`Language Technologies Institute (LTI)
`Email: anatoleg@cs.cmu.edu
`Carnegie Mellon University
`Homepage: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~anatoleg
`5000 Forbes Avenue
`Phone: +1 773 255 4682
`Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
`Fax: +1 412 268-6298
`Home: 80 East End Ave 15D, New York, NY 10028
`Information fusion, Automated knowledge acquisition, Active learning, Data Science, Dialog Systems
`PhD Computer Science
`Yale University
`Moscow State Pedagogical University BS/MS Mathematics and Computer Science
`Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies Institute, 4/07-present, Distinguished Career
`Professor – bringing 40+ years of industrial R&D experience to academic research and teaching
`Accenture, 12/89-11/06, Global Director of Research (3/97-11/06), Chief Scientist (9/05-11/06), Director
`of Human Systems Integration Laboratory (12/89-3/97); Led all of the firm’s applied technology
`research and technology assessment efforts worldwide, covering four main areas: intelligent
`devices, analytics, human computer interaction and systems integration
`Coopers & Lybrand, 1/88-11/89, Director of National Decision Support Group; Led and supervised
`Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems development
`Cognitive Systems, Inc, 5/82-12/88, Vice-president, Technology; Led and supervised numerous
`Artificial Intelligence software development projects including automatic message processing
`products and Conversational Advisory Systems in banking, brokerage, insurance and travel areas
`Schlumberger, 1/80-4/82, Member of Professional Staff; Research and development in applications of
`AI techniques to geology and signal processing
`Bell Laboratories, 4/79-12/80, Member of Technical Staff; Research in natural language processing and
`man-machine interfaces
`Shiang, S.-R.; Rosenthal, S.; Gershman, A.; Carbonell, J. G.; and Oh, J. 2017. Vision-language
`fusion for object recognition. In AAAI, 4603–4610.
`Marujo, L., Ribeiro, R., Gershman, A., de Matos, D.M., Neto, J.P., Carbonell, J. (2017). Event-
`based summarization using a centrality-as-relevance model. Knowledge and Information
`Systems, 50(3), 945.
`Hu, Junjie, Jean Oh, and Anatole Gershman. "Learning Phrasal Lexicons for Robotic Commands
`using Crowdsourcing." arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.02549(2016).
`Chen, Yun-Nung, et al. "Unsupervised user intent modeling by feature-enriched matrix
`factorization." 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
`(ICASSP). IEEE, 2016.
`Marujo, Luís, et al. "Exploring events and distributed representations of text in multi-document
`summarization." Knowledge-Based Systems 94 (2016): 33-42.
`Gupta, Dishan, et al. "Unsupervised Phrasal Near-Synonym Generation from Text
`Corpora." AAAI. 2015.
`Luís Marujo, Ricardo Ribeiro, David Martins de Matos, João P. Neto, Anatole Gershman, Jaime
`Carbonell (2015). “Extending a Single-Document Summarizer to Multi-Document: a Hierarchical
`Approach”. Proceedings of *SEM2015: the 4th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational
`Amazon.com, Inc. et al. v. VB Assets, LLC
`Tydykov, M., Zeng, M., Gershman, A., & Frederking, R. (2015). Interactive Learning with
`TREE: Teachable Relation and Event Extraction System. In Natural Language Processing and
`Information Systems (pp. 261-274). Springer International Publishing.
`Chen, Y. N., Sun, M., Rudnicky, A. I., & Gershman, A. (2015, November). “Leveraging
`behavioral patterns of mobile applications for personalized spoken language understanding”. In
`Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 83-
`86). ACM.
`[10] Chen, Yun-Nung, et al. "Matrix Factorization with Knowledge Graph Propagation for
`Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding." ACL (1). 2015.
`Luís Marujo, José Portêlo, David Martins de Matos, João P. Neto, Anatole Gershman, Jaime
`Carbonell1, Isabel Trancoso, Bhiksha Raj (2014). Privacy-Preserving Important Passage
`Retrieval. In Proceeding of PIR’14 workshop at SIGIR 2014.
`[12] Marujo, Luís, Joao Paulo Carvalho, Anatole Gershman, Jaime Carbonell, João P. Neto, David
`Martins de Matos, "Textual Event Detection using Fuzzy Fingerprints" Proceedings of the 7th
`International Conference on Intelligent Systems IS'14, IEEE, 2014.
`[13] Marujo, L., Gershman, A., Carbonell, J., Neto, J. P., & de Matos, D. M. (2014). Ensemble
`Detection of Single & Multiple Events at Sentence-Level. arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.6023.
`Tsvetkov, Y., Boystov, L., Gershman, A., Nyberg, E., and Dyer, C. (2014). Metaphor detection
`with cross-lingual model transfer. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for
`Computational Linguistics.
`Levin, L., Mitamura, T., Fromm, D., MacWhinney, B., Carbonell, J., Feely, W., Gershman, A.,
`Ramirez, C., (2014). Resources for the Detection of Conventionalized Metaphors in Four
`Languages. In LREC.
`[16] Yulia Tsvetkov, Elena Mukomel, Anatole Gershman. 2013. Cross-Lingual Metaphor Detection
`Using Common Semantic Features. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Metaphor in NLP,
`pages 45-51, Atlanta, Georgia, 13 June 2013.
`[17] Ricardo Ribeiro, Luis Marujo, David Matos, João P. Neto, Anatole Gershman, Jaime Carbonell.
`2013. Self reinforcement for important passage retrieval. In Proceedings of the 36th international
`ACM SIGIR conference, pages 845-848, Dublin, Ireland, July 2013.
`[18] Marujo, L., Gershman, A., Carbonell, J., de Matos, D. M., & Neto, J. P. (2013). Co-Multistage of
`Multiple Classifiers for Imbalanced Multiclass Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6597.
`Luis Marujo, Anatole Gershman, Jaime Carbonell, Robert Frederking, and Joao P. Neto. 2012.
`Supervised Topical Key Phrase Extraction of News Stories using Crowdsourcing, Light Filtering
`and Co-reference Normalization. Conference Proceedings LREC 2012.
`Luis Marujo, Ricardo Ribeiro, David Martins de Matos, Joao P. Neto, Anatole Gershman and
`Jaime Carbonell. 2012 Key Phrase Extraction of Lightly Filtered Broadcast News. In Text,
`Speech and Dialogue, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012, Volume 7499/2012, Springer
`Luis Marujo, Miguel Bugalho, Joao P. Neto, Anatole Gershman, and Jaime Carbonell. 2011.
`Hourly Traffic Prediction of News Stories. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Context-aware
`Recommender Systems (CEUR-CARS’11).
`[22] Gershman, A., Wolfe, T., Fink, E., and Carbonell, J. 2011. News Personalization using Support
`Vector Machines. Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR International Workshop on Enriching
`Information Retrieval (SIGIR-ENIR 2011).
`[23] Kevin Dela Rosa, Rushin Shah, Bo Lin, Anatole Gershman, Robert Frederking. 2011. Topical
`Clustering of Tweets. Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR 3rd Workshop on Social Web Search and
`Mining (SIGIR - SWSM 2011).
`[24] Rushin Shah, Bo Lin, Kevin Dela Rosa, Anatole Gershman, Robert Frederking. 2011. Improving
`Cross-Document Co-Reference with Semi-Supervised Information Extraction Models
`Proceedings of the Symposium on Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing
`(MLSLP 2011).
`[25] Rushin Shah, Bo Lin, Anatole Gershman and Robert Frederking. “SYNERGY: A Named Entity
`Recognition System for Resource-scarce Languages such as Swahili using Online Machine
`Translation.” Proceedings of LREC Workshop on African Language Technology, 2010
`[26] Bo Lin, Rushin Shah, Robert Frederking and Anatole Gershman. “ENCORE: Experiments with a
`Synthetic Entity Co-reference Resolution Tool.” Proceedings of LREC Workshop on Resources
`and Evaluation for Entity Resolution and Entity Management, 2010
`[27] Bo Lin, Rushin Shah, Robert Frederking and Anatole Gershman. “CONE: Metrics for Automatic
`Evaluation of Named Entity Co-reference Resolution.” Proceedings of ACL Workshop on Named
`Entities, 2010
`[28] Gershman, A., Fink, E., Fu, B., and Carbonell, J. “Analysis of uncertain data: Evaluation of given
`hypotheses” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and
`Cybernetics, 2009
`[29] Gershman, A., Fink, E., Fu, B., and Carbonell, J. “Analysis of uncertain data: Selection of probes
`for information gathering” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man,
`and Cybernetics, 2009
`[30] Gershman, A., Ghani, R., Roqueiro, D. and Wei, G. "Trade-offs in the Use of Bayesian Filtering
`for Sensor Fusion" International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data (Sensor-
`KDD'07) –held with ACM SIGKDD (KDD-2007)
`[31] Gershman, A. and Fano, A. “Ubiquitous Services: Extending Customer Relationship
`Management” in Ubiquitous and Pervasive Commerce, George Roussos (editor), Springer, 2006
`[32] Wei, G., Petrushin, V., Gershman, A. “Multiple-camera people localization in an indoor
`environment" Knowledge and Information Systems (2006), 10 (2), 229-241 Springer-Verlag
`London, 2006
`Petrushin, V., Wei, G., Ghani, R., Gershman, A. “Using Bayesian Reasoning from Sensor
`Network for Indoor Surveillance” Pervasive 2006 Workshop Proceedings, Strang, Cahill and
`Quigley (editors), Dublin, Ireland, May 2006
`Petrushin, V., Ghani, R., Gershman, A. “A Bayesian Framework for Robust Reasoning from
`Sensor Networks” 2005 AAAI Spring Symposium on AI Technologies for Homeland Security,
`March 21-23, 2005 Stanford University
`[35] Wei, G., Petrushin, V., Gershman, A. “Multiple-Camera People Localization in a Cluttered
`Environment” Proc. Fifth International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining MDM/KDD 2004,
`pp. 52-60 August 22, 2004, Seattle, WA
`Liongosari, E., Gershman, A., Singh, M. "Supporting Drug Discovery through Knowledge
`Modeling and Integration" Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Management, June 30
`– July 2, 2004, Graz, Austria
`Liongosari, E., Gershman, A., Singh, M. "The Role of Knowledge Modeling in Drug Discovery
`Research" UK Academy for Information Systems 2004 Conference, May 5-7, 2004, Glasgow,
`United Kingdom
`Liongosari, E., Gershman, A., Singh, M. “A New Generation of Digital Library to Support Drug
`Discovery Research” ICEIS-2004, Porto, Portugal April 2004
`[39] Wan, D., Gershman, A. “Protecting People on the Move through Virtual Personal Security”
`International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing (IWUC 20'04), held in conjunction with the
`6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) April 13-14, 2004,
`Porto, Portugal
`[40] Roussos, G., Gershman, A., Kourouthanassis, P. "Ubiquitous Commerce", Editors, UbiComp
`2003 Adjunct Proceedings, 2003
`Liongosari, E., Gershman, A. "Knowledge Discovery by Uncovering Hidden Linkages Among
`Disparate Sources" Biomedical Information Science and Technology Initiative 2003 Symposium,
`National Institute of Health, November 6-7, 2003, Bethesda, Maryland
`[42] Gershman, A. and Fano, A. "Customer Service with Eyes" Proceedings of Workshop on
`Ubiquitous Commerce at Ubicom 2003. October 12-15, Seattle WA, USA, 2003
`[43] Gershman, A. and Lingosari, E. “Can we do better than Google? Using semantics to explore large
`heterogeneous knowledge sources” Keynote, First International Workshop on Semantic Web and
`Databases, Berlin, September 7-8, 2003
`[44] Nebolsky, C., Yee, N. K., Petrushin, V. A. & Gershman, A. V. (2003). Corporate training in
`virtual worlds. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2(6), 2003
`[45] Fano, A. and Gershman, A. “The Future of Business Services in the Age of Ubiquitous
`Computing” Communications of the ACM. 45 (12), 2002
`[46] Wei, G., Petrushin, V., Gershman, A. “From Data to Insight: The Community of Multimedia
`Agents” 3rd International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining (MDM KDD 2002) in
`conjunction with The 8th ACM SIGKDD Intl. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, 23-
`26 July 2002, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; also in Osmar R. Zaiane et el (editors) Mining
`Multimedia and Complex Data, LNAI 2797, Springer, 2002
`[47] Fano, A, Gershman, A., Chung, C. “Personal Media Services: A View of Emerging Media
`Experiences”. Second Workshop on Personalization in Future TV (TV '02) at the Second
`International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-based Systems (AH 2002),
`28 May 2002, Malaga, Spain
`[48] Gershman, A. “Ubiquitous Commerce – Always On, Always Aware, Always Pro-active”
`Proceedings of 2002 IEEE Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2002), Nara,
`Japan, January 2002
`[49] Bryan, D. and Gershman, A. “The Aquarium: A Novel User Interface Metaphor for Large Online
`Stores” Second International Workshop on Web-based Information Visualization (WebVis 2000)
`and Eleventh International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA
`2000). London, UK. September 2000
`[50] Bryan, D. and Gershman, A. “Opportunistic Exploration of Large Consumer Product Spaces”
`Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC ‘99). Denver, CO. November
`[51] Gershman, A., McCarthy, J., Fano, A. “Situated Computing: Bridging the Gap Between Intention
`and Action” Proceeding of the 2-nd IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computing. San
`Francisco, CA. October 1999
`[52] Gershman, A. and Sato, S. "Multimedia Communications and Groupware" in Multimedia,
`Hypermedia, and Virtual Reality Models, Systems, and Application, LNCS, Springer, Berlin,
`1996; also in Proceedings of East-West International Conference on Multimedia, Hypermedia
`and Virtual Reality. Moscow, Russia. September 1994
`[53] Hughes, L, Gottsman, E., Anonio, M., Gershman, A. “Multimedia Consumer Applications on the
`Information Superhighway” Proceeding of the 1994 IEEE Multimedia Conference. Boston, MA.
`May 1994
`[54] Gershman, A. and Sato, S. “Multimedia and Groupware” Proceedings of Groupware ‘94 Boston,
`The Conference Group, Boston, Mass. March 1994
`[55] Lange, B., Gershman, A., Senbetta, G. “Integrated Performance Support for Work Teams”
`Proceedings of Groupware ’93, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, San Jose, Ca. Aug. 1993
`[56] Gershman, A. and Gottsman, E. “Use of Hypermedia for Corporate Knowledge Dissemination”
`Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
`Hawaii. Jan. 1993
`[57] Lange, B., Treleaven, J., Gershman, A. "OMNI: a model for focused collaborative work through
`issue management" Proceedings of the Conference on Organizational Computing Systems,
`Milpitas, CA, USA, 1993
`[58] Lange, B. and Gershman, A. “OMNI: A Corporate Knowledge Environment for Collaborative
`Work” Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and
`Cybernetics. Chicago, IL. Oct. 1992
`[59] Myers, B., Flast, R., Gershman, A., Gottsman, E. “Making Sense of Competitive Intelligence
`with TIGER. - An Information Visualization Tool” Proceedings of SPIE/IS&T Symposium on
`Electronic Imaging 92, San Jose, CA. 1992
`[60] Gershman, A. and Nelson, R. "Applications of Conversational Advisory Systems or Would You
`Buy a Used Car from This Computer" Proceedings of the Fourth Annual AI and Advanced
`Computer Technology Conference, Long Beach, CA, 1988
`[61] Gershman A. and Wolf, T. "The Dynamics of Man-Machine Interaction in a Conversational
`Advisory System" Proceedings of the 1986 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and
`Cybernetics. Atlanta, GA, 1986
`Lytinen, S. and Gershman, A. "ATRANS: Automatic Processing of Money-Transfer Messages"
`Proceedings of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Philadelphia, PA, 1986
`[63] Gershman, A. and Miklos, S. "Multi-Purpose Knowledge Base for Maintenance and Operations:
`Applications to Manpower Planning" Proceedings of the Workshop on Military Applications of
`Expert Systems, Washington, DC, 1985
`[64] Gershman, A. and Wolf, T. "Management of User Expectations in a Conversational Advisory
`System" Proceedings of the Second IEEE Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
`Miami, FL, 1985
`[65] Gershman, A., Johnson, P., Wolf, T. "CD Meets The Real World" Proceedings of the First
`Annual Workshop on Theoretical Issues in Conceptual Information Processing, Atlanta, GA,
`[66] Gershman, A., Lehnert, W., Shwartz, S. "Natural Language Man-Machine Interfaces." Second
`International Congress and Exhibition on Data Bases and Data Banks, Paris, France, 1983
`[67] Gershman, A. "Building a Geological Expert System for Dipmeter Interpretation" Proceedings of
`ECAI-82, Orsay, France, 1982.
`[68] Gershman, A. "A Framework for Conceptual Analyzers." In Strategies for Natural Language
`Processing, W. Lehnert and M. Ringle (eds.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 1982
`[69] Gershman, A. "Figuring Out What the User Wants - Steps Toward an Automatic Yellow Pages
`Assistant" Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
`Vancouver, B.C., 1981.
`[70] Carbonell, J., Cullingford, R., Gershman, A. "Knowledge-Based Machine Translation" IEEE
`Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. July 1981.
`[71] Gershman, A. "Conceptual Analysis of Noun Groups in English" Proceedings of the 5th
`International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, MA, 1977.
`13 US patents issued:
`8,108,369; 7,904,501; 7,593,915; 7,401,734; 7,398,231; 7,194,428; 6,766,947; 6,705,522;
`6,664,980; 6,539,281; 6,401,085; 6,356,905; 6,199,099