`eRACOMMONS USER NAME (credenti:al,.e.g., agency login'.): SZKISS
`POSITION TllLB; Assgci:ate Dean, Clinical. Compliance; Associate Pi:iJfessoc, Ophthal.mology; ¥ice Chan\ Researefo
`Vice Chldr C.w:oplianee; Cbhlf".Re:tma: Service
`Colombia College:, Columbia Univer1,ity, New York, NY
`Culumbia University eoilege of Physieians & ilttgeQJls.,
`New York, NY
`St. Lukfts Roosevelt Hospiui.1., Columbia U:niver&ity
`C0ll1ge c(Physieiltl& & Sur~eons, New Y(ik, NY
`Massachusetts Bye & Ear lnfumary,HarvmdMedical.
`School, Beston, MA
`Missactmsens Bye & Bax Iufinnmy ,Hl'lMltd ~cal
`Sehool, Boston, MA
`06/2002 Medieine
`Inm:anu Medicine
`Ophthal.mology Re5idency
`Surgical. Vitrw,-R¢na
`A. P~rSQ~l S~ent
`I received an undergraduate, degree with honocs .from Columbia College, medical 5ehool :training at Collltl1bia Univer3ity
`Vageles Coll~ of Physic;;ians &.SutgeQJlS; atJ.d <;0mpleied l1l ophthaltnology r~ideney ~md sutgi~al. vitteoretmal felliiwabip
`at HarvardMedioal Scbool md the Massachusem: Bye & Ear Inflrmruy, where. I was selected bf the facult;y to serve .as the
`Chief R.1:ltini .Fellow, My :research sta:rtea as an UD:®rgraduam at Colun:tbia College where, in conjunction wiJh the
`lliattiQJlaI A.etlln:auticii atJ.d S~ A~minitttation (NASA) ltld th1 Department of Pe~nse, 11.Wlllna:red ·the implic.awns of
`microgravity on early de¥eropmenW ~ with scientific experiments laun:ched on the space shuttle Discovery (STS-
`1Q) and the space shuttk Columbia (S't&-18.). l ant ®trently the Asmaw Dean of Complianre. Chm of the
`General Faculur Council, Vice Chldr of Reseamh., Vice Chm Qf Compliance., . .Chief of the .Retina ~Nice, Director of
`Teleophtluilmology, and Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at Weill Cornell Medical College. CurrentJ;y, my clinical.
`and translational. researeh effMt:s tows QJl !Qut broad a,reas: ®\.llar gene and cenumr therqy, n.Pvtl therapeutic taxgets for
`ocular neovascularization, compleJC. vitreomtinal surgical. techniqtres~and retinal imaging. I have participated as a principal.
`investigator in overtbree-dozen prospe.ctiw d.iniealtrials andlaooratotyinvestigations. lhave .autbomd over 270 scim1tific
`pi;i.blfoati:on&.,. giv®nearly 250 invimd lectureships worldwide, and serve on the Editorial Boanl was l'l scientific reviewer
`to a.number of major jbumaTu. ln addition tomy scientifi.c efforts, I have ;garnered.a reputation aS' a worldrenowned medical
`atJ.d surgi~ vitre$'etinal specialist; .my prac~ dntws pa.tient$ from all :regions d thewotkL For my ~ademic and
`clinical. work, I have won numerous academic and scientific awmds including the Schepens Eye Research Institute Joint
`Oinieal Research Center Pilot Projed Gt-ant. the He®. Ophtbl!\lntlc Foundatk!n E'ellowship Awa,rd, the Ronald O . .M:iclwhl
`F<1rmdation .Fellowship Award., the Paul Kayser lo:tenuttional. .Fellowshtp Award., Am~can :80(:itU' .of .R.etinu Specialifts
`Rhett Buclder Award, and the Research to Pre.¥tmt Blindness Physician-Scientist. Awmd. Fo:r my oontributions to
`ophthalmology. l have rerei.¥ed the Honor and Senior Honor Awards: from the American Sooiety of Retina Specialists and
`the H<1nor Award from the All1erican A.cademJ of Ophthalmolog, I was als9 antoni a select group of retina specialists
`worldwide (and.the younges.:t) to be elected by his. peers as a Charter MW1oor of the Renna Bali of Fame, I have also boon
`named to se\\'eral regtortal... national and int~onal Top Uooton; lislS, in.d.Jlding.~ 0.phtitalm;dl~~t Power ttJP 40
`Urtl.ier 40 .Ophllw:lmol1Jgist Worldwide, OSN .Retina .150 .Leading lmwmturs in .Surgioo,l t!md Memt'al Retirm, CJUt.le
`t.}em:nolJ:y's T&p .'Reginal Doctor.a, and New York 3.Uf/81' Dorrtors.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1032.001


`Academic Appointments
`2008 -2013
`2013 - Present
`2013 - Present
`2015 - Present
`2015 - Present
`2017 - Present
`2019 - Present
`2020 - Present
`2020 - Present
`Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Weill Cornell Medical College.
`Assistant Attending, New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.
`Director of Compliance, Weill Cornell Department of Ophthalmology.
`Director of Clinical Research, Weill Cornell Department of Ophthalmology.
`Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Weill Cornell Medical College.
`Associate Attending, New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.
`Associate Attending Surgeon, Memorial Hospital for Cancer & Allied Diseases.
`Division Chief, Retina Service, Weill Cornell Department of Ophthalmology.
`Director, Tele-Ophthalmology, Weill Cornell Department of Ophthalmology.
`Associate Dean, Clinical Compliance, Weill Cornell Medical College.
`Vice Chair, Compliance, Weill Cornell Department of Ophthalmology.
`Vice Chair, Research, Weill Cornell Department of Ophthalmology.
`Major Committee Assignments
`2008 - Present
`2008 - Present
`2009 - Present
`2017 -2019
`2012 - Present
`2012 - Present
`2013 - Present
`2014 - Present
`2015 - Present
`2018 - Present
`2019 - Present
`Residency Selection Committee, Weill Cornell Ophthalmology
`Surgical Retina Fellowship Selection Committee, Weill Cornell Ophthalmology
`Member, Billing Compliance Oversight Committee, Weill Cornell Medical College
`Financial Management Faculty Advisory Group, Weill Cornell Medical College
`Member, Research Computing Advisory Council, Weill Cornell Medical College
`Secretary, General Faculty Council, Weill Cornell Medical College
`Member, Institutional Review Board, Weill Cornell Medical College
`Elected Member, General Faculty Council, Weill Cornell Medical College
`Chair, Clinical Affairs Committee (2015 - 2016)
`Member, Weill Cornell Web Governance Committee
`Member, Physician Organization Financial Planning Committee
`Member, Weill Cornell CQI Curriculum Review Committee
`Elected Member, Physician Organization Policy Board, Weill Cornell Medical College
`Elected Chair, General Faculty Council
`.Journal Ad Hoc Reviewer
`New England Journal of Medicine, Nature Biotechnology, Ophthalmology, Retina, Digital Journal of
`Ophthalmology, Eye, Retinal Cases & Brief Reports, Clinical Ophthalmology, British Journal of Ophthalmology,
`JAMA Ophthalmology, Survey of Ophthalmology, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, PLOS One, Aesthetic
`Plastic Surgery, Expert Review of Ophthalmology, Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases
`Grant Ad Hoc Reviewer
`Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research
`University of California, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, Disease Mechanisms
`Study Section
`Member, Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network (, Protocol
`Development Committee
`Member, Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)/Epidemiology of Diabetes
`Interventions and Complications (EDIC) Ophthalmology Working Group and Writing Committee
`2017 - Present
`Editorial Boards
`Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers, and Imaging: Retina; Advanced Ocular Care; Retina Today New Retina MD; Journal of
`VitreoRetinal Disorders ( Deputy Editor)
`Professional Memberships
`American Academy of Ophthalmology, American Society of Retina Specialists, Club Jules Ganin ( elected member),
`Macula Society (elected member), Retina Society (elected member), Association/or Research in Vision and
`Regeneron Exhibit 1032.002


`Opitthalmol9gy, Pan-Ameptcan, M50Ciatimi oj Ophthatm9loJjt, $aciety of Heed Fel:J,tJt!,!S, ManJmttem, Retina Club:,
`Vitre:ttto'fll'JJ7~Buekle St.u:iety, 'l1le Ne,w York .Climcal Society, 'l1le Ophthalmic Laser Surgi:cai SQdeey,Jletina CQNNISCf
`Honors and Awanu
`Atri.mcQ;li If em Association Student Scholarship in eereb:rovasrolar Disease
`Me:rcktAF A@.. Re~ch StJhQlar$hip in Geri.11tric :eha.ti.FJJlCOl~
`New York Acadmly of Medicine Glomey-1\aisoock Medical Student Scholarship·in Cardiovascular
`Dr. Alfred Steiner/Columbia tlnive:mt1 College of Physician& and Sn:rgoons Dean'.s A:ward for
`Ontstan:dint Medical Student Research
`The Heed0pl:¢h31.roic Prn.nttlat:iQll~llow Awjll'.d
`New England Ophthalmologi:cal Sooie:ty Sanfordn, Hecht Award for Outstanding Research
`Ranald a. Mishels FotllldatiOll F.e~p Awa:rd
`Pan American Associ:ation of Opbthi1lm.ol03y Paul ~y~ lntetnationill Scholar Awatd
`Anwrlcan Society of Retina ~cialists Rhett Buckler Award, Retina Congress Film Festivld
`Honor Award, An:naiomi: ~ · of Retina Spticialiats
`Hom)r Award, American Ac.adem.y of
`The Ophtbalmologi:l!it Power Li&t Tep 40 ll1'ld<t£ 40 Ophthalmologist Worldwide
`~eni:Qr Honar Award;, Ameriaan S~iefy of~etina S~ialists
`OSNRetina 150 Leading Innovators in Surgical andMedicldRetina
`Elected, Cbmer M:el'l'ib¢t,letin4 IJ.«tt (Jf Fi!PJtt?
`2006 & 2007
`C. Contrlbutiom to Science.
`Complete list of the 21, Peer~Jwiiewe.d Citatoim:
`Scientific oontributlons:
`l. For ov~ 15 ye.a:rs., I have been w.o:rldng <>n the devel<>ptnent ·Qf novel suitam,ed delhtery apJ,'!tOa~hes, most ®tabcy
`gene therapy, for ·the lang;~tetm trtilatment of pathologicru ocular neovasculara:ation associated With diabetic
`re.tinopatby, agp,related tnaeular degeneration. and. inherited retinal diaordet. Severill oftbe gene theraw V®tota and
`~ . approaches that I was ins~tal in dctveloping and testing in preelh:rlcal prltnate and :m~e i::node~ lmve
`entered and will continue to enter human clinical tria1s (ClinicalTrails.gpv Identifiers- NCT0374&734,
`NCT01024.99&.,.NCT0306&2:S&) ..
`a) M Lukas.on, E Dufresne.,. H Rubin, P Peclmn, Q Li, I Kim, 8 Kiss, C ~ l , M Collins, 1 Miller, W
`Hauswirtb, T Madaehlan, $ Wadsworth, A Scarla, lnbibitioo of Cboroidal Neov:ascula:r:izaticm in a
`N<>nh1:lmim Pru:tl.ite Model lty lnti'.tWitt@IAdm:inil!ittatiQll Qi an M V2 Veator Ex:pressin1 a NQvel Atnl~ VEOF
`M.oleclile. Mol Ther. lGll Feb; 19(2}:260-5.
`b) Y Mao*. S'I<, J BQye:r. N Hackett. J Qiu. A C$rbone. J Mezey, S Kaminiky, DD' Ami~ and .R Oystru.
`Persiatent Suppress.ion of Ocular ~ovuc.ularizatkm With Intra:vitreal Administr11.tion of AA Vrh.10 Cowns
`far Bmracizumab. (*co-frrst authors} Hu:m Gene Ther. 2011 Dec:;22{12);1.525-35.
`G) Seidman C, tiss s. Gene ~~: the 11il'.it f:rontler f(;)! t:t:eatl'.l'Wnt ofacqoiroo and mhe.dted ru;ula:r di$orders.
`Retina Tmiay. 2015;10(1}:@-71.
`d) G:rishllnin .R1. Vuillen::w.not B:, Sharma P, Kera:villa A, Oreenga:rd J, Oelfmm,. C, B.b:tmenkrantz M; Lawren~ M,
`H:u W, KJss 8, Gas:tni M, J!ii-®linitalEvmuarton Qf ADVM.-022., aN~l Gene Thera:ror Approach lQ. Treating
`Wet Age-.Related Macular Degeneration. Mal Ther. 2019 .Jan.2.~21(1):113-129.
`2, l was mnong the first retina sp®ialists to .:rcco.gmze and. to cha:ract~we the clinical utility of ultra~Wimmeld fundus
`photography, fluore.scein angiography, indocyal.lil1e green angipgraphy, and autot1uorescenee in ffi.e. dia:gnus~ and
`follow-up ofa variety tetinru disor<Jers. My workhfl& resulted in 20: pee1H:1,iviewoo 1ublications,. 2 book chapters a:nd
`over 50 podiu:m presentations detailing. the clinicld benefit of this toolmology. Our diabetic remmpathy was
`in partresp01Uible for an on ongoing pr~cti~ :multk;enter clinicld trlal(PRCR.n~t Ptnt:~-01 AA) that UUtY result in.
`a n:ew classification system for diabetic retirtt:>pathy using ulw wi~eld imaging,
`a:) MWesseL, G A.a:ker, G Parlit&i5t, M Cho, DJ D" Amico, and S Kiss. Ulw-Wi~cld An~ogra:phylniprmes
`Th~ Oet~on And.CI~ifi~mi: Of Diabetic Retinqpathy. Rttina. 2011 Apr:~2{4Jf'J8S.c9l.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1032.003


`b) Klufas MA, Yannuzzi NA, Pang CE, Srinivas S, Sadda SR, Freund KB, Kiss S. Feasibility and clinical utility
`ofultra-widefield indocyanine green angiography. Retina. 2015; 35(3):508-20.
`c) Aiello LP, Odia I, Glassman AR, Melia M, Jampol LM, Bressler NM, Kiss S, Silva PS, Wykoff CC, Sun JK;
`Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network. Comparison of Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy
`Study Standard 7-Field Imaging With Ultrawide-Field Imaging for Determining Severity of Diabetic
`Retinopathy. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2018 Oct 18.
`d) Choudhry N, Duker JS, Freund KB, Kiss S, Querques G, Rosen R, Sarraf D, Souied EH, Stanga PE,
`Staurenghi G, Sadda SR. Classification and Guidelines for Widefield Imaging: Recommendations From the
`International Widefield Imaging Study Group. Ophthalmol Retina. 2019 Oct;3(10):843-849.
`I was among the first retina specialists to examine the 'real-world' utilization and 'real-world' visual outcomes of
`pharmacotherapies for a variety of retinal disorders including age-related macular degeneration, retinal vein occlusion
`and diabetic retinopathy. Although we set our patients' expectations based on the results of prospective clinical trials,
`our work showed that outside of those trials, patients are followed and treated much less frequently and, as a result,
`their visual outcomes may not match that of the clinical trials. This work has resulted in 8 peer-reviewed publications
`and nearly 30 podium presentations.
`a) Kiss S, Liu Y, Brown J, Holekamp NM, Almony A, Campbell J, Kowalski JW. Clinical monitoring of
`patients with age-related macular degeneration treated with intravitreal bevacizumab or ranibizumab.
`Ophthalmic surgery, lasers & imaging retina. 2014; 45(4):285-91.
`b) Holekamp NM, Campbell J, Almony A, Ingraham H, Marks S, Chandwani H, Cole AL, Kiss S. Vision
`Outcomes Following Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema in
`Clinical Practice. AmJ Ophthalmol. 2018 Jul;191:83-91.
`c) Kiss S, Dugel PU, Khanani AM, Broder MS, Chang E, Sun GH, Turpcu A. Endophthalmitis rates among
`patients receiving intravitreal anti-VEGF injections: a USA claims analysis. Clin Ophthalmol. 2018 Aug
`d) Kiss S, Campbell J, Almony A, Shih V, Serbin M, LaPrise A, Wykoff C. Management and Outcomes for
`Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Analysis of United States Electronic Health Records.
`Ophthalmology. 2020 Feb 28;S0161-6420(20)30192-5.
`I was the first to systematically describe and characterize of the ocular manifestations, the progression of retinal
`degeneration, and the response to gene therapy in patients with late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (LINCL,
`Batten disease). In the setting of prospective NIH funded phase 2 clinical trials here at Weill Cornell
`( Identifiers: NCT01035424, NCT01414985 and NCT01161576), I developed and validated a five
`step Weill Cornell LINCL Ophthalmic Severity Scale (PMID: 24015292). I showed that the ophthalmic signs of
`LINCL correlate closely with the degree of neurological dysfunction and advancing age in these patients. This work
`has now been presented at nearly a dozen national and international ophthalmic and neurodegenerative conferences
`and has been included in an upcoming publication on management strategies for CLN2 disease. I am now working
`with several collaborators to use my classification system for the betterment of patient diagnosis, follow-up and,
`potentially, treatment directed specifically at the eye.
`a) A Orlin, D Sondhi, MT Witmer, MM Wessel, JG Mezey, SM Kaminsky, NR Hackett, K Yohay, B Kosofsky,
`MM Souweidane, MG Kaplitt, DJ D' Amico, RG Crystal, S Kiss. Spectrum of Ocular Manifestations in
`CLN2-associated Batten (Jansky-Bielschowsky) Disease Correlate with Advancing Age and Deteriorating
`Neurological Function. PLoS One. 2013 Aug 28;8(8):e73128.
`b) Invited Presenter and Discussant, Best Practices in the Management and Care of Patients with CLN2 Disease
`Expert Meeting, Pousada de Cascais, Portugal, June 29 -July 1, 2015.
`c) RE Williams, HR Adams, M Blohm, JL Cohen-Pfeffer, E Reyes, J Denecke, K Drago, C Fairhurst, M Frazier,
`N Guelbert, S Kiss, A Kofler, J Lawson, L Lehwald, MA Leung, S Mikhailova, JW Mink, M Nickel, R
`Shediac, K Sims, N Specchio, M Topcu, IV Lobbecke, A West, B Zernikow, A Schulz. Management
`strategies for CLN2 disease. Pediatr Neurol. 2017 Apr;69:102-112.
`d) Kovacs KD, Patel S, Orlin A, Kim K, Van Everen S, Conner T, Sondhi D, Kaminsky SM, D'Amico DJ,
`Crystal RG, Kiss S. Symmetric Age Association of Retinal Degeneration in Patients with CLN2-Associated
`Batten Disease. Ophthalmol Retina. 2020 Jan 22:S2468-6530(20)30024-5.
`5. Harvesting the power of the immune system has revolutionized the treatment of numerous malignancies. Working
`with my collaborators at Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, I was the first to development cell based/immune
`therapy for the treatment of infectious posterior uveitis, including multidrug resistant CMV retinitis. It is the first
`Regeneron Exhibit 1032.004


`such application for any ocular disorder and has resulted in the filing of a patent (US20170128565Al). Prospective
`international clinical trials that also include ophthalmic manifestations ofCMV are ongoing (
`Identifiers - NCT02136797, NCT01646645)
`a. Gupta MP, Coombs P, Prockop SE, Hasan AA, Doubrovina E, O'Reilly RJ, Cohen SH, Park SS, Kiss S.
`Treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis with cytomegalovirus-specific T-lymphocyte infusion. Ophthalmic
`surgery, lasers & imaging retina. 2015; 46(1):80-2.
`b. A Orlin, J Nadelmann, MP Gupta, S Patel, DJ D'Amico, RVP Chan, A Artis, S Kiss. Cytomegalovirus
`Retinitis Outcomes in HIV and non-HIV Patients at a Tertiary Care Center. Journal o/VitreoRetinal
`Diseases, 1(1), 57--64.
`c. AD Port, A Orlin, S Kiss, S Patel, DJ D' Amico, MP Gupta. Cytomegalovirus retinitis: an update on current
`practice. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2017 May;33(4):224-234.
`d. Gupta MP, Patel S, Orlin A, Marlow E, Chee RI,Nadelmann J, Chan RVP, D'Amico DJ, Kiss S. Spectral
`Domain Optical Cohernece Tomography Findings in Macula-Involving Cytomegalovirus Retinitis. Retina.
`6. For over a decade, I have been developing novel surgical techniques and instrumentation for innovative approaches to
`complex vitreoretinal pathologies. I was one of the first to recognize the advantages for small-gauge vitrectomy over
`the conventional sutured techniques. I then established a sutureless approach to retina surgery with permanent
`keratoprosthesis, a procedure which is now the standard in the field. More recently, I've been developing surgical
`tools, techniques and virtual-reality training modules for the delivery of gene therapy vectors to ocular strucuters.
`a. Kiss S, Vavvas D. 25-gauge Transconjunctival Sutureless Pars Plana Vitrectomy for the Removal of Retained
`Lens Fragments and lntraocular Foreign Bodies Retina. 2008 Oct;28(9): 1346-51.
`b. Kiss S, Vavvas D. Open Ophthalmol J. Intraoperative Switch to a Temporal Surgical Approach in 23- And
`25-gauge Microcannula-Based Sutureless Transconjunctival Vitrectomy. 2010 May 31;4:12-4.
`c. Kiang L, Sippel KC, Starr CE, Ciralsky J, Rosenblatt MI, Radcliffe NM, D'Amico DJ, Kiss S. Vitreoretinal
`Surgery in the Setting of Permanent Keratoprosthesis. Arch Ophthalmol. 2012 Apr;130(4):487-92.
`d. Klufas MA, Yannuzzi NA, D'Amico DJ, Kiss S. Vitreoretinal Aspects of Permanent Keratoprosthesis. Surv
`Ophthalmol. 2015 May-Jun;60(3):216-28.
`7. For the past three years, I have been working with collaborators on the development of artificial neural networks for
`the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy. Using ultra widefield retinal imaging combined with some of the latest artificial
`intelligence technology, we have developed an algorithm to diagnosis and to classify diabetic retinopathy (with an
`underlying a training set of over 40,000 diabetic retinopathy images which were professionally graded by two
`independent reading centers). We are now validating this algorithm with an additional 20,000 images as well as on
`'real-world' images obtained in the tele-ophthalmology program that I lead at Weill Cornell.
`D. Research Support
`Completed Research Support {within past 3 years)
`UlO EY014231
`Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network
`The DR is dedicated to support multicenter clinical research of diabetic retinopathy, macular edema and associated
`conditions through a collaborative network utilizing specialized infrastructure resources that include a Coordination
`Center and Network Chair's office. The Network's primary goal is to identify, create, conduct, analyze and report high
`quality clinical trial protocols that lead to a better understanding of diabetic retinopathy, advance its treatment, and
`improve the lives of individuals with diabetes. Role: co-investigator
`03/01/2014- 12/31/2018
`WSlXWH-14-1-0507 (Haijar, KA) United States Department of Defense
`Annexin A2 in Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy
`Our overall objective is to address the hypothesis that expression of ANXA2 in macrophages and/or retinal pigmented
`epithelial cells is critical to the development of the PVR response. Role: co-investigator
`RPB Physician-Scientist Award (Kiss)Research to Prevent Blindness
`Gene Therapy for the Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
`The goal is to develop a gene therapy with bevacizumab that would result in sustained intraocular expression at levels
`sufficient for long-term suppression of vascular leakage and inhibition of neovacularization in AMD following a single
`intravitreal injection
`06/01/2013 - 05/31/2018
`Regeneron Exhibit 1032.005


`Version date;
`Required Information:
`Name; Rtst,. Mi'lidle~ Szilard Kiss
`Office address:
`Office telephone:
`Home addFess,:
`Ceil pltone:
`Wllrk: Emaih
`PerSO:rtal EmaII:
`Citlzenshi pz
`1305 York: Ave.,. 111n Floor
`New'(or~ New York: 10021
`{646) 962 20W
`(6461 962 2217
`i'33 E. 9l.1t ~, Apt 15A
`New Y!:trk:J New Y'1>tk: 101is
`{617] 304 1691
`United States of.America
`1. AcademitDesree{s1; B..A. and higher.; instituUan name and location;.dates attended; dateohward.
`E~partcl the table ~ Meeded,
`B . .A.
`Year Awarded
`Dates attended
`Institution N°ame and
`Columbia College, Columbia August 1999:- May 1~7
`University[, NewV.ork:, New
`Co!umbja U.nlver.sit'{Coltege August 1'9'9.1 ~ May 1002
`of Physicians & Surgeons"
`New York., New. York
`PosHioctoral trairting (include re11dernt\tlfellomh!EtSl: IM chrortologlt:lill urder bl'!ginni~wft11.PQSt(cid:173)
`doctoral training positions; indude full titfes~ rankumd inclusive dates hel.d. Expand the tables as
`Regeneron Exhibit 1032.006


`Intern, Department of Internal
`Resident, Ophthalmology
`Fellow, Vitreo-Retinal Service,
`Ophthalmology Department
`Chief Fellow,
`Vitreo-Retinal Service,
`Ophthalmology Department
`Institution name and location
`St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital, Columbia
`University College of Physicians &
`Surgeons, New York, New York
`Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary,
`Harvard Medical School, Boston,
`Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary,
`Harvard Medical School, Boston,
`Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary,
`Harvard Medical School, Boston,
`Dates held
`July 1, 2002 - May 31,
`July 1, 2003 - May 31,
`July 1, 2006 - May 31,
`July 1, 2007 - May 31,
`Licensure: Every physician appointed to the Hospital staff, except interns, and aliens in the US via
`non-immigrant visas, must have a New York State license or a temporary certificate in lieu of the
`a. State
`New York
`Date of issue
`Date of last registration
`b. If no license:
`1. 1. Do you have a temporary certificate?
`2. Have you passed the examination for
`foreign medical school graduates?
`Not Applicable
`Not Applicable
`c. DEA number (optional):
`d. NPI number (optional):
`2. Board Certification
`Full Name of Board
`American Board of
`Dates of Certification (mm/dd/yyyy) -
`Start and End Dates
`10/28/2007 - 10/28/2017
`3. Malpractice Insurance
`Regeneron Exhibit 1032.007


`Do you have Malpractice Insurance? I Yes
`Name of Provider: MCIC Vermont, Inc.
`Premiums paid by (choose one):
`Institution (name): Institution, (Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University)
`1. Academic positions (teaching and research)
`Director of Clinical Research
`Director of Compliance
`Institution name and location
`Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology Weill Cornell Medical College,
`Cornell University, New York, New
`Department of Ophthalmology,
`Weill Cornell Medical College,
`Cornell University, New York, New
`Department of Ophthalmology,
`Weill Cornell Medical College,
`Cornell University, New York, New
`Associate Professor of Ophthalmology Weill Cornell Medical College,
`Cornell University, New York, New
`Department of Ophthalmology,
`Weill Cornell Medical College,
`Cornell University, New York, New
`Department of Ophthalmology,
`Weill Cornell Medical College,
`Cornell University, New York, New
`Director of Retina Service
`Director of Tele-Ophthalmology
`Dates held
`August 1, 2008 -
`September 30, 2013
`August 1, 2009 -
`August 1, 2009 -
`October 1, 2013 -
`September 1, 2015 -
`July 1, 2017- Present
`2. Hospital positions (e.g., attending physician)
`Clinical Associate in Surgery
`Associate Staff, Division of
`Assistant Attending
`Institution name and location
`Massachusetts General Hospital,
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Beth Israel/Deaconess Medical
`Center, Boston, Massachusetts
`New York-Presbyterian
`Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical
`Dates held
`July 1, 2006 - May 31,
`July 1, 2006 - May 31,
`August 1, 2008 -
`September 30, 2013
`Regeneron Exhibit 1032.008


`Associate Attending
`Associate Attending Surgeon
`New York-Presbyterian
`Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical
`Memorial Hospital for Cancer &
`Allied Diseases
`October 1, 2013 -
`October 1, 2015 -
`3. Other Employment
`E. EMPLOYMENT STATUS (current or anticipated)
`Name of Employer(s): Weill Cornell Medical College
`Employment Status (choose one, delete the others): Full-time salaried by Weill Cornell
`1. Primary Hospital Affiliation:
`New York-Presbyterian Hospital
`2. Other Hospital Affiliations:
`Memorial Hospital
`3. Other Institutional Affiliations:
`Does the activity involve WCMC
`students/researchers? (Yes/No)
`1. Teaching (e.g., specific teaching functions, courses taught, dates: For guidance refer to Teaching
`Metrics table. Report your teaching activities in the 4 areas of teaching shown below. To provide a
`more detailed teaching report, use the Teaching Activities Report template or Educator Portfolio
`template (strongly encouraged). Refer to it here as an attachment (e.g., see attached), and attach it
`to the CV.
`Didactic Sessions for Residents and Fellows
`Regeneron Exhibit 1032.009


`2008 - Present
`2008 - Present
`Ophthalmology Resident Lecture Series, Department of Ophthalmology, Weill
`Cornell Medical College, New York, New York; Hour-long lectures to fellows,
`residents and medical students. Topics covered include - Diagnosis,
`Treatment and Follow-up of Diabetic Retinopathy; Diagnosis, Treatment and
`Follow-up of Age-Related Macular Degeneration; Diagnosis, Treatment and
`Follow-up of Retinal Vein Occlusion; Retinal Electrophysiology; Retinal
`Degenerations; Use of Optical Coherence Tomography, Fluorescein
`Angiography, lndocyanine Green Angiography and Fundus Autoflourescence
`Imaging for the Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-up of Various Retinal
`Disorders. Lectures throughout academic year.
`Vitreo-Retinal Journal Club, Department of Ophthalmology, Weill Cornell
`Medical College, New York, New York; Comprehensive review of recent
`literature and interesting surgical and medical retina cases with residents and
`fellows. Monthly meetings throughout academic year.
`Medical Student Mentorship
`2008 - 2009 George Parlitsis, a former New York University medical student and now Weill
`Cornell ophthalmology resident, spent one year conducting clinical research on OCT
`imaging in neurodegenerative disorders.
`Brian London, currently a Weill Cornell Medical College medical student spent the
`summer between first and second year in the laboratory working on a VEGF gene
`transfer project for the treatment of pathologic ocular neovascularization.
`2009 -- 2015 Michael A. Klufas, a former Weill Cornell Medical College medical student and Weill
`Cornell ophthalmology resident and now a vitreo-retinal fellow at Jules Stein Eye
`Institute, conducted clinical research on the Permanent Boston Keratoprosthesis.
`2009 - 2010 Stelios Kandarakis, an international medical student worked in the laboratory
`evaluating the role of sAC in retinal vascular regulation.
`2009 - 2011 Grant Aaker, a former Weill Cornell Medical College medical student and resident at
`Casey Eye Institute in Portland, Oregon, spent over one dedicated year with me
`conducting clinical research on a fully immersive, three-dimensional, virtual-reality
`OCT imaging system and was awarded an ARVO travel grant for his research. His
`work appeared on the cover of Archives of Ophthalmology.
`Nandini Nair, Elbert Einstein College of Medicine medical student finishing her first
`year. She spent three fully funded months with me examining the role of ultra-wide
`field angiography in patients with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
`2010 - 2011 Lee Kiang, a former Weill Cornell Medical College MD/PhD medical student now an
`ophthalmolgy resident at the University of Michigan W.K. Kellogg Eye Center
`evaluated vitreo-retinal complications in patients with permanent Permanent Boston
`2010 - 2011 Basma Basha, a Weill Cornell Medical College medical student in our Doha, Qatar
`campus, spent one year assisting with our genetics in diabetic retinopathy project in
`Qatar. She is currently applying for ophthalmology residency.
`2012 - 2015 Nicolas A. Yannuzzi, a Weill Cornell Medical College medical student and now a
`resident at Bascom Palmer, examined the role of ultra widefield imaging in retinal
`detachment and in permanent keratoprosthesis patients.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1032.010


`Daniel L. Kornberg, a Weill Cornell Medical College medical student will be joining us
`for ophthalmology residency, evaluated various aspects of ultra widefield imaging of
`the retina.
`Ariana M. Levin, a Weill Cornell Medical College medical student assessing the role
`of re perfusion in patients with diabetic retinopathy treated with anti-VEGF therapy.
`Jennifer Nadelmann, a medical student from Albert Einstein College of Medicine
`examining the clinical characteristics of CMV retinitis in our tertiary referral retina
`Title of Course
`Role and Location
`The Future of Retinal-Drug
`Technology: Sustained
`Delivery Systems
`Faculty, Vancouver, British
`Columbia, Canada
`August 29,
`Weill Cornell Keratoprosthesis Course Co-Director and Faculty,
`Course: Advancements in
`New York, New York
`Visua I Rehabilitation
`November 13,
`Advances in the Treatment of
`Retinal Vein Occlusion and
`Faculty, St. Louis, Missouri
`May 31, 2011
`Advances in the Treatment of
`Retinal Vein Occlusion and
`Faculty, Philadelphia,
`June 14, 2011
`Evaluating and Integrating
`Innovative Therapies in the
`Treatment of Macular Edema
`Secondary to Diabetic
`Retinopathy and Retinal Vein
`Evaluating and Integrating
`Innovative Therapies in the
`Treatment of Macular Edema
`Secondary to Diabetic
`Retinopathy and Retinal Vein
`Evaluating and Integrating
`Innovative Therapies in the
`Treatment of Macular Edema
`Secondary to Diabetic
`September 28,
`Program Ch

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