`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8.467,804 B2
`Jun. 18, 2013
`Inventor: Björn Lindquist, Bjärred (SE)
`Assignees: Sony Corporation, Tokyo (JP); Sony
`Mobile Communications AB, Lund
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 1028 days.
`Appl. No.: 11/873,171
`Oct. 16, 2007
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2009/OO9888O A1
`Apr. 16, 2009
`Int. C.
`U.S. C.
`USPC .................. 455/456.1; 455/4.56.4; 455/456.2:
`455/418; 455/556.1; 455/574
`Field of Classification Search
`USPC ............. 455/4.56.4,574, 456.1,456.2, 456.3,
`455/552.1, 421: 370/311
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`McBurney et al.
`5.448,773. A
`9, 1995
`Shibata et al.
`5,539,647 A
`T. 1996
`5,883,594 A
`3, 1999
`6,029, 111 A
`2, 2000
`O'Neill, Jr. et al.
`6,141,570 A 10, 2000
`Allen, Jr. ................... 342,357.1
`6,297,768 B1 * 10/2001
`7,043,258 B2 * 5/2006
`Haddrell .................... 455,456.6
`Camp, Jr. et al.
`7,251,493 B2
`7,412,266 B2 * 8/2008 Underbrink et al. .......... 455,574
`2002/0177476 A1* 11/2002 Chou ............................ 455,574
`2003, OOO8671 A1
`1/2003 Lundgren et al.
`2004/O125014 A1
`7, 2004 Sun
`1 O28,598 A1
`8, 2000
`1205 896 A2
`5, 2002
`Notification of Transmittal of the International Search Report and the
`Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority, or the
`Declaration; International Search Report; Written Opinion of the
`International Searching Authority, PCT Application No. PCT/
`EP2008/053726, Jul 17, 2009.
`Primary Examiner — Kathy Wang-Hurst
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Myers Bigel Sibley &
`Sajovec, P.A.
`A method for determining location of a mobile terminal
`includes repetitively Switching power-on and power-off to a
`GPS receiver circuit which determines location of the mobile
`terminal using GPS signals. The power-on to power-off duty
`cycle of the GPS receiver circuit is regulated in response to
`distance that the mobile terminal has moved from a previ
`ously determined location. The power-on to power-off duty
`cycle can be regulated in response to identifying GPS isola
`tion, in response to an acceleration-determined distance from
`previous GPS-determine location, an acceleration-deter
`mined velocity of the mobile terminal, availability of position
`assistance information from a cellular system, presence/ab
`sence of signals from a WLAN/Bluetooth device, and/or
`detection of a new cellular base station ID.
`18 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`Power-On andlor
`increase GPS Resivar
`Powered-on duty Cycle
`D&Crease GPS Receiver
`Powered-on Duty Cycle
`Distance traveled based on acceleration information from
`ast GPS position fix <threshold distance
`Distance travels based on acceleratio informatic from
`fast GPS position fix > threshold distance
`welocity determined from acceleration informaticnk
`Welocity determined from acceleration information >
`threshold velocity
`detect awailability of cellular assisted positioning
`Detect unavailability of cellular assisted positioning
`Detectew cellular base station
`discover WLAN associated with previousldefined mobile
`terminal stationary location (e.g., WLAN at homeiwork)
`detect absence of WLAN associated with previous
`defined mobile terminal stationary location (e.g., WAN
`at homewok)
`Discover Bluetooth device associated with previousfciefined
`mobile terminal stationary location (e.g., Bluetooth Twif
`DetectaxSerice of Bluetooth device associated with
`previousldefined mobile terminal stationary iocation (e.g.,
`Bluetooth Twirefrigeratorithermastatletc.)
`ldentify present location as previous determined!
`defined mobile terminal stationary location
`Detect GPS isolation
`Apple EX1022 Page 1


`US 8,467,804 B2
`Page 2
`2004/0192352 A1* 9, 2004 VallStrom et al. .......... 455,456.6
`2004/01983.86 Al 10/2004 Dupray
`2005/0237347 A1 10/2005 Yamaji et al.
`2006/001.4531 A1
`1/2006 Nam et al. .................... 455,418
`2006/0238417 A1 10, 2006 Jendbro et al.
`2006/0262739 A1* 11/2006 Ramirez et al. ............... 370,311
`2007/0037610 A1* 2/2007 Logan .
`... 455,574
`2008, OO12759 A1* 1/2008 Te-Y
`2008/0059061 A1
`3f2008 Lee ............................... TO1,209
`T 2002
`1 221 586 A2
`2005-284596 A
`3834680 B2 10, 2006
`WO 01/20260 A1
`8, 2001
`Kao “Integration of GPS and Dead-Reckoning Navigation Systems'
`IEEE Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems Conference, Oct.
`20-23, 1991, pp. 635-643.
`Japanese Office Action Corresponding to Japanese Patent Applica
`tion No. 2010-529306; Mailing Date: Jun. 4, 2012; 3 Pages (Foreign
`Text Only).
`Invitation to Pay Additional Fees and, Where Applicant, Protest Fee,
`PCT Application No. PCT/EP2008/053726, Jul 30, 2008.
`* cited by examiner
`Apple EX1022 Page 2


`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 18, 2013
`Sheet 1 of 3
`US 8.467,804 B2
`GPS Satellite Constellation
`130a 130C
`Mobile Telephone
`Switching Office (MTSO)
`Location Assistance Unit
`Figure 1
`Apple EX1022 Page 3


`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 18, 2013
`Sheet 2 of 3
`US 8.467,804 B2
`GPS Satellite Constellation
`GPS Receiver
`Circuit 220
`Mobile Terminal
`Unit 140
`Apple EX1022 Page 4


`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 18, 2013
`Sheet 3 of 3
`US 8.467,804 B2
`Power-On andfor
`Increase GPS Receiver
`Powered-On Duty Cycle
`Power-Off and/or
`Decrease GPS Receiver
`Powered-On Duty Cycle
`Distance traveled based on acceleration information from
`last GPS position fix < threshold distance
`Distance traveled based On acceleration information from
`last GPS position fix > threshold distance
`Velocity determined from acceleration information <
`threshold velocity
`Velocity determined from acceleration information >
`threshold velocity
`Detect availability of cellular assisted positioning
`-- Detect unavailability of Cellular assisted positioning
`Detect new cellular base station D
`Discover WLAN associated with previousldefined mobile
`terminal stationary location (e.g., WLAN at home/work)
`Detect absence of WLAN associated with previous/
`defined mobile terminal stationary location (e.g., WLAN
`at home/work)
`Discover Bluetooth device associated with previous/defined
`mobile terminal stationary location (e.g., Bluetooth TV
`Detect absence of Bluetooth device associated with
`previous/defined mobile terminal stationary location (e.g.,
`Bluetooth TW/refrigerator/thermostatletc.)
`Identify present location as previous determined/
`defined mobile terminal stationary location
`Detect GPS isolation
`Figure 3
`31 O
`T off extended
`Figure 4
`A 14
`Apple EX1022 Page 5


`US 8,467,804 B2
`The present invention relates to mobile terminals and
`methods for determining mobile terminal location and, more
`particularly, to apparatus and methods for determining
`mobile terminal location based on Global Positioning System
`(GPS) signals.
`Many mobile terminals, such as cellular mobile terminals,
`personal digital assistants (PDAs), laptop computers, and the
`like, are now equipped with GPS receivers. GPS is a space
`based radio triangulation system using a constellation of sat
`ellites in orbit around the earth. A GPS receiver triangulates
`its position based on timing of radio signals it receives from
`various ones of the satellites and the known location of those
`Determining the position of a GPS receiver typically
`requires the acquisition of a set of navigational parameters
`from the navigational data signals of four or more GPS sat
`ellites. This process can take several minutes, as the duration
`of the GPS positioning process is generally dependent upon
`how much information a GPS receiver has initially. Most GPS
`receivers are programmed with almanac data, which coarsely
`describes the expected satellite positions for up to one year
`ahead. However, if the GPS receiver does not have knowledge
`of its own approximate location, then it may not require
`significantly more time to acquire and lock onto GPS signals
`from the visible satellites. The process of monitoring GPS
`signals can be significantly affected by environmental factors.
`For example, GPS signals that may be easily acquired in the
`open typically become harder or impossible to acquire when
`a receiver is within a building, a vehicle, and/or under foliage.
`In order to improve GPS receiver performance, techniques
`have been developed to provide GPS receivers with assis
`tance information, e.g., time and position estimates, satellite
`ephemeris and clock information, and visible satellite list
`(which generally varies with the location of the mobile ter
`minal), which can enable a GPS receiver to expedite its acqui
`sition of GPS signals and associated position determination.
`Such assistance information may be transmitted, for example,
`from a terrestrial cellular communication system. Assistance
`information may not always be available, however, and a user
`may experience a significant increase in response time of the
`GPS receiver when such assistance information is not avail
`able, for example, when the user is traveling in a region not
`serviced by the user's cellular provider.
`Some embodiments of the present invention are directed to
`a method for determining location of a mobile terminal which
`includes repetitively Switching power-on and power-off to a
`GPS receiver circuit which determines location of the mobile
`terminal using GPS signals. The power-on to power-off duty
`cycle of the GPS receiver circuit is regulated in response to
`distance that the mobile terminal has moved from a previ
`ously determined location.
`In some further embodiments, regulation of the power-on
`to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit includes:
`detecting when the mobile terminal is GPS isolated in
`response to insufficient GPS signal strength for the GPS
`receiver circuit to determine location of the mobile terminal
`during at least a threshold length of time; powering-off the
`GPS receiver circuit in response to detecting that the mobile
`terminal is GPS isolated; determining a present acceleration
`based location of the mobile terminal using acceleration
`information from an accelerometer circuit in the mobile ter
`minal during the power-off cycle of the GPS receiver circuit;
`extending duration of the power-off cycle of the GPS receiver
`circuit until a distance between the present acceleration
`based location and a previous GPS-determined location of the
`mobile terminal exceeds a threshold distance; and upon pow
`ering-on the GPS receiver circuit, attempting to determine a
`present GPS-determined location of the mobile terminal.
`Significant reduction in power consumption by the mobile
`terminal may be achieved by selectively powering-off the
`GPS receiver circuit, and by determining when to power-on
`the GPS receiver circuit using the acceleration information
`from the acceleration circuit to determine how far the mobile
`terminal has moved.
`In some further embodiments, the method further includes
`calibrating the accelerometer circuit in response to a distance
`between a present acceleration-based location and a previous
`GPS-determined location of the mobile terminal exceeding a
`threshold calibration distance.
`In some further embodiments, the method further includes
`detecting when the mobile terminal is GPS isolated where
`there is insufficient GPS signal strength for the GPS receiver
`circuit to determine location of the mobile terminal; logging
`the location of the GPS isolation; and subsequently respond
`ing to the mobile terminal being located at a previously
`logged GPS isolation location by powering-off the GPS
`receiver circuit. The mobile terminal can receive over a wire
`less air interface from another communication device at least
`one location where the mobile terminal will be GPS isolated,
`and can add the received at leastone GPS isolation location to
`the log.
`In some further embodiments, regulation of the power-on
`to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit includes:
`determining a GPS-based location of the mobile terminal
`using the GPS receiver circuit during the power-on cycle:
`determining a present acceleration-based location of the
`mobile terminal using acceleration information from an
`accelerometer circuit in the mobile terminal during the
`power-off cycle of the GPS receiver circuit; and extending
`duration of the power-off cycle of the GPS receiver circuit
`until the distance between the present acceleration-based
`location and the GPS-based location of the mobile terminal
`exceeds a threshold distance.
`In some further embodiments, regulation of the power-on
`to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit includes:
`determining a GPS-based location of the mobile terminal
`using the GPS receiver circuit during the power-on cycle:
`determining Velocity of the mobile terminal using accelera
`tion information from an accelerometer circuit in the mobile
`terminal during the power-off cycle of the GPS receiver cir
`cuit; and regulating the power-on to power-off duty cycle of
`the GPS receiver circuit in response to the determined veloc
`ity of the mobile terminal.
`In some further embodiments, regulation of the power-on
`to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit in response
`to the determined velocity of the mobile terminal includes:
`increasing the power-on to power-off duty cycle of the GPS
`receiver circuit in response to the determined mobile terminal
`Velocity exceeding a threshold Velocity; and decreasing the
`power-on to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit
`in response to the determined mobile terminal velocity being
`less than a threshold velocity.
`In some further embodiments, regulation of the power-on
`to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit includes:
`determining availability of position assistance information
`Apple EX1022 Page 6


`US 8,467,804 B2
`from a cellular system for use by the GPS receiver circuit to
`determine mobile terminal position; increasing the power-on
`to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit in response
`to availability of position assistance information from a cel
`lular system; and decreasing the power-on to power-off duty
`cycle of the GPS receiver circuit in response to unavailability
`of position assistance information from a cellular system.
`In some further embodiments, regulation of the power-on
`to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit includes
`decreasing the power-on to power-off duty cycle of the GPS
`receiver circuit in response to discovering signals from a
`wireless local area network (WLAN) device associated with
`a previously determined and/or defined location where the
`mobile terminal remained substantially stationary for at least
`a threshold time.
`In some further embodiments, regulation of the power-on
`to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit includes
`increasing the power-on to power-off duty cycle of the GPS
`receiver circuit in response to detecting absence of signals
`from the WLAN device associated with the previously deter
`mined and/or defined location where the mobile terminal
`remained substantially stationary for at least the threshold
`In some further embodiments, regulation of the power-on
`to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit includes
`decreasing the power-on to power-off duty cycle of the GPS
`receiver circuit in response to discovering signals from a
`Bluetooth device associated with a previously determined
`and/or defined location where the mobile terminal remained
`substantially stationary for at least a threshold time.
`In some further embodiments, regulation of the power-on
`to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit includes
`increasing the power-on to power-off duty cycle of the GPS
`receiver circuit in response to detecting absence of signals
`from the Bluetooth device associated with the previously
`determined and/or defined location where the mobile termi
`nal remained substantially stationary for at least the threshold
`In some further embodiments, regulation of the power-on
`to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit includes
`extending duration of the power-off cycle of the GPS receiver
`circuit until the mobile terminal receives and identifies a new
`cellular base station ID from a transmitting cellular base
`Some other embodiments of the present invention are
`directed to a mobile terminal that includes a GPS receiver
`circuit and a controller circuit. The GPS receiver circuit is
`configured to determine location of the mobile terminal using
`GPS signals. The controller circuit is configured to repeti
`tively switch power-on and power-off to the GPS receiver
`circuit, and to regulate the power-on to power-off duty cycle
`of the GPS receiver circuit in response to distance that the
`mobile terminal has moved from a previously determined
`In some further embodiments, the mobile terminal further
`includes: an accelerometer circuit that generates acceleration
`information which is indicative of acceleration of the mobile
`terminal; and an acceleration-based position determination
`circuit configured to determine a present acceleration-based
`location of the mobile terminal using the acceleration infor
`mation from the accelerometer circuit during the power-off
`cycle of the GPS receiver circuit. The GPS receiver circuit is
`configured to detect when the mobile terminal is GPS isolated
`in response to insufficient GPS signal strength to determine
`location of the mobile terminal during at least a threshold
`length of time. The controller circuit is configured to power
`off the GPS receiver circuit in response to detecting that the
`mobile terminal is GPS isolated, to extend duration of the
`power-off cycle of the GPS receiver circuit until a distance
`between the present acceleration-based location and a previ
`ous GPS-determine location of the mobile terminal exceeds a
`threshold distance, and to attempt to determine a present
`GPS-determined location of the mobile terminal upon pow
`ering-on the GPS receiver circuit.
`In some further embodiments, the mobile terminal further
`includes: an accelerometer circuit that generates acceleration
`information which is indicative of acceleration of the mobile
`terminal; and an acceleration-based position determination
`circuit configured to determine a present accelerometer
`based location of the mobile terminal using the acceleration
`information from the accelerometer circuit during the power
`off cycle of the GPS receiver circuit. The GPS receiver circuit
`determines a GPS-based location of the mobile terminal dur
`ing the power-on cycle. The controller circuit extends the
`duration of the power-off cycle of the GPS receiver circuit
`until the distance between the present accelerometer-based
`location and the GPS-based location of the mobile terminal
`exceeds a threshold distance.
`In some further embodiments, the mobile terminal further
`includes a calibration circuit configured to calibrate the accel
`erometer circuit in response to a distance between a present
`acceleration-based location and a previous GPS-determined
`location of the mobile terminal exceeding a threshold cali
`bration distance.
`In some further embodiments, the mobile terminal further
`includes: an accelerometer circuit that generates acceleration
`information which is indicative of acceleration of the mobile
`terminal; and a Velocity determination circuit configured to
`determine velocity of the mobile terminal using the accelera
`tion information from the accelerometer circuit during the
`power-off cycle of the GPS receiver circuit. The controller
`circuit is configured to increase the power-on to power-off
`duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit in response to the
`determined velocity of the mobile terminal exceeding a
`threshold velocity, and to decrease the power-on to power-off
`duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit in response to the
`determined velocity of the mobile terminal being less than a
`threshold velocity.
`In some further embodiments, the mobile terminal further
`includes a cellular transceiver circuit configured to commu
`nicate with a cellular system and to receive position assis
`tance information from a cellular system over a wireless air
`interface. The GPS receiver circuit is configured to use the
`receive position assistance information to lock onto the GPS
`signals and determine location of the mobile terminal. The
`controller circuit is configured to determine availability of the
`position assistance information from the cellular system, to
`increase the power-on to power-off duty cycle of the GPS
`receiver circuit in response to availability of the cellular sys
`tem position assistance information, and to decrease the
`power-on to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit
`in response to unavailability of the cellular system position
`assistance information.
`In some further embodiments, the controller circuit is con
`figured to decrease the power-on to power-off duty cycle of
`the GPS receiver circuit in response to discovering signals
`from a WLAN device associated with a previously deter
`mined and/or defined location where the mobile terminal
`remained Substantially stationary for at least a threshold time,
`and to increase the power-on to power-off duty cycle of the
`GPS receiver circuit in response to detecting absence of sig
`nals from the WLAN device associated with the previously
`Apple EX1022 Page 7


`US 8,467,804 B2
`determined and/or defined location where the mobile termi
`nal remained substantially stationary for at least the threshold
`In some further embodiments, the controller circuit is con
`figured to decrease the power-on to power-off duty cycle of
`the GPS receiver circuit in response to discovering signals
`from a Bluetooth device associated with a previously deter
`mined and/or defined location where the mobile terminal
`remained Substantially stationary for at least a threshold time,
`and to increase the power-on to power-off duty cycle of the
`GPS receiver circuit in response to detecting absence of sig
`nals from the Bluetooth device associated with a previously
`determined and/or defined location where the mobile termi
`nal remained substantially stationary for at least the threshold
`Some other embodiments of the present invention are
`directed to a mobile terminal that includes a GPS receiver
`circuit and a controller circuit. The GPS receiver circuit is
`configured to determine location of the mobile terminal using
`GPS signals. The controller circuit is configured to regulate
`power supplied to the GPS receiver circuit in response to
`distance that the mobile terminal has moved from a location
`previously determined using GPS signals.
`In some further embodiments, the controller circuit is con
`figured to power-on the GPS receiver circuit in response to
`discovering absence of RF signals from a Bluetooth device
`and/or a WLAN device with which the mobile terminal was
`previously communicating.
`In some further embodiments, the controller circuit is con
`figured to power-on the GPS receiver circuit in response to
`receiving and identifying a new cellular base station ID from
`a cellular base station.
`Other electronic devices and/or methods according to
`embodiments of the invention will be or become apparent to
`one with skill in the artupon review of the following drawings
`and detailed description. It is intended that all such additional
`electronic devices and methods be included within this
`description, be within the Scope of the present invention, and
`be protected by the accompanying claims.
`The accompanying drawings, which are included to pro
`vide a further understanding of the invention and are incor
`porated in and constitute a part of this application, illustrate
`certain embodiments of the invention. In the drawings:
`FIG. 1 is a schematic block diagram of a terrestrial and
`satellite communication system that includes an exemplary
`mobile terminal which regulates power to a GPS receiver
`circuit in accordance with some embodiments of the present
`FIG. 2 is a schematic block diagram illustrating further
`aspects of the exemplary mobile terminal shown in FIG. 1 in
`accordance with some embodiments of the present invention;
`FIG. 3 is an event diagram showing trigger events and
`associated methods that trigger powering-on/powering-off
`the GPS receiver circuit of FIG. 2, and/or trigger increase/
`decrease of the power-on to power-off duty cycle of the GPS
`receiver circuit in accordance with some embodiments of the
`invention; and
`FIG. 4 is a timing diagram illustrating regulation of the
`power-on to power-off duty cycle of the GPS receiver circuit
`of FIG. 2 in accordance with some embodiments of the
`present invention.
`The present invention will be described more fully herein
`after with reference to the accompanying figures, in which
`embodiments of the invention are shown. This invention may,
`however, be embodied in many alternate forms and should not
`be construed as limited to the embodiments set forth herein.
`Accordingly, while the invention is Susceptible to various
`modifications and alternative forms, specific embodiments
`thereofare shown by way of example in the drawings and will
`herein be described in detail. It should be understood, how
`ever, that there is no intent to limit the invention to the par
`ticular forms disclosed, but on the contrary, the invention is to
`cover all modifications, equivalents, and alternatives falling
`within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the
`claims. Like numbers refer to like elements throughout the
`description of the figures.
`The terminology used herein is for the purpose of describ
`ing particular embodiments only and is not intended to be
`limiting of the invention. As used herein, the singular forms
`“a”, “an and “the are intended to include the plural forms as
`well, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. It will be
`further understood that the terms “comprises”, “comprising.”
`“includes and/or “including when used in this specifica
`tion, specify the presence of Stated features, integers, steps,
`operations, elements, and/or components, but do not preclude
`the presence or addition of one or more other features, inte
`gers, steps, operations, elements, components, and/or groups
`thereof. Moreover, when an element is referred to as being
`“responsive' or “connected to another element, it can be
`directly responsive or connected to the other element, or
`intervening elements may be present. In contrast, when an
`element is referred to as being “directly responsive' or
`“directly connected to another element, there are no inter
`vening elements present. As used herein the term “and/or
`includes any and all combinations of one or more of the
`associated listed items and may be abbreviated as "/.
`It will be understood that, although the terms first, second,
`etc. may be used herein to describe various elements, these
`elements should not be limited by these terms. These terms
`are only used to distinguish one element from another. For
`example, a first element could be termed a second element,
`and, similarly, a second element could be termed a first ele
`ment without departing from the teachings of the disclosure.
`Although some of the diagrams include arrows on communi
`cation paths to show a primary direction of communication, it
`is to be understood that communication may occur in the
`opposite direction to the depicted arrows.
`Some embodiments are described with regard to block
`diagrams and operational flowcharts in which each block
`represents a circuit element, module, orportion of code which
`comprises one or more executable instructions for imple
`menting the specified logical function(s). It should also be
`noted that in other implementations, the function(s) noted in
`the blocks may occur out of the order noted. For example, two
`blocks shown in Succession may, in fact, be executed Substan
`tially concurrently or the blocks may sometimes be executed
`in the reverse order, depending on the functionality involved.
`For purposes of illustration and explanation only, various
`embodiments of the present invention are described herein in
`the context of mobile terminals that are configured to carry
`out cellular communications (e.g., cellular voice and/or data
`communications). It will be understood, however, that the
`present invention is not limited to Such embodiments and may
`be embodied generally in any mobile terminal that includes a
`GPS receiver circuit that determines location of the mobile
`terminal using GPS signals, and which is configured to Switch
`power-on and power-off to the GPS receiver circuit in
`response to various defined triggering events.
`While various embodiments of the invention are described
`herein with reference to GPS satellites, it will be appreciated
`Apple EX1022 Page 8


`that they are applicable to positioning systems which utilize
`pseudolites or a combination of Satellites and pseudolites.
`Pseudolites are ground based transmitters that broadcast a
`signal similar to a traditional satellite-sourced GPS signal
`modulated on an L-band carrier signal, generally synchro
`nized with GPS time. The term "satellite', as used herein, is
`intended to include pseudolites or equivalents of pseudolites,
`and the term GPS signals, as used herein, is intended to
`include GPS-like signals from pseudolites or equivalents of
`pseudolites. Also, while the following discussion references
`the United States GPS system, various embodiments herein
`can be applicable to similar satellite positioning systems,
`such as the GLONASS system or GALILEO system. The
`term “GPS'', as used herein, includes such alternative satellite
`positioning systems, including the GLONASS system and the
`GALILEO system. Thus, the term “GPS signals' can include
`signals from Such alternative satellite positioning systems.
`FIG. 1 is a schematic block diagram of a terrestrial and
`satellite communication system that includes an exemplary
`mobile terminal 100 with a GPS receiver circuit. FIG. 2 is a
`schematic block diagram illustrating further aspects of the
`mobile terminal 100 shown in FIG. 1.
`Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, the mobile terminal 100
`includes a GPS receiver circuit 200 that determines geo
`graphic location of the mobile terminal 100 using GPS radio
`signals that are received from a constellation of GPS satellites
`110. The GPS receiver circuit 200 receives GPS radio signals
`from visible satellites and measures the time that the radio
`signals take to travel from the respective GPS satellites to the
`mobile terminal 100. By multiplying the travel time by the
`propagation speed, the GPS receiver circuit 200 calculates a
`range for each satellite in view. Ephemeris information pro
`vided in the GPS radio signal d

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