Notice of References Cited
`Application/Control No.
`Aarti Bhatia Berdichevsky
`Sudo etal.
`Wiegand et al.
`Lubrecht, Thea E.
`Shams, Naveed
`Wiegand et al.
`Delmotte et al.
`Hioki et al.
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`Receipt date: 03/28/2014
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`Application Number
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`First Named Inventor I Juergen Sigg
`Art Unit
`13750352 - GAU: 3763
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number
`PA 1055157-US-NP
`Badkar et al., "Development of biotechnology products in pre-filled syringes: technical considerations and approaches·,
`AAPS PharmaSciTech, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 564-572, (June 2011)
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`I Date Considered I os10112014
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`.~ I# Mlffl)f Shetits ll!iLl!eC.SUi)')
`Aoolioatii:m Number
`FifsfNamed lriVeotot
`.,.Jam;arv 25 2013
`AttOrne\.' Oocket Number l PAT055157-US-NP
`US 200612'93270 A 1
`US 2011-257601A1
`us 2010/031.0309
`:2011-10,.20 Ftn:fine et al.
`2010,.12;.()9 Abendroth et aL
`·p•s,~,Une$, ~ ·
`~evar,I Passge;, (l( l'leliMonl
`WO 2001/035621A1
`OE 10 2008 005938 A1 {equivalent 200S:Q1·$0 Arzheimittel· Qml:iH
`ApothekerVetttr & Co,
`Apj!lcar!lol<llliod ~t,\t
`Pi!gii>$, <!\'l~jM; I.oles,
`~ : Rellrff.111 P~S6-;e,, or
`lll<:lµrie n11m.,,,; 1n .. a<Jtllof, .. c11r;iT.At.1.emRei; ti~ 111.~ ol!lic/e~ ap~rtiprialli).lih Of 111e, •t<mi1~- ~~,,j~n\ii1.~~. ~i!>ffl,
`'"1~,$11,.'). dllle>, PllO-(S), I I~~ llutt,m,,'(;>), P.lll;il!'ir/l)!',<>\!Ya>""1tltoowJW~P.~blia'l1!><!.
`Ausubel et a!,, •corterit?roto.eols. in Molecular Siology-',. 7,i;lS of Cun-ent protocol's in Mo!ec1.1l~r

`ato!◊gy, edis,. ~ypptement 3i:l;{t91:17)
`□ 1
`□ i
`/Aarti Bhatia Berdichevsky/
`Si natu'9
`~f~!NER:. lnlllal jf ref'lire@ ¢!.)1\$~. ~.~ 1J« tjtatianls i!'l <lOotormatlQl with Mf'EP 6W Pta.w~ I~ through Clt,allOn lf not,ifl 0011rortJ~n®
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`~i.n#ar~ $1:.;¼}, •. for Ja~nes.e J)l\l.ttrll d~i;m!llllB, th!! in(jicatji:,n of .. !tie .~fllir of the reign .of the,. Emperqr m;is:t pre<»cle the se!')al number of 111e petimt
`dQ(llJll\E!nl. .~ Kllld'of ~n t by .tt\e appttipriate.symbb!J tts til(I~ oo tlla ~n t i.,nd&r WIPO S!iiildlli:d .• sr: 1& .if !)¢$$Ible. ··~ Aj)plfcant 1s II:! place
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`ir\i'Jivldu:al case . . MJ ~ll!lill!inlli on tile al'l)l.iunl of Im yllt! fDq!Jll'e ta !;:OF11pl~ lhis form and/01' s~ges~ fGr rl!dooing this bu~n, shoulq be sef!j to ~
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`Novartis Exhibit 2055.004
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2020-01317


`Receipt date: 03/19/2013
`App19,""1.fur 11$.,J.r~~~~~t 3763
`lJ.S. Pateni ,sr-,li "fn1demi!!11 Offi<:f,; iJ S . .oE'PAl'!TMENT Of COMl\lE'RGE
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`'EX.<\M!NER: lliffiai i! ref!,m,mCll !J.'Jrn!lde1<'1l. Whetrn!t or not cits!k~1 is iN cootc,,·manoo wiih MPF.J> 609, Qra,i a IIN!> !hroui;r,i citaliOl'I II N(;! In oooformarl!'8
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`ar.d no! t.o,1sid<!\r~. !ncitide C<lP\I' cf .!his form w:tt, !tl<i ne.i<t. CQ!lm1c'l1icafu:>n !o ai:>!>f}:tar;l.
`See. Kim! c:0s.~s of USPTOPate:1; pocum;mts al w,iw.Ullplc;,gw M MPEl' il>(>1 9"! • ~:n10r Df.:c.i !hst l.'!SUM the document, by the m,-..i,;,lter cml•o. (WIPO
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`doci,ment. ~ 1<1:,(l ti! <'l!)rA<mimt l:ly tl'!e app11)j)1iaie syr,ib®J. m; s1<11cal&d or, t!w (l('.<:umari! w,der \1\/IPO Stand~rd ST .1 a i! possible. 8 App!lc.iot is to piac,.3
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`r.-:•.Jm to q:,,-npieite, im::ludlng g.atl'lernig, prapming .. a~d submitti~ t'le ,::t;mp~ted appl•cstiar, form tr, tt-.a USP,Q. Time wi~ v~t depe:"lding 1.;pm1 !he
`indi-.idua! ~e .. Any '""mmllf'~S on the amouh! vf timi; 100.t<>s.•.iiffl .tr, cc.imp!ete tills rorm ar:(lfor 11ug11eslions for reducing this b,i:"defl, sh.."1Uid be ~ni to .the
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`Novartis Exhibit 2055.005
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`Counby Cods' Number" Kind Code'1'_,,
`06-03-2010 Molecular Partners AG
`11-03-2011 Molecular Partners AG
`Include name of the author (In CAPITAL LETTERS), tllle of the article (When appropriate), title of the Item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium,
`catalog, etc.), date, page(s), volume-Issue numbel(s), publisher, city and/or counlly where publishe<i.
`Badkar et al., Analysis of Two Commercially Available Bortezomib Products: Differences in Assay
`of Active Agent and Impurity Profile » AAPS PharmaSciTech, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 564-572, (June
`Schoenknecht, "Requirements on pre-fillable glass suringes", AAPS National Biotechnology
`Conference 2007 -Abstract no. NBC07-000488, 2007
`Holash et al., "VEGF-Trap: A VEGF blocker with potent anitumor effects•, PNAS USA, Vol. 99, No.
`17, pp.11393-11398, (August 20, 2002)
`Riely & Miller, •vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Trap in Non-Small Cell lung Cancer", Clin
`Cancer Res, 13:4623-7s, (August 1, 2007)
`Li et al., "KH906, a recombinant human VEGF receptor fusion protein, is a new effective topical
`treatment for corneal neovascularization•, Molecular Vision, 17:797-803,(March 25, 2011)
`Smith & Waterman,• Comparison of Biosequences•, Adv Appl. Math, 2:482-489, (1981)
`/Aarti Bhatia Berdichevsky/
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`Novartis Exhibit 2055.007
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2020-01317


`Receipt date: 06/04/2013
`Application Number
`13750352 - GAU: 3763
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`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor I Juergen Sigg
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`I Unknown
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`English Abstract
`Taisei Kako Co., LTD
`equivalent of
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`Glaxo Group Limited
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`Receipt date: 10/28/2013
`13750352 - GAU: 3763
`Doc code: IDS
`PT01ss,osa (01-10)
`Approved for use through 0713112012 0MB 0651-0031
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`First Named Inventor i Juergen Sigg
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`!N. D.Shah
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`1988-04-20 OKUDA TAMOTSU
`eq SHO63-97173
`eq HEI 10-314305
`Novartis Exhibit 2055.009
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2020-01317


`Receipt date: 10/28/2013
`13750352 - GAU: 3763
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`/ Juergen Sigg
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Art Unit
`IN. D. Shah
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`Attorney Docket Number
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`Novartis Exhibit 2055.010
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2020-01317

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