(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`US 9,078,016 B2
`Diaz Perez
`*Jul. 7, 2015(45) Date of Patent:
`1 164 796 A1
`VOD MetadamiProject Primer, Overview ofVOD Content Speci-
`fication 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0, published by CableLabs, circa 2002-2007,
`http ://vwvw. cablelabs .eonv’proj eets/metadata/primer.
`Primary Examiner 7 Mushfikh Alam
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiLcighton K. Chong;
`Charles R. Macedo
`A video-on-demand (VOD) content delivery system has a
`VOD Application Server which manages a database of tem-
`plates ordered in a hierarchy for presentation of video content
`elements of different selected types categorized in hierarchi-
`cal order. The templates include those for higher-order dis-
`plays which have one or more links to lower-order displays of
`specific content. The VOD Application Server, in response to
`viewer request, displays a high-order templatizcd display,
`and in response to viewer selection of a link, displays the
`lower—order display of specific content. The hierarchical tem—
`platized displays enable viewers to navigate to an end subject
`ofinterest while having a unique visual experience ofmoving
`through a series of displays to the end subject of interest. For
`example, the higher—order display may be a product ad and the
`lower-order display may be an ad for a local retailer of the
`product. Similarly, a viewer can navigate from national prod-
`uct to local product ad, or classified ad category to specific
`classified ad, or bulletin board topic category to specific post-
`ing. In another embodiment, the VOD content delivery sys-
`tem is used to deliver consumer—generated classified ads on
`TV. A web—based Content Management System receives con—
`sumer-generated content uploaded online in industry-stan-
`dard file formats with metadata for title and topical area. and
`automatically converts it into video data format compatible
`with the VOD content delivery system indexed by title and
`topical area. A User Interface for the system delivers listings
`data to the viewer’s TV indexed by title and topical area, and
`displays a requested classified ad in response to viewer selec-
`Inventor: Milton Diaz Perez, Honolulu, HI (US)
`Assignee: Broadband iTV, Inc., llonolulu, 111
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(1)) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`Appl. No.:
`Aug. 9, 2010
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2010/0319040A1
`Dec. 16, 2010
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Division of application No. 11/952,552, filed 011 Dec.
`7, 2007, now Pat. No. 7,774,819, whichis a division of
`application No. 10/909,192, filed on Jul. 30, 2004, now
`Pat. No. 7,590,997.
`Int. Cl.
`G06F 3/00
`G06F 13/00
`U.S. Cl.
`CPC ............. H04N 21/235 (2013.01); G06Q 30/02
`(2013.01); H04N 7/17318 (2013.01);
`Field of Classification Search
`USPC .................................................... 725/747104
`Sec application file for complete search history.
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`”a (3)
`|_., u.
`Main Menu
`elect Catego
`Select Make
`Drill Down
`Navigation Example
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 1
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 1
` IPR2020-01281


`US 9,078,016 132
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`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 4
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 4
` IPR2020-01281


`US. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2015
`Sheet 1 017
`US 9,078,016 132
`Cable Head End
`Tracking System
`Profiling System
`Application Data
`( 1 5)
`( 1 6)
`Center (30)
`Targeting System
`Content -/ Template
`( 1 7)
`Database (1 l)
`:fVid'eo Server
`Digital Cable
`Dlgltal SCt
`Top Box (21)
`Video Content
`Encoder (3 1)
`Video Content
`Network ( 1 4)
`Figure 1A: VOD Content Delivery System, Overall Architecture
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 5
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 5
` IPR2020-01281


`US. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2015
`Sheet 2 0f 7
`US 9,078,016 B2
` at.
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 6
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 6
` IPR2020-01281


`US. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2015
`Sheet 3 007
`US 9,078,016 132
`"W Saws '3:
`'féxt, imam & Beams
`,\ (m a Tempiate
`aver a Eackgteumf
`Figure 1C: Template Layer Model
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 7
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 7
` IPR2020-01281


`US. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2015
`Sheet 4 0f7
`US 9,078,016 B2
`Content Screening
`System (4 l )
`End—User Web
`_. Web—based
`" Content
`Content Feed
`System (42)
`System (43)
`VOD Content
`Delivery System
`Digital Cable
`Digital Set
`Top Box (2])
`Figure 2A: Classified Ad System, Overall Architecture
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 8
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 8
` IPR2020-01281


`US. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2015
`Sheet 5 0f7
`US 9,078,016 132
` Classified Metadata,
`Image and Video
`Template Library
`( 5 8 )
` Classified
`Bulletin Board
`( 5 4 )
` Account and
`Bulletin Board
`Metadata, Image and
`Video Database
`( 5 7 )
`Processing ( 5 3 )
`Figure 2B: Web—based Content Management System
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 9
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 9
` IPR2020-01281


`US. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2015
`Sheet 6 0f7
`US 9,078,016 132
`Bulletin Board
`Classified Metadata,
`Image and Video
`Metadata, Image and
`Video Database
` Text Screening
`Application ( 61 '
`Functions ( 65)
`‘ Application ( 62
`Editorial and
`Customer Service
`Functions (64)
`Application (60
`Image Screening
`Video Screening
`Editorial and
`Customer Service
`Email Function
`Audio Screening
`Application ( 63
`Email Function
`Figure 2C: Content Screening System
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 10
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 10
` IPR2020-01281


`US. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2015
`Sheet 7 0f7
`US 9,078,016 132
`Classified Metadata,
`Image and Video
`Video Database
`Bulletin Board
`Metadata, Image and
`Content Selection /
`Date Filtering
`A lication
`P13 70
`Active Classified
`Active Bulletin
`Board Metadata,
`and Video Database
`Image and Video
`Database ( 71 B)
`Image Conversion
`Application ( 72
`Video Conversion
`Application ( 73
`Audio Conversion
`Application ( 74
`Active , Converted
`Classified Metadata,
`Image and Video
`Database ( 7 5A)
`Metadata, Image and
`Video Database ( 7
` ”——
`Bulletin Board
` Active, Converted
`Production Push
`Function ( 7 6A)
`Production Push
`Function ( 7 6B
`Classified Metadata,
`Image and Video
`Database ( 77A)
`Production Bulletin
`Board Metadata,
`Image and Video
`Database (77B
`Figure 2D: Content Feed and Conversion System
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 11
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 11
` IPR2020-01281
`III I l I l l l I I I I I I l


`US 9,078,016 B2
`This US. Patent Application is a divisional application of
`copending US. patent application Ser. No. 11/952,552, filed
`on Dec. 7, 2007, of the same inventor, issued as US. Pat. No.
`7,774,819 onAug. 10, 2010, which was a divisional applica—
`tion of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/909,192, filed on
`Jul. 30,2004, of the same inventor, issued as US. Pat. No.
`7,590,997 on Sep. 15, 2009.
`This invention generally relates to the provision of inter-
`active television services through cable '1'V infrastructure,
`and more particularly, to a system and method for managing,
`converting and displaying video content on a video-on-de-
`mandplatforrn, andparticularly, advertising displays used for
`drill—down navigation and displays of consumer—generated
`classified ads on TV.
`Cable television (CATV) systems are used to deliver tele—
`vision services to a vast majority offV—viewing homes in the
`US. and other technologically advanced countries. The typi-
`cal CATV system has a cable service provider head end
`equipped with video servers to transmit CATV program sig-
`nals through di stributionlines to local nodes and from there to
`TV subscriber homes. Within the subscriber homes,
`CATV program signals are transmitted to one or more cus—
`toiner—premises TVs which are coupled to external set-top
`boxes for chamrel tuning or are equipped with internal cable
`channel tuners.
`Current CAI'V set-top boxes provide various functions for
`channel switching and program access between subscribers
`and the CATV head end. The more advanced digital set—top
`boxes are individually addressable from the CATV head end,
`and also allow subscribers to input via remote control units
`their selection inputs for transmission on a back channel of
`the connecting cable to the CATV head end, thereby enabling
`subscribers to access interactive television services and other
`types of advanced digital TV services. A primary type of
`interactive television system is referred to generally as a
`“Video-on—demand” (VOD) system, wherein a viewer can
`enter a selection choice for a video program via the remote
`control unit to the set—top box and have the desired video
`program delivered instantaneously for display on the TV.
`Such VOD applications can include on-demand movies,
`documentaries, historic sports events, TV programs, infomer-
`cials, advertisements, music videos, short—subj ects, and even
`individual screen displays ofinformation. VOD-based inter-
`active television services generally allow a viewer to use the
`remote control to cursor through an on—screen menu and
`select from a variety of titles for stored video programs for
`individual viewing on demand. Advanced remote control
`units include button controls with VCR-like functions that
`enable the viewer to start, stop, pause, rewind, or replay a
`selected video program or segment. In the future, VOD-based
`interactive television services may be integrated with or
`delivered with other advanced interactive television services,
`such as webpage browsing, e-mail, television purchase (“t-
`commerce”) transactions, and multimedia delivery.
`With the increasing interactive functionality and customer
`reach of interactive television services, advertisers and con-
`tent providers are find it increasingly attractive to employ
`on—demand advertising, program content, and TV transac—
`tions for home Viewers. VOD content delivery platforms are
`being designed to seamlessly and conveniently deliver a wide
`range of types of advertising, content, and transaction ser—
`vices on demand to home viewers. An example of an
`advanced VOD delivery platform is the N-BandTM system
`offered by Navic Systems, Inc., d/b/a Navic Networks, of
`Needham, Mass. This is an integrated system which provides
`an application development platform for third party applica-
`tion developers to develop new VOD service applications,
`viewer interfaces, and ancillary interactive services for
`deployment on VOD channels of CATV operators in cable
`service areas throughout the US . A detailed description ofthe
`Navic N—Band system is contained in US. PatentApplication
`2002/066,106, filed on May 30, 2002, which is incorporated
`herein by reference.
`Advanced digital set—top boxes also have the ability to
`collect data such as a log of channels tuned to and programs
`watched by the viewer. The set top box can be designed to
`collect and report this data automatically to the cable head
`end. At the head end location, the viewer data can be aggre—
`gated over many risers with personally identifying data
`removed, and provided to advertisers and program sponsors
`for information in designing and targeting new ads and pro—
`grams for viewer preferences, thereby resulting in increased
`viewership, higher viewer impressions per ad or program, and
`ultimately increased revenues.
`Current VOD ads and program offerings are generally pro-
`duced for mass audiences. It would be particularly desirable
`to adapt a VOD delivery platform to deliver ads, promotions,
`programs, and informational content by allowing viewers to
`navigate readily and visually to specific items of interest.
`Such visual navigation for content delivery would be more
`likely to create a satisfying viewer experience, and also to
`engage individual viewers in on—demand TV services and
`transactions. It would also be a particularly desirable to adapt
`a VOD delivery platform to receive uploads of user ads from
`individuals such as through an online network for search,
`navigation, and display to TV subscribers.
`In accordance with a first objective ofthe present invention,
`a video-on-demand (VOD) content delivery system for deliv-
`ery templatized VOD content comprises:
`(a) a VOD Application Server located at a Cable Head End
`which manages a Database of templates for generating terri-
`platized VOD content in response to requests for specific
`video content elements by viewer request signals transmitted
`from the TV equipment of a viewer to the Cable Head End;
`(b) a Video Server for storing video content encoded as
`video content elements and for supplying a requested video
`content element in response to the VOD Application Server
`for delivery to the TV equipment of the viewer; and
`(c) an Application Data Center for creating and storing a
`plurality of different templates ordered in a hierarchy for
`presentation of video content elements of different selected
`types categorized in hierarchical order, wherein atemplate for
`display of a video content element in a higher level of the
`hierarchy includes a link to one or more templates and video
`content elements in a lower level of the hierarchy, said plu-
`rality of hierarchically—ordered templates and links being
`stored in the Database managed by the VOD Application
`Server, and
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 12
`DISH Ex. 1114, p. 12
` IPR2020-01281


`US 9,078,016 B2
`in response to
`wherein said VOD Application Server,
`viewer request for a selected video content element of a
`higher order in the hierarchy, retrieves the corresponding
`template from said Database and corresponding video con-
`tent element from said Video Server to provide a templatized
`VOD content display on the viewer’s TV equipment which
`includes one or more links to video content elements in a
`lower order ofhierarchy, and upon viewer request selecting a
`link displayed in the templatized VOD content to a video
`content element in the lower order of hierarchy, retrieves the
`corresponding template and video content element of lower
`order hierarchy for display on the viewer’s TV equipment,
`thereby enabling the viewer to use drill-down navigation
`through TV displays of templatized VOD content.
`In a preferred embodiment ofthe templatized VOD content
`delivery system, the system employs the templatized content
`delivery to create a User Interface for the viewer to navigate
`through progressively more specific template (display ad)
`types linked in series to reach an end subject of interest to the
`viewer. Referred to herein as “Drill-Down Ads”, the series of
`progressively more specific display ad types allow the sub-
`scriber to navigate to an end subject of interest while at the
`same time having a unique visual experience ofmoving Visu-
`ally through a series of ads mirroring the viewer’s path to the
`end subject of interest.
`As an example involving automobile advertising, the User
`Interface can provide a hierarchical ordering of video display
`ads that starts with anAuto Maker’s ad displayed with links to
`Model ads. The viewer can select using the remote control
`unit a specific Model ad which is displayed with links to more
`specific levels of ads, such as “Custom Packages”, “Feature/
`Options”, or “Color/Styling”, etc., until it reaches an end
`subject of interest to the subscriber. The Viewer would thus be
`able to navigate to specific content ofinterest while traversing
`through video ad displays of the Auto Maker, Models, Model
`A, Features, etc. Similarly, the viewer can navigate to specific
`content of interest while traversing through video ad displays
`of Local Dealers, Dealer A, Current Sales Promotions, etc.
`The templatized VOD ads are generated dynamically by
`searching the VO

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