
`LG Display Co., Ltd.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 001


`Princi es
`Raymond A. Serway
`James Madison University
`with contributions by
`John W. Jewett, Jr.
`California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
`S 1\ U
`)) t R ~ C () I I E (; C l' U B I I S I I I
`Harcourt Brace allege Publishers
`Fort Worth Philadelphia San Diego New York Orlando Au tin
`San Antonio Toronto Montreal London
`ydncy Tokyo
`LG Display Co., Ltd.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 002


`Cop right
`1998, 1994 by Raymond
`. erway
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication m,ty be reproduced or transmitted in any form orb, ,tn,
`mean , clectroni or me hanical, ir1 lucling photocopy, recording, or any information loragt' and tt··
`trieval ystcm, without pcrmi sion in writi ng from the publish r.
`Requests for permi sion to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to:
`Permission. Department, Harcourt Brace & ompany, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive. Orlando, Florida
`32 87-6777
`Publisher: Emily Barros e
`Publisher: John Vondeling
`Product Manager: Angus McDonald
`Developmental Editor: Susan Dust Pashos
`Project Editor: Elizabeth Ahrens
`Production Manager: Charlene Catlett Squibb
`Art Director and Cover Designer: Carol Bleistine
`Cover Credit: Wolf Howling, Aurora Borealis. (© 1997 Michael DeYoung/Alaska Stock)
`Frontispiece Credit: David Malin, Anglo-Australian Observatory
`Printed in the United States of America
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 97-65256
`7890123456 032 10 987654321
`LG Display Co., Ltd.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 003


`Contents Overview
`An lmit tion to Ph~ . i :
`Introduction and Ye tors
`. lotion in One Dimen ·i n 29
`. lotion in T\\o Dimen. ion
`4 The La" of ~lotion
`. lore Application of 1ewt on' Lm
`6 Work and Energy 1-12
`7 Potential Energy and on
`of Energy 165
`. fomentum and Colli ion
`9 Relathity 227
`10 Rotational Motion 262
`11 Orbital Motion and the
`H~drogen Atom 303
`12 0
`·a\·e Motion 360
`uperpo ition and Standing Wave
`15 Fluid Mechanic
`illaton· Motion 332
`16 Temp rature and th Kineti
`Theory of Ga e
`17 Heat and the Fir t Law of
`18 Heat Engine , Entropy, and the econd
`Law of Thermodynamics 493
`19 Electric Force and Electric Field
`20 Electric Potential and Capacitance 558
`21 Current and Direct Current Circuits 597
`22 Magneti m 636
`23 Faraday's Law and Inductance 670
`24 Electromagnetic Waves 702
`25 Reflection and Refraction of Light 730
`26 Mirrors and Lenses 756
`27 Wave Optics 784
`28 Quantum Physics 816
`29 Atomic Physics 855
`30 Nuclear Physics 890
`31 Particle Phy ics and Co mology 920
`Appendices A.I
`Answer to Odd-Numbered Problem A.36
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`Exhibit 1018
`Page 004


`3 Motion in Two Dimensions 54
`The Di plac ment, \'elocity, and
`cceleration Vector
`Two-Dimen ional Motion with
`on tant Acceleration 57
`Projectile Motion 60
`3.4 Uniform
`ircular Motion 67
`Tangential and Radial
`Acceleration 69
`ummary 72
`Conceptual Que tion
`Answer to Conceptual Problem
`An Invitation to Physics
`Introduction and Vectors 3
`tandard. of L ngth ,
`Mass, and Tim
`1.2 Density and Atomic Ma
`1.3 Dimensional Analy i
`1.4 Conver ion of nits 9
`1.5 Order-of-Magnitud
`Significant Figure
`l.i Coordinate Sy terns and Frames
`of Reference 12
`Problem-Solving Strategy 13
`1.9 Vectors and Scalars 14
`ome Properti of ector
`1.11 Components of a Vector
`and Unit Vector
`Summary 23
`Conceptual Que tion
`Problems 24
`Answers to Conceptual Problem
`2 Motion in One Dimension 29
`2.1 Average Velocity 30
`In tantaneou Velocity 31
`cceleration 35
`2.4 Motion Diagram
`2.5 One-Dimen ional Motion with
`Con tant Acceleration 39
`2.6 Freely Falling O bjects 42
`Summary 46
`Conceptual Que Lions 47
`AJJ1swen to Conceptual Problem
`David Aladiso11.1 Ton;
`font' Image,
`LG Display Co., Ltd.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 005


`D l'oo,• I 1'1')/ Phototnk,
`4 The Laws of Motion 80
`The oncept of Force
`. ewton's Fir t Law and
`Inertial Frame
`Inertial ~fa
`'C\\ ton·., econd Law 86
`4.5 The Gravitational Force and Weight 89
`'ewton's Th1rd Law 90
`1. 7
`ome \.pplications of
`'\'ewton's Law
`umman 100
`Conceptual Que.,tiom 101
`Problems 101
`,\nswers to onccptual Problems 107
`6 Work and Energy 142
`Work Done by a Comtant For c 14~
`· 1 The Scalar Product of Two Vector,
`I If)
`Work Done by a arying Force 147


`Kinetic Energy and the \Vork-Kinetic
`Energy Theorem 152
`Power 157
`ummary 159
`Conceptual Question
`Problems 160
`An wcr to Conceptual Problem
`,\fartm Dohm/ SPI./ Photo l?P1rnrrhn~
`7 Potential Energy and Conservation
`of Energy 165
`5 More Applications of Newton's
`Laws 108
`Force of Friction 108
`1 ·cwton's ccond Law Applied to
`ircular Motion 115
`ircular 1otion 120
`\lotion in the Presence of Velocity(cid:173)
`Dependent Re isti\e Forces 122
`umencal Modeling in Panicle
`D\nam1cs 126
`5.6 The Fundamental Forces of Nature 129
`5. 7 Th" G1 a\ ll,Hional Field 132
`t;umman 133
`Cone ptual Qucst1011s 13·1
`Prohlenb 131
`\ns\,Lrs to C.onceptu,11 Problems
`l •11
`Potential Energy 166
`7.2 Con eIVcttive and Noncon en. tiYe
`on ervativc Force and
`Potential Energy 169
`Con ervation of 1echanical
`Energy 171
`7.5 Work Done by oncon -ervathe
`Force· 175
`,eneral 180
`7.6 Con ervation of Encrg) in
`7.7 Gravitational Pot mial Ener~
`Refritecl 1 I
`tabilit, of
`Energy Diagram and
`Equilibrium (Optional) 1 3
`ummai, 1 5
`Conceptual Quc~tion. 1. 6
`Prob! 'nH> 186
`1\J1,,,ers to Conceptual Problems 19~1
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`Exhibit 1018
`Page 006


`IO Rotational Motion 262
`10.1 Angular Velocity and An ular
`Acceleration 263
`10.2 Rotational Kinematic
`10.3 Relation Betw n Angular and
`Linear Quantiti
`10.4 Rotational Kineti Energy 2
`10.5 Torqu and th Vector Product 27
`Equilibrium of a Rigid Object 27
`10.7 Relation B tween Torque and
`Angular Accel ration 277
`10.8 Angular Momentum 27
`on ervation of Angular
`Momentum 2 I
`IO.IO Quantization of Angular Mom ntum
`(Optional) 2 4
`I 0.11 Rotation of Rigid Bodi
`(Optional) 2 5
`ummary 292
`on eptual Que tion
`Answer to Con ptual Prob! m
`Richard M egna, Fundamental Photographs, N}'C
`Momentum and Collisions 194
`Linear Momentum and Its
`Con ervation 195
`Impul e and Momentum 199
`olli ions 201
`Ela tic and Inelastic Colli ion in
`One Dimension 203
`Two-Dimensional olli ion
`The enter of Ma
`Motion of a Sy tern of Particles
`Rocket Propul ion (Optional)
`ummary 217
`onceptual Question
`An wer to Conceptual Prob! ms 225
`9 Relativity 227
`9.1 The Principle of Newtonian
`Relativity 228
`9.2 The Michel on-Mori y
`Experiment 230
`Ein tein' Prin iple of Relativity 232
`on equence of Sp cial Relativity 233
`9.5 The Lorentz Tran formation
`Equations 243
`9.6 Relativi tic Momentum and th Relativi tic
`Form of Newton' Law
`9.7 Relativistic Energy 248
`Ma a a Measure of Energy 252
`9.9 General Relativity (Optional) 254
`ummary 257
`,onceptual Que tion
`An wers to Conceptual Problems 261
`B1•11 Rose 1992/ '/'lie IJ\1A C:E Banh
`11 Orbital Motions and the Hydrogen
`Atom 303
`11 .1
`ni er al Law of
`Revi ited
`l epler' Law. 307
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`Exhibit 1018
`Page 007


`Co11tn 1t
`11.3 The U niYeLal La" of Grmity and the
`i\lotion of Planets 30
`11.4 EnerID Con iderauon in Planet.'U)'
`and atellitc ~lotion 313
`.\tomic pecu-a and the Bohr
`Theory of H) drogen 319
`ummary 324
`Conceptual Que tion
`Answers to Conceptual Problem
`13 Wave Motion 360
`13.1 Three \,\a\c C.haracteri~tics 3f;J
`T}pes of'Wmcs
`13.3 One-Dimensional TranS\crse
`Tra\'cling Waves %3
`Sinusoidal Tra\'cling Wave
`uperposition and Interference
`of Waves 370
`13.6 The Speed of Trans\'er e
`Wa\·es on String
`13.7 Reflection and Transmission
`ofWaves 374
`Energy Tran mitted by Sinusoidal
`Wave on
`Sound Wa,·e
`13.10 The Doppler Effect 379
`Summary 382
`Conceptual Que tion
`Answer to Conceptual Problems 388
`14 Superposition and Standing
`Waves 389
`Superpo ition and Interference of
`Sinu oidal Waves 390
`Standing Wave
`1 atural Frequencie in a u-etched
`String 396
`Standing Waves in Air Colu mns
`14.5 Beats: Interference in Time
`(Optional) 404
`14.6 Complex Wave (Optional) 406
`SummaJ;' 408
`Conceptual Que tion
`Problems 409
`Answer to Conceptual Problem
`Kim \ 'a11d1t1" n11d Harold Edgrrta11,
`Palm Pres,, for.
`12 Oscillatory Motion 332
`Simple Hannonic Motion 333
`12.2 Motion of a ~lass Attached
`to a Spring 336
`Energ) of the Simple Harmonic
`0 ·cillator 341
`12.4 Motion of a Pendulum 344
`12.5 Damped O cillaLions (Optional) 348
`Forced O cillations (Optional) 349
`Summary 351
`Conceptual Question
`Problem· 353
`An wers to Conceptual Problem
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`Exhibit 1018
`Page 008


`17 Heat and the First Law
`of Thermodynamics 462
`17.1 Heat, Thermal Energy, and
`Internal Energy 463
`Specific Heat 464
`Latent Heat and Phase Change
`17.4 Work and Thermal Energy in
`Thermodynamic Processes 4 72
`17.5 The First Law of
`Thermodynamics 4 75
`Some Applications of the First Law
`ofThermodynarnics 478
`17.7 Heat Transfer (Optional) 480
`Summary 486
`Conceptual Questions 487
`Problems 487
`Answers to Conceptual Problems 492
`Courtesy of Central Scientific Company
`18 Heat Engines, Entropy, and
`the Second Law of
`Thermodynamics 493
`18.1 Heat Engine and the econd Law
`of Thermodynamics 494
`Rev r ible and Irrever ible
`Proce e
`18.3 The arnot Engine 497
`18.4 Heat Pump and Refrigerator
`1 .2
`Earl Young!FPG
`15 Fluid Mechanics 415
`Pre sure 416
`15.2 Variation of Pre ure with Depth 41
`Pre sure Measurements 421
`15.4 Buoyant Force and Archimedes'
`Principle 422
`Fluid Dynamic
`Streamlines and the Equation
`of Continuity 426
`15.7 Bernoulli's Principle 427
`15.8 Other Applications of Bernoulli'
`Principle (Optional) 429
`Summary 431
`Conceptual Questions 432
`Problems 433
`Answers to Conceptual Problems 438
`6 Temperature and the Kinetic
`Theory of Gases 439
`Temperature and the Zeroth Law
`of Thermodynamics 440
`16.2 Thermometer and Temperature
`Scales 441
`16.3 Thermal Expansion of Solids
`and Liquids 445
`16.4 Macroscopic Description of an
`Ideal Gas 448
`16.5 The Kinetic Theory of Gase
`Summary 455
`Conceptual Question
`Problems 457
`Answers to Conceptual Problem
`LG Display Co., Ltd.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 009


`tat menl of Lhc
`1 .5 An -\!Lernati,
`econd La\, 502
`Entropv 503
`1 .6
`1 .7 Entrap) hanges in lrreYersible
`Proce e
`Entropy on a Micro copic cale
`Entropv and Di order (Optional)
`1 .9
`ummarv 514
`onceptual Que tion
`Answer to onceptual Problem
`ummary 550
`Conceptual Que tion · 551
`Answer to Conceptual Problem
`(0 1968 Fundamental Photographs
`Tom Mamdi,~ Th, IAfAGE Bank
`Electric Forces and Electric
`Fields 521
`19.1 Hi wrical Overview 522
`Propertie of Electric Charge
`In ulator and Conductor
`19.4 Coulomb' Law 527
`Electric Field
`19.6 Electric Field Line
`Electric Flux 538
`19.8 Gau ' Law 541
`19.9 Application of Gau
`In ulator
`19.10 Conductor in Electro ta tic
`Equilibrium 54
`' Law to Charged
`20 Electric Potential and
`Capacitance 558
`Potential Diffi rence and Electric
`Potential 559
`Potential Difference in a niform
`Electric Field 561
`Electric Potential and Electric Potential
`Energy Due to Point Charge
`20.4 Obtaining E from the Electric
`Potential 566
`20.5 Electiic Potential Due to ontinuou
`Charge Di tribution
`Electi·ic Potential of a Charged
`Conductor 571
`20.7 Capacitance 573
`ombination of apacitor
`Energy tor d in a harged
`Capacitor 5 0
`20.10 Capacitor with Dielectric
`ummary 5 7
`Conceptual Que tion
`An wer to Conceptual Problem
`5 3
`5 9
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`Exhibit 1018
`Page 010


`21 Current and Direct Current
`Circuits 597
`Electric Current 598
`21. l
`21.2 Resistance and Ohm's Law 600
`Superconductors 605
`21.4 A Model for Electrical Conduction 606
`Electrical Energy and Power 610
`ources of emf 612
`21.7 Resi tor in Serie and in Parallel 613
`21.8 KirchhoIT's Rules and
`DC Circuit.s 619
`21.9 RC Circuit.s 622
`ummary 626
`Conceptual Question
`Problems 630
`An wers to Conceptual Problem
`22.8 The Magnetic Field of a olenoid 655
`22.9 Magnetism in Matter (Optional) 657
`ummary 659
`Conceptual Questions 661
`Answers to Conceptual Problems 669
`Courtesy of uon Lewa11tlor1.11ki
`23 Faraday's Law and Inductance 670
`Faraday'· Law of Induction 671
`23.2 Motional emf 675
`Lenz' · Law 679
`Induced emfs and Electric Fields 6 2
`elf-Inductance 683
`RL Circuits 686
`tored in a 1agnetic Field 689
`23. 7
`Summary 694
`onceptual Questions 693
`Problem. 694
`An ·wer to onceptual Problem
`70 I
`24 Electromagnetic Waves 702
`24.l Displacement Cunent and the
`Generalized Ampere's Law 703
`24.2 Ma.,·well's \Vonderful Equations 701
`Electromagnetic Waw · 705
`C<n.l.rtesy of IBM Rmarch
`22 Magnetism 636
`Historical Overview: Magnets 637
`22.2 The Magnetic Field 638
`22.3 Magnet.ic Force on a urrcnt- arrying
`Conductor 643
`22.4 Torque on a Current Loop in a Uniform
`1agnetic Field 645
`22.5 The Biot- avart Law 648
`22.6 The Magnetic Force Between Two
`Parallel Conductors 650
`22.7 Ampere 's Law 652
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`Exhibit 1018
`Page 011


`2-1.-1: Hertz Di
`2-1.5 The Produ tion of Elecu·omagnetic
`\\\l\e b, an Antenna
`Energ\ arried bv Electromagnetic
`\\'a,e · 713
`~lomenmm and Radiation Pre
`The pectrum of Electromagnetic
`Polarization 720
`llll11Ua!") 724
`onceptual Que tion
`Answer to Conceptual Problem
`Ro11 Chappk/FPG
`26 Mirrors and Lenses 756
`Images Formed by Flat Mirrors 756
`Images Formed by Spherical
`Mirrors 759
`Images Formed by Refraction 765
`26.4 Thin Lenses 768
`Lens Aberrations (Optional) 776
`ummary 777
`Conceptual Questions 778
`Problems 779
`Answers to Conceptual Problems 783
`P~ Aprahamum/. cienu Plwto ullraT)
`25 Reflection and Refraction
`of Light 730
`The arure of Light 730
`25.2 The Ray Approximation in Geometric
`Optics 732
`25.3 Reflection and Refraction 733
`25.4 Dispersion and P1i ms 740
`25.5 Huygens' Principle 742
`25.6 Total Internal Reflection 743
`ummary 747
`Conceptual Question
`Problems 749
`Answer to Conceptual Problems 755
`~ Richard A1tgna 1990, Fundamental Photographs
`LG Display Co., Ltd.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 012


`(1111 I I II ( \
`28. I() ~1 h<' ~chrc,dmg1·1 f-<J11<1ti<m
`lumll'ling I hrc,ugh a Ba rri ·r
`~8.J J
`(Optional) 814
`~11mmaf) 847
`Con,cpt11al Q11<·,tiom 818
`Problems 819
`Answ<>r., to Cot1ccpt11al Problem., 8:;3
`29 Atomic Physics 855
`Earl} Modch of the A.tom 85 >
`29.2 The Hydrogen
`torn Rcw,itcd
`29.3 The pin Magnetic Qua mum
`' umber 860
`29.4 The Wave Functiom for
`Hydrogen 86 l
`29.5 The "Other" Quantum '.\umb r
`29.6 The Exclusion Principk and the
`Periodic Table
`29. 7 Atomic pectra: Vi.,ible ,Uld
`X-Ray 876
`29.8 Atomic Transitions
`Laser and Hologr, ph
`(Optional) 881
`Summary 884
`Conceptual Que tion
`Problems 886
`An wers LO Conceptual Problem
`Dr. JernnJ Burgm/.\mnr~ /Jholo l.1hrr11)
`27 Wave Optics 784
`27.1 Condition· for I nterference 784
`27.2 Young' Double- lit Experiment 785
`27.3 Change of Pha e Due to
`Reflection 792
`Interference in Thin Films 794
`27.5 Diffraction 797
`Re olution of ingle-Slit and Circular
`27. 7 The Diffraction GraLing 804
`27.8 Diffraction of X-Rays by Crystals
`(Optional) 807
`ummarr 809
`Conceptual Que lions 810
`Problems 811
`An wer to Conceptual Problems 815
`28 Quantum Physics 816
`Black-Body Radiation and Planck'
`Theory 817
`2 .2 The Photoelectric Effect 820
`2 .3 The ompton Effect 823
`Photon and Electromagnetic
`The \'\'ave Propertie of Particles 828
`2 .5
`2 .6 The Double- lit Experiment
`Re\i ited 832
`2 .7 The Uncertainty Principle 834
`2 .
`An Interpretation of QuanLUm
`Particle in a Bo '
`2 .9
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`Exhibit 1018
`Page 013


`30 Nuclear Physics 890
`ome of uclei 891
`30.2 Binding Energy 897
`30.3 Radioactivity 901
`30.4 The Decay Proce se
`1 atural Radioactivity 911
`I uclear Reaction
`ummary 912
`Conceptual Que tion
`Problems 914
`An wer to Conceptual Problem
`Particle Physics and Cosmology 920
`The Fundamental Forces in ature 921
`Positrons and Other Antiparticles 922
`Me ons and the Beginning of Particle
`Physics 924
`Cla sification of Particles 926
`Con ervation Laws 928
`Strange Particles and
`trangeness 930
`How Are Elementary Particles Produced
`and Particle Properties Measured? 931
`The EighLfold Way 934
`Colored Quark
`David Parkn/Srimrf Photo Library/Photo R£srarrhm
`31.11 Electroweak Theory and the Standard
`Model 940
`31.12 The Cosmic Connection 943
`31.13 Problems and Perspectives 948
`Summary 949
`Conceptual Questions 949
`Problems 950
`Answers to Conceptual Problems 953
`Appendix A Tables A. I
`Table A. l Conversion Factors A. l
`Table A.2 Symbols, Dimensions, and Units
`of Physical Quantities A.3
`Table A.3 Table of Selected Atomic
`Masses A.4
`Appendix B Mathematics
`Review A.11
`B.l Scientific Notation A.11
`B.2 Algebra A.13
`B.3 Geometry A.18
`B.4 Trigonometry A.19
`B.5 Series Expansions A.22
`B.6 Differential Calculu A.22
`B. 7
`Integral Calculus A.25
`Appendix C The Periodic
`Table A.30
`Appendix D SI Units A.32
`Appendix E Spreadsheet
`Problems A.33
`Answers to Odd-Numbered
`Problems A.36
`LG Display Co., Ltd.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 014


`Current and Direct
`Current Circuits
`hu far, our di cussion of electrical phenomena has been confined to
`rcharges at re _t, or elect~ostatic_. We shall now consider situation in(cid:173)
`volving electric charges m motion. The term electric current, or simply
`• 1 is used to describe the rate of flow of charge through some region of
`111rr£Tl '
`\1.o t practical app 1cat1ons o e ectricity involve electric currents. For
`pace. ·
`Pie the battery of a flashlight supplie current to the filament of the
`lb .hen the switch i turned on. In these common situations, the flow of
`take place in a conductor, such as a copper wire. It is also possible
`for currents to exist outside a
`conductor. For in tance, a
`beam of electrons in a televi(cid:173)
`sion picture tube constitutes a
`In this chapter we shall
`first define current and cur(cid:173)
`rent density. A microscopic de(cid:173)
`scription of current will be
`given, and ome of the factor
`that contribute to resistance to
`the flow of charge in conduc(cid:173)
`tors will be discussed. Mecha(cid:173)
`nisms responsible for the elec(cid:173)
`trical resi tances of variou
`21.l Electric Current
`21.2 Resi tance and Ohm' Law
`21.3 uperconductor
`21.4 A Model for Electrical
`21.5 Electrical En rgy and Power
`21 .6 ource of emf
`21.7 Re i tor in
`and in
`21.8 Kirchhoff' Rule · and imple
`2 L.9 RC
`~ Photograph of a carbon fila(cid:173)
`ment incandescent lamp. The
`resistance of such a lamp is
`typically 10 n, but its value
`changes with temperature.
`Most modern lightbulbs use
`tungsten filaments, the resis(cid:173)
`tance of which increases with
`increasing temperature.
`(Courtesy of Cenfrol Scienti~c Co./
`LG Display Co., Ltd.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 015


`Chapter 21
`Current and Direct Current Circuits
`materials depend on the materials' composition and on tempe

`· al
`model is u ed to describe electnc con ucuon m metals; we hal]
`Point ou1
`of the limitations of this model.
`This chapter is also concerned with the analy i of ome
`irnpJe .
`elements of which include battenes, resistors, and capacitors in
`. CJroi
`J"fi d b
`Y the ~se of two rule cain
`tions. The analysis _of these CITCUits is simp 1 e
`Kircfiho,(J's rules which follow from the laws of conservauon of e
`nergy a
`vation of charge. Most of the c1rcmts analyzed are assumed to b
`. nct c
`which means that the currents are constant m magnitude and dir
`. ~J
`ectton "·
`. .
`close with a discussion of circmts contammg resistors and capacito
`. · ne
`r, In Wh
`current varies with time.
`Whenever there is a n et flow of charge, a current is said to exi t To deli
`ne cun
`more precisely, suppose the charges are movmg perpendicular to a surface
`A, a
`in Figure 21.1. (This area could be the cross-sectional area of
`hlch ch

`a lllre, '
`arge ows through this
`example.) The current IS the rate at w
`If dQ is the amount of charge that passes through this area in a time in~
`the average current, 'Iav, is the ratio of the charge to the time interval:
`n.i l
`If the rate at which charge flows varies in time, the current also varie in time lie
`define the instantaneous current I as the differential limit of the precedin a,
`l= (cid:173)
`The SI unit of current is the ampere (A):
`1 A= 1 C/ s
`That is, 1 A of current is equivalent to 1 C of charge passing through a surfue
`in 1 s.
`When charges flow through a surface as in Figure 21.1, they can be po.ill\t
`negative, or both. It is conventional to give the current the same diredionll
`the flow of positive charge. In a common cond uctor such as copper, the current
`is due to the motion of the negatively charged electrons. Therefore, when we sJJfl.l
`of current in such a conductor, the direction of the current is opposite ~e di(cid:173)
`rection of flow of electrons. However if one con ider a beam of Po ill\e
`charged protons in an accelerator the cu~ent is in the direction ofmotionofth
`protons. In some cases-gases and electrolytes for example-the curren
`refer 1a
`resu~t of the flow of both positive and negative charges. It i common to ·er.f
`movmg charge (whether it is po itive or negative) as a mobile charge c:arri
`example, the charge carriers in a metal are electron .
`. b T
`It is instructive to relate cun-ent to the motions of the charged ~aru; arr
`illustrate this point, consider the current in a conductor of cro -secoon
`Figure 2 1.1 Charges in motion
`through an area A. The time rate
`of flow of charge through the area
`i defined as the current I. The di(cid:173)
`rection of the current is the direc(cid:173)
`tion in which positive charge
`would flow if free to do o.
`Electric current •
`'The direction of the current •
`LG Display Co., Ltd.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 016


`E/.ectnc Current
`i zi.2). The volume of an .element of the conduclor of length Ax is A Ax. If n
`(: ~~sen ts the number of mobile c~argc carriers per unit volume, then the number
`·er in the volume element I nA 1x. ThereDore Lhc ch
`r P
`AQ .
`h '
`of earn
`arge ~ 10 t 1s cc-
`J11Cfl l IS
`6Q = number of carriers X charge per carrier = (nA Ax) q
`·I ,re qi the char~e on e~ch carrier. If the carriers move with a peed of v , the
`I y move m the time At i Ax -
`A Th
`di~1,111ce t ,e
`erefore, we can write AQin the
`If i,t' dnide both ides of this equation by At, we sec that the current in the con(cid:173)
`ductor is
`Tl t speed ~f the ch~rge , vd, i an average peed called the drift speed.
`-r tand its meaning, con 1der a conductor in which the charge carriers are
`(rrc ele tron . If the conductor i isolated, these electron undergo random motion
`, that of gas molecules. "When a potential difference is applied across the
`>1 ( ay, by means of a battery), an electric field is et up in the conductor,
`I cate an electric force on the electrons, accelerating them, and hence
`proclu g a current. In reality, the electron do not simply move in straight lines
`conductor . Instead, they undergo repeated collisions with the metal at(cid:173)
`the re ult i a complicated zigzag motion (Fig. 21.3). The energy trans-
`om,. 1
`fem·c m the electron to the metal atoms during collision causes an increa e in
`the 11
`onal energy of the atom and a corresponding increase in the tempera-
`mre c
`l conductor. However, despite the collisions, the electrons move slowly
`onductor (in a direction opposite E) with the drift velocity, v d . One can
`e colli io ns within a conductor as being an effective internal friction (or
`imilar to that experienced by the molecules of a liquid flowing through
`drag f
`a pip
`fed with steel wool.
`urrent density J in the conductor is defined to be the current per unit
`use / = nqvdA, the current density is
`area. I
`J = - = nqvd
`11a ie
`s the SI units amperes per square meter. In general, the current density
`/llantity. Tha t is,
`Figure 21.2 A section of a uni(cid:173)
`form conductor of cross-sectional
`area A. The charge carriers move
`with a speed vd, and the distance
`they travel in a ume flt is given by
`A x = vd tl t. The number of mobile
`charge carriers in the ection of
`length tlx is given by nAvd At,
`where n is the number of mobile
`carriers per unit volume.
`E ..,_ _ _ _
`Figure 21.3 A chematic repre-
`entation of the zigzag motion of a
`charge carrier in a conductor. The
`changes in direction are due to
`colli ion with atom in the con(cid:173)
`ductor. Note that the net motion
`of electrons i oppo ite the direc(cid:173)
`tion of the electric field. The zig(cid:173)
`Lag paths are actually parabolic
`From tlu definitio n we see that the current density vector is in ~e direction . of
`lllotion of po ·itive charge carriers and opposite the direction of mot.lo~ of n egau:e
`t' nal to the electric field Em
`,,e r.irners. Because the drift velocity 1s propor 10
`u1ec0 d
`·ty i also proportlona to
`n Uctor, we conclude that the current ensi
`• Current density
`LG Display Co., Ltd.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 017


`Chapter 21
`Currml and Direct Current Circuits
`Thinking Physics l
`uppose a current-carrying wire ha~ a cross- ectional area that gracluallv he
`maller along the wire, so that the wire has t~e shape of a very long cone. HnwCl)rnr
`the drift velocity of electrons vary along the wire?
`Reasoning Every portion of tJ1e wire is carrying the ame amount of currc
`nr. Thu_i
`drifi 1
`the cross-sectional area decreases, the
`t ve oc1ty must increase to maintai
`d d 'f

`n the c~
`· ·

`tant value of the current. This mcrea e
`n t ve oc1ty 1s a result of the cle
`d .
`ctnc fie'~
`Jines in tJ1e wire being compresse mto a sm er area, t us increasing the strength
`the field.
`Example 21 . 1 Drift Speed in a Copper Wire
`A copper wire of cros -sectional area 3.00 X 10-6 m2 carries
`a current of 10.0 A. Find the drift speed of the electrons in
`this wire. The den ity of copper i 8.95 g/cm3.
`Solution From the periodic table of the elements in Appen(cid:173)
`dix C, we find that the atomic mass of copper is 63.5 g/ mol.
`Recall that one atomic mass of any substance contains Avo(cid:173)
`gadro's number of atom , 6.02 X 1023 atoms. Knowing the
`den ity of copper enables u to calculate the volume occupied
`by 63.5 g of copper:
`63.5 g
`8.95 g/ cm3
`= 7.09cm3
`If we now assume that each copper atom contributes one
`free electron to the body of the material, we have
`6.02 X 1023 electrons
`7.09 cm3
`= 8.48 X 1022 electrons/cm3
`= ( 8.48 X 1022 electron ) ( 106 cml)
`= 8.48 X 1028 electrons/ m3
`From Equation 21.4, we find that the drift speed is
`vd= -
`10.0 C/ s
`(8.48 X 1Q28 m- 3)(1.60 X 10- 19 C)(3.00 X 10-•m·
`2.46 X 10- 4 m/ s
`Example 21.1 shows that typical drift peed s are very sm all. In fact, the drilt
`speed is m u ch smaller than the average speed between colli ion . For in ~ce
`electrons traveling with this speed would take about 68 min to travel 1 m! In ue~
`of this low speed, you might wonder why a ligh t tum o n alm o t in tantaneo~.
`when a switch is thrown. In a conductor, the e lectric field th a t drive the free eht':
`f r ht Thus 11 e
`l ti
`trons trave s 1rough the conductor with a speed clo e to that o 1g

`· h he
`you flip a light switch, the message for ilie electron to tart mo,11:g throug t
`wire (the electric field) reaches iliem at a peed 011 ilie ord er of 10' m
`rron f}o11 pa;
`If a current of 80.0 mA exists in a metal wire, how maJW e ec
`Answer 3.0 X 1020 electron
`given cross ection of the wire in 10.0 min?
`ds of a n1et:U
`be prof
`When a voltage (potential d ifferen ce) 11 Vi applied acros ilie e n
`conductor, as in Figure 21.4, the current in the condu ctor i foun~ to act, 11't' c
`tional to the applied voltage; t11at i , J r:x. 11 V. If ilie proportion ality_ 1· ~~ce of ti
`write 11 \I = IR., where the proportionality constant R i called the ie 1
`LG Display Co., Ltd.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 018


`ll1•111/r1n r1• and Ohm 's Law
`c 21,4
`\ unifo rm cuncluctor ol length l
`,t·ctional area A. A potential difiercnce
`1 cro,.,.
`,111< \' 111,untainecl .1cro~s th(' cunclunor seh up
`1 ·l • ~nc lir lcl E in the conductor, and this field
`111' ((
`., ,1 current / that rs pruporflonal to the
`)([)( \l(l
`-111 difference.
`1w1,·n •
`conclnrtor. In fact, we de~ne th.i , resistance as the ratio of the voltage across the
`dlrctor to the current 1t carries:
`H = -
`[21. 7)
`• Resistance
`111 .1
`co1 I
`Rc11,1111cc ha. the I units volts per ampere, called ohms (0.). Thus, if a potential
`diflt•r, nee of l V acros a conductor produce a current of l A, the resistance of
`the 1 1ductor is l !1. For example, if an e lectrical appliance connected to a 120-V
`10111c t,trries a current of 6 A, its resistance is 20 n.
`useful to compare the concepts of electric current, voltage, and resistance
`flow of wa ter in a river. A· water nows downhill in a river of con tant width
`1th, the now rate (water urrcnt) depend on the angle of now and the
`if rncks, the river bank, and other ob tructions. Likewise, electric current
`form conductor depend on the applied voltage and the resistance of the
`tor cau ed by colli ions of the electrons with atoms in the conductor.
`many material , including mo t metals, experiments show that the resis(cid:173)
`constant over a wide range of applied voltages. This stateme nt is known
`'s law after Georg imon Ohm (1787-1854), who was the fir t to conduct
`1.1tic study of electrical resisLance.
`n's law i not a fundamental law of nature, but an empirical relationship
`tlid only for certajn material . Materials that obey Ohm's law, and he nce
`onstant re istance over a wide range of voltage , are 'aid lo be ohmic.
`, that d o not obey Ohm's law are nonohmic. Ohmic material have a linear
`rnltage relation hip over a large range of applied voltages (Fig. 21 .5a). on-
`naterials have a nonlinear current-voltage relationship (Fig. 21.5b). One
`a ,1
`Geor g Simon Ohm ( 1787- 1 ':>·ll
`(Cowt1•1v 11/ Vmt/1 \l"i111/ l'ul11re \ 1rh1t.,.,)
`Figur, 21 5
`,,. , 01 ., 11 ohmic 111'11e1 i,il The curw is line,11 , and the
`(a) T l

`l e CUITt! lll-\'O t.1gc CUI .c ,,
`, _
`' ,
`, ,

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