`Umted States Patent
`Diab et al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`May 27, 1997
`[5 1]
`[5 8]
`[5 6]
`Inventors: Mohamed K. Diab; Esmaiel
`Kiani-Azarbayjany; Ibrahim M.
`Elfadel, all of Laguna Niguel; Rex J.
`McCarthy, Mission Viejo; Walter M.
`Weber, Los Angeles; Robert A. Smlth,
`(30191143111 0f Cahf-
`Ass1gnee: Masrmo Corporation, Mission Viejo,
`9/1989 Stone et a1.
`11/1989 Hausman .
`1/1990 Cheung 6t 81 .
`3/1990 Muz .
`$1333 Egrenmaglet 31’ '
`ga 6t
`5/1990 Goodman et a1.
`8/1990 Lehman .
`9/1990 Hall.
`9/1990 Zurek et a].
`10/1991 Hirao et a1.
`5,273,036 12/1993 Kronberg et a1.
`10/1995 Polanyi et a1. ...................... 128/633 X
`APPI- No“ 320,154
`OCt’ 7’ 1994
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation-impart of Ser. No. 132,812, Oct. 6, 1993, Pat.
`No. 5,490,505, and a continuation-in—part of Ser. No. 249,
`Int. Cl.6 ............. A61B 5/00
`US. Cl. ............................................. 128/633; 128/666
`Field of Search ..................................... 128/633-634,
`128/664—667, 672. 687—688, 716; 356/39—41
`References Cited
`Rabiner, Lawrence et a1. Theory and Application of Digital
`Slgnal Procesfmg’ p. 260’ 1975'_
`Tremper, Kevm et al., Advances tn Oxygen Monitoring, pp.
`137-151 1937-
`Harris, Fred et 31., “Digital Signal Processing with Eflicient
`Polyphase Recursive All—Pass Filters”, Presented at Inter-
`national Conference on Signal Processing, Florence, Italy,
`Sep. 4—6, 1991, 6 pages.
`(L' t
`15 C0“ ““16 0“ “X Page“)
`Primary Examiner—Angela D. Sykes
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear,
`3/1972 Lavallee -
`3,704,705 12/1972 HCICZfeld Ct 3L -
`4882915 15/137;
`iwfeneyf a1
`6/1978 N: Sky 8
`10/1983 Wider '
`3,1935 Wldrow ‘
`3/1937 Zinger, J1-_ et a1.
`9/1988 Isaacson et a1.
`1/1989 DeFault .
`1/1989 Snflth -
`7/1333 £11013 ‘3; 31-
`oo ,
`8/1989 Kahn et a1.
`9/1989 Flower et a1.
`9/1989 Flick et a1.
`9/1989 Craig, Jr. et al.
`The present invention involves method and apparatus for
`analyzing two measured signals that are modeled as con-
`taining primary and secondary portions. Coefficients relate
`the two signals according to a model defined in accordance
`with the present invention. In one embodiment, the present
`invention involves utilizing a transformation which evalu-
`ates a plurality of possible signal coefficients in order to find
`appropriate coefficients. Alternatively, the present invention
`involves using statistical functions or Fourier transform and
`windowing techniques to determine the coefficients relating
`to two measured signals. Use of this invention is described
`:11cplaittcular detail With respect to blood oxrmetry measure
`23 Claims, 37 Drawing Sheets
`r ————————————— n
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`5.55 \
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`//‘§\/‘5”L7 , TEL?
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`APPLE 1007
`APPLE 1007


`Page 2
`Haykin, Simon, Adaptive Filter Theory, Prentice Hall,
`Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1985.
`Widrow, Bernard. Adaptive Signal Processing, Prentice
`Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1985.
`Brown, David P., “Evaluation of Pulse Oximeters using
`Theoretical Models and Experimental Studies”, Master’s
`thesis. University of Washington. Nov. 25, 1987, pp. 1—142.
`Cohen, Amon. “Volume I Time and Frequency Domains
`Analysis”, Biomedical Signal Processing, CRC Press, Inc,
`jBoca Raton, Florida, pp. 152—159.
`Severinghaus, J.W., “Pulse Oximetry Uses and Limitations”,
`pp. 1—4, ASA Convention. New Orleans, 1989.
`Mook, G.A., et al., “Spectrophotometirc determination of
`Oxygen saturation of blood independent of the presence of
`indocyanine green”, Cardiovascular Research, vol. 13, pp.
`233—237, 1979.
`Neuman, Michael R., “Pulse Oximetry: Physical Principles,
`Technical Realization and Present Limitations”, Continuous
`Transcutaneous Monitoring, Plenum Press, New York,
`1987, pp. 135—144.
`Mook, G.A.. et a1., “Wavelength dependency of the spec-
`trophotometric determination of blood oxygen saturation”,
`Clinical Chemistry Acta, Vol. 26, pp. 170—173, 1969.
`Klimasauskas, Casey, “Neural Nets and Noise Filtering”, Dr.
`Dobb’s Journal, Jan. 1989, p. 32.
`Melnikof, S. “Neural Networks for Signal Processing: A
`Case Study”, Dr Dobbs Journal, Jan. 1989. pp. 36—37.


`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 1 of 37
`FIG. 2


`US. Patent
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`FIG. 4a


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`FIG. 4b


`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 4 of 37
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`FIG. 5b


`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
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`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
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`FIG. 6a
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`FIG. 5c


`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 7 of 37
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`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 8 of 37


`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 9 of 37
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`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 10 of 37


`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 1170f 37


`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 12 of 37
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`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 13 of 37
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`US. Patent
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`US. Patent


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`US. Patent
`hday 27,1997
`Sheet 22 of 37
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`US. Patent
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`Sheet 23 of 37
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`Sheet 24 of 37


`US. Patent
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`Sheet 25 of 37


`US. Patent
`Dday 27,1997
`Sheet 26 of 37


`US. Patent


`US. Patent
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`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 29 of 37
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`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 30 of 37
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`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 31 of 37


`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 32 of 37
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`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 34 of 37
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`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 35 of 37
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`US. Patent
`May 27, 1997
`Sheet 36 of 37
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`US. Patent
`May 27
`, 1997
`Sheet 37 of 37
`855:5 WmEmotEoucoo


`Reference to Prior Related Application
`This is a continuation-in—part application of US. patent
`application Ser. No. 08/132,812 filed Oct. 6, 1993, and
`entitled “Signal Processing Apparatus” now US. Pat. No.
`5,490,505 and a continuation-in—part application of U.S.
`patent application Ser. No. 08/249,690 filed May 26, 1994
`entitled “Signal Processing Apparatus and Method”, now U.
`S. Pat. No. 5.482.036 which is a continuation of US. patent
`application Ser. No. 07/666,060 filed Mar. 7, 1991, now
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to the field of signal pro—
`cessing. More specifically, the present invention relates to
`the processing of measured signals, containing a primary
`signal portion and a secondary signal portion, for the
`removal or derivation of either the primary or secondary
`signal portion when little is known about either of these
`components. More particularly, the present invention relates
`to modeling the measured signals in a novel way which
`facilitates minimizing the correlation between the primary
`signal portion and the secondary signal portion in order to
`produce a primary and/or secondary signal. The present
`invention is especially useful for physiological monitoring
`systems including blood oxygen saturation systems.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Signal processors are typically employed to remove or
`derive either the primary or secondary signal portion from a
`composite measured signal including a primary signal por-
`tion and a secondary signal portion. For example, a com—
`posite signal may contain noise and desirable portions. Ifthe
`secondary signal portion occupies a different frequency
`spectrum than the primary signal portion, then conventional
`filtering techniques such as low pass, band pass, and high
`pass filtering are available to remove or derive either the
`primary or the secondary signal portion from the total signal.
`Fixed single or multiple notch filters could also be employed
`if the primary and/or secondary signal portion(s) exist at a
`fixed frequency(s).
`It is often the case that an overlap in frequency spectrum
`between the primary and secondary signal portions exists.
`Complicating matters further. the statistical properties of one
`or both of the primary and secondary signal portions change
`with time. In such cases, conventional filtering techniques
`are ineffective in extracting either the primary or secondary
`signal. If, however. a description of either the primary or
`secondary signal portion can be derived, correlation
`canceling, such as adaptive noise canceling, can be
`employed to remove either the primary or secondary signal
`portion of the signal isolating the other portion. In other
`words, given sufficient information about one of the signal
`portions.that signal portion can be extracted.
`Conventional correlation cancelers, such as adaptive
`noise cancelers, dynamically change their transfer function
`to adapt to and remove portions of a composite signal.
`However. correlation cancelers require either a secondary
`reference or a primary reference which correlates to either
`the secondary signal portion only or the primary signal
`portion only. For instance, for a measured signal containing
`noise and desirable signal, the noise can be removed with a
`correlation canceler if a noise reference is available. This is
`often the case. Although the amplitude of the reference
`signals are not necessarily the same as the amplitude of the
`corresponding primary or secondary Signal portions, they
`have a frequency spectrum which is similar to that of the
`primary or secondary signal portions.
`In many cases, nothing or very little is known about the
`secondary and/or primary signal portions. One area where
`measured signals comprising a primary signal portion and a
`secondary signal portion about which no information can
`easily be determined is physiological monitoring. Physi-
`ological monitoring generally involves measured signals
`derived from a physiological system, such as the human
`body. Measurements which are typically taken with physi-
`ological monitoring systems include electrocardiographs,
`blood pressure, blood gas saturation (such as oxygen
`saturation), capnographs, other blood constituent
`monitoring, heart rate, respiration rate, electro-
`encephalograph (EEG) and depth of anesthesia, for example.
`Other types of measurements include those which measure
`the pressure and quantity of a substance within the body
`such as cardiac output, venous oxygen saturation, arterial
`oxygen saturation. bilirubin, total hemoglobin. breathalyzer
`testing, drug testing, cholesterol
`testing, glucose testing,
`extra vasation, and carbon dioxide testing. protein testing,
`carbon monoxide testing, and other in—vivo measurements,
`for example. Complications arising in these measurements
`are often due to motion of the patient, both external and
`internal (muscle movement, vessel movement, and probe
`movement, for example), during the measurement process.
`Many types of physiological measurements can be made
`by using the known properties of energy attenuation as a
`selected form of energy passes through a medium.
`A blood gas monitor is one example of a physiological
`monitoring system which is based upon the measurement of
`energy attenuated by biological tissues or substances. Blood
`gas monitors transmit light into the test medium and mea-
`sure the attenuation of the light as a function of time. The
`output signal of a blood gas monitor which is sensitive to the
`arterial blood flow contains a component which is a wave—
`form representative of the patient’s arterial pulse. This type
`of signal. which contains a component related to the
`patient’s pulse. is called a plethysmographic wave, and is
`shown in FIG. 1 as curve s. Plethysmographic waveforms
`are used in blood gas saturation measurements. As the heart
`beats, the amount of blood in the arteries increases and
`decreases, causing increases and decreases in energy
`attenuation, illustrated by the cyclic wave 5 in FIG. 1.
`Typically, a digit such as a finger, an ear lobe, or other
`portion of the body where blood flows close to the skin, is
`employed as the medium through which light energy is
`transmitted for blood gas attenuation measurements. The
`finger comprises skin. fat, bone, muscle. etc., shown sche—
`matically in FIG. 2, each of which attenuates energy incident
`on the finger in a generally predictable and constant manner.
`However, when fleshy portions of the finger are compressed
`erratically, for example by motion of the finger, energy
`attenuation becomes erratic.
`An example of a more realistic measured waveform S is
`shown in FIG. 3, illustrating the effect of motion. The
`primary plethysmographic waveform portion of the signal s
`is the waveform representative of the pulse, corresponding
`to the sawtooth—like pattern wave in FIG. 1. The large,
`secondary motion-induced excursions in signal amplitude
`obscure the primary plethysmographic signal 5. Even small
`variations in amplitude make it difficult to distinguish the
`primary signal component s in the presence of a secondary
`signal component n.
`A pulse oxirneter is a type of blood gas monitor which
`non—invasively measures the arterial saturation of oxygen in


`the blood. The pumping of the heart forces freshly oxygen—
`ated blood into the arteries causing greater energy attenua-
`tion. As well understood in the art. the arterial saturation of
`oxygenated blood may be determined from the depth of the
`valleys relative to the peaks of two plethysmographic wave-
`forms measured at separate wavelengths. Patient movement
`introduces motion artifacts to the composite signal as illus-
`trated in the plethysmographic waveform illustrated in FIG.
`3. These motion artifacts distort the measured signal.
`This invention provides improvements upon the methods
`and apparatus disclosed in U.S. patent application Ser. No.
`08/132312. filed Oct. 6. 1993. entitled Signal Processing
`Apparatus. which earlier application has been assigned to
`the assignee of the instant application. The present invention
`involves several ditferent embodiments using the novel
`signal model in accordance with the present invention to
`isolate either a primary signal portion or a secondary signal
`portion of a composite measured signal. In one embodiment,
`a signal processor acquires a first measured signal and a
`second measured signal that is correlated to the first mea-
`sured signal. The first signal comprises a first primary signal
`portion and a first secondary signal portion. The second
`signal comprises a second primary signal portion and a
`second secondary signal portion. The signals may be
`acquired by propagating energy through a medium and
`measuring an attenuated signal after transmission or reflec-
`tion. Alternatively. the signals may be acquired by measur—
`ing energy generated by the medium.
`In one embodiment. the first and second measured signals
`are processed to generate a secondary reference which does
`not contain the primary signal portions from either of the
`first or second measured signals. This secondary reference is
`correlated to the secondary signal portion of each of the first
`and second measured signals. The secondary reference is
`used to remove the secondary portion of each of the first and
`second measured signals via a correlation canceler. such as
`an adaptive noise canceler. The correlation canceler is a
`device which takes a first and second input and removes
`from the first input all signal components which are corre-
`lated to the second input. Any unit which performs or nearly
`performs this function is herein considered to be a correla-
`tion canceler.
`An adaptive correlation canceler can be described by
`analogy to a dynamic multiple notch filter which dynami—
`cally changes its transfer function in response to a reference
`signal and the measured signals to remove frequencies from
`the measured signals that are also present in the reference
`signal. Thus. a typical adaptive correlation canceler receives
`the signal from which it is desired to remove a component
`and receives a reference signal of the undesired portion. The
`output of the correlation canceler is a good approximation to
`the desired signal with the undesired component removed.
`Alternatively. the first and second measured signals may
`be processed to generate a primary reference which does not
`contain the secondary signal portions from either of the first
`or second measured signals. The primary reference may then
`be used to remove the primary portion of each of the first and
`second measured signals via a correlation canceler. The
`output of the correlation canceler is a good approximation to
`the secondary signal with the primary signal removed and
`may be used for subsequent processing in the same instru-
`ment or an auxiliary instrument. In this capacity,
`approximation to the secondary signal may be used as a
`reference signal for input to a second correlau‘on canceler
`together with either the first or second measured signals for
`computation of, respectively. either the first or second pri—
`mary signal portions.
`Physiological monitors can benefit from signal processors
`of the present invention. Often in physiological measure-
`ments a first signal comprising a first primary portion and a
`first secondary portion and a second signal comprising a
`second primary portion and a second secondary portion are
`acquired. The signals may be acquired by propagating
`energy through a patient’s body (or a material which is
`derived from the body. such as breath, blood. or tissue, for
`example) or inside a vessel and measuring an attenuated
`signal after transmission or reflection. Alternatively,
`signal may be acquired by measuring energy generated by a
`patient’s body. such as in electrocardiography. The signals
`are processed via the signal processor of the present inven-
`tion to acquire either a secondary reference or a primary
`reference which is input to a correlation canceler. such as an
`adaptive noise canceler.
`One physiological monitoring apparatus which benefits
`from the present invention is a monitoring system which
`determines a signal which is representative of the arterial
`pulse, called a plethysmographic wave. This signal can be
`used in blood pressure calculations. blood constituent
`measurements. etc. A specific example of such a use is in
`pulse oximetry. Pulse oxjrnetr'y involves determining the
`saturation of oxygen in the blood. In this configuration. the
`primary portion of the signal is the arterial blood contribu-
`tion to attenuation of energy as it passes through a portion
`of the body where blood flows close to the skin. The
`pumping of the heart causes blood flow to increase and
`decrease in the arteries in a periodic fashion. causing peri-
`odic attenuation wherein the periodic waveform is the
`plethysmographic waveform representative of the arterial
`pulse. The secondary portion is noise. In accordance with the
`present invention. the measured signals are modeled such
`that this secondary portion of the signal is related to the
`venous blood contribution to attenuation of energy as it
`passes through the body. The secondary portion also
`includes artifacts due to patient movement which causes the
`venous blood to flow in an unpredictable manner. causing
`unpredictable attenuation and corrupting the otherwise peri-
`odic plethysmographic waveform. Respiration also causes
`the secondary or noise portion to vary. although typically at
`a lower frequency than the patients pulse rate. Accordingly.
`the measured signal which forms a plethysmographic wave-
`form is modeled in accordance with the present invention
`such that the primary portion of the signal is representative
`of arterial blood contribution to attenuation and the second-
`ary portion is due to several other parameters.
`A physiological monitor particularly adapted to pulse
`oximetry oxygen saturation measurement comprises two
`light emitting diodes (LED’s) which emit light at different
`wavelengths to produce first and second signals. A detector
`registers the attenuation of the two dijferent energy signals
`after each passes through an absorptive media. for example
`a digit such as a finger. or an earlobe. The attenuated signals
`generally comprise both primary (arterial attenuator) and
`secondary (noise) signal portions. A static filtering system.
`such as a bandpass filter. removes a portion of the secondary
`signal which is outside of a known bandwidth of interest.
`leaving an erratic or random secondary signal portion, often
`caused by motion and often difficult to remove. along with
`the primary signal portion.
`A processor in accordance with one embodiment of the
`present invention removes the primary signal portions fiom
`the measured signals yielding a secondary reference which


`is a combination of the remaining secondary signal portions.
`The secondary reference is correlated to both of the second-
`ary signal portions. The secondary reference and at least one
`of the measured signals are input to a correlation canceler.
`such as an adaptive noise canceler, which removes the
`random or erratic portion of the secondary signal. This
`yields a good approximation to a primary plethysmographic
`signal as measured at one of the measured signal wave-
`lengths. As is known in the art, quantitative measurements of
`the amount of oxygenated arterial blood in the body can be
`determined from the plethysmographic signal in a variety of
`The processor of the present invention may also remove
`the secondary signal portions from the measured signals
`yielding a primary reference which is a combination of the
`remaining primary signal portions. The primary reference is
`correlated to both of the primary signal portions. The
`primary reference and at least one of the measured signals
`are input to a correlation canceler which removes the pri-
`mary portions of the measured signals. This yields a good
`approximation to the secondary signal at one of the mea-
`sured signal wavelengths. This signal may be useful for
`removing secondary signals from an auxiliary instrument as
`well as determining venous blood oxygen saturation.
`In accordance with the signal model of the present
`invention. the two measured signals each having primary
`and secondary signal portions can be related by coeficients.
`By relating the two equations with respect to coefficients
`defined in accordance with the present invention. the coef-
`ficients provide information about the arterial oxygen satu-
`ration and about the noise (the venous oxygen saturation and
`other parameters). In accordance with this aspect of the
`present invention, the coeflicients can be determined by
`minimizing the correlation between the primary and sec-
`ondary signal portions as defined in the model.

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