Case IPR2020-01492
`U.S. Patent No. 6,651,134
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2020-01492
`U.S. Patent No. 6,651,134
`Mail Stop Patent Board
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450


`Monterey’s Demonstrative Exhibits
`Qualcomm Incorporated
`Monterey Research, LLC
`U.S. Patent No. 6,651,134
`Case IPR2020‐01492


`No Weight
`Mr. Murphy’s Declaration Should Be Given Little Or 
`Interruptible Bursts
`All Grounds: Schaefer Does NotDisclose Non‐
`Table of Contents


`POR at 29‐52; Surreply at 2‐19.
`All Grounds: Schaefer Does Not 
`Disclose Non‐Interruptible 
`Tab A


`POR at 14‐21, 29‐52; Surreply at 2‐19.
`•Schaefer Is Directed To Reducing Delays In 
`Internal Address Signals Is Non‐interruptible.”
`Generation Of Said Predetermined Number Of 
`•Schaefer Does Not Disclose “Wherein Said 
`Overview of Disputes


`Institution Decision (Paper 9) at 5.
`Ex. 1001 (’134 Patent) at claim 1.
`Schaefer Does Not Disclose “wherein said generation of said predetermined 
`number of internal address signals is non‐interruptible”


`Petition at 40; POR at 37; Surreply at 4‐5.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at Fig. 4.
`Patent Owner
`Dispute: When Is Issuing Another Command Prohibited?


`POR at 43‐45; Surreply at 4‐7.
`2)When the “precharge time (tRP) is completed.”
`1)The “earliest, valid stage within a burst cycle”; and
`Schaefer discloses:
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 7:38‐44.
`Defines when precharge is initiated
`Schaefer’s Plain Language Is Clear That Issuing Another Command Is Only 
`Prohibited During The PRECHARGE Time (tRP)


`POR at 30‐32.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 5:15‐19.
`New READor WRITEburst command.
`Schaefer Discloses Multiple Means For Interrupting Bursts Before Completion


`POR at 31.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 118:14‐22.
`A.That’s correct, for the bursts that don't include an
`precharge command or a second burst operation;
`terminate a burst, burst termination command, a
`Q.Schaefer discloses at least three ways to
`Mr. Murphy Admitted That Schaefer Discloses Interrupting A Burst Command


`POR at 32.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 118:2‐12.
`A.Yes, it does.
`Q.Okay. Schaefer discloses ways to stop or
`That’s correct.
`terminate that burst; correct?
`data until it stops; fair enough?
`reached the 1,024th clock cycle will continue reading
`read data through 1,024 clock cycles and once it’s
`Q.The full page burst disclosed in Schaefer will
`Mr. Murphy Admitted That Schaefer Discloses Interrupting A Full‐Page Burst


`POR at 32‐34.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 120:12‐121:1.
`A.Not the words "non-interruptible," no.”
`explicitly says bursts are non-interruptible;
`You don't cite to anything in Schaefer that
`. . .
`It doesn't use that exact phrase, no.
`Schaefer never uses the phrase "non-interruptible";
`Schaefer Does Not Describe Preventing Interruptions Of Bursts


`POR at 18, 38‐40.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 1:53‐54.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 9:11‐15.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 1:49‐52.
`Reducing The Time To Complete The PRECHARGE and ACTIVE Commands
`Schaefer Is Directed To Eliminating Wasted Cycles In Between Bursts By 


`POR at 17, 38.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at Fig. 2.
`Reducing The Time To Complete The PRECHARGE and ACTIVE Commands
`Schaefer Is Directed To Eliminating Wasted Cycles In Between Bursts By 


`POR at 18.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 118:14‐22.
`can be different.
`Yes, given the fact that the frequencies of operation
`command operations; correct?
`precharge command operations and the active
`wasted clock cycles necessary to perform the
`Schaefer is directed to eliminating the potential
`Mr. Murphy Admitted That Schaefer is Directed To Eliminating Wasted Clock 
`Cycles When Performing PRECHARGE And ACTIVE Commands


`POR at 34‐35.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 112:3‐8.
`where a precharge is necessary; correct?
`cycles betweenreads and writes in an SDRAM
`Schaefer is directed to eliminating wasted clock
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 94:25‐95:4.
`That’s correct.
`avoid wasting cycles within the device; correct?
`So one reason to allow interruptions of burst is to
`Mr. Murphy Admits That Interrupting Bursts Is Advantageous And Prevents 
`Wasting Cycles In Between Bursts


`POR at 38‐39.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 9:54‐60.
`Schaefer Is Directed To Reducing The Time To Activate and Precharge A Row 
`By Initiating ACTIVE and PRECHARGE Command Operations Early


`POR at 40‐42.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 102:7‐17.
`That is correct.
`bit lines in an indeterminate state; correct?
`the precharge operation and leave the voltage on the
`precharge operation to finish, that would interrupt
`given amount of time TRP necessary for the
`If you were to issue an active command before the
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 110:2‐8.
`for the SDRAM to work properly; correct?
`operation where applicable are necessary in order
`precharge operation where applicable and an active
`The given amount of time necessary to perform a
`Interruptions During The Precharge Command Operation In Between Bursts
`Initiating PRECHARGE Command Operations Early Requires Prohibiting 


`POR at 43‐44.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 7:43‐48.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 7:32‐37.
`Schaefer’s AUTO‐PRECHARGE Command Operation Necessitates Preventing 
`Interruptions Of The Precharge Period tRP


`POR at 37, 44‐45.
`Subsequent Active 
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 7:47‐57, Fig. 4.
`Schaefer Must Ensure That A Subsequent Early ACTIVE Command Does Not 
`Interrupt The Precharge Operation


`POR at 37, 43‐45.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 7:38‐57, Fig. 4.
`Subsequent Active 
`Schaefer Must Ensure That A Subsequent Early ACTIVE Command Does Not 
`Interrupt The Precharge Operation


`POR at 45‐47.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at Fig. 2.
`Burst Read Operation With Precharge
`Schaefer’s NOP Command Does Not Disclose Preventing User Commands 
`Throughout The Burst Transfer Period


`POR at 47.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 118:14‐22.
`A.That’s correct, for the bursts that don't include an
`precharge command or a second burst operation;
`terminate a burst, burst termination command, a
`Q.Schaefer discloses at least three ways to
`Mr. Murphy Admitted That A Burst Read With Precharge Is Interruptible


`POR at 46‐47.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at Figs. 2, 4.
`4 Cycle Burst Read Operation With Auto‐Precharge
`4 Cycle Burst Read Operation With Precharge
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 8:8‐10.
`Schaefer’s NOP Command Does Not Disclose Preventing User Commands 
`Throughout The Burst Transfer Period


`Surreply at 7.
`Reply at 2.
`Qualcomm’s Argument That Figure 4 Shows No Commands Interrupting The 
`Burst Is Beside The Point 


`Surreply at 7.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at Fig. 4.
`Figure 4 Of Schaefer Is Not An Example Of A Burst That Is Interrupted


`Reply at 9; Surreply at 7‐12.
`Ex‐1015 (Murphy Decl.) at ¶ 83.
`Mr. Murphy’s Conclusory And Wavering Statements Should Be Given No 


`Surreply at 8.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 118:14‐22.
`A.That’s correct, for the bursts that don't include an
`precharge command or a second burst operation;
`terminate a burst, burst termination command, a
`Q.Schaefer discloses at least three ways to
`Schafer Would NotRequire “More Circuitry” To Allow Interrupts Because 
`Schaefer Already Includes Circuitry For Interrupting Bursts


`Surreply at 10.
`Reply at 10.
`Qualcomm Mischaracterizes The AUTO‐PRECHARGE Advantage


`POR at 18; Surreply at 11‐12.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at Fig. 4.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 9:11‐15.
`Wasted Clock Cycles Schaefer Are A Result Of Performing—Not Of The 
`Starting Time Of—The Precharge Command


`Surreply at 12.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 94:25‐95:4.
`avoid wasting cycles within the device; correct?
`So one reason to allow interruptions of burst is to
`That's correct.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 110:19‐111:1.
`can be different.
`Yes, given the fact that the frequencies of operation
`command operations; correct?
`precharge command operations and the active
`wasted clock cycles necessary to performthe
`Schaefer is directed to eliminating the potential
`Interrupting Bursts Avoids Wasting Cycles That Is A Result Of PerformingThe 
`Precharge And Active Commands


`Surreply at 13.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 118:14‐22.
`A.That’s correct, for the bursts that don't include
`an auto-precharge.
`precharge command or a second burst operation;
`terminate a burst, burst termination command, a
`Q.Schaefer discloses at least three ways to
`Qualcomm’s Attempt To Create Distance Between PRECHARGE And 


`POR at 39‐40; Surreply at 13‐14.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 7:38‐40.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 7:29‐32.
`Qualcomm’s Attempt To Create Distance Between PRECHARGE And 


`POR at 18; Surreply at 14‐15.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 9:16‐21.
`Schaefer Discloses That Both PRECHARGE And AUTO‐PRECHARGE Commands 
`May Result In A Wasted Cycle


`Surreply at 15.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 112:3‐8.
`where a precharge is necessary; correct?
`cycles between reads and writes in an SDRAM
`Schaefer is directed to eliminating wasted clock
`Mr. Murphy Admitted That Schaefer Is Directed To Eliminating Wasted Clock 


`POR at 30; Surreply at 16.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 5:15‐19.
`Ex‐1017 (Schaefer) at 6:1‐2.
`Schaefer Defines A “Full Page” Burst As A Fixed‐Burst Of 1024 Cycles.


`POR at 32.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 118:2‐12.
`A.Yes, it does.
`Q.Okay. Schaefer discloses ways to stop or
`That’s correct.
`terminate that burst; correct?
`data until it stops; fair enough?
`reached the 1,024th clock cycle will continue reading
`read data through 1,024 clock cycles and once it’s
`Q.The full page burst disclosed in Schaefer will
`Mr. Murphy Admitted That Schaefer Discloses Interrupting A Full‐Page Burst


`POR at 23‐29; Surreply at 19‐20.
`Mr. Murphy’s Declaration Should 
`Be Given Little Or No Weight.
`Tab B


`POR at 23‐29; Surreply at 19‐20.
`•Mr. Murphy’s Inconsistent Opinions
`Overview of Disputes


`POR at 23‐25.
`Ex‐1015 (Murphy Decl.) at ¶ 48.
`Ex‐1015 (Murphy Decl.) at ¶ 85.
`Mr. Murphy’s Testimony In This Proceeding Is That A POSITA Does NOT Need 
`Experience With Static RAM Design


`POR at 24‐25.
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 136:13‐21.
`It does not. And so I’ve said in Paragraph 48 and 49.
`with direct SRAM design; right?
`for the ’134 patent does not require experience
`In your opinion, the level of ordinary skill in the art
`Ex. 2009 (Murphy Dep. Tr.) at 135:5‐25.
`believe it is.
`that you have SRAM design to do this, no, I don’t
`substituting education for experience. So is it required
`equivalent and also there’s equivalence as far as
`memory circuits, related hardware design could also be
`years of experience in design, development and/or testing
`degree in electrical or computer engineering and two
`just look at Paragraph 48, I talk about someone who had a
`I don’t believe it does. For example, someone --if you
`direct SRAM design?
`art for the ’134 patent require experience with
`In your opinion, does the level of ordinary skill in the
`Mr. Murphy’s Testimony In This Proceeding Is That A POSITA Does NOT Need 
`Experience With Static RAM Design


`POR at 25‐26.
`Ex‐2008 (CGI Litigation‐Murphy Decl. ) at ¶ 17.
`Ex‐1016 (Murphy CV) at 3.
`Mr. Murphy’s Testimony In The CGI Litigation Was That A POSITA Needs 
`Experience With Direct Static RAM Design


`Case IPR2020-01492
`U.S. Patent No. 6,651,134
`Dated: December 2, 2021
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Theodoros Konstantakopoulos/
`Theodoros Konstantakopoulos
`(Reg. No. 74,155)
`230 Park Avenue
`New York, NY 10169
`Telephone: 212-351-3400
`Facsimile: 212-351-3401
`Counsel for Patent Owner
`Monterey Research, LLC.


`Case IPR2020-01492
`U.S. Patent No. 6,651,134
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.6(e), the undersigned certifies that on a complete
`copy of the foregoing was served on counsel of record for the Petitioner by filing
`this document through PTAB E2E and by sending this document via electronic mail
`to the following addresses:
`Eagle H. Robinson (Reg. No. 61,361)
` Daniel S. Leventhal (Reg. No. 59,576)
`Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP
`Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP
` Fulbright Tower
`98 San Jacinto Boulevard, Suite 1100
`Austin, Texas 78701
`1301 McKinney, Suite 5100
`Telephone: 512-536-3083
`Houston, TX 77010-3095
`Facsimile: 512-536-4598
`Telephone: 713-651-5151
`Facsimile: 713-651-5246
`Richard S. Zembek (Reg. No. 43,306)
`Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP
`Fulbright Tower
`1301 McKinney, Suite 5100
`Houston, TX 77010-3095
`Telephone: 713-651-5151
`Facsimile: 713-651-5246
`Dated: December 2, 2021
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Theodoros Konstantakopoulos/
`Theodoros Konstantakopoulos
`(Reg. No. 74,155)
`Counsel for Patent Owner
`Monterey Research, LLC

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