Planet Depos
`We Make It Happen”
`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar,
`(Volume 3)
`Date: September 10, 2021
`Case: PEAG LLC, et al -~ VARTA Microbattery GMBH. (PTAB)
`Planet Depos
`Phone: 888.433.3767
`Email:: transcripts@planetdepos,com
`Exh. 1042, p. 1
`Varta, 2020-01212


`and AUDIO PARTNERSHIP PLC (d/b/a Cambridge Audio),
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2020-01211
`USP 9,496,581
`Case IPR2020-01212
`USP 9,153,835
`Case IPR2020-01213
`USP 9,799,858
`Case IPR2020-01214
`USP 9,799,913
`Reported by: Monique Vouthouris, CCR, RPR, CRR JLab/Cambridge,
`Conducted Virtually
`Friday, September 10, 2021
`8:56 a.m. EDT
`Job No.:
`Pages: 351
`Exh. 1042, p. 2
`Varta, 2020-01212
` 20


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`PECKERAR, PH.D., pursuant
`to notice, before Monique
`Vouthouris, CCR, RPR, CRR, Notary Public in and for
`the States of New Jersey and New York.
`Exh. 1042, p. 3
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`30 Rockefeller Plaza
`New York, New York
`Two Prudential Plaza
`180 N. Stetson Avenue, Suite 4900
`Chicago, Illinois
`Exh. 1042, p. 4
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`JEAN-LOUIS ZIESCH, Planet Depos Videographer
`SARAH LOILER, Planet Depos Technician
`Exh. 1042, p.5
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`Mr. Palmieri
`By Mr. Mueller
`(Attached to
`Exhibit 1005
`U.S. Patent Application
`Pub. No. US 2005/0233212,
`Exhibit 1039
`Publication of Unexamined
`Patent Application (A), Kannou.
`Exhibit 1040
`U.S. Patent Application,
`Pub. No. US 2007/0218356,
` Exhibit 2050
`Supplemental Declaration of
`Exh. 1042, p. 6
`Varta, 2020-01212
`Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. PLANET DEPOS


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the beginning of
`Media Number 1, Volume Number 3 of the continuation of
`the videotaped deposition of Dr. Martin Peckerar,
`the matter of PEAG LLC, et al.,
`versus VARTA
`et al.,
`in the U.S. Patent and Trademark
`Office, Case Number
`-13, and 14.
`Today's date is Friday, September the 10th,
`The time on the video monitor is 8:56 a.m.
`Eastern Standard Time.
`The certified videographer
`today is Jean-Louis Ziesch representing Planet Depos.
`This video deposition is taking place remotely.
`Would counsel please identify yourself and
`state whom you represent.
`On behalf of the petitioners
`PEAG LLC, Audio Partnership LLC and Audio Partnership
`PLC, my name is Nick Palmieri, with Baker Botts. Here
`with me is Paul Ragusa, also with Baker Botts.
`MR. MUELLER: This is Wes Mueller from
`Leydig Voit
`& Mayer in Chicago,
`on behalf of the
`owner VARTA
`Microbattery GmbH.
`Exh. 1042, p. 7
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`The court reporter today
`is Monique Vouthouris representing Planet Depos.
`Would the court reporter please
`swear in the witness.
`being first duly
`sworn or affirmed by the Notary,
`testifies as follows:
`Good morning, Dr. Peckerar.
`How are you
`doing today?
`Doing well. Hopefully you are,
`So before we
`two declarations in this case so far.
`Is that
`there are two transcripts here.
`so the transcripts
`I believe are
`referring to previous depositions. But for the IPRs
`at issue, you prepared two expert declarations?
`get started,
`I just wanted to
`ask is there anyone else in the room with you right
`Yes. Mr. Mueller and Mr. Wittmann.
`So as a
`preliminary matter, you've prepared
`Exh. 1042, p. 8
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`Just for ease of reference, I'll refer to
`your most recent declaration as either your
`supplemental declaration or your declaration since
`that's the primary topic of this
`this deposition.
`If I refer to the first declaration at all,
`I'll refer to it as your original declaration.
`And you prepared this supplemental
`declaration on behalf of the patent
`owner VARTA.
`that correct?
`That's correct.
`And you
`did you prepare the entire
`supplemental declaration?
`Did you have any assistance in preparing
`this declaration?
`I didn't type it up or
`put it in
`supplied all the technical content,
`outlined the figures and even modified the figures
`with color, yeah.
`Exh. 1042, p.9
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`And so
`who provided this assistance to
`that was done by Leydig.
`They have a
`drafting office.
`But you prepared the substantive content of
`each section. That's correct?
`And in
`preparing this declaration, did you
`review any particular materials?
`Yes, of course, and those are listed in one
`of the sections of my
`of my supplemental report.
`And if
`if we could bring
`onto the screen,
`I circulated a copy of the supplemental declaration.
`And on pages 1 and 2 of that declaration, you list the
`materials that you considered?
`Yes, Section III.
`Section III,
`that's right. And did you
`review any other materials not listed in that section?
`Those are the materials that I spent most
`time on and they're
`THE TECHNICIAN: Mr. Palmieri, would you
`like this marked as an exhibit?
`Exh. 1042, p. 10
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`MR. PALMIERI: Yes. Could you mark it as
`Exhibit 2050.
`It should already be physically marked
`in the copy, but...
`(Exhibit 2050, Supplemental Declaration of
`Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D., marked for identification.)
`Okay. And so if you used any reference or
`reviewed any
`any materials for this declaration
`in any substantive manner,
`they will be listed
`in that Section III.
`Is that correct?
`Yes. Yes.
`And before we go on, are there any errors or
`corrections that you're
`aware of in your supplemental
`declaration that you would like to resolve?
`I have none.
`I don't
`it is possible that
`I missed a
`or two.
`I would apologize for that.
` 02
`So you were
`previously deposed
`on June 2nd
`Is that correct?
`I believe that was the case.
`Did you review those deposition transcripts?
`Did you review them in anticipation for
`today's deposition
`or did you just generally review
`Exh. 1042, p. 11
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`Just generally reviewed them.
`right. Did you discuss your deposition
`with anyone?
`After the deposition
`And that was
`given, yes,
`I did.
`with whom did you discuss?
`With Leydig counsel,
`to some extent.
`Did you discuss with anyone else?
`You did not discuss with anyone at VARTA
`Is that correct?
`No. Well,
`I met with
`with VARTA
`personnel. Not
`conjunction with these
`these records and proceedings.
`So you didn't
`you did not
`just to
`clarify, you did not discuss your deposition
`transcript with any VARTA personnel?
`And did you discuss whether any of your
`previous testimony
`in those depositions
`to any of VARTA's positions?
`Exh. 1042, p. 12
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`Since your previous deposition, have you
`been deposed in any other matters?
`And have you done anything to prepare for
`today's deposition specifically?
`number of times, and I
`I read over my supplemental report
`looked at the
`materials that were referenced therein. That would be
`the extent of my preparation.
`So in addition to the supplemental
`declaration, you reviewed other
`other relevant
`materials that might have been cited therein?
`the supplemental
`included a number
`of references that were not
`in the original
`But I believe those were all pretty
`well-documented and listed in the supplemental.
`preparation for today,
`to any materials that are
`outside of your supplemental declaration?
`Okay. And did you prepare with anyone?
` Most of the work that I did, of course,
`Exh. 1042, p. 13
`Varta, 2020-01212
`But you didn't
`you didn't refer,


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`was my own
`reading and review of all
`the supplemental and the cited materials in
`I did have some conversation
`with Leydig.
`And do you know when you met with VARTA's
`I would have to go back to my hours log.
`don't have that with me.
`Do you have an
`approximate period of time
`that you met with them?
`Well, yeah,
`I would
`well, certainly
`between the deposition in June and today
`there have been a
`couple of conversations, yeah.
`in preparation specifically for this
`deposition have you met with them?
`I certainly met with them before this
`deposition and we discussed issues relating to it.
`how many times you've
`met with them,
`I would say maybe three or four times.
`said, I'd have to look at my hours log.
`I'm not sure.
`Exh. 1042, p. 14
`Varta, 2020-01212
`Okay. And do you know about how
`at least


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`I don't believe that this was
`part of the
`of the
`materials considered section.
`So in terms of your supplemental
`yeah, supplemental declaration itself,
`I'd like to turn to what is marked as page 7 of
`Exhibit 2050, and that begins Section 5.A.1.
`In this
`section you discuss
`you discuss dendrite growth.
`Is that correct?
`Do you recall that?
`Yes. Yes.
`So can you describe in your words how
`dendrites form?
`terminal plates of a
`Just about any battery,
`by the way. And in the case of a lithium battery,
`problem is that lithium intercalates into the cathode;
`in other words, it inserts itself into little passages
`in the
`in the storage material that constitute the
`cathode. And sometimes that
`that insertion process
`lags the arrival rate of the
`of various ions,
`Exh. 1042, p. 15
`Varta, 2020-01212
`Yes, okay. Dendrites are little trees,
`They shoot up from
`from the negative


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`a lithium ion. And as a
`a tree grows up
`because the material beneath it can't absorb it.
`a lot like macular degeneration, but we won't get into
`and so there are two
`requisites for
`for the tree-forming site.
`The region in which
`the tree grows has to be particularly attractive to
`the ion in solution, and that ion has to be
`what we call a
`it's called a
`site, and the tree will grow up from the nucleating
`site, which is triggered by
`a reduction in free energy
`of the ion itself. And so you get these tree=-like
`structures shooting up.
`Would you like some more? Let me also say,
`I mean,
`in secondary cells, dendrite formation is a
`major problem in just about every cell that you can
`I did a lot of work in trying to develop
`rechargeable zinc batteries. We had a hell of a time
`with dendrites in rechargeable zinc.
`So following up on
`can you describe
`and maybe I just missed this a little
`where the
`dendrite formation begins
`So we have
`Exh. 1042, p. 16
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`let me
`clarify that a little more.
`So let's
`say we have an electrode layer and a
`separator layer
`and a second electrode layer.
`Can you describe where
`in that configuration the dendrite formation would
`MR. MUELLER: Objection to form.
`Well, let's see here. Okay.
`It will form
`in what we call nucleating sites,
`areas where the ion
`motion is impeded and is more
`likely to plate, and
`and there could be secondary considerations as
`I mean, let's suppose that
`of course, all of
`the separated materials that we discuss are either
`woven, meaning that they have fibers across one
`another which leave pores,
`the nucleation might
`within a pore, and it might be assisted by
`a kind of
`scaffolding that a
`separator represents. And that
`will be true in other ionic separators,
`like Nafion or
`other materials as well.
`so does that answer your question, if
`you'd like?
`That helps.
`I have some
`on it.
`Exh. 1042, p. 17
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`So can
`can these nucleating sites be
`found on the electrode layers
`to the
`separator materials?
`pretty well
`form anywhere,
`And so is the separator material usually
`chosen to reduce dendrite formation?
`to form.
`Well, you do what you can to get rid of the
`dendrites, okay.
`You use surface treatments, you
`choose the separator materials.
`In the barer areas,
`We use
`to avoid mounding, and the
`brightener additives to plating mast
`and so there were a
`number of approaches that you would use to eliminate
`dendrite formation.
`So I want
`to look at a
`specific example and
`Exh. 1042, p. 18
`Varta, 2020-01212
`that was
`relatively easy to address because in
`the barer areas you generally
`see structures
`forming which we call mounds. Maybe I'm getting ahead
`of my report, but you have to remember I
`taught this
`stuff for a
`long time so
`excuse me for waxing


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`so this will be the Kaun reference, which you discuss
`throughout your report.
`It's Exhibit 1041 in these
`IPRs. We can
`on the same Exhibit 2050 as well,
`that's all right.
`So, Dr. Peckerar,
`in Kaun we have a
`example of a
`spiral wound electrode assembly, with a
`separator located in between the electrode layers.
`that correct?
`to form.
`And one of the topics of discussion for that
`reference is the formation of gaps between the
`separator materials.
`Do you recall that?
`MR. MUELLER: Objection to form.
` I recall that discussion.
`And so
`bringing the dendrites
`back in, would dendrites form in the electrode
`assembly of Kaun?
`MR. MUELLER: Objection
`to form.
` I
`just testified, dendrites can form
`wherever. Nucleating sites develop and nucleating
`sites can
`develop pretty much anywhere.
`Exh. 1042, p. 19
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`So the nucleating sites could form on the
`electrode layers of Kaun?
`to form.
`And in the separators
`as well. Anywhere.
`So could they form in the gap between the
`separator layers?
`MR. MUELLER: Objection
`to form.
` I said,
`I do have a section on this in my
`supplemental report, but let me say yes,
`they could
`form in those regions.
`And if they form in the gap regions, would
`What would inhibit their growth would be the
`rate of arrival of the
`of the ion that constitutes
`the dendrite, and
`and what that arrival rate is
`on a number of things. And I wouldn't say
`that there's any reason to believe that that arrival
`rate or the density of nucleating sites would be
`different in either the gap or in the region
`beneath the separator.
`In fact, as I mentioned earlier,
`Exh. 1042, p. 20
`Varta, 2020-01212
`there be anything to inhibit their growth?
`MR. MUELLER: Objection to form.


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`reason to believe that the separator might
`serve as a
`scaffolding that support the growth of the tree.
`So does the separator then form to
`let me
`rephrase that.
`Does the separator then act to inhibit the
`growth of dendrites so that they cannot
`form a
`connection between the electrode layers?
`to form.
`There's no reason to believe that.
`So it's your testimony that the separator
`does not inhibit
`amount of literature on this.
`I believe we've
`included some of that in our
`I've included that in
`my report and
`but as I said, you can
`get little
`trees forming anywhere.
`And so you have another section here, and
`it's on pages 8 to 9 of Exhibit 2050,
`that describes
`the use of a
`polyvinylidene fluoride, also known as
`that's described in the Kaun reference.
`Exh. 1042, p. 21
`Varta, 2020-01212
`It could actually
`it up, but you'd have to
`it could actually speed
`there's a tremendous


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`Can you
`can you describe what this Kynar
`is doing? And apologies if I'm saying that wrong.
`happy to take a corrected pronunciation
`if you
`have it.
`Yeah, no, it is Kynar.
`I believe he
`pronounces his name Kaun.
`course there's a
`if the butt joint is too large, of
`danger that you could
`there are
`certain deleterious effects that could occur, but
`and so if you're worried about that, according
`Kaun, you can
`put Kynar, which is a
`insulating resin, and solve the problem.
`And this Kynar would prevent dendrite
`I think that that
`I don't
`certainly wouldn't eliminate the dendrite problem,
`But it
`it would prevent
`the formation of other
`types of deleterious effects, and I believe that was
`the main issue.
`So you've noted a
`couple times the
`effects that can be caused from a gap forming. Could
`you describe some of those deleterious effects?
`Exh. 1042, p. 22
`Varta, 2020-01212


` 20
`Exh. 1042, p. 23
`Varta, 2020-01212
`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`Obviously you've got
`separator, right, and
`top of and on bottom under the active electrodes.
`And if you've got this huge gap, when you squeeze
`things together, you short the electrodes out.
`Also, we make a
`big deal
`okay. We make a
`big deal about particle sizes, okay. We choose the
`particle sizes to be large enough in the active
`material so that
`just large enough
`so that they
`won't penetrate the separator material themselves and
`also they wouldn't fall into any
`to create shorts
`in themselves.
`So we
`so we
`as a matter of fact,
`one of my companies
`we had a very expensive particle
`size sorter and we would choose specific particle
`sizes that wouldn't crash through the separator and at
`the same token wouldn't fill up the pores of the
`materials that we were
`They would be
`wouldn't be too small,
`they wouldn't be too big;
`they'd be just right. But these are all the
`considerations that go into battery manufacturing.
`So those are some of the issues;
`there will
`be shorting
`out of the layer and what all, which I


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`think would be rare, even in Kaun's case.
`particles which would pierce the layer for
`those are the main issues,
`so that would outline.
`going back to this Kynar
`And so
`material, if we assume that it's being used as an
`adhesive to fill that gap, what differentiates it from
`the separator material?
`to form.
`Well, Kynar is non-conductive resin.
`the separator materials
`as I've testified
`Small amount.
`(Court Reporter clarification.)
`Not a lot, small amount.
`So the Kynar doesn't facilitate ionic
`conduction the way that the separator material does?
` 22
`the separator materials are
`structures and they're aimed at
`ions of a certain type.
`Now, clearly the Kynar isn't
`engineered material that was
`to do that.
`So it might
`lead to some effective area reduction of
`the battery plate. Not a lot.
`So the
`Exh. 1042, p. 24
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`So you have to have some sort of separator
`material in there in order for the battery to
`MR. MUELLER: Objection
`to form.
`I mean, Kaun cites that as one
`possible remedy to some
`imagined problem.
`He didn't
`specifically cite the problem that he was
`here, but it was
`just something he threw over the
`So now
`on into Section 5Bl,
`I got it.
`Page 9 of the
`on the PDF.
`Okay. Yeah,
` I
`got it in my documents.
`Okay, yeah.
`Sorry for the delay.
`No problem at all.
`So this section
`Exh. 1042, p. 25
`Varta, 2020-01212
`which begins
`on page 12 of Exhibit 2050,
`section discusses the central fastener of Kaun.
`that correct?
`Excuse me, what was the page?
`So it's page 12 of 43 on the


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`discusses the central fastener of Kaun.
`And you reproduce
`on the next page,
`you reproduce
`a number of figures from Kaun.
`see those?
`If we're looking only at
`Figure 7A,
`central fastener shown in that figure?
`And then moving
`on to Figure 7C, do
`And if we could move into Kaun itself, and
`that's Exhibit
`I don't remember
`exact exhibit number for Kaun.
`So Kaun is Exhibit 1005 of these IPR
`MR. PALMIERI: And, Sarah, could we
`figures show
`does Figure 7C show a central
`Yes and yes.
`Exh. 1042, p. 26
`Varta, 2020-01212


`Transcript of Martin C. Peckerar, Ph.D. (Volume 3)
`Conducted on
`September 10, 2021
`that up as well on the screen.
`Is that the document ending
`in U.S. 2005/0233212?
`MR. PALMIERI: That's correct, yeah. Yes,
`starts with K-a-euen. Great.
`Thank you.
`(Exhibit 1005, U.S. Patent Application Pub.
`No. US 2005/0233212, Kaun, marked for identification.
`So I want
`to look at paragraph 69 of 0069,
`which corresponds with those figures that we were
`looking at,
`7A through 7D.
`You just passed it.
`It should be on page 4
`page 15 of this
`PDF, overall?
`Is that the one
`you're referring to?
`So those are the figures, and then if
`we can go to paragraph 0069 on this specific language.
`I'm sorry,
`I'm not entirely
`sure where to go.
`So within Kaun, if
`you could go to page
`page 15 of the PDF, and on
`that page is paragraph 69, on the left there, yeah.

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