`Users want power, features, and enough options to handle all of their special
`needs. (Everybody is a special case somehow. For example: Who wants line
`numbers in a word processor? Millions of users, that's who, including most big
`law firms.)
`Users want simplicity; they don't have time learn a profusion of features in
`enough depth to select the few that are optimal for their needs.
`Progressive disclosure is one of the best ways to satisfy both of these conflicting
`requirements. It's a simple, yet powerful idea:
`1. Initially, show users only a few of the most important options.
`2. Offer a larger set of specialized options upon request. Disclose these
`secondary features only if a user asks for them, meaning that most users can
`proceed with their tasks without worrying about this added complexity.
`Roku EX1033
`U.S. Patent No. 10,334,311
`Nielsen Norman Group
`Wor ld Leaders in Research-Based User Exper ience
`P r og r ess iv e D isclosu r e
`Summ a r y : Progressive disclosure defers advanced or rarely used features to
`a secondar y screen , mak ing appl icat ions easier to learn and less er ror-prone.
`By Jakob Nielsen on December 3 , 2006
`Top i cs : Appl icat ion Design, Interact ion Design
`The print dialog box is the classic example of progressive disclosure. When you
`issue the command to print a document, you'll get a dialog box with a small set of
`choices — mainly, how many copies to print, but possibly a few other variations,
`such as whether to print the entire document or a subset, and which printer to use.
`Sadly, print dialog boxes have grown bloated over the past decade, and some
`applications offer an initial dialog box with highly detailed options that would be
`better placed in a secondary dialog box.
`The initial print dialog box typically contains one or more buttons for advanced
`options. These buttons lead to secondary dialogs that let users specify rarely used
`settings, such as scaling and printing the pages in reverse sequence. If the user
`clicks the advanced options button, the system discloses the additional features.
`Progressive disclosure has long been one of application design's primary guidelines,
`because most applications have so many commands, features, and options that it
`makes sense to defer some to a secondary area. Websites have grown so complex
`that progressive disclosure is a good idea for many information-rich sites as well.
`Deferring secondary material is also a key guideline for mobile design.
`An ecommerce site, for example, might mention a few key product attributes on the
`primary product page and let users click through to a secondary page to see the
`product's full specifications.
`Hypertext provides a simple implementation of progressive disclosure: higher-level
`pages contain higher-level concepts and simplified descriptions, and lower-level
`pages fill in the details for those users who want to know everything.
`In a system designed with progressive disclosure, the very fact that something
`appears on the initial display tells users that it's important.
`Appl icat ions v s . Webs i tes
`Bene f i t s of P r og r ess iv e D isclosu r e
`For novice users, this helps prioritize their attention so that they spend time only on
`features that are most likely to be useful to them. By hiding the advanced settings,
`progressive disclosure helps novice users avoid mistakes and saves them the time
`they would have spent contemplating features that they don't need.
`For advanced users, the smaller initial display also saves them time because they
`avoid having to scan past a large list of features they rarely use.
`Progressive disclosure thus improves 3 of usability's 5 components: learnability,
`efficiency of use, and error rate.
`You might assume that by initially focusing users' attention on a few core features,
`they might build a limiting mental model of the system and thus be unable to
`understand all of their options. Research says that these are groundless worries:
`people understand a system better when you help them prioritize features and
`spend more time on the most important ones.
`Simple as the concept may seem, there are two things you must get right when
`designing for progressive disclosure:
`You must get the right split between initial and secondary features. You have
`to disclose everything that users frequently need up front, so that they have to
`progress to the secondary display only on rare occasions. Conversely, the
`primary list can't contain too many options or you'll fail to sufficiently focus users'
`attention on truly important issues. Finally, the initial display can't contain
`confusing features or you'll slow down user performance.
`It must be obvious how users progress from the primary to the secondary
`disclosure levels:
`First, make the mechanics of this operation simple. For a website, follow the
`guidelines for visualizing links. For an application, place the advanced
`features button in a clearly visible spot.
`Usab i l i t y Cr i ter ia f or P r og r ess iv e D isclosu r e
`Second, label the button or link in a way that sets clear expectations for what
`users will find when they progress to the next level. (In other words, the
`progression should have strong information scent.)
`Regarding the first point, how do you determine which features the initial
`disclosure level should contain? Task analysis and field studies can give you
`insights into what people need, even if you're working on a new design. If you're
`improving an existing system, frequency-of-use statistics can help you prioritize the
`features. For a website, basic analytics tell you how often people look at various
`pages. However, you must supplement such analytics with observational usability
`testing to discern whether a page gets many hits because users want it or because
`they simply enter the page by mistake. For an application, you can get even more
`detailed usage data by instrumenting the code to record how often people use
`various features.
`In theory, there's no reason why you can't have multiple levels of progressive
`disclosure. Even though the secondary level is for experienced users, there are still
`limits to how complex it should be; some options might be so specialized or rare that
`you should relegate them to a tertiary level. In practice, designs that go beyond 2
`disclosure levels typically have low usability because users often get lost when
`moving between the levels.
`If you have so many features that you need 3 or more levels, consider simplifying
`your design. If you can't scale back the complexity, at least chunk your advanced
`features into groups that make sense, so that users need check only one place and
`can ignore any areas that they don't need. Use traditional techniques like card
`sorting to get the grouping right, and invest extra time in user testing to ensure that
`your design supports real task performance, including both common tasks and
`advanced tasks.
`It's also possible to have multiple secondary displays, each of which is revealed
`by a different control on the initial display. The obvious upside to this is that you can
`accommodate more features without introducing a tertiary level. The obvious
`downside is added complexity on the initial level, since users must consider multiple
`buttons for advanced options.
`Because progressive disclosure's goal is to expedite use of the initial display, it's
`rarely a good idea to offer multiple ways to progress to secondary options. If you
`must do this, however, at least ensure that you clearly label all choices.
`Staged disclosure is a variant in which users step through a linear sequence of
`options, with a subset displayed at each step. Wizards are the classic example of
`staged disclosure. The differences between progressive disclosure and staged
`disclosure are:
`Progressive Disclosure
`Initial display
`Core features
`Secondary features
`Do users
`Main usability
`Staged Disclosure
`Features that users access first
`in the task sequence
`Features that users access later
`in the task, even if these
`features are equally important
`(or more important)
`Usually not — most users get
`what they need on the initial
`Yes — unless users stop the
`task before completing the
`Hierarchical: users start at the
`initial display and, if necessary,
`move to the secondary display
`and then (often) return to the
`initial display
`Learnability: novice users are
`focused on the most useful
`features and confusingly
`advanced features are hidden
`Linear: users progress through
`the task one step at a time
`Simplicity: each step is simple
`and its purpose is clear because
`features that belong to other
`steps are hidden
`Staged D isclosu r e : One Step at a T ime
`Staged disclosure is useful when you can divide a task into distinct steps that have
`little interaction. It is problematic when the steps are interdependent and users
`must alternate between them.
`When researching the usability of 46 web-based applications, we tested a hotel
`reservation system that squeezed all the reservation stages onto a single screen.
`Comparing this design with most hotel sites — which distribute the reservation
`stages over multiple pages — shows the benefits and drawbacks of staged
`The single-screen design worked well when users were trying to decide which
`hotel room to get because it displayed, on a single screen, the availability and
`prices for different hotel room categories across various date options considered
`by the user. Most hotel sites show room categories, prices, dates, and availability
`across multiple pages, making it more difficult to experiment with various what-if
`scenarios. People use all of these features together, with frequent back-and-forth
`modifications, so they should be on 1 screen.
`The single-screen design also caused usability problems because it included a
`segment for users to enter their address and credit card information. Hotels need
`such information to complete a booking, but it's not needed during the
`exploratory phase when users are experimenting with various reservations.
`Staged disclosure would defer the payment details to a secondary screen. Doing
`so would leave more space on the first screen for room information and the
`exploratory interface, thus protecting users from various errors that result when
`too many options are displayed at the same time.
`As this example shows, staged disclosure requires a thorough task analysis to
`understand which options are used together and which are better thought of as
`separate stages. The more features you can defer, the simpler your design, but if
`you divide the task into too many steps, users get bogged down by excess
`The single-screen hotel reservation design would have been better as a 2-screen
`design — something overlooked by many naïve analyses that consider 1 screen vs.
`5 screens to be the only choices. Testing the 1-screen design with real users (which
`the hotels don't seem to have done) quickly shows that the compromise of a 2-
`screen solution would be better.
`Progressive disclosure and staged disclosure are both strategies to manage the
`profusion of features and options in modern user interfaces. They are both more
`than 30 years old and have proven themselves useful in countless applications, and
`even some websites. Try them — but stay aware of their weaknesses.
`Manag ing Complex i t y
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