gene encoding pectin esterase from Aspergillus
`I aculeatus
`Notice does not
`rovide a basis for a GRAS i
`ARASCO (arachidonic acid-rich single——cell oil) and
`. DHASCO (docosahexaenoic acid-rich single——cell 011) as _—"“"L—‘—"—"..
`. sources of the fatty acids ARA (arachidonic acid) and
`Resubmitted as GRN No. 41
`! DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)
`FDA hasnouestions
`IDioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate
`: At notifier's reguest, FDA ceased to evaluate I
`Tasteless smoke
`the notice,
`Resubmitted as GRN No.15
`;_I FDAhas no uestions
`FDA hasn________oq__uestions
`ITransglutaminase from Strepto—verticilliummobaraense
`ISodium bisulfate
`ISolin oil (low linolenic acid flaxseed oil or low linolenic
`acid linseed oil)
`oy isoflavone extract
`FDA has nestions
`I___q_,_Atnotifier’—3re uest FDA—ceasedtoevaluate
`Eood Ingredients and Packaging | GRAS Notification Prggrgm
`CFSAN Home | CFSAN Search/Sub'ect Index | CFSAN Disclaimers & Privacy Policy | CFSAN Accessibility/Hem
`FDA Home Page | Search FDA Site | FDA A-Z Index | Contact FDA
`FDA/Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition
`Hypertext updated by 9mg July31, 2007
`https://web.archive.0rg/web/2007080501 1458/http://www.cfsan .fda. gov:80/~rdb/opa— gras .html
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0014
`page 0014


`Enzymotec 1 Development and Marketing of Innovative BioFuncti...
`CardiaBeatTM for
`Plant steroI-based matrix featuring a better pro-heart effect.
`—..___._.._.____ .._.
`. .__
`En zqmotec
`Delivering Lipids
`News ‘ Events
`Contact Us
`t. OFF-7'1 Ci‘.‘ SerVICE
`- "‘- evelopmentto taun
`technical support, IP protection
`regulatory process and more,..
`Learn about our
`full service solutions 0
`CardiaBeatTM won NutrAward
`[03,2007] Enzymotec is pleased
`to announce that CardiaBeatTM
`won the NutrAward prize at the
`SupplyExpo 2007. Criteria for
`choosing CardiaBeatTM
`included its efficacy, safety,
`innovativeness, scientific merit
`and market potential. more ->
`R&D; investments in 2007
`[122006] YeSierday morning,
`the company announced its
`R&D; expenditure plan for 2007,
`which will reach $3.5M. more -)
`Sharp-PSTM GOLD winner
`NBJ 2007
`[06,2007] Enzymotec
`announced today that
`SharpuPSTM GOLD is one of the
`recipients of NBJ's product merit
`award for 2007 The formal
`opening of an active web-site:
`, was also
`announced. more ->
`CardiaBeatTM for
`Novel, Ii
`id—based in redientofferin Total Li
`id Control.
`Krill Oil
`A propreitary complex of Krill oil.
`Brain Health
`Phosphatidyiserine (PS) for Dietary supplements & Functional
`foods. P8 is beneficial for memory loss conditions, cognitive
`performance, improving mood and learning abilities.
`Highly concentrated blend of Phosphatidylserine with DHA for
`SharpoPSTM SILVER dietary supplements, which can improve mental and cognitive
`An exclusive phosphatidilserine-Omega-3 conjugated compound
`Sharp-PS TM GOLD enriched with LC—PUFA (Long Chain Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids
`for dietary supplements.
`A high quality alpha-Glycerol Phosphatidleholine (GPC) for
`boosting acethleholine levels and improving cognitive condition.
`infant nun—mp“ and Dab food
`Improving Calcium and energy absorption in infant formulas.
`Mimicking mother‘s milk ability to boost DHA availability into the
`©2005 Enzymotec Corporation. All rights reserved.
`read our Terms of Use & Limited Liability Statements.
`by: ananasggroup
`https://web .archivc .org/web/20070925024350/http: //WWW .enzymotec .Com/Pagelndex .asp?cc=0 1 020403
`RIMFROST EXHIBIT 1061 page 0015
`page 0015


`Enzymotec | Development and Marketing of Innovative BioFuncti...
`Enzymotec takes
`advantage of its
`technology platform to
`structure, synthesize,
`and enrich
`triglycerides and
`R&D Strategy
`Enzymotec develops a variety of unique and cost-effective lipid-
`based ingredients for functional food and dietary supplements.
`In order to ensure a continuous streamline of novel ingredients, Enzymotec is
`active in various development areas as listed below.
`Clinical trials
`Enzymotec‘s advanced products are backed by clinical trials performed by
`leading scientists at internationally-renowned institutes, both in lsrael and
`Regulatory activity
`An essential part of product development is to ensure the legal/regulatory status
`of the ingredients. Enzymotec is globally active in its efforts to ensure GRAS,
`NDI, Novel food or any other legal status required for the marketing and
`distribution of the ingredients in various geographical areas.
`IP strategy
`Enzymotec defends its lP position by creating clusters of patents, which cover
`process, composition, health benefits and potential applications for its
`various products.
`Processing Technology
`One of Enzymotec's key advantages is its capacity to harness advanced
`processing tools and processing aids.
`Analytical tools
`Enzymotec uses state-of-the-art methods and tools, including: HPLC, HPTLC,
`GO or NMR to ensure the quality of its product and the satsifaction of its
`En remote:
`‘j Delivering Lipids
`About Us
`News In Events
`Contact U.
`Some are service
`. evelopment to launch,
`technical support. lP protection
`regulatory process and more...
`Learn about our
`full service solutions 0
`(:ardiaBeatTM won NutrAward
`[03,2007] Enzymotec is pleased
`to announce that CardiaBeatTM
`won the NutrAward prize at the
`SupplyExpo 2007. C

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