`Interactive Broadcast Digital Television
`The OpenTV Platform versus the MPEG-4 Standard Framework
`Frederic Bouilhaguet, Jean-Claude Dufourd, Souhila Boughoufalah,
`Christophe Havet *
`ENST Paris, dept ComElec - 46 rue Barrault - 75013 Paris, France
`* OpenTV Europe - 160 bis, rue de Paris - 92645 Boulogne Cedex, France
`E-mail: {bouilhaguet, dufourd, souhila) @enst.fr, chavet@opentv.com
`The last years have seen a vast increase in Interactive
`Broadcast Digital TV systems featuring proprietary
`platforms coupled with the standard MPEG-2. OpenTV is
`an example of a proprietary platform present on the
`market. The study of the OpenTV multimedia delivery
`framework and our involvement in MPEG-4 normalisation
`works give us the occasion to compare the OpenTV
`system architecture with the MPEG-4 one to address 2D
`interactivity in Broadcast Digital TV applications. We
`study their respective approaches to define 2D user
`interfaces and to manage dynamic interactive audio-visual
`1. Introduction
`Changes in the nature, scope and extent of multimedia on-
`line applications are very rapid, due to the major
`in computing and
`technology. Broadcast Television has undergone important
`evolutions since it started to be digital. After broadcast
`digital channels with only audio and video (MPEG-2), the
`to develop
`interactive contents based on push/pull scenarios. Starting
`from the only video and audio model standardised by
`MPEG-2, the Broadcast Digital TV industry has provided
`new systems using objects description techniques to afford
`the bases for developments of interactive services. The
`transport structure of MPEG-2, called Transport Stream
`(TS), allows to multiplex with the MPEG audio and video
`signals any other type of digital stream, the so-called
`“private data’’. So the market didn’t wait for a new version
`of MPEG standard to provide new system architectures for
`the development of interactive programs compatible with
`MPEG-2 TS. The definitions of these system archtectures
`consisted in specifying structures of new streams, as
`shown in thejigure I , and their corresponding codecs to
`transport the spatio-temporal descriptions needed for
`The OpenTV platform provides one of these system
`architectures. It is based on a new opentv stream added to
`MPEG2-audio and MPEG2-video ones. The opentv
`stream transmits OpenTV applications that are computer
`programs. The OpenTV applications are currently
`developed in ANSI C and compiled with a special
`development kit compiler. The output from the compiler is
`called 0-code and consists of a private byte code that is
`interpreted by the 0-code interpreter and executed on the
`digital interactive decoder. OpenTV applications make o-
`code function calls to OpenTV library. The library routines
`initiate operations or
`requests. The
`Application Programming Interface (API) of this library
`determines the structure and rules of composition of the
`visual and audio objects.
`Today, the Quality of Service (QoS) is starting to suffer
`from serious problems of incompatibilities between all the
`multiple system architectures provided by different
`companies. Final users must have several decoders to
`interactive channels provided by different
`broadcasters who chose different system architectures.
`Content producers must redevelop the same interactive
`audio-visual application to suit all the platforms.
`MPEG with the new MPEG-4 standard version aims at
`specifying an open system architecture adaptable to
`potential future platforms of Broadcast Digital TV and
`suppressing previous sources of incompatibility. The first
`component of the MPEG-4 system architecture to fit the
`requirements is two new elementary streams: the Binary
`description Scene Format (BiFS) stream and the Object
`Descriptors stream. An MPEG-4 scene is a set of
`organised audio and visual objects with behaviours that
`constitutes a part of a 2D interactive application. BiFS is
`the compressed format in which scenes are defined and
`modified. BiFS is composed of 2D and 3D profiles. Our
`interest here is 2D only.
`In this paper, we show how OpenTV and MPEG-4 differ
`in their common requirements for:
`- Composing interactive user interfaces from object
`description techniques (section 2)
`- Communicating events between objects (section 3)
`- Having access to multiple audio and video data
`sources (section 4)
`0-7803-5482-6/99/$10.00 02000 IEEE
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Immanuel Freedman. Downloaded on July 07,2020 at 20:56:58 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`Roku EX1025
`U.S. Patent No. 10,334,311
`Figure 1: rypical transmission clmin of broadcast interactive channels
`2. Gadget tree versus scene graph
`OpenTV and MPEG-4 describe objects and
`behaviour in hierarchical models. MPEG-4 uses the
`concept of a scene graph with object nodes, while
`OpenTV prefers a gadger tree with gadgets.
`2.1 Scene graph (MPEG-4)
`The grauh and its drawing order:
`An MPEG-4 scene is constructed as a direct a-cyclic graph
`of nodes.
`The following types of nodes exist:
`- Grouping nodes construct the scene structure;
`- Children nodes are the children of grouping nodes that
`represent the multimedia objects in the scene.
`- Interpolator nodes are another subtype of children nodes
`that represent interpolation data to perform key frame
`animation. These nodes generate a sequence of values as a
`function of time or other input parameters.
`- Sensor nodes sense the user and environment changes for
`authoring interactive scenes.
`BiFS scenes are composed of a collection of nodes
`arranged in a hierarchical tree. Each node represents,
`groups, or transforms an object in the scene and consists of
`a list of fields that define the particular behaviour of the
`The root node of a 2D BIFS scene can be an
`OrderedGroup or a Layer2D node. OrderedGroup may be
`used to specify the drawing order of elements of the scene
`because, this grouping node controls the visual layering
`order of its chldren.
`Reusing obiects:
`BIFS has a mechanism for reusing nodes. For example,
`once a complex graphic object is defined as a collection of
`geometric primitive nodes collected inside a Group node,
`it is possible to reuse the object elsewhere in the scene,
`rather than copying it explicitly wherever it is to appear.
`Each reusable node has a binary ID, and wherever a node
`can appear in the scene description, the ID of a reusable
`node can be inserted.
`The prototypes:
`BIFS provides ways
`encode PROTO
`EXTERNPROTO. These scene constructs enable the
`definition of new interfaces to user-constructed scene
`components. For example, a button PROTO can be
`constructed which accepts a string label as an input
`parameter. The body of the PROTO consists of a scene
`portion that draws a button (using, say, a Box node) and
`the string parameter on
`the button. The
`EXTERNPROTO is similar to the PROTO, except that its
`definition is not part of the scene. Instead, its definition is
`referenced using a URL. This enables the construction and use
`of on-line libraries of PROTOs.
`2.2 Gadget Tree (OTV)
`The tree and its drawing order:
`OpenTV provides an object-oriented framework for defining
`classes of user interface elements called gadgets. A gadget
`class specifies the behaviour functions for all gadgets of the
`same class. Gadgets are created and combined by an OpenTV
`application to form its user interface. They are drawn on the
`screen in a predictable order of a tree structure, as shown in
`the figure 2 . The position of a gadget in the tree determines
`the order in which it is drawn. Drawing starts at the root, and
`descends the left-most branch first, then traverses that branch,
`then moves onto the sibling just to the right.
`At any given time, the interface manager of the OpenTV
`operating system recognises one gadget to be the root of the
`sub-tree currently being displayed on the TV screen. This is
`The root may change over
`to display a
`new screen. Gadgets must
`the sub-tree
`Figure 2: OWgadget tree drawing order owned by the designated
`root to be visible on the TV screen. There are functions for
`creating, activating (making visible), deactivating (making
`invisible), deleting gadgets. The Ojadget-attach function
`attaches a new child gadget to a specified gadget.
`Create some button gadgets and attach them t o 'this' group. * /
`while (nextItem ! = null) (
`o-gadget next-Button =
`neXtItemti ;
`0 gadsat attafh(this,next_Button);
`) -
`Reusing gadgets:
`function creates new gadgets, i.e.
`The Ojadger-new
`instances of a gadget class. A gadget can be reused in its
`scope until
`removed with
`Ojadget-delete function.
`The urototvues:
`There is nothing here equivalent to what MPEG-4 calls
`prototypes. Each gadget class is in fact prototyped. Gadget
`class's developers define a structure for passing initial value
`and support functions to supplement the functionality of the
`gadget class.
`3. Events communication
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Immanuel Freedman. Downloaded on July 07,2020 at 20:56:58 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`3.1 Sensors and routes (MPEG-4)
`The node fields are labelled as being of type field, eventln,
`eventout, or exposedField. The field label is used for
`values that are set only when instantiating the node. Fields
`that can receive incoming events have the eventln label,
`whereas fields that emit events are labelled as eventout.
`Finally, some fields may set values but also receive or emit
`events, in which case they are labelled as exposedField
`To describe interactivity and behaviour of scene objects,
`the MPEG-4 event architecture defined sensors and routes.
`Sensor nodes generate events based on user interaction on
`a trigger node or a change in the scene. An event can be
`routed from any sensor node eventout field to interpolator
`or other nodes to change the attributes of these target
`nodes. If routed to an interpolator, a new parameter is
`interpolated according to the input value, and is finally
`routed to the target node eventh field. This target node
`processes the event. The scope of a sensor is delimited to
`the children of the grouping node that contains it. In other
`words, routes are used to propagate events between scene
`elements. They are connections that assign the value of
`one field to another field.
`The following figure 5 and the BIFS text of 4.2 shows an
`example of how to trigger an action as the cursor rolls over
`a button object.
`associated message
`0-ui-msg-used function
`navigation between buttons
`done by pressing the left arrow
`key and an action is performed
`the enter "OK" key xs
`released on the button, as seen in
`the figure 4. The ancestors of the
`button gadgets may handle other keys.
`F p r e 4 remote control
`/* The events handler function of the button gadget */
`static void button_meesage_handler(button+ this,o-message* msgi
`switch (O-msg-type(msg))
`/* A key has been pressed */
`/* Handle key down events */
`static void b"tton_key-down(button* this, o-message* msg)
`switch(O-ui_msg-key(msg) i
`/* Handle the selection key +/
`/ * D r a w something to show
`that the button is pressed */
`. . . . . _
`/* Letknow we consumed the key event */
`/f The message is not passed to its father */
`0-ui-mag-used (msg) ;
`/* Pass the focus to its left button
`(in the gadget tree) */
`next-button 5 O-gadget-left_brother(this);
`/ * Only change focus if a left button exists */
`if (next-but.ton!=mL)
`/ * Let know that we consumed the key event */
`/* The message is N O T p a s s e d to its father */
`0-ui-msg-used ( m s g ) ;
`4. Access to AudioNideo streams
`4.1 Object Descriptor (MPEG-4)
`MPEG-4 defines an ObjectDescriptor (OD) stream. It is
`coupled with the BIFS stream to identify and describe
`elementary streams that are associated to the audio-visual
`scene description. An OD is a collection of one or more
`elementary stream (ES) descriptors. It is assigned an identifier
`(object descriptor ID). An ES descriptor include information
`about the source of the stream data and encoding format for
`the decoding process.
`Here is an example of how we can switch with BIFS from a
`current audio source to a new one when the cursor rolls over a
`button. The BIFS audio node points to the audio data stream
`through the OD's ID value contained in the url field. The
`audio is switched by removing the current audio stream from
`the grouping node and appending the new one.
`3.2 Messages handlers (OpenTV)
`To support input processing, OpenTV have the notion of
`focus. Only one gadget in the tree is designated as having
`the focus. All input will be directed to this gadget. The
`gadget is notified of user input by receipt of messages of
`the appropriate types. If a gadget ignores an input
`message, it will propagate up to that gadget's parent, and
`so on, so processing of input is also affected by a gadget
`placement in the gadget tree.
`. . -
`Figure 3: transmission of messages in the gadget tree
`At the initialisation of a gadget class, the function that
`handles events called message-handler is passed as an
`argument. This message-handler function is called each
`time a message (MSG-TYPE-NEW / DELETE / ACTIVATE /
`DEACTIVATE) is send to a gadget of this class. A key-
`pressed event is sent only to the gadget that has the focus.
`If the gadget doesn't use the key event, the event .is
`automatically routed to its parents recursively until its
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Immanuel Freedman. Downloaded on July 07,2020 at 20:56:58 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`BlFS fexr:
`DEF ID-100 Group{
`children I
`# * i f f original sound
`SoundZD {
`source audiosource
`ur1 5 # * * * object descriptor ID
`startTime 0
`stopTime -1
`) )
`DEF ID-211 conditional (
`buffer {
`# + * * * remove the original sound
`DELETE ID-lOO.children[O]
`# * * * * switch to the new Sound
`APPEND TO ID_lQO.children
`Sound2D {
`source audiosource (
`url 6 # * * f object d e s c r i p t o r I D
`startTime 0
`stopTime -1
`U I * * * hot spot area :
`Group (
`children I
`DEF 1205- Touchsensor ( )
`Transform2D [
`translation pos-X pos-Y
`children [
`Shape ( geometry Rectangle ( size w h ]
`appearance Appearance [ . . . )
`11 11
`# * * * f propagate events
`ROUTE IZO5-.isOver TO ID_21l.activate
`ObjecrDescripror of rhe audio m e a m :
`( ObjectDescriptorID
`esdescr [
`ES-Descriptor {
`es-id 3
`decConfigDescr DecoderC~nfigDescriptor {
`slConfigDescr SlConfigDescriptar (
`. . . #long sync layer parameter l i s t
`4.2 Station control (OTV)
`OpenTV programs can switch from elementary streams via
`function. A
`asynchronous function enables to opedclose elementary
`is an actions
`streams. The parameter of 0-station-control
`list so several actions can be performed in a single call.
`When an action is completed, a message is posted in the
`events queue. The different streams supported are video
`(0-VIDEO), audio (0-AUDIO), opentv (0-OPENTV),
`subtitle (0-SUBTITLE), and teletext (0-TELETEXT).
`Here is an example of switching audio tracks by pressing a
`button gadget.
`Swirch 10 a new audio .mzam in rhe CJile:
`/* actions list */
`char switch-to-audio-1 [201 = {
`0-AUDIO, ‘ O ’ , ‘ O ’ , ‘ l ’ , 0,
`C-END. 0 ) :
`. . . . . .
`/* Application main loop */
`for (;;)I
`/ * Get message from the events queue */
`o_ui-get_svent-wait (&msq) ;
`switch( O-msg-class(hmsg) I
`case audiol-button-ID:
`O-station-control(ewitch-to_audio_l) ;
`. . . . . .
`Descriprion of rhe audio .stream in the rransporr srream configurarion file:
`stream-type = audio-mpeg2
`elementary-streamqid = 523
`descriptor {
`descriptor-tag = iso-639-language
`language (
`language = “001”
`audio-type = 0 ) ) )
`5. Other aspects
`5.1 MPEG-J
`The BIFS stream offers a parametric scene representation
`while OpenTV rather offers a programmatic environment.
`standard will
`also offer
`a programmatic
`environment, in addition to its parametric capability. Java
`APIs are defined and a dedicated MPEG-J stream can be
`added to BIFS and OD streams. Access to an underlying
`MPEG-4 engine can be provided to Java applets, called
`MPEG-lets. MPEG-J forms the basis for very sophisticated
`applications, opening up completely new ways for audio-
`visual content creators to augment the use of their content.
`MPEG-J will be available in MPEG-4 version 2.
`5.2 Transparency and Composition
`The composition approach in OpenTV differs from MPEG-4.
`From the use of functions such as Ojalette-set
`Ogalette-set-transparency, the current color lookup table
`(palette) is set and transparency can be applied to some of the
`indexed colors. MPEG-4 has a transparency field in the
`Appearance node that can be associated with any visual
`object, even video or still pictures. So transparency is applied
`per object and color space is not limited to a palette.
`6. Conclusion
`two systems for Interactive
`We have presented briefly
`Broadcast Digital TV, OpenTV and MPEG-4. The OpenTV
`environment is far from the MPEG-4 delivery framework if
`we just consider BIFS and OD streams, even if we saw that
`some common approaches existed in the two ways of
`organising visual objects. If we consider MPEG-J, MPEG-4
`moves toward the OpenTV programmatic approach. One
`perspective for the OpenTV framework could be to implement
`on top of the OpenTV engine the MPEG-J APIs with a Java
`VM in order to provide a first MPEG-4 terminal compliant
`with MPEG-J so that future MPEG-lets can execute on the
`OpenTV platform.
`There are pros and cons for both: on paper, MPEG-4 is much
`more powerful but OpenTV is here now.
`References :
`[I] “MPEG-4 Systems FDIS”, Document ISO/IEC
`JTCl/SC29/WGI llN2501, Atlantic City MPEG meeting, October
`[2] “MPEG-4 Visual FDIS’, Document ISOlIEC JTCl/SC29/WGI I/N2502,
`Atlantic City MPEG meeting, October 1998
`[3] “MPEG-4 Audio FDIS’, Document ISOlIEC JTCIlSC29IWGl 1lN2503,
`Atlantic City MF’EG meeting, October 1998
`[4] “MPEG-4 DMIF FDIS’, Document ISO/IEC JTClISC29IWGl UN2506.
`Atlantic City MPEG meeting, October 1998
`[5] MPEG Requirements Group, “Overview of MPEG-4 Profile and Level
`Definitions”, Document ISOlIEClJTC I/SC29/WGl VN2458, Atlantic
`City MPEG meeting, October 1998
`[6] MPEG Requirements Group, “MPEG-4 Version 2 Overview”, Document
`ISO/IEUJTC1/SC29IWG1 UN2324, Dublin MPEG meeting, July 1998
`[7] OPEN TV, “Software Developer’s Kit 2.0 - SoftwareDeveloper’s,
`Mountain View, March 1999
`[8] OPEN TV, “Software Developer’s Kit 2.0 - Software Developer’s
`Reference Manual, Mountain View, March 1999
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Immanuel Freedman. Downloaded on July 07,2020 at 20:56:58 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.