`) Wo,ld 1 ",~::~:~n~":'.';!, o,....n;wtion •
`I IIII IIIIIII II IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII I II Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llll 1111111111111111111
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2007 /101724 A2
`(43) International Publication Date
`13 September 2007 (13.09.2007)
`Not classified
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT /EP2007 /002187
`8 March 2007 (08.03.2007)
`(22) International Filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`8 March 2006 (08.03.2006)
`8 March 2006 (08.03.2006)
`8 March 2006 (08.03.2006)
`8 March 2006 (08.03.2006)
`8 March 2006 (08.03.2006)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): TOM(cid:173)
`TOM INTERNATIONAL B.V. [NL/NL]; Rembrandt(cid:173)
`plein 35, NL-1017 CT Amsterdam (NL).
`(72) Inventor; and
`(for US only): DEURWAARDER,
`(75) Inventor/Applicant
`William [NL/NL]; TomTom International B.V., Rem(cid:173)
`(74) Agent: EISENBERG, Jacob; TomTom International
`B.V., Rembrandtplein 35, NL-1017 CT Amsterdam (NL).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI,
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS,
`JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS,
`LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ,
`NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU,
`SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, Fl,
`FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MT, NL, PL,
`GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`= brandtplein 35, NL-1017 CT Amsterdam (NL).
`iiiiiiii _---------------------------------------------
`[Continued on next page}
`(57) Abstract:
`navigation device comprises an
`a GPS receiver,
`and a calibration module The
`calibration module
`enable acceleration data from the
`to be accurately
`converted into speed and heading
`data and integrated over time to
`give distance data The calibration
`parameters are calculated
`GPS derived speed and heading
`data and resolve or otherwise
`compensate for (i) the attitude of
`the portable device with respect to
`the horizontal plane ("pitch") and
`(ii) the angle between the forward
`direction of the device and the
`driving direction of a vehicle the
`device is mounted in ("yaw")
`unit rotates when on dock
`push button to release
`Apple EX1049 Page 1


`WO 2007/1017 24 A2
`I IIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII I II Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llll lllllll 111111111111
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
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`WO 2007/101724
`PCT /EP2007 /002187
`Field of the Invention
`This invention relates to a portable navigation device comprising an accelerometer, a GPS
`receiver, and a calibration module. The calibration module generates calibration parameters
`that enable acceleration data from the accelerometer to be accurately converted into speed
`and heading data and integrated over time to give distance data. The term GPS refers to
`the GPS satellite navigation system, and any equivalent or similar system, such as Galileo.
`Description of the Prior Art
`It is well known to integrate GPS with dead reckoning systems and for the GPS to be used
`to calibrate the output from the dead reckoning sensors. Reference may be made to
`"Integration of GPS and Dead-Reckoning Navigation Systems" by Wei-Wen Kao, Vehicle
`Navigation & Information Systems Conference Proceedings P-253 ISBN 1-56091-191-3.
`The basic approach
`there is to use the absolute position accuracy of GPS to provide
`feedback signals to correct the dead-reckoning errors, while the smoothness and constant
`availability of the dead-reckoning signals are used to correct GPS position errors (e.g. due
`to multipath propagation and the selective availability that was imposed at the time the
`paper was written, 1991). Later systems were designed to correct for the inclination
`('pitch') and tilt ('roll') in embedded or built in automotive systems; reference may be made
`to EP 1096230, which is also helpful in providing a detailed background. The contents of
`this publication are incorporated by reference.
`However, most current generation automotive navigation devices are not embedded
`systems at all, but instead portable systems. These pose significant challenges because they
`are typically removably mounted on suction mounts against the vehicle windshield. These
`devices are therefore rarely fixed with the same orientation (i.e. pitch, roll or yaw) and in
`fact any of these factors can alter even during a drive.
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`WO 2007/101724
`PCT /EP2007 /002187
`The invention
`is a portable navigation device compnsmg an accelerometer, a GPS
`receiver, and a calibration module. The calibration module generates calibration
`that enable acceleration data from
`the accelerometer
`to be accurately
`converted into speed and heading data, in which the calibration parameters are calculated
`from GPS derived speed and heading data and resolve or otherwise compensate
`for (i)
`the attitude of the portable device with respect to the horizontal plane ('pitch') and (ii)
`the angle between the forward direction of the device and the driving direction of a
`vehicle the device is mounted in ('yaw').
`The angle between the forward direction of the device and the driving direction of the
`vehicle the device is mounted
`in (i.e. 'yaw') can be altered at any by a user of the
`device and the calibration module will automatically calculate calibration parameters
`resolve or otherwise compensate for this changed angle. Modelling yaw is important but
`prior art systems concentrated on compensating
`for just pitch and roll, principally
`because they were focussed on embedded systems. But for portable navigation systems,
`yaw is a surprisingly important attribute to resolve.
`In one implementation,
`the device calculates calibration parameters for each successive
`valid GPS-derived
`speed and heading
`fix. The device
`then stores
`the calculated
`calibration parameters, and clears any stored calibration parameters that are of more than
`a predefined age (e.g. 5 seconds old).
`Unlike typical prior art system that combine GPS and dead-reckoning systems at the
`same time, the device may determine its position exclusively using data derived from the
`if the GPS signal is lost and valid calibration parameters are available;
`when a GPS fix is available, then no assistance from the accelerometer is provided.
`In operation, one implementation
`stores a predefined number of samples of speed and
`heading calibration parameters
`together with time and accelerometer data. The device
`checks that at least n seconds of data is stored and then compares stored GPS and
`accelerometer data for each n second epoch is compared against thresholds of speed and
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`WO 2007/101724
`PCT /EP2007 /002187
`The portable navigation device can be a touch-screen controlled automotive navigation
`device. This can be removably mounted onto a vehicle windscreen using a suction
`5 mount. It could also be a handheld device, and may also operate as a mobile telephone.
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`WO 2007/101724
`PCT /EP2007 /002187
`This section describes an Assisted Satellite Navigation (ASN) option for automotive,
`portable navigation devices. ASN uses a dual axis accelerometer to predict the position
`5 when no GPS is available. It may also include an on-board gyrometer for improved
`To be useful the accelerometer has to be calibrated. The calibration has to be performed
`to resolve:
`• The attitude of the device with respect to the horizontal plane
`• The angle between the forward directions of the device and the driving direction
`of the car
`• Biases in the observation due to the physical properties of the accelerometer.
`Initial speed and heading values.
`The attitude causes part of the acceleration of the earth's gravity field to leak through in
`the measured accelerations. The angle causes the effect that a single longitudinal or lateral
`acceleration influences both axes of the accelerometer. If the device is mounted upside
`down, the lateral axis will be reversed. This situation is set by the user in the preference
`settings (, and used by the software.
`The position used in the device is either a pure GPS solution or a pure ASN solution.
`These modes are discussed in the next two sections.
`Behavior if GPS is available
`GPS positions are received typically every second (1 Hz). If GPS positions are available,
`these are passed unaltered. The speed and heading are passed into the calibration
`module. This module tries to calculate a set of calibration parameters that is used to
`convert acceleration into speed and heading. These parameters are recalculated every
`time a valid GPS fix is received.
`The accelerations are tested for reasonable values (sanity check), the values should be less
`then 20m/ s2
`, i.e. twice the acceleration of the earths gravity. If accepted, they are
`accumulated and stored. If a GPS fix is received, the age of the last added GPS data is
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`WO 2007/101724
`PCT /EP2007 /002187
`checked. If this age is more than 5 seconds, the calibration is reset. This has the effect
`that a gap in the GPS data of less than 5 seconds does not invalidate the calibration. In
`this time span ASN is invoked (if the calibration is valid). If the speed and heading are
`accepted, they are stored together with its time and the accelerometer data. The last 30
`samples are kept, previous ones are discarded. After this a calibration is attempted.
`First is a check that at least 30 seconds of data is present. Next, the stored GPS and
`accelerometer data for each epoch is checked for the following conditions:
`• The speed should larger than 2.0 m/ s,
`• The age of the data should be less than 30 seconds,
`• The age of the data should be larger than O seconds.
`To proceed with the calibration, % of the buffer (30 seconds at 1 Hz is 30 samples)
`should be available Q.e. 22 samples). A period of 30 seconds of GPS data is needed. The
`15 GPS speed and heading are matched against the accelerometer data by a least squares
`calculation. The observations are weighted based on their age, older observations get less
`weight. After a first match the data with the largest w-test static are removed, to eliminate
`outliers. Fifteen percent of the speed and 15% of the heading data is removed. After this
`a new calibration (without the removed observations) is performed. This results in a set
`of calibration parameters that is used for ASN when needed.
`Behaviour if GPS is unavailable
`If the GPS receiver looses track of the satellites, no valid GPS position is available. In
`this situation ASN is used, if the system is calibrated. The calibration parameters together
`25 with the accelerations are used to calculate the speed and heading of the vehicle. These
`are integrated in time to give the ASN derived position. This continues until one of the
`following conditions is reached:
`• The calibration parameters are more then 120 seconds old,
`• The speed is less than 0,
`• The speed is larger than 170 km/h
`The last two conditions may occur due to small error in the calibration parameters.
`Once there are valid GPS positions again, the calibration is invalidated. The new data will
`be used to compute a new calibration.
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`WO 2007/101724
`PCT /EP2007 /002187
`Zero velocity updates
`By looking at the raw accelerometer observations it is possible to detect if the vehicle is
`stationary. This information
`is used to update the internal filter and thus used only
`internally. As of now it is not used in any other functions.
`Map matching
`To improve the performance of ASN feedback from the map matcher is accepted. The
`position is map matched in normal fashion. This makes that the position that is shown
`on the screen stays on the road. Also the heading between two consecutive positions is
`computed, and the predicted heading is corrected to match the map matched heading.
`Figure 1 is a perspective view of an actual implementation of a navigation device and
`dock. The navigation device is a unit that includes display, internal GPS receiver,
`microprocessor, power supply and memory systems. The device 1 sits on a docking
`platform 2; the platform 2 is rotatably mounted an arm 3 that can pivot horizontally
`about bolt post 4. The arm 3 can also pivot vertically about posts 5, which pass through
`apertures in a mounting arm which has a large suction cup 6 at one end. As shown in
`Figure 1, the device 1 and docking platform 2 can rotate together; this combined with
`the vertical and horizontal degrees of movement allowed by posts 5 enables the device,
`when secured to the car dashboard using a large suction cup 43, to be perfectly
`positioned for a driver. It also means that considerable yaw can be introduced
`i.e. the
`angle between the forward direction of the device and the driving direction of a vehicle
`the device is mounted in can and will be different most times the device is used, and may
`even alter during use (for example, the driver might adjust this angle).
`System Architecture
`In contrast to conventional embedded devices which execute all the OS and application
`code in place from a large mask ROM or Flash device, an implementation of the present
`invention uses a new memory architecture. The device, includes conventional items such
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`WO 2007/101724
`PCT/EP2007 /002187
`as a microprocessor, power source, display and related rivers. In addition, it includes a
`SD card reader; a SD card is shown slotted into position. The device has internal
`DRAM and XIP Flash.
`The device hence uses three different forms of memory:
`1. A small amount of internal XIP (eXecute In Place) Flash ROM. This
`analogous to the PC's BIOS ROM and will only contain a proprietary boot
`loader, E 2 emulation (for UID and manufacturing data) and splash screen bit
`maps. This is estimated to be 256 KB in size and would be on a slow 8 bit wide
`SRAM interface.
`2. The main system RAM (or DRAM) memory, this is analogous to the PC's main
`memory (RAM). This will be where all the main code executes from as well as
`providing the video RAM and workspace for the OS and applications. No
`persistent user data will be stored in the main system RAM (like a PC) i.e. there
`will be no "Ram drive". This RAM will be exclusively connected
`to a 32bit
`100MHz synchronous high-speed bus.
`3. Non-volatile storage, analogous to the PC's hard disk. This is implemented as
`removable NAND flash based SD cards. These devices do not support XIP. All
`the OS, application, settings files and map data will be permanently stored on SD
`On boot up the proprietary boot loader will prompt for the user to insert the supplied
`SD card. When this is done, the device will copy a special system file from the SD card
`into RAM. This file will contain the Operating System and navigation application. Once
`this is complete control will be passed to the application. The application then starts and
`access non-volatile data e.g. maps from the SD card.
`When the device is subsequently switched off, the RAM contents is preserved so this
`boot up procedure only occurs the first time the device is used.
`Device also includes a GPS receiver with integral antenna.
`The following other signals are also connected via the dock to the navigation device:
`1. Power from the vehicle
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`WO 2007/101724
`PCT /EP2007 /002187
`2. A signal to automatically mute the car audio system during a spoken command
`3. A signal to switch on and off the device automatically with the
`vehicles ignition switch or key
`4. Audio output signals to play spoken commands on the vehicles audio system.
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`WO 2007/101724
`Appendix 1
`GO product specification
`GO is a stand-alone fully integrated personal navigation device that implements
`present invention. It will operate independently from any connection to the vehicle.
`Target markets
`10 Go is intended to address the general personal navigation market. In particular it is
`designed to extend the market for personal navigation beyond
`the "early adopter"
`market. As such it is a complete stand-alone solution; it does not require access to a PC,
`PDA or Internet connection. The emphasis will be on completeness and ease of use.
`15 Although Go is a complete personal navigation solution it is primarily intended for in
`vehicle use. The primary target market is anybody who drives a vehicle either for
`business or pleasure.
`To successfully address this market Go must satisfy the following top-level requirements:
`1. Acceptable price point - Appropriate compromise between product features and
`2. Simplicity -
`Installation and operation of Go will be simple and intuitive, all
`major functions should be accomplished by an average non PC-literate user
`without recourse to the product manual.
`3. Flexibility - All map data and operating programs will be supplied on plug in
`memory cards. The device can easily be extended to cover different locals.
`4. Reliability Although in-car navigation systems are not considered safety critical
`components users will come to rely on Go. It will be engineered to all relevant
`automotive environmental standards. In addition it will be tolerant to short GPS
`coverage outages.
`30 Channels
`• Consumer electronics retail outlets
`• Automotive accessory outlets
`• Specialist car accessory fitting garages
`Product summary
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`WO 2007/101724
`PCT /EP2007 /002187
`Go is an in-vehicle personal navigation device. It is designed as an appliance, that is, for a
`specific function rather than a general purpose one. It is designed for the consumer after(cid:173)
`sales automotive market. It will be simple to use and install by the end user, although a
`professional fitting kit will be optionally supplied.
`The principal features are:
`• Built on standard commodity PocketPC 2002 components
`• Standard PocketPC 3.5" %VGA
`transflective TFT LCD display mounted m
`landscape orientation
`• Romless soft-boot memory architecture
`• Highly integrated ARM9 200MHz CPU
`• SD card memory slot for application and map data storage
`Integrated GPS receiver and antenna
`Integrated two axis accelerometer for simple dead reckoning
`• Power, audio, debug and external GPS antenna connections made
`docking connector on base of unit
`• Embedded Linux OS with no GUI layer, application provides its own UI
`• Very simple touch screen UI optimised for finger use
`• High quality integrated speaker for voice instructions
`Internal rechargeable Li-Ion battery giving at least five hours of continuous
`Operating System
`Go will use a customised version of embedded Linux. This will be loaded from an SD
`card by a custom boot-loader program which resides in Flash memory
`Hard buttons
`Go will have only one hard button, the power button. It is pressed once to turn on or off
`Go. The UI will be designed so that all other operations are easily accessible through the
`pen based UI. There will also be a concealed hard reset button.
`Go architecture is based around a highly integrated single chip processor designed for
`30 mobile computing devices. This device delivers approximately 200 MIPs of performance
`from an industry standard ARM920T processor.
`It also contains all the peripherals
`required excluding the GPS base-band. These peripherals include DRAM controller,
`timer/ counters, UARTs, SD interface and LCD controller.
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`WO 2007/101724
`The main elements of this architecture are:
`• Microprocessor running at 200MHz
`32MB or 64MB of fast synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) with low power self
`refresh. Arranged as two devices on a 32 bit wide 100MHz bus
`• SD card interface for all non-volatile storage including the OS (No RAM drive)
`• Native (bare metal) boot loader stored in 256KB of NOR Flash. This Flash
`device will contain a boot sector which is write protected to store protected
`data such as unique product !D's and manufacturing data.
`• Debug UART (RS232 3V levels) connected to the docking connector
`• USB client for PC connectivity
`Integrated GPS receiver
`Integrated two axis accelerometer
`• Optional
`integrated Bluetooth
`for PDA and mobile phone
`• High quality audio through I2S codec and amplifier
`The Go block diagram is at Figure 2.
`Power management
`20 Go will be powered from an integrated Li-Ion 2200 mAH rechargeable battery. This
`battery can be charged, and the device powered (even if the battery contains no charge)
`from an externally supplied + 5V power source. This external + 5V power source is
`supplied via the docking connector or a DC jack socket.
`This + 5V supply will be generated from the vehicle's main supply rail or from a mains
`adapter externally. The device will be turned on and off by a single button. When the
`device is turned off the DRAM contents will be preserved by placing the RAM in self(cid:173)
`refresh so that when switched on Go will resume from where it was switched off. There
`will also be a wake-up signal available through he docking connector, this can be used to
`auto-switch on Go when the vehicle ignition is switched on.
`There will also be a small hidden reset switch.
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`WO 2007/101724
`PCT /EP2007 /002187
`System Memory architecture
`In contrast to conventional embedded devices which execute all the OS and application
`code in place from a large mask ROM or Flash device, Go ,vill be based on a new
`memory architecture which is much closer to a PC.
`This will be made up of three forms of memory:
`4. A small amount of XIP (eXecute In Place) Flash ROM. This is analogous to the
`PC's BIOS ROM and will only contain a proprietary boot loader, E 2 emulation
`(for UID and manufacturing data) and splash screen bit maps. This is estimated
`to be 256 KB in size and would be on a slow 8 bit wide SRAM interface.
`5. The main system memory, this is analogous to the PC's main memory (RAM).
`This will be where all the main code executes from as well as providing the video
`RAM and workspace for the OS and applications. Note: No persistent user data
`will be stored in the main system RAM (like a PC) i.e. there will be no "Ram
`drive". This RAM will be exclusively connected to a 32bit 100MHz synchronous
`high-speed bus. Go will contain two sites for 16 bit wide 256/512Mbit SDRAM's
`allowing memory configurations of 32MB (16 bit wide) 64MB 32 bit wide and
`128 MB (32 bit wide).
`6. Non-volatile storage, analogous to the PC's hard disk. This is implemented as
`removable NAND flash based SD cards. These devices do not support XIP. All
`the OS, application, settings files and map data will be permanently stored on SD
`A 52 mm diameter speaker is housed in Go to give good quality spoken instructions.
`This will be driven by an internal amplifier and audio codec. Audio line out will also be
`present on the docking connector.
`SD Memory slot
`Go will contain one standard SD card socket. These are used to load system software
`and to access map data.
`Go will use a transflective 3.5" TFT backlit display It ,vill be a 'standard' %VGA display
`as used by PocketPC PDA's. It will also contain a touch panel and bright CCFL
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`PCT /EP2007 /002187
`WO 2007/101724
`Power supplies
`Power supply - AC adapter socket
`4.75V to 5.25V (5.00V +/- 5%) @2A
`Power supply - Docking connector
`4.75V to 5.25V (5.00V +/- 5%) @2A
`It shall be possible to assemble and test the following variants of Go:
`Standard (Bluetooth depopulated, 32Mbyte RAM)
`In the Standard variant the Bluetooth function is not populated, and 32 Mbytes RAM is
`Bluetooth option (Future variant)
`The product design should include Bluetooth although it is not populated in the standard
`variant to minimise BOM cost. The design should ensure that all other functions
`(including GPS RF performance) operate without degradation when the Bluetooth
`function is operating.
`64Mbyte RAM option (Future variant)
`The product design should ensure it is possible to fit 64Mbyte RAM instead of 32Mbyte.
`Go consists of various electrical subassemblies.
`20 RF cable
`The RF cable feeds the RF signal from an external GPS antenna (which connects to Go
`via the RF docking connector) to the RF PCB where the GPS module is situated.
`External connectors
`Docking Connectors
`Two Docking Connectors provide an interface to external Docking Stations.
`Apple EX1049 Page 15


`WO 2007/101724
`Docking Connector #1 pinout
`Pin Signal
`Dir Type
`Signal and power GND
`Docking Station Sense (0,1] - These signals are
`connected to pull-up resistors within the unit. The
`Docking Station pulls either or both of these
`signals to GND to indicate the presence and type
`of Docking Station.
`Audio line outputs (Left and Right) to connect to
`car audio system.
`The unit pulls this line to GND to signal the car
`audio system to mute itself while the unit is issuing
`a voice command.
`Ignition sense.
`+SV power
`the Docking Station
`simultaneously power
`the unit and charge
`PWR Power connection
`PU Pull-Up resistor within the unit
`0 /D Open-Drain output
`PD Pull-Down resistor within the unit
`Docking Connector #2 pinout
`Pin Signal
`Dir Type
`3V logic level UART signals
`CPU ]TAG signals for test and configuration
`RF Docking Connector
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`WO 2007/101724
`The RF Docking Connector allows connection of an external active GPS antenna via a
`Docking Station.
`AC adapter socket
`The AC adapter socket allows power to be supplied from a low cost AC adapter or CLA
`(Cigarette Lighter Adapter).
`USB connector
`The USB connector allows connection to a PC by means of a standard mini USB cable.
`SD card socket
`A hard locking SD card socket suitable for high vibration applications supports SDIO,
`SD memory and MMC cards.
`(Although Go provides hardware support for SDIO, software support will not be
`available at the time of product introduction)
`The processor is the ARM920T based SOC (System on chip) operating at approx
`Go will be fitted with RAM to the following specification:
`Total memory
`Bus width
`Minimum speed
`SDRAM with low-power refresh ("mobile" SDRAM)
`32 Mbyte (standard) or 64 Mbyte (future option)
`Maximum self refresh current
`500 µ.A per device
`2 x 16-bit wide CSP sites
`Flash Memory
`20 Go will be fitted with a minimum of 256kbyte of 16-bit "vide Flash Memory to contain
`the following:
`• Boot loader code to enable loading of O /S from SD card
`• Factory set read-only protected manufacturing parameters (e.g. manufactured
`date) and unique ID (E2PROM emulation)
`• User specific settings (E2PROM emulation)
`The following devices can be used depending on price and availability.:
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`WO 2007/101724
`GPS internal antenna
`The GPS internal antenna is attached directly to the RF PCB.
`GPS external (active) antenna switching
`When an external antenna is connected via the RF Docking Connector, the GPS antenna
`source is automatically switched to the external antenna.
`A solid state accelerometer is connected directly to the processor to provide information
`about change of speed and direction.
`Auxiliary functions
`Ignition synchronization
`Ignition wakeup
`A rising edge on the Docking Station IGNITION
`signal will wakeup the unit. The
`IGNITION signal may be connected to a 12V or 24V vehicle battery.
`Ignition state monitoring
`The state of the Docking Station IGNITION
`signal is detected and fed to a GPIO pin
`to allow software to turn off the unit when the ignition signal goes low.
`Standard peripherals
`The following peripherals will be included as standard with Go.
`• Simple docking shoe. Mounts Go and allows charging through a DC jack. No
`other connectivity is included in the simple dock.
`• Cigarette lighter power cable connecting to Go through the DC jack socket or
`simple docking shoe.
`• Mini USB cable for PC connectivity
`• Universal mains adapter for connection to DC Jack socket
`25 Optional peripherals
`The following optional peripherals will be available at or after the time of launch of Go
`• Active antenna kit. Contains a GPS active antenna and a docking shoe ,vith GPS
`RF connector and cable fitted. For self installation when an external antenna is
`• Professional vehicle docking kit. For fitting by professional installation only.
`Allows direct connection to vehicle supply, audio system and active antenna via a
`vehicle interface box.
`Apple EX1049 Page 18


`WO 2007/101724
`PCT/EP2007 /002187
`A portable navigation device comprising an accelerometer, a GPS receiver, and a
`calibration module, the calibration module generating calibration parameters that enable
`acceleration data from the accelerometer
`to be accurately converted into speed and
`heading data, in which the calibration parameters are calculated from GPS derived speed
`and heading data and resolve or otherwise compensate for (i) the attitude of the portable
`device with respect to the horizontal plane and (ii) the angle between the forward
`direction of the device and the driving direction of a vehicle the device is mounted in.
`The portable navigation device of Claim 1 in which the calibration parameters
`resolve or otherwise compensate for biases in observation due to the physical properties
`of the accelerometer.

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