
`lllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllll |||l|||||l||ll||lll|l|||ll|||
`118006116 1551A
`United States Patent
`Sorrells et 111.
`Date of Patent:
`May 9, 2000
`Patent Number:
`nven ors:
`David F anmll‘. Mi haelJ
`. 1
`Bultman, both oi'Jacksonville; Robert
`W. (Junk, Switzerland; Richard C.
`5111111119; (“Radial 1:.rlrlnses, ,]r., both at
`ac mm“ L’ a
`['13] Assignee: Parkervisinn, Inc., Jacksonville, Fla.
`[2]] App]. No; "9,1175’022
`01.1.. 21" 1998
`..... HfllQ 11112
`4551131‘ 139
`[58] Field of Search
`4551142, 162.1, 202, 20:, 313, 317, 318,
`1 [8, 113, 324; 3291345, 347; 32719,
`91; 70966! 70
`,nees L ted
`Re. 35,494
`Re. 35,829
`................................. 32111554
`41199? Nicollini
`611998 Sanderford,,|r.
`...................................... 2511,18
`11111935 Gardner
`511941 Vreeland ................................... 179115
`.. 179115
`111942 Skillman
`511942 Roberts .
`9119-44 Earp ..........
`. 11911715
`.............................. 179115
`labia et al.
`133mm. ........................................ 25018
`~ 2501’17
`211939 (11111111911?a El 31-
`-‘ 25'3“?
`25194? Lfmmmngfl
`51094) ”Edema” """"""
`“ ”8"!“
`$1323 Eggihgnwmd et :11.
`' 2'50,”
`211962 Pom,“
`[2,1962 Sme“Eyelal
`9,1963 Vogeiman _____
`1211963 MeManus _
`“ 325156
`................................ 332122
`111954 King at al.
`(List continued on next page.)
`[11135 156 A1
`European Pat. Off.
`.......... H0415 1126
`i] 193 899 Ht
`European Pat. DIJ'.
`.......... Gills 7152
`European [’31. 011'.
`....... HU3H 171114
`(L151 continued 0“ ““1 Page)
`Akers, N.P. el al., “RF sampling gates: a brief review,” IEE
`Proceedings—A, vol. 133, Part A, No. 1, Jan. 1986, pp.
`l1aulkner, Nell D. and Mestre. bnrrc Vilar, “Subharmonrc
`Sampling for the Measurement of Short—term Stability of
`Microwave Oscillators," IEEE Transactions on instrumen-
`tatt'rm and measurenwm, vol. “VI—32, No. 1, Mar. 1983, pp.
`ltakura, L, “bfl-CCIS‘O‘I‘ the sampling pulse Wtdlh on Ii‘lt:
`frequency characteristics oi
`a sample—and—hold ctrcuit,"
`11513 Proceedings—Circuits, Devices and Systems, Aug.
`1994 vol. 141 No. 4 pp. 328—336.
`{List continued on next page.)
`Prflttarjv Examiner—Doris H. To
`Assistant Examiner—8am Bhattacharya
`Attorney; Agent, or Finn—Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox
`Methods, systems, and apparaluses tor downwanvemng an
`elcclromagnelic (EM) signal by aliasing the EM signal are
`described herein. Briefly stated, such methods, systems, and
`apparatuses operate by receiving an EM signal and an
`aliasing signal having an aliasing rate. The EM signal
`alfiasgr] according m |th aliasing signal 10 down~convcn the
`EM slgnuL [he [crm allaslng’ as used hgrcln’ reign; to bolh
`down—converting an EM signal by under—sampling the EM
`Signal at an aliasmg rate, and down~convert1ng an EM Signal
`by transferring energy from the EM signal at the aliasing
`rate. In an embodiment, the EM signal is down-converted to
`an intermediate frequency (IF) signal.
`In another
`embodiment, the EM signal is down-converted lo a demodu-
`lated hasehand information signal. In another embodiment,
`the EM signal is a frequency modulated (I’M) signal, which
`is down—convertedto a non—FM signal, such as a phase
`modulated (PM) Signal or an amplitude modulated (AM)
`204 Claims, 126 Drawing Sheets
`Intel v. ParkerVision
`E ilmn
`Intel 1025
`ParkerVision Ex. 2007
`Intel Corp. v. Pal‘kerVision, Inc.
`Il’R No. 2020—01265
`Intel v. ParkerVision
`Intel 1025


`Page 2
`1211.905 McNair ....
`........... . ..... .... 525140
`511909 5119911991
`511993 Sanders -
`511953 MiFflgi
`711969 95113311“
`1 ”31'6“
`..."..."........................... 5401347
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`3,611,892 1111.911
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`3,623,160 1111971 Giles el al.
`3401347 DA
`1211971 Gilbert
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`..... 325156
`911972 Bella at al.
`..... 325,139
`111973 Hayes
`211973 Barrel e1 51].
`34015 R
`511973 Tomsa el al.
`. 179115 BM
`411914 Thompson
`211915 MacAfee ..
`. 332145
`411976 81111181
`. 325,131
`611976 31112.
`911976 Bickford
`3,987,280 1011976 Bauer
`. 235115053
`. 179115 FD
`1111976 IIirala
`111977 Snijdcrs (.‘l
`. 332110
`311911 Campbell
`411977 Swerdlow .
`. 322165
`711977 LOhrmnnn
`911977 Campbell
`111978 Young ......
`. 178166 R
`111978 lluntinglon ......................... 3071353
`311978 Bat?
`1211.978 Arnkelian at a].
`3071220 R
`1211978 Van Gcrwcn cl. :1].
`.. 3251487
`. 325147
`211979 Adan-hi
`4,170,764 1011979 841?: el. al.
`. 332117
`511980 Sulphin, Jr.
`711980 Gregorian
`l’nscoc c1 III.
`211981 Fisher 81 a].
`..... 329150
`211981 Nossck .....
`.. 3301107
`4,308,614 1211981 Fisher 81 al.
`. 332116 R
`311982 Kfltkerl
`311982 Dietrich
`811982 Gfll'djr
`1011982 [komn el al,
`4,356,558 1011982 Owen eta].
`1111982 Gonda
`1211982 Collin ......
`. 455152
`1211982 Berger cl. 1:].
`111985 Cosand 1:1 :11.
`. 3071353
`611983 Slain ..
`711983 Dc] Gill It“.
`211984 8312.1 81 Ell.
`511984- Cllw'lg 1:1 :11.
`611.934 Fisher e1 3|.
`911984 Kasuga
`1011984 Ptablm cl 8].
`. 332141
`4,481,490 1111984 l-lunlle).r .
`4,481,642 1111984 Hanson .
`4,485,488 1111.984 IIoudarl
`332131 R
`311985 Ire el aL
`511985 Mulwiyama
`.................... 3291126
`.. 32.91145
`511.985 Ogawa .........
` 511935 Van Rocrmund
`. 375188
`611985 Vance ct n],
`111986 Dixon, Jr. et al.
`311.986 Reed
`. 329150
`411986 Vance
`511986 Himo el 1:11. ...................... 3071267
`711986 Kurlllara
`711986 Welles, 11 El Ell.
`911986 Ishikawa 6161.
`. 31111496
`911986 (11165 6161.
`.. 33114
`1011986 (11111111161111.
`1111986 8111113 6161. ....................... 31511
`1211986 Schwarz el al.
`.......................... 375,140
`111937 Crawford
`__ 33111101.
`.. 3631151
`311987 61661166611.
`.. 31111556
`311981 8616
`611981 Lillie 6161.
`811987 Gumm .......
`.. 38117
`1211987 Duudelin _, 3291107
`4,716,388 1211987 Jacobs ., 3331173
`, 4551209
`111988 Rather el :11.
`211988 Prohaska 131. al.
`311988 Simone
`311988 lL‘hilsuho
`411988 Steel 61 al.
`511988 Everard ..
`511983 1.11
`.. 3281133
`611988 Agoslon .
`711988 Z'Lnk
`811988 Mamllall
`. 3281167
`911988 Tamakoshi cl 2:].
`1111988 Jam: ct al. ..................... 3751].
`1211988 Ureivcukflmp, Jr. 1:1 31.
`. 3641525
`111989 Yokoyama
`.. 3071353
`211989 8011.? ...........
`311989 Crawford
`311989 Cowley eL al.
`,, 3311117 R
`311989 Yesler, Jr. 51 al.
`411989 Christopher
`511989 Buchcle, 3411118
`811989 Hochscllild el al.
`. 3331173
`. 3581133
`...... ,
`911989 Juri cl .1].
`911989 Dishi 91.31.
`.. 3321100
`1011989 K991111118
`1211989 Wiegnnd at a].
` .. 42114
`1211989 Foulanes 91 al.
`4,888,557 1211989 l’uckcltc, 1V (:1 al.
`4,890,302 1211989 Nfuilwijk .......
`.. 375180
`111990 Jam: Cl :11.
`111990 Gehring .
`.. 38117
`111.990 De Agra .
`. 3631159
`.. 3401853
`111990 Tiemanu
`2119911 11661811619
`311990 'l‘nwl'ik el 111.
`311990 Yester, Jr. cl al.
`411990 Wells
`411990 Sandal-owls: ct al.
`, 364185
`511990 Lalrstn Cl :11.
`.. 3631163
`611990 Anderson .....
`, 4551207
`711990 Gehriug el 8].
`, 4551325
`911990 Connerney el al.
`.. 3071352
`4,965,467 1011990 Bfllerijsl
`4,967,160 1011990 Quicvy Cl al.
`1111990 Hariharzm cl a1,
`111991 Jacob cl 111.
`.. 35811.40
`111991 Uchida ..........
`211991 Weinberger el :11
`,, 37515
`411991 Blunder 1:181.
`.. 3281167
`411991 Pnpescu .....
`411991 Garcia ,1 4551118
`511991 Nicallini El 111,
`81111011 ...............
`.. 32.91361
`, 3421195
`511991 Guiberteau el al.
`.. 4551325
`l'Icmmic .
`.. 4551608
`511991 Zierl'llll
`911991 Collier at a].
`. 4551296
`.............. 375191
`1111991 Hllghfii 1:1 :11.
`Parkchisiou Ex. 2007
`1.111131 Corp. v. Parkchisiou. 1111?.
`[PR No. 2020—01265


`Page 3
`2.31.992 Nfinami
`.. 455.3245
`331992 1.36pm £1 a],
`331992 aner
`531992 Makinn
`531992 Grace 21 111. -
`,. 3233316
`531992 Hughes
`631992 Pataul
`631992 llagino
`831992 Cabot
`.. 3333174
`831992 Kmsugfl
`931992 Moore el al.
`. 342368
`931992 Caldwell 51 a1
`. 328314
`5,159,710 1031992 Cusdin .....
`5,170,414 12.31992 Silvian .....
`5,172,070 1231992 Himiwa cl a].
`3.31993 Thompson 21 al.
`4.31993 Ashgar er a].
`531993 Meszko {:1 al.
`531993 KarkutaJr.
`631993 Solomon ..
`. 375.382
`631993 Let:
`631993 “'hfkellal‘l
`. 381315
`731993 Currie cl :1!
`831.993 Downey
`831993 Barnard
`931.993 Lopcr
`. 375397
`5,251,218 1031.993 Stone 91. 3].
`1031.993 Nonami
`5,260,970 11.31993 Henry 5-1 a].
`. 375310
`1131993 Ragau
`1131993 Jasper
`1131993 Kawasaki
`131994 Murphy e131.
`. 5711375
`131994 Scarpa
`231994 Schauh
`331994 Hamao el :11.
`431994 Lam
`. 4553306
`431994 Rich
`531994 Murphy cl al.
`. 370318
`631994 Seong
`631994 Scarpa
`1‘18le cl al.
`8.31994 Taguchi
`831.994 Schfltz (:1. a].
`5,355,114 10.31994 Sullerliu el al.
`.. 340331031
`5,361,408 .1131 994 Walanahe el al.
`..... 455359
`5,369,800 11319.94 Tnkagi el. al.
`.................... 52531115
`1231994 Chalmers
`131995 Nfilflmolfl El ill.
`131995 Thompson et al.
`231995 ’I’akatori el al.
`.. 4553523
`231995 Webslcr at a].
`331995 Scarpa ..........
`1.31:3: 161 all.
`. 376373:
`431995 Hone
`531995 Graham .
`531095 Janet .....
`631995 Wilkinson
`(13'ng 61 ul.
`631995 C1015 81 a1.
`63' 1.995 Townlcy
`731995 Palmer
`8.31.995 Muhindru .
`831995 Deal (:1 al.
`.. 3293302
`[shikawa El 211.
`8.31995 Heck el al.
`831995 chhkaylo
`831995 Manila (:1 al.
`931995 Ohmnri cl 1:].
`931995 Lawlon
`931995 Dllllu
`931995 Fruit 61 al.
`1031995 Palmer
`1031995 lIuhdcn ..
`.. 3323151
`11.31995 chaynshi el :11.
`1 329.3315
`. 4553266
`1131995 Hihcu el al.
`.. 455.3325
`1131995 MCEWHH
`5,479,120 1231995 McEwan
`1231995 Chow cl al.
`1 3293300
`131996 Kennedy cl al.
`. 3753201)
`1.31996 Weinl'lclg cl.
`13'] 996 [lock ('1 a].
`2.31996 Whikehart el :1].
`1 375.3316
` 1 3753350
`231996 You ng el al.
`231995 Kwan 51 a1.
`231996 11511. 327.3113
`1 3753206
`2.31996 Juvanuvich el al.
`331996 Obs: et a1.
`331996 'l‘hompson £1 a].
`5.31996 Fajen el al.
`. 4553333
`.. 4553307
`531996 Pinckley .....
`. 3273557
`631996 Longo :1 a1.
`1 3323103
`631996 Kmeger cl 111.
`631996 McEwan
`731996 [shigaki
`931996 K111161010 ct a1.
`.. 3753316
`931996 Wifliams
`. 3753267
`1131996 Smith c1 al.
`1131996 Lindquisl 81 a1.
`. 3753346
`5,584,068 123'] 996 Mohindra ......
`.. 455.3324
`131997 Labreche at a].
`. 3323103
`2.31997 Pagan!) 121 nl.
`231997 Wilma
`231997 Kim 3131.
`331997 I'Iondu eta].
`331937 'l‘anaka et al.
`431997 Mjmura el al.
`. 3753340
`. 3753328
`431997 Scmpcl CI
`1. 34836
`431997 Regen; El :11.
`. 4553324
`531997 Bella el al.
`631997 Pandula .........
`.. 3753202
`631997 Banavong 81. al,
`631997 Abe 131. a].
`631997 Sher] el al.
`. 4553323
`7.31997 Bjcrcde at a].
`. 3753219
`731997 Rodal
`.. 3423357
`.. 3633159
`931.997 Walker
` .. 3753260
`931997 SLriEfler
`9.31997 Smilh cl 111.
`5,680,078 11131997 Ariie .............
`1...... 33.23178
`5,680,418 1031997 Crofl [.11 al.
`. 3753346
`1131997 Jalan‘lillo 3:1 al.
`. 363.3146
`1231997 Zulu c1 :11.
`..... .
`1 3273341
`131998 chburg 61a].
`131998 Opas .............
`.. 4553324
`231998 Skoczen el al.
`.. 33133
`231998 8133 el 3L
`. 3753344
`231003 51051351115151.
`331998 lIulick
`331993 Bakfll‘ el al.
`331998 Chen ..........
`.. 3753334
`331998 Talwar cl al.
`331998 Cm: el .11.
`1 4553126
`431998 Yu el al.
`. 3273554
`.. 3483725
`431998 Rulzull
`431993 Yoshida (:1 a].
`531998 Snlilh el al.
`... .............
`631998 Comlc eta].
`. 3293304
`.. 327.31 (15
`631998 Clark ......
`.. 327.3355
`631998 Wang .....
`631998 Faulk el al.
`6.31998 Wang 131. all.
`731998 Ghosh
`Parkchisiou Ex. 2007
`1.11121 Corp. v. Parkchisiou. 111C.
`IPR No. 2020—01265


`6,116 1 ,551
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`7711.108 Srnilh
`771998 Rogers 1:1 01.
`8719.98 Farmer ..........
`971998 flickemmn
`971998 Cafarella e1 :11.
`.. 3757200
`1|]71998 1111111111dc: at al.
`. 3.11725
`5,825,254 11171993 12:
`1171993 Sundegfird
`171999 110110
`571999 Bonds
`11:13:: gum -----~--l
`.,. ,
`onucclnc 11..
`471999 Heiuuneu
`.. 455776
`571999 1111111115
`571999 Leu 131 :11.
`.. 31.3741
`571999 [illuma ..
`-- 455175
`571999 0Pas
`5719.99 Chambers 11 :11.
`. 4557234.]
`51.999 Ban 81 all.
`455 54
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`57191119 Miyillblljl El. 3].
`.. 32773113
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`.. 331711:
`571999 Salvi 1:131.
`-- 391753
`51' “399 Fumlani El 31-
`5111521111010 0111].
`571999 51721111.
`571999 K001 el
`.. 4557323
`5,71001) Kznnam H 111.
`571999 Au- cl a|_ _________
`,_ _4557575
`13999119111 91 al.
`.. 2357487
`571999 Marckini
`1171999 Shaffer 1:1 :11.
`071999 11111118
`7719-99 Sal-{N
`871999 Sm1111. 3737334
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`(.0111 537315
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`U 423 718 A3
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`0 795 978M 971997 European Pal. 011.
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`|-‘.mopean l‘at. 01L. [1031.1 1701‘.-
`[1374 499 A2
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