
`(12) United States Patent
`US 9,338,512 B1
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent: *May 10, 2016
`Applicant: Broadband iTV, Inc., Honolulu, HI
`Inventor: Milton Diaz Perez, 'I'iburon, CA (US)
`Assignee: Broadband iTV, Inc., Honolulu, HI
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`21/4312 (2013.01); H04N 21/482 (2013.01);
`H04N 21/6125 (2013.01); H04N 21/84
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`USPC .................................................... 725/747104
`See application file for complete search history.
`(5 6)
`References Cited
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`Appl. N0.: 14/987,283
`Jan. 4, 2016
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 14/703,597, filed on
`May 4, 2015, now Pat. No. 9,232,275, which is a
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`International Search Report, dated Mar. 6, 2006, in PCT International
`Application U82005/027376, of Broadband iTV, Inc.
`Primary Examiner 7 Mushfikh Alam
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiAmster, Rothstein &
`Ebenstein LLP
`A Video-on—demand (VOD) content delivery system has a
`VOD Application Server which manages a database of tem—
`plates for presentation of video content elements of different
`selected types categorized in hierarchical order, A web-based
`Content Management System receives content uploaded
`online in file formats with metadata for title and topical area,
`and automatically converts it into video data format compat-
`ible with the VOD content delivery system indexed by title
`and topical area. A User Interface for the system delivers
`listings data to the viewer’s TV indexed by title and topical
`area specified by the uploaded metadata.
`5 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
`Cable Head zsnd
`ApplicatinnDam 1 nun-t; Symn 1 Pmflllng Syslam
`Comm-n l Implnm A Von Application
`Tflgflirg Sysum
`‘7 i 717 7
`Telzvisnm H
`mm Server
`1 : DizithCshlc
`vtllw Comm
`Video 01mm
`,7 7,]: ,7,
`Encoder (Al)
`Network (1 U
`“gm 5“
`1 Main Menu
`Select Ca
`I men
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 1
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 1
` IPR2020-01280


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`Concise Statement of Facts in Support of Defendants Oceanic Time
`Warner Cable LLC and Time Warner Cable Inc.’s Motion for Sum-
`mary Judgment Regarding Invalidity of US. Pat. No. 7,631,336
`(ECF 475), Broadband iTV, Inc. v. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. et al., No.
`1:14-cv—00169 (D. Haw. Aug. 10, 2015) (12 pgs).
`Declaration ofNathan L. Brown (ECF 475—1), Broadband iTV,’ Inc. v.
`Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. er al., No. 1:14-cv-00169 (D. Haw. Aug. 10,
`2015) (6 pgs).
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 4
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 4
` IPR2020-01280


`US 9,338,512 B1
`Page 5
`References Cited
`Exhibits 1 (ECF 475-2). 4 (ECF 475-5), 5 (ECF 475-6), and 6 (ECF
`475—7) to Concise Statement of Facts in Support of Defendants Oce-
`anic Time Warner Cable LLC and Time Warner Cable Inc.’s Motion
`for Summary Judgment Regarding Invalidity of US. Pat. No.
`7,631,336. Broadband iTV, Inc. v. Hawaiian 'Iidcom, Inc. et al., No.
`1:14-cv-00169 (D. IIaw. Aug. 10, 2015) (133 pgs).
`Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants lime Warner Cable, Inc. and
`Oceanic Time Warner Cable, LLC’s Motion for Summary Judgment
`Regarding Invalidity ofU.S. Pat. No. 7,631,336 (ECF 561), Broad—
`bandiTK Inc. V. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. et al.,No. 1:14-cv-00169 (D.
`Haw. Aug. 27, 2015) (52 pgs).
`Plaintiff Broadband iTV, Inc‘s Concise Statement of Facts in Oppo-
`sition to Defendants Oceanic Time Warner Cable and Time Warner
`Cable, Inc’s Concise Smtement of Facts (ECF 562). Broadband iTK
`Inc. V. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. et al.. No. 1:14-cv-00169 (D. Haw.
`Aug. 27, 2015) (8 pgs).
`Declaration of Keith A. Jones (ECF 562-1), Inc ’5 Concise Statement
`of Facts, Broadband iTIf Inc. v. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. et al., No.
`1:14-cv-00169 (D. Haw. Aug. 27, 2015) (8 pgs).
`Exhibits 1.10 (ECF 562—2—ECF—1 1), 12 (ECF 562-13), 14 (ECF
`562-15), 16-17 (ECF 562-17-562-18), and 19-20 (ECF 562-20-562-
`21) to PlaintiFfBroadband iTV, Inc’s Concise Statement ofFacts in
`Opposition to Defendants Oceanic Time Warner Cable and Time
`\Vamer Cable, Inc’s Concise Statement of Facts, Broadband iTIi
`Inc. v. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. et al.. No. 1:14-cV-00169 (D. Haw.
`Aug. 27, 2015) (508 pgs).
`Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Defendants Oceanic Time
`\Varner Calbe, LLC and Time Warner Cable, Inc.’s Motion for Sum-
`mary Judgment Regarding Invalidity of US. Pat. No. 7,631,336.
`Broadband iTV.’ Inc. v. Oceanic Time Warner Cable, LLC and Time
`Warner Cable. Inc., No. 15-00131 (D. Haw. Sep. 29, 2015) (77 pgs).
`Judgment, Broadband iTV Inc. v. Oceanic Time Warner Cable. LLC
`and Time Warner Cable. Inc., No. 15-00131 (D. Flaw. Sep. 29, 2015)
`(2 pgs}.
`Plaintist Notice of Appeal; Certificate of Service, Broadband iTV,
`Inc. v. Oceanic Time Warner Cable, LLC and Time Warner Cable,
`Inc., No. 15-00131 (D. Haw. Oct. 9, 2015) (4 pgs).
`Order Granting Defendant Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. ’ 3 Motion for Sum-
`mary Judgment of Invalidity Under 35 U.S.C. § 10 l , Broadband iTV,
`Inc. v. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. , No. 14-00169 (D. IIaw. Sep. 29, 2015)
`(43 pgs).
`Judgment, Broadband iTIf Inc. v. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc., No
`14-00169 (D Haw. Sep. 29, 2015) (2 pgs).
`Plaintiff s Notice of Appeal; Certificate of Service, Broadband iTV,
`Inc. V. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc., No. 14-00169 (D. Haw. Oct. 9, 2015)
`(4 pgs).
`TimeWarner, Time \Varner Cable Iaunclles Quick Clips, http://www.
`ti mewarneiicom/newsroom/pressreleases/2006/09/28/time-warner-
`cable-launchesquick-clips (publishedSep. 28, 2006, last visited Jun.
`26, 2015).
`Time Warner Cable, Photos & Video Go from Digital Cameras to
`Television with Free. New Time Warner Cable Product, http://www.
`timewarnercable. com/en/about-us/press/photo sivideoigoi
`lishcd Apr. 27. 2007. last visited Jun. 26. 2015).
`Brief of Amid Curiae Broadband iTV, Inc., Doublc Rock Corpora-
`tion. Island Intellectual Property. LLC. Access Control Advantage,
`Inc., and Fairway Financial U.S.. Inc. In Support of Appellants,
`Ney‘iix, Inc. v. Rovi Corporation et al. , No. 2015-1917 (Fed. Cir. Dec.
`1 8, 20 15,).
`Consolidated Brief for Appellant Broadband iTV, Inc., Broadband
`iTV, Inc. v. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. et al., No. 16-1082 (Fed. Cir. Jan.
`21, 2016).
`Amicus Brief ofUnited Inventors Association of the United States of
`America in Support ofAppellant Broadband iTV, Inc. and Reversal.
`Broadband iTlf Inc. v. Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. el al., No. 16-1082
`(Fed. Cir. Jan. 27, 2016).
`Amicus Brief by Tranxition, Inc., Broadband iTIf Inc. v. Hawaiian
`Telcom, Inc. et al., No. 16-1082 (Fed. Cir. Jan. 28, 2016).
`* cited by examiner
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 5
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 5
` IPR2020-01280


`US. Patent
`May 10, 2016
`Sheet 1 of7
`US 9,338,512 B1
`Cable Head End
`Application Data
`Tracking System
`Profiling System
`Center (30)
`( 1 5 )
`( 1 6)
`l“ ~+~—~
`‘ Targeting System
`Content / Template
`'4 VOD Application
`Database (1 1)
`_ M _ _ ___ ,
`Video Server
`Digital Cable
`lf 1 3
`1g1tal Set
`Top B?“ (2:)
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 6
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 6
` IPR2020-01280
` i
`Video Content
`Video Content
`Encoder (31) —+ Distribution
`Network ( l 4)
`Figure 1A: VOD Content Delivery System, Overall Architecture


`US. Patent
`May 10, 2016
`Sheet 2 0f 7
`US 9,338,512 B1
`3Q.»WWisW«332«Agog.FWSmog 713.}:.iitigséaiii...“mg..........3.1%..
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 7
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 7
` IPR2020-01280


`US. Patent
`May 10, 2016
`Sheet 3 of7
`US 9,338,512 B1
` “‘5‘“.
`*» Sateen r:
`Text, image & Buttons
`a on a Temp‘iate
`ovgr a Background
`Figure 1C: Template Layer Model
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 8
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 8
` IPR2020-01280


`US. Patent
`May 10, 2016
`Sheet 4 0f 7
`US 9,338,512 B1
`Content Screening
`System (41)
`End—User Web
`Content Feed
`System (42)
` l C
`Digital Set
`Top Box (21)
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 9
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 9
` IPR2020-01280
`ontent Conversion
`System (43)
`VOD Content
`Delivery System
`Digital Cable
`Figure 2A: Classified Ad System, Overall Architecture


`US. Patent
`May 10, 2016
`Sheet 5 of7
`US 9,338,512 B1
`Classified Metadata,
`Image and Video
` Template Library
`(50) ,,,
`Bulletin Board
`Bulletin Board
`Metadata, Image and
`Video Database
`( 5 7 )
`( 54 )
`End-[fiat Web
` Transaction
`Processing (53)
`( 5 5 )
` Account and
`Figure 2B: Web—based, Content Management System
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 10
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 10
` IPR2020-01280


`US. Patent
`May 10, 2016
`Sheet 6 of7
`US 9,338,512 B1
`Classified Metadata,
`Image and Video
`5 7
`Bulletin Board
`Metadata, Image and
`Video Datab ase
` Application ( 62
`Text Screening
`Application ( 6 O
`lma e Screenino
`D \
`pplication (61
`Video Screening
`Editorial and
`Customer SerVice
`( 64 )
`Editorial and
`(,nstomer Sen/ice
`Functions ( 65)
`Audio Screening
`Application ( 63
`Email Function
`Email Function
`Figure 2C: Content Screening System
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 11
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 11
` IPR2020-01280


`US. Patent
`May 10, 2016
`Sheet 7 0f7
`US 9,338,512 B1
`Bulletin Board
`Classified Metadata,
`Metadata, Image and
`Image and Video
`Video Database
` Content Selection / 1
`Date Filtering
`Active Classified
`and Video Database
`Active Bulletin
`Board Metadata,
`Image and Video
`Database ( 71B)
`Image Conversion
`Application (72
`Video Conversion
`Application ( 7 3
` Audio Conversion
`Application (74
`Active, Converted
`Active , Converted
`Bulletin Board
`Classified Metadata,
`Metadata, Image and
`Image and Video
`Video Database ( 7 .
`Database ( 7 5A
`Production Push
`Production Push
`Function ( 76B
`Function I 76A)
`Production Bulletin
`Board Metadata,
`Classified Metadata,
`Image and Video
`Image and Video
`Database ( 7 7B
`Database ( 77A
`I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 L
`Figure 2D: Content Feed and Conversion System
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 12
`DISH Ex. 1012, p. 12
` IPR2020-01280


`US 9,338,512 B1
`This US. Patent Application is a continuation application
`and claims the benefit of US. patent application Ser. No.
`14/703 ,5 97, filed on May 4, 2015 , ofthe same inventor, which
`was a continuation application ofUS. patent application Ser.
`No. 12/852,663, filed on Aug. 9, 2010, of the same inventor,
`issued as US. Pat. No. 9,078,016 on Jul. 7, 2015, which was
`a divisional application of US. patent application Ser. No.
`11/952,552, filed on Dec. 7, 2007, of the same inventor,
`issued as US. Pat. No. 7,774,819 on Aug. 10, 2010, which
`was a divisional application of US. patent application Ser.
`No. 10/909,192, filed on Jul. 30, 2004, of the same inventor,
`issued as US. Pat. No. 7,590,997 on Sep. 15, 2009, each of
`which is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth
`This invention generally relates to the provision of inter-
`active television services through cable TV infrastructure.
`and more particularly, to a system and method for managing,
`converting and displaying video content on a video-on-de-
`mandplatform, andparticularly, advertising displays used for
`drill-down navigation and displays of consumer-generated
`classified ads 011 TV
`Cable television (CATV) systems are used to deliver tele-
`vision services to a vast majority of TV—viewing homes in the
`US. and other technologically advanced countries. The typi—
`cal CATV system has a cable service provider head end
`equipped with video servers to transmit CATV program sig-
`nals through distribution lines to local nodes and from there to
`TV subscriber homes. Within the subscriber homes,
`CATV program signals are transmitted to one or more cus-
`tomer-premises TVs which are coupled to external set-top
`boxes for chamrel tuning or are equipped with internal cable
`channel tuners.
`Current CATV set-top boxes provide various functions for
`channel switching and program access between subscribers
`and the CATV head end. The more advanced digital set-top
`boxes are individually addressable from the CATV head end,
`and also allow subscribers to input via remote control units
`their selection inputs for transmission on a back channel of
`the connecting cable to the CATV head end, thereby enabling
`subscribers to access interactive television services and other
`types of advanced digital TV services. A primary type of
`interactive television system is referred to generally as a
`“video-on—demand” (VOD) system, wherein a viewer can
`enter a selection choice for a video program via the remote
`control unit to the set-top box and have the desired video
`program delivered instantane

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