` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` vs. )Case No.
` )IPR2020-01267
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` ______________________________)
` Monday, July 19, 2021
` Volume I
` Reported by:
` CSR No. 5908
` Job No. 4713079
` Pages 1 - 124
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` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` vs. )Case No.
` )IPR2020-01267
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` ______________________________)
` SHAMOS, Ph.D., J.D., Volume I, taken on behalf of
` Petitioner, beginning at 12:02 p.m., and ending at
` 3:17 p.m., on Monday, July 19, 2021, before CARLA
` SOARES, Certified Shorthand Reporter No. 5908.
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` For the Petitioner:
` 405 Howard Street
` San Francisco, California 94105
` 415.773.5700
` For the Patent Owner:
` BY: HONG LIN, Attorney at Law
` BY: DAVID ALBERTI, Attorney at Law
` 577 Airport Boulevard, Suite 250
` Burlingame, California 94010
` 650.825.4300
` --o0o--
`2 3
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` Volume I
` Exhibit 1
` E-mail string, top e-mail to Alyssa 10
` Caridis from David Alberti, dated
` 8-20-20
` --o0o--
`4 5
`6 7
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` R E F E R E N C E D E X H I B I T S
` E X H I B I T P A G E
` E x h i b i t 2 0 3 5 9
` I N S T R U C T I O N S N O T T O A N S W E R
` P A G E L I N E
` ( N o n e )
` - - o 0 o - -
`4 5 6
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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` Witness Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
` Monday, July 19, 2021
` 12:02 p.m.
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` MR. ROBERTS: Good morning. This is Clem
` Roberts, from Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, for DISH.
` MR. LIN: This is Hong Lin, with Feinberg Day,
` for the patent owner. Also with me is David Alberti.
` having been administered an oath, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Shamos. How are you today?
` A I'm good.
` Actually, I woke up feeling a little queasy,
` so I had to take Pepto-Bismol. But I'll let you know if
` that's going to interfere with anything.
` Q I think many people feel queasy when they need
` to be deposed by me.
` Anything -- are you feeling ill in a way that
` you think would impact your ability to give full,
` truthful, and accurate testimony today?
` A No, I'm not. But what I'm telling you is that
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` if that does occur, I will let you know.
` Q Okay. Please. I appreciate that.
` Is there any other reason that you wouldn't be
` able to -- drugs, medication, anything else that --
` medical condition -- that would impact your ability to
` give full, truthful, and accurate testimony today?
` A No, other than difficulty hearing you, which
` is -- I don't think it's a problem on my end.
` Q So what I ask is, Dr. Shamos, if you can't
` understand a question because of the way I've worded it
` or because of technical difficulties in the feed, will
` you agree to let me know that you couldn't hear or
` understand my question?
` A Yes.
` Q And so the board can rely on the fact, if you
` do answer a question, that you presumably believed that
` you understood it?
` A Yes.
` Q Now, Dr. Shamos, I know you've been deposed
` before so I believe you're comfortable with the rules of
` a deposition.
` Do you have any -- have you had an opportunity
` to refresh yourself about those rules? Do you have any
` questions?
` A I've sort of committed the rules to memory. I
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` haven't reviewed anything specifically with respect to
` deposition rules in preparation for this deposition.
` Q But you've been deposed hundreds of times?
` A No. It's probably -- I'm guessing it's around
` 150.
` Q Okay.
` A Something like that.
` Q You've been deposed approximately 150 times?
` A Yes.
` Q Your -- as I mentioned off the record, I don't
` expect we're going to go a full day or anything close to
` it. But if at any time you want to take a break, please
` let me know. I don't -- this is not an endurance test.
` And if you need to use the bathroom or you, you know,
` want to get another cup of coffee or anything like that,
` just let us know, and we'll go off the record. Okay?
` A Yes.
` Q In front of you, you should have an Exhibit
` Share folder. And if you refresh that folder, you
` should see a copy of your declaration in that folder.
` Can you confirm for me that you can access the
` Exhibit Share and you can see a copy of your declaration
` in that folder?
` A Yes, I can confirm that.
` Q If you see any of the documents I put into
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` that folder, you will be able to control and manipulate
` those documents yourself. And at any time during this
` deposition, if you feel the need to look for additional
` context beyond the place where I'm directing you or
` other information in the document, you should feel very
` free. Okay?
` A Yes.
` Q So let me ask you to turn to the copy of your
` report that has been placed in the folder, which is
` Exhibit 2035.
` A Yes, my declaration.
` Q Is Exhibit 2035 a true and correct copy of the
` declaration you submitted in this case?
` A It appears to be. I mean, I've just skimmed
` it. Nothing appears to be amiss.
` Q Is there anything in the declaration, as you
` sit here today, that you would like to change or
` correct?
` A Not that I know of. It's conceivable that as
` we go through it I might find some typos. I'll let you
` know.
` Q Are there any opinions in this declaration
` that you have altered or revised since the time that you
` have signed it?
` A Not really.
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` So there's an issue about "Internet-connected
` digital device," which has been subjected to an agreed
` construction in the district court case.
` And so I think that affects my thinking about
` what such a thing is, which may be -- which may be
` different from that which is implied in this
` declaration.
` MR. ROBERTS: Let's look at that agreed
` construction. So I'm going to put that in the marked
` exhibits.
` And we haven't marked this with an exhibit
` number, but Mr. Lin, how do you want to do this? Should
` we call this Shamos 1?
` MR. LIN: That's fine.
` (Exhibit 1 was marked for identification
` and is attached hereto.)
` Q So Professor Shamos, if you look at what's
` been marked as Shamos 1 --
` A Yeah, I'm looking at it. I've never seen this
` before. What I saw was a document that listed the
` agreed constructions.
` Q Okay.
` A All the agreed constructions in the district
` court case.
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` Q Let me ask you to look at this. And I can
` represent that this is an e-mail exchange between my
` partner, Alyssa Caridis, and Mr. Alberti, who is your
` counsel, or counsel for the respondent who is on the
` call today, and reaching agreement about a -- that the
` term "Internet-connected digital device" will be
` construed in the district court to mean, quote, "a
` device configured to send or receive information via the
` Internet."
` A Yes, and that's what I understand the agreed
` construction to be.
` Then when I'm looking at the exchange below
` between counsel, it appears they might have some
` different opinions on what that construction actually
` means.
` Q I understand, but let me ask you this: Do you
` agree that the agreed construction, "a device configured
` to send or receive information via the Internet," is a
` reasonable construction of "Internet-connected digital
` device" in the '026 patent?
` A Yes.
` Q All right. Let's turn back to your report.
` We'll get there.
` Did you consider that agreed construction or
` were you aware of that agreed construction at the time
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` that you drafted the report that's Exhibit 2035?
` A I don't think so. Because -- hang on a
` second. I want to go back to the date of that
` agreement. I can look at it or you can remind me what
` the date was.
` So that's a year ago. I don't recall being
` aware of it. I don't think it was -- I don't think it
` was raised in the IPR. I can tell you what I took the
` phrase to mean --
` Q That's okay.
` A -- when I was writing my declaration.
` Q Let's just stick with my questions for the
` moment, if we could.
` A Sure.
` Q So -- actually, why don't you tell me, what
` did you take the phrase to mean at the time you -- just
` give me the construction you applied at the time.
` A Yeah. So I thought it meant a device that was
` actually connected to the Internet and was capable of
` communicating over the Internet.
` Q Okay.
` A And so I think the issue with the construction
` is --
` Q I didn't ask that. I just asked you what
` definition you took in your report.
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` A Okay.
` Q Okay. So let me ask you to turn back to your
` report.
` How much time have you spent on this case?
` A So it's a very complicated question. The
` reason is that there are district court cases, there
` were multiple IPRs. And I don't have the time
` segregated by individual matters. I send essentially
` one bill to Feinberg Day.
` Q Okay. So let's start with that.
` About how much time have you spent overall on
` the set of related matters that include the '026 patent?
` A About 180 hours.
` Q And if you had to estimate, of that 180 hours,
` about how much time was specifically devoted to the '026
` patent both between the IPR and the district court case?
` And I understand this is an estimate and not a
` mathematical exercise.
` A This is a wild guess. I might say 60.
` Q And of that approximately 60, how much time do
` you think you spent on the IPR portion as compared to
` the district court portion?
` MR. LIN: Object to form.
` THE WITNESS: Wild guess, 25.
` ///
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` Q Okay. What were you asked to do with respect
` to the '026 in the district court?
` MR. LIN: Object to form. Outside the scope.
` THE WITNESS: I think it's confined to
` rebutting Dr. Russ's expert report.
` Q On invalidity?
` A Yes.
` Q Thank you.
` How much time would you say you spent looking
` at the materials reviewed that are discussed in this
` petition overall between this report and whatever you've
` done in the district court? How much time have you
` spent with Gonder and Son and Kelts and the other
` materials considered?
` A Wild guess, 25.
` Q Who did the actual writing of this
` declaration? And I understand it's your declaration and
` you stand behind it, it's your work in that sense, but
` who (inaudible).
` THE REPORTER: I'm sorry. I'm missing words.
` I apologize for the interruption. Is anybody else
` having difficulty?
` THE WITNESS: Yeah, I am. I missed the last
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` sentence of the question.
` MR. ROBERTS: Let me try and fix this.
` THE REPORTER: Can we go off the record while
` we try and figure this out?
` MR. ROBERTS: Yeah, let's go off the record.
` (Recess, 12:15 p.m. - 12:18 p.m.)
` Q All right, Professor Shamos. Let me repeat my
` last -- by the way, do you like "Mr. Shamos,"
` "Dr. Shamos," "Professor Shamos"? It doesn't matter to
` me.
` A "Doctor" is the usual thing.
` Q Okay. Let me repeat my last question.
` Who actually did the writing of this
` declaration?
` A I did.
` Q So you typed it out physically?
` A That, too. I mean, there's the act of
` composing what's to be said, and then there's the act of
` entering that into a computer.
` Q Yes.
` A I did both of those.
` Q You did both of those.
` Did anybody assist you with any portion of
` either of those steps?
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` A Well, we went through the usual process. When
` I do a draft, I tell counsel that I believe it to be
` 95 percent complete. I send that to them, and then, of
` course, comments get made, and there's back-and-forth,
` and ultimately it turns into the final declaration.
` Q Did you change any of your opinions -- any of
` your material opinions as a result of comments from
` counsel?
` A I don't think so.
` Q I noticed in your introduction and
` qualifications, you mentioned two companies, Unilogic
` and Lexeme. What do those --
` A It's pronounced "Lexeme."
` Q Thank you.
` What did those companies do?
` A So Unilogic, Limited, was formed as a
` technology transfer company. The idea was to license
` developments that had been made at Carnegie Mellon
` University and commercialize them and make them
` available to the industrial world.
` We had a few products, but the main one was a
` document production system called Scribe, S-C-R-I-B-E,
` which was a system that allowed people to format complex
` documents, even ones that they were not able to see on a
` typical terminal display, which, at that time, consisted
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` of 24 lines of 80 characters per line. No fonts, no
` different sizes, no color, nothing.
` And the question is, a person sitting at such
` a terminal, how would they actually format a book, for
` example, that has large type chapter headings, has an
` index, has footnotes with a horizontal line above the
` footnotes; how could you do that if you couldn't even
` see it on the screen? And that's what the Scribe system
` did.
` Q And Lexeme?
` A Yeah. So Lexeme was an affiliate of Unilogic.
` In the old days, there were many different
` computer manufacturers: IBM, DEC, Prime, GE, et cetera.
` And their computers were mutually incompatible. So if
` you wrote a piece of software for one system, you would
` have to transform it in order to get it to run on
` another computer. They had different programming
` languages and different operating systems.
` And we grew tired at Unilogic of doing this.
` Because if you take the original source code described
` and you transform it so now you have two different
` versions, you have an IBM version and you have a Prime
` version, and then a third one, you have a DEC version,
` now, if you want to make a change to the program, you
` have to make the change in three different places. And
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` since the code is different, it might not behave the
` same in all three versions.
` So I decided that it was important to be able
` to do automatic source language translation, that is,
` maintain one source code and have an automated
` translator translate it into the source codes necessary
` for the different systems. That's what Lexeme did.
` Q Thank you.
` A Yeah.
` Q I note that you are and have been for a long
` time an attorney, and you're admitted to the PTO Bar,
` correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Are you providing or are you purporting to
` provide any legal opinions in connection with your
` testimony?
` A No. I'm sure I say that I'm not. I think
` it's in paragraph 7.
` Q Have you ever worked in the cable industry?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever worked in the television
` industry?
` A No.
` Q What was the first time that you read any of
` the specifications from CableLabs?
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` A Oh, specifically for CableLabs? I believe it
` was in connection with one of the IPRs, one or more of
` these IPRs.
` Q When you say "these IPRs," you mean the IPRs
` in the case pending between BBiTV and DISH?
` A Yes.
` Q If you look at the materials considered,
` starting on page 3 of your declaration and continuing
` through page 4, would you take a moment and review
` those?
` A Yes.
` Q Is this a complete list of the materials you
` considered in forming your opinions expressed in the
` declaration?
` A Well, it's certainly a complete list of the
` materials that I specifically looked at in connection
` with this -- preparing the declaration.
` Q Okay. Have you ever spoken to Mr. Perez?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever spoken to Mr. Kagawa?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever spoken to Leighton Chong, the
` gentleman who prosecuted the applications resulting in
` the '026 patent?
` A No.
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` Q Have you looked at or read any of their
` deposition transcripts?
` A Yes.
` Q When did you do that?
` A Within the past few weeks.
` Q Whose transcripts did you review?
` A I reviewed all three.
` Q Since this declaration was signed, in addition
` to reviewing the deposition transcripts of
` Messrs. Chong, Leighton, and Kagawa, and the stipulated
` construction of "Internet-connected digital device,"
` have you reviewed any other materials that are relevant
` to the opinions expressed in Exhibit 2035?
` A I'm not sure how I can answer that. I've
` reviewed a tremendous amount of material in the last few
` weeks in connection with preparing rebuttal reports in
` the district court cases.
` I didn't -- I wasn't specifically looking at
` them in consideration of the declaration that I filed
` and submitted in this IPR. It's conceivable that there
` are materials that are highly relevant, and I'm sure
` there are plenty of materials that are not. I don't
` know.
` Q Okay. Let me ask you to turn to your
` compensation. It says you're being compensated at $600
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` an hour. Is that still true?
` A Yes.
` Q Is deposition time charged at the same rate?
` A Yes.
` Q What has been your total compensation that you
` have made -- you probably can't answer this -- but for
` the IPR?
` A I can't answer it. As I said, I haven't split
` it out. I know what the total is since I was originally
` engaged.
` Q That's fine, but I can do the math. You've
` given me the hours. So that's fine.
` All right. So if we look at the summary of
` your opinions on page 5 of your declaration, you say,
` "Claims 1 through 9 of the '026 patent are fully
` supported by disclosure of the '192 application."
` Do you see that, sir?
` A Yes.
` Q What do you mean by "fully supported"?
` A It means they provide sufficient written
` description.
` Q What is your understanding of the relationship
` between constructive reduction to practice and written
` description?
` A So I was thrown for a loop by the term
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` "constructive reduction to practice" because I don't see
` how actual reduction to practice would have anything to
` do with written description.
` So one constructively reduces an invention to
` practice when one writes a patent application -- for
` example, when one writes a patent application which
` contains a written description of the claimed invention
` and contains information sufficient for one of skill in
` the art to make and use the invention.
` Q What is your understanding of the relationship
` between what constitutes an adequate written description
` and obviousness, and in particular -- let me rephrase
` that.
` If a patent specification provides enough
` material to render a claim obvious, does it also,
` thereby, provide adequate written description?
` A That's not my understanding.
` Q What is your understanding?
` A My understanding is that one does not rely on
` obviousness when searching for a written description.
` Q If we look at -- well, let me ask you this:
` What is necessary to provide an adequate written
` description?
` A Well, the written description is supposed to
` convince one of skill in the art that the inventor
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` actually possessed in his mind the invention that's
` claimed.
` Now, of course, this is all from the viewpoint
` of one of ordinary skill in the art. So not absolutely
` everything associated with the invention has to be
` described in precise words in the specification. One is
` not allowed to supply missing material by obviousness,
` but one can use the knowledge of one of ordinary skill
` in order to understand what the meaning is of the
` phrases that are used in the specification.
` Q In paragraph 17, you state, "Claims 1 through
` 9 of the '026 patent were conceived by March 31st, 2004,
` and, in any event, no later than April 26, 2004."
` Do you see that, sir?
` A Yes.
` Q My understanding of your opinion about
` conception is that it's based on the testimony of
` Mr. Diaz and the documents cited by Mr. Diaz's
` corroboration; is that right?
` A And I believe oral testimony of others who
` corroborate it.
` Q Let me ask you this: You have no independent
` knowledge of the alleged conception. You have no
` contemporaneous knowledge of it, correct?
` A Correct.
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` Q You're evaluating the testimony and offering
` an opinion based upon that testimony and the submitted
` alleged corroborating evidence, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Let me ask you to look at your legal
` principals, paragraph 21.
` A Okay. One second. Yes.
` Q You say, "A prior art reference can disclose a
` limitation that is not expressly disclosed in the
` reference if it is 'inherently present.'"
` You continue on, "It is my understanding that
` a limitation is not disclosed by inherency if the
` missing limitation is only probably is present or if
` there is merely a possibility that it is present."
` Do you see that?
` A Yes. And you managed to stumble over one of
` my typos.
` Q No worries.
` A I think the word "is" is redundant in the
` next-to-last line of that paragraph. It should be
` "limitation is only probably present." The second "is"
` should be omitted.
` Q Typos happen.
` Is your understanding that this principal of
` inherency, including both what is inherent and what is
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` not inherent, is true for the written description
` question, or is it only true for prior art in your
` understanding?
` A So I'm not sure I've considered that question.
` I don't think I've considered it before.
` Q Let me ask you to turn to page 11 of your
` declaration. Actually, let's start with page 9 through
` 11. You have a proposed definition of "Internet
` protocol TV system," IPTV.
` Do you see that, sir?
` A Yes.
` Q And I saw where you disagreed, but my question
` is, is there anything in your analysis that would change
` if IPTV were given a plain and ordinary meaning rather
` than the meaning the board gave it?
` A I don't think so. I just tend to disagree
` with things I don't like. That's why it's there.
` Q If we turn now to the bottom of page 11,
` "Priority of Claims 1 through 9," you write, "It is not
` necessarily true that all the '026 claims are entitled
` to the filing date of the '192 application. However,
` claims 1 through 9 are so entitled."
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q Are the other claims, claims 10 through the
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` end, entitled, in your view, to the priority date to --
` to the filing date of the '192 application?
` THE REPORTER: I'm sorry. "The priority date
` to"?
` MR. ROBERTS: Let me rephrase the question.
` Q In your view, are the claims other than
` 1 through 9 of the '026 entitled to the filing date of
` the '192 application?
` A I wasn't asked to take that position. I
` haven't formed one. And it's my understanding that
` BBiTV does not take that position.
` Q Well, sir, you've reviewed this material
` carefully, right?
` A I reviewed it with respect to claims 1 through
` 9.
` Q Okay. When you were reviewing the '192
` application, did you identify any material that would
` make claim 11 -- give it priority to the '192
` application?
` A I didn't have that specifically in mind. I
` might have come across something. But since I wasn't
` looking at claim 11, I didn't consider it.
` Q So as you sit here today, is it fair to say
` you have no evidence to offer that any claims other than
` claims 1 through 9 are entitled to the priority date of
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` the '192 application?
` A I'm not sure whether I have anything to offer,
` but I haven't offered anything.
` Q As you sit here today, you're not aware of any
` evidence that claims other than 1 through 9 are entitled
` to the priority date of the '192 application?
` A That's correct. I didn't look.
` Q And as you sit here today, you're not aware of
` any evidence that any claims other than claims 1 through
` 9 are entitled to an earlier conception date than the
` '026 application?
` A Correct.
` Q I want to flip for a moment relatively far
` back in your declaration to your discussion of Kelts.
` And in particular, page 52, and paragraph 126 of your
` declaration.
` A Um-hum.
` Q And you write, in part -- and I'm starting
` three lines up from the bottom of page 52 -- "The
` cellular phone of Kelts has only basic capabilities and
` allows limited viewing of web pages using the wireless
` application protocol (WAP). A WAP-enabled phone at the
` time of Kelts had no capability of displaying streaming
` video."
` Do you see that, sir?
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 27
`DISH Ex. 1052, p. 27
` IPR2020

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