`Customer No. 24113
`Patterson Thuente Pedersen, P.A.
`4800 IDS Center
`80 South 8th Street
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`Telephone: 612.349.5766
`Facsimile: 612.349.9266
`Mail Stop Reissue
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Transmitted herewith for filing under 37 CFR. § 1.171 is the continuation reissue patent application of U.S.
`Patent No. 8,292,850 B2
`INVENTOR(S): Howard C. Root, Gregg Sutton, Jeffrey M. Welch and Jason M. Garrity
`Enclosed are:
`[ ]
`[ ]
`[ ]
`[ ]
`Specification and Abstract - 7 pages (from issued patent)
`Drawings- 13 sheets (Figs. 1-22), copies of drawings from issued patent
`Reissue Application Declaration and Power of Attorney
`Consent of Assignee
`Statement Under 37 CFR. 3.73(b)
`Preliminary Amendment
`Information Disclosure Statement
`Copy of U.S. Patent No. 8,292,850 B2
`Other Application Data Sheet, Certificate of Correction
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`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`A nlication as Al'ncndc<l • Par.: 2
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`Paul C. Onderick
`Registration No. 45354
`Page 2
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
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`Paul C. Onderick/Ann Pommier
`Attorney Docket Number:
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`Howard C. Root
`Customer Number:
`Paul C. Onderick/Ann Pommier
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`Document Description
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`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Transmittal Reissue Application
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`Page 7
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`In re the application of:
`Attorney Docket No.: 2005.86USREI7
`Howard C. Root et al.
`Application No.:
`Confirmation No.: Pending
`Examiner: Unassigned
`Group Art Unit: Unassigned
`Mail Stop REISSUE
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Prior to examination, please amend the above-identified application as follows:
`The present amendment comprises the following sections:
`A. Amendments to the Specification
`B. Amendments to the Claims
`C. Remarks
`Please grant any extension of time necessary for entry; cltarge any fee due to Deposit Account No. 16-0631.
`Page 8
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREI7
`In the Specification
`Please substitute the following amended paragraph(s) and/or section(s) (deleted matter is
`shown by strikethrough and added matter is shown by underlining):
`Page 1, section regarding "Related U.S. Applications":
`Related Applications
`This Application is continuation reissue of Application No. 14/195,435 filed March 3,
`2015 which is a continuation reissue of Application No. 14/070.161 which is an application for
`reissue of U.S. Patent 8,292,850 which issued from Application No. 13/359,059, filed January
`26, 2012 entitled "Coaxial Guide Catheter for Interventional Cardiology Procedures" which is a
`divisional of Application No. 12/824, 734, filed June 28, 2010 entitled "Coaxial Guide Catheter
`for Interventional Cardiology Procedures", which is divisional of Application No. 11/416,629,
`filed May 3, 2006 now U.S. Patent 8,048,032 entitled "Coaxial Guide Catheter for Interventional
`Cardiology Procedures" now U.S. Patent 8,142,413; Notice: more than one reissue application
`has been filed for the reissue of Patent 8,292,850; the reissue application are Application Nos.
`14/070,161 filed November I. 2013, now Reissue RE 45380, this application and continuation
`reissue Application Nos. 14/195,385 filed March 3, 2014 now Reissue RE45760, 14/195,413
`filed March 3, 2014 now Reissue RE45776 and 14/195.435 fiJed March 3, 2014.
`Page 9
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREI7
`A detailed listing of all claims that are, or were, in the present application, irrespective of
`whether the claim(s) remain(s) under examination in the application is presented below. The
`claims are presented in ascending order and each includes one status identifier. Those claims not
`cancelled or withdrawn but amended by the current amendment utilize the following notations
`for amendment: 1. deleted matter is shown by brackets; and 2. added matter is shown by
`Page 10
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREI7
`(Cancelled) A system for use with interventional cardiology devices adapted to be
`insertable into a branch artery, the system comprising:
`a guide catheter having a continuous lumen extending for a predefined length from a
`proximal end at a hemostatic valve to a distal end adapted to be placed in the branch artery, the
`continuous lumen of the guide catheter having a circular cross-sectional inner diameter sized
`such that interventional cardiology devices are insertable into and through the continuous lumen
`of the guide catheter; and
`a device adapted for use with the guide catheter, including:
`a flexible tip portion defining a tubular structure and having a
`circular cross-section and a length that is shorter than the predefined length of the continuous
`lumen of the guide catheter, the tubular structure having a cross-sectional outer diameter sized to
`be insertable through the cross-sectional inner diameter of the continuous lumen of the guide
`catheter and defining a coaxial lumen having a cross-sectional inner diameter through which
`interventional cardiology devices are insertable; and
`a substantially rigid portion proximal of and operably connected to, and more
`rigid along a longitudinal axis than, the flexible tip portion and defining a rail_structure without a
`lumen having a maximal cross-sectional dimension at a proximal portion that is smaller than the
`cross-sectional outer diameter of the flexible tip portion and having a length that, when
`combined with the length of the flexible distal tip portion, defines a total length of the device
`along the longitudinal axis that is longer than the length of the continuous lumen of the guide
`catheter, such that when at least a distal portion of the flexible tip portion is extended distally of
`Page 11
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREI7
`the distal end of the guide catheter, at least a portion of the proximal portion of the substantially
`rigid portion extends proximally through the hemostatic valve in common with interventional
`cardiology devices that are insertable into the guide catheter.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 1, wherein the tubular structure includes a distal portion
`adapted to be extended beyond the distal end of the guide catheter while a proximal portion
`remains within the lumen of the guide catheter, such that the device assists in resisting axial and
`shear forces exerted by the interventional cardiology device passed through and beyond the
`coaxial lumen that would otherwise tend to dislodge the guide catheter from the branch artery.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 2, wherein the proximal portion of the tubular structure
`further comprises structure defining a proximal side opening extending for a distance along the
`longitudinal axis, and accessible from a longitudinal side defined transverse to the longitudinal
`axis, to receive the interventional cardiology devices into the coaxial lumen while the proximal
`portion remains within the lumen of the guide catheter.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 3, wherein the proximal side opening includes structure
`defining a full circumference portion and structure defining a partially cylindrical portion.
`Page 12
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREI7
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 1, wherein the tubular structure inc1udes a flexible
`cylindrical distal tip portion and a flexible cylindrical reinforced portion proximal to the flexible
`distal tip portion.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 5, wherein the flexible cylindrical reinforced portion is
`reinforced with metallic elements in a braided or coiled pattern.
`{Cancelled) The system of c1aim 2, wherein the flexible cylindrical distal tip portion
`further comprises a radiopaque marker proximate a distal tip.
`(Cancel1ed) The system of claim 1, wherein the cross-sectional inner diameter of the
`coaxial lumen of the tubular structure is not more than one French smaller than the cross(cid:173)
`sectional inner diameter of the guide catheter.
`(CancelJed) The system of claim 1, wherein the substantially rigid portion includes from
`distal to proximal direction, a cross-sectional shape having a full circumference portion, a
`hemicylindrical portion and an arcuate portion.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim l, wherein the predefined length of the guide catheter is
`about 100 cm and the total length of the device is about 125 cm.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 1, further comprising a kit that includes the guide
`catheter and the device in a common sterile package.
`Page 13
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREI7
`(Cancelled) A system for use with interventional cardiology devices adapted to be
`insertable into a branch artery, the system comprising:
`a guide catheter having a continuous lumen extending for a predefined length from a
`proximal end at a hemostatic valve to a distal end adapted to be placed in the branch artery, the
`continuous lumen of the guide catheter having a circular cross-section and a cross-sectional inner
`diameter sized such that interventional cardiology devices are insertable into and through the
`continuous lumen of the guide catheter; and
`a device adapted for use with the guide catheter, including:
`an elongate structure having an overall length that is longer than the predefined
`length of the continuous lumen of the guide catheter, the elongate structure including:
`a flexible tip portion defining a tubular structure and having a
`circular cross-section that is smaller than the circular cross-section of the continuous lumen of
`the guide catheter and a length that is shorter than the predefined Length of the continuous lumen
`of the guide catheter, the flexible tip portion having a cross-sectional outer diameter sized to be
`insertable through the cross-sectional inner diameter of the continuous lumen of the guide
`catheter and defining a coaxial lumen having a cross-sectional inner diameter through which
`interventional cardiology devices are insertable;
`a reinforced portion proximal to the flexible tip portion; and
`a substantially rigid portion proximal of, connected to, and more rigid along a
`longitudinal axis than, the flexible tip portion and defining a rail structure without a lumen
`having a maximal cross-sectional dimension at a proximal portion that is smaller than the cross-
`Page 14
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREI7
`sectional outer diameter of the flexible tip portion, such that when at least a distal portion of the
`flexible tip portion is extended distally of the distal end of the guide catheter with at least
`proximal portion of the reinforced portion remaining within the continuous lumen of the guide
`catheter, at least a portion of the proximal portion of the substantially rigid portion extends
`proximally through the hemostatic valve in common with interventional cardiology devices that
`are insertable into the guide catheter.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 12, wherein, when the distal portion of the flexible tip
`portion is insertable through the continuous lumen of the guide catheter and beyond the distal
`end of the guide catheter, the device assists in resisting axial and shear forces exerted by an
`interventional cardiology device passed through and beyond the coaxial lumen that would
`otherwise tend to dislodge the guide catheter from the branch artery.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 12, wherein the substantially rigid portion further
`includes a partially cylindrical portion defining an opening extending for a distance along a side
`thereof defined transverse to a longitudinal axis that is adapted to receive an interventional
`cardiology device passed through continuous lumen of the guide catheter and into the coaxial
`lumen while the device is inserted into the continuous lumen, the opening extending substantially
`along at least a portion of a length of the substantially rigid portion.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 12, wherein, after the device is inserted into the
`continuous lumen of the guide catheter, the device presents an overall effective length of a
`Page 15
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREI7
`coaxial lumen through which an interventional cardiology device may be inserted while utilizing
`only a single hemostatic valve and without any telescoping structure preassembled prior to the
`device being inserted into the continuous lumen of the guide catheter.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 12, the device further comprising a radiopaque marker
`proximate the distal portion of the flexible tip portion.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 12, wherein the reinforced portion of the device is
`reinforced with metallic elements in a braided or coiled pattern.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 12, wherein the cross-sectional inner diameter of the
`coaxial lumen of the flexible distal portion is not more than one French smaller than the cross(cid:173)
`sectional inner diameter of the guide catheter.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 12, wherein the substantially rigid portion includes,
`from distal to proximal, a cross-sectional shape having a full circumference portion, a
`hemicylindrical portion and an arcuate portion.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 12, wherein the elongate structure includes, starting at
`the distal portion of the flexible distal portion, at least a first portion having a first flexural
`modulus, a second portion having a second flexural modulus greater than the first flexural
`Page 16
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREI7
`modulus, and a third portion having a third flexural modulus greater than the second flexural
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 20, in which the first flexural modulus is about 13,000
`PSI plus or minus 5000 PSI, the second flexural modulus is about 29,000 PSI plus or minus
`10,000 PSI, and the third portion flexural modulus is about 49,000 PSI plus or minus 10,000 PSI.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 20, in which the first portion is about 0.1 cm in length,
`the second portion is about three cm in length, and the third portion is about five cm in length.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 12, wherein the predefined length of the guide catheter
`is about 100 cm and the total length of the device is about 125 cm.
`(Cancelled) The system of claim 12, further comprising a kit that includes the guide
`catheter and the device in a common sterile package.
`Please add new claims 25-45 as follows:
`(New) A method of forming a device adapted for use with a guide catheter
`having a lumen, the method comprising:
`providing a tip segment having a lumen therethrough;
`providing a reinforced segment having a lumen therethrough, including one or more
`metallic elements covered with a polymer, and extending from a proximal end
`Page 17
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREI7
`portion to a distal end portion, the proximal end portion more rigid than the tip
`providing a substantially rigid segment extending from a proximal end portion to a distal
`end portion:
`eccentrically coupling the distal end portion of the substantially rigid segment and the
`proximal end portion of the reinforced segment; and
`coaxially coupling the distal end portion of the reinforced segment and a proximal end
`portion of the tip segment,
`wherein providing the substantially rigid segment, the reinforced segment, and the tip
`segment includes forming a device length such that when a distal end portion of
`the tip segment is extended distally of a distal end of the guide catheter, at least
`part of the proximal end portion of the substantially rigid segment extends
`proximaHy of a proximal end of the guide catheter.
`(New) The method of claim 25. wherein providing the substantially rigid
`segment includes providing a first outer dimension at the proximal end portion and
`providing a second outer dimension at the distal end portion. the second outer dimension
`being greater than the first outer dimension.
`(New) The method of claim 25. wherein providing the substantially rigid
`segment includes forming one or more relief openings at its distal end portion.
`(New) The method of claim 27. further comprising forming the one or more
`relief openings to include a first relief opening and a second relief opening, the openings
`being spaced apart from one another.
`(New) The method of claim 25, wherein providing the substantially rigid
`segment includes forming or obtaining a hypotube or a metal rail structure.
`Page 18
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREl7
`(New) The method of claim 25, wherein providing the substantially rigid
`segment and the reinforced segment includes, starting at the distal end portion of the
`reinforced segment and moving proximally toward the proximal end portion of the
`substantia1ly rigid segment, forming or obtaining at least a first structure having a first
`flexural modulus and a second structure having a second flexural modulus, the second
`flexural modulus greater than the first flexural modulus.
`(New) The method of claim 25, wherein providing the reinforced segment
`includes covering one or more braided or coiled metallic elements with the polymer.
`(New) The method of claim 31, wherein a length of the one or more braided or
`coiled metallic elements is in a range of20 centimeters to 30 centimeters.
`(New) The method of claim 25, wherein providing the reinforced segment
`includes forming or obtaining a reinforced segment including a lumen having a uniform
`inner diameter that is not more than one French smaller than an inner diameter of the
`lumen of the guide catheter.
`(New) The method of claim 33, wherein the lumen of the reinforced segment is
`configured to receive one or more stents or balloon catheters when the proximal end
`portion of the reinforced segment is positioned within the lumen of the guide catheter and
`the distal end portion of the tip segment extends beyond the distal end of the guide
`(New) The method of claim 25, wherein providing one or both of the reinforced
`segment and the tip segment includes lining the lumens thereof with
`Page 19
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREI7
`(New) The method of claim 25, wherein providing the tip segment includes
`providing a tip segment formed of a low durometer polymer or an elastomeric material.
`{New) The method of claim 36, wherein providing the tip segment includes
`covering a marker with the low durometer polymer or the elastomeric material.
`(New) A method of forming a device adapted for use with a guide catheter
`having a lumen, the method comprising:
`providing a tip segment having a lumen therethrough;
`providing a reinforced segment including one or more metallic elements covered with a
`polymer and having a lumen for coaxial placement with the lumen of the tip
`providing a substantially rigid segment extending from a proximal end portion to a distal
`end portion, the distal end portion including at least part of a side opening
`extending for a distance along a longitudinal axis of the device and accessible
`from a longitudinal side, defined transverse to the longitudinal axis, to receive a
`balloon catheter or stent;
`coupling the distal end portion of the substantially rigid segment and a proximal end
`portion of the reinforced segment; and
`coupling a distal end portion of the reinforced segment and a proximal end portion of the
`tip segment,
`wherein providing the substantially rigid segment, the reinforced segment, and the tip
`segment includes, starting at the distal end portion of the tip segment and moving
`proximally toward the proximal end portion of the substantially rigid segment,
`forming or obtaining at least a first structure having a first flexural modulus, a
`second structure having a second flexural modulus greater than the first flexural
`Page 20
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREI7
`modulus, and a third structure having a third flexural modulus greater than the
`second flexural modulus.
`{New) The method of claim 38, wherein forming or obtaining the first structure
`having the first flexural modulus includes forming a structure having a flexural modulus
`of about 13,000 PSI plus or minus 5,000 PSI, wherein forming or obtaining the second
`structure having the second flexural modulus includes forming a structure having a
`flexural modulus of about 29,000 PSI plus or minus I 0,000 PSI, and wherein forming or
`obtaining the third structure having the third flexural modulus includes forming a
`structure having a flexural modulus of about 49.000 PSI plus or minus I 0,000 PSI.
`(New) The method of claim 38. wherein providing the side opening includes
`providing an angled entrance to the lumen of the reinforced segment. the angled entrance
`originating at the distal end portion of the substantially rigid segment and extending
`distally into the proximal end portion of the reinforced segment.
`(New) The method of claim 38. wherein providing the side opening includes
`forming an arcuate cross-sectional shape having a length of about 15 centimeters.
`(New) The method of claim 38, wherein providing the side opening includes
`forming, in a proximal to distal direction, an arcuate cross-sectional shape and a
`hemicylindrical cross-sectional shape.
`(New) The method of claim 38, wherein providing the side opening includes
`forming a concave track extending for a length in a range of about 20 centimeters to
`about 75 centimeters.
`Page 21
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREI7
`(New) The method of claim 38. wherein providing the side opening includes
`forming a first inclined sidewall with a first slope and forming a second inclined sidewall
`with a second slope, which is different than the first slope.
`(New) The method of claim 38. wherein providing the substantially rigid
`segment. the reinforced segment, and the tip segment includes forming a device cross(cid:173)
`sectional size and shape configured to be passed, at least in part. into the lumen of the
`guide catheter.
`Page 22
`Medtronic Exhibit 1003
`Attorney Docket No. 2005.86USREl7
`Claims 1-24 are pending. By this Amendment, claims 1-24 are cancelled, no claims are
`amended and new claims