US007 181192B2
`(12) United States Patent
`Panasik et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,181,192 B2
`Feb. 20, 2007
`(75) Inventors: M E. stan,S).
`ames F. SaZman, Anna,
`(73) Assignee: Texas Instruments Incorporated,
`Dallas, TX (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 219 days.
`(*) Notice:
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/802,449
`(22) Filed:
`Mar. 16, 2004
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2005/02O8925 A1
`Sep. 22, 2005
`(51) Int. Cl.
`H04M II/04
`(52) U.S. Cl. ............................... 455/404.1; 455/404.2:
`455/4.56.1; 455/456.3:455/456.5; 455/456.6;
`455/521; 455/550.1: 701/207; 701/213: 701/216;
`(58) Field of Classification Search ............. 455/404.1,
`455/404.2, 456.1-457, 432.1, 521, 550.1,
`455/556.1-556.2, 569.1-569.2: 701/207,
`701/213–214, 216; 340/436; 342/357.1,
`342/357.06, 357.12,450, 457
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`4,903,212 A * 2/1990 Yokouchi et al. ........... TO1,216
`5,742,666 A * 4, 1998 Alpert ..................... 455,404.2
`6,299,102 B2 * 10/2001 Happ ..........
`... 244,122 AG
`6,549,792 B1 * 4/2003 Cannon et al. .......... 455,550.1
`6,821,249 B2 * 1 1/2004 Casscells et al. ........... 600/300
`1/2002 Teller ......................... 600,549
`2002/0013538 A1
`2002/0098816 A1* 7/2002 Dooley et al. ........... 455/154.1
`2002/0109600 A1* 8, 2002 Mault et al. ......
`... 340,573.1
`2002/0116080 A1* 8, 2002 Birnbach et al. ............. TOOf 66
`2002/0193091 A1* 12/2002 Zmarthie ..........
`... 455,404
`2003/007 1446 A1* 4/2003 Haderer et al. ............. 280,735
`2003/007 1766 A1* 4/2003 Hartwell et al. ............... 345.8
`2005.0128062 A1* 6, 2005 Lund
`d et al. ........ 340,436
`undsgaard et a
`Cell Phone Accelerometers/Sensors,, Mar. 16.
`2004, pp. 1-3.*
`Primary Examiner Steve M. D’Agosta
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm J. Dennis Moore; W. James
`Brady; Frederick J. Telecky, Jr.
`In one embodiment, an automated emergency alert System
`includes a handheld portable communication device oper
`able to initiate communication over a wireless telecommu
`nications network, a dynamic sensor operable to generate an
`acceleration profile for the device, and a memory operable
`to store one or more predefined acceleration profiles each
`associated with an emergency event. The system also
`includes one or more processors collectively operable to (1)
`receive from the dynamic sensor an acceleration profile for
`the device; (2) access one or more of the stored predefined
`acceleration profiles; (3) compare the received acceleration
`profile to the one or more stored predefined acceleration
`profiles to determine if the acceleration profile substantially
`matches a predefined acceleration profile; and (4) if it is
`determined that the acceleration profile substantially
`matches a stored predefined acceleration profile, initiate a
`communication using the network to one or more emergency
`call centers to notify the call center that the emergency event
`has occurred.
`9 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet
`Apple EX1024 Page 1


`US 7,181,192 B2
`Page 2
`LEXSEE 14 FCCR 17388 In the Matter of Revision of the Com
`mission's Rules to Ensure Compatibility with Enhanced 911 Emer
`gency Calling Systems, Federal Communications Commission 14
`FCC Red 17388: 1990 FCC LEXIS 4896; 16 Comm. Reg. (P&F)
`739 Release No. FCC 99-245, Oct. 1, 1999 Released; Adopted Sep.
`15, 1999 (37 pp).
`NOKIA. (19 pp.), print date Mar. 16, 2004.
`On Star, (11 pp.), print date Mar. 16, 2004.
`Simon Fraser University, Centre for Systems Science, "Systems
`Specs: Activities of CSS Members.” Update 15.3 Oct. 2003, avail
`able at
`html (last visited Mar. 16, 2004) (2 pp.).
`Byron Spice, “At CMU, Scientists are Building Sense into Cell
`Phones,” (Pittsburgh, Pa.), available at http://
` (last visited Mar. 16,
`2004) (3 pp.), Sep. 2, 2003.
`“Cell Phone Accelerometers/Sensor.”, avail
`able at products/showArticle.
`jhtml?articleID=16504859 (last visited Mar. 16, 2004) (3 pp.), May
`23, 2002.
`* cited by examiner
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 20, 2007
`US 7,181,192 B2
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`Apple EX1024 Page 3


`US 7,181,192 B2
`automated emergency alert Services. In addition, the hand
`held portable communication device may accompany an
`associated user at all times and thus is not limited to
`emergencies occurring in a particular automobile. In addi
`tion, particular embodiments may provide alerts for types of
`emergencies unrelated to automobile accidents. In certain
`embodiments, the handheld portable communication device
`may identify itself and/or its associated user associated,
`along with location information and the information from
`the one or more sensors, to the emergency call center,
`possibly shaving precious minutes from the time it takes for
`emergency medical or other personnel to arrive at the scene.
`In certain embodiments, the handheld portable commu
`nication device may include one or more sensors for moni
`toring the environment of the user associated with the
`handheld portable communication device. For example, the
`handheld portable communication device may include a
`temperature sensor for possible detection of a fire. As
`another example, the handheld portable communication
`device may include a water sensor, which may detect
`whether the handheld portable communication device (and
`possibly the user associated with the device) is under water
`(e.g., because the car is under water). Therefore, particular
`embodiments may be able to detect many different types of
`emergency events.
`Certain embodiments of the present invention may pro
`vide some, all, or none of the above technical advantages.
`Certain embodiments may provide one or more other tech
`nical advantages, one or more of which may be readily
`apparent to those skilled in the art from the figures, descrip
`tions, and claims included herein.
`For a more complete understanding of the present inven
`tion and features and advantages thereof, reference is now
`made to the following description, taken in conjunction with
`the accompanying drawings, in which:
`FIG. 1 illustrates an automated cellular alert system for
`automatically notifying emergency personnel of an emer
`gency, according to an embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary method according to an
`embodiment of the present invention for automated emer
`gency alert using a handheld portable communications
`device operable to initiate communication over a wireless
`telecommunications network.
`For a more complete understanding of the present inven
`tion and features and advantages thereof, reference is now
`made to the following description, taken in conjunction with
`the accompanying drawings, in which:
`FIG. 1 illustrates an automated cellular alert system for
`automatically notifying emergency personnel of an emer
`gency; and
`FIG. 2 illustrates an example method for automated
`emergency alert using a handheld portable communications
`device operable to initiate communication over a wireless
`telecommunications network.
`FIG. 1 illustrates an automated cellular alert system 10 for
`automatically notifying emergency personnel of an emer
`gency. In certain embodiments, system 10 includes a hand
`held portable communication device 12, a cellular or other
`wireless network 14, a telephone or other wireline network
`16, and an emergency call center 18. Other embodiments of
`This invention relates generally to emergency alert com
`munication and more particularly to a handheld portable
`automatic emergency alert System and method.
`Persons involved in automobile accidents, medical emer
`gencies, or other sorts of incidents requiring an emergency
`response are often incapacitated or otherwise unable to place
`a telephone call to appropriate emergency personnel, using
`the emergency “911 service for example. As an illustration,
`a person involved in a car accident may be knocked uncon
`scious when his or her head collides with the steering wheel
`as a result of the impact. In the event that an emergency
`occurs in an automobile, current solutions for notifying
`emergency personnel include the ONSTARTM system, which
`may be used to Summons emergency personnel if the driver
`or another person presses an appropriate button. Of course,
`if the driver is incapacitated or otherwise cannot press the
`button, the authorities may not be notified of the accident as
`quickly as desired. A related Solution includes using
`ONSTARTM or a similar system to automatically call an
`emergency dispatcher in response to the airbag in an auto
`mobile being deployed. However, these solutions are limited
`to automobile-based implementations and are only able to
`Summons help in response to certain emergency events.
`According to the present invention, certain disadvantages
`and problems associated with previous techniques for emer
`gency alert communication.
`In one embodiment, an automated emergency alert system
`includes a handheld portable communication device oper
`able to initiate communication over a wireless telecommu
`nications network, a dynamic sensor operable to generate an
`acceleration profile for the handheld portable communica
`tion device, and a memory operable to store one or more
`predefined acceleration profiles, each predefined accelera
`tion profile associated with an emergency event. The system
`also includes one or more processors collectively operable to
`(1) receive from the dynamic sensor an acceleration profile
`for the handheld portable communication device; (2) access
`one or more predefined acceleration profiles stored in the
`memory; (3) compare the acceleration profile received from
`the dynamic sensor to the one or more predefined accelera
`tion profiles stored in the memory to determine if the
`acceleration profile Substantially matches a predefined
`acceleration profile in the one or more predefined accelera
`tion profiles; and (4) if it is determined that the acceleration
`profile received from the dynamic sensor substantially
`matches a predefined acceleration profile in the one or more
`predefined acceleration profiles Stored in the memory, ini
`tiate a communication using the wireless telecommunica
`tions network to one or more emergency call centers to
`notify the emergency call center that the emergency event
`has occurred.
`Particular embodiments of the present invention may
`provide one or more technical advantages. In certain
`embodiments, the handheld portable communication device
`comprises all the needed equipment for use in providing
`Apple EX1024 Page 4


`US 7,181,192 B2
`system 10 may be used without departing from the scope of
`this description. In general, handheld portable communica
`tion device 12 is operable to monitor the acceleration of
`device 12, to automatically detect the occurrence of an
`emergency event based at least on one or more acceleration
`profiles, and to automatically contact an emergency dis
`patcher associated with emergency call center 18 by making
`a wireless communication via wireless network 14. The term
`“automatically, as used herein, generally means that the
`appropriate processing is Substantially performed by device
`12 or other suitable components of system 10. It should be
`understood that automatically further contemplates any Suit
`able user interaction with system 10, if appropriate.
`Handheld portable communication device 12 may include
`any suitable device capable of engaging in wireless com
`munication. For example, handheld portable communication
`device 12 may include a mobile phone, a personal digital
`assistant (PDA), a pager, or any other Suitable handheld
`portable communication device capable of engaging in
`wireless communication. Typically, handheld portable com
`munication device 12 is a device that a user would likely
`keep near his or her person when the user is mobile, or that
`the user could reasonably keep on his or her person under
`most circumstances if desired. The use of the term "hand
`held to describe handheld portable communication device
`12 is not meant in a literal sense and is not meant to limit
`handheld portable communication device 12 to those
`devices that can be held in a user's hand. Handheld portable
`communication device 12 may include one or more Suitable
`input devices, output devices, storage media, processors,
`memory, or other components for receiving, processing,
`storing, and communicating information according to the
`operation of system 10. Furthermore, although the present
`invention focuses primarily on an embodiment in which
`wireless calls are automatically made by handheld portable
`communication device 12, the present invention contem
`plates handheld portable communication device 12 auto
`matically communicating wireless emails, text messages, or
`any other Suitable type of wireless communication according
`to particular needs.
`Wireless network 14 includes any suitable communica
`tions network operable to facilitate wireless communication.
`Additionally, wireless network 14 represents any suitable
`collection and arrangement of equipment and infrastructure
`for Supporting and providing wireless services to Subscrib
`ers. Wireless network 14 may be associated with one or
`more wireless service providers. Although a single wireless
`network 14 is illustrated, wireless network 14 may encom
`pass any number of wireless networks Supporting any num
`ber of suitable protocols. For example, wireless network 14
`may encompass both digital and cellular wireless telephone
`In general, wireless network is operable to facilitate
`wireless communication between handheld portable com
`munication device 12 and one or more emergency dispatch
`ers associated with emergency call center 18 in any suitable
`manner (or with any automated dispatch devices associated
`with emergency call center 18). In certain embodiments,
`wireless network 14 facilitates communication between
`handheld portable communication device 12 and one or
`more emergency dispatchers associated with emergency call
`center 18 that is wireless from end to end. For example, one
`or more emergency dispatchers associated with emergency
`call center 18 may be able to receive wireless communica
`tions from wireless network 14 or another suitable wireless
`network. In other embodiments, wireless network 14 may
`facilitate wireless communication and complete a connec
`tion to one or more emergency dispatchers associated with
`emergency call center 18 using wireline network 16. For
`example, one or more emergency dispatchers associated
`with emergency call center 18 may use communications
`equipment coupled to wireline network 16.
`Wireline network 16 may include any suitable commu
`nications network operable to facilitate wireline communi
`cation. Additionally, wireline network 16 represents any
`Suitable collection and arrangement of equipment and infra
`structure for Supporting and providing wireline services to
`subscribers. Wireline network 16 may be associated with
`one or more wireline service providers. Although a single
`wireline network 16 is illustrated, wireline network 16 may
`encompass any number of wireline networks Supporting any
`number of suitable protocols or types of wireline commu
`nication (e.g., optical). In certain embodiments, wireline
`network 16 includes a public switched telephone network
`Emergency call center 18 may include one or more
`emergency dispatchers. Although referred to as a “call
`center, emergency call center 18 may include any Suitable
`individuals, entities, or machines for receiving communica
`tions for reporting emergencies. In certain embodiments,
`emergency call center 18 includes an emergency 911 emer
`gency call center. For example, emergency call center may
`include what is typically referred to as a Public Safety
`Answering Point (PSAP), which may include a dispatch
`office that receives 911 calls from the public. A PSAP may
`include a local fire or police department, an ambulance
`service, a regional office covering numerous services, or any
`other suitable office or department. In certain embodiments,
`emergency call center 18 may be a local dispatch call center
`processing emergency communications in a localized area, a
`regional call center processing emergency communications
`in a regional area, or a central call center processing calls for
`any number of areas having any suitable size. Additionally,
`although emergency dispatchers are typically humans, the
`present invention contemplates emergency dispatchers
`being automated. Emergency call center may be operable to
`engage in communication with wireless network 14, wire
`line network 16, both, or any other suitable communications
`network operable to facilitate wireless communication.
`Handheld portable communication device 12 includes a
`dynamic sensor 20 operable to measure acceleration, decel
`eration, or other suitable movement of handheld portable
`communication device 12. In certain embodiments, dynamic
`sensor 20 includes an accelerometer operable to generate an
`acceleration profile for handheld portable communication
`device 12. In certain embodiments, dynamic sensor 20
`includes a silicon-based accelerometer Such as an "on-chip'
`accelerometer. As just one example, dynamic sensor 20 may
`include an accelerometer Such as those manufactured by
`ANALOG DEVICES, INC. In certain embodiments, it is
`desirable for dynamic sensor 20 to be a multi-axis acceler
`ometer Such that it is capable of detecting acceleration in
`multiple directions. Dynamic sensor 20 may be mounted on
`a printed circuit board within handheld portable communi
`cation device 12, although the present invention contem
`plates incorporating dynamic sensor 20 in handheld portable
`communication device 12 in any suitable manner.
`Dynamic sensor 20 may output data representing the
`measured acceleration, deceleration, or lack thereof. An
`acceleration profile generated by dynamic sensor 20 may
`represent acceleration (or deceleration) as measured over
`time. In certain embodiments, the acceleration profile
`includes one or more discretely sampled acceleration values
`taken at predetermined time intervals. For example, dynamic
`Apple EX1024 Page 5


`US 7,181,192 B2
`sensor 20 may only output those acceleration values that
`exceed a predefined threshold. As another example, dynamic
`sensor 20 may output acceleration values every millisecond.
`Another Suitable component of device 10 (e.g., a processor
`30 described below) may package the reported acceleration
`values in any Suitable manner to form an acceleration
`profile. Although described as an acceleration profile, the
`acceleration profile may represent both acceleration and
`deceleration of handheld portable communication device 12.
`Dynamic sensor 20 may generate an acceleration profile for
`handheld portable communication device 12 substantially
`continuously, at regular intervals, randomly, at the request of
`another component of handheld portable communication
`device 12, when acceleration or deceleration exceeds a
`threshold, or in any other Suitable manner according to
`particular needs.
`Suppose, for example, that handheld portable communi
`cation device 12 including dynamic sensor 20 is inside an
`automobile. As the car speeds up, the acceleration profile
`generated by dynamic sensor 20 may reflect a relatively
`Smooth acceleration. Likewise, when the automobile slows
`in a normal fashion, the acceleration profile generated by
`dynamic sensor 20 may reflect a relatively smooth decel
`eration. As the car cruises at a substantially constant speed,
`the acceleration profile generated by dynamic sensor 20 may
`reflect that there is substantially no acceleration or decel
`eration. Suppose that the automobile is involved in an
`accident. The acceleration profile generated by dynamic
`sensor 20 may demonstrate that the automobile was
`involved in an accident (for example, due to rapid accelera
`tion or deceleration, depending on whether the phone is
`sitting on a part Such as a seat of the car or whether it is fixed
`on a passenger or otherwise fixed to the car). Different types
`of emergency events (including those other than car acci
`dents) may result in a unique type of acceleration profile
`being generated by dynamic sensor 20. These different
`acceleration profiles may thus be used to identify that an
`emergency event has occurred.
`Handheld portable communication device 12 may include
`a memory 22. Memory 22 may include any type of memory
`Suitable for use in a handheld portable communication
`device 12. Furthermore, the present invention contemplates
`memory 14 located somewhere other than in handheld
`portable communication device 12 but accessible to hand
`held portable communication device 12, Such as at a cellular
`base station or switching center of wireless network 14 for
`example. Memory 22 may include any memory or database
`module and may take the form of volatile or non-volatile
`memory including, without limitation, magnetic media, opti
`cal media, random access memory (RAM), read-only
`memory (ROM), removable media, flash memory, or any
`other Suitable local or remote memory component.
`Memory 22 is operable to store one or more predefined
`acceleration profiles 24. Although a particular number of
`predefined acceleration profiles 24 are illustrated, the
`present invention contemplates memory 22 storing any
`suitable number of predefined acceleration profiles 24. One
`or more of predefined acceleration profiles 24 are each
`associated with a different emergency event. Although a
`particular number of emergency events are illustrated, the
`present invention contemplates memory 22 storing any
`Suitable number of emergency events. Additionally,
`although predefined acceleration profiles 24 are shown as
`having a one-to-one relationship with corresponding emer
`gency events, more than one predefined acceleration profile
`24 may be associated with a single emergency event and
`more than one emergency event may be associated with a
`single predefined acceleration profile 24.
`An emergency event may include a definition of an
`emergency, including an identification of the emergency. For
`example, an identification of an emergency event may
`broadly identify an emergency, such as “car accident.”
`“fall,” or any other suitable identification of an emergency
`event. An identification of an emergency event may specifi
`cally identify an emergency, such as "head-on collision.”
`“side-impact collision,” “fall of x feet,” or any other suitable
`identification of an emergency event. The definition of an
`emergency event may include any other Suitable information
`regarding the identified emergency.
`Each emergency event may be associated with one or
`more of the predefined acceleration profiles 24 as briefly
`described above. For example, a car accident may be asso
`ciated with multiple predefined acceleration profiles 24. A
`particular type of car accident (head-on collision) may be
`associated with a subset of the acceleration profiles for
`automobile accidents, the Subset including one or more
`predefined acceleration profiles 24. As another example, a
`person falling while wearing or holding handheld portable
`communication device 12 may be defined as an emergency
`event and may be associated with one or more predefined
`acceleration profiles 24. These acceleration profiles may be
`used to distinguish between normal dropping or other use of
`handheld portable communication device 12 and what is
`likely a genuine accident or emergency (as defined by
`emergency events). In certain embodiments, a peak absolute
`value of the acceleration output by dynamic sensor 20 may
`be used to identify the type of collision.
`Returning to memory 22, memory 22 may be operable to
`store one or more prerecorded event messages 26. In certain
`embodiments, each prerecorded event message 26 is asso
`ciated with one or more emergency events. For example, a
`prerecorded event message 26 may include a prerecorded
`message indicating that a car accident occurred or possibly
`occurred. The prerecorded event message 26 may provide
`any suitable information at any suitable level of detail,
`according to particular needs. In certain embodiments,
`memory 22 may include a generic event message 28 that
`does not indicated a type of emergency event, but merely
`indicates that an emergency of Some sort occurred or pos
`sibly occurred. As described in more detail below, one or
`more event messages 26 or 28 may be communicated to
`emergency call center 18 in the event that an emergency
`event is determined to have occurred.
`In certain embodiments, memory 22 is operable to store
`prerecorded user information 29 regarding a user associated
`with handheld portable communication device 12. For
`example, user information 29 may include the user's name,
`the user's telephone number, the user's home address, one or
`more contact numbers of persons associated with the user
`(e.g., an emergency contact person), insurance information
`for the user (e.g., carrier, Subscriber number, coverage
`details, etc.), medical history information (e.g., medicines or
`other Substances to which the user is allergic, an identifica
`tion of one or more doctors of the user, existing medical
`conditions, current medications, etc.), the user's preferred
`hospital, or any other Suitable information according to
`particular needs. As described in more detail below, user
`information 29 may be communicated to emergency call
`center 18 in the event that an emergency event is determined
`to have occurred.
`In certain embodiments, handheld portable communica
`tion device 12 includes one or more processors 30. Although
`a single processor 30 is illustrated, the present invention
`Apple EX1024 Page 6


`US 7,181,192 B2
`contemplates handheld portable communication device 12
`including any suitable number of processors 30 collectively
`operable to perform the functions described herein with
`reference to processor 30. Processor 30 may perform these
`functions in conjunction with any suitable Software, firm
`ware, hardware, or combination thereof. Such as Software
`code stored in memory 22 for example.
`Processor 30 may be operable to receive one or more
`acceleration profiles for handheld portable communication
`device 12 from dynamic sensor 20. In certain embodiments,
`dynamic sensor 20 communicates an acceleration profile for
`handheld portable communication device 12 to processor 30
`at a predetermined interval (e.g., every three seconds). In
`certain embodiments, dynamic sensor 20 communicates a
`substantially continuous acceleration profile for handheld
`portable communication device 12 to processor 30. In
`response, processor 30 may Subdivide the received signal
`into one or more blocks of time, of a fixed length for
`example. In certain embodiments, dynamic sensor 20 com
`municates an acceleration profile to processor 30 in response
`to the acceleration profile reflecting that the acceleration of
`dynamic sensor 30 (and handheld portable communication
`device 12) exceeds a predetermined threshold acceleration
`or deceleration. For example, the predetermined threshold
`acceleration may help distinguish between normal dropping
`of the phone and more significant events (which may
`ultimately be determined to be an emergency event). In each
`of these embodiments, communication by dynamic sensor
`20 may be automatic, in response to a request from proces
`sor 30, continuous or otherwise.
`Processor 30 may be operable to access the predefined
`acceleration profiles 24 stored in memory 22 in any suitable
`manner, according to particular needs. In certain embodi
`ments, processor 30 accesses predefined acceleration pro
`files 24 in response to receiving an acceleration profile for
`handheld portable communication device 12 from dynamic
`sensor 20.
`Processor 30 may be operable to determine whether an
`emergency event has occurred. For example, processor 30
`may use information Such as the acceleration profiles gen
`erated by dynamic sensor 20 to determine whether an
`emergency event has occurred. This determination helps
`processor 30 determine whether a real emergency event,
`Such as an accident of some sort, has occurred, as opposed
`to someone merely dropping or throwing handheld portable
`communication device 12 for example. In certain embodi
`ments, processor 30 compares an acceleration profile
`received from dynamic sensor 20 to one or more of pre
`defined acceleration profiles 24 stored in memory 22 to
`determine if the acceleration profile substantially matches a
`predefined acceleration profile 24. The term “substantially
`is used to indicate that in certain embodiments, an exact
`match between the acceleration profile and a predefined
`acceleration profile 24 may not be required. For example,
`certain margins of error may be predefined and if the
`acceleration profile is determined to match a predefined
`acceleration profile 24 within those predefined margins of
`error, a match may still be determined to exist.
`In certain embodiments, processor 30 continuously moni
`tors an acceleration profile being generated by dynamic
`sensor 20 and performs the comparison of the acceleration
`profile to the one or more prerecorded acceleration profiles
`when a certain triggering event occurs (e.g., the acceleration
`profile received from dynamic sensor 20 indicates an accel
`eration or deceleration exceeding a predetermined thresh
`old). In certain embodiments, dynamic sensor 20 determines
`whether the acceleration profile indicates an acceleration or
`deceleration that exceeds a predetermined threshold before
`communicating an acceleration profile to processor 30,
`prompting processor 30 to perform the comparison.
`Dynamic sensor 20 may simply prompt processor 30 to
`retrieve an acceleration profile, from memory 22 for
`example. In other embodiments, processor 30 continuously
`processes one or more acceleration profiles generated by
`dynamic sensor 20.
`In certain embodiments, if processor 30 determines that
`an acceleration profile received from dynamic sensor 20
`substantially matches a predefined acceleration profile 24
`stored in memory 22, processor 30 may initiate a commu
`nication using wireless network 14 to an emergency call
`center 18. In certain embodiments, the match may be to an
`initial event and then within a predetermined time window,
`to a second event. For example, in a front-end collision in a
`car, device 10 may experience a first acceleration when the
`car experiences an impact and a secondary deceleration
`when the phone impacts the floor or the dashboard. These
`two impacts (and acceleration/deceleration) would likely be
`separated in time by only a few milliseconds.
`In certain embodiments, processor 30 initiates a wireless
`telephone call to emergency call center 18. For example, via
`the wireless telephone call to emergency call center 18,
`processor 30 may initiate playback of a generic prerecorded
`event message 28 indicating that a generic emergency event
`occurred, a prerecorded event message 26 specific to the
`determined emergency event, a prerecorded message includ
`ing user information 29 regarding the user associate with

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