Case 6:20-cv-00562 Document 1 Filed 06/24/20 Page 1 of 12
` Plaintiff,
` v.
` Defendant.
`Case No. 6:20-cv-00562
`Plaintiff ParkerVision, Inc. (“ParkerVision”), by and through its undersigned
`counsel, files this Complaint against Defendant Intel Corporation (“Intel”) for patent
`infringement of United States Patent No. 6,049,706 (“the ’706 patent”) and alleges as
`This is an action for patent infringement arising under the patent laws of
`the United States, 35 U.S.C. §§ 1 et seq.
`Plaintiff ParkerVision is a Florida corporation with its principal place of
`business at 9446 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, Florida 32256.
`On information and belief, Defendant Intel is a Delaware corporation with
`a place of business at 2200 Mission College Boulevard, Santa Clara, California 95054.
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`On information and belief, Intel has places of business in this judicial
`district: 1300 S Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas 78746; 6500 River Place Blvd, Bldg
`7, Austin, Texas 78730 and 5113 Southwest Parkway, Austin, Texas 78735 (collectively,
`“Austin Offices”).
`Intel can be served with process through its registered agent for service in
`Texas: CT Corporation System, 1999 Bryan Street, Suite 900, Dallas, Texas 75201.
`On information and belief, since April 1989, Intel has been registered to do
`business in the State of Texas under Texas Taxpayer Number 19416727436.
`This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action pursuant
`to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a) because the action arises under the patent laws of the
`United States, 35 U.S.C. §§ 1 et seq.
`Venue is proper in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b),
`(c), (d) and/or 1400(b).
`Intel is subject to this Court’s personal jurisdiction, in accordance with due
`process and/or the Texas Long Arm Statute because Intel “[r]ecruits Texas residents,
`directly or through an intermediary located in this state, for employment inside or
`outside this state.” See Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 17.042.
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over Intel because Intel has sufficient
`minimum contacts with this forum as a result of business conducted within the State of
`Texas and this judicial district. In particular, this Court has personal jurisdiction over
`Intel because, inter alia, Intel, on information and belief: (1) has substantial, continuous,
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`and systematic business contacts in this judicial district; (2) owns, manages and
`operates facilities in this judicial district; (3) enjoys substantial income from its
`operations in this judicial district, and (4) employs Texas residents in this judicial
`Intel has purposefully availed itself of the privileges of conducting
`business within this judicial district; has established sufficient minimum contacts with
`this judicial district such that it should reasonably and fairly anticipate being hauled
`into court in this judicial district; has purposefully directed activities at residents of this
`judicial district; and at least a portion of the patent infringement claims alleged in this
`Complaint arise out of or are related to one or more of the foregoing activities.
`This Court also has personal jurisdiction over Intel because Intel, directly
`and/or through its subsidiaries, affiliates, or intermediaries, makes, uses, offers for sale,
`sells, imports, advertises, makes available and/or markets infringing products in the
`United States, the State of Texas and/or this judicial district, as described more
`particularly below.
`13. On information and belief, Intel maintains a significant physical presence
`in this judicial district.
`14. On information and belief, Intel uses its Austin Office as a regular and
`established place of business. On information and belief, Intel has employed over 1700
`employees in the Austin area.
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`Intel describes its operations in Austin on its website: “Located in the
`capitol city of Texas, Intel Austin is an important research and development center for
`the Intel technology that is changing the way we live, work, and play. Among the
`innovations developed in Austin are core technologies for next-generation
`microprocessors, platforms and base software; groundbreaking silicon solutions for
`computing and communications devices, which include handheld computing and
`cellular communications; and cutting-edge network storage products.”
`16. On information and belief, Intel has hundreds of H-1B labor condition
`applications for people employed in Austin, Texas.
`STIN&job_title=. Employees holding an H-1B visa are employed in a specialty
`occupation that requires “theoretical and practical application of a body of highly
`specialized knowledge . . . and attainment of a bachelor’s or higher degree in the
`specific specialty.” See generally 8 U.S.C. § 1184. As such, Intel employees in Austin,
`Texas are highly specialized and important to the operation of Intel.
`Intel lists job openings on its website for positions in Austin, Texas.
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` (visited on 1/7/2020).
`18. On information and belief, Intel has litigated/is litigating cases before this
`Court in which it admitted that venue was proper, did not contest personal jurisdiction,
`and/or filed counterclaims. See, e.g., Flash-Control, LLC v. Intel Corp., Case No. 1:19-cv-
`01107 (W.D. Tex.); VLSI Tech. LLC v. Intel Corp., Case No. 1:19-cv-00977 (W.D. Tex.).
`In 1989, Jeff Parker and David Sorrells started ParkerVision in
`Jacksonville, Florida. Through the mid-1990s, ParkerVision focused on developing
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`commercial video cameras, e.g., for television broadcasts. The cameras used radio
`frequency (RF) technology to automatically track the camera’s subject.
`20. When developing consumer video cameras, however, ParkerVision,
`encountered a problem – the power and battery requirements for RF communications
`made a cost effective, consumer-sized product impractical. So, Mr. Sorrels and
`ParkerVision’s engineering team began researching ways to solve this problem.
`21. At the time, a decade’s-old RF technology called super-heterodyne
`dominated the consumer products industry. But this technology was not without its
`own problems – the circuity was large and required significant power.
`From 1995 through 1998, ParkerVision engineers developed an innovative
`method of RF direct conversion by a process of sampling a RF carrier signal and
`transferring energy to create a down-converted baseband signal.
`23. After creating prototype chips and conducting tests, ParkerVision soon
`realized that its technology led to improved RF receiver performance, lower power
`consumption, reduced size and integration benefits. In other words, RF receivers could
`be built smaller, cheaper and with greater improved performance.
`ParkerVision’s innovations did not stop there. ParkerVision went on to
`develop additional RF down-conversion technologies, RF up-conversion technologies
`and other related direct-conversion technologies. ParkerVision also developed
`complementary wireless communications technologies that involved interactions,
`processes, and controls between the baseband processor and the transceiver, which
`improved and enhanced the operation of transceivers that incorporate ParkerVision’s
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`down-converter and up-converter technologies. To date, ParkerVision has been granted
`over 200 patents related to its innovations including, the ’706 patent.
`25. After spending millions of dollars developing RF technologies,
`ParkerVision sought to partner with larger, well-established companies who could use
`ParkerVision’s innovations to manufacture highly integrated circuits on a large scale for
`the consumer market. In the late 1990s, ParkerVision began meeting with companies
`such as Qualcomm, an industry leader in RF chip technology.
`26. Qualcomm quickly recognized the significance of ParkerVision’s direct-
`conversion technology. In internal communications, Qualcomm engineers and senior
`executives lauded ParkerVision’s technology: “This is virtually the holy grail of RF
`receiver designs –- achievable and within practical limits!”; “[w]e are very impressed
`with the performance! We can make a phone with [ParkerVision’s] parts with higher
`dynamic range than today’s phones” and “[t]he truth is Parker Vision have [sic]
`stumbled on something revolutionary.” After testing ParkerVision’s technology, a
`Qualcomm senior executive and former engineer stated “[t]o tell you the truth, I am
`more of a believer now than when I started talking with [ParkerVision]” and
`Qualcomm’s then-division President stated “this is critical technology that we must
`land based on what we have seen so far. It offers revolutionary rf versus power
`performa[n]ce based on early te[s]t resul[t]s.”
`27. Qualcomm and ParkerVision never entered into an agreement.
`Then, in the mid-2000s, with the rise in popularity of smartphones, there
`became a critical need for smaller, more efficient receivers capable of supporting
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`multiple frequency bands. ParkerVision’s technology addressed this need.
`In 2011, a ParkerVision engineer found a Qualcomm conference paper
`describing Qualcomm’s then-current RF technology. The technology was strikingly
`similar to the technology that ParkerVision disclosed to Qualcomm years earlier.
`Through reverse engineering of Qualcomm’s RF chips, ParkerVision confirmed that
`Qualcomm had been using ParkerVision’s patented technology. And, Qualcomm has
`enjoyed great financial success by doing so. ParkerVision sued Qualcomm and its
`customers for patent infringement and has been locked in litigation ever since.
`The damage to ParkerVision, however, was already done. On information
`and belief, seeing Qualcomm’s success, other chip manufacturers such as Intel shifted to
`using ParkerVision’s technology. This shift in the industry ultimately led to the
`abandonment of super-heterodyne technology.
`ParkerVision’s technology helped make today’s mobile devices, such as
`smart phones and tablets, a reality by enabling RF chips used in these devices to be
`smaller, cheaper, and more efficient, and with higher performance.
`32. Until recently, Intel (or those acting on its behalf) made, used, sold,
`offered to sell and/or imported RF transceiver chips/modems, for example, for use in
`smartphones. These chips include, without limitation, the Intel PMB 5750, PMB 5757
`and PMB 5762 (each an “Intel Chip”; collectively, the “Intel Chips”).
`Intel Chips provide cellular connectivity for devices such as Apple
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`34. On information and belief, the PMB 5750 was incorporated into devices
`including, without limitation, the Apple iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.1 On information and
`belief, the PMB 5757 was incorporated into devices including, without limitation, the
`Apple iPhone 8, 8 Plus and X.2 On information and belief, the PMB 5762 was
`incorporated into devices including, without limitation, the Apple iPhone XR, XS and
`XS Max.3
`35. On information and belief, in December 2019, Apple acquired Intel’s
`smartphone modem business for $1 billion.
`United States Patent No. 6,049,706
`36. On April 11, 2000, the United States Patent and Trademark Office duly
`and legally issued United States Patent No. 6,049,706 (“the ’706 patent”) entitled
`“Integrated Frequency Translation and Selectivity” to inventor Robert W. Cook et al.
`1 See Wegner et al., Apple iPhone 7 Teardown, TechInsights (Sept. 15, 2016),
`; see also Srivatsan Sridhar, Apple iPhone
`7 and 7 Plus teardown confirms bigger battery, Intel LTE modem in some models and more,
`FoneArena (Sept. 16, 2016),
`2 See Yang et al., Apple iPhone X Teardown, TechInsights (last modified Nov. 8, 2017),
`3 See iPhone XS and XS Max Teardown, iFixit (Sept. 21, 2018),
`; iPhone XR
`Teardown, iFixit (Oct. 26, 2018),
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`The ’706 patent is presumed valid under 35 U.S.C. § 282.
`ParkerVision owns all rights, title, and interest in the ’706 patent.
`COUNT I - Infringement of United States Patent No. 6,049,706
`The allegations set forth above are re-alleged and incorporated by
`reference as if they were set forth fully here.
`Intel directly infringes (literally and/or under the doctrine of equivalents)
`the ’706 patent by making, using, selling, offering for sale, and/or importing into the
`United States products covered by at least claim 1 of the ’706 patent.
`Intel products that infringe one or more claims of the ’706 patent include,
`but are not limited to, the Intel Chips, and any other Intel device that is capable of
`filtering and down-converting a higher-frequency signal to a lower-frequency signal as
`claimed in the ’706 patent. On information and belief, Intel uses the Intel Chips at least
`by testing the Intel Chips in the United States.
`Each Intel Chip is/includes an apparatus for filtering and down-
`converting (e.g., a higher frequency RF signal to a lower frequency signal). Each Intel
`Chip includes a frequency translator, comprising a down-convert and delay module to
`under-sample an input signal (e.g., high frequency RF signal) to produce an input
`sample of a down-converted image of said input signal, and to delay said input sample.
`Each Intel Chip also includes a filter, comprising at least a portion of said down-convert
`and delay module, at least one delay module to delay instances of an output signal, and
`an adder (e.g., operational amplifier with parallel resistor-capacitor feedback) to
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`combine at least said delayed input sample with at least one of said delayed instances of
`said output signal to generate an instance of said output signal.
`The down-convert and delay module under-samples (e.g., at a sample rate
`below the Nyquist rate) said input signal according to a control signal (e.g., local
`oscillator (LO) signal), wherein a frequency of said control signal is equal to a frequency
`of said input signal plus or minus a frequency of said down-converted image, divided
`by n, where n represents a harmonic or sub-harmonic of said input signal.
`ParkerVision has been damaged by the direct infringement of Intel and is
`suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable harm and damages as a result of this
`Pursuant to Rule 38(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, ParkerVision
`hereby requests a trial by jury on all issues so triable.
`WHEREFORE, ParkerVision respectfully requests that the Court enter judgment
`in its favor and against Intel as follows:
`finding that Intel directly infringes one or more claims of the ’706 patent;
`awarding ParkerVision damages under 35 U.S.C. § 284, or otherwise
`permitted by law, including supplemental damages for any continued
`post-verdict infringement;
`awarding ParkerVision pre-judgment and post-judgment interest on the
`damages award and costs;
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`awarding cost of this action (including all disbursements) and attorney fees
`pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 285, or as otherwise permitted by the law; and
`awarding such other costs and further relief that the Court determines to be
`just and equitable.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/Raymond W. Mort, III
`Raymond W. Mort, III
`Texas State Bar No. 00791308
`100 Congress Avenue, Suite 2000
`Austin, Texas 78701
`Tel/Fax: 512-865-7950
`Attorneys for Plaintiff ParkerVision, Inc.
`Dated: June 24, 2020
`Of Counsel:
`Ronald M. Daignault*
`Chandran B. Iyer*
`Jason S. Charkow*
`711 Third Avenue, Suite 1900
`New York, New York 10017
`Telephone: (646) 292-8700
`Stephanie R. Mandir*
`Reston Tower Center, 11921 Freedom Dr.
`Reston, VA 20190
`Telephone: (646) 292-8700
`*pro hac vice motion to be filed
`ParkerVision Ex. 2002
`Intel Corp. v. ParkerVision, Inc.
`IPR No. 2020-01265

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