`The GuideLinerW “mud” catheter
`in percuianecus intarn‘enti
`8959‘ e the advancemmt
`proce ares inducmg newer stem? am new ‘ fen; systems
`faxiwe fr) ,
`=ver a stem to the fame? Region, especiaiiy if art
`WM! cvmmex andmmy, var
`a com-“rum problem. Va
`r mug-3 have been used 1:) some or
`refiner hep with the.
`inducimg Straightening the artery with a second "be-my”
`“buddy" baboon iar‘
`61’ and vore supaert‘ve guici
`. 0’ deep :nmm'iw Wm *he gm (Mg cathemr for back u:
`support. HIE Hm’IWaK i: (femr'm,
`izykyi), Japan} “we an EX
` " also called ”matter and mid", caéh'cte: s;
`,nwlving Eh»:
`insertion ofa flexible timed extra engih (129ml) 5 Fr catheter far
`Geezer ir‘tubation with ext'a ”new Lp support has C“
`in the literature: and is an ac
`“ed ter.
`Lie for mproving
`squC-ri am as: ivering slenlg in diff‘mil c
`_ More recenty, a
`beer" “induced:
` new Vd“
`sue m caihe‘tes‘ was
`GuiceLiner‘” (Vascuw Solutions, Mwmeamfis, MN, USN The
`device rere ved CE marking in Septembe" 2009
`Device am? tethiticai {fetafls
`: with the
`The GuidoLir‘Um cathota is a mafia! guide 0x
`convenience 3f (and cxcha-‘ge‘
`=n diff cu‘t am Cfiaiicnging
`intemamans gude ca'h
`re have a tendew tc back CM of the
`artery wheres-Q The (.
`,iner‘“ slinws gm
`1n into We
`59! h)" deep seeing,
`;:~1£i£e<3 mnther
`i3 use‘bi ir Ctiienging intewer‘ «ms and ‘Ur and ex
`“seed 0‘
`flexib e 20 cm 53:5th guic‘e ext;
`, conneczed t: a steiniess steak push tube wt”: 3 "
`r- be depcyed throum the exismg \‘la
`te' for mm
`my: ueivew (Figure 1),
`'ere the Heaztraié xihaer, the
`CuiceLiner” does» no? increase {he werali g;id:ng carafe! ierg 2‘
`«:‘ciivcrcd though standax‘ gwdc :a:hctcrs, rcsut‘ng in ar me“
`C' tamct-
`Ximateiy me F'C
`"h Size smaller thar the
`'5 a
`guide. The GU define”M is :urranily a‘
`mole m three 3x393: 54176
`,d?‘ intereai niamete’) and 7'
` {0.056 Meme! diameter}, (33W? {CL
`”1-8 (O 071” ifiternak diatrretev’).
`The extcx‘mion is 20 cm Song be: a maxmw’s ex
`o 01‘me 1:) cm
`yiene t ?H; 19mm mere 6 midc‘
`:Iex'hiilv wh'ze ’eta'ning rajiai
`bioekamidcéP ‘ ~x) palyt‘nci'extusicrt{5&17’10
`guide ca-Jw e:. are dues notsofien azbodg‘ mperature)
`matere a
`There ii- a <ad‘c spams mark? 30' ‘ 3' 0,105"
`{2.66 Wm for? The fip
`:emisn is
`rec to the pusfi U be With a
`.mer Lhe wiiar wivzin Lhe guide
`“ovum": gudew‘ram
`’15 and Ste
`Eez’ (Figures 1 and 2), The
`New througi‘x 1: gqide is des
`j to
`D: $th in ryderto prevent siippage wimin the guade catheter. were 66
`Mike momming mart/31's on the rum tube at 9% 63m (cm ‘9) 4nd 105
`C’TX (CC. JE) to asaist in D‘acement through the guide (
`33163563523011?) “ff.“ 3.138
`actvup gui‘co sugpor‘:
`4 seating for addfl
`‘ wary eases to faewlitaie device demery
`‘ rmen‘r when H'regsJIar com-"aw osfium L
`prevents guide {m
`has 0:" the GuideLirer’” caiheier :5 :cr‘ira”‘dicated ir «355613 with
`lemma!" 3 5.5 mm diameter.
`in :315330'*€ing
`Téps am: tfickx fer aptfmai perfermance
`L The ‘3
`L-nerw shou‘d CE éf‘se'LSd ‘ntoahe guide cav'etewver
`a 0.011;" primary guidewzre to a maxxrrum of 10 CV77 teyond the
`geidc tip m 31 moms-copy at} in no caSc [’JTI'E than 20 cm to
`prevent the meta! coHa‘ from exiting me gu diwg catheier.
`/ "”4, Leis! Hoapfddi/ Siewndge SCI 4A8, mama’s/rare, Urwecj
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`Teleflex Ex. 2067
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`200m rapid exchange section
`tRapidzgxr-g r
`Frure 1. We GuideUnerW Catheter. 777:5 cansists a.‘ a ijaxrbfe 20 cm strargnt guide extensron r-snnecre-s’ to a stainless 5:96! push Moe.
`‘ radiapaque marker 2.66 mm fircm riot Arrows.- wht
`positron/fig markers 21’ 94 cm rising'e armw} and Z05 cm (double arrows)
`Or) initial ‘nsertimn of the GudeLmerW, :“
`pusf‘t-ror; stzwld
`as oriented =n a raters: :5 tior- within the guidmg catheter and
`ghmgid 1‘8 advanced ‘wtt'fiin {he gr) 2mg catheter WHOM ratation
`to avod wadping the gLidsw re arourd it.
` the G: J rrwr M in t! e (mummy artery "an ha
` 4 by using an uniirftatcc baioon catheter over the
`orimary WW: mic) cistai vessel ~ f necessary thit» :ar fhcn be
`.nflated a: the target leaaor to act as an anchor, mowed by gentle
`adva cemert of the GuideLmer”“‘.
`‘ Shonid the arm ‘ {mar the mummy gm“
`11. S?
`the CuidetinerN as secondary ‘
`tray wrat) armr‘d the
`3aéchincr“"-” ;
`3‘ tut); obstpgtirg 5t~crtt ir‘s<3t‘:.50"r,
`' ’cug‘h
`in case of re ‘ Ence write inserting a guidewrs er stem:
`the Gurrjeijner‘”, as ‘Gcatror at he w r? o stem Sr re‘atimsmp
`To the meta} enter at The (amdet :ner'M SETIUM be checked and
` treat.
`the stem: inspecte; far Sigrs 0f dame e grim to re,
` semen y
`thatgccursafiorv _ imartQL‘tho COL. "
`.3, Ensure «I e :3 .oination of me wire and stem: is :c-r-matibte
`M“ *m: intema d-emeter ofthe (5r idei'rter W
`3 if a s
`:iary wire is zrr USE, «t
`k H)! wi’e wwpi’ '3 of 'he
`'wire arou’d :he GuideLinerT“. if so w my eiaher
`g at, or
`puking back the seconda'y Mrs or re "dva
`sertion) is SHE in
`primary wwe (paced bet
`ptace cm: der ecvamng the start over the primary we.
`if a giant cantimes to enCQLJnt-er resistanc at the met,
`e 36 cm and 2:3; ze—put: the 31m: and gudewive back t:
`acvariing the 5 mt a, ;
`gu dcwirc ton L
`if res tar‘
`of damage
`r Mtge the gm swire
`«fewer/”R We mortars/i Gsfldeuner
`figure 2’ enserfl'an 3f fhe
`catheter is rnsertez’ mo 3 g ding Cathie! over a guisem’e (SW) {1).
`ONCE ads/areas! into five guidmg caffiefer.
`the SUideLr‘ner push tube
`(limits! exgaerience
`cgr’ be Edi/awed urhé‘s‘ holding the G W in macs (ii). The Gu‘rfmjner
`can he advert t .d up to 70 cm beyond me g "d b
`fer min (;
`5‘ ’4 yearold oajc—nt W h “MOUS 00m“
`Baltic-07:5 0' starts (5? car as advanced 3/0ng the guidewire {
`2303 M
`fiver-g} {he GuideLma; [U the target 3030!? (V1
`{Nb} PM;
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`(LAD)andatightstenos‘s‘rihE Circurrf’iax ost'urr.Th& grafimthe LAC
`was occluc’ed 3x {here was a patent jump graft to an Ciiuse margifial
`and :Ostefiar descending artery; The right coronary artery (RCA) was
`wfwmd t:
`"‘mwc‘iy using a 6 Fr awatl” ‘
`Tamera! may: Init‘aT'y a wockey stick guflng cat
`EiiiA weathen Wired u< r-g a BMW wire {Abba-“r \f
`CA, LEA ) an: pre'czlated wi‘rh a ’25 )1 L5 Maverxck méimn (Bos‘rcn
`Sciemfic, Nam, MA, USA) figures 3c am SO}. Hmeve, due: to a
`commazion of CC
`‘ficaiicn ant tortuosit-g. a stem some not be deiive'ed‘
`After gutthex' @3300 with a 303 15 mm Maverick balhxun,
`it was 5m:
`impossible to acvance a stem. There*0r'e. a GudeLiner’“ CBTI‘S’BF was
`flamed No the T»
`deployed through the ALT gude and
`- RCA 0 an:
`n delwety (Figw’e Be). This enabhsd we easy depio,.nem o $qu
`overTapymg drug—»,Tu 5 51‘:
`t’ Tom W” m"“VCS°CI
`t” the 0°: W
`(3.5 x 15 mm.
`L8 mm, 35:23 mn‘ am 3.3;;8 Win; 312 Prm v5;
`Boston Scie
`(3, Mick, MA, USA)_ The, overtaps were UQSMTIETQC wit?"
`a 3 5x8 rr‘rri nozHprhan‘i mzm: (Guamur‘: Maw-tuck; Basin!“
`x V *,\
`Q a
`,y T»;
`mam“ Manx», MA, LLA, a Tim The 05qu LTRLH was wbljddteu
`and flame” with a 4 :48 'nm non‘ccmpiiam 331'
`. ar‘mm Mave’ick;
`”"1“ a
`,1 W159:
`Ecgon 309T t: m, N {Us MFA, Lol‘x}
`T 3 Cd a £09?me re
` '9 3f}. The patent was damaged the fUI=owing day with
`acmeved (Fig
`no mmphcamns.
`CW CCTV? W55 :mpoesibic (£05333 “‘3 v59 0T ’3
`:g the GuideL‘nerTV‘, if?portive guiding caihete By
`sien: was cepioyed e
`y and EL:
`siully becausg of the extra,
`back 1m “ 1mm and
`a mmbaiim Anthem any «:isplacemenf of
`the guide Latr’xtier or she wire or any vessel :x'aumaT
`a 78W alternatwe for Den‘orming
`The CudeLinsr’M arm/ids
`ccmpiex intewentiona. Ben:
`1. Deco seating with a 5t"aig‘»':i, higfly flexblc guice extension
`7 Unl’e deep intubation of a guijmg :a hater. these ’3 no array
`' the vessel.
`‘vz'veio paientellydamageand digs
`7 Coil bi: bone ps’ovdos SUPCHC” floxxbwiy whi @- vtaining t’adiai
`Ix). The Jewce any ieduce° ihe Tu’new by azprox-rreteiy one French
`Wm gm: fig through 3 5 D Gunginer'M
`Seyman? Thrmgh The
`{3 9mm nge alas
`ah. valve whim e
`ndifig ‘he gaming whet? k.— ¥
`afd 3-0 30.33 wt m” the Lsaulo ‘cngih mt bazjafjpg and wins
`ifar‘yl—h‘x’x’hen onewor’temg usemcmoqbie“tuficyflwngm
`Tamale stem advan/ mam amass a Zr’zag'iy (:55
`{zed aria; (Lawyer
`Camiomsr Wary
`2. Takahasm 8, Saw 8 Ta
`- Y, Shtono T, A71? F.
`Domae H. Safer
`Imh T New rr
`Jease c bacvur
`“ rt nf
`a b Harm gmmg caranary (a '66“ catheter bammm We”,
`2034;63:452 a,
`3. Sr‘aklkaT n A-BUSLaH M Oilg PJ, Jim-‘1“?IUIdTUCCW‘éTUF—“Jbé‘ QT
`6 5 French g
`:g catheter in a 6 French guiding catheter. J InvasJJE
`Cardio’ 2008103178.
`e’i Mamas MA Fem—Crdmbadi S, Fraae’ D Succefis‘u! use of We
`Heaman m catheter as a stem deiivery catheter $0340“!ng failure 0* cm—
`vermonef 'PUTF'TQUBS. Caflzsier Czirwovaus Mew 2008:7135
`* MET—Or arm “
`flcarzra‘ T= Cb.
`I detivem device an eflemed Case series Euro Rweflbm
` Q
`" giogram of the rv'gm carowary emery {c} Using an Amp/at: Left 1 guide, We
`. a; '
`Figure 3. cubical use a? the Gm
`fesions were crossed with a BMW wire. {(1) The resigns wow 0700;13th but a sfenf could no? be: aavanced,
`{C} The GuideLifich {anew} was
`advanced [In to the his/an f0 allaw depioyment of the sfenf (arrowhead). (1‘; Final angrograr fa resuft
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