`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 1
` )
` Petitioner, )
` v. ) Case Nos.
` ) US Patent 6,771,994
` )
` )
` Patent Owner.)
` September 8, 2021
` 11:07 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time
`Reported by: Lori J. Goodin, RPR, CLR, CRR,
` RSA, California CSR #13959
` 1730 M Street, NW, Suite 812
` Washington, D.C. 20036
` (202) 232-0646
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`APPLE 1038
`Apple v. Masimo


`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 2
` 1425 K Street, Northwest
` 11th Floor
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` 202-783-5070
` 2040 Main Street
` Irvine, California 92614
` 949-721-5301
` Billy Fahnert, video/document technician
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 3
` * * *
` Wednesday, September 8, 2021
` Lori J. Goodin, RPR, CLR, CRR,
` RSA, California CSR #13959
`Exhibit 2001 Declaration of V. Madisetti 10
`Exhibit 1006 U.S. Patent 5,638,818 (Diab) 11
`Exhibit 1007 U.S. Patent 4,015,595 (Benjamin) 12
`Exhibit 1008 U.S. Patent 5,254,388 (Melby) 12
`Exhibit 1009 PCT application (Fine) 13
`Exhibit 1010 Webster's Design of Pulse 13
` Oximeters
`Exhibit 1001 U.S. Patent 6,771,994 38
` (All exhibits were provided
` electronically to the reporter.)
`6 7
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
` WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2021, 11:06 A.M.
`Page 4
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are on the
` record. This is the remote video deposition
` of Dr. Vijay K. Madisetti, regarding
` IPR 2020-01526, In the Matter of Apple, Inc.
` versus Masimo Corporation, in the United
` States Patent and Trademark Office before the
` Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
` My name is Billy Fahnert. I am the
` video technician today. The court reporter
` is Lori Goodin. We are here on behalf of
` Digital Evidence Group.
` Today's date is September 8, 2021.
` The time is 11:07 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time.
` All parties have stipulated to the
` witness being sworn in remotely. Will
` counsel please identify yourselves for the
` record and then the witness will be sworn in.
` MR. SMITH: Dan Smith for petitioner
` Apple.
`3 4
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 5
` Katzenellenbogen for Masimo.
` I believe there are a couple of
` other attorneys from Knobbe Martens as well
` who are on the video, but I don't anticipate
` will be making any formal appearances or say
` anything on the record. John Grover and
` Shannon Lam.
` * * *
`a witness called for examination, having been
`first duly sworn, testified as follows:
` * * *
` THE REPORTER: Thank you.
` You may proceed.
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Madisetti.
` A. Good morning, sir.
` Q. How are you doing this morning?
` A. Good. How are you?
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 6
` Q. Doing well. Doing well. Would you
`please state your full name for the record.
` A. It is Vijay K. Madisetti.
` Q. Okay. And you are aware that you
`are being deposed in the inter partes review
`Proceeding Number IPR 2020-01526. Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you ever been deposed before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How many times?
` A. I don't recall the exact number,
`but, quite a bit.
` Q. And during this deposition you
`understand that I'm going to be asking you
`questions and you are going to be answering them
`under oath, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You understand that willful false
`statements made during this deposition are
`punishable by fine or imprisonment or both,
` A. Yes.
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
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` Q. And the court reporter will be
`attempting to transcribe everything we say, so,
`it is important that we wait for each other to
`finish asking or answering a question before the
`other begins talking.
` Do you understand this?
` A. I do.
` Q. And you understand that every answer
`needs to be verbal, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And is there any reason such as
`being under unusual stress, a physical or mental
`condition or being under the influence of any
`substance that would prevent you or limit you
`today from giving truthful answers to my
` A. There is not.
` Q. Okay. And, during today's remote
`deposition, we will be discussing various
`exhibits from the case record.
` When we begin discussing a
`particular exhibit, I will have the exhibit
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 8
`placed in the shared directory for you to
`download. If you would like to refer to any
`exhibit that I have not yet provided, please ask
`and we will provide it in the same manner.
` Does that work?
` A. Yes, it does.
` Q. Please refer only to exhibits and
`not to any personal copies you may have on your
`computer. Is that fair?
` A. Sounds good.
` Q. Okay. And, just from that, you are
`using your computer to access the video
`deposition today, correct?
` A. That's right.
` Q. And, do you have any messaging
`programs running that would enable you to
`communicate with others during the course of the
`deposition such an e-mail or an instant messaging
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. And what did you do to
`prepare for this deposition?
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
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` A. I reviewed my declaration and some
`of the exhibits.
` Q. Which exhibits did you review?
` A. I reviewed the patent and I believe
`a couple of exhibits Webster and Diab, and Fine.
` Q. Okay. And about how long did you
`spend preparing for the deposition?
` A. A few hours.
` Q. And other than counsel, did you
`speak to anyone else to prepare for this
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. And, we have been in
`deposition before. But, I will, as I have done
`before, I will try to take a break every hour.
`If you need a break, just say so and we can take
`a break whenever you would like.
` I just ask that if there is a
`question pending, let's go ahead and answer that
`question before taking a break.
` Is that fair?
` A. Sounds good.
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 10
` Q. Okay. So, I'm going to go ahead and
`provide, provide you with those, with the
`exhibits that I'm planning on referencing up
`front, just so we can get a short name for each
`of them on the record so we can easily refer to
`them. Does that sound good?
` A. Sounds good.
` Q. Okay. And Billy, did you, are those
`up there on the share for him to download?
` A. Yes, they are.
` Q. Okay. And Dr. Madisetti, if you
`would go to the shared exhibit link, there should
`be six exhibits there for you to download. Let
`me know when you do that?
` A. I see six exhibits there. Should I
`download them all?
` Q. Yes, please.
` A. Yes, counsel, I have downloaded all
`of them.
` (Madisetti Exhibit 2001
` marked for identification.)
` Q. Okay. Could you open Exhibit 2001?
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 11
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. And, what is that document?
` A. It is the declaration of Vijay
`Madisetti, it is my declaration from July 20th,
` Q. Okay. And, for the remainder of the
`proceeding would it be okay to refer to that as
`your declaration?
` A. Yes.
` (Madisetti Exhibit 1006
` marked for identification.)
` Q. Okay. Could you open Exhibit 1006,
` A. Okay, I have opened Exhibit 1006.
` Q. Do you recognize this document?
` A. Yes, it is the U.S. Patent 5,638,818.
` Q. And, for the purposes of the
`proceeding can we refer to this as Diab?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If you would, could you open
`Exhibit 1007, please.
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
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` (Madisetti Exhibit 1007
` marked for identification.)
` THE WITNESS: Okay. I have opened
` Exhibit 1007.
` Q. Okay. And do you recognize this
` A. Yes. It is U.S. Patent 4,015,595.
` Q. Okay. And for the purposes of the
`proceeding, would it be okay to refer to this as
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Would you open Exhibit 1008,
` (Madisetti Exhibit 1008
` marked for identification.)
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I have opened
` Exhibit 1008.
` Q. Okay. And do you recognize this
` A. Yes. It is U.S. Patent 5,254,388.
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 13
` Q. And for the purposes of this
`deposition can we refer to that as Melby?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Could you open Exhibit 1009.
` (Madisetti Exhibit 1009
` marked for identification.)
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I have opened
` Exhibit 1009.
` Q. And do you recognize this document?
` A. Yes, it is a PCT application patent.
` Q. And for the purposes of this
`deposition, can we refer to this as Fine?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And last one. Could you open
`Exhibit 1010, please.
` (Madisetti Exhibit 1010
` marked for identification.)
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I have opened
` Exhibit 1010.
` Q. And do you recognize this document?
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`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
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` A. Yes. It is the Webster reference.
` Q. Okay. And for the purposes of this
`deposition, can we refer to this as Webster?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Okay. Let's go back to your
` A. Okay.
` Q. And I want to look at Paragraph 75
`to start with.
` Let me know when you are there.
` A. I'm going to that.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Okay. I am on Paragraph 75 of my
`declaration on Page 41 of the document.
` Q. So, you see in Paragraph 75 where it
`says, "I have been informed that there is no
`suggestion or motivation to make the proposed
`modification if a proposed modification would
`render the prior art invention being modified
`unsatisfactory for its intended purpose."
` Do you see that?
` A. I do.
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 15
` Q. And the next sentence, "As I
`mentioned above, the intended purpose of Diab's
`invention was to scatter optical radiation to
`improve optical signal quality."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. So, it is your opinion that Diab's
`intended purpose is to scatter optical radiation
`to improve optical signal quality; is that
` lacks foundation.
` THE WITNESS: The sentence is made
` reference in my discussion on Diab which
` precedes these paragraphs.
` This sentence was made in the
` context that was raised by the petitioner for
` the purposes of this IPR.
` Q. So, your opinion, what is Diab's
`intended purpose?
` A. As I described in my declaration for
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
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`the purposes of this IPR, and as described in
`Dr. Anthony's and petitioner's reports and briefs
`and papers, the intended purpose of Diab's
`invention was to scatter optical radiation to
`improve optical signal quality in the context of
`the section that is referred to in Paragraph 75.
` Q. Is that all Diab's invention does,
`is scatter optical radiation?
` A. I address Diab as a whole to the
`extent relevant embodiments were raised by the
` For example, I discuss embodiments
`of Diab to the extent they were raised by
`Dr. Anthony.
` For example, in Paragraph 79 I
`referred to one embodiment that has been marked
`by the petitioner and Dr. Anthony. So I respond
`to these embodiments as discussed in my
` Q. Does Diab describe that its
`invention measures any physiological parameters?
` A. I'm not clear as to what you mean by
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`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 17
` Q. Did I say mention? Does Diab
`describe that its invention measures any
`physiological parameters.
` A. I would have to, I'm looking at
`Diab, and my understanding of Diab in the context
`of this IPR is discussed in my declaration. And
`in response to your question as to measure
`whether it measures physical, physiological
`parameters, that is a very, very high level, and
`the purpose of Diab is very focused as discussed
`in my declaration.
` Q. Very focused on scattering optical
`radiation; is that correct?
` A. Again, as I described in my answer
`to my previous question, I address all
`embodiments that were raised by the petitioner
`and Dr. Anthony whether they involved scattering
`or not.
` But, to the extent Dr. Anthony and
`the petitioner discuss the embodiment with
`respect to scattering, it is my opinion that the
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`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
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`intended purpose is to use scattering for
`improving optical signal quality.
` Q. And Diab describes a scattering
`medium that performs that scattering; is that
` A. Could you refer me to a particular
`portion of Diab you are referring to.
` Q. Are you familiar with the scattering
`medium that Diab describes?
` A. I discuss the, you know, at
`different portions of my declaration and refer
`to different portions of Diab in my analysis.
` So I am familiar with different
`aspects. I was asking if you had a very specific
`question that involved a particular portion or a
`particular discussion or analysis that are
`presented with respect to scattering of Diab in
`my report.
` Q. Do you describe the operation of the
`scattering medium in your report?
` A. Yes, I describe it in several
`places. For example, in the Paragraph 72 is one
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`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
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`exemplary discussion. There are other portions
`in my declaration that refer to that top.
` Q. Do you see in Paragraph 72, the end
`of Paragraph 72 where you say, "As shown below,
`Diab discloses a Probe 1000, in which optical
`radiation is received by the Photodetector 1026,
`after passing through the scattering medium
` Do you see that?
` A. Counsel, are you referring to the
`same paragraph? I was referring to Paragraph 72
`in my declaration.
` Q. Yes. That should be the last, or,
`I'm sorry, I am mixing up the paragraph numbers.
`It is the last sentence before the, before
`Figure 25 there on Page 39?
` you at Paragraph 72 of his declaration.
` MR. SMITH: Yes.
` appreciate it.
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I am on
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` Paragraph 72 of my declaration which starts
` on Page 38 and we are going to Page 39. And
` the top of Page 39 there is the sentence that
` starts with "As shown below."
` Q. Yes.
` A. Is that the sentence that you are
`referring to counsel?
` Q. Yes, that's correct.
` A. Yes, I do see that sentence. I
`refer to Column 19, Lines 64 through 66 in Diab
`for that portion and also to Figure 25.
` Q. So, in Diab, the optical radiation
`that is received by the Photodetector 1026, what,
`is there a measurement that is performed based on
`that optical radiation?
` A. It measures optical signals.
` Q. Just any optical signal? Or is it,
`is it a specific type of optical signal?
` compound.
` THE WITNESS: As I described here,
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`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 21
` it is an optical signal. It depends on the
` Emitter 10, Emitter 1030 and this optical
` radiation is received by the Photodetector
` 1026 after passing through the Scattering
` Medium 1040.
` Q. Is the optical radiation reflected
`off a tissue site before being received by the
`Photodetector 1026?
` A. Yes, it can.
` Q. And it can also be attenuated by a
`tissue site; is that correct?
` A. At the high level, yes. And again
`I'm not specifically sure as to which portion of
`Paragraph 72 you are referring to and tying it to
`Diab itself, and what disclosures Diab discloses
`here with respect to motion, patient movement and
` Q. Could you look at Diab real quick?
` A. In Diab it sort of discloses that
`the scattering medium is clear through optical
`absorption, but still scatters light, Column 19,
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`Lines 59 through 60.
` Now, what was your question,
` Q. Take a look at Column 1 of Diab.
`Starting at Line 23.
` A. Column 1 of Diab.
` Q. Let me know when you are there.
` A. Yes, I am at Column 1. Line number?
` Q. 23.
` A. 23.
` Q. So, do you see the paragraph that
`begins, "Noninvasive physiological monitoring of
`bodily function is often required. For example,
`during surgery, blood pressure and the body's
`available supply of oxygen or the blood oxygen
`saturation are all submonitored -- excuse me, are
`often monitored."
` Do you see that?
` A. I see that disclosure in Diab in
`Lines 23 to 25.
` Q. So, does the device described in
`Diab take these types of measurements?
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
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` vague.
` Q. Does the -- let me rephrase.
` Does the device described in Diab
`monitor the bodily functions described in this
`paragraph in Column 1?
` objection.
` THE WITNESS: I would say that it
` describes certain related art, and I believe
` that, as I described earlier, the intended
` purpose is disclosed. As I describe in my
` declaration, these are broad level
` characterizations of related art.
` Q. Could the device described in Diab
`be used to measure blood oxygen saturation?
` incomplete hypothetical.
` THE WITNESS: Are you referring to a
` portion of Diab that you would like me to
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
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` look at?
` Q. Do you understand that there is a
`device described in Diab?
` A. At the high level, yes.
` Q. And could that device be used for
`measuring blood oxygen saturation?
` objection.
` THE WITNESS: Diab discloses what it
` discloses. So, I'm not sure as to what you
` are asking me to say, counsel.
` As I said, it discusses a variety of
` patents in the related art section, but it
` specifically focuses on certain type of
` issues that include, at least for the
` purposes of this IPR, based on the ground and
` basis that Dr. Anthony has raised.
` Their intended purpose is to improve
` optical signal quality through the use of
` scattering though I have addressed other
` embodiments raised as well.
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`Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp.
`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 25
` Q. So, if you removed the scattering
`medium from over the photodetector in Diab's
`device, is it your opinion that Diab, Diab's
`device would be unsuitable for its intended
` incomplete hypothetical.
` THE WITNESS: I address all
` embodiments that were raised by Dr. Anthony
` including Figure 24 which I understand does
` not disclose a scattering medium.
` So, my, my declaration discusses
` Figure 24. It discusses other figures as
` well that include a scattering medium and
` those that do not include a scattering
` medium.
` In all cases it is an opinion that a
` POSA would not combine Diab with other art
` for the reasons that I discuss in my
` declaration.
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`Page 26
` Q. So, you said you discuss embodiments
`that do not include a scattering medium; is that
` A. For example, in my declaration I do
`refer to Figure 24. I also refer to Figure 25
`and others. But my understanding is that the
`petitioner and Dr. Anthony specifically utilize
`scattering embodiments as the motivation for
`their combination.
` Q. So, in Paragraph 73 you state that
`"Reading Diab, a POSITA would understand that the
`intended purpose of Diab's invention was to
`scatter optical radiation to improve optical
`signal quality."
` Do you see that?
` A. I think I answered that before. I
`address all of the embodiments of Diab to the
`address, to the extent that they were raised by
`the petitioner and Dr. Anthony in Paragraph 73.
`I discussed the embodiment of Diab that
`understand that Dr. Anthony and the petitioner
`have provided as the basis for the motivation to
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`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
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` And in that context, I make it clear
`that a POSITA reading Diab, in that context of
`the petitioner and Dr. Anthony, in that context
`would understand that a POSITA would understand
`the intended purpose of Diab's invention was to
`scatter optical radiation to improve optical
`signal quality.
` Q. Does Diab describe any embodiments
`lacking the scattering medium over the
` A. Diab has many disclosures and I was
`focusing on the grounds and the basis raised by
`the petitioner and Dr. Anthony.
` And I address all of those grounds
`whether they do or they do not include scattering.
` Q. So, for embodiments that don't
`include scattering, is it safe to say the
`intended purpose of Diab's invention was not to
`scatter optical radiation to improve signal
` A. As I said, I have responded in my
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`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
`Page 28
`declaration to Dr. Anthony's motivations to
`combine, and I have described the basis of my
`opinions in my declaration.
` My understanding is that both Apple
`and Dr. Anthony specifically described the use of
`the scattering embodiment as the basis for the
`motivation to combine.
` And that is what I addressed in this
`portion of my declaration, referring to
`Paragraph 72 and 73.
` In other portions I address any
`other figures or embodiments that were raised by
`Apple or Dr. Anthony. And also provide an
`opinion and its basis as to the lack of
`motivation to combine or lack of expectation of
`success and so on.
` Q. So, you agree that there are
`embodiments in Diab that don't include the
`scattering medium over the photodetector,
` A. As I said, Diab speaks for itself.
`And to the extent that there are embodiments in
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`Vijay K. Madisetti, Ph.D.
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`Diab that do not include a scattering medium, I
`have addressed those embodiments as well to the
`extent that they were raised by Apple and
`Dr. Anthony.
` Q. The intended purpose of those
`embodiments in Diab that do not include the
`scattering medium is not to scatter optical
`radiation to improve optical signal quality.
` vague. Asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: I have not offered
` such an opinion in my declaration. I have
` responded to Apple's and Dr. Anthony, Apple's
` expert's opinions as to the basis of the
` combination, which I understand, Dr. Anthony
` has relied upon the scattering embodiment for
` his alleged motivation to combine, to the
` extent that he has, there are, there is a
` discussion of other figures such as
` Figure 24. I have addressed those issues as
` well in my declaration along with support.
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`Page 30
` Q. Just to be clear in Paragraph 73,
`your testimony refers to the intended purpose of
`Diab's invention correct?
` A. Paragraph 73 speaks for itself,
`counsel. I have responded to that question
` I was referring specifically in the
`context of Paragraph 73 to Dr. Anthony's basis
`for his combination which relies on the
`scattering embodiment.
` And in that paragraph I respond that
`in the context of petitioners and Dr. Anthony's
`basis, and motivation for their alleged
`combination. And I offer an opinion that in that
`context, of Dr. Anthony's motivation, that the
`purpose of Diab as described in the
`Paragraphs 72, 73, and onwards, that one would
`understand in this context of Dr. Anthony's
`opinions as to the motivation, using scattering,
`that the intended purpose of Diab's invention was
`to scatter optical radiation to improve optical
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`Page 31
`signal quality.
` Q. So you didn't consider Diab's
`disclosure as a whole then, correct?
` Mischaracterizes the witness' testimony.
` THE WITNESS: I disagree. I
` reviewed entire Diab; I would have reviewed
` and responded to whatever was raised by the
` petitioner and Dr. Anthony.
` I referred to Figures 24, I referred
` to other sections, and I am responding based
` on my evaluation of Dr. Anthony's opinions
` and their alleged basis as well as my review.
` Q. Could you go to Column 4 in Diab.
` A. I should go to Column 4?
` Q. Yes, could you please go to
`Column 4.
` A. Okay, so I am on Column 4 of Diab
`which is Exhibit 6, 1006.
` Q. Yes. Column 4, Line 6?
` A. Okay. I am on Column 4, Line 6 of

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