é s
`The most up—to-date and comprehensive
`coverage of medical terminology
`based on actual usage in
`contemporary medical literature.
`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
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`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
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`Explanatory Notes
`Abbreviations Used in This Work
`Pronunciation Symbols
`A Dictionary of Medical English
`Signs and Symbols
`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
`Page 5 of 10


`the action of the hear} —- car-dicoac-
`cel-er-adion \—.se-la:'ra-shan\ n _
`radio-naive \—'ak—tiv\ ad: : haying an
`influence on the heart (m drugs) _
`“Mic-circu-labto-r‘y \' sor—kya—la- tor-
`é\ m1“ : of or relatin to the heart and
`circu tory system temporary ~ as-
`a? kind mam-fies 3-dt-‘na-miks\ 1; arms
`or p! : the dynamics of the heart 5 ac-
`tion in pumping blood --- car-dinndy-
`nam-ic V4711!“ (Edi
`note \' -Je-nik\ ad) : ongmating
`in the cart : caused by a cardiac con-
`dition (~ shoclf)
`car-dimmm \‘kar-de-a-mram'x n z the
`curve or tracing made by a cardio-
`“figmmph \--graf\n : an instrument
`that re isters graphtcally movements
`of the earl -—- candle-era h-lc \nkar-
`dé-aJ ra-fik\ ad! -— ca
`\ikar— é-‘a—gra—fe\ n
`\ kar-dé—(
`' in-
`'hi—ba-ntor~é\ adi
`: interfering With or
`slowma the normal
`se uence of
`events in the cardiac cyce (the ~
`center of the medulla)
`ear-dlo-lip-in\nkar-de-o-'li—pan\_ n g a
`phosphthld used 1n combination
`with epithln and cholesterol as an an-
`tigen_ _m diagnostic blood tests for
`car'di-ol-o-gy \akar~de-'a-le-Je\ n, pl
`gigs : the study of the heart and its
`action and__diseases — car-di-o-logri-
`al \-a—_'.15-Jl-kal\ ad} — ear-di-ol-o-gist
`eardio-meg-a-ly \I kar-de—o—' me-go—le\
`n. p] -hes : enlargement of the heart
`\' kar-de—o—(u )rm-
`'a—pa—thé\_ n. pl -thies : a ty ically
`chronic dlsorder of heart musc e that
`may involve hypertrophy and ob-
`structive darn e to the. heart _
`ear-drop-a-thy 3. ar-de-‘a—pa—the\ n. pl
`-thles : any disease _of_the heart
`candimplas-ty \f kar-de—ornplas—tfi n, pl
`-ties : a plastic operation performed
`on the
`stric cardiac sphincter ._
`a \ukar—de—onltE—Jo. —_ie-a\
`n : tem orary cardiac arrest induced
`(as by rugs) during heart surgery —
`car-dxowple-gic \—j|k\ ad]
`ma-uner-e, -'pol-\ adj : of or relating
`to the heart and lungs (a w bypass)
`cardiopulmonary resuscitation n : a
`groceclure deSigned to restore normal
`reathmg after cardiac arrest that in-
`cludes the clearance of air passages
`to the lungs._ the mouth-to—mouth
`flagged of artifiCIal respiration. and
`massa e by the exertion of
`pressure on t e chest ——- abbr. CPR
`candle-recital \-'rén-°l\ adi : of or relat-
`lng to the heart and the kidneys
`(“-4 glisorders)
`initiator-e, -n-'spi—ro—\ adi : of or We
`atmg to the heart and the respiratory
`cardioactive - cariostatic
`system : CARDIOPULMONARY (~ ail--
`ments) ~ responses __
`candle-st: core-s15
`\. ar-gle-(Qo—sklo-
`'ro—sas\ n, hp! «noses \-usez\ :
`flora of the . eart‘caused by_fonnation
`of fibrous tissue '1‘ the cardiac muscle
`car-Iiio-spasm \‘kar—_dé\ n
`: failure of the cardiac sphincter to re-
`lax during swallowmg With resultant
`esophageal obstruction -—— compare
`car-gimmochomeoter _\| kar-dé-(n )o-ta-
`'ka-mp-tor\ n :_a device for prolonged
`gra hic recorglmg of the heartbeat
`ca . io-tho-ra-cic 3—tha—‘ra-mk) ad; : r_e~
`lating to. tnvolvmg. or speCtalizmg in
`the heart and chest (N surgeon) (~
`car-di-ot-o-my 3ukar—de~_'a-ta—me\ n, pl
`-mies 1 :_surg_1ca_l 1_nc1510n of the heart
`2 : surgical incuston of the stomach
`\ukar-devoa'ta-nim adi
`tending to increase_the tonus of
`heart muscle (N stermds)
`2eal'diotonie n : a cardiotonic substance
`car-(litrtox-lc \-'tak-s1k\ adj : having a
`toxrc effect ”on the heart — car-dio—
`tox-ic-i-ty \«tak-‘s:-so-te\ n
`: of. relating to. or involving the heart
`and blood vessels (rv disease)
`1‘t:artliot-riaiscular n z a substance (as a
`drug) that affects the heart or b and
`car-dio-yer-sion \-'var-zhan_.
`-shon\ .n
`: application of an electric shock in
`or er to restore normal heartbeat
`candle-vent" \‘kar-de-o-svor-tor\ n : a
`devnce for the. administration of an
`electric shock in cardioversmn
`car-diotis .\kar-'¢_il—tos\_ n pl cartdlt-l-
`des \—'di-ta-.dez\
`inflammatlon of
`the heart muscle_: MYOCARDITIS
`«air-dictum \' kar—de—om\ n comb form
`pl -car-dia \-e-9\ : heart (eprcchmmS
`care \‘ker, 'kar\ n : responsrbility for
`or attention to health. well-being. and
`safety -—— see HEALTH CARE.
`CARE —- care yb
`rson who
`care-giver \fiugi—vofi n :
`prowdes direct care (as or children
`or the chronically ill .‘ _€._S‘p
`: one who
`has primary responSIbility for a child
`— car
`'v-irig \;]\ n
`car-fies \' ar-ez. 'ker-‘tn. pl caries : a
`progresswe destruction of bone or
`tooth: esp : tooth decay
`ca-rI-na \ka-‘n-na. :‘re-\_n. pl carinas
`or ca-ri-nae \' -'\ : any of
`structures. ridges. or processes
`arm : caries (cariogenic)
`eerie-A comp
`_ 9
`carcinogen-it: \.kar—e_-o-'1e-n1k\ ad; : pro-
`ducmg or
`romoting the development
`of tooth ecay (m foods)
`eartmstat-ic \—'sta-tik\ adi : tending to
`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
`Page 6 of 10


`dialytie - diathermy
`membranes esp : such a separation
`of collmds from soluble substances _2
`:_HEMOplALYSlS —— diva-tyne \idi-aJli-
`t!k\ ad)
`di-a-lyze \fdi-a-iliz\ vb -lyzed; -_lyz-ing l
`: to subject to or undergo dialysis 2
`: _to separate or obt_ain by dialysw :—
`dra-lyz-abild-ty \udi—9—nli-29~'bi-l9—te\
`n — di-a-lyzgible \-'li-za-bol\ ad:
`di-aolyz-er_\—ali:zar\ n : an apparatus m
`which dialy31s is carried out conSist-
`mg essentially of one or more con-
`i unis
`separated into
`y membranes
`divam-eyter \di—‘a-ma—tar\ :3 l_: a “tilt. of
`magnification of a magnifying device
`equatto the number of times the lin-
`ear dimenswiis of the object are in-
`creased (a microscope magnifym 60
`NS) 2 : one of the mammal brea ths
`of afart of the body (the transverse
`m o the inlet of the pelws) _
`di-amj-no-fi my} suM‘qne \adi-g-u me-
`(-)no-idt-' en-aleal-ifon.
`-'fen-\ n
`drback rattlesnake \‘di-mand-
`'di-a-\ n : either of two large
`and deadly rattlesnakes of the enus
`(C. adamanteus o
`southeastern 1.1.3. and C. alrox of the
`south central and southwestern [5.8.
`and Mexico) — called also diamond—
`pack. diamondbacfc rattler
`_ \udl-O-DO—‘dé-SOS\ n
`-de-ses \-nsez\ : the passage of blood
`cells through capillary walls into the
`tissues —
`t—ic \-'de-tilg\ ad;
`'dl-a-per \‘di— an, 'di—o-\ n : a.ba5ic gar-
`ment esp. or infants consastmg of a
`folded c oth or other absorbent mate—
`rial drawn up between the legs and
`fastened about the waist
`: Ito
`per vb diapered; dra-per-iii
`mt?“ or change the diaper of an in-
`diaper rash n : skin irritation of the
`r-covered area and usu. the but—
`toc s of an infant esp. from exposure
`to feces and unn_ary ammonia
`.a— o-\ n, pl -re-ses \‘ISCZ\': PERSPlRig-
`TIQN: esp : profuse perspiration arti-
`ficmlly induced
`'dioa-pho-retglc \-'re-tik\ ad}; havmg the
`rower to Increase sweating
`1d aphoretic it :_an agent capable of in-
`ducmg sweating
`dioa-pliragm \‘di-e-ifram\ n l : a body
`partition of muscle and connective
`tissue; specif : the artition separat-
`ing the chest and a
`ommal caVities
`in mammals — compare PELVIC DIA-
`: a chance that limits the aperture ofa
`lens or optical system 3 : a molded
`cap usu. of thin rubber fitted overthe
`uterine cervtx to act as a mechanical
`contraceptive barrier
`'se-uli —.lé\ n, pl : a small horizontal
`fold of the dura materjhat roofs over
`the sella turctca and is
`ierced by a
`small opening for the i_n undibulum
`di-aophrag-inat-ic ,
`--frag-\ ad; : of. involvmg. or resem-
`bling a diaphragm ~ hernia)
`di-aph- vse-a \dl-ga- a—‘se-el. -'ze-\ or
`diaaop ys-i-al \idi-m'fi-ze-ohfi
`: of.
`relating to. or mvolyi
`a diap ySis
`yosec-to-my \idi-a- ay'zek-ta-mé.
`-'sek-\ n. pl «mes ; surgical excmon
`of all or part of a diaphysls (as of the
`drewrtsis \d‘ '
`l- 21- 3-595
`:1. p oases
`}-nséz\ : the _shat‘t_of a long bone
`dear-rhea \gdi-oj're—m n : abnormall
`frequent intestinal evacuations Wit
`inore or less fluid stools
`di-arvrhe-gl \Jre-ph a _ : DIARRHEIQ
`dieing-hem: \-'re-ik\ a
`: of or relating
`to diarrhea
`dranrhet-ic \—'re-tik\ ad; : DIéRRl-IEIC
`ic, di-ar-rhoet-ic chiefly fin! var of DI-
`_ ..
`di-ar-throeis 3.d1—ar-'thr_o—sas\_ n, pl
`\-.sez\ l : articulation that
`permits free movement 2 : a freely
`movable JOll‘lt — called also _synovic_il
`103m — dl-ar-thm-di-al \idl-iarJthro-
`de-oh ad) _
`dim-static \‘di-a-sstas. ~istaz\ n l : AM-
`YLASE; esp : a mixture of amylases
`from malt 2,: ENZYME
`di-wta-sts \di—‘as-to-sos\ n, pl :ta-ses
`\—isez\ l : an abnormal separation of
`parts normally Jomed together 2 : the
`rest phase of cardiac diastole occur-
`etween filling of the ventricle
`an the start of atrial contraction.
`di-a-stat-ic \gdi—a-‘sta-tild my : relating
`to or haying the properties of dia-
`stase: esp : converting starch into
`dloa-ste-ma \idi—aJste-mm n, pl una-
`ta.\—ma-ta\ : a space between teeth in
`a Jaw
`to-mi-'e~le—:i. --ste~\n : congenital di-
`yiston of all or part ofthe spinal cord
`dras-to-le \dij'as—ta-(ille3 n z the pas-
`swe rhythmical eigpanSion or dilation
`of the caVities _o
`the heart during
`which they fill With blood :— compare
`SYSfl'OLE — diva-stoke \Idl~9-'SK§-llk\
`electric. currents for medical or surgi-
`diastolic pressure It : the lowest arterial
`blood pressure of a cardiac c cle 00*
`curring during diastole of the cart —
`compare svsrouc PRESSURE
`di-a-stropl'ioic dwarfism \idi-sztréi-fikA
`n : an inherited dYS las1a affecting
`bones and omts an
`esp. by clu foot. deforrnities of the
`digits of the hand. malformed pinnae.
`and cleft palate
`diaother-my \‘di-o-ithor-mé} n,,pl dines
`: the generation of heat _in tissue by
`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
`Page 7 of 10


`hearing aid 0 Heberden’s node
`and 5000 cycles per second. is con—
`ducted centrally _ by the cochlear
`branch of the auditory nerve. and‘is
`coordinated esp. in the medial genie-
`ulate body
`hearing aid n : an electronic device
`usu. worn by a person for amplifying
`sound before it reaches the receptor
`hearing dog :1 : a dog trained to alert its
`deaf or hearing-impaired owner to
`sounds (as of a doorbell, alarm. or
`Elephone) —-— called also hearing ear
`heart \' Man :1 : a hollow muscular or-
`gan of yertebrate animals that by its
`rhythmic contraction acts. as a pump
`maintaining the Circulation of the
`blood and that in the humanadult is
`five inches (l3 centimeters)
`longand three and one half inches (9
`centimeters) broad.
`is of cortical
`form. is enclosed in a serous pericar—
`dium. andconsists as in other mam-
`mals and in birds of four chambers
`dryided into an up _ r pair of rather
`thin-walled atria w ich receive blood
`from the veins and a lower pair of
`thick—walled ventricles mtp which the
`blood _lS_ forced and .which in turn
`pump it into the arteries
`heart attack n : an acute episode of
`heart disease (as myocardial infarc—
`tion due to insufficaent blood supply
`to t e heart muscle itself esp. _when
`caused by a coronary thrombOSIs or a
`coronary occlusion
`hearbheat \‘hart-Ibéfi n : one com-
`plete pulsation of the heart
`heart block_ n :
`i_ncoordinatton of the
`heartbeat ll‘LWthh the atria and ven—
`tricles beat independentlfi due to de-
`transmissmn t. rough
`bundle of His and which is marked 33“
`decreased cardiac output often Wit
`cerebral ischemia
`heart-burn \-i‘barn\ n : a burning dis-
`comfort behind the lower part of the
`sternum usu. related to spasm of the
`lower end of the esophagus or of the
`it per part of the stomach — called
`a so cardmfgta. pyrosis; compare WA—
`heart disease :1 : an abnormal 0
`condition olithe heart or of the
`and Circulation
`heart failure n l : a condition in which
`the heart is unable to pump blood at
`an adequate rate or
`in adequate
`volume — compare ANGINA PECTO-
`CORONARY FAILURE 2 : cessation of
`heartbeat : DEATH
`heart—lung machine n as. mechanical
`pum that maintains Circulation dur-
`ing eart surgery by shunting blood
`away from the heart. oxy enating it.
`and returning it to the
`heart murmur n : MURMUR
`heart rate :1 : a measure of cardiac ac-
`tivrty usu. expressed as number of
`beats per minute
`heart-wa-ter \'l_-iart~. wo-tor. -.wa-\ n : a
`febrile disease of
`goats. and cattle In southern Africa
`that is caused by a bacterium of the
`genus .Cowa'ri‘a
`transmitted by a boot tick — called
`also heartwarer disease, heartwater
`heart-worm \--worm\n : a filanal worm
`of the genus Dirofilan'a (D.
`is a paraSite esp.
`the right
`heart of dogs and_is transmitted by
`mosqmtoes; also : infestation with or
`disease caused by the heartworm
`heat \'het\ n l a : a feverish state of the
`body : pathological excesstve bodily
`temperature (as from inflammation) h
`: a warm flushed condition of the
`body (as after exerctse) 2 : sexual ex-
`c1tement esp.
`in a female mammal:
`spec-(f : ESTRUS
`heat cramgs n p! : a condition that is
`marked _ y sudden development of
`cramps in skeletal muscles and that
`results from prolonged work iii
`temperatures accompanied by
`fusc pers iration With loss at 1|
`chloride rom the body
`heat exchanger n : a dance (as in an ap-
`paratus for extracorporeal blood Clr—
`culation) for transferringrheat from
`one flu1d to another Without allowmg
`them to mrx
`heat exhaustion n z a condition marked
`by weakness. nausea. dizzmess. and
`profuse sweating that
`results from
`phySIcal exertion tn 3 hot enViron-
`ment -—- called also hear prostrai‘iom
`compare HEATSI‘ROKE
`heat prostratton n : HEAT EXHAUSTION
`heat rash n : PRtCKLXj HEAT
`heat-stroke \'hét—istrok\ :3 : a condition
`marked esp. by cessation of sweat-
`ing. extremely high body tempera-
`ture. and collapse that results from
`prolonged exposure to high tempera-
`ture —- compare HEAT Ext-[AUSTION
`heave \'hev\ vb heaved; heav-ing : VOM-
`IT. RE1‘Ci-_i
`heayes \‘hevz\ n sinfi
`emphlysema of the orse affecting the
`alveo ae of the lungs --- called also
`broken wind 2 : a spell of retching or
`heavy chain n : either of the two larger
`of, the four polypeptide chains com-
`pnsmg antibodies —— compare LIGHT
`heobe‘phre-nia 3-hé—banré—né-9. -'fre-\
`tr: a disorganized form of schizophre-
`nia charactenzed esp: by incoherr
`ence. delusions which if
`resent lack
`an underlying theme. an affect that
`is flat. inappropriate. or silly --. lie-
`be-phreonic \-'fre-nik. -'l're-\ ad} or n
`Heb-er-den’s node \'he—bor:dpnz-\ n
`: any of the bony knots atgomt mar-
`gins (as at the terminal Jomts of the
`or pl 1 : chronic
`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
`Page 8 of 10


`hypertensinase - hypnotic
`hymen-5m \-'ten—so—unas. -- naz\
`hy-per-troopia \nhi-par-'_tro-pé—a\ n : el-
`evation of the line of VlSlon of one eye
`above that of the other : upward stra-
`hy-pehteii-sion \phi-por-{ten-cham n l
`: abnormally hi h arterial blood pres-
`mé-.9\ rt : excess uric aetd in the blood
`sure: a. : such
`pressure occur-
`(as in gout) — called also uricemta —--—
`ring without apparent or determin-
`hy-per-uri-ce-mic \-'sé—.mi.k\ ad:
`able pnor_orgamc changes in the tis-
`hy-per-uri-cosmrla \--yur-.i-k6-'shur-é-
`sues possnbly because of_ hereditary
`a, -'syur-\ n : the excretion of exces-
`tendency. emotional tensions, faulty
`swe amounts of uric acid in the urine
`nutrition. or hormonal
`influence h
`hy-per-venoti-late \-'Vent-°l-nat\ vb —lat-
`: such blood pressure With demon—
`ed; dating : to breathe rapidly and
`strable organic changes (as in_ nephri-
`deeply : undergo hyperventilation
`tis. diabetes. and hyperthyroidism) 2
`hy-penven-ti-laotion \-.vent-°l-'a-shan_\
`z a systemic condition. resulting from
`hypertensmn that IS either symptom—
`n :iexcessrve rate and depth of respi-
`Iess or_is_accompanied b
`ratlon_leading to abnormal loss of car-
`bon diomde from the blood —- called
`ness. dtzzmess. or headacie
`cper-ten-sive \-'teii-sw\ ad; : marked
`also overventi'latiotg
`y a rise in b ood pressure : suffering
`hyw'per-vis-cos-i-ty \—Vis-'ka-sa-té\ n, pl
`or caused by hypertenSion
`-ties : excesswe viscosity (as of the
`zhanertenswe n z a person affected wnh
`hyoperothergmia \- ' thar-me-a\ n ; excep-
`595\ n. 12! «gm \-nséz\ : an abnormal
`tionally high fever esp. when induced
`state resulting from egtcesstve intake
`artifiCIally for therapeutic purposes
`of one or more Vitamins _
`h fier-ther-imcj-milt‘. adi_
`hy-per-vol-ae-n-iia chiefly Brit var of HY-
`hit-nerd y-rold \-'thi--r01d\ ad) : of. re-
`at_m_g to or affected With hyperthy-
`y-peij-vo-em a -va-
`e—me-_a n : an ex-
`rordism a w state)
`cesstve volume of blood in the‘body
`hyvper-thy-roidoism_ \~urOi-a.di_—zam\ n
`— hy
`r-yol-emgc \-'le-m1k\ ad;
`: excesswe functional actiwty of the
`hyp-gs-t e-Sia
`\ihi-pethhe-zha. --hi-.
`thyroid gland' also :
`the .resultin
`-;:he-a\ ii :Iirnpaired or decreased tac—
`condition marl-ted esp. by increase
`tifi sedgsnbility — hyp-esthet-lc \-'the-
`metabolic rate, enlargement of the
`thymid gland. rapid heart rate. and
`hy-phae-ma chiefly Brit var of HYPHE-
`high blood pressure -—~ called also
`thyrotoxicoslrs: see GRijWEfi' DISEASE
`hy-phe-ma \hi;'fé-ma\ n : a hemorrhage
`hyvper-toonia \uhi—por-'to-ne-a\ n : HY-
`in the anterior chamber of the eye
`hyfim- or hypno- comb form 1 : sleep
`hyper-tonic \-'ta-nik\ ad; 1 : exhibiting
`gm) 2 : hypnotism (hypno-
`excesstve tone or tensmn (a ":1 blad-
`der) 2 : havmg a higher osmotic pres-
`[image-git: alga h p-no'g
`' fightb-
`sure than a surrounding medium or a
`na—‘gaziik, -' o—\ g
`: of, re atin_g to,
`fluid under comparison —— compare
`or assoc1ate With the drowsmess
`HYPOTONIC 2. Isosmoric
`preceding sleep (nu hallucmations) --
`\-to—"ni-sa-té\ _n, pl
`: the qua ity or state of bemg hy-
`hypono-anal-y-sis _\ihip—no—a-' na-Ia-sas\
`n, pl «y-sps \«nsez\ : the treatment of
`hflmlcwus \-'to-nas\ n : HYPERTO—
`mental disease by hypnosts and psy-
`choanalytic .methods
`by Nfiochqsis \-tri-'ko-sas\ n, pl
`hyp-no-pomqiic ‘gnhip-na-‘parn-piklt ad;
`Be _o-ses \-ssez\ : excesswe growth of
`: assoc:ated_w:th the semiconsctous-
`ness preceding waking (m illusmns)
`hy-pehtrl-glycoerti-dae-mia chiefly Brit
`—- c0mpare_HYPh_lAGOGlC
`I moses
`hyp-np-sis \hip-'no—sos\ n,
`hy-pengri-glyc'er-ide-mia \—utn-isli-sa-
`les sleep
`\-nsez\ l : a state that resent
`ufl-‘de~me—a_\ n : the presence of an
`but 1_s induced by a person whose sug-
`excess of triglycerides in the [3.00de-
`gestions are readily accepted by the
`subject 2 : any of various conditions
`that resemble slee ,3 :_HYPNOTISM l
`hypertrophie arthritis :1
`hyp-no-therga-lplsth ip-nm'ther—e—pisfi
`n : a s
`cta ist in hypnot_erapy
`hynfir-tro-phy 3hi-' ar—trafé\ n. pl
`er-aopy \—'the_r—o-pe\ n. gt -ples
`as : excesswe _evelopment of an
`l_: the treatment of disease by _ypno—
`organ or Bart: spectf': increase in bulk
`tism 2 :psychotherapy that facflitates
`(as by t
`ickening .of muscle fibers)
`suggestion. reeducation. or analysns
`Without multiplication of parts —- hy-
`by means of hypnOSis
`ro-phic \ahi—parJtro-fim adi — 'hyp-iiot-lc \hip—‘nfi-tik‘x anti 1 :
`ypertrophy vb
`to produce sleep : SOPORIFIC 2 : of or
`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
`Page 9 of 10


`synthetic - systolic pressure
`duced artificially (m drugs) — syn-
`thet-i-cal-ly adv
`2synthetic n :
`a product (as a drug) of
`chemical syntheSis
`\sm-‘tro-fa-nblasn n
`syphil- or sy hilo- comb form : syphilis
`syph-i-lid “sofa-lid} n : a skin eruption
`caused by _s philis
`syphfi-lis \‘s:— o-las\ n : a chronic con-
`tagious usu. venerealand often con—
`genital disease that
`is caused by a
`s irochete of the
`enus Treponema
`. palfidum) and if eft untreated pro-
`duces chancres‘ rashes. and systemic
`lesnons in aclinical course With three
`sta es continued over many years —-
`cal ed also IRES; see PRiMARY SYPHI—
`'syph-i-lit-ic \usi-fo-'li-tik-\ ad; : of} relat-
`ing to._ or infected With syphilis --—-
`synh-iglit-i-cal-ly adv
`2syphilttic n : a person infected With
`syph-i-looma \nSi-fa-'lO-mo\ n, _pl -rnas
`or -ma-ta \-ma-ta_\ : a syphilitic tumor
`: GUMMA (a testicular ~>
`syph-l-lo-ther-a-py \iSi—fo-lo—'ther-o—pe\
`n. p! mien : the treatment of syphilis
`Sy-rette \sa-‘ret\_rrademark_—— used for
`a small collapSible tube fitted With a
`h podermic needle for injecting a Sin—
`3 e dose of a medicmal a em
`syring- or syringo- comb orm :
`: fistula (syringobulbia)
`\so-‘n'ni. 'sir-i'ni\ n z a device
`to inject fluids into or Withdraw
`them from something (as the body or
`it’s caVIties): as a : a device that con—
`Sists ofa nozzle of varying length and
`a compressmle rubber bulb and is
`used for iniection or irrigation (ancar
`my) b : an instrument (as for the Insec-
`tionpf medicme or the. Withdrawal of
`bodily flmds) that consasts ofa hollow
`barre fitted With a plunger and a hol—
`low needle c : a grayity device con-
`Sisting of a reservmr fitted With a long
`rubber tube ending With an exchange-
`able nozzle that is used for irrigation
`of the vagina or bowel —- s ringe vb
`\sa—utg-gé— be!-bé_-o\
`fl : the presence of abnormal cawties
`in the medulla oblongata_
`sy-rin-go-my-ejia \sa-ingg-go-iniJé-lé-m
`n : a chronic progresswe disease of
`the spinal cord associated With senso-
`ry disturbances. muscle atronhy. and
`-ipin\ n : a white crystalline powder
`Casi—[4214201 that is closely related to
`reserpine and is used as an antihypen
`tenswe drug
`531'qu \‘_sor,~ap.
`'sir-9p\ n : a thick
`stic y liqmd con5isting of a concen-
`trated solution of so ar_and water
`With or Without the a_ dition of a fla
`vorin agent or medicmal substance
`(m o I ecac) —— syr-upy \—a-pé\ adi
`sys-tem \ sis—tom\ n l : a group of body
`organs that together perform one or
`more Vital functions —- see CIRCULA~
`SYSI‘EM 2 : the body considered as a
`functional unit
`'sys-tem-ic \sis—‘tehmiI-n ad} : of. relatin
`to. or common to a system: as a : a -
`fecting the body generally — com~
`pare LOCAL b : supplying those parts
`receive blood
`through the aorta rather than through
`the ulmonary artery c i being a pes~
`tici e that as used is harmless to a
`higher animal or a lant but when ab-
`sorbed into the boodstreain or the
`sap makes the whole organism tone
`to pests éas cattle grubs) -— sys-tein-
`r a v
`2systemic n : a systemic pesticide
`systemic circulation ii
`: the passage of
`arterial blood from the left atrium of
`the heart through Ithe left ventricle.
`the systemic artenes. and the ca il-
`lanes to the organs and tissues t at
`receive much of its oxygen in ex-
`change for carbon dioxide and the _re-
`turn of_the carbon—diomde carrying
`blood Via the systemic veins to enter
`the right atrium of the heart and to
`tpartimpate In the pulmonary Circula-
`systemic lupus erythernat‘osus n : an in-
`flammatory connective tissue disease
`of unknown cause that occurs chiefly
`in women and is characterized esp.
`by fever. skin rash, and arthritis. of-
`ten by acute hemolytic anemia. by
`small hemorrhages in the skin and
`mucous membranes. by inflammation
`of the pericardium. and In serious
`cases by involvement of the kidneys
`and central nervous system
`sys-to-le \'Sis-to—(u)le\ 13.: the contrac-
`tion ofthe heart by which the blood is
`forced onward and the Circulation
`kept up — compare IDIASTOLE -— sys~
`tol-ic \SIs-'ta-lik\ (1d!
`systolic pressure it : the highest arterial
`blood pressure‘of a cardiac cycle oc—
`immediately after systole of
`the le t ventricle of the heart -—— com-
`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
`Page 10 of 10

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