`(12) United States Patent
`US 9,578,376 B2
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`*Feb. 21, 2017
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`USPC .................................................... 725/74 104
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`(71) Appllcant: Egadband iTV, Inc., Honolulu, HI
`Inventor: Milton Diaz Perez, Tiburon, CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Broadband iTV, Inc., Honolulu, HI
`4,706,121 A
`11/1987 Y
`5,479,268 A
`12/1995 18333.11.
`( * ) Notice:
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`(22) Filed:
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`Peter R. Marksteiner Clerk of Court, United States Court ofAppeals
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`01311110“! PP~ 1'“
`Primary Examiner 7 Mushfikh Alam
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm iAmster, Rothstein &
`Ebenstein LLP
`A video—on—demand (VOD) content delivery system has a
`VOD Application Server which manages a database of
`templates for presentation of video content elements of
`different selected types categorized in hierarchical order. A
`web-based Content Management System receives content
`uploaded online in file formats With metadata for title and
`topical area, and automatically converts it into video data
`format compatible with the VOD content delivery system
`indexed by title and topical area. A User Interface for the
`system delivers listings data 10 the viewer‘s TV Indexed by
`title and topical area specified by the uploaded metadata.
`4 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
`22‘ {W
`221...... ._
`3‘31: “1“ 21.
`1 22 _
`1 afig‘fifiy
`Cantu [30)

`Cement/Template L” VDDApplicau'on
`##### 1
`|w 53;)"
`. 3:”0222”; H 5:33“ .
`Teleusion H 0' “:X i‘
`72 TTT __1
`rw 01) LA I
`Video Content
`3 V‘D:
`EJwJu (31) H 'sut
`.. 1......
`Nelwork (1“
`#“W ._._.__.._..
`4 7 i
`1 MAKE 3‘1
`:2, m 2,
`VUU Content Delivery System. Overall Architecture
`Drill Down
`Navigation Example
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`10, 2015) (6 pgs).
`Exhibits 1 (ECF 475-2), 4 (ECF 475-5), 5 (ECF 475-6), and 6 (ECF
`475—7) to Concise Statement of Facts in Support of Defendants
`Oceanic Time Warner Cable LLC and Time Warner Cable Inc’s
`Motion for Summary Judgment Regarding Invalidity of US Pat.
`No. 7,631,336, Broadband iTK Inc. v. Hawaiian Ill/com, Im'. 61 al.,
`No. 1:14-cv-00169 (D. Haw. Aug. 10, 2015) (133 pgs).
`Plaintiff’s Opposition to Defendants Time Warner Cable, Inc. and
`Oceanic Time Warner Cable, LLC’s Motion for Summary Judgment
`Regarding Invalidity of US Pat. No. 7,631,336 (ECF 561). Broad—
`band iTV, Inc. v. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. et al., No. 1:14-cv-00169
`(D. Haw. Aug. 27, 2015:) (52 pgs).
`Plaintiff Broadband iTV, Inc.’s Concise Statement of Facts in
`Opposition to Defendants Oceanic Time Warner Cable and Time
`Warner Cable, Inc’s Concise Statement of Facts (ECF 562). Broad
`band iTV, Inc. v. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. et al., No. 1:14-cv-00169
`(D. Haw. Aug. 27, 2015) (8 pgs).
`Declaration of Keith A. Jones (ECF 562-1), Inc.’s Concise State-
`ment of Facts, Broadband i TV: Inc. v. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. el al.,
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`Exhibits 1-10 (ECF 562-2-ECF-11), 12 (ECF 562-13), 14 (ECF
`562-15), 16-17 (ECF 562-17-562-18), and 19-20 (ECF 562-20-562-
`21) to Plaintilf Broadband iTV, Inc’s Concise Statement of Facts in
`Opposition to Defendants Oceanic Time \Narner Cable and Time
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 5
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 5
` IPR2020-01281
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`:eb. 20. 2015).
`Exhibit B, Defendants’ Joint Preliminary Invalidity Contentions,
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`00169-ACK-KSC (D. Haw.
`:eb. 20, 2015).
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`00169-ACK-KSC (D Haw.
`:eb. 20, 2015).
`Exhibit G, Defendants‘ Joint Preliminary Invalidity Contentions,
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`US 9,578,376 132
`Page 6
`References Cited
`\Varner Cable, Inc.’s Concise Statement of Facts, Broadband iTV,
`Inc. V. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. et al., No. 1:14-cv-00169 (D. Haw.
`Aug. 27, 2015) (508 pgs).
`EPO Communication for European Application No. 087267936.
`dated May 30. 2016.
`EPO Communication for European Application No. 087688024.
`dated May 30. 2016.
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`Nov. 11,1996.
`Jose Alvear, “Web Developercom Guide to Streaming Multime-
`dia”, Chapters 9 and 11, 1998.
`Business Wire, “Ivex Announces ViewOps Internet Video Service;
`Allows Business Managers to View and Manage Operations
`Online,” May 2, 2000.
`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response, Jan. 2, 2015, CBMZOl4-
`00189. Hawaiian Telecom, Inc. V. Broadband iTV, Inc., re U.S. Pat.
`No. 7,631,336.
`Decision Denying Institution of Inter Partes Review, Jan. 5, 2015.
`IPR2014-01222, UnzfiedPalents v. Broadband I'TKInc., re U.S. Pat.
`No. 7,631,336.
`’1‘ cited by examiner
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 6
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 6
` IPR2020-01281


`US. Patent
`Feb. 21,2017
`Sheet 1 0f 7
`Us 9,578,376 B2
`Cable Head 3nd
`Profiling System
`Application Data
`'l‘raeking System 1
`Center (30)
`l_ *r *lw — —
`t / 3
`Targeting System
`VOD Application
`Content/ Template
`Database (1 1)
`( 1 7)
`Video Server
`Digital Set
`Top Box (2])
`Digital Cable
`Television H
`Video Content
`Video Content
`Encoder (3 l)
`Network ( 1 4)
`Figure lA: VOD Content Delivery System, Overall Architecture
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 7
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 7
` IPR2020-01281


`US Patent
`Feb. 21, 2017
`Sheet2 0f7
`US 9,578,376 B2
` f;smwi.....J{:EZE‘ExxséWE$3_mfifima
` W.
` «1...!!!3.......II.{...§§:}
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 8
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 8
` IPR2020-01281


`US. Patent
`Feb. 21,2017
`Sheet 3 0f 7
`Us 9,578,376 B2
`“N Saree-n ~‘«=
`Text, image 3: Buttons
`{Sam a Background
`on a Tempiate
`Figure 1C: Template Layer Model
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 9
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 9
` IPR2020-01281


`US Patent
`Feb. 21, 2017
`Sheet 4 0f 7
`US 9,578,376 B2
`Content Screening
`System (4l)
`End—User Web
`Content Feed
`System (42)
`Content Conversion
`System (47)
`VOD Content
`Delivery System
` Digital Cable
`Figure 2A: Classified Ad System, Overall Architecture
` Digital Set
`Top Box (21)
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 10
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 10
` IPR2020-01281


`US Patent
`Feb. 21,2017
`Sheet 5 0f 7
`Us 9,578,376 B2
`Classified Metadata,
`Image and Video
`Bulletin Board
`Metadata, Image and
`Video Database
`( 5 7 )
`Template Library
`‘ 5 8 )
`Processing ( 5
`A lication
`pp 5 0
`Bulletin Board
`( 5 4 )
`( 5 5 )
`End-User VV 8b
`Account and
`Figure 28: Webibased Content Management System
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 11
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 11
` IPR2020-01281


`Text Screening
`Application (60
`Editorial and
`Customer Service
`Functions ( 6 5 )
`Image Screening
`Application ( 61
`Video Screening
`Application ( 62
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 21, 2017
`Sheet 6 0f 7
`US 9,578,376 B2
`Classified Metadata,
`lmage and Video
`Bulletin Board
`Metadat‘a, Image and
`Video Database
`Editorial and
`Customer Service
`Functions ( 6 4 )
`Email Function
`Audio Screening
`Application ( 63
`Email Function
`Figure 2C: Content Screening System
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 12
`DISH Ex. 1111, p. 12
` IPR2020-01281


`US Patent
`Feb. 21,2017
`Sheet 7 0f 7
`Us 9,578,376 B2
`Classified Metadata,
`Image and Video
`Video Database
`Bulletin Board
`Metadata, Image and
`Content Selection /
`Date Filtering
`A lication
`pp 70
`Active Classified
`and Video Database
`( 71 A I
`Active Bulletin
`Board Metadata,
`Image and Video
`Database ( 71 B)
`I I I
`I I
`Image Conversion
`Application (72
`Video Conversion
`Application ( 73
`Audio Conversion
`Application ( 74
`I I
`I I
`Active , Converted
`Classified Metadata,
`Image and Video
`Database ( 75A)
`Active, Converted
`Bulletin Board
`Metadata, Image and
`Video Database ( 7
`Production Push
`Function ( 76A)
`Production Push

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