`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`15 January 2004 (15.01.2004)
` (10) International Publication Number
`WO 2004/004781 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification’:
`A61K 47/00,
`STEVENS,John [GB/GB]; J-D.S. Consulting, 18 Wood-
`land Rd, Thornton Heath CR7 7LP (GB).
`(21) International Application Number:
`(74) Agent: GRUBB, Philip; Novartis AG, Corporate Intel-
`lectuel Property, CH-4002 Basel (CH).
`(22) International Filing Date:
`8 July 2003 (08.07.2003)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU,
`CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH,
`PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SE, SG, SK, SY, TJ, TM,
`TN, TR, TT, UA, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZW.
`(30) Priority Data:
`9 July 2002 (09.07.2002)
`9 July 2002 (09.07.2002)
`9 July 2002 (09.07.2002)
`(84) Designated States (regional): Eurasian patent (AM, AZ,
`BY, KG, KZ, MD,RU, TJ, TM), European patent (AT, BE,
`BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU,
`IE, IT, LU, MC, NL,PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR).
`(71) Applicants (for all designated States except US): SAN-
`—_with international search report
`DOZ GMBH [AT/AT]; Biochemiestrasse 10, A-6250
`before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
`Griinstrasse 18, 79232 March-Hugstetten (DE).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): BETZ, Michael
`[DE/CH]; Jagerstrasse 1, CH-8200 Schaffhausen (CH).
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes andAbbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`(57) Abstract: The present invention relates to liquid formulations of human growth hormone (hGH, somatropin) which are storage
`stable, show reducedornocrystallization on storage and are suitable for administration to the hnman or animal body. Moreparticu-
`larly, the invention relates to liquid formulations of human growth hormonewhich are stable and exhibit minimalor nocrystallization
`whenstored at least for a time at temperature above refrigeration temperatures.
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`WO 2004/004781
`The presentinvention relates to liquid formulations of human growth hormone (hGH,
`somatropin) which are storage stable, show reducedorno crystallization on storage and are
`suitable for administration to the humanor anima! body. More particularly, the invention
`relates to liquid formulations of human growth hormonewhich are stable and exhibit minimal
`or no crystallization when storedat least for a time at temperatures aboverefrigeration
`Native hGH is a single polypeptide chain protein consisting of 191 amino acids. The protein
`is internally cross-linked by two disulphide bridges and in monomeric form exhibits a
`molecular weight of about 22kDa.
`A major biological effect of hGH is to promote growth throughout a range of organs and
`tissues in the body. hGH is secretedin a pulsatile manner from the pituitary gland throughout
`life. The major biological effect of hGH is to promote growth. hGH responsive organsor
`tissues include theliver, intestine, kidneys, muscles, connective tissue and the skeleton.
`hGH deficiency can occurin all age groups. The consequences of hGH deficiency include
`reduction in bone density, shortnessin stature in children, reduction in lean body mass and
`extracellular volume and increasein cardiovascularrisk factors. Replacementtherapy with
`recombinant hGH has proven safe andeffective in reversing these effects, but requires
`repeated injections at regular intervals
`For example, hypopituitary dwarfism is a condition whichis readily treated by administering
`hGH to a subject suffering the condition. Prior to the production of large quantities of hGH
`by recombinant meansonly limited amounts of hGH could be prepared by laborious
`extraction of pituitary glands from human cadavers. This practice carried withit risks
`associated with infectious agents, eg the agent responsible for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
`(CJD), and that these agents might be passedto the patient receiving hGH. Theisolation of
`the hGH geneandthe construction of transformed hostcells expressing recombinant hGH in
`cell culture has opened up not only a morereliable, safer and more cost effective treatment
`of hypopituitary dwarfism, but the possibility of using hGH for treatment of other diseases
`and conditions as well. Accordingly, in the context of the present invention, hGH preferably
`designates recombinant human growth hormone. However,it will readily appreciated that
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`WO 2004/004781
`also human growth hormoneisolated from natural sources canin principle likewise be
`included in a pharmaceutical formulation of the present invention.
`A long appreciated problem with aqueousliquid formulations of pharmaceutical proteins, not
`just hGH, is that of instability during storage over a period of time. hGH in aqueous solution
`is known to undergo a variety of degradative changes. In common with mostotherproteins,
`Somatropin (recombinant human growth hormone, rhGH) has three main potential routes of
`degradation, namely hydrolysis leading to deamidation of free amide groups, oxidation of
`sulphur containing amino acids, and physical change of aggregation, where two or more
`hGH molecules physicaily stick together, for example, resulting in the formation of opaque
`insolubles. There is also the possibility of a clipping of the peptide backboneasa result of
`hydrolysis. Additionally, a major problem is crystallization of hGH.
`Early suggestions about howto solve the problemsofinstability noted above included freeze
`drying, but this of course meant that the resulting lyophilised product needed reconstitution
`immediately or shortly prior to administration.
`In the circumstancesof routine self-
`administration by a patient at home, this normally meansthat the patient has the task of
`reconstituting the lyophilised preparation into an aqueous solution. This is inconvenientfor
`the patient and carries with it a risk of improper reconstitution due to lack of care, lack of
`attention to detail and instructions, or simply misunderstanding on the part of the patient.
`Freeze drying of formulations also suffers from the disadvantage of being costly and time
`consuming from a manufacturing perspective.
`Mucheffort is therefore expendedin finding formulations which permit a simplerself-
`administration of hGH by patients. These efforts are focused on ways of providing
`sufficiently stable aqueous liquid hGH formulations in a ready to use form. Suchliquid
`dosage forms offer increased convenience and hence better compliance compared to
`lyophilized dosage forms which have to be reconstituted andfilled into a pen cartridge via an
`additional device.
`However, care hasto be taken that excipients which may be able to stabilize an aqueous
`formulation of hGH may carry somerisk in administration to patients. Many compounds
`which mayserve as stabilizers would not appearclinically acceptable and therefore would
`not enable a pharmaceutically acceptable formulation to be made. Furthermore,
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`WO 2004/004781
`pharmaceutical regulatory requirements dictate that any unnecessary additives / excipients,
`particularly synthetic additives / excipients, must be avoided in order to reducerisks to
`Conveniently, aqueous pharmaceutical formulations of hGH should be offered as multi-
`dosage formulations to the patient, who will administer such a formulation by meansof an
`injector device. Such multi-dosage pharmaceutical formulations usually require an
`appropriate preservative to be present.
`Commonliquid formulations of hGH are knownto contain the drug at a low concentration,
`e.g. about 3.33 mg / ml, which, however, upon administration may cause certain
`disadvantagesfor the patient.
`In particular, a patient has to receive a relatively large volume of such a low-concentration
`formulation of hGH per injection, which may cause discomfort or even pain. For example, for
`children suffering from growth hormonedeficiency (GHD) hGH mayhaveto be administered
`at a dosage of about 0.1 IU / kg bodyweight / day. Accordingly, a patient having a
`bodyweight of 50 kg would have to receive about 5 IU hGH perday, which is contained in
`500 pl! of a liquid formulation comprising about 3.33 mg / ml hGH (1 IU HGH = 0.33 mg
`hGH). It will readily be appreciated that the application of a volume of less than 500 pl would
`be highly desired.
`In the alternative, such a dosage could be administered in 2 or more injections of such a
`low-concentrated hGH formulation, each injection having a reduced volume. However,in
`terms of application safety, the use of more than oneinjection per dosageis not
`Furthermore, depending on the treatment schedule and dosage, a patient may have to use
`more than onesingle injection of such a low-concentration hGH formulation in order to be
`able to provide the prescribed amount of hGH. This may apply for example to patients
`having growth deficiency related to the Turner-Syndrome, who becauseof their increased
`body weight may be in need of a high amount of hGH. In manyinstancesit will not be
`possible to deliver the required amount of hGH to such patients with a single injection having
`a reasonable volume of a such low-concentrated hGH formulation.
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`WO 2004/004781
`Therefore, there is an ongoing needfora liquid pharmaceutical formulation containing hGH
`at a high concentration.
`In the course of the present invention it has been noticed that crystals tend to form in known
`aqueous,liquid growth hormone formulationsif the concentration of hGH is adjusted to
`higher values, e.g. to 5 mg/ml hGH or more, in such formulations. This does not only apply
`just when such formulations are stored at refrigeration temperatures, but also whenthey are
`stored aboverefrigeration temperatures, at least for a time. The presenceof crystals in
`liquid hGH formulationsis highly undesirable becauseprior to administration such
`formulations need to be agitated or swirled and there may beinstances whencrystals are
`small or unobserved andthe formulation is caused to be administered without dissolving the
`crystals sufficiently first. There is also the obvious disadvantagein terms of the visual
`appearance of hGH formulations when crystals have formed during storage.
`An object of the invention is therefore to provide a multi-dosage, aqueousliquid hGH
`formulation which is stable when stored for periods of time at refrigeration temperatures, e.g.
`for several months, or even for 1 or 2 years. Another object of the invention is to provide
`liquid hGH formulations which are stable when stored for at least a period of time above
`commonrefrigeration temperatures (e.g. above 2°C - 8°C) or even outside a refrigerator,
`e.g. for periods of several hours, days, or even weeks.
`In the context of the present application, "stable" mainly meansthat the problem ofcrystal
`formation is essentially avoided; preferably this problem is avoided completely. Accordingly,
`pharmaceutical formulation of the present invention exhibit minimal or no crystallization upon
`storage as decribed above.
`In addition to avoiding crystallization, a stable formulation should preferably show no or
`minimal aggregation of hGH uponstorage. Likewise, a stable formulation preferably should
`not or only to a minimal extent undergo other degradation of hGH, e.g. by deamidation,
`oxidation and/or hydrolysis.
`In the context of the present invention, it has been developed that 1,2-propylene glycol to be
`used in such a multi-dosage liquid formulation containing a high concentration of hGH is a
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`WO 2004/004781
`favourable parameter regarding stability. Furthermore,in the context of the present
`invention, it has been surprisingly established that a stable formulation can be composed of
`a smaller numberof excipients than previously thought.
`Accordingly, an embodiment of the present invention relates to the use of 1,2-propylene
`glycol as a stabilizing agentin the preparation of a multi-dosage aqueousliquid
`pharmaceutical formulation comprising a high concentration of human growth hormone,as
`described herein.
`During the developmentof the present invention it has been shown that 1,2-propylene glycol
`is capable of providing stability to the pharmaceutical formulation and, simultaneously,it
`contributes to the desired tonicity of the formulation.
`In the context of the present invention, a liquid pharmaceutical formulation is a formulation
`provided in a ready-to-use form, i.e. it is not provided in a form to be reconstituted before
`administration, like e.g. a lyophilisate.
`The present invention therefore provides a multi-dosage liquid pharmaceutical formulation of
`human growth hormoneconsisting essentially of human growth hormoneat a concentration
`of from about 5 mg/ml to about 100 mg/ml, 1,2-propylene glycol, an aqueous buffer, a non-
`ionic surfactant and a preservative, said pharmaceutical formulation having a tonicity of from
`about 100 mosm/kg to about 500 mosm/kg and having a pH of from about 6.1 to about 6.3.
`Where necessary, additionally a tonicity-adjusting agent may be present in such a
`pharmaceutical formulation such that the tonicity is from about 100 to about 500 mosm/kg.
`Preferably, the pharmaceutical formulation of the present inventionis isotonic.
`Accordingly,in a further embodiment thereof, there is provided a multi-dosageliquid
`pharmaceutical formulation of human growth hormone consisting essentially of human
`growth hormone at a concentration of from about 5 mg/ml to about 100 mg/ml, 1,2-propylene
`glycol, an aqueousbuffer, a non-ionic surfactant and a preservative, said pharmaceutical
`formulation having a tonicity of from about 100 mosm/kg to about 500 mosm/kg and having
`a pH of from about 6.2 to about 6.3, said pharmaceutical formulation additionally comprising
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`WO 2004/004781
`a tonicity-adjusting agent such that the tonicity of the pharmaceutical compositionis from
`about 100 to about 500 mosm/kg.
`The presence of an additional tonicity-adjusting agentwill be necessary if the further
`excipients of the formulation cannot contribute to the formulations’ overall tonicity to such an
`extent that the desired tonicity is achieved. In particular, depending on its concentration,
`1,2-propylene glycol is capable to provide a substantial part of the desired tonicity.
`Particularly preferred are those pharmaceutical formulations according to the present
`invention, where 1,2-propylene glycol, together with the further excipents, is capable of
`providing the desired tonicity without the need of an additional tonicity-adjusting agent to be
`present, thereby keeping the overall numberof excipients to be used to a minimum.
`In the context of the presentinvention, the term "consisting essentially of" means that the
`pharmaceutical formulation of the present invention does not contain further excipients,
`besides the ones mentioned herein, which are capable to contribute a technological
`pharmaceutical function to the pharmaceutical formulation, e.g. in terms of stability, pH,
`tonicity, and the like. This does, however, not exclude the possibility that such a formulation
`may comprise one or morefurther auxiliary agents, which do not perform a technological
`pharmaceutical function in the formulation. Such auxiliary agents for example may be
`pharmaceutically acceptable dyes which will make the liquid formulation coloured. This may
`e.g. help in identifying the amountof liquid in a multi-dosage injection device or assist in
`easily identifying whether or not crystallization has occurred,
`Arising out of the present invention the inventors have perceived an advantagefor patients,
`pharmacists and medical practitioners. Hitherto it has been necessary to ensure careful
`storage of growth hormone formulations at refrigeration temperatures (e.g. in the range of 2°
`to 8°C) in order to minimize crystallization. Prior to receipt of the growth hormone by
`patients the formulations can usually be reliably stored at refrigeration temperatures by
`manufactures and pharmacists. However, once received and stored by patients in domestic
`refrigerators there is muchlessreliability in terms of storage temperature. Temperaturesin
`patients’ domestic refrigerators may well be substantially above 2-8°C, e.g. be about 15°C,
`e.g. because of frequent opening. Moreover, devices containing the liquid formulation to be
`applied may stored outside the refrigerator, e.g. being forgotten on the kitchen bench after
`administration, thereby being exposed to room temperature (e.g. about 20°C to about 27°C,
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`WO 2004/004781
`frequently about 25°C) for sometime. Crystallization of hGH tends to occur more readily at
`temperatures greater than 8°C,i.e. above refrigeration temperatures, with known
`pharmaceutical formulations of hGH.
`The formulations of the present invention provide a greater resistance to crystallizationif
`stored for a time aboverefrigeration temperatures. This therefore permits patients to be
`supplied with sufficient growth hormoneto provide daily doses over longer periods of time
`than was hitherto recommendable or desirable. Whereasbefore, patients might have kept a
`small numberof doses for use over a period of a week, with the formulations of the present
`invention patients may keep several weeks or even several months supply of growth
`hormonein domestic refrigerator with no or only minimalcrystallization taking place. The
`frequency of prescription to patients can therefore be reduced significantly by the present
`Accordingly, the pharmaceutical formulations of the present invention are stable, in particular
`substantially free of crystallization, on storage at temperatures from refrigeration
`temperatures to room temperature. In particular, such formulations are stable upon storage
`at temperatures from refrigeration temperatures to room temperature for at least 4 weeks or
`at least 1 month, preferably for at least 7 weeks, more preferably for at least 13 weeks. Ina
`preferred embodimentthereof, such formulations are stable, in particular substantially free of
`crystallization, upon storage at temperatures between 2°C — 8°C for several months, e.g. for
`3 months, more preferably for at least 12 months, and most preferably for at least 18
`months.In a further preferred embodiment thereof, such formulations are stable, in particular
`substantially free of crystallization, at temperatures between 15°C and 25°C forat least 7
`weeks, more preferably for at least 13 weeks.
`In this context, it is to mention that prior to storage, hGH formulations may comprise about
`4% of “related proteins” being proteinaceous materials generated by degradative processes
`of deamidation and oxidation. Such “related proteins” are defined in the European
`Pharmacopoeia and measured by reversed phase HPLC.Theinventors propose a maximum
`of 20% “related proteins” as a target at the end of the shelflife of the formulations.
`The degradation rate of hGH is not exactly linear and the rate of degradation increases with
`an increase in temperature. At 2° - 8°C formulations usually exhibit an increasein “related
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`WO 2004/004781
`proteins” of about 0.8% per month. At 25°C this rises to about 13% per month, and at 40°C
`to about 70% per month. Storage at 25°C for 1 month is approximately equivalent to 17
`months storage at 2° - 8°C. Storage at 15°C for 1 month is approximately equivalent to 5
`months storage at 2° - 8°C. Continuous storage at a temperature in the range of about 25°
`to 40°C is therefore impractical.
`Although the formulations of the present invention offer good resistanceto crystallization
`even up to 40°C, particularly up to 25°C, more particularly up to 15°C, the rapid formation of
`“related proteins” at these temperatureswill usually place a more immediate limit on the
`potential shelf life of formulations.
`Rates of “related proteins” formation at different temperatures over time are readily
`measured by one of average skill and with this information the optimisation and maximum
`storage time/temperature patterns may be calculated without undue burden.
`In practice,
`formulations of the present invention can readily be subjected to a daily rise in temperature
`slightly above about 8°C due to the opening and closing of a refrigerator door or removal
`from a refrigerator for periods of an hour or so each dayfor the purposes administration
`without significant loss of shelf life. Advantageously, formulations of the present invention
`would not suffer adversely in terms of degradation orcrystallizationif left out of the
`refrigerator at room temperature for a day or so.
`Accordingly, the pharmaceutical formulations of the present invention may be kept at
`refrigeration temperature (e.g. in the range of 2° to 8°C)all the time in a stable condition.
`Furthermore, the pharmaceutical compositions show a sufficient stability when at least some
`of the overall storage time will be at a temperature aboverefrigeration temperatures,
`possibly up to about a week outside a refrigerator, possibly up to about a month or even
`longer outside a refrigerator.
`Accordingly, at least a part of the time that the formulation is stored may be at a storage
`temperature of at least 8°C, optionally a temperature in the range selected from 8° to 40°C,
`8° to 25°C or 8° to 15°C.
`In a preferred embodiment of the pharmaceutical formulations according to the present
`invention, the concentration of hGH in the formulation is from about 6 mg/ml to about 14
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`WO 2004/004781
`mg/ml. in a particularly preferred embodiment thereof, the concentration of hGH in the
`formulation is about 6.67 mg/ml.
`In the developmentof the present invention it has surprisingly been established that
`1,2-propylene glycol is capable of providing sufficient stability to the formulations of the
`present invention which comprise such a high concentration of hGH. Preferably, the
`pharmaceutical formulations of the present invention comprise 1,2-propylene glycol at a
`concentration of from about 0.5 mg/ml to about 20 mg/ml, more preferably from about 5
`mg/ml to about 15 mg/ml, most preferably of from about 6 mg/ml to about 13 mg/ml.
`Preferred embodiments relate to pharmaceutical formulations according to the present
`invention which contain about 9 mg/ml and 12,4 mg/ml 1,2-propylene glycol.
`The aqueous buffer present in the pharmaceutical formulation of the present invention can
`be any pharmaceutically acceptable buffer. In a preferred embodimentthereof, the aqueous
`buffer is selected from the group consisting of a phosphate buffer, a citrate buffer, an
`acetate buffer and a formate buffer, preferably a phosphate buffer, more preferably a sodium
`phosphate buffer. Usually, the aqueous buffer has a concentration of from about 5 mM to
`about 100 mM. In a preferred embodimentthereof, the aqueous buffer has a concentration
`of about 10 mM. In a particularly preferred embodiment thereof, the aqueousbuffer is a
`phosphate buffer having a concentration of about 10 mM (the number 10 mM referring to the
`concentration of the phosphate ions). Most preferably the aqueousbuffer is a sodium
`phosphate buffer having a concentration of about 10 mM.Likewise preferred is a 10 mM
`phosphatebuffer, in particular a 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer.
`The non-ionic surfactant present in the pharmaceutical formulation of the present invention
`can be any non-ionic surfactant which is pharmaceutically acceptable. Preferably, the non-
`ionic surfactant is selected from the group consisting of poloxamers, such as poloxamer 184
`or 188, and polysorbates, such as polysorbate 20 or 80, for example, and other
`ethylene/polypropylene block polymers. Preferably, the non-ionic surfactant is a poloxamer,
`in particular poloxamer 188. Amounts of the non-ionic surfactant used maybein the range
`from about 0.001% (w/v) to about 10% (w/v), more preferably from about 0.005% (w/v) to
`about 5% (w/v), even more preferably from about 0.01% (w/v) to about 1% (w/v). Ina
`preferred embodimentthereof, the non-ionic surfactant is present at a concentration of from
`about 0.05 mg/ml to about 4 mg/ml, preferably at a concentration of about 2 mg/ml. A
` PFIZER, INC. v. NOVO NORDISK A/S - IPR2020-01252, Ex. 1005, p. 10 of 24


`WO 2004/004781
`preferred embodimentof the present invention relates to a pharmaceutical formulation
`wherein the non-ionic surfactant is poloxamer 188 present at a concentration from about
`0.05 mg/ml to about 4 mg/ml, preferably of about 2 mg/ml.
`The preservative present in the pharmaceutical formulation of the present invention can be
`any pharmaceutically acceptable preservative. Preferably, the preservative is selected from
`the group consisting of benzyl alcohol, meta-cresol, methyl paraben, propyl paraben, phenol,
`benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride, chlorobutanol, 2-phenoxyethanol, phenyl
`mercuric nitrate and thimerosal. The concentration of the preservative will be readily
`available to those skilled in the art in agreement with requirements of health authorities
`regarding the safety of multi-dosage formulations. Accordingly, the concentration of the
`preservative can be, for example, from about 1 mg/ml to about 30 mg/ml, depending on the
`preservative actually used. More preferably, the preservative is benzyl alcohol. In a preferred
`embodimentthereof, the pharmaceutical formulation according to the present invention
`comprises benzyl alcohol as preservative being present at a concentration of from about 7
`mg/ml to about 12 mg/ml, most preferably at a concentration of about 9 mg/ml.
`If in the pharmaceutical formulation according to the present invention an additional tonicity-
`adjusting agent is present for adjusting the tonicity of the formulation to a desired value from
`about 100 mosm/kg to about 500mosm/kg, suchtonicity-adjusting agent can be any
`pharmaceutical acceptable tonicity-adjusting agent. Preferably, such tonicity-adjusting agent
`is selected from the group consisting of a sugar, a sugar alcohol, a further polyol, a neutral
`salt and an amino acid. For example, a sugar can be a monosaccharide or a disaccharide,
`like e.g. lactose or sucrose. For example, a neutral salt can be an inorganic salt, an organic
`salt, or a mixed salt, displaying an about neutral pH upon dissolution in water,like e.g.
`sodium chloride or ammonium acetate. For example, an amino acid can be glycine, arginine
`or histidine. In a preferred embodimentthereof, the tonicity adjusting agent is a sugar
`alcohol, preferably mannitol. The tonicity-adjusting agent preferably is present at a
`concentration up to 70 mg/ml, more preferably up to 50mg/ml, even morepreferably up to 30
`mg/ml. In a particularly preferred embodimentthereof, the additional tonicity-adjusting agent
`is mannitol at a concentration of about 30 mg/ml.
`The pharmaceutical formulations according to the present invention preferably may have a
`tonicity from about 100 mosm/kg to about 500 mosm/kg,i.e. the tonicity of such formulations
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`WO 2004/004781
`can be from hypotonic up to hypertonic. In a preferred embodimentthereof, the
`pharmaceutical formulations of the present invention have a tonicity from slightly hypotonic
`to slightly hypertonic. Preferably and in accordance with common knowledge(see e.g.
`Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, Parenteral Medications, Volume 2; edited by: Kenneth E.
`Avis ; Herbert A. Lieberman ; Leon Lachman; Marcel Dekker Inc., New York and Basel,
`published: 04/01/1993, page 58-60), this correspondsto a tonicity from about 250 mosm/kg
`to about 350 mosm/kg. In a particularly preferred embodiment thereof, the pharmaceutical
`formulations of the present invention are isotonic. lsotonicity preferably corresponds to a
`tonicity of from about 270 mosm/kg to about 328 mosm/kg. More preferably isotonicity
`correspondsto a tonicity of about 286 mosm/kg.
`In a preferred embodiment, the pH-value of the pharmaceutical formulation according to the
`present invention is about 6.2. A skilled person would understand a pH of about 6.2 to be
`from pH 6.15 to pH 6.25. Preferably, the pH is 6.2.
`A particularly preferred pharmaceutical formulation of the invention essentially consists of
`6.67 mg/ml human growth hormone,
`from 6 mg/ml to 15 mg/ml 1,2-propylene glycol,
`10 mM sodium phosphatebuffer,
`2 mg/ml poloxamer 188,
`where necessary mannitol at a concentration sufficient such that the formulationis
`substantially isotonic,
`and having a pH of 6.2.
`In further aspect there is provided a pharmaceutical composition essentially consisting of
`6.67 mg/ml human growth hormone,
`6 mg/ml 1,2-propylene glycol,
`10 mM sodium phosphate buffer,
`22.5 mg/ml mannitol,
`2 mg/ml poloxamer 188,
`and having a pH of 6.2.
`A still further aspect of the present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition
`essentially consisting of
` PFIZER, INC. v. NOVO NORDISK A/S - IPR2020-01252, Ex. 1005, p. 12 of 24


`WO 2004/004781
`6.67 mg/ml human growth hormone,
`9 mg/ml 1,2-propylene glycol,
`10 mM sodium phosphatebuffer,
`8.1 mg/ml mannitol,
`2 mg/mi poloxamer 188,
`and having a pH of 6.2.
`in a yet further aspect the present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition
`essentially consisting of
`6.67 mg/ml human growth hormone,
`12.4 mg/ml 1,2-propylene glycol,
`10 mM sodium phosphatebuffer,
`2 mg/ml poloxamer 188,
`and having a pH of6.2.
`The crystallization which is minimized or avoided in formulations by the present invention
`appears to be that of growth hormone. Preferably any crystallization in the liquid formulation
`is detected directly by eye, more preferably underthe light microscope at 5x magnification,
`even more preferably underthe light microscope at 10x magnification. Prior to observation
`underthe light microscope formulations maybefiltered and the presence or absenceof
`crystals on thefilter determined. When viewing underthe light microscopethefilter may
`have a pore size of about 5.1m.
`A particularly preferred test for crystallization is to store the formulation in a sealed container
`with no airspace for a time period at 15°C or at 25°C in the absenceoflight and then
`observe the presence or absenceof crystals by eye.
`Furthermore, the aqueous growth hormoneformulations of the present invention are
`preferably storage stable in the sense that there is no or minimal aggregation of growth
`hormone during the period of storage. Also, there is preferably no or minimal chemical
`degradation of growth hormone, e.g. by deamidation and the like, as described herein.
`Suitable tests for measuring stability of growth hormonein aqueous solution are well known
`in the art e.g. as described in WO 94/03198,incorporated herein by wayof reference.
` PFIZER, INC. v. NOVO NORDISK A/S - IPR2020-01252, Ex. 1005, p. 13 of 24


`WO 2004/004781
`- 13 -
`In preferred formulations of the present

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