`Third edition
`Sterile hypodermic needles for single use
`Aiguiiies hypodermiques sfériies, nan réuriiisabies
`Reference number
`ISO 7864:1993(E‘,
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.001


`ISO 7864:1993{E)
`Scope .................................................................................................
`2 Normative references .......................................................................
`3 Nomenclature
`4 Cleanliness
`Limits for acidity or alkalinity
`Limits for extractable metals
`Size designation
`8 Colour coding
`.................................................... :......................
`9 Needle hub
`11 Needle tube
`12 Needle point
`A Method for preparation of extracts
`Example of method for determination of fragment production from
`rubber closures
`Symbol for "do not re—use"
`to use
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication mayr be reproduced or utilized in any form
`or by any means, electronic or mechanical. including photocopylng and microfilm, without
`permission In writing from the publisher.
`International Organization for Standardization
`Case Postale 56 0 CH-1211 Geneva 20 4' Switzerland
`Printed In Switzerland
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.002


`ISO 7854:1993lE)
`ISO {the international Organization for Standardization) Is a worldwide
`federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work
`of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
`technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
`which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
`represented on that committee.
`International organizations. govern-
`mental and non-governmental. in liaison with ISO. also take part In the
`ISO collaborates closely with the international Electrotechnical
`Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
`Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
`circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Inter-
`national Standard requires approval by at least 'r'5 “/9 of the member
`bodies casting a vote.
`International Standard ISO 7864 was prepared by Technical Committee
`ISOITC 84. Medical devices
`injections, Sub-Committee SC 1.
`Syringes. needles and intravascular catheters for single use.
`(ISO Y354:1983], of which it constitutes a technical revision.
`The major dilferences betwaen this edition and the 1988 edition are as
`a) This international Standard specifies the use of needle tubing com-
`plying with lSO 9525. As
`for metallic materials.
`stillness, resistance to breakage and resistance to corrosion are
`given in ISO 9626,
`they have been deleted from this International
`Standard. The preparation of ISO 9826 has also allowed the intro-
`duction of new, smaller outside diameters of needle tubing and of
`tubing of thin- and extra-thIn-walled types into this international
`In order to avoid inhibiting innovation, this International
`Standard no longer recommends combinations of needle diameter
`and length.
`b} Additional information and guidance have been introduced on needle
`point geometry and fragmentation properties. and the limited num-
`ber of tests for toxicity given in the 1988 edition has been replaced
`by an informative annex that lists a significantly greater number of
`relevant biological tests.
`c} This International Standard permits the use on package labelling of
`the ISO symbol for “do not re—use". but continues to require the
`written word. Manufacturers are encouraged to use the symbol so
`as to increase familiarity with it among purchasers and users.
`Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard. Annexes
`B, C and D are for information only.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.003


`ISO 7364:1993isi
`This International Standard covers sterile hypodermic needles intended
`for single use primarily In humans.
`This international Standard does not give requirements or test methods
`for freedom from biological hazard because international agreement
`upon the methodology and the passffail criteria is incomplete. Guidance
`on biological
`tests relevant
`to hypodermic needles
`is given in
`ISO 10993-1, and it is suggested that manufacturers take this guidance
`into account when evaluating products. Such an evaluation should in-
`clude the effects of the process whereby the needles are sterilized.
`However, national regulations may exist in some countries, and these
`will override the guidance in ISO 10993-1.
`Plastics materials to be used for the construction of needles are not
`specified as their selection will depend to some extent upon the design.
`process of manufacture and method of sterilization employed by indi-
`vidual manufacturers. The materials should be compatible with injection
`fluids included in relevant pharmacopoeiae.
`Hypoderrnic needles specified in this International Standard are in-
`tended for use with hypodermic syringes specified in ISO 595 and
`ISO 7386-1. They will also fit syringes of types 1 and 2 specified in
`ISO 3537.
`In some countries, national pharmacopoeiae or government regulations
`are legally binding and their requirements may take precedence over
`this International Standards
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.004


`ISO 7864:1993(E)
`Sterile hypodermic needles for single use
`1 Scope
`This International Standard specifies requirements
`for sterile hypodermic needles for single use of
`nominal outside diameters 0,3 mm and 1.2 mm.
`It does not apply to dental needles.
`2 Normative references
`The following standards contain provisions which,
`through reference in this text, constitute provisions
`of this international Standard. At the time of publi-
`cation, the editions indicated were valid. All stan‘
`dards are subject
`to revision,
`and parties
`agreements based on this International Standard
`are encouraged to investigate the possibility of ap-
`plying the most recent editions of the standards in~
`dicated below. Members oi [EC and ISO maintain
`registers of currently valid International Standards.
`ISO 5944:1986, Conical fittings with a 6 ”/3 {Liter} ta-
`per lor syringes, needles and certain other medical
`equipment -— Part
`t: General requirements.
`150 594-21991, Conical fittings with a 6 9-6 (Luerl ta-
`per for syringes, needles and certain other medical
`equipment — Part 2: Lock fillings.
`ISO 3696:1987, Water for analytical laboratory use —
`Specification and test methods.
`iSO 8801:1988, Data elements and interchange lor-
`mats — information interchange — Representation of
`dates and times.
`ISO 9626:1991, Stainless steel needle tubing for the
`manufacture or medical devices.
`3 Nomenclature
`The nomenclature for components of hypodermic
`needles for single use is shown in figuret together
`with the designation for length l; nomenclature for
`needle points is shown in Figure 2.
`4 Cleanliness
`When inspected by normal or corrected-to-normal
`vision without magnification under an illuminance
`of 300 Ix to 700 Ix. the surface of the hypodermic
`needle tube shall appear free from particles and
`extraneous matter.
`When examined under 3:: 2.5 magnification, the hub
`socket shall appear free from particles and extrane-
`ous matter.
`5 Limits for acidity or alkalinity
`When determined with a laboratory pH meter and
`using a general purpose electrode. the pH value of
`an extract prepared in accordance with annex A
`shall be within one unit of pH of that of the control
`lSC} 6009:1992, Hypodermic needles for single use a-
`Colour coding for identification.
`6 Limits for extractable metals
`ISO 7886-1:-—". Sterile hypodermic syringes for single
`use — Part 1: Syringes for manual use.
`recognized microanalytical
`When tested by
`[or example by an atomic absorption
`I) To be published.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.005


`ISO recanssats)
`method. an extract prepared in accordance with an»
`nex A shall. when corrected for the metals content
`of the control fluid, contain not greater than a com-
`bined total of 5 mgll of lead. tin, zinc and iron. The
`cadmium content of the extract shall. when cor-
`rected for the cadmium content of the control fluid,
`be lower than 0.1 mgll.
`7 Slze designation
`ance with ISO 3009 applied to the unit container
`and/or part of the needle assembly such as the
`needle hub or the sheath.
`9 Needle hub
`9.1 Conical fitting
`The size of hypodermic needle shall be designated
`by the following:
`The conical socket oi the hypodermic needle hub
`shall be in accordance with ISO 594-1.
`the nominal outside diameter of the needle tube,
`expressed in millimetres;
`If the hub has a locking fitting,
`ance with ISO 594-2.
`it shall be in accord
`b} the nominal length ofthe needle tube, expressed
`in millimetres.
`9.2 Colour of hub
`The size shall be referred to as “the designated
`metric size" and shall be expressed in millimetres.
`The hub shall be made either of pigmented or of
`unpigmented material. prigmented, the colour shall
`be in accordance with ISO 8009.
`8 Colour coding
`The nominal outside diameter or hypodermic nee-
`dles shall be identified by colour coding in accord-
`10 Sheath
`it shall be
`If a separate needle sheath is provided,
`made either of pigmenied or of unpigmented ma-
`If pigmented the colour shall be in accord-
`ance with lSO 6009.
`Jolntlng medium
`Needle tube
`Figure 1 — Example at typical hypodermic needle and sheath for single use
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.006


`Iso marinas)
` iontuEBum3SEEi=3abet“".b35333G
` £95...23Entrance29aJ555..EEE.93banana65331.3:23:3«m
`Figure 2 — Designation oi dimensions and nomenclature of needle paint geometry (see clause 12}
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.007


`Iso 1364:1993(E)
`1 1 Needle tube
`11.1 General
`The needle shall he made of tubing in accordance
`with ISO 9626.
`11.2 Tolerances on length
`The actual length ofthe needle tube (see dimension
`{in figure 1) shall equal the nominal length within the
`tolerances given in table 1.
`needle points shovm are of configurations com-
`monly manufactured: other configurations may be
`equally satisfactory. it may not be necessary to use
`all the dimensions when describing the point con-
`The needle point should be designed so as to mini-
`mize coming and fragmentation when penetrating
`vial closures. This International Standard does not
`specify requirements or test methods for
`properties, but an example of a test method for de-
`termining the production of fragments from rubber
`closures is given in annex B.
`Table 1 - Tolerances on length of needle tube
`Dimensions in millimetres
`1 3 Performance
`Nominal length of needle
`11.3 Freedom from defects
`When examined by normal or corrected vision, the
`needle tube shall appear straight and of regular
`cross-section and wall thickness.
`11.4 Lubricant
`if the hypodermic needle tube is lubricated,
`lubricant shall not be visible. under normal or cor-
`rected vision. as droplets of fluid on the outside or
`inside surfaces of the needle tube.
`An acceptable lubricant, applied undiluted,
`polydimelhyisiloxane complying with a national or the
`European pharmacopoeia. The quantity of lubricant used
`should not exceed 0.25 mg per square centimetre of the
`surface area of the needle tube.
`12 Needle point
`When examined under N 2,5 magnification. the nee-
`dle point shall appear sharp and free from feather
`edges, burrs and hooks.
`The needle point usually has a bevel with a
`primary bevel angle of
`(11 $3" (as
`illustrated in
`figure2}. but a “short" bevel with other angle, eg.
`(1? :l_- 2)“. may be provided.
`The designation of needle point dimensions and the
`nomenclature used to describe the dimensions and
`features is shown for information in figure 2. The
`13.1 Bond between hub and needle tube
`The union of the hub and needle tube shall not be
`broken by the minimum force given in table2 ap—
`plied as push or pull
`in the direction of the needle
`Table 2 - Force to test bond between hub and
`needle tube
`Nominal outside diameter
`of needle
`13.2 Patency of lumen
`The patency of the lumen shall be such that either
`a) a stainless steel stylet of the appropriate diam-
`eter selected from the diameters given in table3
`shall pass through the needle; or
`b} the rate of flow of water throUQh the needle un-
`hydrostatic pressure
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.008


`ISO 7864:1993(E)
`1 x 105 Pa” shall be not less than 80 % of that of
`a needle of equivalent outside diameter and
`length having a minimum inside diameter in ac-
`cordance with ISO 9528 when tested under the
`same pressure.
`d} that once opened. the container cannot be easily
`rescaled. and it should be obvious that the con-
`tainer has been opened.
`14.2 Secondary container
`Table 3 — Size of style! to test patency of lumen
`Dimensions in millimetres
`One or more primary containers shalt be packaged
`in a secondary container.
`Diameter of stylet
`for needle
`oi normal-
`for needle
`for needle
`diameter of
`The secondary container should be sufficiently ro-
`bust to protect the contents during handling, transit
`and storage.
`One or more secondary containers may be pack-
`aged in a storage andfor a transit container.
`15 Labelling
`15.1 Primary container
`The primary container shall be marked with at least
`the following information:
`a) a description of the contents, including the des-
`ignated metric size in accordance with clause 7:
`the word “STERiLE”;
`the lot number, prefixed by the word "LOT“;
`d} the name or trade-mark or trade-name or logo
`of the manufacturer or supplier.
`15.2 Secondary container
`The secondary container shall be marked with at
`least the following information:
`a) a description of the contents. including the des-
`ignated metric size in accordance with clause 7,
`the number,
`the type or angle of bevel (see
`clause 12) and.
`if appropriate, the words "thin-
`walied" or “extra—thin-wailed" or equivalent or
`an abbreviation:
`the word “STERiLE";
`the words "FOR SINGLE USE“ or equivalent {ex-
`cepting the term ”disposable");
`The symbol given in annex C may ad-
`ditionally be given.
`d) a warning to check the integrity of each primary
`container before use;
`14 Packaging
`14.1 Primary container
`Each hypodermic needle shall be sealed in a pri-
`mary container. The material and design of this
`container shall be such as to ensure that the colour
`coding of the contents is visible.
`The materials of the container should not have det-
`rimental effects on the contents. The materials and
`design of this container should be such as to ensure
`a} the maintenance oi sterility oi the contents under
`dry, clean and adequately ventilated storage
`b} the minimum risk of contamination of the con-
`tents during removal from the container;
`the contents during
`c) adequate protection of
`normal handling. transit and storage;
`the lot number. prefixed by the word "LOT":
`1 standard atmosphere (aim) = 101 325 Pa
`1 technical atmosphere (an = 98 066.5 Pa
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.009


`ISO 7354:1993(E)
`the date (year and month expressed as specified
`ISO 8601:1933)
`b} the lot number, prefixed by the word "LOT“;
`the word "STERILE":
`The date of sterilization may be incorpor-
`ated in the first several digits of the lot number.
`d} the date of sterilization as specified in 15.2 f);
`the name and address of the manufacturer or
`information for handling. storage and transpor-
`e} the name and address of the manutacturer or
`information for handling. storage and transpor-
`tation of the contents.
`15.3 Storage container
`If secondary containers are packaged in a storage
`the storage container shall be marked
`with at least the following information:
`a) a description of the contents as specified in
`15.2 a};
`15.4 Transport wrapping
`If a storage container is not used but the secondary
`containers are wrapped for transportation, the in-
`formation required by 15.3 shall either be marked
`on the wrapping or shall be visible through the
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.010


`lSO 1364:1993(E)
`Annex A
`Method tor preparation of extracts
`131.3 Procedure
`The needle, including the inside of the needle tube.
`immersed in water in order to extract soluble
`A.2 Apparatus and reagents
`A.2.1 Freshly distilled or deionized water, of grade
`3 in accordance with ISO 3696.
`Immerse 25 needles in 250 ml of water
`container made
`borosilicate glass {A22}. Ensure that all surfaces of
`the needles, including the inside of the needle tube.
`are in Contact with the water. Maintain the water at
`a temperature oi {37 *3] “C for (60¢ 2) min. Re-
`move the needles and ensure that all water from the
`inside and outside surfaces of the needles is re-
`turned to the container.
`A.2.2 Selectinn of
`laboratory boroslllcate glass-
`fluid by following the
`A.3.2 Prepare the control
`procedure given in A.3,1 but omitting the needles.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.011


`ISO 7864:1993(E)
`Annex B
`Example of method for determination of fragment production from rubber closures
`3.2.8 Distilled or deionized water. of grade 3 in ac~
`cordance with ISO 3596.
`Penetration of ISO rubber closures for injection vials
`by the needle. and collection and counting of the
`fragments generated by the penetrations. Because
`the number of fragments generated is affected by
`variables of needle design. each type of needle to
`be tested is compared with the performance of a
`reference needle.
`3.3 Procedure
`into the vial
`Place a ml of water (3.2.3)
`{3.2.1}. where n is 50 % of the nominal capacity of
`the vial.
`3.2 Apparatus and reagents
`Injection vials, in accordance with ISO 8362-1
`or ISO 8362-4.
`5.3.2 Place a closure (3.2.2) on the vial and seal
`with an aluminium cap {32.3) using the hand-
`operated capping device (3.2.4). Inspect the vial by
`normal or corrected-to-normal vision for the pres-
`ence of fragments. and discard any vial
`in which
`rubber fragments are visible.
`3.2.2 Rubber
`[30 3382-2, as follows:
`accordance with
`3.3.3 Fill the syringe {3.2.5} with water (3.2.8). At-
`tach a reference needle to the syringe and remove
`any water from the outside of the needle tube.
`Type A, nominal size 20
`Hardness: 40 IRHD
`Base elastomer. Halogenated butyl.
`3.3.4 Place the vial vertically and, holding the
`syringe vertically, pierce the closure.
`3.2.3 Aluminium caps,
`lSO 8362—3, having a central hole. to fit the injection
`vials (3.2.1).
`3.3.5 Inject 2 ml of water into the vial; and with-
`draw the needle from the vial. Remove the needle
`from the syringe and replace it with a fresh refer-
`ence needle. Remove any water irorn the outside of
`the needle tube.
`3.2.4 Hand-operated capping device. suitable for
`vials {3.2.1} and caps (3.2.3).
`3.2.5 Membrane filter. of pore size 5 pm. and filter
`3.3.6 Repeat 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 for a total of five
`penetrations. choosing a ditterent area of the clo-
`sure each time.
`3.2.6 Hypoderrnlc syringe, of 10 ml nominal ca~
`pacity in accordance with ISO 7336-1.
`5.3.? Repeat 3.3.3 to 3.3.6 on a total of five vials.
`is. 25 reference needles and 25 penetrations in all
`3.2.? Relerence needles. of the same nominal out-
`side diameter or the type 0t needle to be tested, and
`having a nominal veins of (it. {see figure 2) of 13°.
`3.3.8 Repeat 3.3.3 to 3.3.7. using 25 needles ofthe
`type to be tested.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.012


`lSO 7854:1993(E)
`3.3.9 Remove the closure from the five vials from
`3.3.? and filter the contents through the membrane
`filter (3.2.5). Ensure that no fragments remain in the
`the number of fragments generated by the refer-
`ence needles, as counted in 33.11;
`the number of fragments generated by the type
`of needle tested. as counted in 3.3.11;
`3.3.10 Repeat 8.3.9 on the live vials trom B.3.B.
`using a second membrane filter.
`the date of testing.
`3.3.11 Count and record the number of fragments
`on each filter visible with normal or corrected vision
`without magnification. the distance between the eye
`and the filter being (250 i 5) mm.
`5.5 Validity
`3.4 Test report
`The test report shall contain at least the following
`Consider the results obtained from the test needles
`to be invalid if the results from the reference nee-
`dles lack consistency with previous results. Deter-
`mine the reasons for the inconsistency.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.013


`[so 7864:1993(E)
`Annex C
`Symbol for “do not re-use”
`0.1 General
`The ISO symbol to denote equipment intended for
`single use is
`ISO symbol
`registration number
`lSO 7000;1051, giVen in lSO 7000:1989.
`Further information on design dimensions and
`application of ISO symbols is given in ISO 3461.
`(2.2 Original design
`Symbol ISO ?000}1051 is shown in figure C1.
`The thickness of the lines is 2 mm. Dimension :1 is
`the nominal size of the original design of all
`symbols and is normally made equal to 50 mm.
`many cases, including ISO MOO/1051, the actual di-
`mension differs slightly, and the outside diameter oi
`the circle (dimension h) of the original design is
`1.16 a, Le. 58 mm.
`No colour is specified in ISO 7000 or in this Inter-
`national Standard for symbol 1051.
`(2.3 Reduction and enlargement of
`original design
`it may be neces—
`For the application of the symbol
`sary to reduce or enlarge the size of the original to
`a suitable size at which it will actually appear. The
`nominal dimension a should be used as a gauge.
`Practice has shown that a may be reduced to 3 mm
`without the symbol losing its legibility. However, the
`Iegibility of the symbol when reduced in size should
`be checked.
`h =1.16 a
`NOTE - The visual centring lines do not form part of the symbol.
`Figure C.1 — ISO symbol for “do not re—use”, number ISO 7000i1051
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.014


`ISO 7354:1593(E)
`Annex D
`ISO 5954:1936. Reusabie aii—giass or metat-
`and—giass syringes for medicai use — Part 1:
`iSO 595-211987. Reusabie aii-giass or metair
`and-glass syringes for medicai use — Part 2:
`Design, performance requirements and rests.
`ISO 3451-1z1988. General principles
`creation of graphicai
`symbols — Part 1:
`Graphicai symbois for use on equipment.
`ISO 3461—2:1937, Generai principles for
`creation of graphicai
`symbois — Part 2:
`Graphicai symbols for use in technicai product
`ISO 7000:1939, Grapiiicai symbois for use on
`equipment — index and synopsis.
`[80 8362421989.
`injeciabies and accessories - Part 1: injection
`vials made of giass tubing.
`ISO 3362421988.
`injectabies and accessories — Part 2: Ciosures
`for injection viais.
`ISO 3352-31989,
`injectabies and accessories — Part 3: Aiu—
`miniutn caps for injection viais.
`ISO 8352-41939.
`injectabies and accessories - Part 4: injection
`w‘ais made of mouided giass.
`ISO 3537:1991, Sic-rite singie-use syringes, with
`or without needie, for insuiin.
`|SD10993-1:1992. Biotogicai
`medicai devices — Part
`1': Guidance on se-
`iection of tests.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.015


`Iso 7864:1993(E)
`UDC 615.473.2.014.45
`Descrlplors: medical equipment, hypodermic needles,
`Price based on 11 pages
`specifications, dimensions,
`tests, designation, colour marking, packaging,
`Regeneron Exhibit 1042.016

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