`Patent Owners
`Patent Number: 9,220,631
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.001


`Introduction ...................................................................................................... I
`Qualifications and Compensation .................................................................... I
`III. Background ...................................................................................................... 3
`IV. Documents ....................................................................................................... 7
`Document 1. Bruno Reuter and Claudia Petersen. "Die
`Silikonisierung von Spritzen: Trends, Methoden,
`Analyseverfahren," TechnoPharm 2, Nr. 4 (2012): 238-244.
`("Reuter") .............................................................................................. 7
`Authentication ............................................................................. 7
`Public Accessibility .................................................................... 8
`Conclusion ................................................................................ 10
`Document 2. Arno Fries. "Drug Delivery of Sensitive
`Biopharmaceuticals with Prefilled Syringes." Drug Delivery
`Technology. Volume 9. Number 5 (May 2009): 22-27. ("Fries") ...... IO
`Authentication ........................................................................... 10
`Public Accessibility ................................................................. . 11
`Conclusion ................................................................................ 12
`Document 3. James A. Dixon, et al., "VEGF Trap-Eye for the
`Treatment of Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration."
`Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. Volume 18. Number
`10 (October 2009): 1573-1580. ("Dixon") .......................................... 13
`Authentication ........................................................................... 13
`Public Accessibility .................................................................. 14
`Conclusion ................................................................................ 15
`Declaration ..................................................................................................... 17
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.002


`I, James L. Mullins, hereby declare under penalty of perjury:
`In this declaration, I opine on the authenticity of certain documents
`referenced herein and explain when and how these documents were disseminated or
`otherwise made available to the extent that persons interested and ordinarily skilled
`in the subject matter or art, exercising reasonable diligence, could have located the
`document. I am being paid my usual hourly fee of $250/hour. My compensation in
`no way depends on the content of my testimony or the outcome of the proceeding.
`II. Qualifications and Compensation
`I am the Founder and Owner of the firm Prior Art Documentation
`Librarian Services, LLC at 106 Berrow, Williamsburg, VA 23188. Attached as
`Exhibit 1060 is a true and correct copy of my Curriculum Vitae describing my
`background and experience. Further information about my firm, Prior Art
`Documentation Librarian
`Services, LLC
`(P ADLS),
`I am presently Dean Emeritus of Libraries and Esther Ellis Norton
`Professor Emeritus, Purdue University, 2018 - present. I was previously employed
`as follows:
`(a) Dean of Libraries and Professor & Esther Ellis Norton Professor,
`Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2004-2017;
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.003


`(b) Assistant/ Associate Director
`for Administration, Massachusetts
`Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, 2000-2004;
`( c) University Librarian and Director, Falvey Memorial Library, Villanova
`University, Villanova, PA, 1996-2000;
`( d) Director of Library Services, Indiana University South Bend, South
`Bend, IN, 1978-1996. Part-time instructor, School of Library and Information
`Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 1979-1996;
`( e) Associate Law Librarian, and associated titles, Indiana University
`School of Law, Bloomington, IN, 1974-1978;
`Catalog Librarian, Assistant Professor, Georgia Southern College (now
`University), Statesboro, GA, 1973-1974.
`Over the course of my career as a librarian, instructor of library science,
`author of scholarly publications, and presenter at national and international
`conferences, I have had experience with catalog records and online library
`management systems built around Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC)
`During more than forty-four years as an academic librarian and scholar,
`I have been an active researcher. In my years as a librarian, I have facilitated the
`research of faculty colleagues, either directly or through the provision of and access
`to the requisite print and/or digital materials and services at the universities I worked.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.004


`I have kept current on the professional library science literature and served on the
`editorial board of the most prominent library journal, College and Research
`Libraries. This followed service as the chair of the Research Committee of the
`Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL ), a division of the American
`Library Association (ALA). As an academic library administrator, I have had
`responsibility to ensure that students were educated to identify, locate, assess and
`integrate information garnered from library resources.
`III. Background
`Authentication. I understand that an item is considered authentic if
`there is sufficient evidence to support a finding that the item is what it is claimed to
`be. I am also informed that authenticity can be established based on the contents of
`the documents themselves, such as the appearance, content, substance, internal
`patterns, or other distinctive characteristics of the item, taken together with all of the
`Public Accessibility. I understand that a given reference is publicly
`accessible upon a satisfactory showing that such a document has been disseminated
`or otherwise made available to the extent that persons interested and ordinarily
`skilled in the subject matter or art exercising reasonable diligence, can locate it. I
`have also been informed by counsel that materials available in a library constitute
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.005


`printed publications if they are cataloged and indexed according to general library
`practices that make the references available to members of the interested public.
`Materials considered. For purposes of this declaration I have reviewed
`the documents and appendices referenced herein. These materials are records created
`in the ordinary course of business by publishers, libraries, indexing services, and
`others. I am familiar with the process for creating many of these records, and I know
`these records are created by people with knowledge of the information in the record.
`Further, these records are created with the expectation that researchers and other
`members of the public will use them. All materials cited in this declaration and its
`appendices are of a type that professionals in my field would reasonably rely upon
`and refer to in forming their opinions.
`WorldCat. WorldCat is the world's largest public online catalog,
`maintained by the Online Computer Library Center, Inc., or OCLC, and built with
`the records created by the thousands of libraries that are members of OCLC.
`WorldCat is easily accessible on the internet to all who wish to search it; there are
`no restrictions to be a member of a particular community, etc.
`10. OP AC. Online public access catalog, or "OPAC," refers to a catalog of
`a library or a group of libraries. OPACs, generally, and both OPACs mentioned in
`this declaration, are easily accessible on the internet to all who wish to search them
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.006


`and there are no generally restrictions on who can search an OPAC and/or access its
`11. Periodical publications. A library typically creates a catalog record for
`a periodical publication when the library receives its first issue. When the institution
`receives subsequent issues/volumes of the periodical, the issues/volumes are
`generally checked in ( often using a date stamp), added to the institution's holding
`records, and made available very soon thereafter - normally within a few days of
`receipt or (at most) within a few weeks of receipt.
`Indexing. A common way of searching for a publication is to look for
`relevant information in an index of periodical and other publications. Having found
`relevant material, the researcher will then normally obtain it online, look for it in
`libraries, or purchase it from the publisher, a bookstore, a document delivery service,
`or other provider. Sometimes, the date of a document's public accessibility will
`involve both indexing and library date information. Date information for indexing
`entries is, however, often unavailable. This is especially true for online indices.
`Online indexing services commonly provide bibliographic information, abstracts,
`and full-text copies of the indexed publications, along with a list of the documents
`cited in the indexed publication. These services also often provide lists of
`publications that cite a given document. A citation of a document is evidence that
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.007


`the document was publicly available and in use by researchers no later than the
`publication date of the citing document.
`13. Persons of ordinary skill in the art. I understand that a "person of
`ordinary skill in the art" ("POSITA") is a hypothetical person who is presumed to
`have been familiar with the relevant field and its literature at the time of the
`inventions. This hypothetical person is also a person of ordinary creativity, capable
`of understanding the scientific principles applicable to the pertinent field.
`I am told by counsel that a POSITA in this subject matter or art would
`either (a) have had at least an advanced degree (Dipl.Ing, M.S., or Ph.D.), with
`research experience in mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, materials
`science, chemistry, or a related field or at least 2-3 years of professional experience
`in one or more of those fields and would have had experience with (i) the design of
`prefilled syringes; and (ii) sterilization of drug delivery devices, including those
`containing sterilization sensitive therapeutics, wherein such sterilization experience
`would include experience with microbiology; and with respect to certain claims in
`the challenged patent that deal with administering a drug, a POSIT A would be an
`ophthalmologist with some experience administering VEGF-antagonist drugs to
`patients via the intravitreal route.
`Such a person would have been engaged in academic research, learning
`through study and practice in the field and possibly through formal instruction the
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.008


`bibliographic resources relevant to his or her research. In and prior to 2012, such a
`person would have had access to a vast array of print resources in, for example,
`mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, materials science, chemistry, or
`medicine, as well as to a set of online resources.
`IV. Documents
`A. Document 1. Bruno Reuter and Claudia Petersen. "Die Silikonisierung
`von Spritzen: Trends, Methoden, Analyseverfahren," TechnoPharm 2,
`Nr. 4 (2012): 238-244. ("Reuter")
`1. Authentication
`16. Appendix IA is a true and accurate copy from the issue of
`TechnoPharm, 2, Nnr.4 (2012) pages 238-244. Appendix IA includes a cover, with
`ownership stamp of Wurttembergische Landesbibliothek in Stuttgart, table of
`contents, and the Reuter article pages 238-244. This scan was provided to me at my
`request by the Wisconsin TechSearch (WTS),1 from the Wurttembergische
`Landesbibliothek in Stuttgart, Germany. I understand that is not the practice of
`German libraries to date stamp the receipt of an issue of a journal.
`17. Appendix IB is a true and accurate copy from the issue of
`TechnoPharm 2, Nr. 4 (2012) by Bruno Reuter and Claudia Petersen, downloaded
`1 WTS ( is a service from the Libraries department at the University
`Wisconsin-Madison, which provides article delivery and certain librarian research services on
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.009


`2012-04-0238-reuter-silikonisierung-web _ d.pdf.
`18. Appendix IA and Appendix IB are in a condition that appear in all
`respects to be authentic. The sequence from pages 238-244 is not missing
`intermediate pages, the text on each page appears to flow seamlessly from one page
`to the next, and there are no visible alterations to the document. Appendix IA was
`located and recovered from a library, the Wurttembergische Landesbibliothek.
`Appendix IB was downloaded from the TechnoPharm website, which is where a
`person looking for authentic copies would expect to find them. Therefore, I conclude
`that Appendix IA and Appendix IB are authentic copies of the Reuter article.
`2. Public Accessibility
`19. Appendix IC is a view of the WorldCat record for TechnoPharm
`making science work. W orldCat provides an international access point to locate
`TechnoPharm by title and by subject: Pharmazeutische Technologie. Listed among
`the eleven international libraries holding TechnoPharm is Wurttembergische
`Landesbibliothek in Stuttgart, Germany.
`20. Appendix ID is a letter from the Wurttembergische Landesbibliothek.
`In order to verify that the print version was processed and publicly accessible to a
`researcher at the Wurttembergische Landesbibliothek, counsel obtained a letter from
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.010


`Birgit Hacker, Head of Journals Department, Wurttembergische Landesbibliothek.
`This letter dated July 25, 2018 states:
`I hereby confirm, that the printed issue of the journal
`TechnoPharm : making science work / APV,
`Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Pharmazeutische
`V erfahrenstechnik e. V.
`Aulendorf: ECV, Edito-Cantor-Verlag fur Medizin und
`N aturwissenschaften
`Volume 2.2012, no. 4
`has been received in our library in the month of August
`Since the 14th of August, it has always been open to the
`It is part of a bound volume and is lendable with the shelf
`number Za 15974-2.2012,4-6.
`21. Appendix IE is the OPAC (public catalog) record of Wurttembergische
`Landesbibliothek for TechnoPharm. Below the middle of the record on the left-hand
`side, under Band [Volume] are
`the holdings of the Wurttembergische
`Landesbibliothek. Among the holdings is: 2. 2012 (2012), Heft. [Issue] 4-6.
`22. After verifying by a search on the internet that Birgit Hacker is with the
`Wurttembergische Landesbibliothek and from my years of experience in academic
`libraries, I can state that this letter is consistent with ones sent to verify the receipt
`and availability of library materials. I see no reason to suspect that this is not an
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.011


`authentic and reliable statement on the receipt and availability of Techno Pharm. 2,
`nr. 4 (2012) and its availability as of August 14, 2012.
`3. Conclusion
`I conclude, based on finding Document 1, the Reuter article, in a library
`and on finding library catalog records and an online record for the Reuter article.
`Appendices ID and IE indicate it was locatable by a researcher in August 2012.
`Document 1, the Reuter article, would have been available to an interested person
`no later than August 14, 2012.
`B. Document 2. Arno Fries. "Drug Delivery of Sensitive
`Biopharmaceuticals with Prefilled Syringes." Drug Delivery Technology.
`Volume 9. Number 5 (May 2009): 22-27. ("Fries")
`1. Authentication
`24. Appendix 2A is a true and accurate copy from the issue of Drug
`Delivery Technology, volume 9, number 5, May 2009, pages 22 - 27. Appendix 2A
`includes cover, with ownership and date stamp of National Library of Medicine
`(NLM) May 18, 2009 (upper left hand comer of cover); the front material relating
`to the publication of the journal, Drug Delivery Technology and the Fries article
`pages 22-27. This scan was provided to me at my request by the Wisconsin
`TechSearch (WTS) from the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
`25. Appendix 2B is a download from the proprietary website of Drug
`Development & Delivery (formerly "Drug Delivery Technology" through 2010):
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.012


` .pdf.
`It provided me
`access to the digital copy of the Fries article.
`26. Appendices 2A and 2B are in a condition that creates no suspicion
`about their authenticity. Specifically, the cover, the front material, the table of
`contents, and the sequence from page 22-27 is not missing intermediate pages, the
`text on each page appears to flow seamlessly from one page to the next, and there
`are no visible alterations to the document. Appendix 2B was found within the
`custody of a library - National Library of Medicine - a place where, if authentic, it
`would likely be found. Appendix 2B was located and downloaded by me from the
`proprietary website of the journal, where, if authentic, it would be found. Therefore,
`with the documentation provided above, I conclude that Document 2, the Fries
`article, is authentic.
`2. Public Accessibility
`27. Appendix 2A has the check-in date ( on label on upper left hand corner
`of the cover) by the National Library of Medicine of May 18, 2009. Based on my
`knowledge and experience of academic libraries, I understand that it would take at
`most a week for such a periodical to be accessible on the library's shelf, the Fries
`article would have been publicly accessible no later than May 25, 2009.
`28. Appendix 2C is a download from W orldCat that indicates that Drug
`Delivery Technology, as of September 21, 2018, is held by 59 libraries among these
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.013


`is the National Library of Medicine. The WorldCat record indicates it would have
`been accessible by title, Drug Delivery Technology, and by subjects: Drug delivery
`systems - periodicals; Drug delivery systems; and Biological transport.
`29. Appendix 2D is a download from the National Library of Medicine
`OPAC (online catalog). The NLM OPAC record indicates that Drug Delivery
`Technology began publication in 2001 and ceased with volume 10, no. 9 (Nov. -
`Dec. 2010). The available volumes held by NLM are shown as v.2 (2002) - 10
`(2010), inclusive of volume 9, number 5, the issue in which the Fries article was
`30. Appendix 2E is an article by D. Brett Ludwig, et al., titled "Flow
`cytometry: A Promising Technique for the Study of Silicone Oil-induced Particulate
`Formation in Protein Formulations," published in Analytical Biochemistry, volume
`410 (2011 ): 191-199. On page 199, in References, is number 11, the Fries article.
`3. Conclusion
`I conclude, based on finding Document 2 in a library and on finding
`library catalog records, indicating it was locatable and accessible to the public, that
`Document 2, the Fries article, is an authentic document and that Appendix 2A and
`Appendix 2B are authentic copies of Document 2 and that Appendix 2C and
`Appendix 2D are accurate reflections of the acquisition and cataloging of Document
`2 and its accessibility to a researcher. Further evidence of its public accessibility is
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.014


`it being listed as a reference in an article (Appendix 2E) published in 2011. It is,
`therefore, my conclusion that Document 2, the Fries article, is an authentic document
`and was publicly accessible no later than May 25, 2009.
`C. Document 3. James A. Dixon, et al., "VEGF Trap-Eye for the Treatment
`ofNeovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration." Expert Opinion on
`Investigational Drugs. Volume 18. Number 10 (October 2009): 1573-
`1580. ("Dixon")
`1. Authentication
`32. Appendix 3A is a true and accurate copy, requested by me from the
`Wisconsin TechSearch (WTS), of the article by James A. Dixon, et al., titled "VEGF
`Trap-Eye for the Treatment of Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration"
`published in Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs, volume 18, no. 10 (October
`2009) pages 1573-1580.
`33. Appendix 3A includes cover of the October 2009 issue with National
`Library of Medicine (NLM) label ( upper left hand comer of cover), indicating the
`issue was checked in by the NLM staff on October 20, 2009; table of contents;
`publication information, and the Dixon article, pages 1573-1580.
`34. Appendix 3B is a download from the Taylor and Francis website, that
`provides the bibliographic description of the Dixon article and also indicates it was
`published online 20 August 2009. Appendix 3B was downloaded by me on
` /13543780903201684.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.015


`35. Appendix 3A is in a condition that creates no suspicion about its
`authenticity. Specifically, the cover, the front material, the table of contents, and the
`sequence from page 1573 to 1580 is not missing intermediate pages, the text on each
`page appears to flow seamlessly from one page to the next, and there are no visible
`alterations to the document. Appendix 3A was found within the custody of a library
`- the National Library of Medicine - a place where, if authentic, it would likely be
`36. Appendix 3B documents that the Dixon article was published online by
`Taylor and Francis in its publication Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs on
`August 20, 2009.
`3 7. With the evidence identified above, I have determined that Document
`3, the Dixon article, is an authentic document.
`2. Public Accessibility
`38. Appendix 3C is the view of the WorldCat record for the journal Expert
`Opinion on Investigational Drugs. It illustrates the availability to the public of the
`journal. One-hundred eighty-one libraries worldwide hold Expert Opinion on
`Investigational Drugs (in all formats and editions) as of September 2018, among
`these it shows the National Library of Medicine as owning the journal. The ability
`to locate this record is by title and by subject: Drugs - Periodicals - Design; and
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.016


`39. Appendix 3D is a download from the National Library of Medicine
`OPAC ( online catalog). The NLM OPAC record indicates that Expert Opinion on
`Investigational Drugs began publication in 1994 in London by Ashley Publications
`Ltd. The OPAC record indicates that the National Library of Medicine started
`receiving the journal with Vol. 3, no. 2, (Feb. 1994)- and has continued to subscribe
`to the present. In the availability portion of the OP AC record it indicates volumes
`held by NLM are shown as v.3: no.2 (1994)-v.3: no. 4 (1994), v.3: no. 6 (1994) -
`v.22: no. 4 (2013), inclusive of volume 18, number 10, October 2009, the issue in
`which the Dixon article was published.
`40. Appendix 3E is an article by Dong Hyun Jo, et al., titled "How to
`Overcome Retinal Neuropathy: The Fight Against Angiogenesis-related Blindness,"
`published in Archives of Pharmacal Research, volume 33, number 10. (2010) pages
`1557-1565. On page 1563, in References, is alphabetical order, is the citation to the
`Dixon article.
`3. Conclusion
`I conclude, based on finding Document 3 in a library and on finding
`library catalog records, indicating it was locatable and accessible to the public, that
`Document 3, the Dixon article, is an authentic document and that Appendix 3A and
`Appendix 3B are authentic copies of Document 3 and that Appendix 3C and
`Appendix 3D are accurate reflections of the acquisition and cataloging of Document
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.017


`3 and its accessibility to a researcher. Further evidence of its public accessibility is
`it being listed as a reference in an article (Appendix 3E) published in 20 IO. It is,
`therefore, my conclusion that Document 3, the Dixon article, is an authentic
`document and was publicly accessible no later than end of October 2009 in print and
`online no later than August 20, 2009.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.018




`Appendix lA
`Appendix 1A
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.020
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.020




















`Appendix 1B
`Appendix 1B
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.030
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.030




`Ahb. 1: Polydimethyfoloxan.
`C .....
`eingesetzt zum Beispiel als Hilfsstoffe
`in der Pharmaproduktion (Schmier(cid:173)
`mittel) und als inerte pharmazeuti(cid:173)
`sche Grundmasse (z.B. Weichkapsel(cid:173)
`wande) [5]. Fiir die Silikonisierung
`werden in der Regel Trimethylsi(cid:173)
`loxy-endgeblockte Polydimethylsilo(cid:173)
`xane (PDMS, Dimethicone) in ver(cid:173)
`schiedenen Viskositaten eingesetzt
`(Abb. I).
`Das am haufigsten genutzte Sili(cid:173)
`konol zur Silikonisierung van Pri(cid:173)
`marpackmitteln ist das DOW COR(cid:173)
`NING1" 360 Medical Fluid mit einer
`Viskositat van I 000 cSt.
`Die Herstellung van PDMS erfolgt
`iiber die Reduktion van Quarzsand
`zu metallischem Silizium. Im nach(cid:173)
`sten Schritt wird das Silizium <lurch
`eine Milller-Rochow-Synthese mit
`Methylchlorid zu Methylchlorsilanen
`weiterverarbeitet. Hierbei entsteht
`ein Gemisch unterschiedlicher Sila(cid:173)
`ne, bei dem Dimethyldichlorsilan
`(CH3h SiCl2 mit 75 % - 90 % iiber(cid:173)
`wiegt. Nach einer destillativen Ab(cid:173)
`trennung wird das Dimethyldichlorsi
`Ian <lurch Hydrolyse oder Methano(cid:173)
`lyse zu Silanolen umgesetzt, die zu
`niedermolekularen Ketten und Zy(cid:173)
`klen kondensieren. In einer sauer
`(kationisch) oder alkalisch (anio(cid:173)
`nisch) katalysierten Polymerisation
`werden Polydimethylsiloxane mit
`Hydroxy-Funktionen erzeugt, die ab(cid:173)
`schlieBend <lurch Zugabe van Tri(cid:173)
`Endgruppen erhalten. Aus den ent(cid:173)
`stehenden polydispersen Polymeren
`werden die kurzkettigen Molekille
`<lurch Verdampfen entfernt, um ein(cid:173)
`satzfahiges PDMS zu erhalten.
`Pragend fur das PDMS-Molekill ist
`die Si-O-Bindung. Sie ist mit einer
`Bindungsenergie van 108 kcal/mo)
`deutlich stabiler als beispielsweise
`die C-O-Bindung (83 kcal/mol) oder
`(85 kcal/mol).
`PDMS ist dementsprechend unemp(cid:173)
`findlich gegeniiber thermischen Be(cid:173)
`lastungen, UV-Strahlung oder Oxy(cid:173)
`dationsmitteln. Erst oberhalb van
`130 °C kommt es zu Reaktionen wie
`Oxidation, Polymerisierung oder De(cid:173)
`polymerisierung. Fiir das Molekill ist
`Abh. 2: Riiumliche Da1'.~tellang Polydimethyl(cid:173)
`dariiber hinaus ein flacher Bindungs(cid:173)
`winkel typisch (Si-O-Si 130 °C), der
`eine geringe Rotationsenergie zur
`Falge hat und es besonders flexibel
`macht (Abb. 2). Eine hohe Bindungs(cid:173)
`lange (1,63A Si-O im Vergleich zu
`1,43A fur C-O) macht das Molekill
`vergleichsweise gasdurchlassig [ 6].
`Das spiralformige (und daher gut
`komprimierbare) Molekill
`ist van
`CH3-Gruppen umhilllt, welche das
`chemische und mechanische Verhal(cid:173)
`ten van PDMS bestimmen. Die Me(cid:173)
`thylgruppen der Molekille
`wickeln nur sehr geringe Wechsel(cid:173)
`wirkungen untereinander. Dies sorgt
`selbst bei hohen Molekulargewichten
`fur eine niedrige Viskositat, die das
`Verteilen van PDMS auf Oberflachen
`erleichtert und die Substanz zu ei(cid:173)
`sehr effektiven Gleitmittel
`macht. Zudem ist PDMS weitgehend
`inert, Reaktionen mit Glas, Metallen,
`Kunststoffen oder Korpergeweben
`finden nur in sehr geringem Umfang
`statt. Die CH3-Gruppen machen
`PDMS stark hydrophob. Es ist daher
`in \Vasser unloslich, in nichtpolaren
`Losungsmitteln dagegen loslich [6].
`Silikonisierte Spritzen
`Wie schon dargestellt, funktioniert
`das System ,,Spritze" nur, wenn die
`Glaskorper- und Kolbenstopfensili(cid:173)
`konisierung homogen und richtig
`aufeinander abgestimmt sind. Bei
`Hohlnadelspritzen ist auBerdem eine
`Silikonisierung derselben unerlass(cid:173)
`lich, um ein Kleben der Haut an der
`Nadel zu vermeiden und damit eine
`schmerzarme Injektion zu ermogli(cid:173)
`chen. Fiir die Innensilikonisierung
`des Glaskorpers wird bei der sage-
`der USP [2] erlaubt hingegen die Ver(cid:173)
`wendung van Silikonolen mit einer
`Viskositat van 20 bis 30000 centisto(cid:173)
`kes. Steigende Qualitatsanforderun(cid:173)
`gen und neue biotechnologisch her(cid:173)
`gestellte Medikamente zeigen aber
`auch die Grenzen der Silikonisie(cid:173)
`rungstechnik auf. Eine inhomogene
`Silikonisierung, wie sie var allem bei
`einfachen Beschichtungstechniken
`und langeren Spritzenkorpern auf(cid:173)
`treten kann, fiihrt eventuell zu me(cid:173)
`chanischen Problemen. Beispielhaft
`seien hier eine unvollstandige Entlee·
`rung der Spritze in einem Autoinjek(cid:173)
`tor oder hohe Gleitkrafte genannt.
`Silikonoltropfen sind in abgefull(cid:173)
`ten Spritzen immer zu beobachten.
`Die Anzahl an Silikonoltropfen in Lo(cid:173)
`sung nimmt mit steigender Silikonol(cid:173)
`menge zu. Visuell erkennbare Trap·
`fen konnen als kosmetischer Pehler
`betrachtet werden. Fiir Silikonolpar(cid:173)
`tikel im subvisuellen Bereich wird
`diskutiert, ob sie ein Ausloser fur
`die Aggregation van Proteinen sein
`konnen [4].
`Var diesem Hintergrund zeigt sich
`daher ein deutlicher Trend zu opti(cid:173)
`mierten oder alternativen Beschich(cid:173)
`tungstechniken. Beispiele hierfur
`sind eine moglichst gleichmiillige Be(cid:173)
`schichtung mit reduzierter Silikonol(cid:173)
`menge oder eine Minimierung der
`freien Silikonolmenge <lurch das so(cid:173)
`genannte Einbrennverfaliren. In die(cid:173)
`sem Kontext sind zuverlassige Ana(cid:173)
`lysetechnologien unabdingbar, mit
`denen die Qualitat der Beschichtung
`qualitativ und quantitativ iiberpriift
`werden kann. Dariiber hinaus befin(cid:173)
`den sich auch alternative Beschich(cid:173)
`tungsverfahren in der Entwicklung.
`Silikonole und
`ihre Eigenschaften
`Silikonole werden schon seit einem
`halben Jal1rhundert in zahlreichen
`TechnoPharm 2, Nr. 4, 238-244 (2012)
`© ECV • Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany)
`Petersen und Reuter• Silikonisierung
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.032














`Appendix lC
`Appendix 1C
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.039
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.039






`Appendix 1D
`Appendix 1D
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.042
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.042




`Appendix lE
`Appendix 1E
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.044
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.044




`Online-Katalog der Wtirttembergischen Landesbibliothek
`https:/ /w;jsessionid=89171 D4D554 l EB2 ..
`6 (2016), Heft 6
`6 (2016), Heft 5
`6 (2016), Heft 4
`6 (2016), Heft 3
`6 (2016), Heft 2
`6 (2016), Heft 1
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.046


`Appendix 2A
`Appendix 2A
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.047
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.047
















`Appendix 2B
`Appendix 2B
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.055
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.055


















`Appendix 2C
`Appendix 2C
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.064
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.064






`Drug delivery technology. (Journal, magazine, 2001) []
`User lists with this item (1)
`CUH2A geriodicals (83 items)
`by MTuftsCUH2A
`±.: Linked Data
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.067


`Appendix 2D
`Appendix 2D
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.068
`Regeneron Exhibit 1033.068




`Summary View
`Copy.right, Privacy:, Accessibility:
`U.S. National Library of Medicine, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894
`National Institutes of Health, Health & Human Services

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