CableLabs® Video-On-Demand Content Specification
`Version 1.1
`This specification is a cooperative effort undertaken at the direction of
`Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. (CableLabs®) for the benefit of the
`cable industry. Neither CableLabs, nor any other entity participating in
`the creation of this document, is responsible for any liability of any nature
`whatsoever resulting from or arising out of use or reliance upon this
`document by any party. This document is furnished on an AS-IS basis
`and neither CableLabs, nor other participating entity, provides any
`representation or warranty, express or implied, regarding its accuracy,
`completeness, or fitness for a particular purpose.
`˜ Copyright 2002 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
`All rights reserved.
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 1
` IPR2020-01280


`Metadata Specifications
`Document Status Sheet
`Document Control Number: MD-SP-VOD-CONTENT1.1-01-020927
`Document Title: CableLabs® Video-On-Demand Content Specification
`Version 1.1
`Revision History:
`I01 – Released 9/27/02
`Date: September 27, 2002
`Status: Work in
`Distribution Restrictions:
`Key to Document Status Codes:
`Work in Progress An incomplete document, designed to guide discussion and generate
`feedback, that may include several alternative requirements for
`A document in specification format considered largely complete, but
`lacking review by Members and vendors. Drafts are susceptible to
`substantial change during the review process.
`A stable document, which has undergone rigorous member and vendor
`review and is suitable for product design and development, cross-vendor
`interoperability, and for certification testing.
`A static document, reviewed, tested, validated, and closed to further
`engineering change requests to the specification through CableLabs.
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 2
` IPR2020-01280


`CableLabs VOD Content Version 1.1
`PURPOSE ..........................................................................................................................................................1
`SCOPE ..............................................................................................................................................................1
`REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................................................................................................1
`NORMATIVE REFERENCES................................................................................................................................2
`INFORMATIVE REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................2
`REFERENCE ACQUISITION ................................................................................................................................2
`TERMS AND DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................3
`ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .............................................................................................................3
`ASSET STRUCTURE ..........................................................................................................................................4
`PACKAGE .........................................................................................................................................................4
`Package Metadata...................................................................................................................................5
`Content ....................................................................................................................................................6
`TITLE ASSET.....................................................................................................................................................6
`Title Metadata .........................................................................................................................................6
`Title Content.......................................................................................................................................... 12
`Title Assets ............................................................................................................................................ 12
`5.3 MOVIE ASSET ................................................................................................................................................. 12
`Movie Metadata .................................................................................................................................... 12
`Movie Content ....................................................................................................................................... 15
`Movie Assets.......................................................................................................................................... 15
`STILL-IMAGE ASSET ....................................................................................................................................... 15
`Still-Image Metadata............................................................................................................................. 15
`Still-Image Content ............................................................................................................................... 16
`Still-Image Assets .................................................................................................................................. 17
`PREVIEW ASSET ............................................................................................................................................. 17
`Preview Metadata ................................................................................................................................. 17
`Preview Content .................................................................................................................................... 19
`Preview Assets....................................................................................................................................... 19
`ENCODING SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 20
`VIDEO ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
`BIT RATE ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
`RESOLUTION .................................................................................................................................................. 20
`PASSES........................................................................................................................................................... 20
`PIDS .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
`TRANSPORT STREAM REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................ 21
`GENERAL ELEMENTARY STREAM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 21
`GOP - VIDEO STREAM REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 21
`AUDIO............................................................................................................................................................ 22
`6.10 CLOSED CAPTIONING / ALTERNATE LANGUAGES / V-CHIP............................................................................ 22
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 3
` IPR2020-01280


`Metadata Specifications
`SUBTITLES ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
`ANNEX A MPAA & TV RATINGS AND ADVISORIES ................................................................................. 23
`A.1 MPAA RATINGS............................................................................................................................................ 23
`TV RATINGS .................................................................................................................................................. 23
`CONTENT ADVISORIES................................................................................................................................... 24
`SPECIAL CHARACTERS................................................................................................................. 25
`ISO-8859-1 (LATIN1) .................................................................................................................................... 25
`CHARACTER SET............................................................................................................................................ 25
`VOD EXAMPLES (INFORMATIVE) ...................................................................................... 26
`VOD EXAMPLE 1........................................................................................................................................... 26
`VOD EXAMPLE 2........................................................................................................................................... 30
`SVOD EXAMPLE ........................................................................................................................................... 32
`List of Tables
`TABLE 1 – PACKAGE METADATA ....................................................................................................................................5
`TABLE 2 – TITLE METADATA ..........................................................................................................................................6
`TABLE 3 – MOVIE METADATA ...................................................................................................................................... 12
`TABLE 4 – STILL IMAGE METADATA ............................................................................................................................. 15
`TABLE 5 – PREVIEW METADATA ................................................................................................................................... 17
`TABLE 6 – CONTENT ADVISORIES ................................................................................................................................. 24
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 4
` IPR2020-01280


`CableLabs VOD Content Version 1.1
`1.1 Purpose
`This specification describes how to create content for the Video on Demand service.
`1.2 Scope
`This document describes the specific assets (content and metadata) used by the VOD service that can be distributed
`using the Asset Distribution Interface. It does not specify a distribution method.
`1.3 Requirements
`Throughout this document, the words that are used to define the significance of particular requirements are
`capitalized. These words are:
`This word or the adjective “REQUIRED” means that the item is an absolute
`requirement of this specification.
`This phrase means that the item is an absolute prohibition of this specification.
`This word or the adjective “RECOMMENDED” means that there may exist valid
`reasons in particular circumstances to ignore this item, but the full implications
`should be understood and the case carefully weighed before choosing a different
`This phrase means that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances
`when the listed behavior is acceptable or even useful, but the full implications
`should be understood and the case carefully weighed before implementing any
`behavior described with this label.
`This word or the adjective “OPTIONAL” means that this item is truly optional. One
`vendor may choose to include the item because a particular marketplace requires it
`or because it enhances the product, for example; another vendor may omit the same
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 5
` IPR2020-01280


`Metadata Specifications
`2.1 Normative References
`In order to claim compliance with this specification, it is necessary to conform to the following standards and other
`works as indicated, in addition to the other requirements of this specification. Notwithstanding, intellectual property
`rights may be required to use or implement such normative references.
`[1] ATSC A/52 Digital Audio Compression (AC-3) Standard
`[2] ATSC A/53 Digital Television Standard
`[3] CableLabs Asset Distribution Interface Specification Version 1.1, MD-SP-ADI1.1-01-020927
`Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition)
`IETF RFC 1321, The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm (April 1992)
`ISO 639.1, 639.2 – Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages- Part 1: Alpha-2 Code, Part 2:
`Alpha-3 Code
`ISO/IEC 13818-2 Information Technology-Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio
`Information : Video
`ISO/IEC 13818-4:1998/Cor-2:1998 Information Technology – Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and
`Associated Audio Information – Part 4: Conformance Testing, Technical Corrigendum 2
`[9] ANSI/SCTE 20 2001 (formerly DVS 157), SCTE Standard Methods for Carriage of Closed Captions Non-
`Real Time Sampled Video
`[10] SCTE 27 1996 (formerly DVS 026) SCTE Method – Subtitling Methods for Broadcast Cable
`Informative References
`2.3 Reference Acquisition
`Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Secretariat, c/o Corporation for National Research Initiatives, 1895
`Preston White Drive, Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191-5434, Phone 703-620-8990, Fax 703-620-9071, Internet:
`The Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) 140 Philips Road, Exton, PA. 19341-1318
`Phone 800-542-5040 (toll free), Fax (610) 363-5898, Internet:
`Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. (CableLabs), 400 Centennial Parkway, Louisville, CO, 80027,
`ISO Central Secretariat: International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1, rue de Varembé, Case postale
`56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland; Internet:
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 6
` IPR2020-01280


`CableLabs VOD Content Version 1.1
`This specification uses the following terms:
`Metadata is descriptive data associated with a content asset package or file.
`It may vary in depth from merely identifying the content package title or
`information to populate an EPG to providing a complete index of different
`scenes in a movie or providing business rules detailing how the content
`package may be displayed, copied, or sold. Separate uses for metadata have
`originated from the studios, distribution networks (Cable, Satellite), down to
`the CPE (STBs, PVRs).
`This specification uses the following abbreviations:
`Asset Distribution Interface
`Conditional Access
`Constant Bit Rate
`Customer Premise Equipment
`Decoding Time Stamp
`Group of Pictures
`Movies on Demand
`Motion Picture Expert Group
`National Television System Committee
`Program Association Table
`Program Clock References
`Packetized Elementary Stream
`Program Identification
`Program Mapping Table
`Presentation Time Stamp
`Personal Video Recorder
`Systems Information
`Single Program Transport Stream
`Set-Top Box
`Subscription Video on Demand
`Video on Demand
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 7
` IPR2020-01280


`Metadata Specifications
`The format of the asset structure within the ADI package for the Title asset is defined as follows:
`package metadata
`+---title asset
`| title asset metadata
`+--movie asset
`movie asset metadata
`movie asset content
`+--still-image asset(box-cover, poster)
`box cover asset metadata
`box cover asset content
`+--preview asset
`preview asset metadata
`preview asset content
`5.1 Package
`This describes the VOD content and metadata for each asset that is part of a Title asset. The names and values of
`some package-level metadata items are specified here, but the exact format for transmission purposes is described in
`the appropriate Asset Distribution Interface document. General asset metadata items specified in the ADI are
`designated with “AMS” and are placed here for informational purposes only. If any discrepancies occur between this
`specification and the ADI document for the “AMS” fields, the ADI document is the authoritative source. The App
`Data App element is determined from the “Spec” Column table and has allowed values of “MOD” or “SVOD” to
`indicate application. Metadata items are identified with “MOD” per prior practice, as they have been specific to the
`MOD application; however, most of these can be considered to be “VOD” under this specification, where similar
`assets are used in conjunction with other applications. A subsequent version of this specification will delineate
`content-specific metadata with “VOD”, effectively assigning this “application” tag to the asset repository.
`Although specifically addressed by the ADI specification, the following items are re-stated for the purposes of
`The XML file shall be named ADI.XML.
`The DTD file shall be named ADI.dtd
`FORMAT: Metadata should be in XML format that is compatible with the W3C Extensible Markup Language
`(XML) version 1.0 (Second Edition).
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 8
` IPR2020-01280


`CableLabs VOD Content Version 1.1
`5.1.1 Package Metadata
`AMS Asset_Name
`Table 1 – Package Metadata
`Required vs
`A unique identifier for the provider
`of the Asset – represents the
`business relationship between the
`MSO and the Asset Provider
`An identifier for the product
`String – ex. “iN Demand” or
`String (Max 20 Chars)
`A string containing the identifying
`name of the asset. Asset names
`must be unique within a product.
`String (Max 50 chars)
`Ex. “WesCravensDracula2000
`AMS Version_Major
`AMS Version_Minor
`AMS Description
`An integer representing the major
`version number
`An integer representing the minor
`version number
`A human-readable string describing
`the Asset.
`AMS Creation_Date
`AMS Asset_ID
`AMS Asset_Class
`AMS Verb
`A string representing the date on
`which the Asset was created.
`A unique identifier for the provider
`of the Asset. The Provider_ID shall
`be set to the provider’s registered
`internet domain name.
`An identifier for the asset that is
`unique within a provider’s asset ID
`space. The unique portable
`identification of an asset is the
`combinations of its Provider_ID
`and its Asset_ID.
`A system-level type for the asset.
`This is intended to be helpful for the
`application mapping and routing,
`and expected to be more general
`than the Type value for the content.
`Expected Value is “package”
`A string containing an action to be
`performed on the asset. The only
`valid values for the Verb are the
`empty string (“”,) and “DELETE”.
`Ex. “Wes Craven’s Dracula
`2000 asset package”
`String – “yyyy-mm-dd”
`String- Ex. “”
`String (Max 20 chars)-Ex.
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 9
` IPR2020-01280


`Metadata Specifications
`A string representing which
`provider content tiers are to be
`identified with the Asset – Can be
`used to propagate Assets to specific
`String – one tier per element.
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`Required vs
`A string representing the version of
`the VOD Content Specification for
`this package
`String “CableLabsVOD1.1”
`5.1.2 Content
`5.1.3 Assets
`Title asset.
`5.2 Title asset
`5.2.1 Title Metadata
`AMS Asset_Name
`AMS Version_Major
`AMS Version_Minor
`A unique identifier for the provider
`of the Asset – represents the
`business relationship between the
`MSO and the Asset Provider
`An identifier for the product
`A string containing the identifying
`name of the asset. Asset names
`must be unique within a product.
`An integer representing the major
`version number
`An integer representing the minor
`version number
`Table 2 – Title Metadata
`Required vs
`String – ex. “iN Demand” or
`String (Max 20 Chars)
`String (Max 50 chars) Ex.
`AMS Description
`A human-readable string describing
`the Asset.
`String – ex. “Wes Craven’s
`Dracula 2000 title asset”
`AMS Creation_Date
`A string representing the date on
`which the Asset was created.
`String – “yyyy-mm-dd”
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 10
` IPR2020-01280


`CableLabs VOD Content Version 1.1
`AMS Asset_ID
`AMS Asset_Class
`AMS Verb
`Required vs
`A unique identifier for the provider
`of the Asset. The Provider_ID
`shall be set to the provider’s
`registered internet domain name.
`An identifier for the asset that is
`unique within a provider’s asset ID
`space. The unique portable
`identification of an asset is the
`combinations of its Provider_ID
`and its Asset_ID.
`A system-level type for the asset.
`This is intended to be helpful for
`the application mapping and
`routing, and expected to be more
`general than the Type value for the
`content. Expected Value is “title”
`A string containing an action to be
`performed on the asset. The only
`valid values for the Verb are the
`empty string (“”,) and “DELETE”.
`The asset or content type that
`determines how or where it is
`String- Ex. “”
`String (Max 20 chars)-Ex.
`A string to be used when sorting the
`String – (max 22 chars)
` ex. “Blob, The”
`A string representing a period of
`time and the maximum number of
`views over the period of time.
`The separator shall be a “,” between
`the period start date, period end
`date and maximum views.
`String containing the three
`components (period start date,
`period end date, maximum
`views), one per element Ex.
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`Limit” Value=“2001-11-
`01,2001-11-15, 5”/>
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`Limit” Value=“2001-12-
`01,2001-12-15, 5”/>
`A brief version of the movie title
`(for display)
`String – (max 19 chars)
`Movie title (for display)
`String – (Max 128 chars—
`special characters allowed) ex.
`“Wes Craven’s Dracula 2000”.
`The name of an individual episode
`of a series.
`String – ex. “Hot Child in the
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 11
` IPR2020-01280


`Metadata Specifications
`Required vs
`A unique identifier given to each
`individual episode of a series.
`String – ex. “Episode #45”
`Summary_Long Movie summary in full
`String – (Max 4096 chars—
`special characters allowed)
`Movie summary paragraph -- for
`EPG-like description
`String – (Max 1024 chars—
`special characters allowed)
`Summary_Short Movie summary: sentence
`String – (Max 256 chars—
`special characters allowed) – ex
`“Samantha is hired to plan a bat
`mitzvah; Charlotte tries to
`improve life with Trey.”
`MPAA or TV Rating, whichever is
`appropriate (see Appendix of
`MPAA and TV Ratings)
`A list of objectionable content (see
`Appendix of Advisories)
`String, one rating per element,
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`Name=“Rating” Value=“TV-
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`Name=“Rating” Value=“G”/>
`String, one advisory per element
`(max 1024 chars for all
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`A “Y” or “N” flag indicating
`Closed Captioning encoding
`String “Y” or “N”
`Run time
`String – “hh:mm:ss”
`Run time (for display)
`String – “hh:mm”
`Year of release
`String – “yyyy”
`Country of origin (France, Japan,
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 12
` IPR2020-01280


`CableLabs VOD Content Version 1.1
`Required vs
`Actors – Last Name,First Name (for
`String – (Max 35 per actor) –
`one actor per element. Ex.
`The separator shall be a “,” between
`the last name and the first name.
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`String (1024 chars total all
`Actors) Ex: “Voices of Tom
`Hanks, Robin Williams”
`String (1024 chars total all
`Writers) Ex: “Francis Ford
`Coppola, Mario Puzo”
`String – (Max 35 per director) –
`one director per element.
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`Actors -- A human-readable string
`(for display)
`Writer_Display Writer(s)—A human-readable
`string (for display)
`Directors– Last Name,First Name
`The separator shall be a “,” between
`the last name and the first name.
`Producers– Last Name,First Name
`The separator shall be a “,” between
`the last name and the first name.
`String – (Max 91 per producer,
`1024 all producers) – one
`producer per element.
`Studio (for display)
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`String - (Max 256 chars) ex.
`“Buena Vista”
`A nested list of human readable
`categories and sub-categories which
`effect how the UI presents the asset.
`String – (Max 20 per category
`component), one category per
`The value will contain an ordered
`sequence of components, each
`component separated using a “/”.
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`Value=“Movies/Movies a-z”/>
`Each line effectively represents a
`“categorization” for the Title.
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`A flag indicating Title is a Season
`String “Y” or “N”
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 13
` IPR2020-01280


`Metadata Specifications
`Required vs
`A flag indicating Title is a Season
`String “Y” or “N”
`Genres – attributes that describe the
`asset .
`String – (Max 20 per genre), one
`genre per element.
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`Chapter Location and Heading pair,
`the location formatted in SMPTE
`format (HH:MM:SS:FF).
`The separator shall be a “,” between
`the code and heading.
`String (max 128 chars, 1024
`total for all headings) containing
`the two components (SMPTE
`time code, heading), one per
`element. Ex.
`Note that SMPTE time codes must
`be monotonically increasing
`although ordering of elements in
`SMPTE time code order is not
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`<App_Data App=“MOD”
`Encounters A Problem”/>
`Box office dollars of revenue.
`Preview period in seconds
`Req (*Opt
`for SVOD)
`DISH Ex. 1009, p. 14
` IPR2020-01280
`An integer from 1(high) to 10(low)
`that can be used to assist with
`determining the priority of
`propagation within an MSO
`network. NOTE: This value is set
`within a Provider/Product, therefore
`it cannot be used to compare assets
`outside of that group.
`Content provider asset ID to tie into
`royalty reporting.
`Integer (Max 5 digits)
`First day of licensing window
`String – “yyyy-mm-dd”
`Last day of licensing window
`String – “yyyy-mm-dd”


`CableLabs VOD Content Version 1.1
`Required vs
`Number of days between Home
`Video release to PPV/MOD
`Number of days from the
`Licensing_Window_Start date that
`the application should show this
`title as “New” or similar marking.
`Number of days from the
`Licensing_Window_End date that
`the application should show this
`title as “Last Chance” or similar
`Duration of time defining the

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