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`Application Number
`61/677 ,346
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`David Siucheong Auyeung
`Heat Sink For LED Light Source
`forms are submitted.
`Attorney Docket Number|UVI-OQO2P
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`/Srinivasan Chakravarthi/|°**(©»m 5/30/2014
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`AUYEUNG,David Stucheong — Carrollton, Texas
`Howison & Arnott, L.L.P.
`P.O. Box 741715
`Dallas, Texas 75374-1715
`(972) 479-0462
`Page 10 of 44
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`The following disclosurerelates to lighting systems and, moreparticularly, to lighting
`systems using light emitting diodes to externally illuminate signs.
`Page 11 of 44
`Page 11 of 44


`For a more complete understanding,
`reference is now made to the following
`description taken in conjunction with the accompanying Drawings in which:
`Fig. 1A illustrates one embodiment of a billboard that may be externally lighted by
`one or morelighting assemblies;
`Figs. 1B-1D illustrate embodiments of angular positions of the lighting assembly of
`Fig. 1 relative to the billboard;
`Fig. 2 illustrates one embodimentof a lighting assembly that may be usedto light the
`billboard of Fig. 1;
`Figs. 3A and 3B illustrate one embodiment of a back panel that may be used in the
`lighting assembly ofFig. 2;
`Fig. 3C illustrates one embodiment of the back panel of Figs. 3A and 3B with a light
`panel and an optics panel that may also be used in the lighting assembly of Fig. 2;
`Figs. 4A and 4B illustrate one embodimentof a light panel that may be used with the
`lighting assembly ofFig. 2;
`Fig. 5A and 5B illustrate one embodimentof an optics panel that may be used with
`the lighting assemblyofFig. 2;
`Figs. 6A-6C illustrate a more detailed embodimentofthe lighting assembly ofFig. 2;
`Figs. 7A and 7B illustrate an embodimentof a back panel that may be used with the
`lighting assembly of Figs. 6A-6C;
`Fig. 8A illustrates an embodiment of an LED assembly andan optics panel that may
`be used with the lighting assembly ofFig. 6;
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`Page 12 of 44


`Figs. 8B-8J illustrates embodiments of the optics panel of Fig. 8A and optical
`elements that may be used to form part of the optics panel; and
`Fig. 9 illustrates a more detailed embodimentofthe lighting assembly ofFig. 2.
`Page 13 of 44
`Page 13 of 44


`Billboards, such as those commonly used for advertising in citics and along roads,
`often have a picture and/or text that must be externally illuminated to be visible in low-light
`conditions. As technology has advanced and introduced new lighting devices such as the light
`emitting diode (LED), such advances have been applied to billboards. However, current lighting
`designs have limitations and improvements are needed. Although billboards are used herein for
`purposes of example, it is understood that the present disclosure may be applied to lighting for
`any type of sign that is externally illuminated.
`Referring to Fig. 1A, one embodimentof a billboard 100is illustrated. The billboard
`100 includes a surface 102 onto which a picture and/or text may be painted, mounted, or
`otherwise affixed. The surface 102 may be any size, such as a commonly used size having a
`width of forty-eight feet wide and a height of fourteen feet. The surface 102 may be provided by
`placing a backing material on a frame 104 made of steel and/or other materials. The frame 104
`may be mounted on one or more support poles 106, which may be considered part of the frame
`104 or separate from the frame 104. The billboard 100 may include a walkway or other support
`structure 108 that cnables the surface 102 to be more casily accessed.
`One or more lighting assemblies 110 may be coupled to the walkway 108 (e.g., to a
`safety rail or to the walkwayitself) and/or to another structural memberofthe billboard 100 to
`illuminate someorall of the surface 102 in lowlight conditions. The lighting assembly 110 may
`be mounted at or near a top edge 112 of the billboard 100, a bottom edge 114 ofthe billboard
`100, a right edge 116 of the billboard 100, and/or a bottom edge 118 of the billboard 100. The
`lighting assembly 110 may be centered (e.g., located in approximately the center of the billboard
`100) or off center as illustrated in Fig. 1A.
`With additional reference to Figs. 1B-1D, a surface 120 of the lighting assembly 110
`may be parallel with respect
`to the surface 102 of the billboard 100 (Fig. 1B), may be
`perpendicular with respect to the surface 102 (Fig. 1C), or may be angled with respect to the
`surface 102 (Fig. 1D).
`It is understood that the lighting assembly 110 may be placed in many
`different orientations and locations relative to the billboard 100 and to one another, and the
`illustrated positions are only for purposes of example.
`is understood that
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`Page 14 of 44


`references to “top,” “bottom,” “left,” and “right” are used in the present disclosure for purposes
`of description and do not necessarily denote a fixed position. For example, the billboard 100
`may be turned on end, and the referenced “top,” “bottom,” “Icft,” and “right” cdges maystill be
`readily identifiable although the “top” edge would bethe “left” edge or the “right” edge.
`Oneproblem with current lighting technologyis that it can be difficult to direct light
`only onto the surface 102 and even moredifficult to do so evenly. This may be duepartly to the
`placementofthe lighting assembly 110, as shown in Figs. 1B-1D. Asthe lighting assembly 110
`is off center relative to the surface 102, light emitted from the lighting assembly 110 may not
`evenly strike the surface 102. One problem with uneven illumination is that certain parts of the
`surface 102 may be more brightly illuminated than other parts. This creates “hot spots” that may
`be undesirable. Attempting to evenly illuminate the surface 102 may cause light to be directed
`past the edges 112, 114, 116, and 118 as attempts are madeto balance out hot spots in particular
`areas. However, light that does not strike the surface 102 is wasted and may create problems
`(e.g., light pollution), as well as waste illumination that could be used for the surface 102.
`In addition to the difficulties of evenly illuminating the surface 102, the use of LEDs
`in an exterior lighting environment involves issues such as heat dissipation and protecting the
`LEDsagainst environmental conditions such as moisture. The presence of moving mechanical
`features such as fans that may be used to provide increased airflow for cooling may create
`additional reliability problems. Dueto the difficulty and expense of replacing and/or repairing
`the lighting assembly 110 in combination with the desire to provide consistent lighting while
`minimizing downtime, such issues should be addressed in a manner that enhancesreliability and
`Referring to Fig. 2, one embodimentof a lighting assembly 200 is illustrated. The
`lighting assembly 200 provides a more detailed embodimentof the lighting assembly 110 ofFig.
`1. The lighting assembly 200 includes a back panel 202, a light panel 204 (e.g., a printed circuit
`board (PCB)) having a plurality of LEDs (not shown) mounted thereon, and an optics panel 206.
`Aswill be described below in more detailed examples, light from the LEDs ofthe light panel
`204 maybe directed by the optics panel 206 to illuminate the surface 102 of the billboard 100 of
`Fig. 1. The back panel 202 may be configured to serve as a supporting substrate for the light
`panel 204 and optics panel 206, as well as to dissipate heat produced by the LEDs.
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`Page 15 of 44


`It is understood that any of the back panel 202, light panel 204, and optics panel 206
`may actually be two or more physical substrates rather than a single panel as illustrated in Fig. 2.
`Furthermore, it is understood that there may be additional pancls positioned behind the back
`panel 202, in front of the optics panel 206, and/or between the back panel 202 and light panel
`204 and/or betweenthe light panel 204 and optics panel 206.
`Referring to Figs. 3A-3C, one embodiment of the back panel 202 is illustrated with a
`front surface 302 and a back surface 304. The back panel 202 includes a top edge 306, a bottom
`edge 308, a right edge 310, and a left edge 312. The panel 202 may be formed of one or more
`thermally conductive materials (e.g., aluminum) and/or other materials.
`The front surface 302 provides a mounting surface for the light panel 204.
`In some
`embodiments, the front surface 302 of the panel 202 may include one or moreprotrusions 314a
`and 314b that are substantially parallel to the top edge 306. The protrusions 314a and 314b may
`be configured to protect the light panel 204 from moisture. Although only two protrusions 314a
`and 314b are illustrated, it is understood that a single protrusion may be provided or three or
`more protrusions may be provided. Furthermore, such protrusions may vary in length, shape
`(e.g., may have angled or curved surfaces), orientation, and/or location on the front surface 302.
`Referring specifically to Fig. 3C, a light panel 204 and an optical panel 206 may be
`mounted under the protrusion 314a (Fig. 3C). Moisture running down the front surface 302 in
`the direction of arrow 316 maystrike the protrusion 314a and be directed away from the light
`panel 204 and optical panel 206 as shown by arrow 318. Although not shown, moisture may
`also be directed length down the protrusion 314a. Accordingly, protrusion 314a may serve as a
`gutter and aid in directing moisture away from a joint 320 where the optical panel 206 abuts the
`front surface 302. This may be beneficial even when a moisture resistant compound is used to
`seal the joint 320. In embodiments where there are multiple light panels 204 arranged vertically
`on the front surface 302, there may be a protrusion positioned above each light panel 204. For
`example, the protrusion 314a may be positioned directly above one light panel 204 and the
`protrusion 314b may be positioned directly above anotherlight panel 204.
`Referring specifically to Fig. 3B, the back surface 304 may be configured to increase
`heat dissipation. For example, the back surface 304 may be configured with a heat sink provided
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`Page 16 of 44


`by fins 322a-322N, where N denotes a total number of fins. The fins 322a-322N increase the
`surface area of the back surface 304, thereby providing for additional heat dissipation to the
`surrounding air. The fins 322a-322N may be formed as part of the pancl 202 or may be
`otherwise coupled to the panel 202 (e.g., may be part of a discrete heat sink that is coupled to the
`back surface 304). Someorall of the fins 322a-322N may be angled, as shown by fins 322a and
`322b. In some embodiments, holes (not shown) may be provided in someorall of the fins 322a-
`322N to aid in air circulation.
`In such embodiments, the holes may cause a chimneyeffect in
`which heated air rises through the holes and is replaced by cooler air. This may beparticularly
`effective in environments where natural air movementis limited.
`Referring to Figs. 4A and 4B, one embodiment of a single PCB 402 ofthe light pancl
`204 is illustrated.
`In the present example, the light panel 204 may include multiple PCBs 402,
`although it is understood that any number of PCBs may be used based on design issues such as
`the amountof illumination needed, the amountof illumination provided by a single PCB 402, the
`size of the surface 102 of the billboard 100, and/or other factors. As shown in the present
`embodiment with a substantially rectangular cross-section, the PCB 402 includes a front surface
`404, a back surface 406, a top edge 408, a bottom edge 410, a right edge 412, and a left edge
`The PCB 402 may include one or more strings of LEDs 416, with multiple LEDs 416
`in a string. For example, a string may include eight LEDs 416 and each PCB 402 may include
`twostrings for a total of sixteen LEDs 416.
`In this configuration, a light panel 204 having eight
`PCBs 402 would include ninety-six LEDs 416.
`It is understood that although the PCBs 404 are
`shownas being substantially identical, they may be different in terms of size, shape, and other
`factors for a single light panel 204.
`In the present example, the LEDs 416 are surface mounted, but it is understood that
`the LEDs 416 may be coupled to the panel 204 using through hole or another coupling process.
`The surface mounted configuration may ensure that a maximum surface area of each LED 416 is
`in contact with the PCB 404, whichis in turn in contact with the back panel 202 responsible for
`heat dissipation. Each string of LEDs may receive a constant current with the current divided
`evenly among the LEDs 416.
`Page 17 of 44
`Page 17 of 44


`Referring to Figs. 5A and 5B, one embodimentof a single lens panel 500 ofthe optics
`panel 206 is illustrated.
`In the present example, the optics panel 206 may include multiple lens
`pancls 500, although it is understood that any number of Icns pancls may be uscd based on
`design issues such as the number, arrangement, and orientation of the LEDs 416, the size of the
`surface 102, and/or other factors. As shown in the present embodiment with a substantially
`rectangular cross-section that is configured for use with the PCB 402 of Fig. 4, a single lens
`panel 500 includes a front surface 502, a back surface 504, a top side 506, a bottom side 508, a
`right side 510, and a left side 512. The sid

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