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`Explanatory Notes
`Abbreviations Used in This Work
`Pronunciation Symbols
`A Dictionary of Medical English
`Signs and Symbols
`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
`Page 5 of 10


`cardioactive ¢ cariostatic
`system : CARDIOPULMONARY (~ ail-
`the action of the heart — carediovac-
`ments) on responses)
`ceber-action \-sse-io-"Fra-shon\ 2.
`rediovactive \-Sak-tiv\ adj: having an
`'rd-sos\ A, g! -rovses \-as@Z\ : indura-
`influence on the heart (~ drugs) _
`tion of the heart caused by formation
`car-dio-cir-cu-la-to-ry \"sor-kya-la-atér-
`of fibrous tissue in the cardiac muscle
`é\ adj : of or relating to the heart and
`car-dio-sspasm \"kdr-dé-6-espa-zom\ 7
`circulatory system (temporary ~ as-
`: failure of the cardiac sphincter to re-
`iondy-nameics \-di-*na-miks\ 4 sing
`jax during swallowing with resultant
`or pl: the dynamics of the heart's ac-
`esophageal obstruction — compare
`tion in pumping bl
`~~ cardiody-
`nanvic \-mik\ adj Tt
`"ka-mo-tar\ 7; a device for prolonged
`mic \i-je-nik\ adj : originating
`graphic recording of the heartbeat
`in the heartA Sas by a cardiac con-
`caredio-tho-ra-cic \-tho-"ra-sik\ adj : re-
`Jating to, involving, or specializing in
`cardio-gram \*kaér-dé-9-sgram\ 7 : the
`the heart and chest (~ surgeon) (~~
`curve or tracing made by a cardio-
`cordio-graph \e-graf\ : an instrument
`carsdioteoomy \skdr-dé-"4-ta-mé\ n, pi
`-mies 1 : surgical incision of the heart
`that registers graphically movements
`2: surgical incision of the stomach
`of the heart — car-dio-graph-ic \skar-
`dé-s-"gra-fik\ adj — ca
`\skar-dé-6-"ta-nik\ adj
`\skar-dé-"4-gra-fe\ n 2
`tending to increase the tonus of
`caredioin-hib-ittory |
`heart muscle (~ steroids)
`thi-bo-etor-é\ adj : interfering with or,
`2eardiotonic nm : a cardiotonic substance
`the normal
`sequence of
`cardio-toxic \-"tak-sik\ adj : having a
`events in the cardiac cycle (the ~
`toxic effect on the heart — car-dio-
`center of the medulla)
`toxsiceisty \-tak-"si-so-té\ n
`cardiolipin \akar-dé-0-‘li-pon\, nm
`: a
`phospholipid used in combination
`: of, relating to, or involving the heart
`with lecithin and cholesterol! as an an-
`and blood vessels (~ disease)
`tigen in diagnostic blood tests for
`2ceardiovascular_n : a substance (as a
`syphilis 2
`drug) that affects the heart or blood
`cardiology \akar-dé-"é-lo-jé\ 2, pl
`-gies : the study of the heart and its
`caredio-yer-sion \-"vor-zhon.
`-shan\ nr
`action and diseases — caredi-o-log-i-
`7 SPEaOay of an electric shock in
`cal \-0-"14-ji-kal\ adj — car-di-olo-gist
`order to restore normal heartbeat
`\-'a-la-jist\ 1
`caredio-ver-ter \"kar-dé-6-svar-tar\ 7 2a
`cardiomegaly \akdr-dé-0-" me-go-le\
`device for theadministration of an
`n, pl -lies : enlargementof the heart
`electric shock in cardioversion
`cardiomy-op-athy—\" kar-dé-o-(a)mi-
`carditis \kar-‘di-tas\ 2, pi car-<dit-i-
`ta-po-thé\ n, pi -thies : a typically
`des \-'di-ta-.déz\ :
`inflammation of
`chronic disorder of heart muscle that
`the heart muscie : MYOCARDITIS
`may involve hypertrophy and ob-
`-caredieum \@kar-dé-am\ a comb form.
`structive damage to theheart _
`pi -cardia \-¢-a\ : heart (epicardium)
`caredi-opearthy \skar-dé-"a-po-thé\ 7, pi
`care \*ker, "kar\ 7 : responsibility for
`-thies : any disease ofthe heart
`or attention to health, well-being, and
`caredio-plas-ty \'kir-dé-6-aplas-te\ 2, pl
`safety — see HEALTH CARE,
`-ties : a plastic operation performe
`on the
`gastric cardiac sphincter __
`CARE — care vb
`a \akdr-dé-G-* plé-jo, -Jé-3\
`careegiv-er \-»2i-VOr\ 7
`rson who
`n: temporary cardiac arrest induced
`provides direct care (as for children
`{as by drugs) during heart surgery —
`or the chronically 11); esp :_ one who
`cardioplegic \-jik\ adj
`has primary responsibility for a child
`cardiopulmonary —_\skar-dé-6-" pul-
`—— caregiving \-agi-vip\ 7
`ma-sner-é, -*pal-\ adj : of or relating
`cares \®kar-éz, "ker-\n, pl caries : a
`to the heart and lungs (a ~ bypass)
`progressive destruction of bone or
`cardiopulmonary resuscitation mo: a
`tooth: esp : tooth decay
`Roceuure designed to restore normal
`carina \ko-"ri-na, -'ré-\_n, pi carinas
`reathing after cardiac arrest that in-
`or carrienae \'ri-ené, -"ré-sni\ : any of
`cludes the clearance of air passages
`to the tunes, the mouth-to-mouth
`structures, ridges, or processes
`method of artificial respiration, and
`eart massage by the exertion of
`pressure on the chest — abbr. CPR
`caries (cariogenic)
`cario- comb form +
`cardio-renal \"rén-"l\ adj ; of or relat-
`ing to the heart and the kidneys
`cardo-gen-ic \akar-€-6-*je-nik\ adj : pro-
`~ disorders)
`ducing oFPremotlns the development
`cardiorespieratosry \akiir-dé-G-*res-
`of tooth decay (~ foods)
`cat {Gr-€,
`-ri-"spi-ra-\ adj : of or re-
`cario-stateic \-"sta-tik\ adj :
`ating to the heart and the respiratory
`tending to
`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
`Page 6 of 10


`dialytic * diathermy
`membranes; esp : such a separation
`of colloids from sotuble substances 2
`:HEMODIALYSIS — dicaclyteic \sdi-a—*li-
`tik\ adj
`divactyze \"di-o-aliz\ vb -lyzed; -lyzing i
`: to subject to or undergo dialysis 2
`: tO separate or obtain by dialysis —
`iraclyzeabili-ty \gdi-a-»li-zo-"bi-lo-té\
`n — diraclyzable \-"li-za-bal\ adj
`di-aclyz-er\-sli-zar\ 2 : an apparatus in
`which dialysis is carried out consist-
`ing essentially of one or more con-
`separated into
`by membranes
`meerter \di-"a-ma-tor\ 4 1: a unit of
`magnification of a magnifying device
`equalto the numberof times the lin-
`ear dimensions of the object are in-
`creased {a microscope magnifying 60
`os) 2: one of the maximal breadths
`of a part of the body (thetransverse
`~~ of
`the inlet of the pelvis) _
`animepeas) sul-fone \adi-a-amé-
`(a)nd-sdi-"fen-*l-"sal-sfon, -*fén-\
`d-back rattlesnake \'di-mand-
`"di-o-\ n ; either of two large
`and deadly rattlesnakes of the
`(C. adamanteus
`southeastern U.S. and C. atrex of the
`south central and southwestern U.S.
`and Mexico) — called also diamond-
`back, diamondback rattler
`*se-eli, ~slé\ 2, pi : a small horizontal
`fold of the dura materthat roofs over
`the sella turcica and is picheae by a
`smail opening for the infundibulum
`diaphragmatic —\sdi-9-fro-"ma-tik,
`-afrag-\ adj : of, involving, or resem-
`bling a diaphragm ¢~ hernia)
`\di-aa-fa-"sé-a], -"Zé-\ or
`ys-eal \adi-3-"fi-zé-al\ adj
`: of,
`relating to, or involving
`a diaphysis
`y \sdi-o-fo-"zek-ta-mé,
`-*sek-\ n, pi -mies : surgical excision
`of all or part of a diaphysis (as of the
`aicicathe \di-"a-fi
`n, pl
`\-aséz\ : the shaft_of a long bone
`diarrhea \adi-3-"ré-a\ n ; abnormall
`frequent intestinal evacuations wit
`more or less fluid stools
`di-arerhe-al \-*ré-al\ adj : DIARRHEIC
`dirarerhesic \-"ré-ik\ adj
`: of or relating
`to diarrhea
`drarrhetsic \-"re-tik\ adj: DIARRHEIC
`I, di
`ic, diear-rhoeteic chiefly Brit var of DI-
`drarethro-sis \:di-dr-"thr6-sas\ n, pi
`-throvses \-aséz\ 1 : articulation that
`permits free movement 2 : a freely
`movable joint — called also synovial
`Joint — dicar-ethro-dieal \sdi-edr-"thro-
`dé-al\ adj
`divasstase \*di-a-sstas, -sstaz\ 7 1: AM-
`YLASE; esp : a mixture of amylases
`| \edii-9-pa-"dé-sas\
`from malt 2: ENZYME
`~de-ses \-1séz\ : the passage of blood
`tassis \di-"as-to-sos\ m, pl -tasses
`cells through capillary walls into the
`1 : an abnormal separation of
`tissues —
`deteic \-"de-tik\ adj
`parts normally joined together 2 : the
`r \"di-por, "di-o-\ nm : a basic gar-
`phase of cardiac diastole occur-
`ment esp: or infants consisting of a
`etween filling
`of the ventricle
`folded cloth or other absorbent mate-

`the start of atria] contraction.
`mal drawn up
`between the legs and
`dirpasstateic \wdi-3-"sta-tik\ adj : relating
`fastened about the waist
`to or having the properties of dia-
`per vb diapered; diapering : to
`Stase; esp : converting starch into
`pean or change the diaperof (an in-
`divasteema \sdi-3-"sté-ma\ 2, pi -ma-
`diaper rash 7 : skin irritation of the
`ta \-msa-toa\ : a space between teeth in
`diaper-covered area and usu. the but-
`a jaw
`tocks of an infant esp. from exposure
`to feces and urinary ammonia
`-»ste-\ nm : congenital di-
`(a )di-
`vision of all or part ofthe spinal cord
`aa-fo-\ 7, pi -reges \-1séz\ : PERSPIRA-
`\di-"as-to-(alé\ nn: the pas-
`TION; esp : profuse perspiration arti-
`sive rhythmical expansion or dilation
`ficially induced
`of the cavities of
`the heart during
`tic \-"re-tik\ adj + having the
`which they fill with blood — compare
`poe to increase sweating
`SYSTOLE — diasstolic \edi-a-*sta-lik\
`*diaphoretic 1 :_ an agent capable ofin-
`ducing sweating
`diastolic pressure mn: the lowest arterial
`di-aphragm \"di-c-sfram\ n 1: a body
`blood pressure of a cardiac cycle oc-
`Partition of muscle and_ connective
`curring during diastole of the heart —
`fissue; specif: the
`partition separat-
`ing the chest and abdominal cavities
`di-asstroph-ic dwarfism \rdi-9-" stra-fik-\
`im mammals — compare PELVIC DIA-
`# : an inherited dysplasia Secng
`nes and joints and
`: a device that limits the aperture of a
`esp. by clubfoot, deformities of the
`tens or optical system 3 : a molded
`digits of the hand, malformed pinnae.
`cap usu. of thin rubberfitted overthe
`and cleft patate
`uterine cervix to act as a mechanical
`diasthersmy \?di-o-.thor-mé\ 7, pi -mies
`contraceptive barrier
`: the generation of heat in tissue by
`gma seklae
`electric.currents for medical or surgi-
`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
`Page 7 of 10


`hearing aid ¢ Heberden’s node
`and 5000 cycles per second. is con-
`ducted centrally by the cochlear
`branch of the auditory nerve, and is
`coordinated esp. in the medial genic-
`ulate body
`hearing aid n : an electronic device
`usu. worn by a person for amplifying
`sound before it reaches the receptor
`hearing dog 7 : a dog trained to alert its
`deaf or hearing-impaired owner to
`sounds (as of a doorbeil, alarm. or
`telephone) — called also Hearing ear
`heart \"hart\ 4 : a hollow muscular or-
`gan of vertebrate animals that byits
`rhythmiccontraction acts as a pump
`maintaining the circulation of the
`blood and that in the human adultis
`five inches (13 centimeters)
`longand three and one half inches (9
`centimeters) broad.
`is of conical
`form, is enclosed in a serous pericar-
`dium. and consists as in other mam-
`mals and in birds of four chambers
`divided into an upper pair of rather
`thin-walled atria which receive blood
`from the veins and a Jower pair of
`thick-walled ventricles into which the
`blood is forced and which in turn
`pumpit into the arteries
`heart attack n ; an acute episode of
`heart disease (as_myocardial infarc-
`tion) due to insufficient blood supply
`to the heart muscle itself esp. when
`caused by a coronary thrombosis or a
`coronary occlusion
`heart-beat \"hart-abét\ 2 : one com-
`plete pulsation of the heart
`rt block 1 : incoordination of the
`heartbeat in which the atria and ven-
`tricles beat cabinghanHE due to de-
`transmission through the
`bundle of His and which is marked b
`decreased cardiac output often wit
`cerebral ischemia
`reburn \-cbarn\ 7 : a burning dis-
`comfort behind the lower part of the
`sternum usu, related to spasm of the
`lower end of the esophagusor of the
`upper part of the stomach — called
`also cardialgia, pyrosis; compare WA-
`heart disease n : an abnormal o
`condition ofthe heart or of the
`and circulation
`heart failure n 1 : a condition in which
`the heart is unable to pump blood at
`an adequate rate or
`in adequate
`volume — compare ANGINA PECTO-
`CORONARY FAILURE 2 : cessation of
`heartbeat : DEATH
`heart-lung machine n : a mechanical
`that maintains circulation dur-
`ing heart surgery by shunting blood
`away tromthe heart, oxygenatingit,
`and returning it to the
`heart murmur 7 : MURMUR
`heart rate n : a measure of cardiac ac-
`gins (as at the terminal joints of the
`tivity usu. expressed as number of
`ats per minute
`heart-wa-ter \"hart-awo-tar, -swi-\n:a
`febrile disease of
`goats, and cattle in southern Africa
`that is caused by a bacterium of the
`genus Cowdria (C.
` ruminantium)
`transmitted by a bont tick — called
`also Aeartwater disease, heartwater
`heart-worm \-swarm\ 77: a filarial worm
`of the genus Dirofilaria (D. immitis)
`is a parasite esp.
`in the right
`heart of dogs and is transmitted by
`mosquitoes; also : infestation with or
`disease caused by the heartworm
`heat \"het\ 7 1 a: a feverishstate ofthe
`body : pathological excessive bodily
`temperature (as from inflammation) b
`: a warm flushed condition of the
`ody (as after exercise) 2: sexual ex-
`citement esp.
`in a female mammal:
`specif : ESTRUS
`heat repre n pl: a condition that is
`marked by sudden development of
`cramps in skeletal muscles and that
`results from prolonged work in high
`temperatures accompanied hy
`fuse perspiration with toss of sodium
`chloride from the body
`heat exchanger 7 : a device (as in an ap-
`paratus for extracorporeai blood cir-
`culation) for transferring: heat from
`one fluid to another without allowing
`them to mix
`heat exhaustion 7 : a condition marked
`by weakness. nausea, dizziness, and
`profuse sweating that
`results from
`physical exertion in a hot environ-
`ment -— called also heat prostration;
`heat prostration 1 : HEAT EXHAUSTION
`heat rash #7 ; PRICKLY HEAT
`heat-stroke \"hét-sstrok\ 7: a condition
`marked esp. by cessation of sweat-
`ing, extremely high body tempera-
`ture, and collapse that results from
`prolonged exposure to high tempera-
`ture — compare HEAT EXHAUSTION
`heave \ihév\ vé heaved: heaveing : VOM-
`heaves \"hévz\ n ging or pi 1: chronic
`emphysemaof the horse affecting the
`alveolae of the lungs — called also
`broken wind 2: a spell of retching or
`heavy chain 7 : either of the two larger
`ofthe four polypeptide chains com-
`prising antibodies — compare LIGHT
`he-be-phreenia \shé-bo-"fré-né-9, -"fre-\
`nt: a disorganized form of schizophre-
`nia characterized esp, by incoher-
`ence, delusions which if present jack
`an underlying theme, and affect that
`is flat, inappropriate. or silly — he-
`be-phresnic \-"fre-nik, -"fré-\ adj or n
`Heb-ereden’s mode \"he-bor-danz-\ 1
`; any of the bony knots at joimt mar-
`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
`Page 8 of 10


`hypertensinase * hypnotic
`hy-peretenssinease \-"ten-so-enas, -1naz\
`hy-per-tro-pia \shi-por-"trd-pé-a\ n : el-
`evation of the line of vision of one eye
`abovethat of the other : upward stra-
`yeper-tenssion \shi-par-*ten-chan\ 7 1
`: abnormally aly arterial blood pres-
`meé-a\ m : excess uric acid in the blood
`sure: a: such blood pressure occur-
`{as in gout) — called also uricemia —
`ring without apparent or determin-
`hy*pereuricesmic \-"s€-mik\ adj
`able priororganic changesin the tis-
`hy-per-uri-cosuria \-syur-i-kd-*shir-é-
`sues possibly because of hereditary
`9, -*syur-\ 7 : the excretion of exces-
`tendency, emotional tensions, faulty
`Sive amounts of uric acid in the urine
`nutrition, or hormonal
`influence b
`hy-per-verrtielate \-"vent-*\ vb -lat-
`2 suc
`i pressure with demon-
`ed; -lat-ing : to breathe rapidly and
`strable organic changes(as in nephri-
`deeply : undergo hyperventilation
`tis, diabetes, and hyperthyroidism) 2
`hy-per-ven-ti-lation \-.vent-*l-"4-shan\
`2 & systemic condition resulting from
`hypertension that is either symptom-
`fn: excessive rate and depth of respi-
`less or is accompanied by
`rationleading to abnormalloss of car-
`ness, dizziness, or headache
`bon dioxide from the blood — called
`also overventilation
`*per-tenssive \-"ten-siv\ adj : marked
`y a rise in blood pressure : suffering
`hy-per-viscoserty \-vis-"kA-so-té\ a, pl
`or caused by hypertension
`-ties : excessive viscosity (as of the
`*hypertensive 7 : a person affected with
`—_\-a vi-to-ma-"nod-
`remia \-*thar-mé-a\ 7; excep-
`Sas\ 7, pl -oses \-18éZ\ : an abnormal
`high fever esp. when induced
`state resulting from excessive intake
`artificially for therapeutic purposes
`of one or more vitamins
`—h shorthermic\-mik\ adj
`hy-per-vokae-mia chiefly Brit var of HY-
`hy-per-thy-roid \-"thi-ardid\ adj : of, re-
`ating to, or affected with hyperthy-
`hy-per-vol-emia \-va-"lé-m6-a\ 7; an ex-
`roidism (a -~ state) |
`cessive volume of blood in the body
`hy-per-thy-roid-ism_ \-urdi-sdi-zam\ 7
`~— hy-perevol-emic \-"le-mik\ adj
`: excessive functional activity of the
`hypees-thesia \shi-pes-"thé-zho,
`- shi-.
`thyroid gland: a/so :
`the pecans
`-zhé-a\ 1: impaired or decreased tac-
`condition marked esp. by increase
`us ee — hyp-es-theteic \-"the-
`metabolic rate, enlargement of the
`thyroid gland, rapid heart rate, and
`hy-phaema chiefly Brit var of HYPHE-
`pressure — called also
`thyrotoxicosis; se GRAVES’ DISEASE
`hyephe-sma \hi-"fé-ma\ n : a hemorrhage
`hy-pertoonia \shi-por-"t6-né-o\ n = HY-
`in the anterior chamberof the eye
`hypn- or hypno- comb form 1: sleep
`hy-perstonsic \-"t4-nik\ adj 1 : exhibiting
`gic) 2 : hypnotism (aypno-
`excessive tone or tension (a ~ blad-
`er) 2: having a higher osmotic pres-
`hyp-na-go-gic also h PeetNee
`sure than a surrounding medium or a
`ns-*ga-jtk, -"g0-\ adf
`: of. relating to,
`fluid under comparison — compare
`or associated with the drowsiness
`preceding sleep (~ hallucinations) —~
`prtoiat \-ta-"ni-so-té\ on, pl
`: the quality or state of being hy-
`hyp-no-analey-sis_\ship-nd-2-" na-la-sos\
`n, pl -yeses \-aséz\ : the treatment of
`ae \-"t6-nos\ nm
`mental disease by hypnosis and psy-
`choanalytic methods
`\-tri-"kd-sas\ 1, pi
`hyp-no-pompic \ship-ne-"pam-pik\ adj
`-chovses \-sSEz\ : excessive growth of
`2 associated with the semiconscious-
`ness preceding waking (~ illusions)
`reidaemia chiefly Brit
`— compare HYPNAGOGIC
`hypnosis \hip-'né-sas\ 7,
`emia \-stri-egli-so-
`1 : a state that resembles sleep
`s¥i-"dé-mé-a\ n : the presence of an
`but is induced by a person whose sug-
`excessof triglycerides in the blood —-
`gestions are readily accepted bythe
`*pertricg!hy: ic806\-"dé-mik\VCrr!
`subject 2: any of Various conditions
`that resemble sleep 3 :HYPNOTISM |
`hypertrophic arthritis 2 : OSTEOAR-.
`A; a specialist in hypnotherapy
`hy-per-tro-phy \hi-"*por-tra-fé\
`on, pl
`hyp-no-ther-aspy \-"ther-o-pe\ 71, fn -pies
`“pnies : excessive development of an
`1: the treatment of disease by hypno-
`organ or part: specif: increase in bulk
`tism 2 ; psychotherapythatfacilitates
`(as by thickening of muscle fibers)
`suggestion, reeducation, or analysis
`without multiplication of parts — hy-
`by means of hypnosis
`rephic \shi-por-"tr6-fik\ adj —
`ypertrophy vb
`"hyp-notele \hip-"na-tik\ adj 1:
`to produce sleep : SOPORIFIC 2 : of or
`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
`Page 9 of 10


`synthetic ¢ systolic pressure
`duced artificially («~ drugs) — syn-
`thet-i-calely adv
`*synthetic 7 : a product (as a drug) of
`chemical synthesis
`\sin-*tr6-fa-sblast\ n
`syphil- or syphilo- comb form : syphilis
`sypheielid \"si-fa-lid\ n : a skin eruption
`caused by syphilis
`syph-ielis \"si-fo-las\ mn
`: a chronic con-
`tagious usu. venereal and often con-
`genital disease that
`is caused by a
`spirochete of the
`genus Treponema
`(7. pallidum)andifleft untreated pro-
`duces chancres,rashes, and systemic
`lesions in a clinical course with three
`aims continued over many years —
`called also lues; see PRIMARY SYPHI-
`'syphebliteic \asi-fo-"li-tik\ adj : of, relat-
`ing fo, or infected with syphilis -—
`Sypheielit-iccakly adv
`yphilitic ; a person infected with
`syph-i-lo-ma \nsi-fo-"16-ma\ 7, pi -mas
`or -macta \-ma3-(a\ : a syphilitic tumor
`: GUMMA(a testicular ~~}
`syph-ielo-thersarpy \ssi-fa-16-*ther-o-pé\
`n, pi -pies : the treatment of syphilis
`Syerette \sa-fret\ trademark-— used for
`a small collapsible tube fitted with a
`hypodermic needle for injecting a sin-
`gle dose of a medicinal cee
`syring- or syringo- comb form : tube
`: fistula (syringobulbia)
`\so-"rinj, "sir-in}\ 1 : a device
`to inject fluids into or withdraw
`them from something (as the body or
`its cavities): as a: a device that con-
`sists of a nozzle of varying length and
`a compressible rubber bulb and is
`used for injection orirrigation (an ear
`-~) bz an instrument(as for the injec-
`tionof medicine or the withdrawal of
`fluids) that consists of a hollow
`barrel fitted with a plunger and a hol-
`low, needle ¢ : a gravity device con-
`sisting of a reservoirfitted with a long
`rubber tube ending with an exchange-
`able nozzic that is used for irrigation
`of the vagina or bowel — syringe vb
`n: the presence of abnormalcavities
`in the medulia oblongata.
`sy-rin-gormycelia \so-srin-26-mi-*8-1é-a\
`nm 3a chronic progressive disease of
`the spinal cord associated with senso-
`ry disturbances, muscle atrophy. and
`Syro-sin-go-pine \aSir-0-* sin-ga-apén,
`-apin\ 2: a white crystalline powder
`thatis closely related to
`reserpine and is used as an antihyper-
`tensive drug
`Sy7-op Vsor-ap, "sir-ap\ mo: a thick
`sticky liquid consisting of a concen-
`trated solution of sugar and water
`with or without the addition of a fla
`voring agent or medicinal substance
`~~ of
`ipecac) — syrupy \-3-pé\ adj
`system \'sis-tom\ 1 1: a group of body
`organs that together perform one or
`more vital functions — see CIRCULA.
`SYSTEM 2 : the body considered as a
`functional unit
`Isysetembic \sis-"te-mik\ adj : of. relatin
`to. Or Common to a system: as a: af-
`fecting the body generally — com-
`pare LOCAL b: supplying those parts
`receive blood
`through the aorta rather than through
`the pulmonary artery c : being a pes-
`ticide that as used is harmless to a
`higher animal ora pad but when ab-
`sorbed into the bloodstream or the
`sap makes the whole organism toxic
`to pests ae cattle grubs) — sysetem-
`y adv
`*systemic n : a systemic pesticide
`systemic circulation 7 : the passage of
`arterial blood from the jeft atrium of
`the heart through the left ventricle.
`the systemic arteries, and the capil-
`laries to the organs and tissues that
`receive much of its oxygen in ex-
`change for carbon dioxide and the re-
`turn of the carbon-dioxide carrying
`blood via the systemic veins to enter
`the right atrium of the heart and to
`Fatalerate in the pulmonary circula-
`systemic lupus erythematosus 7 : an in-
`ammatory Connective tissue disease
`of unknown cause that occurs chiefly
`in women and is characterized esp.
`by fever, skin rash, and arthritis. of-
`ten by acute hemolytic anemia, by
`smali hemorrhages in the skin and
`mucous membranes, by inflammation
`of the pericardium, and in serious
`cases by involvement of the kidneys
`and centrai nervous system
`sys-torle \"sis-ta-(até\ a: the contrac-
`Uon of the heart by which the blood is
`forced onward and the circulation
`kept up — compare DIASTOLE — sys-
`toleic \sis-*ta-Hk\ adj
`systolic pressure rn; the highest arterial
`ood pressure of a cardiac cycle oc-
`immediatety after systole of
`the left ventricle of the heart — com-
`Biocon v. Novartis, IPR2020-01263
`Page 10 of 10

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